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PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT AND ITS IMPORTANCE respective spheres of responsibility (baseline data, best practices,

existing protocols and projects, and insights). Including them in the

Before carrying out a full- blown assessment is critical to conduct a decision-making process, opening opportunities for livelihood,
preliminary evaluation of the study area. Although the preliminary employment, and businesses on a fair set of guidelines, and ensuring
site evaluation (PSE) contained in DENR DAO 2013- 19 was designed that the noneconomic benefits such as improved infrastructure and
for protected areas. PSE can be applied to the tourism sites. PSE can public services will help create a positive tourism mindset
help to provide a picture of how ready to place is for tourism development. THE PERCEPTIONS AND ATTITUDES OF STAKEHOLDER
GROUPS are essential for tourism to gain attraction and take off.
An emerging tourist attraction/site is one where the supply and
demand are still in the inception or development stage. A potential
Political support for tourism is vital since the local chief executives
attraction/site is basically a greenfield or an area without tourism
and councils set the legislative agenda. Tourism that the political
structures and visitors but which has outstanding aesthetic appeal.
leaders champion usually gains momentum faster than tourism that
Hazard and Security Issues One red flag is the presence of serious A mayor and local council that advocates tourism will pass
hazards in the area study. Good sources for this information are the legislation, create the relevant tourism office, and allocate funding
LGU’s CLUP which usually contains a section on identified hazards more speedily.
and susceptibility to such hazards, Disaster Response and Recovery Many Local politicians understand the value of successful tourism
Management Plan (DRRM) Plan ( LCCAP). Hazards can be natural or programs. An indicator of political support for tourism is the
man- made. Extreme weather conditions or geological phenomena presence of updated tourism plans and ordinances.
may bring about natural hazards. They include the threats of
typhoons, storm surges, flooding, erosion, landslides, earthquakes, Significant Attractions In The Area
volcanic eruption, and extreme heat, which could spark wildfires. Attractions can be natural or cultural. Planners can assess them in
terms of their uniqueness and natural beauty, the level of their
Planners may evaluate these hazards in terms of their frequency, preservation, and appeal to the senses.
severity, and extent of affected areas. Man- made hazards include In the case of heritage attractions, the older they are, the more
insurgency, terrorism, serious crimes, and infection diseases, such as significant they usually are as well. The living heritage city of Vigan is
COVID-19. Newspaper and military and police provide information probably one of the most well-preserved of such type attraction.
about these security problems. Planners must also evaluate the resources relative to the rest of
the local economy and its competitors or neighboring towns and
Control and Ownership of the Land- DOT et al, (2017) identify land cities. An LGU must be wise enough to prioritize other industries to
ownership as among the salient factors that need to be assessed in generate better outcomes for their constituents if their tourism
tourism planning. The DOT et al, (2017) favor government – owned resources are pretty ordinary. Features The other senses: hearing,
lands over private lands. This is because of LGU will have free hand touch, smell and tastes.
in developing tourism in a government – owned area but not
privately owned land. Accessibility
The government cannot fund projects in privately owned land, Another point to be considered is accessibility. This factor has
protected area, indigenous people’s ancestral domains, or those something to do with the infrastructure that will enable visitors to
under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. There is a reach the attractions. The DOT recommends that sites be no farther
need to secure permission from protected Area Management Board than two hours from a gateway, such as a seaport or an airport, and
(PAMB) is a protected area Authorization from the indigenous not more than thirty minutes from the town center or service
peoples (IP) community chieftains and the National Commission for center. The service center is the most urbanized town in the
IP (NCIP) will need to be confirmed if it is an ancestral domain. The province, usually the capital. Infrastructure includes expressways,
process could be difficult but not impossible. The government is not roads, bridges, and railways. Other aspects are their frequency,
allowed to use public funds on private property. For example, if a schedule trips, and alternative modes by lands, sea, or air. MOST
resort owner asks the LGU to improve the private road leading to TRAVELERS- waterfall
their resorts, he/ she will be denied.
Sensitivity Of The Site To Tourism Impacts
Stakeholder Support For Tourism Development Another consideration is the potential impact tourism can create on
One of the pillars of sustainable tourism developments is the the site. This actor may not be so critical if the site is in a brownfield
inclusion of tourism STAKEHOLDERS in decision making. They refer or a built-up area. However, it the site is in a greenfield, the
to people affected by tourism development, which essentially development will need to be controlled strictly to prevent averse
means everyone. Therefore, to the greatest, extent possible, all environmental impacts. There are classifications of protected areas
stakeholder groups must help formulate tourism plans and share the where tourism may be allowed only on a tiny scale. Environmentally
benefits and even costs of developing them. critical areas (ECAS) cover mangrove forests, coral reets, water
Representatives of government’s agencies, tourism officers, bodies, and habitats of endangered animals. The carrying capacities
development officers, the academe, the religious sector in these areas are much smaller; the authorities curtail tourism
nongovernmental organizations, people's organizations, and private activities to prevent environmental degradation. Planners may find
sectors should be able to attend workshops and consultative where such ECAs are in the LGU's CLUP.

Micro-entrepreneurs, local transport operators (jeepney, tricycle,

habal-haban), PWDs, senior citizens, member of the LGBTQIA+
community, and indigenous peoples constitute the vulnerable
groups that should also have a hand in tourism planning. These
groups are excellent sources of information and data in their

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