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Allya Miramontes

Professor Greenwalt
Not tryna sound like a douchebag but..
I used to smoke weed a lot.
And one time well It was a more recent thing…
And then one time I got some wild stuff that I think was laced, and then ever since I haven't felt
the fucking same.

Yes, I'm pretty popular.

My body can transform into many forms.
I'm typically the color green like the grinch.

It was everywhere… weed… really strong stuff.

So I started to smoke weekly.
It became a daily thing.

I wake up in the morning, see your not there.

Why can't I have you all the time.
I need you. It hurts me it makes me cry.
I can't handle the truth, reality and life.

Intro: In 1970 marijuana became illegal and outlawed. Which led to many people doing it in
secrecy. Marijuana is the most consumed drugged and a drug that is considered the gateway to
other drugs. At first, everyone does it for the “fun” and “joy” of it thinking it will lead to nothing.
It’s leading to an increase in consumption and overuse of the drug.
In some cases, it does lead to nothing, but other times marijuana is used to distract our minds
from our emotions. In a December 2021 article reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Casarella, Frysh talks
about how weed can worsen your mental disorders, and leave you feeling anxious. Marijuana can
also cloud your judgment and make you feel paranoid (Frysh 2021.) Now we are talking about
the issue of consuming too much marijuana and the side effects it gives through…

The drama:
An interview with Post Malone by shots studio

My Addiction to Marijuana/cannabis/weed by John Jesus

The poetry:
A poem about weed by Jackie Hill
Where am I, Who am I by Lyla Lost
Thesis: We are deep diving into the effects of marijuana and how it can affect your life…

Impact statement: because imagine going through life thinking you feel alone in your addiction.


Hello, my name is Mary Jane, also known as cannabis Sativa pot weed and hip.
I'm what your parents used to place on white sheets of paper, no not no book paper, joint paper.

It's almost like you're watching your life, but it's a movie.
I felt like I'm not actually living my life, I'm just watching it happen.

I actually felt looking at my other colleagues that many or most of them were much better than
me. That didn’t really motivate me a lot to become better, so the weed was the point to hide that

I bet most of you in this room have tried to make a hole in me,
but I have simply pimped you into choosing my three leaves over the trinity.
When most people meet me they break me into pieces
and discard my seeds and lay me to rest in a swisher sweet color casket.

So I was pretty trapped in that point of being addicted to the experience of weed.
Where everything was okay or seemingly okay.

I will pay you back, maybe next month.

I do nothing until then but sit on my ass.
While I constantly smoke my grass.
24/7 its a full time job.

You breathe my satanic love

when you are thirsty for comfort and peace
when you are lonely you let me sing you lullabies with my lies
when you are hurt you cry while feasting on my pipe in bones
you and your friends can't see the suicide you commit every time you do a shotgun

now nothing is making sense to me

I'm lost in my own world and can't anybody see.

For many years I'd try to stop.

I would smoke for a period of time and then I'd say no this is the last time.
But I would eventually go back to it.
That was the cycle that i was in for many years.

The truth is I can not help you

I can not cure you
I can not give you peace and joy
I can not comfort you
I am only temporary can't you see?
I am as fickle as a schizophrenic therapist.
I make you feel good for 15- 30 minutes and then I leave you with the same emotions you had
before I came because I know you will come crawling back to me.

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