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THE BUILDING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: The area of the building in square feet if divided by 8 must leave a reminder on either

1,3,5 or 7. Old buildings that are damaged by a natural calamity like fire, lightening, rain etc are to be avoided. Never acquire a house in which a suicide has taken place or a new born baby died or a pregnant lady expired. Should be sufficiently away from trees whose roots can damage the foundation

Door/windows The main entrance /door must be from the North or the East. An entrance from the West or South West is extremely bad. The number of door and windows must each be an even number. Columns and beams must also be an even number. A door must never be in the center of the faade of the house. If there are 2 doors never have them on the West (main door) and South (side door) , South (main) and West (side) and West main) and North (side).

Pooja Room: The N-E is the best location. The Deity facing the West and the person offering prayers facing the East is the best. However, the Deity facingthe East or North is also acceptable. In a multistoried building the prayer room must be on the ground floor.

Bed room: Ideal location is South or S-W corner. However, the East, N-E and

S-E may also be used. Avoid bedrooms in the Northern side as this will lead the user into financial difficulties. One must sleep with the head facing the South ideally. However head facing the East is also permissible. Head facing either the North or the West can be disastrous.

Bathrooms: Should be to the East or North of the bedrooms.

Toilets : Should never be in the N-E corner of the Building

Kitchen: The ideal location is the S-E corner of the building with the cooking platform on the eastern side with the cook facing the East. The N-E corner of the building is also acceptable location for the kitchen.

Staircases: Must be located as far as possible to the South or S-W portion of the building.

Cellar/basement : Must be to the North or N-E portion of the building

Under ground water tanks: (incl. swimming pools) Must be in the N-E corner of the plot but never in the S-E corner.

Overhead tanks: Must be in the S-W corner but never in the North, East or N-E corner.

Color scheme: This depends on the direction in which the house faces East facing : white, off white South facing :Pink, orange, red S-E facing : dark shades of green South _west : olive green, parrot green West facing : shades of blue North facing : green or yellow North _west : White, off white

Best location for the kitchen is the South-East (Aagneya) corner. The cooking platform should be towards eastern side wall of the kitchen, as good results can be achieved when one faces East while cooking in the South-East corner of the kitchen. Platform touching the Northern wall of kitchen should be avoided, but platform can be extended on the Southern side. When the entrance to the house is from East and South it may be difficult for obvious reasons to locate the kitchen in the South-East corner, and in that case the Kitchen can be located in the North-West corner. Here also the platform should not touch the Northern side wall and cooking should be done facing East in the SouthEast corner of the kitchen only. And when the kitchen is located in the Western side and outside the house, it should be in North-West corner and the gap between the kitchen and house should be less than that between the kitchen and compound on the North and floor level should be little more than general house floor level. Similarly when it is located outside the house in the South-East corner, there should be a gap between kitchen and East compound wall, which shall be more than the gap between the house and kitchen and the level of the floor should be little higher than that of the house. North side entrance to the site particularly form North-East corner with the kitchen in the South-East corner of the building is the best opportunity anybody can look forward. If the entrance is from the North or West, then the kitchen can be on the South-East corner and the above said procedure can be followed. In no case the kitchen should be in the North-East corner of the house or of the plot. If any one attempts this, then it is like burning oneself to death in all spheres of life. If loft is required in the kitchen it should be in the Western and Southern walls and not in the Northern and Eastern walls. If needed all the four walls can be used for having lofts and not the North and East walls only. Sink or basin for cleaning vessels in the kitchen should not be exactly in the North-East corner of the kitchen, but drinking water should flow from North-East corner. If the drainage water flows through North-East corner it is good. Staircase

Staircase is necessary to reach the terrace or the first floor of the house. It has to be constructed depending on the vacant space in and around the house, and the face of the house. If an internal staircase has to be provided, the same may be constructed, in any room excepting the northeastern room and southwestern room. The steps should be designed in such a way, that they do not touch the eastern wall and a minimum inter space of three inches must be allowed in between the staircase and the wall. The steps should proceed either from north to south; or alongside or away the southern wall from east to west or alongside or away the western wall from north to south and the above inter space principle may be followed in respect of the staircase towards north, to step up from east, to west. If a linear staircase, is designed either in side or outside, steps should proceed either from east to west or from north to south initially and can turn towards any direction thereafter. Toilets 1)The toilets in the building should never be in the centre, the north-east, the south-east and the south-west corners. 2)The toilets should be constructed to the west of the building or the north-west side of the north or the south directions, leaving the south-east and the south-west corners. But septic tank should not be in the south. If the pit of the outlet is in the south, they should not be very deep. 3)The pot in the toilet should be in the west, the south or the north-west side of the west. 4)The construction of the toilet should be such that the persons sitting there have their faces towards the north or the east. 5)The toilet should be one or two feet higher than the ground level. The door of the toilet should be in the east or the north direction as far as possible. 6)The water storage or the taps in the toilet should be in the east, the north or the north-east corner.It should never be in the south-east or the south-west direction. 7)The slope of the flooring of the toilet and the outlet should be in the east or the north. Marble tiles should not be used in the toilet. 8)The colour of walls of the toilet can be according to ones own choice. 9)In the toilet, there should be a small window,in the east, the west or the north, be used. Portico

1. Porch or portico should be in the east or the north direction. If it is in the west, the south-west corner should be vacant and if it is in the south direction it should be in the south-east corner. But this can be tolerable only. 2. The roof of the porch in the east or the north direction should be of two feet shorter in height than the main building. Porch with downward slope towards the north is very good. 3. When the car is parked in the porch, its face should never be towards the south. As far as possible, it should be towards the east or the north. If the face comes towards the west of the north-west, the car remains in the porch for a very short time. It means that there is a lot of travelling. 4. The parking site of any building should not be in the north-east and the south-west corner. The best site is of course, in the north-west direction. If it is in the south-east corner, minor repair work is expected. If the parking is in the south-west corner it does not come out of the garage and is always out of order. Parking is suitable if done in the basement in the east or the north directions. 5. For parking the gates in the east and the north-west direction are the best. However, the height of the gate should be less than that of the main gate of the wall compound. The pillars of the porch and the parking should not have arches or triangles. Porch should not be constructed with the support of the compound wall or by extending them. (It should be separately built from the main building.) 6. The proper colours for the porch are white, yellow or any other light colour. However, black and gray colour should be avoided. 7. If a business deal is to be finalized the vehicle should be kept with face towards the north on the previous night. It is beneficial. Administrators and officers should keep their vehicles with face towards the east. On the Full moon day and Zero moon day, one should not cross the city boundary between 11p.m. to 4p.m. in the afternoon and at night. If you are travelling, you should take rest in this period. During this time due to the attraction and repulsion forces of the moon the atmosphere is charged which is condusive to accidents. Similarly one should avoid travel in the south and the south-west direction on Saturday. The direction and the day belong to the Yama. On every Zeromoonday we should tie Biba (A marking nut) + 1 lemon + 1 Biba + Seven green chillies + 1 Biba, upto 11 a.m. (This is a method of defence against evil and cruel forces. Veranda

1. It is beneficial to have a Verandah to the east or the north side of the main structure. Because of this Verandah, evil forces do not enter the house at once. Shoes etc. can be removed here before we enter the main building. The holiness and the cleanliness of the structure are then maintained. 2. The height of the Verandah should be a little less than the other rooms. Verandah should not be to the south or to the west sides of the main building. No corner of the Verandah should be oblique cut or of round shape. 3. The sitting arrangement in the Verandah should be in the south or the west part of the Verandah. If there is a swing in the Verandah, it should be in the east-west.

4. If the Verandah has a roof, the height should be less than that of the roof of the main building. If the roof is slanting in the east or the north direction, it is auspicious. Roof should not be made of tin as far as possible. 5. Flower pots in the Verandah should be of small size. Flower pots with creepers should not be kept in the Verandah. 6. A photograph of the lord Ganesh or the lord Shankar in the Verandah is auspicious 7. The shoes of the visitors should be in the north west direction. 8. Stone, mortar or the grindstone should not be kept in the Verandah. The Verandah should have maximum number of windows and free ventilation. The Five Elements Theory of Feng Shui Though the Yin and Yang Theory explain to us the foundation of Feng Shui mechanisms, the rules and remedies of this are also greatly influenced by the Theory of the Five Elements. The Chinese believe the interactions of these five elements - earth, wood, fire, metal and water - can be combined in different quantities to create all the permutations that are found in the forces of nature. A significant portion of Feng Shui practice is based on interpreting how these elements interact in the physical environment to create good or bad luck. The elements have various connotations as followsFire is red, an auspicious color. It represents summer and is placed south. Water is black or dark blue, a solemn colour. It represents winter and is placed north. Wood is green, a prosperous colour. It represents spring and is placed east. Metal is white or golden, an intense colour. It represents fall and is placed west. Earth is yellow or brown, a colour of attainment. It represents the centre. The elements are, in fact, involved in two kinds of cyclical relationships: the productive and the destructive cycles. In the productive cycle, fire produces earth, which produces metal, which produces water, which produces wood, which in turn produces fire. In the destructive cycle, wood destroys earth, earth destroys water, water douses fire, fire melts metal, which in turn will chop down wood. Feng Shui practice requires that these individual symbolic elements be incorporated into the positioning of homes and workplaces using the Chinese system of categorising everybody's date and hour of birth according to the elements. It would not be beneficial for some one born in a fire year to have much water in the home, so fountains, aquariums, and dark-coloured objects (black or blue - the water colors) should be avoided, because water destroys fire. On the other hand, plants and green objects representing wood are considered auspicious, since wood produces fire. Additionally, it would be beneficial if one slept in the room located on the south side of the apartment. But too many plants in the home would not be very auspicious

if you were born in an earth year, because wood destroys earth. Instead, decorating with red objects and bright lights would be conducive, since fire produces earth. Since earth is the central element of the five, earth people should sleep at or near the centre of the house. These examples demonstrate the various combinations that would or would not work from a Feng Shui point of view. In the case of a family, where each member is born under a different element, it is the element of the breadwinner or the head of the household that is deemed the most significant. It is his or her element that should thus be considered when diagnosing for appropriate positions and furnishings. Other rooms in the house can be designed to benefit their principal occupant. Thus on the basis of the five elements, practically all phenomena have been categorised. Everything, from a river to sounds to the organs in our bodies, can be described in terms of the five elements. How the things are characterised depends entirely on their individual qualities. For example, earth is associated with growth and nourishment, so the spleen, which monitors the blood - digesting debris and producing antibodies when necessary - is categorised as an earth element! To conclude, it must be said that you should not use any of these elements haphazardly. Ideally, a proper Feng Shui analysis should be performed by a qualified practitioner. Used incorrectly, the elements can cause harm to relationships, health, or money prosperity. When used correctly, they can strengthen relationships, health, and money. They permit the right amount of Chi - the auspicious or the good forces and hold back Sha - the unsightly or bad influences. Further ahead, we shall explore the elements in much depth, especially with focus to health and interiors.

Help your child study better with Feng Shui

The Chinese science of Feng Shui places so much stress on the arrangement and surroundings of a child's study area. You could also make use of Feng Shui techniques to enhance your child's concentration and development. To begin with, the position of the study desk is very important. Make sure your child does not sit with her back to the door. If she has to, and you have no other way of arranging the room, then place a mirror in front of her so that she can see the door. As for the chair, ensure that nothing sharp or piercing -- even in terms of graphics -- is directed towards it as it will create more bad energy. Even a poster with arrows or airplanes with weapons pointing towards the room can create negative energy. The study table surroundings also need a lot of attention. Have your child sit facing the best study direction and with solid support behind or a painting of a mountain to give support. Place a crystal sphere in the main window to activate Chi. Try not to have your child sit in front of a window - it will harm her concentration. Observe her study area and desk -- are there any exposed overhead beams or edges, or sharp edges of furniture, pillar or protruding corner nearby? Be careful for these bring bad energy. Keep the desk area clear of clutter and place a laughing Buddha on the desk, if possible.

The child's bedroom is going to be a hard one to handle. Try and keep rooms tidy and clutter-free. You will be amazed how much of a difference this can make. There are also some prescribed charms that can be used for your children. Placing a lead crystal sphere in your child's room can be very beneficial. This article is quite brittle and costly, so you could substitute it with a solid crystal ball. The laughing Buddha is a symbol of wealth and happiness; place one in your child's room -- just looking at his jolly face will cheer your child. A Feng Shui myth has it that stroking the laughing Buddha's belly daily can bring good luck. Hematite is an energetic stone, specially recommended for children. Hematite can help solve children's health-related problems, especially blood and abdominal ailments. It would also help them get good sleep. Hematite wards off bad moods and depressing thoughts. It is beneficial to the circulatory system, increases resistance to stress, stimulates spleen, restores vitality and calms excessive energy. This one is especially recommended for teenagers. There, now you have enough ways to help your child concentrate better, study harder and make you a proud parent. Start following these Feng Shui principles and wait for us to come back to talk on how this art of living helps you beat the blues.

Discussion on Feng Shui based on the effect of colors and numbers Though the Yin and Yang Theory explain to us the foundation of Feng Shui mechanisms, the rules and remedies of this are also greatly influenced by the Theory of the Five Elements. The Chinese believe the interactions of these five elements - earth, wood, fire, metal and water - can be combined in different quantities to create all the permutations that are found in the forces of nature. A significant portion of Feng Shui practice is based on interpreting how these elements interact in the physical environment to create good or bad luck. The elements have various connotations as followsFire is red, an auspicious color. It represents summer and is placed south. Water is black or dark blue, a solemn colour. It represents winter and is placed north. Wood is green, a prosperous colour. It represents spring and is placed east. Metal is white or golden, an intense colour. It represents fall and is placed west. Earth is yellow or brown, a colour of attainment. It represents the centre. The elements are, in fact, involved in two kinds of cyclical relationships: the productive and the destructive cycles. In the productive cycle, fire produces earth,

which produces metal, which produces water, which produces wood, which in turn produces fire. In the destructive cycle, wood destroys earth, earth destroys water, water douses fire, fire melts metal, which in turn will chop down wood. Feng Shui practice requires that these individual symbolic elements be incorporated into the positioning of homes and workplaces using the Chinese system of categorising everybody's date and hour of birth according to the elements. It would not be beneficial for some one born in a fire year to have much water in the home, so fountains, aquariums, and dark-coloured objects (black or blue - the water colors) should be avoided, because water destroys fire. On the other hand, plants and green objects representing wood are considered auspicious, since wood produces fire. Additionally, it would be beneficial if one slept in the room located on the south side of the apartment. But too many plants in the home would not be very auspicious if you were born in an earth year, because wood destroys earth. Instead, decorating with red objects and bright lights would be conducive, since fire produces earth. Since earth is the central element of the five, earth people should sleep at or near the centre of the house. These examples demonstrate the various combinations that would or would not work from a Feng Shui point of view. In the case of a family, where each member is born under a different element, it is the element of the bread-winner or the head of the household that is deemed the most significant. It is his or her element that should thus be considered when diagnosing for appropriate positions and furnishings. Other rooms in the house can be designed to benefit their principal occupant. Thus on the basis of the five elements, practically all phenomena have been categorised. Everything, from a river to sounds to the organs in our bodies, can be described in terms of the five elements. How the things are characterised depends entirely on their individual qualities. For example, earth is associated with growth and nourishment, so the spleen, which monitors the blood - digesting debris and producing antibodies when necessary - is categorised as an earth element! To conclude, it must be said that you should not use any of these elements haphazardly. Ideally, a proper Feng Shui analysis should be performed by a qualified practitioner. Used incorrectly, the elements can cause harm to relationships, health, or money prosperity. When used correctly, they can strengthen relationships, health, and money. They permit the right amount of Chi the auspicious or the good forces and hold back Sha - the unsightly or bad influences. Further ahead, we shall explore the elements in much depth, especially with focus to health and interiors.

Chinese philosophers believe five things determine a good life: fate, luck, accumulated good deeds, education, and Feng Shui. We may not be able to control external circumstances, but we can control our immediate environment by reaching out to opportunity and fortune. If your heart doesn't lift when you return home each night, you need Feng Shui. If you don't leave home in the morning refreshed, comforted, and confirmed in your innate worth, you need Feng Shui. Thats the gist of this science. Wherever you live, an efficiency apartment or a mansion on the hill, your home should be a sanctuary for repairing hurts and celebrating joys. Feng Shui uses practical means to alter the physics of space and infuse rooms with harmony. Thus, our lives improve because energies in the home are focused. Life opens up in remarkable ways. For example, a lady resumed her social life after a five-year hiatus when she placed a four-foot statue of Kwan Yin, goddess of compassion, on the crest of a low hill overlooking her garden and lit the figure with nine (the most auspicious of numbers in Feng Shui) lights. The illuminated Kwan Yin smiled down on guests gathered on the moon-lit terrace. The effect was magical. You can replicate this effect on a balcony, in an alcove, wherever sufficient space sets off a symbol of affirmative emotions. In Feng Shui, everything in the universe is linked by Chi, a universal energy, which, when flowing smoothly, that is, neither too fast nor too slow, conducts vital forces to work on our behalf. If you doubt this, consider where you thrived, did your best work, met people who greatly interested you. You felt energized in a particular way well, that was Chi par excellence. On the other hand, consider where you felt drained and lacking in vital energies. This is because you, your environment, home or office, were disconnected from the energy at the centre of the Feng Shui system. When Chi does not flow smoothly in life, difficulties grow, and one can suffer inexplicable reverses in professional, financial, and relationship spheres Next time we shall start talking about actual placements and arrangements. Till then, you can take good care of yourself with the Feng Shui number primer. Feng Shui Numbers Primer 1 is considered both lucky and unlucky. As the first of all numbers, it is associated with the energies of birth and other beginnings, but its ideogram looks like a bar across a door, which is inauspicious in Feng Shui. 4 is considered very unlucky because it sounds like the Chinese word for "death" and is therefore associated with loss, death, and misfortune. 5 is lucky because it is the number of the Chinese elements: fire, water, earth, wood, and metal.

8 and 88 are both very auspicious numbers. 8 is associated with prosperity and creativity and resembles the infinity symbol. There are also eight immortals and eight triangles of the I-Ching or Book of Changes, an ancient Chinese system of divination. Eighty-eight resembles the Chinese pictograph for "double happiness." 9 is extremely auspicious and considered incorruptible. It is associated with heaven, longevity, and fullness. It is also the centre number of the Ba Gua, an octagon-shaped compass based on the eight triangles of the I-Ching, with the yinyang symbol in the middle, used in Feng Shui. 13 is considered fortunate because it is the number of lunar months in the year.
Feng Shui and Your Love Life

Last time, we talked about how Feng Shui can enhance positive vibes at your workplace. Chi - the primary source of purity and luck -- is also very vital for a healthy love life. For a typical fast-moving DINK (Double Income No Kids) couple, bonding often takes a back seat, give individual ambitions and professional aspirations. Feng Shui alterations can help you set your relationships right. Always keep in mind that the southwest corner of your house is where love reigns -- it governs the luck of love, romance and family happiness. So, pay special attention to this area. The simplest way to spruce up your existing relationship is by placing a photo of you and your spouse in the southwest corner. Make sure it is a happy photo, though! If you wish to enhance the quality of your romantic encounters, also place a dragon-headed tortoise with a piece of red ribbon in its mouth. Feng Shui charms like these are freely available in gift shops. The right kind of lighting also goes a long way in strengthening relationships. Hanging a chandelier or an illuminated crystal sphere in the southwest corner of your home activates the Chi energy that stimulates romance. This introduces fire into this segment, which has earth as its presiding element, to bring love luck. Soft or pastel colour lampshades with soft lighting in the southwest should also do the trick. They create an atmosphere of romance. Harsh lighting and spotlights are to be strictly avoided. Bright lights may get prosperity but it scares love away, is what Feng Shui believes.

Candles and crystals in all shapes, sizes and colour are welcome. Apart from creating a warm glow, they improve the entire look of your home, while enhancing romance. Natural crystals are the best natural charms; rose quartz and yellow citrine are crystals that work well to bring you lots of erotic and romantic times. Place these crystals in the form of pebbles or larger forms like the raw amethyst in the southwest corner of your living room to energise love and activate Chi. However mischievous this may sound, pink sheets and curtains raise subtle yang energy, which enhances feelings of affection and togetherness in those who seek conjugal bliss in the bedroom. Besides this, talk openly about your relationship and ways to improve it in your living room - with mellow lighting. If possible, place an indoor water fountain in the south-west corner of your home, you will be amazed at the effect this can have on your relationship; it could even encourage a new one.
The importance of arrangements in Feng Shui Last time we talked about the importance and the need of Feng Shui for a happier day. Before we take to the actual scriptures, let's start with some quick tips from these practical case studies. You shall see how the art of Feng Shui takes stock of the minutest things in furniture placement. A psychologist once moved into her new office, a large room with two oversized windows and three doors (too many!). Key pieces of furniture - sofa for the clients, chair for the therapist, and a desk chair - had their backs to the room's entrance. Now, this is a no-no in Feng Shui because you should have an unrestricted view of the door so you can see who comes into the room. The furniture needed to be re-positioned for unobstructed view of the entry-point. Two long sheer curtains in natural colors were hung from large brass rods over doors that were not in use (on that note, the ratio of one door to three windows in a room is considered auspicious in Feng Shui). A large leafy fern was placed on a pedestal table in a corner behind the diagonally placed sofa. The room was transformed. On entering the room now, a healing serenity welcomed therapist and client. Sashaying curtains were hung to diffuse the strong window light. (Excess Chi from harsh light rushes out the windows, carrying money and opportunities.) As per the auspicious number code - nine green saplings were placed under the windows to strengthen the healing atmosphere. The therapist smiled and admitted feeling energized. You shall see in Feng Shui that along with correct placement of key furniture to control Chi, the use of natural color palette, sensual textures, tempered sound and even fragrance is also necessary. For example, Chinese Feng Shui masters believe every room should have a touch of true Chinese red, because red is considered the color of luck, power, and energy. But remember just a touch! For in Feng Shui, less is generally more.

Emperor yellow, the second most auspicious color in Feng Shui, is excellent for a narrow wall with a gentle glaze of raw amber and a flick of Vermillion red. A dreary dining corner can be transformed with a sunny yellow print tablecloth, tempered with a border of red, blue, and green and family spirits at dinner are lifted instantly. If you like blue, indigo is preferred in classical Feng Shui, as it comes from the seven colours of the rainbow and the refractions from cut crystal. Symbolism is very far-reaching in its effect on emotions and states of mind, so be attentive to what is on your walls. An art-collecting family had two dismal images facing people entering their homes. One was a painting of a dead fish, the other - an exhausted woman hanging laundry. Both were by well-known artists, but this hardly altered the negative energies projected. Happily, the paintings were replaced with better ones with positive Chi. Interior doorways are dramatized in Asian and European houses to control the flow of Chi. In a London apartment, moving from one space to another is marked by floor-length door curtains of heavy bronze velvet tied back with tasseled ropes (tassels are considered lucky and suggest Chi energy). Japanese indigo-dye cotton curtains veil the upper third of doorways to control over-strong Chi movement; their designs of flowing water and fish are reflections of nature. Carved wood panels mounted on lintels subtly suggest the character of the room beyond. In many cultures, there is the belief that empty corners harbor spirit mischief. Thus, flower arrangements, sculpture, screens, corner cabinets, and ferns are placed to create effect in corners, adding a gentle softness to a room. Curiously, appropriate treatment of corners, especially the placement of ferns and flowers, subtly raises the energy of a room. The moral of the story being - Unlike Vaastu more than directions, Feng Shui stresses on arrangement. Next time we shall see how Feng Shui is more a manual of remedies - through some more case studies - than being a text of celestial laws. And may you have good Chi.

How Feng Shui can help you lead a beautiful life If your heart doesn't lift when you return home, you need Feng Shui We did start our stint with Feng Shui with the Yin Yang and the five elements and now that we have our basics right, we may question the reason of the whole process. Why should sophisticated post-moderns take an interest in an esoteric system of placement that is 3,000 years old so complex? The simple answer being that this wind-and-water philosophy (feng shui literally translates as "wind" and "water") works with astonishing ease. It's an elegant antidote to lives abuzz with computers, cell phones, beepers, chattering faxes, and hectic schedules, which intervene between the natural world and us. And this is how -

Chinese philosophers believe five things determine a good life: fate, luck, accumulated good deeds, education, and Feng Shui. We may not be able to control external circumstances, but we can control our immediate environment by reaching out to opportunity and fortune. If your heart doesn't lift when you return home each night, you need Feng Shui. If you don't leave home in the morning refreshed, comforted, and confirmed in your innate worth, you need Feng Shui. That's the gist of this science. Wherever you live, an efficiency apartment or a mansion on the hill, your home should be a sanctuary for repairing hurts and celebrating joys. Feng Shui uses practical means to alter the physics of space and infuse rooms with harmony. Thus, our lives improve because energies in the home are focused. Life opens up in remarkable ways. For example, a lady resumed her social life after a five-year hiatus when she placed a four-foot statue of Kwan Yin, goddess of compassion, on the crest of a low hill overlooking her garden and lit the figure with nine (the most auspicious of numbers in Feng Shui) lights. The illuminated Kwan Yin smiled down on guests gathered on the moon-lit terrace. The effect was magical. You can replicate this effect on a balcony, in an alcove, wherever sufficient space sets off a symbol of affirmative emotions. In Feng Shui, everything in the universe is linked by Chi, a universal energy, which, when flowing smoothly, that is, neither too fast nor too slow, conducts vital forces to work on our behalf. If you doubt this, consider where you thrived, did your best work, met people who greatly interested you. You felt energized in a particular way - well, that was Chi par excellence. On the other hand, consider where you felt drained and lacking in vital energies. This is because you, your environment, home or office, were disconnected from the energy at the centre of the Feng Shui system. When Chi does not flow smoothly in life, difficulties grow, and one can suffer inexplicable reverses in professional, financial, and relationship spheres Next time we shall start talking about actual placements and arrangements. Till then, you can take good care of yourself with the Feng Shui number primer. Feng Shui Numbers Primer 1 is considered both lucky and unlucky. As the first of all numbers, it is associated with the energies of birth and other beginnings, but its ideogram looks like a bar across a door, which is inauspicious in Feng Shui.

4 is considered very unlucky because it sounds like the Chinese word for "death" and is therefore associated with loss, death, and misfortune. 5 is lucky because it is the number of the Chinese elements: fire, water, earth, wood, and metal. 8 and 88 are both very auspicious numbers. 8 is associated with prosperity and creativity and resembles the infinity symbol. There are also eight immortals and eight triangles of the I-Ching or Book of Changes, an ancient Chinese system of divination. Eighty-eight resembles the Chinese pictograph for "double happiness." 9 is extremely auspicious and considered incorruptible. It is associated with heaven, longevity, and fullness. It is also the centre number of the Ba Gua, an octagon-shaped compass based on the eight triangles of the I-Ching, with the yin-yang symbol in the middle, used in Feng Shui. 13 is considered fortunate because it is the number of lunar months in the year. Using objects for Feng Shui ambience

In our conversation before we spoke of lights, mirrors and bells. Most of these are defined as solid or fixed elements. They are more or less permanent in nature. There are some objects however, that are symbolically 'alive'. Though most of them need lots of care and alertness in terms of maintenance, they tend to be the best hosts for Chi. Flowers are always a cheerful sight and encourage Chi. Potted plants and freshly cut flowers are best for apartment residents. One has to be careful about dead flowers in the sense that they create negative Chi. Once flowers start fading they need to be disposed. Dried flowers as strongly discouraged as their life (water element) is drained out of them. Artificial flowers are a good alternative for busy people, provided they are dusted and washed at regular intervals. Among live flowers, most are good and brighter they are, the better. There are five flowers that Feng Shui places right on top and believes to be especially beneficial. Chinese roses - These represent love (red), wealth (yellow) and honour (white).

Chrysanthemums - It is a flower of happiness, laughter, comfort and relaxation. Magnolias - They represent feminity and serenity. Orchids - These are known to spice up sensuality and initiative. Lotus - The sacred flower of the Buddhists, it represents purity, peace and triumph. All green plants are known to create Chi and help to get in harmony and balance in the home. The best locations are east, southeast and the north as plants relate to wood and water elements. Plants can also effectively eliminate the undesirable Khi caused by sharp corners. For instance, if you have a square pillar in your living room, it helps a great deal to have a creeper running around it to the top. Healthy plants at entrances and windows make an attractive display as well as ward of all the Khi but not as much as aquariums. Aquariums and small indoor fountains can become a feature of a room, while at the same time increasing the wealth of the occupants. Water symbolizes wealth and abundance. Gently moving water also promotes calmness and serenity. Be it an aquarium, a fountain or a miniature waterfall, you should never place them in the south. North is the ideal direction. A water presence in the north, west or northwest will help you progress quickly in your career. Placing them in the east or southeast gets peace in the house and conflicts get resolved faster. Stone, metal, ceramic and glass animals are also used in Feng Shui. Fierce animals like lions, tigers and birds of prey like eagles and falcons are generally placed outdoors to provide symbolic protection. In many cultures you have feline mammals placed on each side of the main entrance to a building. More docile animals such as elephants (representing power) tortoises (representing longevity) and rabbits (representing fertility) are to be placed indoors in relevant locations. Thus elephants go well in a study or office, tortoises in drawing rooms and rabbits in the bedroom. Small animals can be fun to collect and provide symbolic security to the house.
The house is not a home always When setting up your home, make sure than there is a free flow of energy Natural Harmonies

Inspirational and informative, I am dividing your journey through Feng Shui into two parts. The first being the principles I have so far explained: * Chi-the energy that animates everything and is the common bond connecting all the exist as in the universe *Yin and Yang-representing the dual forces and their ever-constant, ever changing activity to achieve balance and harmony. *Five elements their constant interaction gibing us the cycle of generation and the cycle of destruction *Bagua the template which highlights the energies reflecting the state of our life aspirations In the second part I shall elaborate on how to assess your space and make necessary Feng Shui adjustments. What is the difference between a house and a home? A home is more than a structure made of walls, doors, windows, and a sturdy roof. It is more than the carpets, furniture, TV, refrigerator, clothes, etc. home is a feeling-a state of mind. Deep in the heart of every person theres a longing to go home Like a supportive friend, a home embraces you from the moment you walk in through the front door. What ever a home be, it shoal aspire to be alive, lively energetic and liberating. For many, home may represent a safe respite and escape from external pressures and conditions beyond ones control. However, creating a perfect home is a never ending process. You may experience being home for a while at a certain time and place in your life, but then things change. Either you change, your family make up changes, your needs change, your priorities change or the energy field in your environment changes and the search for home starts again. Have you ever really considered the vast number of emotional, physical and spiritual changes you experience in just one twenty-four hour period? The congested road you travel on the way to your workplace, when you clear off your desk or allow papers to pile up, the places you go shopping, the people you meet, the new chair placed in the lobby of your home the flowers that just bloomed on your balcony-each of these trigger unique sensations and reactions. Creating a direct link between the inner world and the outer is the power that Feng Shul provides. To understand better and sense the energy that exists in your home, do the following mental exercise. Visualize your home, Begin at the main entry door and start your tour. Do you feel welcomes? Where down your mind take you next? Are you moving easily from the entry to the next room and the next? Where do you hesitate? Where do you get stuck with your thoughts? Those may be indicators that the particular room or space is cluttered or blocked, thus blocking the free movement of Chi as well. Do any areas feel incomplete or missing? They are likely to be missing in your life as well. After you have completed the tour of your house, write down what you experience, which part of the home stimulated you or where you experience discomfort or were restless, eager to move away, etc. Now you may appreciate why certain structural details are considered problematic in Femg Shui, they affect Chi and can cause discomfort for the occupants of the home. Some such structural features to consider are given

below: Sharp Edges when pointing towards us will make us feel uncomfortable. Ideally plants, statues or decorative accessories are used to soften the sharp edges of columns, furniture and shelves in the home. Corners of rooms are often dark. The energy too may not easily circulate in these areas. It is beneficial to place a bright and colourful object like a painting, a lush green plant, a pedestal lamp or mechanical device like a ticking clock, etc, in such corners, which prevent the stagnation of Chi. Beams can be oppressive and will suppress the Chi of persons, there fore avoid positioning he bed, dining table, your favourite chair or study desk under a beam. Main entry door is also treated as the main entry point of chi into our homes. Should it be opening to face a dead wall, the inmates may feel over whelmed and life seems a struggle. Similarly the front door should not be opposite a window, at the rear of the house or the back door itself, as the Chi simply funnels out without circulating and nourishing the home. A front door, which opens up into a warm, welcoming and pleasant interior, draws the Chi in. Doors provide us access to the outside world on the one hand and give us security on the other. Neither of these functions should be hindered as the flow of chi into and around the home will be affected. Fix doors that squeak, do not shut properly, have broken parts or defective locks and handles too close to the edge causing knuckles to be scraped each time when used. Windows are like the eyes of the home, they afford you a vision of the world and also allow Chi to filter into the home. Fix windows that have broken, chipped or cracked glass. Windows should provide a clear view, and the top of the window should be higher than the normal height of an adult. Avoid windows, which are directly opposite each other. If unavoidable ,use thick curtains. Staircases are a vital part of the home as they connect one area with another. Therefore, their shape and location are important .In homes where the stars are located directly in front of the main door, the Chi funnels out without having a chance to circulate. It is therefore a good idea to screen off the view, use a screen or divider, etc. spiral staircases are best avoided as they are considered to act like a cork-screw in the area of the home they are located. The height of each riser should be comfortable and the overall size in proportion to the dimensions of the rest of the home. Staircases should be brightly lit. Various types of material, aesthetics aside, with which were surround ourselves affect us on the physical and psychological levels through their energy. Like everything else, different types of material have the qualities of the elements they are composed of, which affect the Chi of the home and can also have a profound affect on our health and well-being. The Financial Express, New Delhi Yin and Yang

The concept of Yin and Yang is one of the most fundamental and profound theories of Feng Shui. It is the Chinese perspective on balance and continual change. The basics of this deep and extremely significant diagram are pretty subtle yet profound. Yin and Yang is a foundation theory for Feng Shui that supports many other theories including the Five Elements Theory and the Environment. Uniqueness Yin and Yang are dependent opposites that must always be in balance. The opposites flow in a natural cycle always replacing the other. Just as the seasons cycle and create times of heat and cold, Yin and Yang cycles through active and passive, dark and light, etc. Yin and Yang evolved from a belief of mutually dependent opposites that cannot live without the other. More interestingly, there are little cons in every pro and vice versa. Nothing is total. The Eastern view of opposites is, excuse the pun, is the opposite of a Western view. Western philosophy tends to look as things as black or white, right "or" wrong, etc. There is separation and unrelatedness in the Western perspective. Whereas, the Chinese view is not opposites, it's perspective. Everything is as evolving and cycling. There is neither right or wrong, but rather there is balance, transformation interaction, dependent opposition and most importantly transition. Symbolism Yin and Yang can further be explained as a duality that cannot exist without both parts. Here is a list of some of the many opposites that are contained in such a simple symbol. Yin - (The Black Portion): Passive, Cold, Death, Winter, Female, Night, Even, Moon, Water Yang - (The White Portion): Active, Hot, Life, Summer, Male, Day, Odd, Sun, Fire Within Yang, there is a spot of Yin and vice-versa. Just as in the heart of winter, a seed lays in wait to become life, so is Yang waited within Yin for its turn. In a hot summer, a sudden desert storm can bring coolness. This too is an example of how Yin is found in Yang. Thus we also observe that the separation of the circle (symbolising the earth or alternatively, the full circle of life) is not cut into straight halves. They are curved and they alternatively advance and accommodate into each other, depicting the alternation. Again, there are no absolutes, just cycles in time. This early philosophy of nature, the complementary alternating forces of Yin and Yang, dark and light, female and male, which maintain the balance of the cosmos, are the foundation of Feng Shui. The Yin and Yang for the Home The list has given us a few interpretations of Yin and Yang. Each of this needs to be founded or instituted in a particular area in the house, depending upon its relevance and prominence. For example, the night stays in the inner rooms (the energies of the house are concentrated in the

bedroom and kitchen), thus it is a Yin stronghold. On the other hand, the day stays in the outer rooms (the energies of the house are concentrated in the drawing room, study or the porch). Thus, the directional placement and arrangement of the house has to be in a way, that Yin and Yang are placed properly. For example, as Yang is light, the house should open towards a source of light and not towards a source of water as the prosperity may 'flow' away. Many such calculations are based on Yin and Yang 'residences'. However, there are many other factors like the five elements, directions and magnetism that work closely with Yin and Yang in Feng Shui.

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