Introduction Definitions and Sources of Drugs

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INTRODUCTION: DEFINITIONS AND Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs: OTC or

SOURCES OF DRUGS non-prescription drugs are those that can be

sold to a patient without the need for a doctor's
Pharmacology: It is the science that deals
prescription. e.g.paracetamol, antacids, etc.
with effects of drugs on living system.
Prescription drugs: These are drugs that can
Drug: WHO defines drug as 'any substance or
be obtained only upon producing a
product that is used or intended to be used to
prescription from a registered medical
modify or explore physiological systems or
practitioner, e g. ant1bioties, antipsychotics,
pathological states for the benefit of the
Pharmacoeconomics: deals with the cost,
Pharmacokinetics: It means the movement of
the drug within the body: it includes the economic aspect of the drug used
processes of absorption (A), distribution (D). therapeutically.
metabolism (M) and excretion (E). It means
'what the body does to the drug'. Pharmacogenomics:is the branch deal with
the use of genetic information to guide the
Pharmacodynamics: It is the study of drugs-
their mechanism of action, pharmacological choice of drug in persons.
actions and their adverse effects. It covers all Pharmacoepidemiology: is the study of both
the aspects relating to 'what the drug does to
the body. useful and adverse effect of drug on large
number of people.
Pharmacy: It is the branch of science that
deals with the preparation. preservation. Pharmacovigilance: branch of
standardization, compounding. dispensing and pharmacoepidemiology deals with the
proper utilization of drugs.
epidemiologic study of adverse drug effects.
Therapeutics: It is the aspect of medicine
Adverse drug reaction: is any response to a
concerned with the treatment of diseases.
drug that is noxious and unintended and
Chemotherapy: It deals with the treatment of
infectious diseases/cancers with chemical occurs at doses used in man for prophylaxis,
compounds that cause relatively selective diagnosis or therapy.
damage to the infecting organism/cancer cells.
Teratogenicity: is the ability of a drug to
Toxicology: It is the study of poisons, their cause fetal abnormalities when administered to
actions, detection. prevention and the
treatment of poisoning. a pregnant woman.

Essential medicines: According to WHO, Chemotherapy: is the use of drugs and

essential medicines are "those that satisfy the chemicals for the treatment of infections.
health care needs of majority of the
Chronopharmacology:involves the
population: they should be available at all
times in adequate amounts and in appropriate correlation of drug effect to circadian rhythm
dosage forms Examples arc iron and folic acid to obtain optimum therapeutic effects and
for anaemia in pregnancy, antitubercular drugs
minimize the adverse effects.
like isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide,
ethambutol, etc.
Drug interaction: alteration in the duration or 1. Chemical name: It describes the chemical
magnitude of the pharmacological effects of structure of a drug. It is not suitable for use in
a prescription, e.g. acetylsalicylic acid.
one drug by another drug.
2. Non-proprietary name: It is assigned by a
SOURCES OF DRUG INFORMATION scientific body/competent authority, e.g.
Pharmacopoeia is a book containing United States Adopted Name (USAN) council.
names of officially approved drugs It is commonly used as generic name, which is
with their physical and chemical uniform all over the world, e.g. aspirin.
characteristics. Generic names should be used in
It also includes tests for their prescriptions.
identification, potency, purity and 3. Proprietary name (brand name): It is
method of storage. Some of the given by the drug manufacturers. Brand names
pharmacopoeias are the Indian are short and easy to recall. A drug usually has
Pharmacopoeia (IP), the British many brand names-it may have different
Pharmacopoeia (BP), the European names within a country and in different
Pharmacopoeia and the United States countries, e.g. disprin. Brand names are also
Pharmacopoeia (USP). used in prescriptions.
Other sources of drug information are
National Formulary (NF), Martindale- SOURCES OF DRUGS
the Extra Pharmacopoeia, Physicians'
They are natural, semisynthetic and
Desk Reference (PDR), American
Medical Association Drug Evaluation,
textbooks, journals of pharmacology 1. Natural sources are plants, animals,
and therapeutics, drug bulletins, minerals, micro-organisms, etc.
databases like Micromedex, Medline, 2. Semisynthetic drugs are obtained from
Cochrane Library, etc. natural sources and are modified
Formulary provides information about chemically later.
available drugs-their use, dosage, 3. Synthetic drugs are produced
adverse effects, contraindications, artificially.
precautions, warnings and guidance on
The different sources of drugs are listed
selecting right drug for a range of
a. Plants:
Alkaloids, e.g. morphine, atropine,
Drugs usually have three types of names. They quinine, ephedrine
are as follows: Glycosides, e.g. digoxin, digitoxin
Chemical name Non- b. Animals: Insulin, heparin
proprietary name Proprietary / brand
c. Minerals: Ferrous sulphate, magnesium
name Acetylsalicylic acid
Disprin, Ecosprin N-acetyl-p- d. Microorganisms: Penicillin G,
aminophenol Paracetanmol streptomycin, griseofulvin
Crocin, Metacin, Tylenol
e. Semisynthetic: Hydromorphone,
f. Synthetic: Most of the drugs used today are Right route: Carefully check the route
synthetic, e.g. aspirin, paracetamol, f. mentioned in the prescription and product
cotrimoxazole, etc. label before administration.
Drugs are also produced by genetic Right time and duration: Administer the
engineering (DNA recombinant technology), drug strictly at the right time and at correct
e.g. human insulin, human growth hormone, intervals according to the prescription order.
hepatitis B vaccine. The drug should be administered for the
duration specified in the prescription.
Right documentation: The nurse should
1. Mention various sources of drugs with an
document the details of drug administration. If
example for each.
a patient refuses medication, it should also be
2. Write briefly on drug nomenclature. documented with the reason for
refusal/specified reason. Any adverse events,
which occur following administration of the
RATIONAL USE OF MEDICINES drug should also be recorded.

Rational use of medicines requires that DRUG STORAGE

patients receive medications appropriate to Proper storage of drugs is necessary to
their clinical needs, in doses that meet their maintain their quality, e.g. insulin vials,
own individual requirements for an adequate suppositories, low-molecular-weight heparin,
period of time, and at the lowest cost to them streptokinase, etc. require refrigeration. The
and their community" (WHO 1985). drugs should be stored according to the
PRINCIPLES OF DRUG instructions mentioned on the label.
Nurses administer drugs prescribed by Some of the Acts and Rules that govern the
the doctor. manufacture, sale, import, export and clinical
To ensure safe administration of drugs research of drugs and cosmetics in India are as
to the patient, the nurse should have follows:
proper knowledge about the prescribed
drug. The Opium Act, 1878 - To
The 'rights' of drug administration regulate cultivation and sale of opium.
include right patient, drug, dose, route,
The Poisons Act, 1919 - To
time, duration and documentation.
regulate the import, possession and sale of
Right patient: The correct patient should be poisons.
identified by name, hospital number, age, etc.
The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 - To
before administering the drug.
regulate the transport, import and export of
Right drug: Confirm the correct drug by dangerous drugs.
reading the label carefully and always check
The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 - To
the instructions mentioned on the label
regulate the manufacture, sale and distribution
including expiry date of the drug.
of allopathic drugs. Later, it was amended to
Right dose: Administer the correct dose as include ayurvedic, siddha, unani, homeopathic
prescribed. drugs and cosmetics.
The Drugs and Magic Remedies, 1954 - To Drugs for diseases like AIDS, cancer, angina
regulate the drug advertisements Act. pectoris and genetic disorders should not claim
to cure them.
The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Act, 1985 - To control and regulate Schedule 0
the production, sale and use of narcotics and
Standards for disinfectant fluids.
Schedule X
The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations Act,
1955 - To prevent the misuse of alcohol and Drugs are to be sold by retail on the
narcotic-containing preparations prescription of registered medical practitioners
only, e.g. drugs having addiction liability like
The Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 - To
morphine, cocaine. barbiturates and
control the prices of drugs and overall
amphetamine. Drugs like oseltamivir and
zanamivir have been included in this schedule
IMPORTANT DRUG SCHEDULES as per Drugs and Cosmetic (Amendment) Act,
There are some drug schedules to govern the
manufacture, sale and use of certain drugs. ScheduleY
Schedule C, C(1)
Guidelines for import and/or manufacture of
The manufacture, sale and import of biological new drugs for sale or clinical trials.
and special products, e.g. vaccines, sera,
toxins, adrenaline, insulin, vitamins, ergot and
their derivatives.
Schedule F, F(1)
Production, testing, storage and packing of
biological and special products Drugs which
are to be used only under medical supervision,
e.g. anticancer drugs, antiepileptics,
antidiabetics, etc.
Schedule G
Drugs which are to be sold only on
prescription of registered medical
practitioners, e.g. albendazole, atenolol,
pentazocine and cefazolin, etc.
Schedule H
It is dangerous to take this preparation except
in accordance with the medical advice 'Not to
be sold by retail without the prescription of a
Registered Medical Practitioner.
Schedule J

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