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City of San Jose del Monte

English for Academic and Professional Purposes
March 27-March 31, 2023
Day 1


Content Standard: The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept paper.

Performance Standard: produces a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline

Learning Competencies:

1. defines what a concept paper is CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-19

2. determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
clarification CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-20
3. identifies situations in which a concept paper may be effectively used to improve our
society CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-21
4. comprehends various kinds of concept papers CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-22

Learning Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the learners will be able to:

a. 1. Identify geographic,
linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
b. history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
c. regions.
d. 2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
e. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
f. 1. Identify geographic,
linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
g. history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
h. regions.
i.2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
j. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
a. define what a concept paper is;
b.determine the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
clarification: and
c. . produce a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline


A. Topic: Concept Paper

B. Reference : DepEd Most Essential Learning Competencies
English for Academic and Professional Purposes – Grade 11/12 Learning Material s
C Materials : Laptop, PPT Presentation


A. Preliminary Activities
Prayer (The teacher will assign a student to lead the prayer.)
Greetings! (The student will greet their teacher.)
Classroom Management (The teacher will ask the student to pick up the pieces of
paper under their tables and chairs)
Checking of attendance (The teacher will ask the class secretary if do they have
absentees in today’s discussion.)

B. Review

In the previous lesson we able to learn about the steps to read and react to a text.

C. Motivation

Stop, Look & Learn: I will present some words. Give me your insights about the following
words. Each student who can explain each word correctly will receive an additional points to
the next activity.

D. Discussion

What is a Concept Paper?

All research projects need a concept paper: a short summary that tells the reader what the project is,
why it is important, and how it will be carried out. Even if no one else ever reads it, the concept
paper helps a researcher spot holes in her or his project that might later prove fatal. It is far better to
be clear at the beginning than to put in a lot of effort for nothing! Typically, a concept paper contains
these elements:
1. A title in the form of a question. This may be the last part of the concept paper that you write, but
it should appear at the heading of the paper.
2. A clear description of the research topic, including a summary of what is already known about that
3. A one-sentence statement of the research question that the project will seek to answer. (This is
almost always something that is not known.) The concept paper should elaborate on how this
question can be answered -- something that almost always takes more than one sentence to
4. A demonstration of why it is important to answer this research question. What good comes of this
answer? Why is this project worth writing?
5. A description of how the researcher plans to answer the research question.
This includes:
a. a description of the data or evidence that the researcher plans to gather or use;
b. a description of how the researcher will analyze these data, and
c. a demonstration of how these data and this analytic method will answer the research question
How to Write a Concept Paper ?
A concept paper is a document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a product,
program, or service become a reality.a

Elements Defintion
INTRODUCTION  states your mission and vision and a brief
introduction of your project / campaign

PURPOSE  presents the reason why the project /

campaign is worth your sponsor’s time,
effort, and money

DESCRIPTION  details all the necessary information about

the project
 involves the website/s or page you are
going to produce and the purpose of each
and how they work in unison

SUPPORT  contains the budget needed for the

project, though some concept papers do
not specify any amount requested from
the sponsor

CONTACT INFORMATION  gives information on how the group can be


E. Application
Identify the paragraph pattern being referred to as: (a.) Process Analysis (b.) Persuasion (c.)
Classification (d.) Cause and Effect (e.) Definition Write the letter of your answer in the space before
each number.
__________1. The purpose of this paragraph is to fully and clearly explain a term or a subject,
and this is generally done using one of three different methods: providing a synonym, placing
the topic within a larger category, or providing an explanation of what the topic is NOT in order
to better explain what it IS.
__________2. The purpose of this paragraph is to convince your reader that your opinion is the
right one.
__________3. At its most basic level, this is a question of what happened first, and what
happened second.
__________4. This pattern allows you to either divide a topic into its component parts, or to
categorize a group of related items or events. When dividing you begin with one central topic
and break that down into multiple parts.
__________5. This paragraph gives your reader instructions on how to accomplish something,
or an account of how some event occurred. Following a logical order is very important in a
process paragraph. If you are writing instructions, steps should be listed in the order that they
should be performed and if you are describing a past event, it is generally best to follow a
chronological order.
F. Generalization
The teacher will ask the student about what they have learned. The student will
summarize the lesson and explain the importance of the lesson.

IV. Evaluation
Write your own concept paper for a program. Use the example below as a guide.
Be guided by the following rubrics.
V. Assignment
Research about Three Ways in Explaining a Concept.
City of San Jose del Monte
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
March 27-March 31, 2023
Day 2


Content Standard: The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept paper.

Performance Standard: produces a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline

Learning Competencies:

1. defines what a concept paper is CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-19

2. determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
clarification CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-20
3. identifies situations in which a concept paper may be effectively used to improve our
society CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-21
4. comprehends various kinds of concept papers CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-22

Learning Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the learners will be able to:

k. 1. Identify geographic,
linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
l.history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
m. regions.
n. 2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
o. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
p. 1. Identify geographic,
linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
q. history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
r. regions.
s. 2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
t. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
a. identify the ways how concept paper explain ;
b. recognize the importance of writing concept paper; and
c. produce a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline.


A. Topic: Concept Paper

B. Reference : DepEd Most Essential Learning Competencies
English for Academic and Professional Purposes – Grade 11/12 Learning Material s
C Materials : Laptop, PPT Presentation


A. Preliminary Activities

Prayer (The teacher will assign a student to lead the prayer.)

Greetings! (The student will greet their teacher.)
Classroom Management (The teacher will ask the student to pick up the pieces of
paper under their tables and chairs)
Checking of attendance (The teacher will ask the class secretary if do they have
absentees in today’s discussion.)

B. Review

In the previous lesson we able to learn about the concept paper and different elements of
concept paper

C. Motivation

Stop, Look & Learn: I will present some words. Give me your insights about the following
words. Each student who can explain each word correctly will receive an additional points to
the next activity.
D. Discussion

Three Ways in Explaining a Concept

1. Definition
a. Definition usually forms the core of a concept paper;
b. this definition may consist of the original meaning of the term/concept, especially one of foreign
borrowing, and the modifications on its original meaning; and
c. formal sentence definitions: their components are the term being defined, the class it belongs to,
and its distinguishing characteristics
2. Explication
Explication," says David R. Williams, "is the full interpretation of the text, its history, its context, the
definitions of the terms, even the different interpretations possible"(Sin Boldly! 2009). (Marc
Romanelli/Getty Images) (By Richard Nordquist) Updated March 08, 2018)
Explication is a term in research and literary criticism for the close analysis of a text or of an excerpt
from a longer text. Also known as exegesis. The term is derived from explication de texte
(explanation of text), the practice in French literary studies of closely examining the language of a
text to determine meaning.
Explication is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or passages are taken
away from a literary or academic work and then interpreted and explained in a detailed way
Examples and Observations
“[An explication is an] attempt to reveal the meaning by calling attention to implications, such as the
connotations of words and the tone conveyed by the brevity or length of a sentence.
Unlike a paraphrase, which is a rewording or rephrasing in order to set forth the gist of the meaning,
an explication is a commentary that makes explicit what is implicit.
If we paraphrased the beginning of the Gettysburg Address, we might turn 'Four score and seven
years ago our fathers brought forth' into 'Eightyseven years ago our ancestors established,' or some
such statement. In an explication, however, we would mention that four score evokes the language
of the Bible, and that the biblical echo helps to establish the solemnity and holiness of the occasion.
In an explication, we would also mention that fathers initiate a chain of images of birth, continued in
conceived in liberty, any nation so conceived, and a new birth."

3. Clarification
a. To clarify is to make something more clear or easier to understand.
b. Points are organized from general to specific ideas/abstract to concrete examples.
c. This entails the analysis of the concept by looking at the examples.

E. Application
This time, you are going to analyze a concept paper for a program that will present by your
teacher. Read it carefully then do the task that follow.
A. List at least ten words you do not understand. Look up its meaning in the dictionary and use it in
your sentences.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________

B. Give the paragraph number/numbers for the following parts of this concept paper.
1. Introduction : Paragraph/Paragraphs ___________________________________
2. Purpose : Paragraph/Paragraphs ___________________________________
3. Description : Paragraph/Paragraphs ___________________________________
4. Support : Paragraph/Paragraphs ___________________________________
5. Contact Information : Paragraph/Paragraphs ___________________________________

C. Which paragraph/paragraphs shows the following methods of explanation?

1. Definition : Paragraph/Paragraphs ___________________________________
2. Explication : Paragraph/Paragraphs ___________________________________
3. Clarification : Paragraph/Paragraphs___________________________________

F. Generalization
The teacher will ask the student about what they have learned. The student will
summarize the lesson and explain the importance of the lesson.

IV. Evaluation
Write your own concept paper for a program. Use the example below as a guide.
Be guided by the following rubrics.
V. Assignment
Read the Concept paper about Blended Learning


City of San Jose del Monte
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
March 27-March 31, 2023
Day 3


Content Standard: The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept paper.

Performance Standard: produces a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline

Learning Competencies:

5. defines what a concept paper is CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-19

6. determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
clarification CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-20
7. identifies situations in which a concept paper may be effectively used to improve our
society CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-21
8. comprehends various kinds of concept papers CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-22

Learning Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the learners will be able to:

u. 1. Identify geographic,
linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
v. history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
w. regions.
x. 2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
y. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
z. 1. Identify geographic,
linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
aa. history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
bb. regions.
cc. 2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
dd. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
a. read the text about Blended Learning;
b. shows self-reliance when working independently; and
c. construct concept paper in a specific discipline.


A. Topic: Concept Paper

B. Reference : DepEd Most Essential Learning Competencies
English for Academic and Professional Purposes – Grade 11/12 Learning Material s
C Materials : Laptop, PPT Presentation


A. Preliminary Activities

Prayer (The teacher will assign a student to lead the prayer.)

Greetings! (The student will greet their teacher.)
Classroom Management (The teacher will ask the student to pick up the pieces of
paper under their tables and chairs)
Checking of attendance (The teacher will ask the class secretary if do they have
absentees in today’s discussion.)

B. Review

In the previous lesson we able to learn about the concept paper and different elements of
concept paper

C. Motivation

Stop, Look & Learn: I will present some words. Give me your insights about the following
words. Each student who can explain each word correctly will receive an additional points to
the next activity.
D. Discussion

Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part
through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student
control over time, place, path, or pace. The term blended learning is generally applied to the practice
of using both online and inperson learning experiences when teaching students. Example: Students
might attend a class taught by a teacher in a traditional classroom setting, while also independently
completing online components of the course outside of the classroom. In this case, in-class time may
be either replaced or supplemented by online learning experiences, and students would learn about
the same topics online as they do in class—i.e., the online and in-person learning experiences would
parallel and complement one another. Also called hybrid learning and mixed-mode learning, blended-
learning experiences may vary widely in design and execution from school to school. Example:
Blended learning may be provided in an existing school by only a few teachers or it may be the
dominant learning-delivery model around which a school’s academic program is designed.
Models of Blended Learning
Face-to-Face Driver Model
Of all the blended learning models, face-to-face driver is the closest to a typical school structure.
With this approach, the introduction of online instruction is decided on a case-by-case basis, meaning
only certain students in each class will participate in any form of blended learning. The face-to-face
driver approach allows students who are struggling or working above their grade level to progress at
their own pace using technology in the classroom.
Rotation Model
In this form of blended learning, students rotate between different stations on a fixed schedule –
either working online or spending face-to-face time with the teacher. The rotational model is more
widely used in elementary schools – 80 percent of elementary schools in California that use blended
learning follow the rotational model – because many are already set up to have students rotate
between stations.
Flex Model
Schools who are supporting many non-traditional or at-risk students often choose the flex model of
blended learning. With this approach, material is primarily delivered online. Although teachers are in
the room to provide on-site support as needed, learning is primarily self-guided, as students
independently learn and practice new concepts in a digital environment. The flex model is an
approach used by the Advance Path Academy, a blended learning school, which works with school
district partners to address the needs of students with behavioral, academic and/or socio- economic
Online Lab Model
As schools face increasingly tighter resource constraints, the online lab model of blended learning is
another option for helping student complete courses, including those not offered at the specific
school site. In this scenario, students learn entirely online but travel to a dedicated computer lab to
complete their coursework. Adults supervise the lab, but they are not trained teachers. This not only
allows schools to offer courses for which they have no teacher or not enough teachers, but also
allows students to work at a pace and in a subject area that suits them without affecting the learning
environment of other students.
Self-Blend Model
Popular in high schools, the self-blend model of blended learning gives students the opportunity to
take classes beyond what is already offered at their school. While these individuals will attend a
traditional school environment, they also opt to supplement their learning through online courses
offered remotely. For this method of blended learning to be successful, students must be highly
selfmotivated. Self-blend is ideal for the student who wants to take additional Advanced Placement
courses, or who has interest in a subject area that is not covered in the traditional course catalog.

Advantages of Blended Learning

1. Students have greater time flexibility, freedom, and convenience by working part of the time
online from home due to decreased commuting and parking hassles.
2. Students are likely to interact more with the instructor and fellow students since there are
numerous opportunities to do so both in class and online.
3. Students often develop or enhance skills in time management, critical thinking, and problem
solving. 4.Students can participate more in class discussions since they can choose environment —
online or face-to-face — in which they feel more comfortable.
5. Students can acquire useful skills from using the Internet and computer technology.

Disadvantages of Blended Learning

1. Ineffective use of learning technology tools can waste resources. If training facilitators and
employees are unaware of how to use the learning technology provided, you probably will not get the
results you are looking for.
2. Learners must have basic technology knowledge or a willingness to learn. Some may not be
familiar with technology and have a steep learning curve ahead of them. To alleviate this issue, you
should have support on hand to teach new learners and motivate those who may be more reluctant.
3. High technology set up and maintenance costs. Purchasing the learning technology for your
blended learning program, such as devices and infrastructure setup, can be costly.
Teachers can implement a productive blended learning system into their classroom to leverage the
growth of emerging technology, while promoting a higher level of interest among students.
Additionally, professional development affords teachers the opportunity to learn on the job, to
collaborate with other professionals in the field, and to receive training on ways to implement a skill.
In conclusion, a diverse, technological skill set is a necessity for students who are entering the 21st
century workforce. Technology must be integrated into the classroom environment at each grade
level to prepare students for life beyond high school. Blending academic learning among more
traditional teaching methods with more advanced technology rich learning experiences can support
the growing need for a student’s overall technological progress.

E. Application
Answer the following questions for comprehension.
1. Explain the concept of blended learning.
2. State the educational implication of blended learning.
3. Explain the importance of Self Blend Model with Examples.
4. What are the merits and demerits of blended learning?
5. Explain the components of blended learning.

F. Generalization
The teacher will ask the student about what they have learned. The student will
summarize the lesson and explain the importance of the lesson.

IV. Evaluation
Write your own concept paper about any topic that interests you. Use the following rubrics.

V. Assignment
Research about Concept Papers in various Field


City of San Jose del Monte
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
March 27-March 31, 2023
Day 4


Content Standard: The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept pape

Performance Standard:The learner produces a well-balanced concept paper in a specific


Learning Competencies:

Explain and clarify concepts in fields such as: (a.) Art , (b.) Business, (c.) Law, (d.) Philosophy,
(e.) Politics, (f.) Religion, (g.) Science, (h.) Sports, (i.) TechVoc , Home Economics, Agri.
Fishery, I.A, ICT – (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-23)

Learning Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the learners will be able to:

ee. 1. Identify geographic,

linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
ff. history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
gg. regions.
hh. 2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
ii. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
jj. 1. Identify geographic,
linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary
kk.history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative
texts from the
ll. regions.
mm. 2. Write a close analysis and
critical interpretation of literary
nn. 3. Show a sense of
adaptability of the Philippine
Literary History
a. identify the different kind of concept paper according to its purpose (field of business) ;
b. shows self-reliance when working independently; and
c. construct concept paper in the field of business.


A. Topic: Concept Paper in Various Field

B. Reference : DepEd Most Essential Learning Competencies
English for Academic and Professional Purposes – Grade 11/12 Learning Material s
C. Materials : Laptop, PPT Presentation


A. Preliminary Activities

Prayer (The teacher will assign a student to lead the prayer.)

Greetings! (The student will greet their teacher.)
Classroom Management (The teacher will ask the student to pick up the pieces of
paper under their tables and chairs)
Checking of attendance (The teacher will ask the class secretary if do they have
absentees in today’s discussion.)

B. Review
In the previous lesson we able to learn about the concept paper and different elements of
concept paper

C. Motivation
Stop, Look & Learn: I will present some words. Give me your insights about the following
words. Each student who can explain each word correctly will receive an additional points to
the next activity.

D. Discussion
You have studied in the previous modules what a concept paper is. You also have written your
own concept paper about a program or a topic that interested you. But there is more you must learn
about concept papers. There are various kinds of concept paper depending on its purpose. It may
concern different fields such as art, business, law, philosophy, politics, religion, science, sports,
TechVoc (Home Economics, Agri. fishery, I.A., ICT). Let us uncover each one.
Concept Paper in the Field of Business
When you need to explain an idea clearly and succinctly for a business, product, design, or
program – or for anything else that does not yet exist – then you need a concept statement. A
concept statement can range from one sentence to one page in length, but no longer than that. It
must be strong enough to hold its audience's attention – while explaining what your idea is, why it's
important, who its customers will be – and how they'll benefit from it, all without sounding too much
like a sales pitch. Keep it brief. In many instances, a concept statement of one sentence is probably a
bit too short, but in most instances, a full page is likely too long. After all, you are writing a
statement, not an essay. A good goal is to try to make each point in one or two sentences - at most.
Your concept statement should make four points:
a. What the is its idea?
b. Why the idea is important?
c. Who its customers are?
d. How customers will benefit from it?
Concept Statement Example. Here is an example of a product concept statement for a company that
is introducing a new in-cup tea brewing system.
Many people enjoy drinking tea but are concerned about the environmental impact of discarding
teabags, some of which are made from bleached paper or contain non-biodegradable materials. In
addition, a more sophisticated generation of tea lovers is attracted to loose-leaf tea, which is often
considered to be of higher quality than the leaves used in bags.
The trouble is that preparing loose-leaf tea is often time consuming and requires special equipment.
Traditionally, strainers containing tea leaves have been placed over cups with hot water being poured
over the leaves. During infusion, the strainer is kept in the cup, which must then be removed from
the cup, and hot tea often drips on the surface of the drinker's table or desk. After the consumer
drinks the tea, the tea drinker often discovers that she needs to wash the cup, the strainer, and the
surface upon which she has been enjoying her beverage.
The Tea-in-One solution combines a tea mug and strainer into one product. The mug is ceramic,
while the strainer is made from silicone, so that the product is dishwasher and microwave safe. The
mug has a lid that can be removed and turned into a resting spot for a strainer. The lid is concave,
providing ample space for collecting liquid. To keep the tea hot, the mug is double walled, providing
insulation that allows the drinker to enjoy his tea at a leisurely pace.
The Tea-in-One comes in a range of 12 colors and patterns, and is marketed toward adults, primarily
toward women, who enjoy drinking tea at home or at work.
F. Application
Let us find out how much you know about concept paper. Tell whether each of the following
statement is true or false.
1. Explication is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or passages are
taken from a literary or academic work and then interpreted and explained in a detailed way.
2. Definition is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a general
abstract idea to specific and concrete examples. signal words: after all, as an example,
considering the following, for example, in other words, in particular, in short, namely, put
another way, specifically, stated differently, that is, to be specific, to clarify, to illustrate
3. It is NOT used to pique the interest of the potential funding agencies.
4. Clarification is done through a parenthetical or brief explanation.
5. A concept paper provides an overview of the project and helps funding agencies eliminate
proposals that are likely to be disapproved. Thus, it helps save time and effort for both the
proponents and the funding agencies.
F. Generalization
The teacher will ask the student about what they have learned. The student will
summarize the lesson and explain the importance of the lesson.

IV. Evaluation
Write your own concept paper about Field of business. Use the following rubrics.

V. Assignment
Research about Concept Papers in the Field of Law.

Teacher 1


Master Teacher II/ English Coordinator (Lesson Content)


Master Teacher II/ ABM Subject Group Head


Senior High School Coordinator





































TOTAL NO. OF LEARNERS PER CLASS 44 53 47 47 51 5 44 53 47 47 52 51 44 53 47 47 51 51 44 53 47 47 51 51

A. No. of learners who earned 70%

44 53 47 47 51 5 44 53 47 47 52 51 44 53 47 47 51 51 44 53 47 47 51 51
on the formative assessment 1
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learners who have caught up with 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to 0

require remediation
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

E. Which of my teaching strategies Effective Classroom Discussion/Peer Effective Classroom Discussion/Peer Effective Classroom Discussion/Peer Effective Classroom Discussion/Peer Effective Classroom
to Peer Tutoring to Peer Tutoring to Peer Tutoring to Peer Tutoring Discussion/Peer to Peer Tutoring
work well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter They always show respect and They always show respect and They always show respect and They always show respect and They always show respect and
consideration to everyone. Capable consideration to everyone. Capable consideration to everyone. Capable consideration to everyone. Capable consideration to everyone. Capable
which my principal or supervisor help of giving positive feedback and of giving positive feedback and of giving positive feedback and of giving positive feedback and of giving positive feedback and
me solve? constructive criticism. constructive criticism. constructive criticism. constructive criticism. constructive criticism.

G. What innovation or localized No innovation or localized materials No innovation or localized materials No innovation or localized materials No innovation or localized materials No innovation or localized materials
use. use. use. use. use.
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

______________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Teacher 1 Subject Group Head/Master Teacher II Senior High School Coordinator/Overseer
ABM Subject Group Head/Master Teacher II

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