Kingdom of Sword and Magic

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Kingdom of Sword and Magic

Chapter 1. Rey Clave

Rey Clave is a 14 years old 2nd year high school who was a victim of bullying.

“Rey get up it’s time to go to school”. A shout that wake up Rey. While looking at the clock its already
07:00 am. Rey jump to the bed and run to the bathroom.

Then he walks to the kitchen, a woman cooking and a man and a girl sitting in the table.

“Hurry up join the table” her dad said.

“Big Brother always late in waking up” said the little cute girl. Rey approach the girl and gently pinch the
girl check.

“ouch” the girl said while touching her face.

“Rey you sleep late it’s your first day of school Rhea and your dad finished eating their breakfast.” You
must finish your meal quickly.

“Yes mom.” Rey said. After eating Rey took his bag and immediately went outside.

When Rey came to her classroom there are already students in the room waiting for their teacher. He
looks at the back of room a group boy talking. It’s his bullies. Jonathan the leader of the group saw him.

“Hey! Rey! Come here we have an errand you. Can you buy as some snack in the canteen.”

“Yes Jonathan.” Rey replied facing to the floor.

“what are you doing? Keep us wait?” another boy talk. “Where is the money?” Rey asked. “Use your
money. You idiot and when did you learn to talk back? Are you out of your mind? Or you need some
beating so that you can think clear.” Said Jonathan rudely.

“Yes. I will quickly buy your food.” Rey replied.

The group boys started bullying Rey when they are in middle school. Tormenting her every day and
taking his money.

His other classmate only watches him leave the room, smiling and look at him with disgust.

“Why are they tormenting me like this. I didn’t do anything. Forget it Rey time will come they will satisfy
and will stop bullying you just smile and focus on your study and go to college so your parents will be
proud of you.’’ Rey talking to himself.

Then after buying snack he went to Jonathan and his group. “What is this? We don’t like this snack buy
as a different snack!” Jonathan talking with rage. The group boys do not really need a snacks they only
want to persecute Rey because they know that Rey will not fight back and he don’t want to give shames
to his parents.

“Yes, I will buy again.” Rey replied. When he is approaching to the door he bumped to a beautiful middle
age woman, her teacher Ms. Aireen. “Where are you going Rey?” the teacher asked. “To the canteen
teacher.” Rey Replied. “Go back to your sit.” The teacher said. “Yes ma’am.” Rey said. ‘Save by the bell’
talking with his mind.

When the teacher start the attendance a sudden blinding light burst from the window. “Don’t panic!”
Ms. Aireen shouted.

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