Fola Second Prelim Notes Malous

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Fola (second prelim notes) consists of noodles, meat (usually chicken, beef,

Malous module shrimp, or pork), onions and celery.


Táng cù páigǔ (糖醋里脊) Běijīng kǎoyā (北京烤鸭)
Sweet and sour pork has a bright orange-red color, Peking duck is a famous dish from Beijing, enjoying
and a delicious sweet and sour taste. At the very world fame, and considered as one of China’s
beginning there was only sweet and sour pork, but national dishes. The Sliced Peking duck is often
to meet demands, there have been some eaten with pancakes, sweet bean sauce, or soy
developments on this dish. Now, the pork can be with mashed garlic. A must-taste dish in Beijing!
substituted by other ingredients like chicken, beef
or pork ribs. - SPRING ROLLS
- GONG BAO CHICKEN Spring rolls are a Cantonese dim sum of cylindrical
Gōng bǎo jī ding (宫保鸡丁) shape. The filling of spring rolls could be vegetables
This is a famous Sichuan-style specialty, popular with or meat, and the taste could be either sweet or
both Chinese and foreigners. The major ingredients savory. After fillings are wrapped in spring roll
are diced chicken, dried chili, and fried peanuts wrappers, the next step is frying. Then the spring
rolls are given their golden yellow color.
Má pó dòufu (麻婆豆腐)
Bǎo zi
Ma po tofu is one of the most famous dishes in
A known as baozi or simply bao, bau, humbow,
Chuan Cuisine with a history of more than 100 years.
nunu, bakpao, bausak, pow, pau, or pao is a type of
Ma describes a spicy and hot taste which comes
steamed, filled bun or bread -like item in various
from pepper powder, one kind of condiment usually
Chinese cuisines, as there is much variation as to the
used in Chuan Cuisine.
fillings and preparations.
Yún tūn (馄饨) Yuèbǐng
Since the Tang Dynasty (618–907), it has been a A mooncake is a Chinese bakery product
custom for people to eat wontons on the winter traditionally eaten during the Mid -Autumn Festival.
solstice. The shape of a wonton is a right triangle, The festival is for lunar appreciation and moon
similar to Italian tortellini. Wontons are commonly watching, when mooncakes are regarded as an
boiled and served in soup. The filling of wontons can indispensable delicacy.
be minced pork or diced shrimp.
Shuǐjiǎo (饺子) DRAGON
With a long history of more than 1,800 years, it’s a - DRAGON The dragon is an exceptional sign.
traditional food popular in North China. Dumplings Proud, assertive, intelligent, and strong.
consist of minced meat and chopped vegetables However, the other side of the Dragon can
wrapped into a thin piece of dough skin. Dumplings be pushy, impulsive, and intolerant. They
are a traditional dish eaten on Chinese New Year’s breath fire in every direction; for both good
Eve. and bad. They attract the positive and the
attention, and stir up energy!! They make
- CHOW MEIN the point, and make it well, but sometimes
lack consultation when needed. Dedicated
Chǎomiàn (炒面)
workers, and great companions....In for the
The "Chow mein" is the Cantonese pronunciation of long haul!!!
the Chinese characters above, which means stir fried
noodles. Generally speaking, this stir -fried dish
SNAKE excellent characteristics, such as being
- Snake Years : They proceed at their own honest, bright, communicative and
pace, which can be mis- understood. They ambitious. Most of them are born pretty or
often shed their skins taking and venturing handsome, and prefer to dress up. In daily
onto something completely new. They are life, they seldom rely on others.
great at showing off their social side, but
tend to enjoy being left alone to evaluate DOG
the situation. They are elegant and refined, - DOG .The happy cheerful, dedicated and
passionate, sleek and sexy; but can be honest. These people have a great sense of
jealous and possessive if their rock is justice and fair play. They are loyal and
overturned on too many occasions. always on alert. Being that they usually have
HORSE a watchful eye, many are prone to worry too
- These people are usually popular, mentally much. When hurt or deceived they tend to
alert, good workers, straight forward and gnaw at the details. But, eventually they pull
honest. They seek the challenge; strive for it together and move forward with a playful
success; in search for freedom. They can gate. Dog people can have a bit of a temper,
gallop off in search of these things. They do but their bark is worse than their bite. They
not tire easily, but can shy away if they feel are dedicated to companionship and and are
they are being put in their pen too often, faithful for life.
and then the open field is too tempting to
not run towards. When they find a partner PIG
they are dedicated, and at times can loose - Pig people are honest, kind, generous and
their heads in the way of romance; and funny. They have a great sense of humor
often make mistakes while finding the right and love to wallop in the mud. They love
partner. their homes and are quite content keeping
GOAT house. They are steady, patient, and great at
- SHEEP (GOAT) The sheep (called the Goat at organizing both their jobs, money, and
times) go at their own pace. They do not like family life.
being rushed or put on the spot. They are RAT
charming yet hold back their emotions. - RAT Charming and sociable, but a cool
Lovers of nature and the arts. They cookie. The Rat is comfortable within groups
appreciate and need stability and prefer to of people, and work well with the public.
have people oriented professions. Well They are creative and quite smart. They
mannered and a bit shy, but readily will lend grasp situations quickly and pay attention to
an ear to a friend. The Sheep can be easily details. They take advantage of opportunity,
hurt and can become upset if deceived. and move towards their mark, but since they
Dedicated to marriage and a friend!! cannot resist the chance to move quickly;
sometimes they can overstep their
MONKEY boundaries and take on too much at one
- MONKEY .. These people adapt well with time. They are passionate lovers; and their
situations and are quick on their feet. They feelings are true. They are dedicated to their
have the “gift of gab”, are original and lively. friends and give heartfelt advice and
Many people feel that the Monkey is comfort.
intimidating and may shy away, but soon the
attraction is made. The Monkey has many OX
interests which makes them always fit in - The Ox is study and plows the fields alone.
somewhere. Not the nine to five type person They are independent workers and
though; the Monkey needs freedom and a dedicated for the long haul. They can be
partner that keeps them stimulated loners. Social gatherings are more dutiful
than needed. Family structure is important
ROOSTER to the ox. Values and morals are taught.
- People born in the Year of Rooster They cherish their private lives and
according to Chinese zodiac have many homestead.
- Tigers are passionate, strong, swift, and WATER
courageous. They love their freedom and do Water supports creativity. Water people have a
Water supports creativity. Water people good deal of wisdom and the ability to sway others.
have a This is a very passionate element yet one with an air
- good deal of wisdom and the ability to sway of mystery. If you’re a water person you probably do
others. This a lot of ruminating. Feng Shui recommends cool,
- is a very passionate element yet one with an dim spaces when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
air of
- mystery. If you’re a water person you CHINESE LUCKY COLORS/NUMBERS
probably do a lot of
- ruminating. Feng Shui recommends cool, The top three lucky colors in China
dim spaces
- when you’re feeling overwhelmed.not do (I) Red — Happiness, Success and Good Fortune
well when stripped of their independence.
They can be quite dominate, and need to Red represents fire and is the most popular color in
feel powerful. China. It is also the national color representing
RABBIT happiness, beauty, vitality, good luck, success and
- RABBIT The peaceful little bunny. Usually good fortune.
keeping out of the fight, and at times
turning a blind eye to dispute. Diplomatic, Red is famously popular in relation to anything
gentle, emotional and sentimental. They can Chinese and is widely used during festivals and
at times seem rather selfish as they enjoy important events like weddings.
their own garden.
Red lanterns adorn businesses and residences.
WOOD Double rows of red "Xi" (happiness) letters
Wood has a strong trunk, meaning once you decide are pasted on gates and doors. People wear red
something you can stand firm. This element is active during weddings, festivals and other celebratory
with lots of initiative, compassion and imagination. events. Red envelopes are stuffed with money and
When wood hits an obstacle it becomes remorseful given as gifts during Chinese New Year.
and stressed out. When you succeed you share that
victory. Feng Shui recommends surrounding
yourself with living plants for positive energy (II) Yellow — Royalty and Power of the Throne

FIRE Yellow — corresponding to earth — symbolizes

The fire persona is very “in your face”. There is no royalty and is reserved for the emperor.
hemming and hawing with this type of person – just
speak your mind. Some of the characteristics you The first Emperor of China was known as the
can expect in a fire person include perception, Yellow Emperor. China was often referred to as
leadership, zeal, vigor and enthusiasm. People 'Yellow Earth', and its mother river is the Yellow
regard you as being somewhat eclectic and River. This is the most important color from an
periodically jealous. Feng Shui recommends looking ancient perspective.
to interesting collections that feed your spirit like
old coins and artwork Official seals were packaged in yellow fabric.
Overlooking the Forbidden City from Beijing Jing
EARTH Mountain, one can see a sea of yellow glazed tile
If you are an Earth person your friends see you as roofs. Gilded copper urns and animals adorn many
very practical, dependable, trustworthy and palaces.
thoughtful – in other words “salt of the earth” type
qualities. You’re very instinctive, but sometimes get In Chinese Buddhism, yellow is associated with
carried away with “things” rather than action. Feng freedom from material needs and monks wear
Shui recommends comfortable items that keep you yellow robes.
well-grounded in your native element.
(III) Green — Money and wealth Unlucky Colors

Green is the color of wealth, fertility, regeneration, Successful real estate company Lianjia is branded in
hope, harmony and growth. Green also represents green and yellow. Mixing colors in China, i.e.
pure and clean. combining a main color with bits of another
positive-meaning color, is common and can have
Buildings, banks and restaurants are often painted varied interpretations and meanings.
in green. Packaging for milk or produce is often in
green to indicate that the product is contamination White
free. This is the color representing metal and is associated
with death and mourning. The Chinese wear white
Other Colors of Significance at funerals.

In Chinese Five Elements Theory, a traditional White

philosophy about natural interactions used in
fengshui etc., red represents 'fire', yellow 'earth', White, corresponding to metal, is the color of
white 'metal', black 'water', and green (or blue) mourning. In Chinese culture, white is associated
'wood'. with death and is used in funerals, it is the color of
Chinese Five Elements Theory Colors in Chinese Five
Elements Theory Black, corresponding to water, is another color
associated with mourning and death. Both white
Blue is usually seen in combination with green or and black are unlucky colors for Chinese New Year.
black. Blue can represent wood and symbolizes
spring and brings a positive meaning. Lucky Chinese Zodiac Colors

Blue stands for healing, trust and long life. Shades of Rat —— black, blue
green/blue are used to decorate homes for
longevity and harmony. Ox —— yellow

Black Tiger —— red, green

Black corresponds to water and is considered to be Rabbit —— green

a neutral color in Chinese culture and is the color of
heaven, symbolizing the northern and western sky. Dragon —— yellow
This color represents immortality, knowledge,
stability and power. Snake —— purple

Because of this, government cars are all black. The Horse —— blue
police uniform is also black to project authority and
control. Goat —— blue, green

Gold Monkey —— gray, purple

Gold is a color of richness and nobility — similar to Rooster —— blue, white

how its perceived in the West.
Dog —— black, white
Combinations of gold and red are seen on special
occasions and is a winning color combination for Pig —— brown
packaging consumer goods.
The Luckiest Number in China: 8 considered lucky. New ventures or contracts are
signed on dates that have 6 in them.
'8' is the most favored number in modern China due
to its association with wealth and luck. The Chinese The number 7
love this number both in trivial matters and in big 7 (七), pronounced qi/ chi, is a number that
moments. 8 is given the highest priority when symbolizes togetherness and harmony as its is
buying a number plate or buying a house. considered to be the union of yin, yang and the five
elements (described above) in Confucianism.
The number 2 The Chinese strongly believe in
harmony and balance, hence even numbers The number 9
naturally gain preference over odd numbers. The 9 (久), pronounced jiu, is a popular number, much
number 0 is a whole number as well as an even one, like 6 and 8. It is similar to the word that means
especially for money, and is thus considered a lucky everlasting. It is common to gift your beloved 99
digit. roses on Valentine's Day in China. 9 is the highest
single digit number and hence represents
2 (两), pronounced er or liang, is considered to be completeness.
lucky as the Chinese believe that all good things
come in pairs. This is observed in repeated This made it very popular with Emperors who used it
characters in some brand names or gifts. in many aspects of their administration, right from
dividing the empire into 9 continents, wearing nine-
The number 3 dragon imperial robes, nine-rank system for officials,
3 pronounced san , is considered lucky due to its etc. In Chinese mythology, it is said that the Dragon
similarity in sound to the word that means birth has 9 children.

The number 5 Unlucky Numbers in China

5 (五), pronounced wu, is associated with the five Unlucky 4

elements - earth, water, fire, wood, metal - which is While only a few numbers are considered unlucky in
regarded as the basis of the world in ancient China, the number 4 is the most unlucky as it rhymes
Chinese culture and was associated with the Chinese with the word that means death.
emperor. This number has more of a historic
significance. Interestingly, you will notice this in building
elevators which usually omit this number.
An instance is the Tiananmen Gate which is the main
entry to the Forbidden City. This gate contains 5 Unlucky 3
arches. In Chinese history, the number 5 is used in The number 3 can be unlucky as well depending on
many classifications, such as five flavors (pungent, the situation and use. For example, gifting to friends
sweet, sour, salty, bitter), five sacred mountains or to couples seldom contains the number 3 in any
(Huashan, Hengshan in Hunan, Hengshan in Shanxi, form of association. Three is pronounced 'san'
Songshan and Taishan) and so on. which is similar to the word that means 'to part
The number 6
6 (六), pronounced liu, is considered lucky as it
sounds like the word that means 'to flow', and can Like 5, 7 has both positive and negative
indicate smooth progress in life. It also means connotations in Chinese culture. For the positive
well-off. Similar to 8, 6 is preferred in number plates side, 七 sounds like both 起 (qǐ), which means
and phone numbers. When a couple gets engaged, “start” or “rise”, and also 气 (qì), which means
the man customarily offers a gift to the girl's “vital energy”. Seven is also seen as a lucky
family which is usually money (RMB 6,666 and such) number for relationships. The Qixi Festival (七夕節),
and this gift signifies a harmonious life for the also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on
couple. If a person is to celebrate their 66th the 7th day of the 7th month in the lunar calendar.
birthday, that is a grand occasion. In business, 6 is
The 7th month is also known as the “ghost month”
in China, where ghosts and spirits are believed to
rise from hell to visit earth. While ghosts may be
seen as omens, the ghost festival in the 7th month is
widely celebrated. 7 may also be considered unlucky
because 七 sounds like 欺 , meaning “cheat”.

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