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The Programme & Contents
of Work of Dawah

Prof Javed Iqbal Saani, PhD

Intellectual Capital Enterprise

Limited, London
Copyright © 2019 Prof Javed Iqbal Saani

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR ..................................................................................... IX

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ XIX
PREFACE ........................................................................................................ XXI
1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK.............................................................................. 2
KALIMAH ........................................................................................................... 7
SALAH/NAMAZ ................................................................................................ 8
RESPECT OF MUSLIMS ................................................................................... 12
SINCERITY OF INTENTION............................................................................ 14
DAWAH ............................................................................................................ 15
TALEEM) ....................................................................................... 17
A-PURPOSE: THE ACTION OF THE MASJIDH OF NABI (‫ )ﷺ‬...................... 17
B-VIRTUES OF TALEEM ................................................................................. 19
C-ETIQUETTES ............................................................................................... 21
D- MAZAKRAH OF SIX QUALITIES .............................................................. 22
ZOHAR) ......................................................................................... 25
5 VISITING MUSLIMS (AMUMI GHUST) .................................. 29
1-ANNOUNCEMENT (AELAAN).................................................................... 29
2-EQUATES OF VISITING MUSLIMS (ATAAB GHUSH)............................... 31
A-The greatness of Allah (SWT) ............................................ 31
B-Sacrifices of Prophets (AS) and sahabah (RA) ....... 33
C-The virtues of visiting Muslims .......................................... 38
D-The manners of visits .............................................................. 39
3-THE MIDDLE TALK ..................................................................................... 41

4-MAIN TALK (BAYAAN) ...............................................................................42
5-TASHKEEL ....................................................................................................43
6 KINDS OF DAWAH.....................................................................45
AMUMI & KHASUSI .........................................................................................45
INFIRADHI AND IJTAMAI ...............................................................................50
7 MAZAKRAS OF ETIQUETTES .................................................53
1-ETIQUETTES OF MOSQUE (MESJIDH) ......................................................53
3-EQUATES OF SLEEPING..............................................................................55
4-CLEANLINESS ...............................................................................................56
5-MAZAKRAH OF SPEAKER (MUTKALLIM) .................................................57
6-THE GUIDE (RAHBAR) ................................................................................58
7-THE LEADER/RESPONSIBLE BROTHER (AMEER) ..................................58
8 MASHWARAH (S) .......................................................................63
1-DAILY MASHWARAH IN JAMAAT ...............................................................63
2-DAILY MASHWARAH IN MASSAJIDH.........................................................65
3-WEEKLY MASHWARAH IN MARKAZ .........................................................66
4-MONTHLY MASHWARAH IN DEWSBURY .................................................66
9 MASTURAAT WORK .................................................................. 71
PROGRAMME OF MASTURAAT JAMAATS ......................................................72
MAZAKRAH OF INSTRUCTIONS (HIDHAYAAT)...........................................72
MAZAKRAH OF HOW TO SPEND TIME .........................................................74
BAYAN ..............................................................................................................74
MAZAKRAH OF RETURN (WAAPSI) ..............................................................75
MASHWARAH ...................................................................................................76
TASHKEEL ........................................................................................................76
10 MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................................77
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................77
TWELVE PRINCIPLES ......................................................................................77
Doing the things most ...................................................................77
Doing less...............................................................................................78
Forbidden actions .............................................................................78
IJTIMA (S) ..........................................................................................................78
HAJJ JAMAATS AND HAJI JOOR ......................................................................79
NUSRAT (HELPING JAMAATS) .......................................................................80

THE INDIVIDUAL AMAAL .............................................................................. 81
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................... 83
INDEX ............................................................................................ 89
OTHER BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR (S) ..................................... 95
ISLAMIC MANAGEMENT STYLE ................................................................. 101
MANAGEMENT SCIENCES ........................................................................... 115
GENERAL INTEREST .................................................................................... 123
NOTES .......................................................................................... 131

Table of Arabic/Urdu terms
used in the book

Term Nearest meaning

Tashkeel Made
Taleem Teaching and learning session
Fazail Books Fazail amaal and fazail sadhqaat
Karguzari Report/progress of work
Mashwarah Consultation
Rakat One count of salat
Nafil Optional prayer
Jamaat Team
Khudha Allah, God
Mazakrah Speech/reminder
Ikram Service/hosting
Amumi General
Ghust Visit Muslims
Tawaf Taking a set of seven circles
around Ka’ba
Molana Religious scholar
Adab Gusht Etiquettes of a visit to Muslims
Amaal Good deeds
Ameer Leader
Amumi Gusht Visit everyone (Door to door)

Khasusi Special
Bayaan Speech
Daroud Shareef Salawaat to the prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
Dawah Calling towards Allah
Dua/Duas Supplication (s)
Ebadhaat Worship
Fazail Virtues
Fajur Bad action (s)
Farz Compulsory
Hasanaat Good deeds
Hidayaat Guidelines
Ikhlaaq Good manners
Janaza Dead body
Jubba Dress /upper shirt
Mamulaat Daily deeds/actions
Markaz Centre
Masturaat Ladies
Mosaalies The person (s) who pray salat
Musallah A place for prayer/prayer mat
Namaz Salat
Tablighi Jamaat Islamic propagation team
Tasbeeh Praising Allah (SWT)
Tasbeehat A set of reading certain praising
Terteeb Programme

Zawaal Decline/the start of the downhill
journey of the Sun after mid-day

About the author

Javed Iqbal was brought up in Rawalakot (AJ&K). He

received his PhD from the University of Salford and an
MBA (Information Management) from the University of
Hull. Previously Dr Iqbal received BBA and an MBA (in
Finance) from the University of AJ&K both with distinction.
Professor Iqbal joined Iqra University Islamabad campus
as an associate professor in 2006. He became the head of
Department of Technology Management in International
Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) in 2012. Dr Iqbal
joined AKU (AJ&K) as a professor in 2015 and has been
appointed as a Dean Faculty of Management Sciences. He
is associated with London
School of Commerce (LSC)
these days.
His article titled “Learning
from a Doctoral Research
Project: Structure and
Content of a Research
Proposal” has been ranked by
the Deakin University of
Australia as the best piece of
research for doctoral
students. This research paper
is widely used and referred all over the world. Dr Javed
Iqbal has been nominated by an international
organization for the Award of Distinguished Scientist for
his research contribution. Professor Iqbal has published
22 research articles and 23 books so far. He has
developed interest in Islamic Leadership Style recently.
Professor Iqbal published in such International Journals
as Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods,
European Journal of Social Sciences, Œconomica, and
European Journal of Scientific Research. His books on
various subjects are available on amazon, details are at
the end of the book.

Value of knowledge

Say (to them, O Muhammad): Are those who

know equal with those who know not? But only
men of understanding will pay heed. [Az-
Zumar: 9]

Value of knowledge I

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him)

reported: The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said,
"He who goes forth in search of knowledge is
considered as struggling in the Cause of Allah
until he returns." [At- Tirmidhi].

Value of knowledge II

Abu'd-Darda' (RA) said, "I heard the

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, say,

1. 'Allah will make the path to the Garden

easy for anyone who travels a path in search of

2. Angels spread their wings for the seeker

of knowledge out of pleasure for what he is

3. Everyone in the heavens and everyone in

the earth ask forgiveness for a man of
knowledge, even the fish in the water.

4. The superiority of the man of knowledge

to the man of worship is like the superiority of
the moon to all the planets.

5. The men of knowledge are the heirs of

the Prophets.

6. The Prophets bequeath neither dinar nor

dirham; they bequeath knowledge. Whoever
takes it has taken an ample portion.'"

[Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi; Riyadh us

Salihin, Hadith 1388, p. 211]

Qualities of good leader/manager

It was by the mercy of God that you were

lenient with them (O Muhammad), for if you
had been severe and hard-hearted, they would
have forsaken you. So, pardon them and ask
(God's) forgiveness for them and consult with
them upon the conduct of affairs. [Al-e-Imran:

Qualities of good leader/manager 1

Hadhrat Ibn ‘Umar (Radhiyallao anho) reports

that Rasulullaah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
said “Three persons are such as will have no
fear of the horrors of the Day of Judgement,
nor they will be required to render any account.
They will stroll merrily on mounds of musk
until the people are relieved of rendering their
account. One is a person who learnt the Qur’an,
merely seeking Allah’s pleasure and therewith
leads people in salat in a manner that they are
pleased with him; the second person is the one
who invites men to salat for the pleasure of
Allah alone. The third person is the one who
has fair dealings between him and his master,
as well as between himself and his
subordinates” [Quoted by Al-Tibrani in Al-
Majam Al-Slaasa; Fazail-e-Amaal, Virtues of
the Holy Qur’an, Hadith 36]

Qualities of good leader/manager II

Abdullah Ibne-'Umar Radiyallahu 'anhuma

narrates that a person came to Nabi and asked:
O Rasulullah (‫ !)ﷺ‬How many times may I
forgive my servant? Nabi remained silent. The
man asked again: O Rasulullah (‫ !)ﷺ‬How
many times may I forgive my servant? He
replied: Everyday seventy times. (Tirmidhi)
Note: In Arabic the figure 'seventy' is used to
express too many in number. [Muntakhib
Ahadith, p. 415]


To my parents who invested heavily for our

education and remained engaged in prayers for our
success and good being


Special gratitude is due to all those who helped me

to compile the work. The contribution of my
colleague Muhammad Nadeem Khan who was the
co-author in one of my previous books for the first
exemplar of the present volume is worthwhile.

I am also obliged to my family who spared me to

embark on the project. They also provide valuable
information which enriched the contents of this
effort. May Allah reward them for their contribution?


All prayers to Allah, the Exalted, slat wa slam to all

the Prophets (AS) especially upon the last (‫)ﷺ‬,
mercy and blessings upon his noble companions.
May Allah (SWT) bestow upon his forgiveness to the
entire ummah and ummah of all the Prophets (AS).
And all those who received the right guidance.

The work of dawah is undertaken in more than 220

countries of the world. An extract from Wikipedia
unveils some details.1

Tablighi Jamaat (Tablighi Jamaat; lit. Society for

spreading faith) is a non-political global Sunni
Islamic missionary movement that focuses on urging
Muslims to return to primary Sunni Islam,[5][6] and
particularly in matters of ritual, dress, and personal
behaviour.[7] The organisation is estimated to have
between 12 million[8] and 150 million adherents[3]
[9]), and a presence in somewhere between 150[8]
and 200 countries.[3] It has been called "one of the
most influential religious movements in 20th century

The movement was founded in 1927 by Muhammad

Ilyas al-Kandhlawi in India which is in accordance to
the teachings and practices that take place in The
Prophet's Mosque and Ashabus Suffah.[11][12] Its

stated primary aim is spiritual reformation of Islam
by reaching out to Muslims across social and
economic spectra and working at the grassroots
level, to bring them in line with the group's
understanding of Islam.[3][13] The teachings of
Tabligh Jamaat are expressed in "Six Principles"
(Kalimah, Salat, Ilm-o-zikr, Ikraam-e-Muslim,
Ikhlaas-e-Niyyat, Dawat-o-Tabligh).[14] Tablighi
Jamaat believes that Muslims are in a constant state
of spiritual Jihad in the sense of fight against evil,
the weapon of choice is Dawah (proselytization) and
that battles are won or lost in the "hearts of people."
The figures in brackets are the references provided
by the author of the article. Haji Abdul Wahab
(Rakhmatuallah alyhi) was the 10th most influential
person among 500 in the Muslim world in 2017

My affiliation with the work of dawah since

1983compels me to compile some information in this
treatise. I wrote the karguzari of our hajj jamaat
which we had taken in 2017 (See at end of the book
for more details about the book).

The book has been divided into ten chapters. They

encompass the programme and contents of many
activities brother undertake while at home or in the
kharuj. The purpose is to know some basic aspects
of the work of dawah. It might be helpful for the
jamaats to refer to for learning and teaching.

I pray to Allah, the Exalted, to accept the humble
effort and make it a source of forgiveness for me and
the entire ummah. It may be a source of guidance
for readers. Ameen!

Suggestions are welcome so that they may

be incorporated in the future editions.

Prof Javed Iqbal Saani, Ph. D

Manchester April 8, 2019

1 Introduction

Allah has given responsibility of Dawah
to every Muslim because there is no
prophet to come till the Day of
Judgment, but people will be coming.
Therefore, it is the obligation of every
Muslim to learn Islam, practice it and
spread it. The purpose of this book is to
describe some of the activities the
brothers of Tablighi Jamaat undertake
while they do Tablighi work at home as
well as in the journey i.e. in kharuj.
The magnitude of the work is such that it
cannot be described in a small booklet
like this one. However, a summarised
version is presented here which
encompasses essential elements of the
work. Detail treatment has been
articulated in Hayatus Sahabah, Maulana
Yusaf Kandhelvi (Rakhmatullah Alyhi)
had compiled the book. The fazail books
by Maulana Zakariya (Rakhmatullah
Alyhi) explained the practicalities of the
effort. Malfuzaat of Maulana Ilyaas
(Rakhmatullah Alyhi) and other elders
are the supporting books for this work.

Structure of the book
The name of the book is roman Urdu
because I have not found a suitable
alternative of both words i.e. Tablighi
and Mazaakry in English. There is
translation but I am not satisfied with
them. Moreover, the people involved in
the effort know these terms so it looks a
good idea that the name should contain
famous words.
The book has been divided into ten
chapters. The second chapter deals with
the core of this effort or the agenda. The
elder say there are three conditions for
dawah to be effective.
1. The agenda should be according to
Quran and Sunnah
2. The workers should be sincere
3. The method should be the way of
the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬

The Ulma had defined the agenda in line

with the sharia. And the elements of it
are not objectionable because they are
based upon virtues (fazail). There is no
mention of any creed (maslak). It
revolves around the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ and
his sahabah (RA). Both are undisputed
among the ummah. It suggests that the
agenda is right.
The second condition is about the
workers. Sincerity is very difficult to
attain, measure or demonstrate but
there are some signs of it among the
brothers involved in the effort. First,
there is no “Wa Wa” (bravo) in this work.
If a person sits in the mesjidh for forty
days, people would lick his hands and
would say he is very pious. But if
someone spends even one year in the
path of Allah, a common person does not
care about his sacrifice. So, there is no
question of “name & fame”. Normally
when we spend some time e.g. forty
days and the we supposed to come back,
the elder say spend some more time.
They would say increase your time to
four months. They encourage but never
satisfied with the magnitude of effort. I
believe it is a part of sincerity. Similarly,
brother spend a lot of money on their
journeys. Sometimes it goes to
thousands of pounds. But elder say
spreading Islam is our responsibility,
therefore, spending money for this cause
is also part of it. They say sahabah (RA)
had spent entire life, all money and all
time for the sake of Islam. Thus, no
name. No announcement in the
Massajidh about the sacrifice.
Alhamdolillah. It is good for the work and
for the brothers who do it.
The third element is the way of the
Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. All the prophets
(AlyhiSlaam) used to visit people to
invite them towards Islam. This way is
in place. Conveying the message on one-
to-one basis is the recommended

method. There is no electronic media or
similar means involved in the effort. It is
being done on the prophetic way.
The third chapter discusses the way
learning and teaching takes place in the
jamaat. All the prophets (AlyhiSlaam)
used to teach the Devine knowledge to
their ummah. Allah (SWT) bestowed
upon them knowledge and wisdom for
the work of dawah. So, in jamaat it is
compulsory. Alhamdolillah, if a brother
spends four months properly, he can
lead salatul-Janaza in addition to other
salats. I mean to say he learns
fundamental knowledge including correct
reading of Quran (See chapter about the
etiquettes below).
The forth chapter is describing the
reading of book which normally takes
place after those namaz where there is
no other collective amaal i.e. etiquettes
of gusht, morning bayan or main bayan
The next chapter spells out the backbone
of the effort. It includes the process of
general visit to Muslims. There are five
elements of it; each of them has been
described briefly.
The sixth chapter is reserved for the
kinds of dawah for the purpose of
learning. Every brother should know
them so that he can give organised

dawah either to a single person or a
group of brothers.
The next chapter is dealing with the
learning sessions that take place other
than the main one discussed above. It
encompasses seven Mazaakry. But it is
not a conclusive list. Brothers can do
more like this. For example, the
mazakrah of conditions of namaz and
others. Mazaakry should also be done for
the collective amaal like how to do
etiquettes of gusht etc.
Chapter eight is reserved for consultation
and its various kinds that took place in
the jamaat or in the markaz. Five of
them have been included. There are
others which take place in at different
places on regional basis like European
The next chapter discusses the work of
masturaat (Ladies). It includes its
importance and the way it is being
conducted. It is little bit different from
the work of men, so it needs a separate
Chapter ten is reserved for auxiliary
topics but they are part of the whole
effort. Some of these issues could not fit
in a separate heading. Therefore, they
are discussed in it. But at the end of the
day all the configuration is mine.

2 Six qualities in the morning
(Fajr bayan)

Sahabah had many qualities in their lives
but six of them were common; if we
learn and practice then it will be easy for
us to practice the entire dheen. The first
of them is firm belief in Kalimah; the
nearest translation of this that none is
worthy of worship except Allah and
Muhammad is his Prophet. A deeper
meaning of this is that Allah (SWT) do
everything without the help of creation
and creation cannot do anything without
the help of Allah (SWT).
There are two parts of this; the first one
is called Imman. It is the change of our
beliefs. The second part is prophethood
which is the change of our life style
according to the life of our beloved
Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ Muhammed (‫)ﷺ‬.
Whosoever practices once sunnah today
he can get reward of 100 martyrs. There
are hundreds and thousands of sunnah
which we can practice on daily basis and
we will be judged in the Heaven

according to the number of sunnah we
practice in our lives.
The Kamila is very virtuous. If somebody
recites it Allah (SWT) forgives all these
previous sins. If a person is reading 100
times daily, his face will be bright like a
full moon on the Day of Judgement.
Similarly, whosoever is reading kalimah
at the last breath he becomes the person
of paradise. The best form of zikr is
kalimah. We must give dawah to
everyone to get the reality of this. We
have also to make supplication to Allah
(SWT) so that He bestow upon us His
mercy and give us the truth of it as the
sahabah (RA) invited people, learned and
practiced it.

The second quality of sahabah (RA) was
the concentration and devotion in salah.
It is the means of getting from the
treasure of Allah (SWT). When salah
was revealed to the Ummah, sahabah
(RA) were very happy that we can ask
Allah (SWT) directly now. For example,
one sahabi (RA) bought a barren piece of
land where there was no water in it. He
prayed two nafil salah and then asked his
slave to dig at a place; the water gushed
out of that barren land.
The first and foremost question will be
asked about salah on the Day of

Judgement, if this will be satisfactory
then all other matters will be correct and
will be reckoned easily. Salah is the
coolness of the eyes of the Prophet
(‫)ﷺ‬. Salah is the key to paradise, it is
the pillar of Islam, and salah is the
difference between a Muslim and non-
We must learn and to practice
accordingly to make our salah strong.
The elders suggest that we should pray
long rakat of nafil to create concentration
and devotion in Namaz. We should learn
about what we are reading. I mean the
Arabic text including the part of the holy
Quran and duas. It also includes other
elements which are the part of the salah.
The purpose is to understand what we
are reading. It gives us concentration
and devotion i.e. our hearts should be
attentive towards Allah (SWT) and we
should feel humbleness. We must
perform salat slowly and in a dignified
The scholars say there are four kinds of
salah people perform. The first one is
those who have developed a habit to
pray. There is very little concentration
not to speak of devotion. The second
kind of people are those who pray
because it is the command of Allah. The
third type of people are those who pray
for the solution of their problems. There
is famous story about Hajaaj bin Yousaf
while he was doing Tawaf; he saw a blind
person who was begging for sight. He
told him that if you would not get sight
by tomorrow, I will kill you. The blind
man supplicated in such a manner that
he got his sight by the appointed time.
And there are people who pray for the
pleasure of Allah (SWT). It seems the
desirable salah.
Similarly, the scholars say there are
three types of salah which people pray
with congregation (jamah). The first is
the one who joins jamah in any of the
rakat; the second one is those who join
the first takbeer i.e. when the imaam
starts they join him. The most virtuous is
the one for which we wait for the salah.
It is coming in riwayaat waiting for the
salah is rewarded like salah itself. And
whosoever is sitting with wazu after
completing his salah is also rewarded like
salah. So, it is important that we should
make effort on our salah on daily basis.
Such a salah would save us from the bad
habits and sins.

Knowledge and remembrance of Allah (SWT)

[Ilm & Zikr]
This means that we have to learn the
knowledge of dheen so that we can
spend 24 hours according to the
commands of Allah (SWT) and sunnah of
Rasulullah (‫)ﷺ‬. The knowledge is also

linked with the quality of salat. Whatever
is compulsory in salah, its knowledge is
also compulsory. It is recommended that
one should get the knowledge from the
lap of his mother to the lap of his grave.
The hadith of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬says to
the nearest effect that seek knowledge
even if you travel as far as China. It is
coming in another hadith to the nearest
effect that somebody who goes in
search of knowledge, he is considered as
in the path of Allah (SWT) until he
returns. When Allah (SWT) become
happy with someone, He gives him
the understanding of dheen; so, it is
necessary that we should get necessary
knowledge so that we can obey all the
requirements of sharia.
The second part of this is at the
remembers (zikr) of Allah (SWT); the
purpose of remembers is to create
awareness of Allah (SWT). There are
three important elements of zikr. The
first one is the recitation of Quran, the
second one is the duas of different
occasions and the third one is the
tasbihaat. Hundred times dharudh
shareef, the third kalimah and Istaghfaar
in the morning and in the evening; they
are very virtuous. When somebody reads
darudh shareef at once, Allah (SWT)
grants him ten good deeds, his status is
elevated in the paradise etc. Similarly,
the elders suggest that every Muslim

should know at least 10 duas. For
example. entering and leaving the
mesjidh, home and toilets. Starting and
finishing food; going to bed and waking
in the morning. They are only some of
the entire family of duas the Prophet
(‫)ﷺ‬ had taught us. We should learn
and practice them as well.

Respect of Muslims
Islam is emphasising the rights of
parents, neighbours, relatives and rights
of all other members of the society
where we live. There are three types of
people living around us. The first of them
are our relatives the second one is just
Muslims third one is the non-muslim.
Everyone has his own rights. The Prophet
(‫)ﷺ‬ has spread Islam through his
character; he was an iconic person and
was known as Saadiq and Ameen before
the announcement of his Prophethood.
The best example is his conduct with his
people at the conquest of Makkah. He
had forgiven all those people who
planned for his assassination, expelled
him from his home and who fought many
wars against him. We are his followers;
we should learn lesson from his conduct
and need to deal with people according
to his character.
The essence of his dealings was that
whosoever deprived him, he grants him.

Whosoever was oppressing him, he was
forgiving him. In addition, if you fulfil one
need of a muslim brother Allah (SWT)
descends upon you 73 rewards; one is
enough in this world and the reward of
the balance will be given in the
Hereafter. Sahabah (RA) prefer others’
needs against their own. There are
many stories about it; one of them was
that one of the sahabi (RA) was fasting,
at the time of breaking the fast he had
limited food available but one of the
needy persons begged for food. He has
given that food to him and repeated the
action thrice. Allah (SWT) praised his
action. Similarly, one of the sahabah
(RA) entertain his guest while the food
was enough only for one person. His
family, himself and his children slept
without food but served their gust well.
The most important need of this time is
to invite people to Allah (SWT) because
the connection of most of the Muslims
today is very weak with Him. So, the
most important sympathy and need of a
Muslim is to invite him to Allah (SWT) so
that he can prepare for his life Hereafter.
It is the most valuable favour with a
Muslim. The Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ said to the
nearest effect that the best of you is the
one who likes whatever he likes for
himself. Therefore, the demand of the
time is that we should make worry and

concern about our Muslim brothers, their
eternal life.

Sincerity of intention
Sincerity of intention is the fundamental
of all actions. We should do every
action for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). If
we give away one date with sincerity,
Allah (SWT) would increase its reward to
the size of a mountain. On the day of
judgement one angle would proclaim,
today reward will be given only to those
who have done it for the sake of Allah
(SWT). The people of sincerity are the
guiding stars; Allah (SWT) dismisses
many trials due to them i.e. their
sincerity or sincere actions.
Whenever we do any action, we should
do it for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). For
our own rectification. We need correction
in imaan and amaal because our imaan
and amaal are not of the required
quality. Until we achieve that level, we
must continue our efforts to attain it. We
should also aware that we do this effort
as a deputy of our Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. He had
assigned this duty in the last sermon. He
asked sahabah (RA) whether I have
conveyed the message of Allah (SWT) to
you, they replied yes. You have done it
to your level best. Then he said, “convey
this message to those who are not
present here”. We must make intention

that may Allah (SWT) create impact of
our humble efforts all over the world till
the Last Day among humans and genies

Sahabah (RA) were striving in the path
of Allah (SWT). We firmly believe that
the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was the seal of the
prophets; there is no prophet to come till
the day of judgment, but people will be
coming. For their guidance Allah (SWT)
has deputed the Ummah of the Prophet
(‫)ﷺ‬. Allah (SWT) says to the nearest
effect that you are the best nation; you
have been raised for the benefit of
humanity. You invite people towards
good and forbid them from evil. Also,
there should be a group of people who
should be inviting people towards good
and these are the people who are
successful. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬had said
to the nearest effect that if you see
something against sharia, you supposed
to change it with your hand; if you
cannot do it then you change this with
your tongue; and even if you don't do it
then you should feel it in your heart
about this disobedience of Allah (SWT).
And it is the weakest level of imaan. We
understand that most of the people living
on this planet today are without imaan;
we supposed to invite them to Islam. We

know that about 10% of the Muslims are
only performing salat; so, what about
the remaining 90%. We must invite them
towards it. It is only one example of
disobedience of Allah (SWT). Thus, we
must invite them to other aspect of
Islam. To do it we have to learn our
dheen. The elders suggest that we
should spend four months in the first
instance and then forty days every year
to revive it, three days every month to
keep it fresh.
We should make it objective of your life
so that we can invite people towards
Amaal to save them from the fire of
Hell. Allah (SWT) says to the nearest
effect that the successful is the person
who has been saved from the fire of Hell
and enter paradise. It is the parameter
of success in this life as well as in the
Hereafter. This work of dawah is also our
responsibility because we have been
made responsible for it.
The scholars say that we are the deputy
of Allah (SWT), His book and His
Prophet(‫)ﷺ‬. To discharge the
responsibility everybody is requested to
make intention to spend four months as
soon as possible. And then make the
work the objective of his life. To do it, we
need to participate in five amaal in our

3 Learning & teaching in the
morning (The long Taleem)

Taleem is one of activities of the masjidh

annabi. Its purpose is to know and
practice the dheen of Islam. According to
some scholars to create the true demand
of dheen inside the hearts through
knowing the virtues and threats (the
punishments associated with them in this
world and in the Hereafter) of not doing
it. The essence of it to gain the pleasure
of Allah (SWT).
Whenever it takes place either in the
masjidh or home, Allah (SWT) sends a
special mercy called sakeenah upon the
hearts. Allah mentions the name of
participants to angle. And He announces
the forgiveness at the end of the
gathering. There are some etiquettes of
it; they can be divided into three
sections. Let us look at them.

A-Purpose: The action of the masjidh of Nabi

It was narrated that 'Abdullah bin 'Amr said:

"The Messenger of Allah came out of one of his
apartments one day and entered the mosque, where
he saw two circles, one reciting Qur'an and
supplicating to Allah, and the other learning and
teaching. The Prophet said: 'Both are good. These
people are reciting the Qur'an and supplicating to
Allah, and if He wills, He will give them, and if He
wills, He will withhold from them. And these people
are learning and teaching. Verily I have been sent as
a teacher.' Then he sat down with them." [Sunan Ibn
Majah: Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 229]
Yahya related to me from Malik from
Sumayy, the mawla of Abu Bakr, that
Abu Bakr ibn Abd ar-Rahman used to
say, "Someone who goes to the mosque
in the morning or the afternoon with no
intention of going anywhere else, either
to learn good or teach it, is like someone
who does jihad in the way of Allah and
returns with booty."[Muwatta Malik:
Book 9, Hadith 56]
Narrated `Uthman (RA):
The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "The best among you
(Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach
it." [Sahih al-Bukhari; Vol. 6, Book 61, Hadith 545]
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him)
Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Verily! The world is
accursed and what it contains is accursed, except
remembrance of Allah and those who associate
themselves with Allah; and a learned man, and a
learning person." [At-Tirmidhi: Book 1, Hadith 478]
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:

"The Messenger of Allah said: 'Learn the Qur'an,
recite it and go to bed, for the likeness of the Qur'an
and the one who learns it and acts upon it is that of
a sack filled with musk, which spreads its fragrance
everywhere. And the likeness of one who learns it
then goes to bed with it in his heart is that of a sack
that is tied up from which no fragrance comes out.'"[
Sunan Ibn Majah; Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 217]

There is special question on the Day of

Judgement about the knowledge one
possesses and how much was in
practice. 3
The purpose of taleem is to put
it in practice what we know.

B-Virtues of taleem
Abu Hurairah reported the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬as
No people get together in a house of the houses of
Allah (i.e. a mosque), reciting the Book of Allah, and
learning it together among themselves, but
calmness (sakinah) comes down to them, (Divine)
mercy covers them (from above), and the angels
surround them, and Allah (SWT) makes a mention
of them among those who are with Him.[Sunan Abi
Dawud: Book 8, Hadith 1450]
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:
"I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'Whoever
comes to this mosque of mine, and only comes for a

Zakerya, Muhammad (2012) Fazail-e-
Amaal, p.306. Ahem Charitable Trust,
good purpose, such as to learn or to teach, his status
is like that of one who fights in Jihad in the cause of
Allah (SWT). Whoever comes for any other purpose,
his status is that of a man who is keeping an eye on
other people's property.'"[Sunan Ibn Majah: Vol. 1,
Book 1, Hadith 227]
Narrated Kathir ibn Qays:
Kathir ibn Qays said I was sitting with AbudDarda' in
the mosque of Damascus.
A man came to him and said: AbudDarda, I have
come to you from the town of the Messenger of Allah
(‫ )ﷺ‬for a tradition that I have heard you relate from
the Messenger of Allah (‫)ﷺ‬. I have come for no other
He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬say:
If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge,
Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of
Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their
great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge, the
inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and the fish
in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the
learned man. The superiority of the learned man
over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night
when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned
are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets (AS)
leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only
knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant
portion. [Sunan Abi Dawud: Book 25, Hadith 3634]

Virtues of learning Quran

Narrated `Uthman:
The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "The best among you
(Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach
it." [Sahih al-Bukhari; Vol. 6, Book 61, Hadith 545]
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him)
Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Verily! The world is
accursed and what it contains is accursed, except
remembrance of Allah and those who associate
themselves with Allah; and a learned man, and a
learning person." [At-Tirmidhi: Book 1, Hadith 478]

There are certain equates of it. One
should make wazu, pray two nafil of
slatul-hajah to ask Allah (SWT) the
almighty to bestow upon me its value. All
participant must sit in Tash-hudh
position in the first instance. When feel
uneasy than the position may be
changed. The listeners should look at the
face of the reader or at the book. One
must make intention of practice, be
attentive all the times because it is all
about Allah, the Exalted and the
respected Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. One should
participate on time and from beginning
to the end. When the name of Allah
(SWT) is read the listeners should say
“sabhanohu wa tala”; when the name of
the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ is read they should
say short darudh shareef; when the
name of a campanion is read they should
say raziallah talah anho (anha for
female). When the name of a pious
person is read, they need to say
“Rakhmatuallah alyhi”. One should sit
with sacrifice “mojahidha”. If someone
wants to leave the gathering, he should
take permission of the brother who is
reading the book by raising his hand.
The reader needs to describe the
etiquettes of Taleem as described above.
He needs to read one or two instances
from each part. There are several parts
of the book: the stories of sahabah, the
virtues of Quran, the virtues of salat,
zikr, and tabligh (the work of dawah). He
should keep the listeners attentive by
asking some questions such as “what I
have just read” etc. He should also look
at the listeners on and off while reading.
He needs to say “May Allah enable us to
practice it” or similar prayers.
There are three part of Taleem: reading
from the book, halqah of tajweedh and
mazakrah of six qualities of sahabah.

D- Mazakrah of Six qualities

Every brother should learn and describe
six qualities. If there are new brothers in
the jamaat than make the mazakrah of
each quality one by one. There are many
elements common to each of these. They
• Purpose
• Virtues
• How to get it
For instance, the purpose of salat is to
gain from the treasures of Allah (SWT)

and to resolve our issues. We can gain
devotion and concentration (khazu and
khashu) through performing long nafil
salah. Long means reading long surah of
Quran like surah yaseen, al-Rahman etc.
Reading tasbihaat 5/7/9/11 times.
Salatus-Tasbeeh is also good for it.
Alternatively, each brother should
describe six qualities individually. The
elder suggest that equal time should be
assigned to each of the three parts i.e.
• Reading book
• Tajweedh
• Mazakrah of six qualities

4 Reading the book after Zohar
(Taleem after Zohar)

Since an action of dawah usually takes

place after every salat yet the taleem
after Zohar is part of it. The reader
should pray to Allah (SWT) when his
name is proposed in the mashwarah.
Preferably pray two nafil and ask Allah
(SWT) to make it easy for him and
accept it. The intention should be the
pleasure of Allah (SWT). He should pray
slat in the front row so that he may get
access to the reading place easily. He
should pray sunnah and hold the book
and sit in the front for reading. He can
make announcement that “Please come
forward for taleem taking care of people
still praying salat”. He needs to wait until
most of the brothers complete their salat
at least near to him so that his voice
should not disturb them.
It is recommended for new readers that
they should read the hadith before salat
and place a book mark to get the reading
page comfortably. He can read from any
part of the book but those part are
recommended which can motivate

brothers for ghust. For instance, he can
read from the virtues of salat; one hadith
including its commentary. He should read
the words of hadith twice but the
commentary once.
If he has read from the virtues of salat
than need to give Targheeb accordingly.
For example, praying in masjidh is
twenty-five to twenty-seven times more
virtuous but many of the brothers are
praying at home. We need to convey
them the virtues of praying in the
masjidh. There are many brothers who
are not praying at all. We require to visit
them and motivate them for it. We can
refer the story of Hazrat Umer (RA) when
he visited one of the companions when
he could not pray fajr in the masjidh.
Also remind brothers that it is our
responsibility to do good and make worry
and concern for others. We are
responsible for. And it is a virtues action.
If he reads from the virtues of tabligh, he
needs to give targheeb that it is our
responsibility to call people towards good
and forbid them from evil etc. If he reads
from the stories of sahabah (RA), he
should say, look how much sacrifice
sahabah (RA) had given to convey dheen
to us. They left everything for the sake
of Islam. It is our responsibility to do the
same so that the message of Islam
should reach four corners of the world. If
he reads from the zikr, he should say we
do zikr. Allah (SWT) has enable us to
gain his pleasure, however, we need to
invite others for it. They will also get the
pleasure of Allah (SWT). The scholars
say the best of you is who likes for
others what he likes for himself. If we
like paradise for ourselves than we
should make efforts so that other Muslim
brothers get the same. The purpose of
the taleem is to make some Tashkeel to
local brothers who can take Jamaat
brothers out for visits.

5 Visiting Muslims (Amumi

It can be divided into many parts. We

take them in turn.

1-Announcement (Aelaan)
It is the most important act of a jamaat
because everyone listens to it. We know
that a few people would stay up to the
bayan/talk, but all people would be there
at this occasion. The brother who
supposed to make announcement should
read salat in the front row so that he can
approach to the place of announcement
quickly and easily. The leader of the
jamaat must fix the responsibility well in
advanced. It makes the person worried
and concerned about the job. He should
also make dua to Allah (SWT) for help
and acceptance. If the brother is new,
ameer sahib should make mazakrah with
him well before the salat time. The
ameer should appoint a brother who can
do it effectively and confidently.

There are no hard and fast rule for the
wording, but certain points must
encompass the announcement:
• The way of success i.e. it is in dheen.
• The feeling of responsibility; the
Muslims are responsible for it.
• The importance of effort; the dheen
comes in life with effort.

The brother can say, Allah (SWT) has

kept my success and your success in
practicing dheen. It is our responsibility
due to completion of the building of
prophethood. Therefore, an effort is
required to make it happen. There will be
a short talk after the remaining salat. All
brothers are humbly requested to stay
behind and take part in the programme.
The brother can say, Allah (SWT) has
kept my success and your success in
practicing dheen. The dheen of Allah
(SWT) revives with the effort of
Rasulullaah (‫)ﷺ‬. He has given us the
responsibility for it. Therefore, there will
be a short talk after the remaining
salat/dua. All brothers are humbly
requested to stay behind and take part in
The jamaat brothers should say
Jazakallah khair. It should not be a very
long which looks like a bayan. The
brother who is announcing should make
it loudly, facing the crowd with
confidence. Keep your arms down, avoid
nose picking, scratching head, pulling
nose or any other such activity. He
should be wearing adequate clothing and
have perfume on. I mean he should be in
a presentable position. Lok at the people
who do worldly things. They make
preparation for days together. Make
rehearsal before the event. We should be
more organised and in presentable

2-Equates of visiting Muslims (Ataab Ghush)

They are explained to the Jamaat or other brothers
sitting after the announcement of visits to Muslims.
The door-to-door visits (amumi ghust) is the
backbone of the work. The purpose of the talk is to
inspire everyone to take part in the event because it
is very heavy on temperament (nafs). The elder say
two actions are most effective for the Devine
guidance. One of them is sweat and the other one is
soar. The former is the long taleem in the morning
and the latter is the door-to-door visits. It can be
divided into four parts: the description of the
greatness of Allah (SWT), sacrifices of the prophets
(AS) and sahabah (RA) for this job, virtues of doing
it and etiquettes/manners of its conduct. Let me
explain them in more detail since they are the
foundations of the “backbone” of our efforts.

A-The greatness of Allah (SWT)

The objective of the work of dawah is to
create greatness of Allah (SWT) in the

hearts of every Muslim and every human
being at large. So, every action starts
with it. We can say Allah (SWT) is the
creator of the universe, He is the
sustainer of it, everything is in his
control, things are giving benefits and
harms with His command. The best
example is the ayaat-al-kursi,
Allah! There is no God save Him, the
Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor
sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him
belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens
and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is
he that intercedeth with Him save by His
leave? He knoweth that which is in front
of them and that which is behind them,
while they encompass nothing of His
knowledge save what He will. His throne
includeth the heavens and the earth, and
He is never weary of preserving them.
He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.
[Albaqrah: 255]
And the beginning ayaat of surah Al-
1 All that is in the heavens and the earth
glorifieth Allah; and He is the Mighty, the
2 His is the Sovereignty of the heavens
and the earth; He quickeneth and He
giveth death; and He is Able to do all

3 He is the First and the Last, and the
Outward and the Inward; and He is
Knower of all things.
4 He it is Who created the heavens and
the earth in six Days; then He mounted
the Throne. He knoweth all that entereth
the earth and all that emergeth
therefrom and all that cometh down from
the sky and all that ascendeth therein;
and He is with you wheresoever ye may
be. And Allah is Seer of what ye do.
5 His is the Sovereignty of the heavens
and the earth, and unto Allah (all) things
are brought back.
6 He causeth the night to pass into the
day, and He causeth the day to pass into
the night, and He is knower of all that is
in the breasts. [Al-Hadid:1-6]
And there is not a beast in the earth but
the sustenance thereof dependeth on
Allah. He knoweth its habitation and its
repository. All is in a clear Record. [Hud:
There are hundreds of ayaat which
describe the greatness of Allah (SWT).
The speaker needs to say some
sentences about it.

B-Sacrifices of Prophets (AS) and

sahabah (RA)
We emphasis on the lives of Prophets
(AS) and sahabah (RA) because most of
the Ummah is agreed upon their
character i.e. there is consensus (ijmah)
about it. The speaker can describe a few
stories/sacrifices of Prophets (AS). Nuh
(AS) did the effort for 950 years. Surah
Nuh tells the story in detail.
1. Verily, we sent Nooh (Noah) to his
people (Saying): "Warn your people
before there comes to them a painful
torment." 2. He said: "O my people!
Verily, I am a plain warner to you, 3.
"That you should worship Allah (Alone),
be dutiful to Him, and obey me, 4. "He
(Allah) will forgive you of your sins and
respite you to an appointed term. Verily,
the term of Allah when it comes, cannot
be delayed, if you but knew." 5. He said:
"O my Lord! Verily, I have called my
people night and day (i.e. secretly and
openly to accept the doctrine of Islamic
Monotheism), 6. "But all my calling
added nothing but to (their) flight (from
the truth). 7. "And verily! Every time I
called unto them that You might forgive
them, they thrust their fingers into their
ears, covered themselves up with their
garments, and persisted (in their
refusal), and magnified themselves in
pride. 8. "Then verily, I called to them
openly (aloud); 9. "Then verily, I
proclaimed to them in public, and I have
appealed to them in private, 10. "I said
(to them): Ask forgiveness from your
Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; 11. He

will send rain to you in abundance; 12.
And give you increase in wealth and
children, and bestow on you gardens and
bestow on you rivers. " 13. What is the
matter with you, (that you fear not Allah
(His punishment), and) you hope not for
reward (from Allah or you believe not in
His Oneness)? 14. While He has created
you in (different) stages (i.e. first Nutfah,
then Alaqah and then Mudghah, see
(VV.23:13,14) the Quran). 15. See you
not how Allah has created the seven
heavens one above another, 16. And has
made the moon a light therein, and
made the sun a lamp? 17. And Allah has
brought you forth from the (dust of)
earth. (Tafsir At-Tabaree, Vol.29, Page
97). 18. Afterwards He will return you
into it (the earth), and bring you forth
(again on the Day of Resurrection)? 19.
And Allah has made for you the earth
wide spread (an expanse). 20. That you
may go about therein in broad roads. 21.
Nooh (Noah) said: "My Lord! They have
disobeyed me and followed one whose
wealth and children give him no increase
but only loss. 22. "And they have plotted
a mighty plot. 23. "And they have said:
You shall not leave your gods, nor shall
you leave Wadd, nor Suwa, nor
Yaghooth, nor Yaooq, nor Nasr (names of
the idols); 24. "And indeed they have led
many astray. And (O Allah): Grant no
increase to the Zalimoon (polytheists,
wrong-doers, and disbelievers, etc.) save
error. " 25. Because of their sins they
were drowned, then were made to enter
the Fire, and they found none to help
them instead of Allah (SWT). 26. And
Nooh (Noah) said: "My Lord! Leave not
one of the disbelievers on the earth! 27.
"If You leave them, they will mislead
Your slaves, and they will beget none but
wicked disbelievers." 28. "My Lord!
Forgive me, and my parents, and him
who enters my home as a believer, and
all the believing men and women. And to
the Zalimoon (polytheists, wrong-doers,
and disbelievers, etc.) grant You no
increase but destruction!"
Ibrahim (AS) was put in fire for the
cause of dheen.
“They said: "Build for him a building (it is
said that the building was like a furnace)
and throw him into the blazing fire!" So,
they plotted a plot against him, but We
made them the lowest. And he said
(after his rescue from the fire): "Verily, I
am going to my Lord. He will guide me!"
[As-Saffat: 97-99]
He left his family in the desert; he was
willing to sacrifice his son. The holy book
“And, when he (his son) was old enough
to walk with him, he said: "O my son! I
have seen in a dream that I am
slaughtering you (offer you in sacrifice to
Allah), so look what you think!" He said:

"O my father! Do that which you are
commanded, Insha Allah (if Allah will),
you shall find me of As-Sabirin (the
patient ones, etc.)." Then, when they
had both submitted themselves (to the
Will of Allah), and he had laid him
prostrate on his forehead (or on the side
of his forehead for slaughtering); And We
called out to him: "O Abraham! You have
fulfilled the dream (vision)!" Verily! Thus,
do We reward the Muhsinoon (good-
doers) [As-Saffat: 102-105].

The Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ of Islam encountered

innumerable difficulties. He was stoned,
expelled from his native town, abused,
beaten, get injured and his daughters
were divorced. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said,

Hadhrat Anas (RA) reports that Rasulullaah

(‫)ﷺ‬ said, "I have been harassed for the
sake of Allaah like none other and I have
been threatened for the sake of Allaah like
none other. Thirty consecutive days and
nights would pass by without myself and Bilal
(RA) having enough for a living being to eat.
All that we could get was so little that it
could be hidden in the armpit of Bilal (RA)

And sahabah also undergone similar circumstances.

Look at the story,
Hadhrat Hudhayfa (RA) said, "My dear nephew! I
swear by Allaah that I have been with Rasulullaah

during the Battle of Khandaq ..." He then proceeded
/ to relate the extreme fear, hunger and cold that
they had to endure. A narration of Muslim states that
Hadhrat Hudhayfa (RA) said to the man, "Is that
what you would have done? I have been with
Rasulullaah (‫ )ﷺ‬on the night of the Battle of
Ahzaab when there blew an extremely fierce and icy
wind." He then proceeded to relate the entire
incident. The narration of Haakim and Bayhaqi states
that Hadhrat Hudhayfa (RA) said to the man, "Do not
wish for that." Thereafter, he mentioned the details
as will appear in the chapter discussing the fears that
Rasulullaah (‫ )ﷺ‬and the Sahabah (RA) had to

C-The virtues of visiting Muslims

It is the inspirational dimension. Several virtues are
described below.
Thawban narrated that:
The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: "Indeed the Muslim remains
in the Khurfah (harvest) of Paradise while he visits
his brother Muslim." [Jami` at-Tirmidhi: Vol. 2, Book
5, Hadith 967]
Thauban (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "He who visits his brother in
Faith, will remain engaged in picking the fresh fruits
from the garden of Jannah till he returns." [Sahih
Muslim: Book 7, Hadith 898]
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him)
The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "A man set out to visit a
brother (in Faith) in another town and Allah sent an

Hayatus-Sahabah, p. 276.
angel on his way. When the man met the angel, the
latter asked him, "Where do you intend to go?" He
said, "I intend to visit my brother in this town." The
angel said, "Have you done any favour to him?" He
said, "No, I have no desire except to visit him
because I love him for the sake of Allah, the Exalted,
and Glorious." Thereupon the angel said, "I am a
messenger to you from Allah (to inform you) that
Allah loves you as you love him (for His sake)"
[Sahih Muslim: Book 1, Hadith 361]
4-Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah
said: “Whoever visits the sick, or visits his brother in
Allah (faith), a caller calls out: 'May you have
goodness and livelihood be good, and may you dwell
in an adobe in Paradise.'"[Jami` at-Tirmidhi: Vol. 4,
Book 1, Hadith 2008]
There are many more virtues, but three examples
are enough for guidance. Brothers in Jamaat should
learn more to make their talk more motivational.

D-The manners of visits

These are the rules of visits to Muslim brothers.
Observing them reward you the true benefits of the
visits. It is the discipline; as the security personnel
keep the it, they are admired. The guiding manners
put positive impacts on the locality where the visits
taker place. It differentiates Jamaat from a group. A
Jamaat is the one who is following these guidelines
while everyone is doing whatever he wants to in a

A Jamaat is formed; there are three to ten brothers

in a Jamaat. It has a leader (ameer), a speaker
(mutkallim) and a guide (rahber). The Jamaat will
supplicate to Allah (SWT) at the door step of the
masjidh or any other place (home etc). Ask for help
and acceptance. They also ask for the Devine
guidance. Everyone will keep the gazes dawn
because they are the arrow of Shaitaan. The Ameer
should appoint brothers for zikr, reception and
middle talk; they are staying in the mesjidh.

The jamaat should do the visits with worry and

concern of Ummah of Muhmmad (‫ ;)ﷺ‬everyone
should thankful to Allah (SWT) who has enabled us
to carry out the work of dawah. The participants do
the zikr of Allah (SWT) slowly because it brings His
mercy and blessings. Brothers must be tolerant in
case of undesirable circumstance. To sum-up the
tools of visits, we can say it should be carries out
keeping in mind and practice the following elements.

• Worry and concern of the Ummah of the Prophet

• Remember Allah (SWT) constantly
• Thankful to Allah for enabling us to do the work
• Keep your gazes down in the entire journey
• Be tolerant in unexpected events

The leader should divide the entire Jamaat in pairs

who must walk together as a team. Walk on the right
side of the track.

The guide would knock the door or ring the bell

thrice. If a brother comes out, the guide should
welcome him cheerfully as if he knew him. The guide
should introduce himself to the brother and tell him
that we are visiting Muslims today in your street or
locality. The purpose is to remind everyone about
the life hereafter etc. He should also introduce the
speaker to him. Tell the brother that the speaker
would talk him briefly. The speaker should talk about
Imaan, the life Here after, paradise, Hell etc. It
should continue about 2/3/ minutes. Make his
Tashkeel for joining us, participating the visit or join
us in the talk later in the mesjidh. Ask him to tell
friends/family members about the programme. If a
sister opens the door and informs that no male is at
home or they are asleep/busy than tell her the
programme of the Jamaat i.e. when the talk will take
place. Ask her to send them in the programme.

When the street ends or the salat time draws near,

the leader ends the visits. Everyone should do
Istaghfaar on the way back and join the collective
amaal in masjid before doing anything else. One of
ulama was saying the ayaat karimah is the best

3-The middle talk

As we know two Jamaats are formed; one to go out
and the other to stay in. The ameer sahib appoints
one brother for zikr to solicit the help of Allah (SWT),
one brother for reception (Istaqbal) and one for
middle talk. It depends upon the number of brothers
available for these responsibilities.
The brother who supposed to the talk must describe
six qualities in detail preferably until the outside
jamaat returns. He should make it while sitting
except if someone needs chair. If he finishes six
qualities once, he can restart it. He must make
Tashkeel at the end that there will be a talk after the
forthcoming salat. So, everyone should take part
and make intentions.
4-Main talk (Bayaan)
The appointed brother should complete his salat
quickly and sit near the imam’s prayer mat or any
special place that is allocated for the purpose. In
most of the masaajid it takes place in the front but
in some masaajid the place is fixed somewhere else.
The speaker should occupy his place as soon as
possible after the fardh salah pray sunnah briefly.
The appointed brother for the talk should follow all
the guidelines which have been described for making
announcement. In addition, he should make two
nafil before the bayan but not necessarily
immediately prior to the talk. Since most of the
jamaats make mashwarah in the morning for
deciding about the responsibilities (Amaal) yet the
brother can pray nafil anytime. It should be salatul-
hajah; he must pray for the sincerity of his talk and
help from Allah (SWT) during the event. Ameer sahib
should be making zikr so that the brother utters as
per the instructions of the elders. If the talk is after
those salats where there is remining salat i.e.
sunnah, the brother should complete his salat
quickly and stand for the talk. Normally, the talk
time is 15-20 minutes.
The best way is to describe all six qualities before
Tashkeel. However, the speaker can change the
structure. He must do the first quality and then the
last one. Alternatively, he can do salat and then the
last one. The brother should describe the virtues of
sitting in such gatherings i.e. Allah (SWT) has
deputed angles for finding such places of
remembrance of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) mentions
the name of all the participants and in the conclusion
of the gathering Allah (SWT) announce forgiveness
of the participants and their sins are turned into
good deeds.

The main talk is followed by Tashkeel. The appointed
brother should complete his salat quickly and sit
near the speaker. He should have writing pad or
notebook and a pen ready. It is recommended that
the brother should make a table for quick writing of
names. The following example may be useful.

Table for Tashkeel

Name & 4 4 40 10 3
masjid months months days days days
Javed √
Amjid √
Adnaan √
Hamza √
Mairan √

Thus, he writes name and ticks the box for the

relevant intention. We normally do Tashkeel for the
time period mentioned above. The brother should
write names and say, “May Allah accept and make it
easy for you”. Other brothers should say Ameen.
Sometime, all those brothers who made intention for
a jamaat may be asked to sit separate and a
programme will be made for them i.e. the cash
The Tashkeel brother must describe the five amaal
briefly and ask everyone to participate in them. The
session should be concluded with dua.

6 Kinds of dawah

There are many kinds of dawah. It is beneficial to

differentiate them so that brothers may learn them
easily. It includes; Amumi, Khasusi, Infradhi and

Amumi & Khasusi

Amumi is the one which we do on door-to-door basis
normally once in a day. We do etiquettes of ghust
before it and 3-10 brothers participate in it. Khasusi
or special visits we make any time in a day. At least
two brothers are appointed for it. One might be the
local brother who takes us to one or more brothers
in a house or shop etc. Most of the times the host
invites us to sit inside his home. One of us does zikr
while other speaks. We speak within six qualities. We
meet at least four types of brothers during such

• Ulma-e-karam
• Brothers who spent time i.e. four months
• Key figures of the society including professionals
and politicians.
• Common people

We apply different strategies to visit them. When we

visit the Islamic scholars, we need to know their
availability. We must take some gift for them. For
example, perfume, tasbih, miswaak, fruit etc. If they

allow us to visit them, we will never give them
dawah. We can ask for dua and if they ask about
jamaat (s) we can tell them some karguzari i.e. how
our jamaat or other jamaats are doing or working.
We should listen more and talk less; jamaat should
not take long to sit with them because they might
have to do some work. We should take their
permission with the request of dua.
The second category is the brothers who have spent
four months. We should not invite them. We can
inform them that the jamaat is staying in the masjid
for two/three days. We can tell them some
We also visit people of good standing in the society.
They may be doctors, accountant, councillors,
politicians, businessmen etc. We should take some
similar/professional brothers of jamaat. I mean if a
doctor or businessman is in the jamaat then we
should take him. We should introduce ourselves
specially the key figure of our jamaat. It is helpful as
an icebreaker. We need to encourage them that
Allah (SWT) has given you the bounties of this world.
Many sahabah (RA) were also wealthy but their
wealth was the means of forgiveness. For example,
Usman (RA) spent a lot of money at the occasion of
the battle of Tabuk; the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said to the
nearest effect that nothing would harm Usman (RA)
after this contribution. Usman (RA) provide food and
mounts etc for one third of the entire army. It was
more than 10,000 personnel. In addition, the
speaker should tell him/them the virtues of different
amaal e.g. salat. We can do some Tashkeel of these
brothers such as come to masjid etc.
We also visit common people. We should talk with
them within six qualities and make some Tashkeel.
We may encounter many types of people among
them such as:
• Traders
• People in service
• Students and
• Free/retires people
• Sick people
Each of these brothers need special attention. When
we visit businessmen, we should tell them the
virtues of trade such as an honest trader will be
reckoned with siddiqeen on the Day of Judgement.
If someone receives back the sold product, he will
enter paradise. We can do dawah after such
introduction. Remember we supposed to talk within
six qualities, and we must make Tashkeel at the end.
It can be going in the path of Allah (SWT) or
invitation to mesjidh.
Brothers can speak to the people in service through
telling them the virtues of working for others. For
example, one should perform his duties honestly,
respect his boss and be loyal. In this way he would
earn halal. When he would spend this money, he will
be rewarded accordingly. Look at this hadith,
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Goodness and comfort are for
him who worships his Lord in a perfect manner and
serves his master sincerely." [Sahih al-Bukhari: Vol.
3, Book 46, Hadith 725] Ibn Umar reported
Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬as saying:
When a slave looks to the welfare of his master and
worships Allah well, he has two rewards for him.
[Sahih Muslim: Book 15, Hadith 4097] The Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬said, "The Mamluk (slave) who worships his Lord
in a perfect manner, and is dutiful, sincere and
obedient to his Saiyid (master), will get a double
reward." [Sahih al-Bukhari: Vol. 3, Book 46, Hadith
727] Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger
of Allah said: “How wonderful it is for one of them
that he obeys Allah (SWT) and fulfils the rights of his
master." Meaning the slave. And Ka’b said: "Allah
and His Messenger spoke the truth." [Jami` at-
Tirmidhi: Vol. 4, Book 1, Hadith 1985]
Similarly, we visit learners and students. We can use
the virtues of knowledge as icebreakers. There are
some ahadith and ayah in this regard.
Say (to them, O Muhammad): Are those who know
equal with those who know not? But only men of
understanding will pay heed. [Az-Zumar: 9] Anas
(May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The
Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "He who goes forth in
search of knowledge is considered as struggling in
the Cause of Allah until he returns." [At- Tirmidhi].
Abu'd-Darda' (RA) said, "I heard the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say,
1. 'Allah will make the path to the Garden easy
for anyone who travels a path in search of
2. Angels spread their wings for the seeker of
knowledge out of pleasure for what he is
3. Everyone in the heavens and everyone in the
earth ask forgiveness for a man of knowledge,
even the fish in the water.
4. The superiority of the man of knowledge to
the man of worship is like the superiority of
the moon to all the planets.
5. The men of knowledge are the heirs of the

6. The Prophets bequeath neither dinar nor
dirham; they bequeath knowledge. Whoever
takes it has taken an ample portion.'" [Abu
Dawud and at-Tirmidhi; Riyadh us Salihin,
Hadith 1388, p. 211]
However, these are the starting point, we
need to explain the work of dawah to them
and make Tashkeel.
There are hundreds of retired people in the
locality where we are working. We need to
approach them and tell them the way they can
make their time valuable. The best way is the
work of dawah. Some of them do not go to
mesjidh. We must tell them the virtues of
mesjidh and invite them for the programme of
the Jamaat.

The last but not lease are the sick people. We

can begin with the virtues of sickness. Here
are some ahadith.
Narrated Umm al-Ala: The Messenger of Allah
(‫ )ﷺ‬visited me while I was sick. He said: Be
glad, Umm al-Ala' for Allah removes the sins
of a Muslim for his illness as fire removes the
dross of gold and silver. [Sunan Abi Dawud,
Book 20, Hadith: 3092] Abu Hurairah
narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:
"Whoever visits the sick, or visits his brother
in Allah (faith), a caller calls out: 'May you
have goodness and livelihood be good, and
may you dwell in an adobe in Paradise.'"
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi: Vol. 4, Book 1, Hadith
2008] It was narrated that ‘Umar bin Al-
Khattab said: “The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said to me:
‘When you enter upon one who is sick, tell him
to pray for you, for his supplication is like the
supplication of the angels.’” [Sunan Ibn
Majah, Vol. 1, Book 6, Hadith 1441]
Again, the purpose is to start conversation
and take it to dawah. Tashkeel for the sick
person is to ask him for supplication. And
request him to make intention after recovery
for spending some time. The virtues of going
in the path of Allah (SWT) is the best tool to
persuade him.

Infiradhi and ijtamai

Infiradhi is the person to person. The elder suggest
we should give dawah to 25 persons daily. Probably
it means the Infiradhi dawah because in Ijtamai
dawah the speaker addresses a group or jamaat.
Therefore, the participants can be more than 25. So,
one brother can take one or two brothers and give
them dawah. One should start with introduction. You
can use any of the strategies of dawah we have
described under the Khasusi dawah. Remember that
make Tashkeel and if possible, take phone number
etc. Also tell him the programme of the jamaat. You
can invite him for food etc because some brothers
are single or student who cook or eat from outside.
They are prone to accept invitation. This will be an
opportunity to develop relation. Tabligh is the name
of development of relations through ikraam.
The person who introduced me to this noble work
used to say start with ikraam. It will lay dawn the
foundation of relation. And when you feel
appropriate then give dawah. We were in the rural
areas of Punjab; people were busy in forming and
some of them do not care for you. We used to carry
sweets, as soon as we approach them, we give them
a sweet saying “get your mouth sweeter”. We used
to plough the seed of dawah when they were
chewing the sweet.

7 Mazakras of Etiquettes

There are many of them which we take

in turn in the following paragraphs.

1-Etiquettes of mosque (Mesjidh)

Once we were in Jamaat and the ameer sahib was a
maulana. He used to do this mazakrah daily. As we
know the purpose of a mazakrah is to remind. Since
we stay in mesjidh, yet it is essential that we should
take care of etiquettes of mesjidh.
Massajidh are the houses of Allah (SWT); their
respect is our responsibility. It should be the first
mazakrah when we enter the new mesjidh so that
everyone must remember what to do.
The scholars say when we enter mesjidh we should
keep in mind the following points. Remember the
main part of the mesjidh is the prayer hall until and
unless specified.
1. Enter with wazu
2. Pray two nafil tahaya-tul-mesjidh
3. Lay down bedding in a corner or allocated room
4. Do not talk worldly affairs
5. Speak slowly and gently
6. Do not spread legs towards qibla
7. Make intention of nafil ihtiqaaf (It breaks when
we go out of the mesjidh)
8. Do not run

9. Avoid sleeping and eating except in dire need
10.Don not throw luggage because the land of
mesjidh is live
11.Enter with right foot and read dua of entrance
12.Leave with left foot and read outgoing dua
13.Do not laugh loudly
14.Keep it clean and tidy
15.Do not spread cloth in such a way that it looks
like you home
16.If you need to sleep, lay dawn a thick cloth
17.In case of wet dream leave the mesjidh
immediately and clean yourself i.e. Take bath
18.Do not eat smelly food like garlic and onion
before coming in mesjidh. It is applicable to
cigarettes as well.
19.Trade is not allowed i.e. either buying or selling.

There are others which brothers can ask scholars.

2-Etiquettes off eating (Breakfast, lunch and

We understand that any permissible (halal) action
that takes place according to sunnah is worship. We
eat many times daily. It can become worship
provided we eat according to sunnah manner. Here
are some of the main manners of eating.

• Wash your hands before sitting on the eating

• Lay down the eating mat (Dhusterkhan)
• Read dua or bismillah
• Eat with right hand
• Eat from your side of the port, if sharing it
• Take middle size morsels

• Sit in the sunnah way (there are three ways
to sit)
• Do zikr during food
• Drink water in the beginning or in the middle
but not at the end. Wait an hour to drink
• There are seven sunnah of drinking water:
a. Drink water while sitting
b. Drink three times/sips
c. Cover your head
d. Say bismillah
e. Use right hand
f. Look at the water
g. Say Alhamdolillah at the end
• Read dua at the end
• Wash and dry hands
• Use tooth picks for cleaning
• Wash your mouth
• Do not eat burnt or uncooked chapati/food
• Don not criticise food

These are some of the total. Please ask scholars for


3-Equates of sleeping
We sleep six or more hour daily. They can turn unto
ibadhat provided we sleep according to sunnah.
There are some manners of it including:
1. Pray two nafil before going to bed
2. Complete your amaal: recitation of Quran,
tasbihaat etc
3. Lay down a thick cloth if sleeping in the mesjidh
4. Wipe off your bedding
5. Lay down on you right hand side

6. Read Fathiha, ayah-tul-kursi
7. Last raku of surah Al-Baqrah
8. Surah Mulk
9. Surahs Kaosar, Kafiroon, Ikhlaas (three times),
last two surahs
10.Dua of sleeping
11.Forgive everyone
12.Make intention of Tahjudh
13.In case of a bad dream spit thrice on your left
(but in the mesjidh only pretend to do so) and
change your position Pray Tahjudh quietly
14.Read dua when wake up and wash your hands
before doing anything

Ask scholars for more details or any specific


The basis of all worship is the purification. The
external is concerned with making oneself from dirt.
It is possible either through bath or wazu. It is
important to know the minimum requirements for it.
They are called conditions or fraiz. For bath there are

1. Washing your mouth or doing gargle (if not

2. Washing your nose up to the soft bone. Use
your little finger of your left hand to clean the
3. Making your body wet so much so that even a
single hair should not remind dry

Note that the sunnah way is different from it because
it is in more detailed than it. But all these steps
include in it.

The second way of cleanliness is the wazu. It

consists of four activities/fraiz.

1. Washing hands including elbows

2. Washing face from one preauricular (ear pit)
to another
3. Wiping off one third of your head with wet
4. Washing feet including ankles

These are the compulsory elements. The way we do

wazu is the sunnah way. We should be doing sunnah
wazu but in case of emergency we can complete fraiz
only. These will be enough to get clean.

We can also do tiumum whenever we need it. We

should consult scholars about its requirements and

5-Mazakrah of speaker (Mutkallim)

When we go out for amumi ghust one
person is supposed to speak. He is the
mutkallim. When the guide introduces
him with the brother, he speaks about
the life of Hereafter, Jannah, etc. He can
say we have read the Kalimah where we
promised Allah (SWT) that we will spend
our lives according to His
commandments as shown by the Prophet
Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. How can they come in

our lives; it needs an effort? There is a
talk going on in the mesjidh about it. We
invite you to join us. If he excuses, then
we can invite him for the talk. However,
the speaker can say similar things to
convey him the purpose of our visit.

6-The guide (Rahbar)

Normally a local brother guides the
jamaat either in amumi or Khasusi visits.
He supposed to knock the door thrice (It
is a sunnah to do something thrice). In
case a brother welcomes him, he should
welcome the brother cheerfully and
introduce the speaker by saying we have
come from mesjidh (it means we are
connecting people with mesjidh). It is not
necessary that we say our jamaat has
come from Dewsbury etc. We are visiting
Muslims brothers in your street/area
today. Indicating towards the speaker,
he should say this brother will talk to you
for a few minutes. When the talk ends,
the rahbar should say slam to the
brother before departing.

7-The leader/responsible brother (Ameer)

A separate mazakrah is done in markaz with ameer
(s) of the jamaats. The ameer should take care of
his colleagues, he must be polite with them and take
mashwarah all the times. The ameer is like a serving
person in the Islamic theory. A few ahadith are being

summarized here in connection with the ameer and
his subject.

1-Narrated by 'Abdullah bin 'Umar, Allah's Apostle

(‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Surely! Every one of you is a guardian and
is responsible for his charges: The Imam (ruler) of
the people is a guardian and is responsible for his
subjects; a man is the guardian of his family
(household) and is responsible for his subjects; a
woman is the guardian of her husband's home and
of his children and is responsible for them; and the
slave of a man is a guardian of his master's property
and is responsible for it. Surely, every one of you is
a guardian and responsible for his charges." [Al-
Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 89, Hadith Number 252]
2-Narrated Abu Huraira, Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said,
"Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever
disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the
ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys
him, disobeys me." [Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 89,
Hadith Number 251]
3-Abu Hurairah (‫ )ﷺ‬narrates that Rasulullah (‫)ﷺ‬
said: Verily, Deen (religion) is Nasihah (sincere well-
wishing) verily Deen is Nasifiah, verily Deen is
Nasihah. The Sahabah asked: To whom Rasulullah?
He replied: To Allah, and His Book, and His
Messenger, and to the rulers of the Muslims and their
common folk. (Nasai) [Muntakhab Ahadith, Hadith
Number 140, pp. 440]
4-Abu Sulayman Malik ibn al-Huwayrith said, "We
went to the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, and we were a group of young
men. We stayed with him for twenty days and the
Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was kind and merciful. He thought that
we were missing our families and asked about those
we had left behind. He said, 'Return to your country
and stay among them, teach them and instruct
them. They should pray such-and-such at such-and-
such a time and such-and-such a prayer at such-
and-such a time. When it is time for prayer, one of
you should give the adhan and the oldest of you
should be the Imam " [Al-Bukhari Volume 1, Book
11, Number 601]
5-Narrated by Ibn 'Umar, Salim, the freed slave of
Abu Hudhaifa used to lead in prayer the early
Muhajirin (emigrants) and the companions of the
Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬in the Quba mosque. Among those (who
used to pray behind him) were Abu Bakr, 'Umar, Abu
Salama, and Amir bin Rabi'a. [Al-Bukhari, Volume 9,
Book 89, Hadith Number 287]
6-'Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As reported, "The
Messenger of Allah (‫)ﷺ‬, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, said, 'Those who are just will be on
mimbars (Pulpits) of light with Allah. They are those
who are just in respect of their judgements, their
families and what they are put in charge of."
[Muslim, Riyadh Saleheen, Hadith Number 660]
7-'Awf ibn Malik said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah
(‫)ﷺ‬, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say,
'The best of your Imams are those you love and who
love you, whom you pray for and who pray for you.
The worst of your Imams are those you hate and
who hate you, and whom you curse and who curse
you." He said, "We said, 'Messenger of Allah (‫)ﷺ‬,
should we depose them?' He said, 'No, not as long
as they establish the prayer among you. No, not as
long as they establish the prayer among you.'"
[Muslim, Riyadh Saleheen, Hadith Number 661]

The ameer sahib should consider these aspects while
managing jamaats. Once one Pakistani jamaat came
to our mesjidh, the ameer sahib was saying the elder
had made a mazakrah with us and said, “do not stop
brother from eating and sleeping”. There is an ayaat
mentioned in the beginning of the book which
means, if your colleague make mistake, forgive
them, do istaghfaar for them and consult them. I
believe it should be enough for ameer sahib to deal
with brothers.

8 Mashwarah (s)

It means meeting for making decisions about the

work of dawah. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬used to make it
with his companions, therefore, all matters are
decided with mashwarah in the effort of dawah.
There are certain occasions when it takes place. We
will discuss them in turn.

1-Daily mashwarah in jamaat

All jamaats supposed to conduct it in the morning
preferably after fajr bayan. The ameer of the jamaat
starts with little inspirational talk and then asks one
of the brothers to describe the etiquettes of
mashwarah. He can do so himself if he wishes to do
so or if any experienced brother is not available in
the jamaat. All brothers should participate in it
whenever it takes place.

Mashwarah is the command of Allah (SWT) and

sunnah of the prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. The purpose of it is to
unite the hearts of brothers. Create the worry and
concern of the work. When various opinions come
out it become easy for the ameer sahib to decide. It
is a virtuous action. Whatever is decided with
mashwarah Allah’s (the exalted) help come with it.
When the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬made mashwarah about the
prisoner of battle of Badr, Allah (SWT) approved it.

Similarly, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬made mashwarah a lot
of other occasions.
Some of the etiquettes of putting forward the opinion
are as follows.

There should be an ameer of the mashwarah

He can take opinions of all brothers or some of them.
But it is good to take the opinions of all because the
ameer sahib can involve everyone through asking for
The ameer should feel I am dependent upon the
brothers for making decision. And other brothers
should feel that it is my responsibility. Narrated Abu
Hurayrah: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: He who is consulted
is trustworthy. [Sunan Abi Dawud: Book 42, Hadith
5109] And It was narrated from Abu Mas'ud that
the Messenger of Allah(‫ )ﷺ‬said: "One who is
consulted is entrusted." [Sunan Ibn Majah: Vol. 5,
Book 33, Hadith 3746] So, one should put his
opinion keeping in mind that it is my responsibility.
Everyone should give mashwarah considering the
demands of the work considering the following
1. Wait for your turn
2. Give sincere opinion
3. If you need to revise your view point, ask
permission of Ameer sahib
4. Do not negate the opinions of others
5. Give your opinion to accept the final decision
whether is linked with yours or others
6. Make dua in your heart about goodness of the
7. When something is decided, be steadfast on it

8. Do not comment on something that may create
9. Do not conspire before the mashwarah with one
or more brothers
10.The ameer should make things easy for the

The ameer sahib can make any decision which

Allah (SWT) puts in his heart irrespective of
majority or minority. But one of our sahibs was
asking the brother and then use to tell the
brother to whom he supposed to give that amal
that the opinion is emerging about you to do this
amal. For instance, if many brothers suggest the
name of ameer sahib for bayan then it is better
to follow it. Any decided matter can be changed
with another mashwarah. Everyone should do
dua for the success of the mashwarah.
The ameer sahib can take karguzari of the
previous day before commencing new

2-Daily mashwarah in Massajidh

Mashwarah is one of the five local amaal. In our
mesjidh it takes place after fajr. The responsible
brother takes karguzari of the previous day. It is
followed by the current takaza e.g. three days
jamaat, Masturaat jamaat, taking youngster out etc.
Since jamaat goes almost every week from our
mesjidh yet names of the forthcoming jamaat are
read out. Some are included or deleted as the
situation may be. Names are also allocated for visits.
The mashwarah also included the weekly Masturaat
taleem that took place in two homes these days.

Sometimes we do mashwarah about gathering
(Joor) of youngsters, so we make mashwarah about
food etc. We also do mashwarah for Shab-e-Jummah
about parking and khidhmat.

3-Weekly mashwarah in markaz

A weekly mashwarah takes place in the markaz
every Tuesday to deliver the takaza/requirements of
our helkah. About 300 brothers get together from
about 40-45 Massajidh and make worry and concern
about how dheen can revive in our lives and in the
lives of entire humankind but they are making
efforts in their cities and Massajidh in the entire
halakah. It starts after a certain prayer and
continues for one hour. Normally the takaza of 4
months jamaats for India, Pakistan and Bangladesh;
4 months walking jamaats, 4 months jamaats for
Europe and American are distributed to different
Massajidh. In addition, 45 days jamaats for Europe
and America are required. Forty days, ten days and
three days jamaats for inside the country are asked
for. Similarly, karguzari about these requirements is
also listen regarding the efforts being undertaken in
different Massajidh, and in different cities.
Sometimes special takaza are discussed like hajj
jamaats, Shaban jamaats etc.

4-Monthly mashwarah in Dewsbury

The entire country has been divided in halaqaz for
the convenience of the work. There are eight halaqaz
in the country now; brothers from these halaqaz get
together in a gathering called monthly mashwarah.
It takes place after every six weeks. The mashwarah
stars from the morning of Saturday and continues

up to Sunday; usually the dua takes place before
Zohar. About 300 or more brothers participate in it
which looks like a mini ijtima because the
requirements are discussed for the entire country
and even for the entire world focusing on European
and American countries. Also, motivational and
inspirational talks take place throughout the
programme. Approximately, 15 or more matters are
discussed. I have participated many times in it; in
one of the events the following matters were
1. Karguzari of halaqaz
2. Three Chillah jamaats for subcontinental
3. Three Chillah jamaats for European and American
4. Four months walking jamaats; visiting these
jamaats wherever they work. Making worry and
concern about the areas where these jamaats
had worked.
5. Three persons including an Aalim for two months
programme for Nazamudhdhin
6. Masturaat jamaat for subcontinent for 40 days.
Twenty days jamaats for Europe. Forty days, 10
days and 3 days for the UK. Starting weekly
taleem after fulfilling the conditions. The
gathering of masturaat and their mehram who
spent some time (It usually takes place twice a
year in different cities). Every brother should
spare forty days after every three years and
three days every three months with his
7. The mazakrah of local work. Establishment of
five amaal, weekdays jamaats, gathering new

hajies and taking them in the path of Allah who
made intention before going to Hajj.
8. Brothers are required for one month and ten
days khidhmat in Dewsbury.
9. Efforts among youngsters and foreign students.
Welcome to foreign students and their
10.Regional ijtima and dates for them.
11.Making routs for small jamaats of 40 days.
12.Collecting those who are making intentions for 4
months every year.
13.The date for the next monthly mashwarah
14.Preparation of list of all those who spent 4
15.Reading a letter from Raiwind
16.Increasing effort among different nationalities
and professions.
17.Preparing a list of masturaat who spent 40 days.

The purpose of this gathering is to distribute the

requirements, and finetune brothers to revive
themselves to do the work of dawah with new spirit.
It looks like a refresher course after about 6 weeks;
it is very beneficial for the brothers who are working
and are active in the local work. Therefore,
everyone is not invited; only active brothers can
participate, and requirements are distributed among
them. Brothers travelled from far and wide areas of
the country. So, it is a matter of sacrifice.

5-Halqa’s Mashwarah after monthly

The monthly mashwarah takes place in
the Dewsbury markaz where limited

number of brothers participate. To
spread the worry and concern of the
elders and the decisions made over
there, every halqa conducts a
mashwarah. Every mesjidh can
participates in it. The message is sent
around all the Massajidh so that “Takazy”
should be worked upon in every mesjidh.
It is conducted in different masajidh of
the city in turn. It continues about an
hour or so. It starts with the inspirational
talk by one of the brothers appointed for
it. The karguzari of Massajidh are
taken/described which took place from
the last monthly mashwarah up to the
date of this event. The matters are
discussed and the “Takazy” taken by the
halqah are distributed. The date and
venue are also fixed for the next
mashwarah. It is concluded with dua.

9 Masturaat work

There are more masturaat in the world

than men and more children than these.
The dheen of mother is the dheen of
children. Therefore, it is important to
make efforts on masturaat. The
masturaat of sahabah (RA) did lots of
effort for the sake of dheen. Umm-e-
Haram (RA)'a martyred in Cyprus. Many
well-known sahabah (RA) embraced
Islam with the dawah of masturaat. The
first martyr of Islam was Summaya (RA).
Many famous pious people achieved their
status due to their mothers.
However, the work of masturaat is
delicate and needs care. There are two
types of work. The work at home and
kharuj fi-sabilillah. The first is concerned
with the environment of home and effort
of dawah. Daily taleem is the backbone.
In addition to reading from the book of
fazail, the mazakrah of six qualities is
necessary. The elders say do mashwarah
as well. Conduct halqa of tajweedh
Everyone should teach Islamic manners
to children. It includes the ways of
eating, sleeping and behaving etc.
Teaching salat is the responsibility of

parents. Looking after their salat is
necessary so that they make it part of
their lives.

Programme of masturaat jamaats

Jamaat for three days are standard after
every third month. Men should spend
two three days with men and then the
time third one with mahram masturaat
The programme starts with preparation
of jamaat. When at least four couples get
ready; they should get together in an
appointed home. Male should make
mazakrah of hidhayaat and jamaat
should go on the allocated rout. It is
usually taken from markaz preferably on
Tuesday. The responsible brother should
communicate with the brother where the
jamaat supposed to stay.
Jamaats for ten-days and forty-day work
in the country (UK) while twenty days
jamaats go for European countries. Forty
days jamaats are recommended for IBP
(India, Pakistan & Bangladesh) countries
as well.

Mazakrah of instructions (hidhayaat)

It's a great favour of Allah (SWT) who has enabled
us to get together for a great worry and concern that
how Dheen can revive in our lives and in the lives of
entire humankind. We are responsible for this and it

is a very virtuous job. Allah (SWT) forgives all
previous sins on the first step we take in the path of
Allah (SWT). With the grace of Allah (SWT) we have
spared sometime, and we are going to learn this
noble effort. Although we are in the path of Allah
(SWT) but Shaitaan, our nafs and our habits are with
us. We must control them. We need to make the
time precious which is easy if we will be doing this
according to the guidance of elders.

Time can be made precious when we spend this time

in four amaal. The first is invitation towards Allah,
the second is learning and teaching, the third one is
worship of Allah subhana-wa-tala and the final one
is the khidhmat. In addition, we must participate in
all the collective actions from the beginning to the
end. We must do all the individual amaal. We Know
the collective amaal start from the morning and
continue throughout the day until the Isha Namaz.
Similarly, the individual amaal start with tahajjud;
performance of all namaz/salat, recitation of Quran,
tasbihaat and doing khidhmat as much as possible.

The collective action includes morning six qualities,

taleem at 10, taleem after zohar or after every
namaz and mazakrah and bayaan from men side.

We must keep our journey according to sunnah. And

as soon as we will reach the destination, we will keep
our luggage at one place and cooking items in the
kitchen. We will do any collective action if it is
suggested. And we will do Infiradhi amaal; it is
important that we must do all amaal according to the
mashwarah from men.

Mazakrah of how to spend time
The purpose of this mazakrah is to remind everyone
that we are in the path of Allah (SWT) for our own
rectification. We need to correct our imaan and
amaal because they are not at the required level.

They increase with good amaal and decrease when

we do not do good amaal. The best piety is to avoid
disobedience of Allah. And do everything according
to sunnah of His prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. It is the standard
for everyone, and it is the approved way of life.

However, we are also responsible for the entire

ummah because we have been sent for this purpose.
Allah (SWT) says to the nearest effect that you are
the best people who have been sent for the guidance
of humanity. You invite people towards good and
forbid them from evil. And these are the successful
people. Therefore, our most important responsibility
is to persuade people for good actions. Remind them
the shortness of this life. And importance of amaal.
It is the only currency in the Day of Judgement.

Although the talk will be within six qualities, but
certain points must be kept in mind. The person
should describe fazail, the role of women in Islam,
the grooming of children, simplicity of life style,
importance of individual amaal and responsibility of
dawah etc. Emphasis should be placed upon ikraam
muslemeen. Taleem at home is the cure of all

spiritual ailments. So, it must be conducted on daily

Dua should be done at the end of the bayaan and

sister should do tashkeel. The men Jamaat should
leave the home as soon as possible. It is not
recommended to have eating session after bayan.
Sister should return to their homes from the bayan
so that thee Noor they have obtained should be
taken to home. When we go to market or another
place after bayan, we lost the Noor.

Mazakrah of return (Waapsi)

The significance of this mazakrah is to remind
everyone that we are going back to continue the
work at home. It was our training period. The major
job is yet to complete. The prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said on the
way back from the Tabuk expedition that we were
going towards big jihad i.e. challenge form the little

The second point is that we have not done the work

as it ought to be done. Therefore, we need to make
repentance and make firm intentions to do it next
time better than this occasion. We will do Istaghfaar
while leaving the home.

We should pay gratitude to the household who have

offered their house to us. May Allah (SWT) reward
them for it and accept their sacrifice. We should
leave the house/kitchen clean and tidy.

We will continue our individual and collective amaal

in our homes.

The mashwarah takes place in the morning to decide
the amaal for masturaat. It includes morning six
qualities, long taleem, taleem after zohar, taleem
before bayaan, tashkeel, any mazakrah that they
will do among themselves and taleem after isha.
Sometimes taleem after asr and maghrib is also
decided. Finally, who will do khidhmat is also
decided. The paper should be sent to masturaat as
soon as possible.

On the male side several matters are decided. Who

will do morning mazakrah, bayaan etc.? in
masturaat. Jamaat also needs to decide the amaal
of mesjidh. Brothers who are going to drop the paper
off should discuss karguzari with his mehram.

Masturaat should do tashkeel while sitting; write the
names of mehram but not the name of sister who is
making intention. Like mother of Zahid, wife of
Akram etc. Jamaat need to leave the tashkeel paper
and short karguzari paper in the house so that their
mehram can take it to mesjidh.

10 Miscellaneous

There are many topics which need
attention, but they do not fit under a
certain heading. For example, the twelve
principles or points. They are discussed
in here. Similarly, general gathering take
place at different occasions or on periodic
basis; they are called ijtima. Sometimes
it is called “joor”. For instance, hajji joor,
old workers joor etc. The chapter also
include individual amaal and Nusrat i.e.
visiting jamaats or offering help to them.

Twelve principles
It is divided into three groups. They are:

Doing the things most

Every brother should act upon these
dimensions. It is recommended that we
should practice them at home as well.
1. Dawah towards Allah, the almighty.
2. Learning and teaching of dheen
3. Worship to Allah (AWT), zikr and
4. Service to other (Khidhmat)

Doing less
We should be doing according to our
needs the following actions.
1. Less eating
2. Less sleeping
3. Less going out of mesjidh
4. Less talking about worldly matters

Forbidden actions
These actions are not allowed because
they generate anger and greed in the
minds of brothers. They are
1-Do not use any belonging of your
jamaat brother without permission. And
use the article only for the purpose you
have borrowed it. Return as soon as
2-Do not beg anything from anyone
either jamaat brothers or local brothers.
3-Do not be greedy, do not wish that a
brother should bestow upon you
anything you like out of his belongings.
4- Do not be extravagant. Spend your
money and other things as a dire need.
Ask Ulma about its details.

Ijtima (s)
One of the occasions of boosting the
work of dawah is to conduct large
gatherings. For example, we do the
following ijtimas in England.

1. International ijtima
2. Halqa ijtima (joor)
3. City ijtima (Like Manchester city
4. Gathering of brothers spent four
5. Professional gathering like joor of
taxi and market brothers who work
in weekends
6. Student gathering
7. Youngster joor in local masaajid.
8. Thursday gatherings
9. Haji joor
Any other such gathering can take place
as and when required.

Hajj jamaats and haji joor

Jamaats are sent to hajj every year from
all over the world especially from
Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and England.
The purpose of these jamaats is to do
the effort of Dawah among hujjaj. Since
people come from different corners of
the world and are available for dawah yet
it is good time to introduce them with
the work. These jamaats work in
Makkah, Madinah, Mina and Arafat. They
remind hajies about the responsibility of
dawah and ask them to spend some time
in the path of Allah (SWT) in their own
countries. The jamaats find out brothers
who spent four months or they are of
good worry and concern about the effort;

they request them to start taleem,
gusht, and mashwarah in their rooms. If
they are willing, I mean the haji brothers
then jamaat can visit hotels to talk to
them in their rooms and receptions of
the hotels.5

A joor takes place in the markaz annually

for the people who go for hajj. Hajj
jamaats also participate in it. The
scholars explain the manasik and the
work of dawah during the joor. It is very
informative and beneficial for everyone
especially for the above-mentioned

Nusrat (Helping jamaats)

Jamaats are coming in our mesjidh local
and foreign. It is the responsibility of
local brothers to give them time. We can
visit anyone with them. They are also a
means of expanding our work because
we can visit those brothers to whom we
normally could not. Brother living around
our mesjidh of different nationalities and
from different countries. We should serve
them food as well.

The details have been collected in my
following book: Prof Dr Javed Iqbal
Saani (2018) Hajj Experience: Combining
Dawah and Manasik, Intellectual Capital
Enterprise Limited, London, available on
amazon (Paperback edition).
Sometimes jamaat or brothers from our
mesjidh work nearby our area. We can
visit them; when we visit them, we
should take some ikram for them. The
walking jamaats need special attention.
Our visit can encourage them, and we
can know the areas where they work. We
can follow these places to consolidate our

The individual amaal

The personal amaal are the petrol for
dawah. Five-time salat is the most
important responsibility of every brother.
Three tasbihaat are also essential
because we invite people towards these
amaal, therefore, we should do it first.
Everyone should read one juz of Quran
daily, the huffaaz karam should
read/revise three juz. Learning and
practicing of duas of different occasions
are also part of zikr. Nafil salat are also
recommended especially tahajjud
because it is the practice of pious people
and a weapon for the inviter.
Participating in taleem at home and in
mesjidh are necessary. It is
recommended that two-and-half hour
must be devoted for the cause of dawah
daily. Back home brothers are spending
up to eight hours, ten days a month and
four months every year.


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Books of Ahadith

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(1983) Sahih Al-Bukhari, Translated by
Muḥammad Muhsin Khan, Lahore: Kazi

Imâm Abut Hussain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj,

SahIh Muslim, Translated by Nasiruddin al-
Khattab, Riyadh, 2007, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam.

Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj al-Qushayrī (1971-75)

Translated by Abdul Hameed Siddiqui Sahih
Muslim, Lahore, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf.

lmâm Hâfiz Abu Dawud, Sunan Abu Dawud

Sulaiman bin Ash'ath, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam,
Riyadh, 2007.

Imäm Hãfiz Abü 'Elsa Mohammad Ibn 'Elsa At-

Tirmidhi, Jamia’ At-Tirm1dhi, English
Translation by Abu Khaliyl, Riyadh, 2007,
Maktaba Dar-us-Salam.

Imiim Hiifiz Abu Abdur Rahmiin

Ahmad bin Shu'aib bin 'Ali

An-Nasa’i, Sunan An-Nasa’i, Riyadh, 2007,
Maktaba Dar-us-Salam.

Imam Muhammad Bin Yazeed

Ibn Majah Al-Qazwinf, Sunan Ibn Majah

Translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab, Riyadh,
2007, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam.

Abu Zakaria Al-Nawawi, Riyad-us-Saliheen,

Riyadh, 2007, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam.

Abu Zakaria Al-Nawawi, Arbaeen Nawawi,

Riyadh, 2007, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam.

Imam Malik bin Ans (RA), Muwatta Imam

Malik, translated in Urdu by Allama Molana
Abdul Hakeem Akhtar Shahjahanpuri, Lahore:
Fareed Book Stall, accessed on 14 November

Book, 96
A Books, 98
Abu Hudhaifa, 60 Brothers, 5, 39, 40, 45, 47, 68,
Abu Hurairah, 18, 19, 21, 38,
39, 48, 49, 59
Abuddarda, 20
Agenda, 2 Case Study, 98
Albaqrah, 32 Change, 98
Alhamdolillah, 3, 4, 55 City Ijtima, 79
Allah, I, Vi, Xi, Xii, Xiv, Xix, Consultation, 5
Xxi, Xxiii, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Cyprus, 71
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, D
36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 57, 59, 60, 63, Darudh Shareef, 11, 21
64, 65, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79 Dawah, Xxii, 1, 15, 77, 79, 80,
Amaal, Vi, 4, 14, 16, 41, 44, 46, 96
55, 65, 67, 73, 74, 75, 76, 81 Devotion And
Ameer, 29, 39, 41, 53, 58, 63, 64, Concentration, 23
65 Dheen, 72
Amumi Ghust, 29 Dua, 29, 30, 44, 46, 54, 55, 56,
Anas, Xi 64, 65, 67, 69
Angels, Xii, 48
Announcement, 3, 12, 25, 29, E
30, 31, 42
Elders, 1, 9, 11, 16, 42, 69, 71, 73
Arafat, 79
Etiquettes, 4, 22, 31, 45, 53,
Asr, 76 63, 64
At-Tirmidhi, 18, 21, 86
Fazail, Vi, 1, 2, 71, 74
'Awf Ibn Malik, 60 Fazail-E-Amaal, 84
Foreign Students, 68
B Forgiveness, Xii, Xiii, Xxi,
Backbone, 4, 31, 71 Xxiii, 17, 20, 34, 43, 46, 48
Badr, 63
Bayaan, 42 G
Bayan, 4, 7, 29, 30, 42, 63, 65 Guardian, 59
Bayhaqi, 38 Guide, 36, 39, 40, 57, 58, 86

Gusht, 4, 80 K

Kalimah, Xxii, 7, 57
Karguzari, Xxii, 46, 65, 66, 69,
Haakim, 38 76
Hadhrat Anas (RA), 37 Kharuj, Xxii, 1, 71
Hadhrat Hudhayfa (RA), Khasusi Dawah, 50
37 Kinds Of Dawah, 4, 45
Hadith, Xii, Xiv, 18, 19, 20, 21, Knowledge, X, Xi, Xii, 4, 10,
38, 39, 47, 49, 59, 60, 64 20, 32, 48, 49
Hajj, Xxii, 79, 80 Knowledge, 4, 10
Halal, 47, 54
Halaqaz, 66, 67 L
Halqa Ijtima, 79
Learning And Teaching,
Halqah, 22, 69
Xxii, 4, 18, 73
Hayatus Sahabah, 1, 84
Learning Sessions, 5
Hazrat Umer (RA), 26
Lings, 84
Hereafter, 13, 16, 17, 57
Humans And Genies, 15 M

I Madinah, 79
Makkah, 12, 79
Ibrahim (AS), 36
Management, 86
Imman, 7
Management, 83, 84, 85, 86,
Infiradhi, 50, 73
International Ijtima, 79
Managers, 97, 98
Iqbal, Xxiii
Mashwarah, 5, 25, 42, 58, 63,
Iqbal (2016), 85 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 76, 80
Islam, Xxi, Xxii, 1, 3, 9, 12, 15, Massajidh, 3, 53, 65, 66, 69
17, 26, 37, 71, 74 Masturaat, 5, 67, 68, 71, 72, 76
Islamic Theory, 58
Maulana Ilyaas, 1
Istaghfaar, 11, 41, 75
Maulana Yusaf, 1
Mazaakry, I, 2, 5
Mazakrah, 5, 22, 53, 58, 67, 71,
Jamaat, Xxii, 4, 5, 22, 29, 30, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76
41, 44, 46, 50, 58, 63, 65, 67, 72, Mesjidh, 3, 12, 16, 47, 49, 53,
78, 80 54, 55, 56, 58, 65, 69, 76, 78, 81
Jamaat, Xxi, Xxii, 27, 31, 39, 40, Message, 4, 14, 26, 69
41, 49, 53, 72, 75, 76 Messenger, Xi, Xii, 18, 19, 20,
Jamah, 10 21, 39, 47, 48, 49, 59, 60, 64
Jami` At-Tirmidhi, 38, 39, Mina, 79
48, 49 Molana, Vi
Joor, 66

Muhammad, X, Xiii, Xix, Xxi, Rasulullah, Xv, 10, 59
7, 48, 57, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 96, Regional Ijtima, 68
97 Responsibility, 1, 3, 16, 26,
Muslim, Xxii, 1, 9, 11, 13, 27, 32, 29, 30, 53, 64, 71, 74, 79, 81
38, 39, 47, 49, 60, 86 Riyadh Saleheen, 60
Muwatta Malik, 18 Routs, 68

Nafil, 8, 9, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 55 Saadiq And Ameen, 12
Namaz, 4, 5, 8, 9, 73 Saffat, 36, 37
Non-Muslim, 9, 12 Sahabah, 2, 3, 8, 13, 14, 22, 26,
31, 33, 37, 46, 71
P Sahih Al-Bukhari, 18, 20, 47,
Plan, 86 48
Planning, 85, 86, 96 Sahih Muslim, 86
Pleasure Of Allah Sakinah, 19
(SWT)., 10, 14, 17, 25, 27 Salah, 8, 9
Prayers, Xvii, Xxi, 22 Salat, 9, 11, 16, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30,
41, 42, 43, 46, 71, 81
Professional Gathering,
Salatul-Janaza, 4
Programme, Xxii, 30, 41, 44, Salatus-Tasbeeh, 23
49, 50, 67, 72 Scholars, 9, 10, 16, 27, 45, 53,
Prophet, Xxii, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 54, 55, 56, 57, 80
13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 37, Sincerity Of Intention, 14
38, 40, 46, 47, 49, 57, 59, 60, 63, Six Qualities, 7, 22
64, 84, 85, 95, 96 Speaker (Mutkallim), 39
Prophethood, 7, 30 Sunan Abi Dawud, 19, 20,
Prophethood, 12 49, 64
Punishment, 35 Sunan Ibn Majah, 18, 19, 20,
50, 64, 87
Purification, 56
Sunnah, 7, 10, 25, 42, 54, 55,
58, 63, 87
Sunnah, 2, 57, 73, 74
Quran, 2, 4, 9, 11, 20, 22, 23, 35, Surah Yaseen, 23
55, 73, 81
Tabligh, Xxii, 50
Rahber, 39 Tablighi Jamaat, Xxi, Xxii,
Raiwind, 68 1
Rakhmatuallah Alyhi, Tafsir At-Tabaree, 35
Xxii, 21 Tahajjud, 73, 81
Rasulullaah, Xiv, 30, 37 Tajweedh, 22, 71
Takazy, 69 Umm Al-Ala, 49
Taleem, Vi, 17, 22, 25, 74 Ummah, 8, 15, 34, 40
Tashkeel, 27, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, Umm-E-Haram (RA), 71
47, 49, 50, 76 Urdu, Vi
Tawaf, 10
Thawban, 38 W
The Middle Talk, 41
Wazu, 10, 21, 53, 56, 57
Third Kalimah, 11
Three Chillah, 67 Z

U Zohar, 25, 67, 73, 76

Ulma-E-Karam, 45

Other books by the author (s)

1. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018)

Managerial Implications of the Hijrah
Expedition, Intellectual Capital
Enterprise Limited, London, available
on amazon (Paperback edition)
2. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018)
Managerial Thoughts of the Prophet
(‫)ﷺ‬, Intellectual Capital Enterprise
Limited, London, available on amazon
(Paperback edition)

3. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Controlling

Strategy of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, Intellectual
Capital Enterprise Limited, London, available on
amazon (Paperback edition)

4. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Leading

Strategy of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, Intellectual
Capital Enterprise Limited, London, available on
amazon (Paperback edition)

5. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Organising

Strategy of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, Intellectual
Capital Enterprise Limited, London, available on
amazon (Paperback edition)

6. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Planning

Strategy of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, Intellectual

Capital Enterprise Limited, London, available on
amazon (Paperback edition)

7. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Qualities of

Momins: The Quranic Perspective, Intellectual
Capital Enterprise Limited, London, available on
amazon (Paperback edition)

8. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Hajj

Experience: Combining Dawah and Manasiks,
Intellectual Capital Enterprise Limited, London,
available on amazon (Paperback edition)

9. Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Sukhn-e-Saani

(The book of poetry), Intellectual Capital
Enterprise Limited, London, available on amazon
(Paperback edition)

10.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2018) Managing Your

Projects, Intellectual Capital Enterprise Limited,
London, available on (Paperback

11.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2017) Business Case

Studies, Intellectual Capital Enterprise Limited,
London, available on amazon (Paperback edition)

12.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2017) Virtues of

Sickness: Selected Ahadith, available on amazon
(Paperback edition)

13.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2017) Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬

Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬as a planning expert, available
on amazon (Paperback edition)
14.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2017) Muhammad
(‫)ﷺ‬: His Trials & Tribulations, available on
amazon (Paperback edition)

15.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2017) Sales and

Marketing: Selected Ahadith, available on (Paperback edition)

16.Prof Dr Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2016)

Research Proposals: Contents & Exemplars,
available on (Paperback edition)

17.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2016) Responsibilities

of Managers: Selected Ahadith, available on (Paperback edition)

18.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2016) Experience: The

Journey of My Life, available on
(Paperback edition)

19.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2012) Understanding

Information Systems, Manchester: GRaASS.

20.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2011) Digital Divide in

South Asia ISBN: 9789699578120.

21.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani and Muhammad Rafi

Khattak (2011) Managing Risk in Projects, ISBN:

22.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani and Muhammad

Nadeem Khan (2011, 2018) Understanding
Project Management, ISBN: 978969957845,
available on amazon (Paperback edition)

23.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2011) Information
Systems for Managers, Grass Books, Manchester.

24.Prof Dr Javed Iqbal Saani (2010) Managing

strategic change: a real-world case study, ISBN:
978-3838330952, available on
(Paperback edition)

[Please see the images of these books on the

following pages in addition to my doctoral thesis]

Islamic Management Style

Management Sciences

General Interest



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