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NAME- Gurpreet Singh

STUDENT ID- 301286094
The only thing which I always think about are actually 2 things. My first
thing which I always thinks about is my family, do not know why I
cannot stay without my family and this is my weakness due to which
sometimes I go depressed but somehow, now I am dealing with it and
may be I will find a way to less think about my family and the other
thing which I always think about that I made a very big mistake by
choosing hotel management course to be very honest, I always wanted
to go in the field of music industry due to which my mind cannot get
out of it, it always thinks that may I will be at different place if I would
have taken music course and it also thinks to change my course from
hotel management course to music course in the same college but the
thing is that there is still risk for changing my course, So that is what I
always thinks about and cannot get out of it.


Well, I different people have different type of personality traits such as-
type A personality ( includes impatience, cheating, selfish and many
more), type B personality ( includes being relaxed, self confident, less
stressed, creative and many others ), type C personality ( includes being
accurate, precise, detail oriented and conscientious ) and in the last
type D personality ( include being realistic, deep thinker, isolated,
sometime worried and negative). So, If I talk about my personal type of
personality, I will say that I have all those 4 types of personality such as
type A,B,C and D. I am type of personality because I really so much
impatience, I do not have any patience level, whenever I try to do
something I want to get it to be done within seconds without even
working on them and like last week I just deposited my money cheque
in the bank, bank employees said that I have to wait for 4 days but I
was even not able to wait for 1 day, I just called them 4 times on even
first day which shows how impatience I am.

My Personal Type B Personality- Well, I am type B personality type

person too because at some situations of my life I am so relaxed even if
life is not going well still I try too be happy and self confident but I think
this happens just because of the chemicals which are present in our

My Personal Type C Personality- I am this type of person because

sometimes I be very hard worker, as I moved to Canada, it told me
what actual hard work is like going college and than college to work and
than completing assignments and quizzes which requires a lot of hard
work. For example- Since I moved to Canada, I came to know about my
will power, I came to know how hard working I am, yes sometimes I
become lazy too but now I prefer to be more and more hard worker
than I used to be, and this is personally helping me a lot in getting new
life experiences and knowing the exact meaning of life.

My Personal Type D Personality- Well this is the trait which I most

suffered, As this trait include being depressed and staying negative all
the time, I stayed in depression a lot of time like even when I was back
in my home country and even when I moved to Canada, when I was in
my home country, I got a lot of home work and assignments form the
school, due to which I started staying in depression and even I had to
consult to a doctor because my parents were worried about me. Now,
when I moved to Canada there were number of situations when I was
depressed, because I was suffering from home-sickness, unemployment
and not being able to connect with family properly, this lead to loss in
weight and feeling always but somehow now I am okay and dealt with
all of that situations.


Based on the information that i have provided, it seems that my
personal type D personality trait is causing a lot of distress in my life.
One way to apply a perception intervention to this trait is through
cognitive restructuring behavioral therapy (CBT) because cognitive
restructuring is a type of therapy that focuses on identifying and
changing negative thought patterns that can lead to negative emotions
and behaviors. Also, changing negative thought patterns and behaviors
takes time and effort, but with consistent practice and support, I can
develop more positive perceptions and attitudes towards yourself and
my life I am pretty sure about this.

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