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partner should wear a condom to prevent

MATERNAL QUESTIONS exposure to blood.

Assessment of a 16-year-old nulligravid client who Before advising a 24-year-old client desiring oral
visits the clinic and asks for information on contraceptives for family planning, the nurse would
contraceptives reveals a menstrual cycle of 28 assess the client for signs and symptoms of which
days. The nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of of the following?
Deficient Knowledge related to ovulation and
fertility management. Which of the following A) Anemia.
would be important to include in the teaching plan B) Hypertension.
for the client? C) Dysmenorrhea.
D) Acne vulgaris.
A) The ovum survives for 96 hours after ovulation,
making conception possible during this time. Answer: B
B) The basal body temperature falls at least 0.2°F
after ovulation has occurred. Before advising a client about oral contraceptives,
C) Ovulation usually occurs on day 14, plus or the nurse needs to assess the client for signs and
minus 2 days, before the onset of the next symptoms of hypertension. Clients who have
menstrual cycle. hypertension, thrombophlebitis, obesity, or a
D) Most women can tell they have ovulated family history of cerebral or cardiovascular
because of severe pain and thick, scant cervical accident are poor candidates for oral
mucus. contraceptives. In addition, women who smoke,
are older than 40 years of age, or have a history of
Answer: C pulmonary disease should be advised to use a
different method. Iron-deficiency anemia,
For a client with a menstrual cycle of 28 days, dysmenorrhea, and acne are not contraindications
ovulation usually occurs on day 14, plus or minus 2 for the use of oral contraceptives. Iron-deficiency
days, before the onset of the next menstrual cycle. anemia is a common disorder in young women.
Stated another way, the menstrual period begins Oral contraceptives decrease the amount of
about 2 weeks after ovulation has occurred. menstrual flow and thus decrease the amount of
Ovulation does not usually occur during the iron lost through menses, thereby providing a
menses component of the cycle when the uterine beneficial effect when used by clients with anemia.
lining is being shed. In most women, the ovum Low-dose oral contraceptives to prevent ovulation
survives for about 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, may be effective in decreasing the severity of
during which time conception is possible. The basal dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).
body temperature rises 0.5° to 1.0°F when Dysmenorrhea is thought to be caused by the
ovulation occurs. Although some women release of prostaglandins in response to tissue
experience some pelvic discomfort during destruction during the ischemic phase of the
ovulation (mittelschmerz), severe or unusual pain is menstrual cycle. Use of oral contraceptives often
rare. After ovulation, the cervical mucus is thin and improves facial acne
A 22-year-old nulligravid client tells the nurse that
Which of the following instructions about activities she and her husband have been considering using
during menstruation would the nurse include when condoms for family planning. Which of the
counseling an adolescent who has just begun to following instructions would the nurse include
menstruate? about the use of condoms as a method for family
A) Take a mild analgesic if needed for menstrual
pain. A) Using a spermicide with the condom offers
B) Avoid cold foods if menstrual pain persists. added protection against pregnancy.
C) Stop exercise while menstruating. B) Natural skin condoms protect against sexually
D) Avoid sexual intercourse during menstruation. transmitted diseases.
C) The typical failure rate for couples using
Answer: A condoms is about 25%.
D) Condom users frequently report penile gland
The nurse should instruct the client to take a mild sensitivity
analgesic, such as ibuprofen, if menstrual pain or
"cramps" are present. The client should also eat Answer: A
foods rich in iron and should continue moderate
exercise during menstruation, which increases The typical failure rate of a condom is
abdominal tone. Avoiding cold foods will not approximately 12% to 14%. Adding a spermicide
decrease dysmenorrhea. Sexual intercourse is not can decrease this potential failure rate because it
prohibited during menstruation, but the male offers additional protection against pregnancy.
Natural skin condoms do not offer the same more than 15 pounds can change the pelvic and
protection against sexually transmitted diseases vaginal contours to such a degree that the
caused by viruses as latex condoms do. Unlike latex diaphragm will no longer protect the client against
condoms, natural skin (membrane) condoms do pregnancy. The diaphragm can be used for 2 to 3
not prevent the passage of viruses. Most condom years if it is cared for and well protected in its case.
users report decreased penile gland sensitivity. The client should be refitted for another diaphragm
However, some users do report an increased after pregnancy and delivery of a newborn because
sensitivity or allergic reaction (such as a rash) to weight changes and physiologic changes of
latex, necessitating the use of another method of pregnancy can alter the pelvic and vaginal
family planning or a switch to a natural skin contours, thus affecting the effectiveness of the
condom. diaphragm. The client should use a spermicidal jelly
or cream before inserting the diaphragm.
Which of the following would the nurse include in
the teaching plan for a 32-year-old female client A 20-year-old woman desiring to use a cervical cap
requesting information about using a diaphragm for family planning is instructed on its use. Which
for family planning? of the following client statements would indicate to
the nurse that the client needs further instruction?
A) Douching with an acidic solution after
intercourse is recommended. A) "Cervical caps can be left in place longer than a
B) Diaphragms should not be used if the client diaphragm."
develops acute cervicitis. B) "Using a cervical cap may increase the risk of
C) The diaphragm should be washed in a weak irritation."
solution of bleach and water. C) "Cervical caps usually fit better than a
D) The diaphragm should be left in place for 2 diaphragm."
hours after intercourse. D) "Many women are unable to use cervical caps."

Answer: B Answer: C

The teaching plan should include a caution that The client needs further instruction when she says
diaphragms should not be used if the client that cervical caps fit better than the diaphragm.
develops acute cervicitis, possibly aggravated by Many women are unable to use cervical caps
contact with the rubber of the diaphragm. Some because their cervix is too short for the cap to fit
studies have also associated diaphragm use with the cervix properly. A cervical cap may remain in
increased incidence of urinary tract infections. place for up to 48 hours after intercourse, whereas
Douching after use of a diaphragm and intercourse it is recommended that a diaphragm be left in place
is not recommended because pregnancy could for only 24 hours. The cervical cap is associated
occur. The diaphragm should be inspected and with cervical irritation.
washed with mild soap and water after each use. A
diaphragm should be left in place for at least 6 A 23-year-old nulliparous client visiting the clinic
hours but no longer than 24 hours after for a routine examination tells the nurse that she
intercourse. More spermicidal jelly or cream should desires to use the basal body temperature method
be used if intercourse is repeated during this for family planning. The nurse should instruct the
period. client to do which of the following?

After being examined and fitted for a diaphragm, a A) Check the cervical mucus to see if it is thick and
24-year-old client receives instructions about its sparse.
use. Which of the following client statements B) Take her temperature at the same time every
indicates a need for further teaching? morning.
C) Document ovulation when the temperature
A) "I can continue to use the diaphragm for about 2 decreases at least 1°F.
to 3 years if I keep it protected in the case." D) Avoid coitus for 10 days after a slight rise in
B) "If I get pregnant, I will have to be refitted for temperature.
another diaphragm after the delivery."
C) "Before inserting the diaphragm I should coat Answer: B
the rim with contraceptive jelly."
D) "If I gain or lose 20 pounds, I can still use the The basal body temperature method requires that
same diaphragm." the client take her temperature each morning
before arising, preferably at the same time each
Answer: D day before eating or any other activity. Just before
the day of ovulation, the temperature falls by
A client would need additional instructions when 0.5°F. At the time of ovulation, the temperature
she says that she can still use the same diaphragm rises 0.4° to 0.8°F because of increased
if she gains or loses 20 pounds. Gaining or losing progesterone secretion in response to the
luteinizing hormone. The temperature remains Answer: C
higher for the rest of the menstrual cycle. The
client should keep a diary of about 6 months of With medroxyprogesterone acetate, irregular
menstrual cycles to calculate "safe" days. There is menstrual cycles and amenorrhea are common
no mucus for the first 3 or 4 days after menses, and side effects. Other side effects include weight gain,
then thick, sticky mucus begins to appear. As breakthrough bleeding, headaches, and
estrogen increases, the mucus changes to clear, depression. This method requires deep
slippery, and stretchy. This condition, termed intramuscular injections every 3 months. The first
spinnbarkeit, is present during ovulation. After injection should occur within 5 days after menses.
ovulation, the mucus decreases in amount and
becomes thick and sticky again until menses. Which of the following would the nurse expect to
Because the ovum typically survives about 24 hours include in the teaching plan for a 30-year-old
and sperm can survive up to 72 hours, couples multiparous client who will be using an intrauterine
must avoid coitus when the cervical mucus is device (IUD) for family planning?
copious and for about 3 to 4 days before and after
ovulation to avoid a pregnancy. a) Amenorrhea is a common side effect of IUDs.
b) The client needs to use additional protection for
A 19-year-old nulligravid client visiting the clinic conception.
for a routine examination asks the nurse about c) IUDs are more costly than other forms of
cervical mucus changes that occur during the contraception.
menstrual cycle. Which of the following statements d) Severe cramping may occur when the IUD is
would the nurse expect to include in the client's inserted.
teaching plan?
Answer: D
a) About midway through the menstrual cycle,
cervical mucus is thick and sticky. Severe cramping and pain may occur as the device
b) During ovulation, the cervix remains dry without is passed through the internal cervical os. The
any mucus production. insertion of the device is generally done when the
c) As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus is client is having her menses, because it is unlikely
abundant and clear. that she is pregnant at that time. Common side
d) Cervical mucus disappears immediately after effects of IUDs are heavy menstrual bleeding and
ovulation, resuming with menses. subsequent anemia, not amenorrhea. Uterine
infection or ectopic pregnancy may occur. The IUD
Answer: C has an effectiveness rate of 98%. Therefore,
additional protection is not necessary to prevent
As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus is pregnancy. IUDs generally are less costly than
abundant and clear, resembling raw egg white. other forms of contraception because they do not
Ovulation generally occurs 14 days (plus or minus 2 require additional expense. Only one insertion is
days) before the beginning of menses. During the necessary, in comparison to daily doses of oral
luteal phase of the cycle, which occurs after contraceptives or the need for spermicides in
ovulation, the cervical mucus is thick and sticky, conjunction with diaphragm use.
making it difficult for sperm to pass. Changes in the
cervical mucus are related to the influences of Estrogen, one of the hormones regulating cyclic
estrogen and progesterone. Cervical mucus is activities in female reproductive system is
always present. responsible for which effect?

A multigravid client will be using a. Increases the quantity and pH of cervical mucus,
medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) as a causing it to become thin and watery and can be
family planning method. After the nurse instructs stretched to a distance of 10-13 cm.
the client about this method, which of the b. Inhibits the production of LH
following client statements indicates effective c. Increases endometrial tortuosity
teaching? d. All of the above

a) "This method of family planning requires Answer: A

monthly injections."
b) "I should have my first injection during my Effects of estrogen:
menstrual cycle." • Inhibits the production of FSH
c) "One possible side effect is absence of a • Causes hypertrophy of the myometrium
menstrual period." • Increases the quantity and pH of cervical mucus,
d) "This drug will be given by subcutaneous causing it to become thin and watery and can be
injections." stretched to a distance of 10-13 cm.
Effects of Progesterone
• Inhibits the production of LH
• Increases endometrial tortuosity and mittelschmerz are not reliable indicators of
• Increased endometrial secretions ovulation.
• Facilitates transport of the fertilized ovum
through the fallopian tubes Which of the following instructions should be
included in the nurse's teaching regarding oral
Jessa, 17 years old, is bleeding between periods of contraceptives?
less than two weeks. This condition is an
abnormality in the menstrual cycle known as: a. Weight gain should be reported to the physician.

a. Metrorrhagia b. An alternate method of birth control is needed

b. Menorrhagia when taking antibiotics.
c. Amenorrhea c. If the client misses one or more pills, two pills
d. Dysmenorrheal should be taken per day for 1 week.
d. Changes in the menstrual flow should be
Answer: A reported to the physician.

Abnormalities of Menstruation Answer: B

1. Amenorrhea - absence of menstrual flow
2. Dysmenorrhea - painful menstruation When the client is taking oral contraceptives and
3. Oligomenorrhea - scanty menstruation begins antibiotics, another method of birth control
4. Menorrhagia -excessive menstrual bleeding should be used. Antibiotics decrease the
5. Metrorrhagia - bleeding between periods of less effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Approximately
than 2 weeks 5-10 pounds of weight gain is not unusual, so
answer A is incorrect. If the client misses a birth
A nurse is reviewing a basal body temperature control pill, she should be instructed to take the pill
chart with a couple. Which change would indicate as soon as she remembers the pill. Answer C is
probable ovulation? incorrect. If she misses two, she should take two; if
she misses more than two, she should take the
a) A decrease in temperature followed by an missed pills but use another method of birth
increase for several days control for the remainder of the cycle. Answer D is
b) An increase in temperature followed by a incorrect because changes in menstrual flow are
decrease for several days expected in clients using oral contraceptives. Often
c) A decrease in temperature that remains until these clients have lighter menses.
menses begins
d) A steadily increasing temperature over seven A nursing student is preparing a prenatal class on
days the process of fetal circulation. The nursing
instructor asks the student specifically to describe
Answer: A the process through the umbilical cord. Which of
the following statements from the student is
At ovulation body temperature drops, then rises correct?
sharply and remains elevated for several days.
1. The one artery carries freshly oxygenated blood
A adult female patient is using the rhythm and nutrient-rich blood back from the placenta to
(calendar-basal body temperature) method of the fetus.
family planning. In this method, the unsafe period 2. The two arteries carry freshly oxygenated blood
for sexual intercourse is indicated by; and nutrient rich blood back from the placenta to
the fetus
a. Return preovulatory basal body temperature 3. The two arteries in the umbilical cord carry
b. Basal body temperature increase of 0.1 degrees deoxygenated blood and waste products away
to 0.2 degrees on the 2nd or 3rd day of cycle from the fetus to the placenta.
c. 3 full days of elevated basal body temperature 4. The two veins in the umbilical cord carry blood
and clear, thin cervical mucus that is high in carbon dioxide and other waste
d. Breast tenderness and mittelschmerz products away from the fetus to the placenta

Answer: C 3.
Ovulation (the period when pregnancy can occur) is Blood pumped by the embryo's heart leaves the
accompanied by a basal body temperature increase embryo through two umbilical arteries. When
of 0.7 degrees F to 0.8 degrees F and clear, thin oxygenated, the blood is returned by one umbilical
cervical mucus. A return to the preovulatory body vein. Arteries carry deoxygenated blood and waste
temperature indicates a safe period for sexual products from the fetus, and veins carry
intercourse. A slight rise in basal temperature early oxygenated blood and provide oxygen and
in the cycle is not significant. Breast tenderness nutrients to the fetus.
A pregnant client tells the clinic nurse that she 3. the tubal isthums remains contracted until 3
wants to know the sex of her baby as soon as it can days after conception to allow the fertilized ovum
be determined. The nurse understands that the to develop within the tube. This initial growth of
client should be able to find out at 12 weeks the fertilzied ovum promotes its normal
gestation because by the end of the twelfth week: implantation in the fundal portion of the uterine
corpus. Estrogen is a hormone produced by the
1. the sex of the fetus can be determined by the ovarian folllicles, corpus luteum, adrenal cortex,
appearance of the external genitalia and placenta during pregnancy. LH and FSH are
2. the sex of the fetus can be determined because excreted by the anterior pituitary gland. The
the external genitatlia begins to differentiate survival of the fertilized ovum doesn't depend on it
3. The sex of the fetus can be determined because staying the fallopian tube for 3 days.
the testes are descended into the scrotal sac.
4. The sex of the fetus can be determined because A nurse instructor is reiewing the menstual cycle
the internal differences in males and females with a nursing student who will be conducting a
becomes apparent. prenal teaching session. The instructor asks the
student to describe the FSH and the luteinizing
3. blood pumped by the embryo's heart leaves the hormone. The student accurately responds by
embryo through two umbilical arteries. When stating that:
oxygenatedthe blood is returned by one umbilical
vein. Arteries carry deoxygenated blood and waste 1. FSH and LH are secreted by the adrenal gland
products from the fetus, and veins carry 2. FSH and LH are released from the anterior
oxygenated blood and provide oxygen and pituitary gland.
nutrients to the fetus. 3. FSH and LH are secretd by the corpus luteium of
the ovary.
A nurse is performing an assessment on a client 4. FSH and LH stimulate the formation of milk
who is at 38 weeks gestation and notes that the during pregnancy
fetal herat rate is 174 beats/min. On the basis of
this finding, the appropriate nursing action is to: 2. FSH and LH when stimulated by gonadotropin
releash hormone from the hypothalamus, are
1. Notify the physician released from the antrior pituitary gland to
2. Document the finding stimulate follicular growth and development,
3. Check the mother's heart rate growht of the graafian follice, and productionof
4. Tell the client that the fetal heart rate is normal. progesterone.

1. The fetal heart rate depends on gestational age A couple comes to the family planning clinic and
and rages from 160 to 170 bpm in the first asks about sterilization procedures. Which question
trimester, but slows with fetal growth to 120 to by the nurse would deterine if this method of
160 bpm with the uterus at rest. the fetus may be family planning would be appropriate?
in distress. Because the FHR is increased from the
reference range, the nurse notify the physician. 1. Has either of you ever had surgery
A nursing student is assigned to care for a client in 2. Do you plan to have any other children
labor. A nursing instructor asks the student to 3. Does either of you have DM
describe fetal circulation. specifically the ductus 4. Does either of you have problems with high bp?
venosus. The nursing instructor determines that
the student understands fetal circulation if the 2. Sterilization is a method of contraception for
student states that the ductus venosus couples who have completed their families. It
3. the ductus venosus connects the umbilical vein o should be considered a permenent end to fertility
the inferior vena cava. becuase reversal surgery is not always successful.
The nurse would ask the cuple about their plans for
A nurse is conducting a prenatal class on the having children in the future.
female reproductive system. When a client in the
class asks why the fertilized ovum stays in the A nurse should explain which of the following to a
fallopian tube for 3 days, the nurse responds that pregnant client found to have a gynecoid pelvis?
the reason for this is that it:
1. That her type of pelvis has a narrow pubic arch
1. promotes the fertilized ovums chance of survivial 2. that her type of pelvis is the most favorable for
2. promotes the fertilized ovums exposure to labor and birth
estrogen and progesterone 3. that her type of pelvis is a wide pelvis, but has a
3. promotes the fertlized normal implantation in shorter diameter
the top portion of the uterus 4. that she will need a cesarean section because
4. promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to this type of pelvis is not favorable for a normal
luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating labor and vaginal delivery
hormone 2. A gynecoid pelvis is a normal femal pelvis and is
the most favorable for successful labor and birth.
Which are probable signs? Select all that apply.
A nurse explains some of the purposes of the
placenta to a client during a prenatal visit. The 1. Ballottement
nurse determines that the client understands some 2. Chadwick's sign
of these purposes when the client states that the 3. Uterine enlargement
placenta: 4. Braxton Hicks contractions
5. Fetal heart rate detected by a nonelectronic
1. Cushions and protects the baby device
2. Maintains the temp of the baby 6. Outline of fetus via radiography or
3. Is the way the baby gets food and oxygen ultasonography
4. Prevents all antibodies and viruses from passing
to the baby. 1. Ballottement
2. Chadwick's sign
3. the placenta provides an exchange of oxygen, 3. Uterine enlargement
nutrients and waste products between the mother 4. Braxton Hicks contractions
and the fetus. The amniotic fluid surrounds,
cushions and protects the fetus and maintans the The probable signs of pregnancy include uterine
body temp of the fetus. Nutrients, drugs antibodies enlargement, Hegar's sign (compressibility and
and viruses can pass through the placenta. softening of the lower uterine segment that occurs
at about week 6), Goodell's sign (softening of the
A nurse instructor asks a nursing student to list the cervix), Chadwick's sign (violet coloration of the
functions of the amniotic fluid. The student cervix, vagina, and vulva), ballottement
responds correctly by stating that which of the (rebounding of the fetus against the examiner's
folowing fingers), Braxton Hicks contractions, and positive
pregnancy test.
1. Allows for fetal movement
2. Is a measure of kidney function A pregnant client is seen for a regular prenatal visit
3. Surrounds,cushions, and protects the fetus and tells the nurse that she is experiencing
4. Maintains the body temp of the fetus irregular contractions. The nurse determines that
5. Prevents large particles such as bacteria from she is experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. On
passing to the fetus the basis of this finding which nursing action is
6. Provides an exchange of nutrients and waste most appropriate?
products between the mother and fetus
1. Contact the health care provider
The amniotic fluid surrounds, cusions, and protects 2. Instruct the client to maintain bed rest for the
the fetus. It allows the fetus to move freely, remainder of the pregnancy
maintains the body temperature of the fetus, and 3. Inform the client that these contractions are
helps assess kidney function because it contains common and may occur throughout the pregnancy
urine from the fetus. The placenta prevents large 4. Call the maternity unit and inform them that the
particles such as bacteria from passingto the fetus client will be admitted in a prelabor condition
and provides an exchange of nutrients and waste
products between the mother and the fetus. 3. Inform the client that these contractions are
common and may occur throughout the pregnancy

The nurse is performing an assessment of a The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant

pregnant client who is at 28 weeks gestation. The client with genital herpes about the measures that
nurse measures the fundal height in centimeters are needed to protect the fetus. Which instructions
and expects which finding? should the nurse provide for the client?

1. 22 cm 1. Total abstinence from sexual intercourse is

2. 30 cm necessary during the entire pregnancy
3. 36 cm 2. Sitz baths need to be taken every 4 hours while
4. 40 cm awake if vaginal lesions are present
3. Daily administration of acyclovir is necessary
2. 30 cm during the entire pregnancy
4. A C-section will be necessary if vaginal lesions
During the second and third trimesters, fundal are present at the time of labor
height in centimeters approximately equals the
fetuses age in weeks. 4. A C-section will be necessary if vaginal lesions
are present at the time of labor
The nurse is assisting in performing an assessment The nurse is reviewing the record of a client who
on a client who suspects that she is pregnant and is has just been told that a pregnancy test is positive.
checking the client for probable signs of pregnancy.
The health care provider has documented the
presence of Goodell's sign. This finding is most 3. Fetal heart rate of 180 bpm
closely associated with which characteristic?
The nurse is collecting data during an admission
1. A softening of the cervix assessment of a client who is pregnant with twins.
2. The presence of fetal movement
3. The presence of HCG in the urine The client has a healthy 5-year-old child who was
4. A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the delivered at 38 weeks and tells the nurse that she
maternal pulse during auscultation of the uterus does not have a history of any type of abortion or
fetal demise. Using GTPAL, what should the nurse
1. A softening of the cervix document?

A client arrives at the clinic for the first prenatal 1. G3T2P0A0L1

assessment. She tells the nurse that the first day of 2. G2T1P0A0L1
her last menstrual period was October 19, 2014. 3. G1T1P1A0L1
Using Nagele's rule, which expected date of 4. G2T0P0A0L1
delivery should the nurse document in the client's 2. G2T1P0A0L1
The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant
1. July 12, 2014 client who is scheduled for an amniocentesis. What
2. July 26, 2015 instruction should the nurse provide?
3. August 12, 2015
4. August 26, 2015 1. Strict bed rest is required after the procedure
2. Hospitalization is necessary for 24 hours after
2. July 26, 2015 the procedure
3. An informed consent needs to be signed before
The HCP is assessing the client for the presence of the procedure
ballottement. To make this determination, the HCP 4. A fever is expected after the procedure because
should take which action? of the trauma to the abdomen
3. An informed consent needs to be signed before
1. Auscultate for fetal heart sounds the procedure
2. Assess the cervix for compressibility
3. Palpate the abdomen for fetal movement An informed consent needs to be obtained before
4. Initiate a gentle upward tap on the cervix the procedure. After the procedure the client is
instructed to rest, but may resume light activity
4. Initiate a gentle upward tap on the cervix after the cramping subsides.

Ballottement is a technique of palpating a floating A pregnant client in the first trimester calls the
structure by bouncing it gently and feeling it nurse at a health care clinic and reports that she
rebound. has noticed a thin, colorless vaginal drainage. The
nurse should make which statement to the client?
A pregnant client asks the nurse in the clinic when
she will be able to begin to feel the fetus move. 1. "Come to the clinic immediately"
The nurse responds by telling the mother that fetal 2. "The vaginal discharge may be bothersome, but
movements will be noted between which weeks of it is a normal occurrence"
gestation? 3. "Report to the emergency department at the
maternity center immediately"
1. 6 and 8 4. "Use tampons if the discharge is bothersome,
2. 8 and 10 but be sure to change the tampon every 2 hours"
3. 10 and 12
4. 14 and 18 2. "The vaginal discharge may be bothersome, but
it is a normal occurrence"
4. 14 and 18
Leukorrhea begins during the first trimester. The
The nurse is performing an assessment of a client should not wear tampons because of the risk
primigravida who is being evaluated in a clinic for infection, the client should wear panty liners
during her second trimester of pregnancy. Which and change them frequently.
finding concerns the nurse and indicates the need
for follow-up? The nurse has performed a nonstress test on a
pregnant client and is reviewing the fetal monitor
1. Quickening strip. The nurse interprets the test is reactive. How
2. Braxton Hicks contractions should the nurse document the finding?
3. Fetal heart rate of 180 bpm
4. Consistent increased fundal height
1. Normal 3. Low-impact gymnastics
2. Abnormal 4. Bicycling with the legs in the air
3. The need for further evaluation
4. That findings were difficult to interpret 1. Swimming

1. Normal Non weight bearing exercises are preferable to

weight bearing exercises.
A reactive nonstress test is a normal result. To be
considered reactive, the baseline fetal heart rate A health care provider has prescribed transvaginal
must be within the normal range (120-160 bpm) ultrasonography for the client in the first trimester
with good long term variability. In addition, two or of pregnancy and the client asks the nurse about
more fetal heart rate accelerations of at least 15 the procedure. How should the nurse respond to
bpm must occur, each with a duration of at least 15 the client?
seconds, in a 20 minute interval.
1. "The procedure takes about 2 hours"
A nonstress test is performed on a client who is 2. "It will be necessary to drink 1-2 quarts of water
pregnant, and the results of the test indicate before the examination"
nonreactive findings. The healthcare provider 3. "The probe that will be inserted into the vagina
prescribes a contraction stress test, and the results will be covered with a disposable cover and coated
are documented as negative. How should the nurse with a gel"
document the findings? 4. "Gel is spread over the abdomen, and a round
disk transducer will be moved over the abdomen to
1. A normal test result obtain the picture"
2. An abnormal test result
3. A high risk for fetal demise 3. "The probe that will be inserted into the vagina
4. The need for cesarean delivery will be covered with a disposable cover and coated
with a gel"
1. A normal test result
Transvaginal ultrasonography allows clear visibility
Contraction stress test results may be interpreted of the uterus, gestational sac, embryo, and deep
as negative (normal), positive (abnormal), or pelvic structures, such as the ovaries and fallopian
equivocal. A negative test indicates that no late tubes. The client is placed in the lithotomy position
decelerations occurred in the fetal heart rate, and a probe, encased in a disposable cover and
although the fetus was stressed by three coated with gel is inserted into the vagina. The
contractions of at least 40 seconds duration in a 10 procedure takes about 10-15 minutes.
minute period.
The nurse has instructed a pregnant client in
A pregnant client tells the nurse that she has been measures to prevent varicose veins during
craving "unusual foods." The nurse gathers pregnancy. Which statement by the client indicates
additional assessment data and discovers that the a need for further instruction?
client has been ingesting daily amounts of white
clay dirt from her backyard. Laboratory studies are 1. "I should wear panty hose"
performed and the nurse determines that which 2. "I should wear support hose"
finding indicates a physiological consequence of 3. "I should wear flat nonslip shoes that have good
the client's practice? support"
4. "I should wear knee high hose, but I should not
1. Hematocrit 38% leave them on longer than 8 hours"
2. Glucose 86 mg/dL
3. Hemoglobin 9.1 g/dL 4. "I should wear knee high hose, but I should not
4. White blood cell count 12,400 cells/mm leave them on longer than 8 hours"

3. Hemoglobin 9.1 g/dL Varicose veins often develop in the lower

extremities during pregnancy. Any constrictive
Pica often leads to iron deficiency anemia, resulting clothing impedes venous return from the lower
in a decreased hemoglobin level. The lab results in legs and places the client at risk for developing
options 1, 2, and 4 are normal for the pregnant varicosities.
client. A pregnant client calls a clinic and tells the nurse
A pregnant client asks the nurse about the types of that she is experiencing leg cramps that awaken
exercises that are allowable during pregnancy. The her at night. What should the nurse tell the client
nurse should tell the client that which exercise is to provide relief from the leg cramps?
1. "Bend your foot toward your body while flexing
1. Swimming the knee when the cramps occur"
2. Scuba diving 2. "Bend your foot toward your body while
extending the knee when the cramps occur" 3. "I can apply ice packs to the hemorrhoids to
3. "Point your foot away from your body while reduce the swelling"
flexing the knee when the cramps occur" 4. "I should apply heat packs to the hemorrhoids to
4. "Point your foot away from your body while help them shrink"
extending the knee when the cramps occur"
4. "I should apply heat packs to the hemorrhoids to
2. "Bend your foot toward your body while help them shrink"
extending the knee when the cramps occur"
Measures to provide relief from hemorrhoids
A rubella titer result of a 1-day postpartum client is include avoiding constipation and straining during
less than 1:8, and a rubella virus vaccine is bowel movements, applying ice packs, gently
prescribed to be administered before discharge. replacing hemorrhoids into the rectum, using stool
The nurse provides which information to the client softeners, ointments, or sprays as prescribed, and
about the vaccine? Select all the apply. assuming certain positions to relieve pressure.

1. Breast-feeding needs to be stopped for 3 months The nurse is providing instructions to a client in the
2. Pregnancy needs to be avoided for 1-3 months first trimester of pregnancy regarding measures to
3. The vaccine is administered by the SQ route assist in reducing breast tenderness. Which
4. Exposure to immunosuppressed individuals instruction should the nurse provide?
needs to be avoided
5. A hypersensitivity reaction can occur if the client 1. Avoid wearing a bra
has an egg allergy 2. Wash the breasts with warm water and keep
6. The area of the injection needs to be covered them dry
with sterile gauze for one week 3. Wear tight-fitting blouses or dresses to provide
2. Pregnancy needs to be avoided for 1-3 months 4. Wash the nipples and areolar area daily with
3. The vaccine is administered by the SQ route soap, and massage the breasts with lotion.
4. Exposure to immunosuppressed individuals 2. Wash the breasts with warm water and keep
needs to be avoided them dry
5. A hypersensitivity reaction can occur if the client
has an egg allergy The nurse is describing cardiovascular system
changes the occur during pregnancy to a client and
The nurse in a health care clinic is instructing a understands that which finding would be normal
pregnant client how to perform "kick counts." for a client in the second trimester?
Which statement by the client indicates a need for
further instructions? 1. Increase in pulse rate
2. Increase in BP
1. "I will record the number of movements or kicks" 3. Frequent bowel elimination
2. "I need to lie flat on my back to perform the 4. Decrease in red blood cell production
procedure" 1. Increase in pulse rate
3. "If I count fewer than 10 kicks in a 2-hour period
I should count the kicks again over the next 2 Between 14-20 weeks gestation the pulse rate
hours" increases about 10-15 bpm, which then persists to
4. "I should place my hands on the largest part of term.
my abdomen and concentrate on the fetal
movements to count the kicks" The clinic nurse is providing instructions to a
pregnant client regarding measures that assist in
2. "I need to lie flat on my back to perform the alleviating heartburn. Which statement by the
procedure" client indicates an understanding of the
The client should sit or lie quietly on her side to instructions?
perform the kick counts.
1. "I should avoid between meal snacks"
2. "I should lie down for an hour after eating"
3. "I should use spices for cooking rather than salt"
The nurse is providing instructions regarding 4. "I should avoid eating foods that produce gas
treatment of hemorrhoids to a client who is in the and fatty foods"
second trimester of pregnancy. Which statement 4. "I should avoid eating foods that produce gas
by the client indicates a need for further and fatty foods"
The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant
1. "I should avoid straining during bowel client with HIV regarding care to the newborn after
movements" delivery. The client asks the nurse about the
2. "I can gently replace the hemorrhoids into the feeding options that are available. Which response
should the nurse make to the client? 1. Enlargement of the breasts
2. Complaints of feeling hot when the room is cool
1. "You will need to bottle feed your newborn" 3. Periods of fetal movement followed by quiet
2. "You will need to feed your newborn by NG tube periods
feeding" 4. Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
3. "You will be able to breastfeed for 6-months and petechiae, and purpura
then you will need to switch to bottle feeding"
4. "You will be able to breastfeed for 9 months and 4. Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
then will need to switch to bottle feeding" petechiae, and purpura
1. "You will need to bottle feed your newborn"
Severe preeclampsia can trigger DIC because of the
The home care nurse visits a pregnant client who widespread damage to vascular integrity. Bleeding
has a diagnosis of mild preeclampsia. Which is an early sign of DIC and should be reported
assessment finding indicates a worsening of the immediately.
preeclampsia and the need to notify the health
care provider? The nurse in a maternity unit is reviewing the
client's records. Which client would the nurse
1. Urinary output has decreased identify as being the most risk for developing DIC?
2. Dependent edema has resolved
3. BP is at the prenatal baseline 1. A primigravida with mild preeclampsia
4. The client complains of a headache and blurred 2. A primigravida who delivered a 10 lb infant 3
vision hours ago
3. A gravida II who has just been diagnosed with
4. The client complains of a headache and blurred dead fetus syndrome
vision 4. A gravida IV who delivered 8 hours ago and has
lost 500 mL of blood
A stillborn baby was delivered in the birthing suite
a few hours ago. After the delivery, the family 3. A gravida II who has just been diagnosed with
remained together, holding and touching the baby. dead fetus syndrome
Which statement by the nurse would assist the
family in their initial period of grief? Dead fetus syndrome, severe preeclampsia, and
hemorrhage (500 mL is not considered
1. "What can I do for you?" hemorrhage) are considered a risk factors for DIC.
2. "Now you have an angel in heaven"
3. "Don't worry, there is nothing you could have A home care nurse is monitoring a pregnant with
done to prevent this" gestational HTN who is at risk for preeclampsia. At
4. "We will see to it that you have an early each home care visit, the nurse assesses the client
discharge so that you don't have to be reminded of for which classic sign of preeclampsia? Select all
this experience" that apply.

1. "What can I do for you?" 1. Proteinuria

2. HTN
The nurse implements a teaching plan for a 3. Low-grade fever
pregnant client who is newly diagnosed with 4. Generalized edema
gestational diabetes mellitus. Which statement 5. Increased pulse
made by the client indicates a need for further 6. Increased respirations
1. Proteinuria
1. "I should stay on a diabetic diet" 2. HTN
2. "I should perform glucose monitoring at home" 4. Generalized edema
3. "I should avoid exercise because of the negative
effect on insulin production" The nurse is assessing a pregnant client with type 1
4. "I should be aware of any infections and report DM about her understanding regarding changing
signs of infections immediately to my HCP" insulin needs during pregnancy. The nurse
determines that further teaching is needed if the
3. "I should avoid exercise because of the negative client makes which statement?
effect on insulin production"
1. "I will need to increase my insulin dosage during
The nurse is performing an assessment on a the first 3 months of pregnancy"
pregnant client with severe preeclampsia. The 2. "My insulin dose will likely need to be increased
nurse reviews the assessment findings and during the second and third trimesters"
determines that which finding is most closely 3. "Episodes of hypoglycemia are more likely to
associated with a complication of this diagnosis? occur during the first 3 months of pregnancy"
4. "My insulin needs should return to normal 4. A client who has had one sexual partner for the
within 7-10 days after birth if I am bottle feeding" past 10 years

1. "I will need to increase my insulin dosage during 1. A client has a history of IV drug use
the first
3 months of pregnancy" The nurse in a maternity unit is providing
emotional support to a client and her husband who
Insulin needs decrease in the first trimester are preparing to be discharged from the hospital
because of increased insulin production by the after the birth of a dead fetus. Which statement
pancreas and increased peripheral sensitivity to made by the client indicates a component of the
insulin. normal grieving process?

A pregnant client reports to a health care clinic 1. "We want to attend a support group"
complaining of loss of appetite, weight loss, and 2. "We never want to try to have a baby again"
fatigue. After assessment of the client, tuberculosis 3. "We are going to try and adopt a child
is suspected. A sputum culture is obtained and immediately"
identifies Myobacterium tuberculosis. Which 4. "We are okay and we are going to try and have
instruction should the nurse include in the client's another baby immediately"
teaching plan?
1. "We want to attend a support group"
1. Therapeutic abortion is required
2. She will have to stay at home until the treatment The nurse evaluates the ability of a hepatitis-B
is completed positive mother to provide safe bottle-feeding to
3. Medication will not be started until after delivery her newborn. Which maternal action best
4. Isoniazid plus rifampin will be required for 9 exemplifies the mother's knowledge of potential
months disease transmission to the newborn?

4. Isoniazid plus rifampin will be required for 9 1. The mother requests that the window be closed
months before feeding
2. The mother holds the newborn properly during
The nurse is providing instructions to a maternity feeding and burping
client with a history of cardiac disease regarding 3. The mother tests the temperature of the
appropriate dietary measures. Which statement, if formula before initiating feeding
made by the client, indicates an understanding of 4. The mother washes and dries her hands before
the information provided by the nurse? and after self care of the perineum and asks for a
pair of gloves before feeding
1. "I should increase my sodium intake during
pregnancy" 4. The mother washes and dries her hands before
2. "I should lower my blood volume by limiting my and after self care of the perineum and asks for a
fluids" pair of gloves before feeding
3. "I should maintain a low calorie diet to prevent
any weight gain" A client in the first trimester of pregnancy arrives at
4. "I should drink adequate fluids an increase my a health care clinic and reports that she has been
intake of high fiber foods" experiencing vaginal bleeding. A threatened
abortion is suspected, and the nurse instructs the
4. "I should drink adequate fluids an increase my client regarding the management of care. Which
intake of high fiber foods" statement made by the client indicates a need for
further teaching?

1. "I will watch for the evidence of the passage of

The valsalva maneuver should be avoided in a tissue"
client with cardiac disease because it can cause 2. "I will maintain strict bed rest throughout the
blood to rush to the heart and overload the cardiac remainder of the pregnancy"
system. 3. "I will count the number of perineal pads used
on a daily basis and not the amount and color of
The clinic is performing a psychosocial assessment the blood on the pad"
of a client who has been told that she is pregnant. 4. "I will avoid sexual intercourse until the bleeding
Which assessment finding indicates to the nurse has stopped, and for 2 weeks following the last
that the client is at risk for contracting HIV? evidence of bleeding"

1. A client has a history of IV drug use 2. "I will maintain strict bed rest throughout the
2. A client who has a significant other who is remainder of the pregnancy"
3. A client who has a history of STI's
The nurse is monitoring a client who is receiving
oxytocin to induce labor. Which assessment finding 1. "I will flush the eyes after instilling the ointment"
would cause the nurse to immediately discontinue
the oxytocin infusion? Eye prophylaxis protects the newborn against
gonorrhea and chlamydia.
1. Fatigue
2. Drowsiness A client in preterm labor (31 weeks) who is dilated
3. Uterine hyperstimulation to 4 cm has been started on magnesium sulfate
4. Early decelerations of the fetal heart rate and contractions have stopped. If the client labor
3. Uterine hyperstimulation can be inhibited for the next 48 hours, the nurse
anticipates a prescription for which medication?
A pregnant client is receiving magnesium sulfate
for the management of preeclampsia. The nurse 1. Nalbuphine
determines that the client is experiencing toxicity 2. Betamethasone (Celestone)
from the medication if which finding is noted? 3. RhoGAM
4. Dinoprostone (Cervidil vaginal insert)
1. Proteinuria +3
2. Respirations of 10 breaths per minute 2. Betamethasone (Celestone)
3. Presence of deep tendon reflexes
4. Serum magnesium level of 6 mEq/L Betamethasone, a glucocorticoid, is given to
increase the production of surfactant to stimulate
2. Respirations of 10 breaths per minute fetal lung maturation. It is administered between
28-32 weeks if labor can be inhibited for 48 hours.
Signs of magnesium toxicity relate to the CNS
depressant effects of the medication and include Methylergonovine is prescribed for a women to
respiratory depression, loss of deep tendon treat postpartum hemorrhage. Before
reflexes, and sudden decline in FHR, maternal heart administration, what is the priority nursing
rate, and blood pressure. assessment?

The nurse is monitoring a client in preterm labor 1. Uterine tone

who is receiving IV magnesium sulfate. The nurse 2. BP
should monitor for which adverse effects of this 3. Amount of lochia
medication? Select all the apply. 4. Deep tendon reflexes

1. Flushing 2. BP
2. HTN
3. Increased urine output The nurse is preparing to administer beractant
4. Depressed respirations (Survanta) to a premature infant who has
5. Extreme muscle weakness respiratory distress syndrome. The nurse plans to
6. Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes administer the medication by which route?

1. Flushing 1. Intradermal
4. Depressed respirations 2. Intratracheal
5. Extreme muscle weakness 3. SQ
4. IM
Adverse effects of magnesium sulfate include
flushing, depressed respirations, depressed deep 2. Intratracheal
tendon reflexes, hypotension, extreme muscle An opioid analgesic is administered to a client in
weakness, decreased urine output, pulmonary labor. The nurse assigned to care for the client
edema, and elevated serum magnesium levels. ensures that which medication is readily available if
respiratory distress occurs?
The nursing instructor asks a nursing student to
describe the procedure for administering 1. Naloxone
erythromycin ointment to the eyes of a newborn. 2. Morphine sulfate
Which statement indicates a need for further 3. Betamethasone
teaching? 4. Meperidine hydrochloride

1. "I will flush the eyes after instilling the ointment" 1. Naloxone
2. "I will clean the newborn's eyes before instilling
the ointment" RhoGAM is prescribed for a client after delivery
3. "I need to administer the ointment within 1 hour and the nurse provides information to the client
after delivery" about the purpose of the medication. The nurse
4. "I will instill eye ointment into each of the determines that the woman understands the
newborn's conjuctival sacs" purpose if the woman states that it will protect her
next baby from which condition? arteriosus joins the aorta and the pulmonary
1. Having Rh+ blood
2. Developing a rubella infection A pregnant client tells the clinic nurse that she
3. Developing physiological jaundice want to know the gender of her baby as soon as it
4. Being affected by Rh incompatibility can be determined. The nurse understands that the
client should be able to find out the gender at 12
4. Being affected by Rh incompatibility weeks gestation because of which factor?

Methylergonovine is prescribed for a client with 1. The appearance of external genitalia

postpartum hemorrhage. Before administering the 2. The beginning of the differentiation in the fetal
medication, the nurse contacts the health care groin
provider who prescribed the medication if which 3. The fetal testes are descended into the scrotal
condition is documented in the client's medical sac
record? 4. The internal differences in males and females
become apparent
1. Hypotension
2. Hypothyroidism 1. The appearance of external genitalia
3. DM
4. Peripheral vascular disease The nurse is performing an assessment on a client
who is at 38 weeks gestation and notes that the
4. Peripheral vascular disease fetal heart rate is 174 bpm. On the basis of this
finding, what is the priority nursing assessment?
Methylergonovine is an ergot alkaloid, which are
contraindicated in client with significant CVD, 1. Document the findings
peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, 2. Check the mother's heart rate
preeclampsia, or eclampsia. 3. Notify the HCP
4. Tell the client that the fetal heart rate is normal
The nursing student is preparing to teach a
prenatal class about fetal circulation. Which 3. Notify the HCP
statement should be included in the teaching plan?
The nurse is conducting a prenatal class on the
1. "One artery carries oxygenated blood from the female reproductive system. When a client in the
placenta to the fetus" class asks why the fertilized ovum stays in the
2. "Two arteries carry oxygenated blood from the fallopian tubes for 3 days, what is the nurse's best
placenta to the fetus" response?
3. "Two arteries carry deoxygenated blood and
waste products away from the fetus to the 1. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's chances of
placenta" survivial"
4. "Two veins carry blood that is high in carbon 2. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to
dioxide and other waste products away from the estrogen and progesterone"
fetus to the placenta" 3. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's normal
implantation in the top portion of the uterus"
3. "Two arteries carry deoxygenated blood and 4. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to
waste products away from the fetus to the lutenizing hormone and follicle-stimulating
placenta" hormone"
A nursing student is assigned to care for a client in
labor. The nursing instructor asks the student to 3. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's normal
describe fetal circulation, specifically the ductus implantation in the top portion of the uterus"
venosus. Which statement is correct regarding the
ductus venosus? The nurse instructor asks a nursing student to list
the characteristics of the amniotic fluid. The
1. Connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta student responds correctly by listing which as
2. Is an opening between the right and left atria characteristics of amniotic fluid? Select all the
3. Connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena apply.
4. Connects the umbilical artery to the inferior vena 1. Allows for fetal movement
cava 2. Surrounds, cushions, and protects the fetus
3. Maintains the body temperature of the fetus
3. Connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena 4. Can be used to measure fetal kidney function
cava 5. Prevents large particles such as bacteria from
passing to the fetus
The foramen ovale is a temporary opening 6. Provides an exchange of nutrients and waste
between the right and left atria. The ductus products between the mother and fetus
1. Allows for fetal movement 2. "Please share with me more about your
2. Surrounds, cushions, and protects the fetus concerns"
3. Maintains the body temperature of the fetus
4. Can be used to measure fetal kidney function The nursing student is preparing to teach a
prenatal class about fetal circulation. Which
A couple comes to the family planning clinic and statement should be included in the teaching plan?
asks about sterilization procedures. Which question
by the nurse would determine whether this 1. "One artery carries oxygenated blood from the
method of family planning would be most placenta to the fetus."
appropriate? 2. "Two arteries carry oxygenated blood from the
placenta to the fetus."
1. "Has either of you ever had surgery" 3. "Two arteries carry deoxygenated blood and
2. "Do you plan to have any other children" waste products away from the fetus to the
3. "Do either of you have DM" placenta."
4. "Do either of you have problems with high blood 4. "Two veins carry blood that is high in carbon
pressure" dioxide and other waste products away from the
fetus to the placenta."
2. "Do you plan to have any other children"
3. "Two arteries carry deoxygenated blood and
The nurse should include which statement to a waste products away from the fetus to the
pregnant client found to have a gynecoid pelvis? placenta."

1. "Your type of pelvis has a narrow pelvic arch" A pregnant client tells the clinic nurse that she
2. "Your type of pelvis is most favorable for labor wants to know the gender of her baby as soon as it
and birth" can be determined. The nurse understands that the
3. "Your type of pelvis is a wide pelvis, but has a client should be able to find out the gender at 12
short diameter" weeks' gestation because of which factor?
4. "You will need a C-section because this type of
pelvis is not favorable for vaginal birth" 1. The appearance of the fetal external genitalia
2. The beginning of differentiation in the fetal groin
2. "Your type of pelvis is most favorable for labor 3. The fetal testes are descended into the scrotal
and birth" sac
4. The internal differences in males and females
An android pelvis (resembling a male pelvis) would become apparent
be unfavorable for labor because of the narrow
pelvic planes. An anthropoid pelvis has an outlet 1. The appearance of the fetal external genitalia
that is adequate with a normal or moderately
narrow pubic arch. A platypelloid pelvis (flat pelvis) The nurse is performing an assessment on a client
has a wide transverse diameter, but the who is at 38 weeks' gestation and notes that the
anteroposterior diameter is short, making the fetal heart rate is 174 beats/minute. On the basis
outlet inadequate. of this finding, what is the priority nursing action?
Which explanation should the nurse provide to the
prenatal client about the purpose of the placenta? 1. Document the finding.
2. Check the mother's heart rate.
1. It cushions and protects the baby 3. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
2. It maintains the temperature of the baby 4. Tell the client that the fetal heart rate is normal.
3. It is the way the baby gets food and oxygen
4. It prevents all antibodies and viruses from 3. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
passing to the baby
The nurse is conducting a prenatal class on the
3. It is the way the baby gets food and oxygen female reproductive system. When a client in the
class asks why the fertilized ovum stays in the
A 55-year-old male client confides in the nurse that fallopian tube for 3 days, what is the nurse's best
he in concerned about his sexual function. What is response?
the nurses best response?
1. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's chances of
1. "How often do you have sexual relations" survival."
2. "Please share with me more about your 2. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to
concerns" estrogen and progesterone."
3. "You are still young and have nothing to be 3. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's normal
concerned about" implantation in the top portion of the uterus."
4. "You should not have a decline in testosterone 4. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to
until you are in your 80's"
luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating 3. It is the way the baby gets food and oxygen.
hormone." 4. It prevents all antibodies and viruses from
passing to the baby.
3. "It promotes the fertilized ovum's normal
implantation in the top portion of the uterus." 3. It is the way the baby gets food and oxygen.

The nursing instructor asks a nursing student to list The nurse is performing an assessment of a
the characteristics of the amniotic fluid. The pregnant client who is at 28 weeks of gestation.
student responds correctly by listing which as The nurse measures the fundal height in
characteristics of amniotic fluid? Select all that centimeters and expects which finding?
1. 22 cm
1. Allows for fetal movement 2. 30 cm
2. Surrounds, cushions, and protects the fetus 3. 36 cm
3. Maintains the body temperature of the fetus 4. 40 cm
4. Can be used to measure fetal kidney function
5. Prevents large particles such as bacteria from 2. 30 cm
passing to the fetus
The nurse is assisting in performing an assessment
on a client who suspects that she is pregnant and is
checking the client for probable signs of pregnancy.
1. Allows for fetal movement Which are probable signs of pregnancy? Select all
that apply.
2. Surrounds, cushions, and protects the fetus
1. Ballottement
3. Maintains the body temperature of the fetus 2. Chadwick's sign
3. Uterine enlargement
4. Can be used to measure fetal kidney function 4. Braxton Hicks contractions
5. Fetal heart rate detected by a nonelectronic
A couple comes to the family planning clinic and 6. Outline of fetus via radiography or
asks about sterilization procedures. Which question ultrasonography
by the nurse would determine whether this
method of family planning would be most 1. Ballottement
2. Chadwick's sign
1. "Has either of you ever had surgery?"
2. "Do you plan to have any other children?" 3. Uterine enlargement
3. "Do either of you have diabetes mellitus?"
4. "Do either of you have problems with high blood 4. Braxton Hicks contractions
A pregnant client is seen for a regular prenatal visit
2. "Do you plan to have any other children?" and tells the nurse that she is experiencing
irregular contractions. The nurse determines that
The nurse should include which statement to a she is experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. On
pregnant client found to have a gynecoid pelvis? the basis of this finding, which nursing action
is most appropriate?
1. "Your type of pelvis has a narrow pubic arch."
2. "Your type of pelvis is the most favorable for 1. Contact the health care provider.
labor and birth." 2. Instruct the client to maintain bed rest for the
3. "Your type of pelvis is a wide pelvis, but has a remainder of the pregnancy.
short diameter." 3. Inform the client that these contractions are
4. "You will need a cesarean section because this common and may occur throughout the pregnancy.
type of pelvis is not favorable for a vaginal 4. Call the maternity unit and inform them that the
delivery." client will be admitted in a prelabor condition.

2. "Your type of pelvis is the most favorable for 3. Inform the client that these contractions are
labor and birth." common and may occur throughout the pregnancy.

Which explanation should the nurse provide to the The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant
prenatal client about the purpose of the placenta? client with genital herpes about the measures that
are needed to protect the fetus. Which instruction
1. It cushions and protects the baby. should the nurse provide to the client?
2. It maintains the temperature of the baby.
1. Total abstinence from sexual intercourse is
necessary during the entire pregnancy. The nurse is performing an assessment of a
2. Sitz baths need to be taken every 4 hours while primigravida who is being evaluated in a clinic
awake if vaginal lesions are present. during her second trimester of pregnancy. Which
3. Daily administration of acyclovir (Zovirax) is finding concerns the nurse and indicates the need
necessary during the entire pregnancy. for follow-up?
4. A cesarean section will be necessary if vaginal
lesions are present at the time of labor. 1. Quickening
2. Braxton Hicks contractions
4. A cesarean section will be necessary if vaginal 3. Fetal heart rate of 180 beats/minute
lesions are present at the time of labor. 4. Consistent increase in fundal height

The nurse is reviewing the record of a client who 3. Fetal heart rate of 180 beats/minute
has just been told that a pregnancy test is positive.
The health care provider has documented the The nurse is collecting data during an admission
presence of Goodell's sign. This finding is most assessment of a client who is pregnant with twins.
closely associated with which characteristic? The client has a healthy 5-year-old child who was
delivered at 38 weeks and tells the nurse that she
1. A softening of the cervix does not have a history of any type of abortion or
2. The presence of fetal movement fetal demise. Using GTPAL, what should the nurse
3. The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin document in the client's chart?
in the urine
4. A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the 1. G = 3, T = 2, P = 0, A = 0, L = 1
maternal pulse during auscultation of the uterus 2. G = 2, T = 1, P = 0, A = 0, L = 1
3. G = 1, T = 1, P = 1, A = 0, L = 1
1. A softening of the cervix 4. G = 2, T = 0, P = 0, A = 0, L = 1
2. G = 2, T = 1, P = 0, A = 0, L = 1
A client arrives at the clinic for the first prenatal
assessment. She tells the nurse that the first day of The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant
her last menstrual period was October 19, 2014. client who is scheduled for an amniocentesis. What
Using Nägele's rule, which expected date of instruction should the nurse provide?
delivery should the nurse document in the client's
chart? 1. Strict bed rest is required after the procedure.
2. Hospitalization is necessary for 24 hours after
1. July 12, 2014 the procedure.
2. July 26, 2015 3. An informed consent needs to be signed before
3. August 12, 2015 the procedure.
4. August 26, 2015 4. A fever is expected after the procedure because
of the trauma to the abdomen.
2. July 26, 2015 3. An informed consent needs to be signed before
The health care provider (HCP) is assessing the the procedure.
client for the presence of ballottement. To make
this determination, the HCP should take which A pregnant client in the first trimester calls the
action? nurse at a health care clinic and reports that she
has noticed a thin, colorless vaginal drainage. The
1. Auscultate for fetal heart sounds. nurse should make which statement to the client?
2. Assess the cervix for compressibility.
3. Palpate the abdomen for fetal movement. 1. "Come to the clinic immediately."
4. Initiate a gentle upward tap on the cervix. 2. "The vaginal discharge may be bothersome, but
is a normal occurrence."
4. Initiate a gentle upward tap on the cervix. 3. "Report to the emergency department at the
maternity center immediately."
A pregnant client asks the nurse in the clinic when 4. "Use tampons if the discharge is bothersome,
she will be able to begin to feel the fetus move. but to be sure to change the tampons every 2
The nurse responds by telling the mother that fetal hours."
movements will be noted between which weeks of
gestation? 2. "The vaginal discharge may be bothersome, but
is a normal occurrence."
1. 6 and 8
2. 8 and 10 The nurse has performed a nonstress test on a
3. 10 and 12 pregnant client and is reviewing the fetal monitor
4. 14 and 18 strip. The nurse interprets the test as reactive. How
should the nurse document this finding?
4. 14 and 18
1. Normal The nurse has instructed a pregnant client in
2. Abnormal measures to prevent varicose veins during
3. The need for further evaluation pregnancy. Which statement by the client indicates
4. That findings were difficult to interpret a need for further instructions?
1. Normal
1. "I should wear panty hose."
A nonstress test is performed on a client who is 2. "I should wear support hose."
pregnant, and the results of the test indicate 3. "I should wear flat nonslip shoes that have good
nonreactive findings. The health care provider support."
prescribes a contraction stress test, and the results 4. "I should wear knee-high hose, but I should not
are documented as negative. How should the nurse leave them on longer than 8 hours."
document this finding?
4. "I should wear knee-high hose, but I should not
1. A normal test result leave them on longer than 8 hours."
2. An abnormal test result
3. A high risk for fetal demise A pregnant client calls a clinic and tells the nurse
4. The need for a cesarean delivery that she is experiencing leg cramps that awaken
1. A normal test result her at night. What should the nurse tell the client
to provide relief from the leg cramps?
A pregnant client tells the nurse that she has been
craving "unusual foods." The nurse gathers 1. "Bend your foot toward your body while flexing
additional assessment data and discovers that the the knee when the cramps occur."
client has been ingesting daily amounts of white 2. "Bend your foot toward your body while
clay dirt from her backyard. Laboratory studies are extending the knee when the cramps occur."
performed and the nurse determines that which 3. "Point your foot away from your body while
finding indicates a physiological consequence of flexing the knee when the cramps occur."
the client's practice? 4. "Point your foot away from your body while
extending the knee when the cramps occur."
1. Hematocrit 38%
2. Glucose 86 mg/dL 2. "Bend your foot toward your body while
3. Hemoglobin 9.1 g/dL extending the knee when the cramps occur."
4. White blood cell count 12,400 cells/mm3
3. Hemoglobin 9.1 g/dL The nurse in a health care clinic is instructing a
pregnant client how to perform "kick counts."
A pregnant client asks the nurse about the types of
exercises that are allowable during pregnancy. The Which statement by the client indicates a need for
nurse should tell that client that which exercise is further instructions?
safest? 1. "I will record the number of movements or
1. Swimming kicks."
2. Scuba diving 2. "I need to lie flat on my back to perform the
3. Low-impact gymnastics procedure."
4. Bicycling with the legs in the air 3. "If I count fewer than 10 kicks in a 2-hour period
I should count the kicks again over the next 2
1. Swimming hours."
4. "I should place my hands on the largest part of
A health care provider has prescribed transvaginal my abdomen and concentrate on the fetal
ultrasonography for a client in the first trimester of movements to count the kicks."
pregnancy and the client asks the nurse about the
procedure. How should the nurse respond to the 2. "I need to lie flat on my back to perform the
client? procedure."

1. "The procedure takes about 2 hours." The nurse is providing instructions regarding
2. "It will be necessary to drink 1 to 2 quarts of treatment of hemorrhoids to a client who is in the
water before the examination." second trimester of pregnancy. Which statement
3. "The probe that will be inserted into the vagina by the client indicates a need for further
will be covered with a disposable cover and coated instruction?
with a gel."
4. "Gel is spread over the abdomen, and a round 1. "I should avoid straining during bowel
disk transducer will be moved over the abdomen to movements."
obtain the picture." 2. "I can gently replace the hemorrhoids into the
3. "The probe that will be inserted into the vagina rectum."
will be covered with a disposable cover and coated 3. "I can apply ice packs to the hemorrhoids to
with a gel." reduce the swelling."
4. "I should apply heat packs to the hemorrhoids to 4. The client complains of a headache and blurred
help the hemorrhoids shrink." vision.

4. "I should apply heat packs to the hemorrhoids to The nurse implements a teaching plan for a
help the hemorrhoids shrink." pregnant client who is newly diagnosed with
gestational diabetes mellitus. Which statement
The nurse is providing instructions to a client in the made by the client indicates a need for further
first trimester of pregnancy regarding measures to teaching?
assist in reducing breast tenderness. Which
instruction should the nurse provide? 1. "I should stay on the diabetic diet."
2. "I should perform glucose monitoring at home."
1. Avoid wearing a bra. 3. "I should avoid exercise because of the negative
2. Wash the breasts with warm water and keep effects on insulin production."
them dry. 4. "I should be aware of any infections and report
3. Wear tight-fitting blouses or dresses to provide signs of infection immediately to my health care
support. provider."
4. Wash the nipples and areolar area daily with
soap, and massage the breasts with lotion. 3. "I should avoid exercise because of the negative
effects on insulin production."
2. Wash the breasts with warm water and keep
them dry. The nurse is performing an assessment on a
pregnant client with a diagnosis of severe
The nurse is describing cardiovascular system preeclampsia. The nurse reviews the assessment
changes that occur during pregnancy to a client findings and determines that which finding is most
and understands that which finding would be closely associated with a complication of this
normal for a client in the second trimester? diagnosis?

1. Increase in pulse rate 1. Enlargement of the breasts

2. Increase in blood pressure 2. Complaints of feeling hot when the room is cool
3. Frequent bowel elimination 3. Periods of fetal movement followed by quiet
4. Decrease in red blood cell production periods
4. Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
1. Increase in pulse rate petechiae, and purpura

The clinic nurse is providing instructions to a 4. Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
pregnant client regarding measures that assist in petechiae, and purpura
alleviating heartburn. Which statement by the The home care nurse is monitoring a pregnant
client indicates an understanding of the client with gestational hypertension who is at risk
instructions? for preeclampsia. At each home care visit, the
nurse assesses the client for which classic signs of
1. "I should avoid between-meal snacks." preeclampsia? Select all that apply.
2. "I should lie down for an hour after eating."
3. "I should use spices for cooking rather than using 1. Proteinuria
salt." 2. Hypertension
4. "I should avoid eating foods that produce gas 3. Low-grade fever
and fatty foods." 4. Generalized edema
5. Increased pulse rate
4. "I should avoid eating foods that produce gas 6. Increased respiratory rate
and fatty foods."
 1. Proteinuria
The home care nurse visits a pregnant client who  2. Hypertension
has a diagnosis of mild preeclampsia. Which  4. Generalized edema
assessment finding indicates a worsening of the
preeclampsia and the need to notify the health
care provider? The nurse is assessing a pregnant client with type 1
diabetes mellitus about her understanding
1. Urinary output has increased. regarding changing insulin needs during pregnancy.
2. Dependent edema has resolved. The nurse determines that further teaching is
3. Blood pressure reading is at the prenatal needed if the client makes which statement?
4. The client complains of a headache and blurred 1. "I will need to increase my insulin dosage during
vision. the first 3 months of pregnancy."
2. "My insulin dose will likely need to be increased
during the second and third trimesters."
3. "Episodes of hypoglycemia are more likely to A client in the first trimester of pregnancy arrives
occur during the first 3 months of pregnancy." at a health care clinic and reports that she has been
4. "My insulin needs should return to normal experiencing vaginal bleeding. A threatened
within 7 to 10 days after birth if I am bottle- abortion is suspected, and the nurse instructs the
feeding." client regarding management of care. Which
statement made by the client indicates a need for
1. "I will need to increase my insulin dosage during further instruction?
the first 3 months of pregnancy."
1. "I will watch for the evidence of the passage of
A pregnant client reports to a health care clinic, tissue."
complaining of loss of appetite, weight loss, and 2. "I will maintain strict bed rest throughout the
fatigue. After assessment of the client, tuberculosis remainder of the pregnancy."
is suspected. A sputum culture is obtained and 3. "I will count the number of perineal pads used
identifies Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Which on a daily basis and note the amount and color of
instruction should the nurse include in the client's blood on the pad."
teaching plan? 4. "I will avoid sexual intercourse until the bleeding
has stopped, and for 2 weeks following the last
1. Therapeutic abortion is required. evidence of bleeding."
2. She will have to stay at home until treatment is
completed. 2. "I will maintain strict bed rest throughout the
3. Medication will not be started until after delivery remainder of the pregnancy."
of the fetus.
4. Isoniazid plus rifampin (Rifadin) will be required The nurse is performing an initial assessment on a
for 9 months. client who has just been told that a pregnancy test
is positive. Which assessment finding indicates that
4. Isoniazid plus rifampin (Rifadin) will be required the client is at risk for preterm labor?
for 9 months.
1. The client is a 35-year-old primigravida
The nurse is providing instructions to a maternity 2. The client has a history of cardiac disease
client with a history of cardiac disease regarding 3. The client's hemoglobin level is 13.5 g/dL
appropriate dietary measures. Which statement, if 4. The client is a 20-year-old primigravida of
made by the client, indicates an understanding of average weight and height
the information provided by the nurse?
2. The client has a history of cardiac disease
1. "I should increase my sodium intake during
pregnancy." The nurse provides instructions to a malnourished
2. "I should lower my blood volume by limiting my pregnant client regarding iron supplementation.
fluids." Which client statement indicates an understanding
3. "I should maintain a low-calorie diet to prevent of the instructions?
any weight gain."
4. "I should drink adequate fluids and increase my 1. "Iron supplements will give me diarrhea."
intake of high-fiber foods." 2. "Meat does not provide iron and should be
4. "I should drink adequate fluids and increase my 3. "The iron is best absorbed if taken on an empty
intake of high-fiber foods." stomach."
4. "On the days that I eat green leafy vegetables or
The clinic nurse is performing a psychosocial calf liver I can omit taking the iron supplement."
assessment of a client who has been told that she
is pregnant. Which assessment finding indicates to 3. "The iron is best absorbed if taken on an empty
the nurse that the client is at risk for contracting stomach."
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)?
A pregnant client at 10 weeks' gestation calls the
1. A client who has a history of intravenous drug prenatal clinic to report a recent exposure to a
use child with rubella. The nurse reviews the client's
2. A client who has a significant other who is chart. What is the nurse's best response to the
heterosexual client?Refer to chart.
3. A client who has a history of sexually transmitted
4. A client who has had one sexual partner for the
past 10 years 1. "You should avoid all school-age children during
1. A client who has a history of intravenous drug 2. "There is no need to be concerned if you don't
use have a fever or rash within the next 2 days."
3. "You were wise to call. Your rubella titer
indicates that you are immune and your baby is not 3. "This is necessary to minimize the financial cost
at risk." of caring for an HIV-positive client."
4. "Be sure to tell the health care provider in 2 4. "This is necessary to assist in identifying
weeks as additional screening will be prescribed potential infections that may need to be treated."
during your second trimester."
4. "This is necessary to assist in identifying
3. "You were wise to call. Your rubella titer potential infections that may need to be treated."
indicates that you are immune and your baby is not
at risk." A pregnant client who is anemic tells the nurse
that she is concerned about her infant's condition
During a routine prenatal visit, a client complains of after delivery. Which nursing response would best
gums that bleed easily with brushing. The nurse support the client?
performs an assessment and teaches the client
about proper nutrition to minimize this problem. 1. "You should not worry about your baby's
condition after the delivery because complications
Which client statement indicates an understanding are rare."
of the proper nutrition to minimize this problem? 2. "Your baby will probably need to spend a few
days in the neonatal intensive care unit after
1. "I will drink 8 oz of water with each meal." delivery."
2. "I will eat three servings of cracked wheat bread 3. "You will not have any problems if you follow all
each day." the advice the health care provider has given you."
3. "I will eat two saltine crackers before I get up 4. "The effects of anemia on your baby are difficult
each morning." to predict, but let's review your plan of care to
4. "I will eat fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks ensure you are providing the best nutrition and
and for dessert each day." growth potential."

4. "I will eat fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks 4. "The effects of anemia on your baby are difficult
and for dessert each day." to predict, but let's review your plan of care to
ensure you are providing the best nutrition and
The nursing instructor asks the nursing student growth potential."
about the physiology related to the cessation of
ovulation that occurs during pregnancy. Which The nurse is performing an assessment on a
response, if made by the student, indicates an pregnant client at 16 weeks of gestation. On
understanding of this physiological process? assessment, the nurse expects the fundus of the
uterus to be located at which area?
1. "Ovulation ceases during pregnancy because the
circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone are 1. At the umbilicus
high." 2. Just above the symphysis pubis
2. "Ovulation ceases during pregnancy because the 3. At the level of the xiphoid process
circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone are 4. Midway between the symphysis pubis and the
low." umbilicus
3. "The low levels of estrogen and progesterone
increase the release of the follicle-stimulating 4. Midway between the symphysis pubis and the
hormone and luteinizing hormone." umbilicus
4. "The high levels of estrogen and progesterone
promote the release of the follicle-stimulating The clinic nurse is performing a prenatal
hormone and luteinizing hormone." assessment on a pregnant client. The nurse should
plan to implement teaching related to the risk of
1. "Ovulation ceases during pregnancy because the abruptio placentae if which information is obtained
circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone are on assessment?
1. The client is 28 years of age.
The nurse encourages a pregnant human 2. This is the second pregnancy.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–positive client to 3. The client has a history of hypertension.
report any early signs of vaginal discharge or 4. The client performs moderate exercise on a
perineal tenderness to the health care provider regular daily schedule.
immediately. The client asks the nurse about the
importance of this action, and the nurse responds 3. The client has a history of hypertension.
by telling the client which accurate statement?
During a prenatal visit, a nurse is explaining dietary
1. "This is necessary to relieve anxiety for the management to a client with pre-existing diabetes
pregnant client." mellitus. The nurse determines that teaching has
2. "This is necessary to eliminate the need for been effective if the client makes which statement?
further uncomfortable screenings."
1. "Diet and insulin needs change during that she will include which item in the daily diet?
2. "I will plan my diet based on the results of urine 1. Milk
glucose testing." 2. Yogurt
3. "I will need to eat 600 more calories every day 3. Bananas
because I am pregnant." 4. Leafy green vegetables
4. "I can continue with the same diet as before
pregnancy, as long as it is well balanced." 4. Leafy green vegetables

1. "Diet and insulin needs change during A pregnant client who is at 30 weeks' gestation
pregnancy." comes to the clinic for a routine visit, and the nurse
performs an assessment on her. Which observation
The clinic nurse has provided home care made by the nurse during the assessment indicates
instructions to a client with a history of cardiac a need for further teaching?
disease who has just been told that she is
pregnant. Which statement, if made by the client, 1. The client is wearing sneakers.
indicates a need for further instructions? 2. The client is wearing knee-high hose.
3. The client is wearing flat shoes with rubber soles.
1. "It is best that I rest lying on my side to promote 4. The client is wearing pants with an elastic
blood return to the heart." waistband.
2. "I need to avoid excessive weight gain to prevent
increased demands on my heart." 2. The client is wearing knee-high hose.
3. "I need to try to avoid stressful situations
because stress increases the workload on the A pregnant client visits a clinic for a scheduled
heart." prenatal appointment. The client tells the nurse
4. "During the pregnancy, I need to avoid contact that she frequently has a backache, and the nurse
with other individuals as much as possible to provides instructions regarding measures that will
prevent infection." assist in relieving the backache. Which statement
4. "During the pregnancy, I need to avoid contact by the client indicates a need for further
with other individuals as much as possible to instructions?
prevent infection."
1. "I should wear flat-heeled shoes."
The nurse assists a pregnant client with cardiac 2. "I should sleep on a firm mattress."
disease to identify resources to help her care for 3. "I should try to maintain good posture."
her 18-month-old child during the last trimester of 4. "I should do more exercises to strengthen my
pregnancy. The nurse encourages the pregnant back muscles."
client to use these resources primarily for which
reason? 4. "I should do more exercises to strengthen my
back muscles."
1. Reduce excessive maternal stress and fatigue.
2. Help the mother prepare for labor and delivery. A nonstress test is prescribed for a pregnant client,
3. Avoid exposure to potential pathogens and and she asks the nurse about the procedure. How
resulting infections. should the nurse respond?
4. Prepare the 18-month-old child for maternal
separation during hospitalization. 1. "The test is a procedure that will require an
informed consent to be signed."
1. Reduce excessive maternal stress and fatigue. 2. "The test will take about 2 hours and will require
close monitoring for 2 hours after the procedure is
The nurse is instructing a pregnant client regarding completed."
measures to increase iron in the diet. The nurse 3. "The test is done to see if the baby can handle
should tell the client to consume which food that the stress of labor, and that medicine is given to
contains the highest source of dietary iron? make the uterus contract."
4. "A round, hard plastic disk called an ultrasound
1. Milk transducer picks up and marks the fetal heart
2. Potatoes activity on the recording paper and is secured over
3. Cantaloupe the abdomen."
4. Whole-grain cereal
4. Whole-grain cereal 4. "A round, hard plastic disk called an ultrasound
transducer picks up and marks the fetal heart
The nurse is reviewing a nutritional plan of care activity on the recording paper and is secured over
with a pregnant client and is identifying the food the abdomen."
items highest in folic acid. The nurse determines
that the client understands the foods that supply The nurse is developing a plan of care for a
the highest amounts of folic acid if the client states pregnant client who is complaining of intermittent
episodes of constipation. To help alleviate this 3. Creamed spinach
problem, the nurse should instruct the client to 4. Fresh-squeezed orange juice
take which measure?
2. Dried fruits
1. Consume a low-fiber diet.
2. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. The nurse has provided instructions to a pregnant
3. Use a Fleet enema when the episodes occur. client who is preparing to take iron supplements.
4. Take a mild stool softener daily in the evening. The nurse determines that the client understands
the instructions if she states that she will take the
2. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. supplements with which item?

A pregnant client in the prenatal clinic is scheduled 1. Milk

for a biophysical profile. The client asks the nurse 2. Tea
what this test involves. The nurse should make 3. Coffee
which appropriate response? 4. Orange juice

1. "This test measures your ability to tolerate the 4. Orange juice

2. "This test measures amniotic fluid volume and A client arrives at the health care clinic and tells
fetal activity." the nurse that her last menstrual period was 9
3. "This test measures your cardiac status and weeks ago. The client tells the nurse that a home
ability to tolerate labor." pregnancy test was positive but that she began to
4. "This test only measures the amount of amniotic have mild cramps and is now having moderate
fluid present in the uterus." vaginal bleeding. On physical examination of the
client, it is noted that she has a dilated cervix. The
2. "This test measures amniotic fluid volume and nurse determines that the client is experiencing
fetal activity." which type of abortion?

The nurse in the prenatal clinic is taking a 1. Septic

nutritional history from a 16-year-old pregnant 2. Inevitable
adolescent. Which statement, if made by the 3. Incomplete
adolescent, would alert the nurse to a potential 4. Threatened
psychosocial problem?
2. Inevitable
1. "I don't like dairy products."
2. "I will continue drinking my afternoon The nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant
milkshake." client seen in the health care clinic for the first
3. "I'm not used to eating so much food, but I will prenatal visit. Which data, if noted on the client's
try." record, would alert the nurse that the client is at
4. "I only want to gain 10 pounds because I want to risk for a spontaneous abortion?
have a small, petite baby."
1. Age of 35 years
4. "I only want to gain 10 pounds because I want to 2. History of syphilis
have a small, petite baby." 3. History of genital herpes
4. History of diabetes mellitus
The nurse in the prenatal clinic is conducting a
session about nutrition to a group of adolescents 2. History of syphilis
who are pregnant. Which measure is most
appropriate to teach these adolescents? The nurse is preparing to care for a client who is
being admitted to the hospital with a possible
1. Eat only when hungry. diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The nurse develops
2. Eliminate snacks during the day. a plan of care for the client and determines that
3. Avoid meals in fast-food restaurants. which nursing action is the priority?
4. Monitor for appropriate weight gain patterns.
1. Checking for edema
4. Monitor for appropriate weight gain patterns. 2. Monitoring daily weight
3. Monitoring the apical pulse
The clinic nurse is discussing nutrition with a 4. Monitoring the temperature
pregnant client who has lactose intolerance. The
nurse should instruct the client to supplement the 3. Monitoring the apical pulse
dietary source of calcium by eating which food?
The nurse reviews the laboratory results for a client
1. Hard cheese with a suspected ectopic pregnancy. The nurse
2. Dried fruits would expect which result of the beta subunit of
human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) if the client The nurse in the prenatal clinic is providing
had an ectopic pregnancy? nutritional counseling to a pregnant client. The
nurse instructs the client to increase the intake of
1. Not present folic acid and tells the client that which food item is
2. Present in low levels highest in folic acid?
3. Present in high levels
4. Within normal limits 1. Pork
2. Cheese
2. Present in low levels 3. Chicken
4. Green leafy vegetables
The nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant
client seen in the health care clinic for the first 4. Green leafy vegetables
prenatal visit. Which data if noted on the client's
record would alert the nurse that the client is at A client reports to the health care clinic and says
risk for developing gestational diabetes during this that it has been 6 weeks since her last menstrual
pregnancy? period. The nurse performs a pregnancy test and
should expect to note the presence of which
1. The client's last baby weighed 10 pounds at hormone in the blood test results if the client is
birth. pregnant?
2. The client's previous deliveries were by cesarean
birth. 1. Estrogen
3. The client has a family history of cardiovascular 2. Progesterone
disease. 3. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
4. The client is 5 feet 3 inches in height and weighs 4. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
165 pounds.
4. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
1. The client's last baby weighed 10 pounds at
birth. A client in the prenatal clinic asks the nurse about
the delivery date. The nurse notes that the client's
The nurse is teaching a diabetic pregnant client record indicates that the client began her last
about nutrition and insulin needs during menses on March 7, 2015, and ended the menses
pregnancy. The nurse determines that the client on March 14, 2015. Using Nägele's rule, the nurse
understands dietary and insulin needs if the client should tell the client that the estimated date of
states that the second half of pregnancy may delivery is which date?
require which treatment?
1. January 14, 2014
1. Increased insulin 2. January 21, 2014
2. Increased caloric intake 3. December 21, 2015
3. Decreased protein intake 4. December 14, 2015
4. Decreased insulin
4. December 14, 2015
1. Increased insulin
The prenatal clinic nurse asks a coassigned nursing
The nurse is assessing a client with a diagnosis of student to identify the physiological adaptations of
gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform the cardiovascular system that occur during
mole). The nurse understands that which findings pregnancy. The nurse determines that the student
are associated with this condition? Select all that understands these physiological changes if he or
apply. she makes which statement?

1. Vaginal bleeding 1. "An increase in pulse rate occurs."

2. Excessive fetal activity 2. "A decrease in blood volume occurs."
3. Excessive nausea and vomiting 3. "A decrease in cardiac output occurs."
4. Larger-than-normal uterus for gestational age 4. "The systolic and diastolic blood pressures
5. Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin increase by 20 mm Hg."
1. "An increase in pulse rate occurs."
 1. Vaginal bleeding
 3. Excessive nausea and vomiting The prenatal client asks the nurse about substances
 4. Larger-than-normal uterus for gestational that can cross the placental barrier and potentially
age affect the fetus. The nurse most appropriately
 5. Elevated levels of human chorionic explains that which substances can cross this
gonadotropin (hCG) barrier? Select all that apply.
1. Viruses A client with severe preeclampsia is admitted to
2. Bacteria the maternity department. Which room
3. Nutrients assignment would be most appropriate for this
4. Medications client?
5. Antibodies
1. A private room across from the elevator
 1. Viruses 2. A semiprivate room across from the nurses'
 3. Nutrients station
 4. Medications 3. A private room two doors away from the nurses'
 5. Antibodies station
4. A semiprivate room with another client who
A client who is 8 weeks pregnant calls the prenatal enjoys watching television
clinic and tells the nurse that she is experiencing
nausea and vomiting every morning. The nurse 3. A private room two doors away from the nurses'
should suggest which measure that will best station
promote relief of the symptoms?
A couple is seen in the fertility clinic. After several
1. Eating a high-fat diet tests, it has been determined that the husband is
2. Increasing fluids with meals not sterile and that the wife has nonpatent
3. Eating a high-carbohydrate diet fallopian tubes. The nurse is preparing the woman
4. Eating dry crackers before arising and her husband for an in vitro fertilization. Which
statement by the woman or her spouse would
4. Eating dry crackers before arising indicate a need for further information about the
The home care nurse is visiting a prenatal client procedure?
who has a history of heart disease. The nurse
provides instructions to the client regarding home 1. "Ova and sperm are collected and allowed to
care measures to promote a healthy pregnancy. incubate."
Home care for this client should include which 2. "A fertilized ovum is transferred into the
measure? woman's uterus."
3. "The procedure is a method of medically assisted
1. Increase daily calories to ensure weight gain. reproduction."
2. Maintain a supine position during rest periods. 4. "The procedure is performed using artificial
3. Restrict visitors who may have an active insemination of sperm instilled through the
infection. vagina."
4. Avoid becoming concerned about placing stress
on the heart. 4. "The procedure is performed using artificial
insemination of sperm instilled through the
3. Restrict visitors who may have an active vagina."
The nurse in the gynecology clinic is reviewing the
A home care nurse is visiting a pregnant client with record of a pregnant client after the first prenatal
a diagnosis of mild preeclampsia. What is the visit. The nurse notes that the health care provider
priority nursing intervention during the home visit? has documented that the woman has a platypelloid
pelvis. On the basis of this documentation, the
1. Monitor for fetal movement. nurse plans care, knowing that this type of pelvis
2. Monitor the maternal blood glucose. has which characteristic?
3. Instruct the client to maintain complete bed rest.
4. Instruct the client to restrict dietary sodium and 1. Is heart-shaped
any food items that contain sodium. 2. Has a flat shape
3. Has an oval shape
1. Monitor for fetal movement. 4. Is a normal female pelvis

A maternity unit nurse is developing a plan of care 2. Has a flat shape

for a client with severe preeclampsia who will be
admitted to the nursing unit. The nurse should The nurse is counseling a pregnant woman
include which nursing intervention in the plan? diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 29 weeks of
gestation. Which information should the nurse
1. Restrict food and fluids. discuss with the client? Select all that apply.
2. Reduce external stimuli.
3. Monitor blood glucose levels. 1. Plan induction at 35 weeks.
4. Maintain the client in a supine position. 2. Plan amniocentesis at this time.
3. Schedule biophysical profile immediately.
2. Reduce external stimuli. 4. Plan for weekly non-stress test at 32 weeks.
5. Obtain nutritional counseling with a dietitian.
 4. Plan for weekly non-stress test at 32 cause of the lightheadedness?
 5. Obtain nutritional counseling with a 1. A full bladder
dietitian. 2. Emotional instability
3. Insufficient iron intake
A nurse provides dietary instructions to a pregnant 4. Compression of the vena cava
woman regarding food items that contain folic
acid. Which food item should the nurse 4. Compression of the vena cava
recommend as a good source of folic acid?
A pregnant client has been instructed on the
1. Cheese prevention of genital tract infections. Which client
2. Spinach statement indicates an understanding of these
3. Potatoes preventive measures?
4. Bananas
1. "I can douche anytime I want."
2. Spinach 2. "I can wear my tight-fitting jeans."
3. "I should avoid the use of condoms."
The nurse is caring for a client with preeclampsia. 4. "I should wear underwear with a cotton panel
The client is receiving an intravenous (IV) infusion liner."
of magnesium sulfate. When gathering items to be 4. "I should wear underwear with a cotton panel
available for the client, which highest priority item liner."
should the nurse obtain?
The nurse is reviewing the results of the rubella
1. Tongue blade screening (titer) with a pregnant client. The test
2. Percussion hammer results are positive, and the mother asks if it is safe
3. Potassium chloride injection for her toddler to receive the vaccine. What is the
4. Calcium gluconate injection nurse's best response?

4. Calcium gluconate injection 1. "Most children do not receive the vaccine until
they are 5 years of age."
A pregnant client has been diagnosed with a 2. "You are still susceptible to rubella, so your
vaginal infection from the organism Candida toddler should receive the vaccine."
albicans. Which finding should the nurse expect to 3. "It is not advised for children of pregnant women
note when assessing this client? to be vaccinated during their mother's pregnancy."
4. "Your titer supports your immunity to rubella,
1. Costovertebral angle pain and it is safe for your toddler to receive the vaccine
2. Pain, itching, and vaginal discharge at this time."
3. Absence of any signs and symptoms
4. Proteinuria, hematuria, edema, and 4. "Your titer supports your immunity to rubella,
hypertension and it is safe for your toddler to receive the vaccine
at this time."
2. Pain, itching, and vaginal discharge
A clinic nurse is explaining the changes in the
The nurse is performing an assessment on a client integumentary system that occur during pregnancy
seen in the health care clinic for a first prenatal to a client and should tell the client that which
visit. The client reports February 9 as the first day change may persist after she gives birth?
of the last menstrual period (LMP). Using Nägele's
rule, what date later that same year will the nurse 1. Epulis
relay as the client's due date? 2. Chloasma
3. Telangiectasia
1. October 7 4. Striae gravidarum
2. October 16
3. November 7 4. Striae gravidarum
4. November 16
A clinic nurse is instructing a pregnant client
4. November 16 regarding dietary measures to promote a healthy
pregnancy. The nurse tells the client about the
The nurse is performing a measurement of fundal importance of an adequate daily fluid intake.
height in a client whose pregnancy has reached 36 Which client statement best indicates an
weeks of gestation. During the measurement the understanding of the daily fluid requirement?
client begins to feel lightheaded. On the basis of
knowledge of the physiological changes of 1. "I should drink 12 glasses of fruit juices and milk
pregnancy, the nurse understands that which is the every day."
2. "I should drink 8 to 10 glasses of fluid a day, and
I can drink as many diet soft drinks as I want." 1. Eyelids begin to fuse.
3. "I should drink 12 glasses of fluid a day, and I can 2. Fetal heart begins to beat.
include the coffee or tea that I drink in the count." 3. The fetal skin is transparent.
4. "I should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluid 4. The fetus weighs approximately 1200 g.
each day, of which at least 6 glasses should be 5. The fetus is approximately 42 to 48 cm long.
water." 6. The lecithin-sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio is greater
than 2:1
4. "I should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluid
each day, of which at least 6 glasses should be  5. The fetus is approximately 42 to 48 cm
water." long.
 6. The lecithin-sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio is
A prenatal clinic nurse is providing instructions to a greater than 2:1
group of pregnant women regarding measures to
prevent toxoplasmosis. Which client statement A client who has just been told that she is pregnant
indicates a need for further instruction? wants to know when the baby's heart will be
completely developed and beating. The nurse
1. "I should cook meat thoroughly." reads in the client's chart that the health care
2. "I should drink unpasteurized milk only." provider has determined the client to be at 6
3. "I should avoid contact with materials that are weeks' gestation. What is the
possibly contaminated with cat feces." nurse's best response?
4. "I should avoid touching mucous membranes of
the mouth or eyes while handling raw meat." 1. "Your baby's heart right now consists of two
parallel tubes, so we can't hear it today."
2. "I should drink unpasteurized milk only." 2. "Your baby's heart right now is beginning to
partition into four chambers and has begun to
A home care nurse is monitoring a 16-year-old beat, so we should be able to hear it with a
primigravida who is at 36 weeks' gestation and has Doppler."
gestational hypertension. Her blood pressure 3. "Your baby's heart right now is beginning to
during the past 3 weeks has been averaging in the partition into four chambers and has begun to
130/90 mm Hg range. She has had some swelling in beat, so we should be able to hear it with a
the lower extremities and has had mild proteinuria. fetoscope."
Which statement by the woman should alert the 4. "Your baby's heart right now has double heart
nurse to the worsening of gestational chambers and has begun to beat, so we should be
hypertension? able to see it beat using an ultrasound machine."

1. "My vision the past 2 days has been really fuzzy." 4. "Your baby's heart right now has double heart
2. "The swelling in my hands and ankles has gone chambers and has begun to beat, so we should be
down." able to see it beat using an ultrasound machine."
3. "I had heartburn yesterday after I ate some spicy
foods." During a woman's 38-week prenatal visit, the nurse
4. "I had a headache yesterday, but I took some assesses the fetal heart rate. Which finding would
acetaminophen (Tylenol) and it went away." the nurse note as normal?

1. "My vision the past 2 days has been really fuzzy." 1. 80 beats/minute
2. 100 beats/minute
A primigravida is receiving magnesium sulfate for 3. 150 beats/minute
the treatment of gestational hypertension. The 4. 180 beats/minute
nurse who is caring for the client is performing
assessments every 30 minutes. Which finding 3. 150 beats/minute
would be of most concern to the nurse?
The clinic nurse is reviewing the medical record of
1. Urinary output of 20 mL a woman scheduled for her weekly prenatal
2. Deep tendon reflexes of 2+ appointment. The nurse notes that the woman has
3. Fetal heart rate of 120 beats/min been diagnosed with mild preeclampsia. Of the
4. Respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute following interventions, which should the nurse list
as having the lowest priority in planning nursing
4. Respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute care for this client?

The nurse is reviewing fetal development with a 1. Assess blood pressure.

client who is at 36 weeks gestation. Which 2. Discuss the need for hospitalization.
statements describe the characteristics that 3. Assess deep tendon reflexes and edema.
develop in a fetus at this time? Select all that 4. Teach the importance of keeping track of a daily
apply. weight.
2. Discuss the need for hospitalization. 4. "I don't like my face any more. I always look like I
have been crying."
During a woman's prenatal visit, the nurse is
measuring fundal height. The nurse knows that the The nurse reviews the plan of care for a woman at
woman is at 20 weeks' gestation. Based on this 37 weeks' gestation who has sickle cell anemia. The
information, the nurse expects the fundus to be nurse determines that which problem listed on the
found at what area of the abdomen? nursing care plan will receive the highest priority?

1. At the umbilicus 1. Pain

2. At the xiphoid process 2. Disturbed body image
3. Midway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid 3. Insufficient fluid volume
process 4. Inability to tolerate activity
4. Midway between the symphysis pubis and the
umbilicus 3. Insufficient fluid volume

1. At the umbilicus The nurse provides instructions to a malnourished

The nurse is teaching a woman in her first client regarding iron supplementation during
trimester measures to alleviate nausea and pregnancy. Which statement, if made by the client,
vomiting. Which statement by the woman would would indicate an understanding of the
indicate that further teaching is required? instructions?

1. "I will avoid fried foods." 1. "Iron supplements will give me diarrhea."
2. "I will eat five or six small meals a day." 2. "Meat does not provide iron and should be
3. "I will contact the clinic if the vomiting does not avoided."
subside." 3. "The iron is best absorbed if taken on an empty
4. "I will eat dry crackers after arising out of bed in stomach."
the morning." 4. "My body has all the iron it needs, and I don't
need to take supplements."
4. "I will eat dry crackers after arising out of bed in
the morning." 3. "The iron is best absorbed if taken on an empty
The nursing instructor asks a nursing student who
is preparing to assist with the assessment of a A pregnant woman in her second trimester calls
pregnant woman to describe the process of the prenatal clinic nurse to report a recent
quickening. Which statement if made by the exposure to a child with rubella. Which response by
student indicates an understanding of this term? the nurse would be most appropriate and
supportive to the woman?
1. "It is the thinning of the lower uterine segment."
2. "It is the fetal movement that is felt by the 1. "You should avoid all school-age children during
mother." pregnancy."
3. "It is the irregular, painless contractions that 2. "There is no need to be concerned if you don't
occur throughout pregnancy." have a fever or rash within the next 2 days."
4. "It is the soft blowing sound that can be heard 3. "Be sure to tell the health care provider on your
when the uterus is auscultated." next prenatal visit, but there is little risk in the
second trimester."
2. "It is the fetal movement that is felt by the 4. "You were wise to call. I will check your rubella
mother." titer screening results, and we can immediately
identify whether future interventions are needed."
The nurse is interviewing a 16-year-old client
during her initial prenatal clinic visit. The client is 4. "You were wise to call. I will check your rubella
beginning week 18 of her first pregnancy. Which titer screening results, and we can immediately
statement, if made by the client, indicates identify whether future interventions are needed."
an immediate need for further investigation?
A pregnant woman has a positive history of
1. "I don't like my figure anymore. My clothes are genital herpes but has not had lesions during this
all too tight." pregnancy. What should the nurse should plan to
2. "I don't like my breasts anymore. These silver tell the client?
lines are ugly."
3. "I don't like my stomach anymore. That brown 1. "You will be isolated from your newborn infant
line is disgusting." after delivery."
4. "I don't like my face any more. I always look like I 2. "Vaginal deliveries can reduce neonatal infection
have been crying." risks, even if you have an active lesion at the time."
3. "There is little risk to your newborn infant during
this pregnancy, during the birth, and after
4. "You will be evaluated at the time of delivery for A prenatal woman with a history of heart disease
herpetic genital tract lesions, and if any are has been instructed on care at home. Which
present, a cesarean delivery will be needed." statement, if made by the woman, would indicate
that she understands her needs?
4. "You will be evaluated at the time of delivery for
herpetic genital tract lesions, and if any are 1. "My weight gain is not important."
present, a cesarean delivery will be needed." 2. "I should avoid stressful situations."
3. "I should rest by lying on my back."
A pregnant woman is seen in the health care clinic 4. "There is no restriction on people who visit me."
and asks the nurse what causes the breasts to
change in size and appearance during pregnancy. 2. "I should avoid stressful situations."
The nurse plans to base the response on which
1. The breasts become stretched because of the The nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant
weight gain. woman and notes that the health care provider has
2. The increased metabolic rate causes the breasts documented the presence of Chadwick's sign. The
to become larger. nurse understands that which hormone is
3. The breast changes occur because of the responsible for the development of this sign?
secretion of estrogen and progesterone.
4. Cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands plays a 1. Prolactin
role in increasing the size and appearance of the 2. Estrogen
breasts. 3. Progesterone
4. Human chorionic gonadotropin
3. The breast changes occur because of the
secretion of estrogen and progesterone. 2. Estrogen

The nurse is conducting a prepared childbirth class A contraction stress test is scheduled for a
and is instructing pregnant women about the pregnant woman, and she asks the nurse to
method of effleurage. The nurse instructs the describe the test. What should the nurse tell the
women to perform the procedure by doing which woman?
1. Uterine contractions are stimulated by Leopold's
1. Contracting and then consciously relaxing maneuvers.
different muscle groups 2. An external fetal monitor is attached, and the
2. Massaging the abdomen during contractions, woman ambulates on a treadmill until contractions
using both hands in a circular motion begin.
3. Instructing her partner to stroke or massage a 3. The uterus is stimulated to contract by the
tightened muscle by the use of touch administration of small amounts of oxytocin
4. Contracting an area of the body, such as an arm (Pitocin) or by nipple stimulation.
or leg, and then concentrating on letting tension go 4. Small amounts of oxytocin (Pitocin) are
from the rest of the body administered during internal fetal monitoring to
stimulate uterine contractions.
2. Massaging the abdomen during contractions,
using both hands in a circular motion 3. The uterus is stimulated to contract by the
administration of small amounts of oxytocin
During a routine prenatal visit, a client complains of (Pitocin) or by nipple stimulation.
gums that bleed easily with brushing. The nurse
performs an assessment and then teaches the A nonstress test is performed on a client who is
client about proper nutrition to minimize this pregnant, and the results of the test indicate
problem. Which statement, if made by the client, nonreactive findings. The health care provider
would indicate an understanding of the proper (HCP) prescribes a contraction stress test. The test
nutritional measures to minimize this problem? is performed, and the nurse notes that the HCP has
documented the results as negative. How should
1. "I will drink 8 ounces of water with each meal." the nurse interpret this finding?
2. "I will eat three servings of cracked wheat bread
each day." 1. A normal test result
3. "I will eat two saltine crackers before I get up 2. An abnormal test result
each morning." 3. A high risk for fetal demise
4. "I will eat fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks 4. The need for a cesarean delivery
and for dessert each day."
1. A normal test result
4. "I will eat fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks
and for dessert each day."
A pregnant woman seen in the health care clinic 1. "Six to eight fetal movements in a 24-hour
has tested positive for human immunodeficiency period are adequate to determine that the fetus is
virus (HIV). What can the nurse determine based healthy."
on this information? 2. "Fetal movement is a sign of fetal health. Even if
the amount has decreased, the fetus is still
1. The woman has the herpes simplex virus (HSV). healthy."
2. This woman has contracted an airborne disease. 3. "Continue to count fetal movements for the next
3. The neonate will definitely develop this disease 24 hours and call your health care provider if the
after birth. number of movements continues to decrease."
4. HIV antibodies are detected by the enzyme- 4. "Fetal movements do not decrease as a woman
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. nears term; therefore you should be seen by your
health care provider for further evaluation."
4. HIV antibodies are detected by the enzyme- 4. "Fetal movements do not decrease as a woman
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. nears term; therefore you should be seen by your
health care provider for further evaluation."
In the prenatal clinic, the nurse is interviewing a
new client and obtaining health history A 25-year-old woman arrives on the maternity unit
information. Which action should the nurse plan to on February 2. She states that her estimated date
do to elicit the most accurate responses to the of delivery (EDD) is March 22. She is verbalizing
questions that refer to sexually transmitted complaints of dull lower back pain, pelvic
infections? heaviness, and diarrhea for the past few days. On
admission for observation, the client's blood
1. Establish a therapeutic relationship. pressure is 128/80 mm Hg, pulse is 100
2. Use specific closed-ended questions. beats/minute, respirations are 16 breaths per
3. Omit these types of questions because they are minute, and temperature is 99° F. The nurse plans
highly personal. care based on which interpretation?
4. Apologize for the embarrassment that these
questions will cause the client. 1. The woman requires further evaluation for
preterm labor.
1. Establish a therapeutic relationship. 2. The woman is suffering from an intestinal
bacterial infection.
The clinic nurse is teaching a pregnant woman 3. The woman is exhibiting signs and symptoms of
about the warning signs in pregnancy. Which, if gestational hypertension.
identified as a warning sign by the woman, would 4. The woman needs instruction on pelvic tilts to
indicate a need for further education? decrease her lower back pain.

1. Rapid weight gain 1. The woman requires further evaluation for

2. Visual disturbances preterm labor.
3. Generalized or facial edema
4. Presence of irregular painless contractions The nurse in an obstetrical clinic is reviewing
current prenatal laboratory results of a pregnant
4. Presence of irregular painless contractions client who is being seen for a routine prenatal visit.
The nurse discovers the client's 1-hour oral glucose
The nurse is performing a physical assessment on a tolerance test (OGTT) result to be 163 mg/dL.
client during her first prenatal visit to the clinic. The Which would be the nurse's best response to the
nurse takes the client's temperature and notes that client?
the temperature is 99.2° F. Based on this finding,
which nursing action is most appropriate? 1. "Your OGTT results indicate that your baby is at
high risk for macrosomia and special considerations
1. Document the temperature. may be necessary at delivery."
2. Notify the health care provider. 2. "Your OGTT results are within normal limits, but
3. Retake the temperature by the rectal route. continuing your prenatal visits remains essential to
4. Inform the client that the temperature is monitor fetal growth and development."
elevated and antibiotics may be required. 3. "The OGTT is a screening tool for gestational
diabetes, and you will need further testing to
1. Document the temperature. confirm a diagnosis owing to your results being
A 39-week-gestation pregnant client calls the 4. "Your OGTT results indicate that you are positive
maternity unit stating, "My baby has not moved for gestational diabetes. You will be scheduled for a
very much in the past few days. Should I be dietitian consultation to plan your daily dietary
concerned?" Which would be the best response intake."
made by the nurse?
3. "The OGTT is a screening tool for gestational
diabetes, and you will need further testing to
confirm a diagnosis owing to your results being
elevated." The charge nurse on a labor and delivery unit has
numerous admissions of laboring clients and must
A 35-week-gestation pregnant woman is transfer one of the clients to the
transferred to the maternity unit from the postpartum/gynecological unit, where the nurse-
emergency department, where she was treated for to-client ratio will be 1:4. Which antepartum client
minor injuries sustained in a motor vehicle crash. would be the most appropriate one to transfer?
The maternal nurse's priority will be to assess for
which complication? 1. The 36-year-old, gravida I, para 0 client who is at
24 weeks' gestation and is being monitored for
1. Placenta previa preterm labor
2. Polyhydramnios 2. The 26-year-old, gravida I, para 0 client who is at
3. Abruptio placentae 10 weeks' gestation and is experiencing vaginal
4. Gestational hypertension bleeding
3. The 40-year-old, gravida III, para 0 client who is
3. Abruptio placentae at 38 weeks' gestation and is complaining of
decreased fetal movement
The result of a biophysical profile (BPP) of a 28- 4. The 29-year-old, gravida I, para 0 client who is at
year-old client at 36 weeks' gestation after the 42 weeks' gestation and had a biophysical profile
ultrasound components is 8. Based on this result, score of 5 earlier today
the nurse should take which action?
2. The 26-year-old, gravida I, para 0 client who is at
1. Notify the health care provider. 10 weeks' gestation and is experiencing vaginal
2. Prepare the client for labor induction. bleeding
3. Place the fetal heart monitor on the client in
order to do a nonstress test (NST). A nurse working in an infertility clinic reviews the
4. Provide the client with information regarding medical history of a 35-year-old woman who is
warning signs and symptoms of pregnancy and currently taking fertility medications and is
discharge her to home. planning a pregnancy. Which medication, if present
in the client's history, would indicate a need for
3. Place the fetal heart monitor on the client in teaching related to the woman's potential risk for
order to do a nonstress test (NST). carrying a fetus with a congenital cleft lip or cleft
A client in week 35 of her pregnancy is placed on
the fetal heart monitor (FHM) for a nonstress test 1. Methyldopa
(NST) as a result of her complaints of decreased 2. Folic acid (Folvite)
fetal movement. Twenty minutes after placing the 3. Phenytoin (Dilantin)
client on the monitor, the nurse sees the following 4. Bupropion (Wellbutrin SR)
monitor strip and makes what conclusion regarding
the NST? 3. Phenytoin (Dilantin)

A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of

placenta previa. The nurse collects data knowing
that which is a characteristic of placenta previa?

1. A tender and rigid uterus

2. Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding
3. Greenish discoloration of the amniotic fluid
1. The fetal heart rate (FHR) is positive, with a 4. Vaginal bleeding accompanied by abdominal
baseline of 130 beats/min, moderate variability, pain
and no decelerations.
2. The FHR is reactive, with a baseline of 130 2. Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding
beats/min, moderate variability, and no
decelerations. A nulliparous woman asks the nurse when she will
3. The FHR is nonreactive, with a baseline of 130 begin to feel fetal movements. The nurse responds
beats/min, moderate variability, and small episodic by telling the woman that the first recognition of
decelerations. fetal movement will occur at approximately how
4. The FHR is negative, with a baseline of 130 many weeks of gestation?
beats/min, moderate variability, and no
decelerations. 1. 5 weeks
2. 9 weeks
2. The FHR is reactive, with a baseline of 130 3. 13 weeks
beats/min, moderate variability, and no 4. 18 weeks
4. 18 weeks A nurse is assisting in conducting a prenatal session
with a group of expectant parents. One of the
A nurse is assessing a woman in the second expectant parents asks, "How does the milk get
trimester of pregnancy who was admitted to the secreted from the breast?" What is the nurse's best
maternity unit with a suspected diagnosis of response?
abruptio placentae. Which finding would the nurse
expect to note if abruptio placentae is present? 1. "Prolactin stimulates the secretion of milk, which
is called lactogenesis."
1. Soft uterus 2. "Oxytocin stimulates the secretion of milk, which
2. Abdominal pain is called lactogenesis."
3. Nontender uterus 3. "Progesterone stimulates the secretion of milk,
4. Painless vaginal bleeding which is called lactogenesis."
4. "Testosterone stimulates the secretion of milk,
2. Abdominal pain which is called lactogenesis."

A woman in the third trimester of pregnancy with a 1. "Prolactin stimulates the secretion of milk, which
diagnosis of mild preeclampsia is being monitored is called lactogenesis."
at home. The home care nurse teaches the woman
about the signs that need to be reported to the A nurse implements a teaching plan for a pregnant
health care provider. The nurse should tell the client who is newly diagnosed with gestational
woman to call the health care provider if which diabetes mellitus. Which statement by the client
occurs? indicates a need for further teaching?

1. Urine tests negative for protein. 1. "I need to stay on the diabetic diet."
2. Fetal movements are more than four per hour. 2. "I will perform glucose monitoring at home."
3. Weight increases by more than 1 pound in a 3. "I cannot exercise because of the negative
week. effects on insulin production."
4. The blood pressure reading is ranging between 4. "I will report signs of infection immediately to
122/80 and 132/88 mm Hg. my health care provider."
3. "I cannot exercise because of the negative
3. Weight increases by more than 1 pound in a effects on insulin production."
The nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of
A woman in the third trimester of pregnancy visits endometriosis. The client asks the nurse to
the clinic for a scheduled prenatal appointment. describe this condition. What is the best response
The woman tells the nurse that she frequently has by the nurse?
leg cramps, primarily when she is reclining. Once
thrombophlebitis has been ruled out, the nurse 1. "It causes the cessation of menstruation."
should tell the woman to implement which 2. "It is pain that occurs during ovulation."
measure to alleviate the leg cramps? 3. "It is the presence of tissue outside the uterus
that resembles the endometrium."
1. Apply heat to the affected area. 4. "It is also known as primary dysmenorrhea and
2. Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 4 hours. causes lower abdominal discomfort."
3. Self-administer calcium carbonate tablets three
times daily. 3. "It is the presence of tissue outside the uterus
4. Purchase a chewable antacid that contains that resembles the endometrium."
calcium and take a tablet with each meal.
A client calls the health care provider's office to
1. Apply heat to the affected area. schedule an appointment because a home
pregnancy test was performed and the results
A nurse is preparing a pregnant woman for a were positive. The nurse should expect which
transvaginal ultrasound examination. The nurse hormone to be present in the urine?
should tell the woman that which will occur?
1. She will feel some pain during the procedure. 1. Estrogen
2. She will be placed in a supine left side-lying 2. Progesterone
position. 3. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
3. She will feel some pressure when the vaginal 4. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
probe is moved.
4. She will need to drink 2 quarts of water to attain 4. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
a full bladder.
The nurse is teaching a pregnant client about the
3. She will feel some pressure when the vaginal physiological effects and hormonal changes that
probe is moved. occur during pregnancy. The client asks the nurse
about the purpose of estrogen. Which response
should the nurse give the client for the purpose of rate is 90 beats/min. Which nursing action is
estrogen? appropriate?

1. It maintains and relaxes the uterine lining for 1. Document the findings.
implantation. 2. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
2. It stimulates metabolism of glucose and converts 3. Inform the client that everything is normal and
the glucose to fat. fine.
3. It prevents the involution of the corpus luteum 4. Instruct the client to return to the clinic in 1
and maintains the production of progesterone until week for reevaluation of the fetal heart rate.
the placenta is formed.
4. It stimulates uterine development to provide an 2. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
environment for the fetus and stimulates the
breasts to prepare for lactation. A nurse is caring for a pregnant woman who has
herpes genitalis. The nurse provides instructions to
4. It stimulates uterine development to provide an the woman about treatment modalities that may
environment for the fetus and stimulates the be necessary for this condition. Which statement
breasts to prepare for lactation. made by the woman indicates an understanding of
these treatment measures?
The nurse is collecting data from a client during the
first prenatal visit. The client is anxious to know the 1. "I do not need to abstain from sexual
gender of the fetus and asks the nurse when she intercourse."
will be able to know. The nurse should respond to 2. "I need to use vaginal creams after I douche
the client knowing that the gender of the fetus is every day."
determined by which weeks? 3. "I need to douche and perform a sitz bath three
times a day."
1. 6 to 8 4. "It may be necessary to have a cesarean section
2. 8 to 10 for delivery."
3. 13 to 16
4. 20 to 22 4. "It may be necessary to have a cesarean section
for delivery."
3. 13 to 16
A pregnant woman tests positive for the hepatitis
The nurse is collecting data from a client seen in B virus (HBV). The woman asks the nurse if she will
the health care clinic for a first prenatal visit. The be able to breast-feed the baby as planned after
nurse asks the client when the first day of her last delivery. Which response by the nurse is most
menstrual period was and the client reports appropriate?
February 9, 2015. Using Nägele's rule, the nurse
determines what is the estimated date of 1. "You will not be able to breast-feed the baby
confinement (delivery)? until 6 months after delivery."
2. "Breast-feeding is allowed after the baby has
1. October 7, 2015 been vaccinated with immune globulin."
2. October 16, 2015 3. "Breast-feeding is not advised, and you should
3. November 7, 2015 seriously consider bottle-feeding the baby."
4. November 16, 2015 4. "Breast-feeding is not a problem, and you will be
able to breast-feed immediately after delivery."
4. November 16, 2015
2. "Breast-feeding is allowed after the baby has
A pregnant client is seen in the health care clinic. been vaccinated with immune globulin."
During the prenatal visit, the client informs the
nurse that she is experiencing pain in her calf when A nurse is collecting data from a client who is at 32
she walks. Which is the most appropriate nursing weeks gestation. The nurse measures the fundal
action? height in centimeters and expects the findings to
be how many centimeters (cm)?
1. Instruct the client to avoid walking.
2. Assess for signs of venous thrombosis. 1. 22 cm
3. Instruct to elevate the legs throughout the day. 2. 28 cm
4. Tell the client that this is normal during 3. 32 cm
pregnancy. 4. 40 cm

2. Assess for signs of venous thrombosis. 3. 32 cm

A client in her second trimester of pregnancy is A pregnant client is seen in the health care clinic
seen at the health care clinic. The nurse collects for a regular prenatal visit. The client tells the nurse
data from the client and notes that the fetal heart that she is experiencing irregular contractions. The
nurse determines that the client is experiencing 1. Immunization with rubella
Braxton Hicks contractions. Which nursing action 2. Retesting rubella titer during pregnancy
should the nurse implement? 3. Antibiotics to be taken throughout the
1. Contact the health care provider. 4. Counseling the mother regarding therapeutic
2. Instruct the client to maintain bed rest for the abortion
remainder of the pregnancy. 2. Retesting rubella titer during pregnancy
3. Instruct the client that these are common and
may occur throughout the pregnancy. A nursing student is preparing to instruct a
4. Call the maternity unit and inform them that the pregnant client in performing Kegel exercises. The
client will be admitted in a prelabor condition. nursing instructor asks the student the purpose of
Kegel exercises. Which response made by the
3. Instruct the client that these are common and student indicates an understanding of the
may occur throughout the pregnancy. purpose?

A nurse is reviewing the record of a client who has 1. "The exercises will help reduce backaches."
just been told that her pregnancy test is positive. 2. "The exercises will help prevent ankle edema."
The health care provider has documented the 3. "The exercises will help prevent urinary tract
presence of Goodell's sign. What should the nurse infections."
determine that this sign indicates? 4. "The exercises will help strengthen the pelvic
floor in preparation for delivery."
1. A softening of the cervix
2. The presence of fetal movement 4. "The exercises will help strengthen the pelvic
3. The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin floor in preparation for delivery."
(hCG) in the urine
4. A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the The nurse in a health care clinic is instructing a
maternal pulse while auscultating the uterus client how to perform kick counts. Which
statement made by the client indicates a need for
1. A softening of the cervix further teaching?

A nursing instructor asks a nursing student to 1. "I should lie on my back to perform the
describe the process of quickening. Which procedure."
statement by the student indicates an 2. "I will use a clock or a timer and record the
understanding of this term? number of movements or kicks."
3. "I should count the fetal movements for 30 to 60
1. "It is the thinning of the lower uterine segment." minutes three times a day."
2. "It is the fetal movement that is felt by the 4. "I should place my hands on the largest part of
mother." my abdomen and concentrate on the fetal
3. "It is irregular painless contractions that occur movements to count the kicks."
throughout pregnancy."
4. "It is the soft blowing sound that can be heard 1. "I should lie on my back to perform the
when the uterus is auscultated." procedure."

2. "It is the fetal movement that is felt by the A pregnant client asks the nurse, "What should I
mother." expect during a nonstress test?" Which information
should the nurse provide to the client?
A pregnant client asks the nurse in the clinic,
"When will I begin to feel fetal movement?" Which 1. "The test is an invasive procedure and requires
response should the nurse make? that you sign an informed consent."
2. "The fetus is challenged by uterine contractions
1. Between 6 and 8 weeks to obtain the necessary information."
2. Between 8 and 10 weeks 3. "The test will take about 2 hours and will require
3. Between 12 and 14 weeks close monitoring for 2 hours after the procedure is
4. Between 16 and 20 weeks completed."
4. "An ultrasound transducer that records fetal
4. Between 16 and 20 weeks heart activity is secured over the abdomen where
the fetal heart is heard most clearly."
A rubella titer is performed on a client who has just
been told that she is pregnant. The results of the 4. "An ultrasound transducer that records fetal
titer indicate that the client is not immune to heart activity is secured over the abdomen where
rubella. Which should the nurse anticipate to be the fetal heart is heard most clearly."
prescribed for this client?
A nurse provides teaching regarding how to
relieve discomfort to a client in her second
trimester of pregnancy that is having frequent low The nurse is providing instructions about treatment
back pain and ankle edema at the end of the day. for hemorrhoids to a client in the second trimester
Which statement made by the client indicates an of pregnancy. Which statement made by the client
understanding of the teaching? indicates a need for further teaching?

1. "When I get home I should lie on my left side, 1. "Cool sitz baths will help in relieving the
with my feet in a dorsiflexed position." discomfort."
2. "I should soak in a tub bath of hot water when I 2. "I should perform Kegel exercises as you have
get home and then perform pelvic tilt exercises." instructed."
3. "When I get home I should lie on my right side, 3. "I should apply heat packs to the hemorrhoids to
with my feet elevated on a pillow, and put a help them shrink."
heating pad on my back." 4. "I can apply ice packs to the hemorrhoids to
4. "When I get home I should lie on the floor, with assist in relieving discomfort."
my legs elevated onto a couch, and turn my hips
and knees at right angles." 3. "I should apply heat packs to the hemorrhoids to
help them shrink."
4. "When I get home I should lie on the floor, with
my legs elevated onto a couch, and turn my hips The clinic nurse is discussing nutrition with a
and knees at right angles." pregnant client who has lactose intolerance. Which
food should the nurse instruct the client to eat to
A pregnant client calls the nurse at the health care supplement the dietary source of calcium?
provider's office and reports that she has noticed a
thin, colorless, vaginal drainage. Which information 1. Dried fruits
is most appropriate for the nurse to provide to the 2. Hard cheese
client? 3. Creamed spinach
4. Fresh squeezed orange juice
1. Come to the clinic immediately.
2. The vaginal discharge may be bothersome, but is 1. Dried fruits
a normal occurrence.
3. Report to the emergency department at the A nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant
maternity center immediately. client visiting the antenatal clinic about foods that
4. Use tampons if the discharge is bothersome but are rich in folic acid. Which food should the nurse
be sure to change the tampons every 2 hours. encourage the client to consume because it is
highest in folic acid?
2. The vaginal discharge may be bothersome, but is
a normal occurrence. 1. Rice
2. Cheese
The nurse has assisted in performing a nonstress 3. Chicken
test on a pregnant client and is reviewing the 4. Green leafy vegetables
documentation related to the results of the test.
The nurse notes that the health care provider has 4. Green leafy vegetables
documented the test results as reactive. How
should the nurse interpret this result? A pregnant client asks the nurse about the type of
exercises that are allowable during pregnancy.
1. Normal findings Which exercise should the nurse instruct the client
2. Abnormal findings to engage in?
3. The need for further evaluation
4. That the findings on the monitor were difficult to 1. Swimming
interpret 2. Water skiing
3. Downhill skiing
1. Normal findings 4. Aerobic exercising

A pregnant client calls the clinic and tells the 1. Swimming

nurse that she is experiencing leg cramps and is
awakened by the cramps at night. Which activity A pregnant client reports to the health care clinic
should the nurse tell the client to perform when complaining of loss of appetite, weight loss, and
the cramps occur? fatigue. A sputum culture is obtained,
andMycobacterium tuberculosis is identified in the
1. Dorsiflex the foot while flexing sputum. Which instruction should the nurse
2. Dorsiflex the foot while extending provide to the client regarding therapeutic
3. Plantar flex the foot while flexing management of tuberculosis?
4. Plantar flex the foot while extending
1. The need for therapeutic abortion is required.
2. Dorsiflex the foot while extending 2. Medication will not be started until after delivery
of the fetus. 1. Assessing for edema
3. Isoniazid plus rifampin (Rifadin) will be required 2. Monitoring daily weight
for a total of 9 months. 3. Monitoring the apical pulse
4. The newborn must receive medication therapy 4. Monitoring the temperature
immediately following birth.
3. Monitoring the apical pulse
3. Isoniazid plus rifampin (Rifadin) will be required
for a total of 9 months. A nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant client
seen in the health care clinic for the first prenatal
The nurse provides home care instructions to a visit. Which data should alert the nurse that the
pregnant client with a history of cardiac disease. client is at risk for developing gestational diabetes
Which statement made by the client indicates a during this pregnancy?
need for further teaching?
1. The client's last baby weighed 10 lb at birth.
1. "It is best that I rest on my left side to promote 2. The client has a family history of type 1 diabetes.
blood return to the heart." 3. The client is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 165
2. "I need to avoid excessive weight gain to prevent lb.
increased demands on my heart." 4. The client's previous deliveries were by cesarean
3. "I need to try to avoid stressful situations section.
because stress increases the workload on the
heart." 1. The client's last baby weighed 10 lb at birth.
4. "During the pregnancy, I need to avoid contact
with other individuals as much as possible to A nurse is teaching a diabetic pregnant client
prevent infection." about nutrition and insulin needs during
pregnancy. The nurse determines that the client
4. "During the pregnancy, I need to avoid contact understands dietary and insulin needs if the client
with other individuals as much as possible to states that which may be required during the
prevent infection." second half of pregnancy?

A nurse is collecting data on a pregnant client in 1. Increased insulin

the first trimester of pregnancy diagnosed with 2. Decreased insulin
iron deficiency anemia. The nurse should monitor 3. Increased caloric intake
the client to detect which sign/symptom indicating 4. Decreased caloric intake
that this problem has not yet resolved?
1. Increased insulin
1. Pink mucous membranes
2. Increased vaginal secretions A nurse is providing instructions about taking iron
3. Complaints of daily headaches and fatigue supplements to a pregnant client. The nurse
4. Complaints of increased frequency of voiding determines that the client understands the
instructions if the client states she will take the
3. Complaints of daily headaches and fatigue supplements with which drink?

The nurse is conducting a routine screening to 1. Tea

detect a client's risk for toxoplasmosis parasite 2. Milk
infection during pregnancy. Which factor should 3. Coffee
the nurse ask the client about to determine this 4. Orange juice
4. Orange juice
1. Presence of cats in the home
2. Number of sexual partners during pregnancy A nurse is assisting the health care provider to
3. Exposure to children with rashes or perform Leopold's maneuvers on a pregnant client.
gastrointestinal symptoms Which action should the nurse perform before the
4. History of high fevers or unusual rashes during procedure?
the first 6 weeks of pregnancy
1. Ask the client to urinate.
1. Presence of cats in the home 2. Ask the client to drink 8 oz of water.
3. Locate the fetal heart tones with a fetoscope.
A nurse is preparing to care for a client being 4. Warm the sonogram gel before placing it on the
admitted to the hospital with a possible diagnosis client's abdomen.
of ectopic pregnancy. The nurse develops a plan of
care for the client and determines that which is the 1. Ask the client to urinate.
priority nursing action? A nurse is collecting data on clients who are in
their first trimester of pregnancy. The nurse is
concerned with identifying clients who may be at
risk for the development of postpartum 4. The client complains of a headache and blurred
complications. Which client would be least likely at vision.
risk for the development of thrombophlebitis in the
postpartum period? 4. The client complains of a headache and blurred
1. A 35-year-old client who reports that she smokes
2. A 26-year-old client with a family history of The nurse implements a teaching plan for a
thrombophlebitis pregnant client who is newly diagnosed with
3. A 37-year-old client in her fourth pregnancy who gestational diabetes mellitus. Which statement
is overweight made by the client indicates a need for further
4. A 22-year-old client in her first pregnancy who teaching?
states that oral contraceptives taken in the past
have caused thrombophlebitis 1. "I should stay on the diabetic diet."
2. "I should perform glucose monitoring at home."
2. A 26-year-old client with a family history of 3. "I should avoid exercise because of the negative
thrombophlebitis effects on insulin production."
4. "I should be aware of any infections and report
The clinic nurse is instructing a pregnant client in signs of infection immediately to my health care
her first trimester about nutrition. The nurse provider."
should determine that the client needs further
teaching if the client believes which is true about 3. "I should avoid exercise because of the negative
nutrition during pregnancy? effects on insulin production."

1. Iron supplements should be taken throughout The nurse is performing an assessment on a

pregnancy. pregnant client with a diagnosis of severe
2. Calcium intake should be increased for the preeclampsia. The nurse reviews the assessment
duration of the pregnancy. findings and determines that which finding is most
3. Pregnancy greatly increases the risk of closely associated with a complication of this
malnourishment for the mother. diagnosis?
4. The maternal diet significantly influences fetal
growth and development. 1. Enlargement of the breasts
2. Complaints of feeling hot when the room is cool
3. Pregnancy greatly increases the risk of 3. Periods of fetal movement followed by quiet
malnourishment for the mother. periods
4. Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
petechiae, and purpura
The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant
client with genital herpes about the measures that 4. Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
are needed to protect the fetus. Which instruction petechiae, and purpura
should the nurse provide to the client?
The home care nurse is monitoring a pregnant
1. Total abstinence from sexual intercourse is client with gestational hypertension who is at risk
necessary during the entire pregnancy. for preeclampsia. At each home care visit, the
2. Sitz baths need to be taken every 4 hours while nurse assesses the client for which classic signs of
awake if vaginal lesions are present. preeclampsia? Select all that apply.
3. Daily administration of acyclovir (Zovirax) is
necessary during the entire pregnancy. 1. Proteinuria
4. A cesarean section will be necessary if vaginal 2. Hypertension
lesions are present at the time of labor. 3. Low-grade fever
4. Generalized edema
4. A cesarean section will be necessary if vaginal 5. Increased pulse rate
lesions are present at the time of labor. 6. Increased respiratory rate

The home care nurse visits a pregnant client who 1. Proteinuria

has a diagnosis of mild preeclampsia. Which 2. Hypertension
assessment finding indicates a worsening of the 4. Generalized edema
preeclampsia and the need to notify the health
care provider? he nurse is assessing a pregnant client with type 1
diabetes mellitus about her understanding
1. Urinary output has increased. regarding changing insulin needs during pregnancy.
2. Dependent edema has resolved. The nurse determines that further teaching is
3. Blood pressure reading is at the prenatal needed if the client makes which statement?
1. "I will need to increase my insulin dosage during blood on the pad."
the first 3 months of pregnancy." 4. "I will avoid sexual intercourse until the bleeding
2. "My insulin dose will likely need to be increased has stopped, and for 2 weeks following the last
during the second and third trimesters." evidence of bleeding."
3. "Episodes of hypoglycemia are more likely to
occur during the first 3 months of pregnancy." 2. "I will maintain strict bed rest throughout the
4. "My insulin needs should return to normal remainder of the pregnancy."
within 7 to 10 days after birth if I am bottle-
feeding." The clinic nurse is performing a prenatal
assessment on a pregnant client. The nurse should
1. "I will need to increase my insulin dosage during plan to implement teaching related to the risk of
the first 3 months of pregnancy." abruptio placentae if which information is obtained
on assessment?
A pregnant client reports to a health care clinic,
complaining of loss of appetite, weight loss, and 1. The client is 28 years of age.
fatigue. After assessment of the client, tuberculosis 2. This is the second pregnancy.
is suspected. A sputum culture is obtained and 3. The client has a history of hypertension.
identifies Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Which 4. The client performs moderate exercise on a
instruction should the nurse include in the client's regular daily schedule.
teaching plan?
3. The client has a history of hypertension.
1. Therapeutic abortion is required. During a prenatal visit, a nurse is explaining dietary
2. She will have to stay at home until treatment is management to a client with pre-existing diabetes
completed. mellitus. The nurse determines that teaching has
3. Medication will not be started until after delivery been effective if the client makes which statement?
of the fetus.
4. Isoniazid plus rifampin (Rifadin) will be required 1. "Diet and insulin needs change during
for 9 months. pregnancy."
2. "I will plan my diet based on the results of urine
4. Isoniazid plus rifampin (Rifadin) will be required glucose testing."
for 9 months. 3. "I will need to eat 600 more calories every day
because I am pregnant."
The nurse is providing instructions to a maternity 4. "I can continue with the same diet as before
client with a history of cardiac disease regarding pregnancy, as long as it is well balanced."
appropriate dietary measures. Which statement, if
made by the client, indicates an understanding of 1. "Diet and insulin needs change during
the information provided by the nurse? pregnancy."

1. "I should increase my sodium intake during The clinic nurse has provided home care
pregnancy." instructions to a client with a history of cardiac
2. "I should lower my blood volume by limiting my disease who has just been told that she is
fluids." pregnant. Which statement, if made by the client,
3. "I should maintain a low-calorie diet to prevent indicates a need for further instructions?
any weight gain."
4. "I should drink adequate fluids and increase my 1. "It is best that I rest lying on my side to promote
intake of high-fiber foods." blood return to the heart."
2. "I need to avoid excessive weight gain to prevent
4. "I should drink adequate fluids and increase my increased demands on my heart."
intake of high-fiber foods." 3. "I need to try to avoid stressful situations
because stress increases the workload on the
A client in the first trimester of pregnancy arrives at heart."
a health care clinic and reports that she has been 4. "During the pregnancy, I need to avoid contact
experiencing vaginal bleeding. A threatened with other individuals as much as possible to
abortion is suspected, and the nurse instructs the prevent infection."
client regarding management of care. Which
statement made by the client indicates a need for 4. "During the pregnancy, I need to avoid contact
further instruction? with other individuals as much as possible to
prevent infection."
1. "I will watch for the evidence of the passage of
tissue." The nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant
2. "I will maintain strict bed rest throughout the client seen in the health care clinic for the first
remainder of the pregnancy." prenatal visit. Which data, if noted on the client's
3. "I will count the number of perineal pads used record, would alert the nurse that the client is at
on a daily basis and note the amount and color of
risk for a spontaneous abortion? 5. Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin
1. Age of 35 years
2. History of syphilis 1. Vaginal bleeding
3. History of genital herpes 3. Excessive nausea and vomiting
4. History of diabetes mellitus 4. Larger-than-normal uterus for gestational age
5. Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin
2. History of syphilis (hCG)

The nurse is preparing to care for a client who is A home care nurse is visiting a pregnant client with
being admitted to the hospital with a possible a diagnosis of mild preeclampsia. What is the
diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The nurse develops priority nursing intervention during the home visit?
a plan of care for the client and determines that
which nursing action is the priority? 1. Monitor for fetal movement.
2. Monitor the maternal blood glucose.
1. Checking for edema 3. Instruct the client to maintain complete bed rest.
2. Monitoring daily weight 4. Instruct the client to restrict dietary sodium and
3. Monitoring the apical pulse any food items that contain sodium.
4. Monitoring the temperature
1. Monitor for fetal movement.
3. Monitoring the apical pulse
A maternity unit nurse is developing a plan of care
The nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant for a client with severe preeclampsia who will be
client seen in the health care clinic for the first admitted to the nursing unit. The nurse should
prenatal visit. Which data if noted on the client's include which nursing intervention in the plan?
record would alert the nurse that the client is at
risk for developing gestational diabetes during this 1. Restrict food and fluids.
pregnancy? 2. Reduce external stimuli.
3. Monitor blood glucose levels.
1. The client's last baby weighed 10 pounds at 4. Maintain the client in a supine position.
2. The client's previous deliveries were by cesarean 2. Reduce external stimuli.
3. The client has a family history of cardiovascular A client with severe preeclampsia is admitted to
disease. the maternity department. Which room
4. The client is 5 feet 3 inches in height and weighs assignment would be most appropriate for this
165 pounds. client?

1. The client's last baby weighed 10 pounds at 1. A private room across from the elevator
birth. 2. A semiprivate room across from the nurses'
The nurse is teaching a diabetic pregnant client 3. A private room two doors away from the nurses'
about nutrition and insulin needs during station
pregnancy. The nurse determines that the client 4. A semiprivate room with another client who
understands dietary and insulin needs if the client enjoys watching television
states that the second half of pregnancy may
require which treatment? 3. A private room two doors away from the nurses'
1. Increased insulin
2. Increased caloric intake The nurse is counseling a pregnant woman
3. Decreased protein intake diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 29 weeks of
4. Decreased insulin gestation. Which information should the nurse
discuss with the client? Select all that apply.
1. Increased insulin 1. Plan induction at 35 weeks.
The nurse is assessing a client with a diagnosis of 2. Plan amniocentesis at this time.
gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform 3. Schedule biophysical profile immediately.
mole). The nurse understands that which findings 4. Plan for weekly non-stress test at 32 weeks.
are associated with this condition? Select all that 5. Obtain nutritional counseling with a dietitian.
4. Plan for weekly non-stress test at 32 weeks.
1. Vaginal bleeding 5. Obtain nutritional counseling with a dietitian.
2. Excessive fetal activity
3. Excessive nausea and vomiting The nurse is caring for a client with preeclampsia.
4. Larger-than-normal uterus for gestational age The client is receiving an intravenous (IV) infusion
of magnesium sulfate. When gathering items to be tell the client?
available for the client, which highest priority item
should the nurse obtain? 1. "You will be isolated from your newborn infant
after delivery."
1. Tongue blade 2. "Vaginal deliveries can reduce neonatal infection
2. Percussion hammer risks, even if you have an active lesion at the time."
3. Potassium chloride injection 3. "There is little risk to your newborn infant during
4. Calcium gluconate injection this pregnancy, during the birth, and after
4. Calcium gluconate injection 4. "You will be evaluated at the time of delivery for
herpetic genital tract lesions, and if any are
A home care nurse is monitoring a 16-year-old present, a cesarean delivery will be needed."
primigravida who is at 36 weeks' gestation and has
gestational hypertension. Her blood pressure 4. "You will be evaluated at the time of delivery for
during the past 3 weeks has been averaging in the herpetic genital tract lesions, and if any are
130/90 mm Hg range. She has had some swelling in present, a cesarean delivery will be needed."
the lower extremities and has had mild proteinuria.
Which statement by the woman should alert the A 25-year-old woman arrives on the maternity unit
nurse to the worsening of gestational on February 2. She states that her estimated date
hypertension? of delivery (EDD) is March 22. She is verbalizing
complaints of dull lower back pain, pelvic
1. "My vision the past 2 days has been really fuzzy." heaviness, and diarrhea for the past few days. On
2. "The swelling in my hands and ankles has gone admission for observation, the client's blood
down." pressure is 128/80 mm Hg, pulse is 100
3. "I had heartburn yesterday after I ate some spicy beats/minute, respirations are 16 breaths per
foods." minute, and temperature is 99° F. The nurse plans
4. "I had a headache yesterday, but I took some care based on which interpretation?
acetaminophen (Tylenol) and it went away."
1. The woman requires further evaluation for
1. "My vision the past 2 days has been really fuzzy." preterm labor.
2. The woman is suffering from an intestinal
A primigravida is receiving magnesium sulfate for bacterial infection.
the treatment of gestational hypertension. The 3. The woman is exhibiting signs and symptoms of
nurse who is caring for the client is performing gestational hypertension.
assessments every 30 minutes. Which finding 4. The woman needs instruction on pelvic tilts to
would be of most concern to the nurse? decrease her lower back pain.

1. Urinary output of 20 mL 1. The woman requires further evaluation for

2. Deep tendon reflexes of 2+ preterm labor.
3. Fetal heart rate of 120 beats/min
4. Respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute The nurse in an obstetrical clinic is reviewing
current prenatal laboratory results of a pregnant
4. Respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute client who is being seen for a routine prenatal visit.
The nurse discovers the client's 1-hour oral glucose
The clinic nurse is reviewing the medical record of a tolerance test (OGTT) result to be 163 mg/dL.
woman scheduled for her weekly prenatal Which would be the nurse's best response to the
appointment. The nurse notes that the woman has client?
been diagnosed with mild preeclampsia. Of the
following interventions, which should the nurse list 1. "Your OGTT results indicate that your baby is at
as having the lowest priority in planning nursing high risk for macrosomia and special considerations
care for this client? may be necessary at delivery."
2. "Your OGTT results are within normal limits, but
1. Assess blood pressure. continuing your prenatal visits remains essential to
2. Discuss the need for hospitalization. monitor fetal growth and development."
3. Assess deep tendon reflexes and edema. 3. "The OGTT is a screening tool for gestational
4. Teach the importance of keeping track of a daily diabetes, and you will need further testing to
weight. confirm a diagnosis owing to your results being
2. Discuss the need for hospitalization. 4. "Your OGTT results indicate that you are positive
for gestational diabetes. You will be scheduled for a
A pregnant woman has a positive history of genital dietitian consultation to plan your daily dietary
herpes but has not had lesions during this intake."
pregnancy. What should the nurse should plan to
3. "The OGTT is a screening tool for gestational diabetes mellitus. Which statement by the client
diabetes, and you will need further testing to indicates a need for further teaching?
confirm a diagnosis owing to your results being
elevated." 1. "I need to stay on the diabetic diet."
2. "I will perform glucose monitoring at home."
A 35-week-gestation pregnant woman is 3. "I cannot exercise because of the negative
transferred to the maternity unit from the effects on insulin production."
emergency department, where she was treated for 4. "I will report signs of infection immediately to
minor injuries sustained in a motor vehicle crash. my health care provider."
The maternal nurse's priority will be to assess for
which complication? 3. "I cannot exercise because of the negative
effects on insulin production."
1. Placenta previa
2. Polyhydramnios A nurse is caring for a pregnant woman who has
3. Abruptio placentae herpes genitalis. The nurse provides instructions to
4. Gestational hypertension the woman about treatment modalities that may
be necessary for this condition. Which statement
3. Abruptio placentae made by the woman indicates an understanding of
these treatment measures?
A nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of
placenta previa. The nurse collects data knowing 1. "I do not need to abstain from sexual
that which is a characteristic of placenta previa? intercourse."
2. "I need to use vaginal creams after I douche
1. A tender and rigid uterus every day."
2. Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding 3. "I need to douche and perform a sitz bath three
3. Greenish discoloration of the amniotic fluid times a day."
4. Vaginal bleeding accompanied by abdominal 4. "It may be necessary to have a cesarean section
pain for delivery."

2. Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding 4. "It may be necessary to have a cesarean section
for delivery."
A nurse is assessing a woman in the second
trimester of pregnancy who was admitted to the A nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant client
maternity unit with a suspected diagnosis of seen in the health care clinic for the first prenatal
abruptio placentae. Which finding would the nurse visit. Which data should alert the nurse that the
expect to note if abruptio placentae is present? client is at risk for developing gestational diabetes
during this pregnancy?
1. Soft uterus
2. Abdominal pain 1. The client's last baby weighed 10 lb at birth.
3. Nontender uterus 2. The client has a family history of type 1 diabetes.
4. Painless vaginal bleeding 3. The client is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 165
2. Abdominal pain 4. The client's previous deliveries were by cesarean
A woman in the third trimester of pregnancy with a
diagnosis of mild preeclampsia is being monitored 1. The client's last baby weighed 10 lb at birth.
at home. The home care nurse teaches the woman
about the signs that need to be reported to the A nurse is teaching a diabetic pregnant client about
health care provider. The nurse should tell the nutrition and insulin needs during pregnancy. The
woman to call the health care provider if which nurse determines that the client understands
occurs? dietary and insulin needs if the client states that
which may be required during the second half of
1. Urine tests negative for protein. pregnancy?
2. Fetal movements are more than four per hour.
3. Weight increases by more than 1 pound in a 1. Increased insulin
week. 2. Decreased insulin
4. The blood pressure reading is ranging between 3. Increased caloric intake
122/80 and 132/88 mm Hg. 4. Decreased caloric intake

3. Weight increases by more than 1 pound in a 1. Increased insulin


A nurse implements a teaching plan for a pregnant A pregnant client in the last trimester has been
client who is newly diagnosed with gestational admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of severe
preeclampsia. A nurse monitors for complications A.Administer magnesium sulfate intravenously
associated with the diagnosis and assesses the B.Assess the blood pressure and fetal heart rate
client for: C.Clean and maintain an open airway
D.Administer oxygen by face mask
1.Any bleeding, such as in the gums, petechiae, and
purpura. C. The immediate care during a seizure (eclampsia)
2.Enlargement of the breasts is to ensure a patent airway. The other options are
3.Periods of fetal movement followed by quiet actions that follow or will be implemented after the
periods seizure has ceased.
4.Complaints of feeling hot when the room is cool
A nurse is monitoring a pregnant client with
1. Severe Preeclampsia can trigger disseminated pregnancy induced hypertension who is at risk for
intravascular coagulation (DIC; remember the Peds Preeclampsia. The nurse checks the client for which
lecture?) because of the widespread damage to specific signs of Preeclampsia (select all that
vascular integrity. Bleeding is an early sign of DIC apply)?
and should be reported to the M.D
A.Elevated blood pressure
A homecare nurse visits a pregnant client who has B.Negative urinary protein
a diagnosis of mild Preeclampsia and who is being C.Facial edema
monitored for pregnancy induced hypertension D.Increased respirations
(PIH). Which assessment finding indicates a
worsening of the Preeclampsia and the need to A and C. The three classic signs of preeclampsia are
notify the physician? hypertension, generalized edema, and protenuria.
Increased respirations are not a sign of
1.Blood pressure reading is at the prenatal baseline preeclampsia
2.Urinary output has increased
3.The client complains of a headache and blurred A pregnant client is receiving magnesium sulfate
vision for the management of preeclampsia. A nurse
4.Dependent edema has resolved determines the client is experiencing toxicity from
the medication if which of the following is noted on
3. If the client complains of a headache and blurred assessment?
vision, the physician should be notified because
these are signs of worsening Preeclampsia. A.Presence of deep tendon reflexes
B.Serum magnesium level of 6 mEq/L
A primagravida is receiving magnesium sulfate for C.Proteinuria of +3
the treatment of pregnancy induced hypertension D.Respirations of 10 per minute
(PIH). The nurse who is caring for the client is
performing assessments every 30 minutes. Which D. Magnesium toxicity can occur from magnesium
assessment finding would be of most concern to sulfate therapy. Signs of toxicity relate to the
the nurse? central nervous system depressant effects of the
medication and include respiratory depression, loss
A.Urinary output of 20 ml since the previous of deep tendon reflexes, and a sudden drop in the
assessment fetal heart rate and maternal heart rate and blood
B.Deep tendon reflexes of 2+ pressure. Therapeutic levels of magnesium are 4-7
C.Respiratory rate of 10 BPM mEq/L. Proteinuria of +3 would be noted in a client
D.Fetal heart rate of 120 BPM with preeclampsia.

C. Magnesium sulfate depresses the respiratory A woman with preeclampsia is receiving

rate. If the respiratory rate is less than 12 breaths magnesium sulfate. The nurse assigned to care for
per minute, the physician or other health care the client determines that the magnesium therapy
provider needs to be notified, and continuation of is effective if:
the medication needs to be reassessed. A urinary
output of 20 ml in a 30 minute period is adequate; A.Ankle clonus in noted
less than 30 ml in one hour needs to be reported. B.The blood pressure decreases
Deep tendon reflexes of 2+ are normal. The fetal C.Seizures do not occur
heart rate is WNL for a resting fetus. D.Scotoma's are present

A nurse is caring for a pregnant client with C. For a client with preeclampsia, the goal of care is
Preeclampsia. The nurse prepares a plan of care for directed at preventing eclampsia (seizures).
the client and documents in the plan that if the
client progresses from Preeclampsia to eclampsia, Magnesium sulfate is an anticonvulsant, not an
the nurse's first action is to: antihypertensive agent. Although a decrease in
blood pressure may be noted initially, this effect is
usually transient. Ankle clonus indicated
hyperrelexia and may precede the onset of 5. Monitor amt of vaginal bleed
eclampsia. Scotomas are areas of complete or 6. Monitor I&O
partial blindness. Visual disturbances, such as
scotomas, often precede an eclamptic seizure. 1. Evaluate VS
nurse is caring for a pregnant client with severe 4. Evaluate FHT
preeclampsia who is receiving IV magnesium 5. Monitor amt of vaginal bleed
sulfate. Select all nursing interventions that apply 6. Monitor I&O
in the care for the client.
The clients Sx indicate that she's experiencing
1.Monitor maternal vital signs every 2 hours abruptio placenta.
2.Notify the physician if respirations are less than The nurse must immed eval the moms well being
18 per minute. by eval VS, FWB, by auscultation of heart tones,
3.Monitor renal function and cardiac function monitoring amt of blood loss and eval the vol
closely status by measuring I&O.
4.Keep calcium gluconate on hand in case of a
magnesium sulfate overdose After the severity of the abruption has been
5.Monitor deep tendon reflexes hourly determined and blood and fluid have been
6.Monitor I and O's hourly replaced, prompt C-SECTION delivery of the fetus
7.Notify the physician if urinary output is less than (not vaginal) is indicated if the fetus is in distress
30 ml per hour. A home care nurse visits a pregnant client who ad a
diagnosis of mild preeclampsia. Which assessment
3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. When caring for a client receiving finding indicates a worsening of the preeclampsia
magnesium sulfate therapy, the nurse would and the need to notify the physician?
monitor maternal vital signs, especially
respirations, every 30-60 minutes and notify the 1. Urinary output as increased
physician if respirations are less than 12, because 2. Dependent edema has resolved
this would indicate respiratory depression. Calcium 3. BP reading is at the prenatal baseline
gluconate is kept on hand in case of magnesium 4. The client complains of a headache and blurred
sulfate overdose, because calcium gluconate is the vision.
antidote for magnesium sulfate toxicity. Deep
tendon reflexes are assessed hourly. Cardiac and 4. The client complains of a headache and blurred
renal function is monitored closely. The urine vision.
output should be maintained at 30 ml per hour
because the medication is eliminated through the A home care nurse is monitoring a pregnant client
kidneys. with gestational HTN who is at risk for
preeclampsia. At each home care visit, the nurse
The antagonist for magnesium sulfate should be assess the client for which classic signs of
readily available to any client receiving IV preeclampsia? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
magnesium. Which of the following drugs is the
antidote for magnesium toxicity? 1. Proteinuria
2. HTN
A.Calcium gluconate 3. Low grade fever
B.Hydralazine (Apresoline) 4. Generalized edema
C.Narcan 5. Increased pulse rate
D.RhoGAM 6. Increased respirator rate

A. Calcium gluconate is the antidote for magnesium 1. Proteinuria

toxicity. Ten ml of 10% calcium gluconate is given 2. HTN
IV push over 3-5 minutes. Hydralazine is given for 4. Generalized edema
sustained elevated blood pressures in preeclamptic
clients. A nurse is assessing a pregant client in the 2nd
trimester of pregnancy who was admitted to the
A client who is 32 weeks pregnant is being maternity unit with a suspected diagnosis of
monitored in the antepartum unit for PIH. She abruptio placentae. Which of the following
suddenly complains of continuous abdominal pain assessment findings would the nurse expect to
and vaginal bleeding. Which of the following note if this condition is present?
nursing internventions should be included in the
care of this client? Check all that apply 1. Soft abdomen
2. Uterine tenderness
1. Evaluate VS 3. Absence of abdominal pain
2. Prepare for vaginal delivery 4. Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding
3. Reassure client that she'll be able to continue
pregnancy 2. Uterine tenderness
4. Evaluate FHT
A maternity nurse is preparing for the admission of A 32-week gestation client was last seen in the
a client in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy who is prenatal clinic at 28 weeks' gestation. Which of the
experiencing vaginal bleeding and has a suspected following changes should the nurse bring to the
diagnosis of placenta previa. The nurse review the attention of the Certified Nurse's Midwife?
physican's prescriptions and would question which
prescription? 1. Weight change from 128 pounds to 132 pounds
2. Pulse changes from 88 bpm to 92 bpm
1. Prepare the client for an ultrasound 3. Blood pressure changes from 110/70 to 140/90
2. Obtain equipment for a manual pelvic 4. Respiratory change from 16 rpm to 20 rpm
3. Prepare to draw a hemoglobin and hematocrit 3. Blood pressure changes from 110/70 to 140/90
blood sample
4. Obtain equipment for external electronic FHR A blood pressure elevation to 140/90 is a sign of
monitoring. mild pre-eclampsia

2. Obtain equipment for a manual pelvic A client with a 4+ protein and 4+ reflexes is
examination admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of severe
preeclampsia. The nurse must closely monitor the
An ultrasound is performed on a client at term woman for which of the following?
gestation who is experiencing moderate vaginal
bleeding. The results of the ultrasound indicate 1. High leukocyte count
that abruptio placentae is present. Based on these 2. Explosive diarrhea
findings, the nurse would prepare the client for: 3. Fractured pelvis
4. Low platelet count
1. Delivery of the fetus
2. Strict monitoring of I/O 4. Low platelet count
3. Complete bedrest for the remainder of the
pregnancy Low platelet count is one of the signs associated
4. The need for weekly monitoring of coagulation with HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver
studies until the time of delivery enzymes, Low Platelets)
Which of the following S&S would the nurse expect
1. Delivery of the fetus to see in a woman with concealed abruption
A nurse in the postpartum unit is caring for a client
who has just delivered a newborn infant following 1. Increasing abdominal girth measurements
a placenta previa. The nurse reviews the plan of 2. Profuse vaginal bleeding
care and prepares to monitor the client for which 3. Bradycardia with an aortic thrill
risk associated with placenta previa? 4. Hypothermia with chills

1. Infection 1. Increasing abdominal girth measurements

2. Hemorrhage
3. Chronic HTN The nurse would expect to see increasing
4. DIC abdominal girth measurements

2. Hemorrhage
A nurse is performing an assessment on a client A patient, 32 weeks pregnant with severe
diagnosed with placenta previa. Which of these headache, is admitted to the hospital with
assessment findings would the nurse expect to preeclampsia. In addition to obtaining baseline vital
note? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. signs and placing the client on bed rest, the
physician ordered the following four items. Which
1. Uterine rigidity of the orders should the nurse perform first?
2. Uterine tenderness
3. Severe abdominal pain 1. Assess deep tendon reflexes.
4. Bright red vaginal bleeding 2. Obtain complete blood count.
5. Soft, relaxed, nontender uterus 3. Assess baseline weight.
6. Fundal height may be greater than expected for 4. Obtain routine urinalysis.
gestational age.
1. The nurse should check the client's patellar
4. Bright red vaginal bleeding reflexes. The most common way to assess the deep
5. Soft, relaxed, nontender uterus tendon reflexes is-to-assess the patellar reflexes.
6. Fundal height may be greater than expected for Preeclampsia is a very serious complication of
gestational age. pregnancy. The nurse must assess for changes in
the blood count, for evidence of marked weight
gain, and for changes in the urinalysis. By assessing
the patellar reflexes first, however, the nurse can 2. The nurse should assess the client's blood
make a preliminary assessment of the severity of pressure.
the preeclampsia. For example, if the reflexes are
+2, the client would be much less likely to become Headache is a symptom of preeclampsia.
eclamptic than a client who has +4 reflexes with Preeclampsia, a serious complication, is a
clonus. hypertensive disease of pregnancy. In order to
determine whether or not the client is
When counseling a preeclamptic client about her preeclamptic, the next action by the nurse would
diet, what should the nurse encourage the woman be to assess the woman's blood pressure.
to do?
A nurse remarks to a 38-week-gravid client, "It
1. Restrict sodium intake. looks like your face and hands are swollen." The
2. Increase intake of fluids. client responds, "Yes, you're right. Why do you
3. Eat a well-balanced diet. ask?" The nurse's response is based on the fact
4. Avoid simple sugars. that the changes may be caused by which of the
3. It is important for the client to eat a well-
balanced diet. 1. Altered glomerular filtration.
Clients with preeclampsia are losing albumin 2. Cardiac failure.
through their urine. They should eat a well- 3. Hepatic insufficiency.
balanced diet with sufficient protein to replace the 4. Altered splenic circulation.
lost protein. Even though preeclamptic clients are
hypertensive, it is not recommended that they 1. Altered glomerular filtration leads to protein loss
restrict salt-they should have a normal salt intake- and, subsequently, to fluid retention, which can
because during pregnancy the kidney is salt lead to swelling in the face and hands.
sparing. When salt is restricted, the kidneys
become stressed. The hypertension associated with preeclampsia
results in poor perfusion of the kidneys. When the
The nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of bed kidneys are poorly perfused, the glomerlular
rest for a client with mild preeclampsia. Which of filtration is altered, allowing large molecules, most
the following signs/symptoms would the nurse notably the protein albumin, to be lost through the
determine is a positive finding? urine. With the loss of protein, the colloidal
pressure drops in the vascular tree, allowing fluid
1. Weight loss. to third space. The body gets the message to retain
2. 2+ proteinuria. fluids, exacerbating the problem. One of the early
3. Decrease in plasma protein. signs of the third spacing is the swelling of a client's
4. 3 + patellar reflexes. hands and face.

1. Weight loss is a positive sign. A client has severe preeclampsia. The nurse would
expect the primary health care practitioner to
The key to answering this question is the test order tests to assess the fetus for which of the
taker's ability to interpret the meaning of mild following?
preeclampsia and to realize that this is an
evaluation question. There are two levels of 1. Severe anemia.
preeclampsia. Mild preeclampsia is characterized 2. Hypoprothrombinemia.
by the following signs/symptoms: blood pressure 3. Craniosynostosis.
140/90, urine protein +2, patellar reflexes + 3, and 4. Intrauterine growth restriction.
weight gain. As can be seen, the values included in
answers 2 and 4 are the same as those in the 4. The fetus should be assessed for intrauterine
diagnosis. They, therefore, are not signs that the growth restriction.
preeclampsia is resolving. Similarly, loss of protein TIP: Perfusion to the placenta drops when clients
is not a sign of resolution of the disease. are preeclamptic because the client's hypertension
impairs adequate blood flow. When the placenta is
A 24-week-gravid client is being seen in the poorly perfused, the baby is poorly nourished.
prenatal clinic. She states, "I have had a terrible Without the nourishment provided by the mother
headache for the past 2 days." Which of the through the umbilical vein, the fetus' growth is
following is the most appropriate action for the affected.
nurse to perform next?
A client with 4+ protein and 4+ reflexes is admitted
1. Inquire whether or not the client has allergies. to the hospital with severe preeclampsia. The
2. Take the woman's blood pressure. nurse must closely monitor the woman for which
3. Assess the woman's fundal height. of the following?
4. Ask the woman about stressors at work.
1. Grand mal seizure.
2. High platelet count. TEST-TAKING TIP: This question requires the nurse
3. Explosive diarrhea. to have a clear understanding of the pathology of
4. Fractured pelvis. preeclampsia. Only with an understanding of the
underlying disease, can the test taker be able to
1. Clients with severe preeclampsia are high risk for remember the rationale for many aspects of client
seizure. care. The vital organs of preeclamptic clients are
A client who is diagnosed with severe preeclampsia being poorly perfused as a result of the abnormally
is high risk for becoming eclamptic. Clients who high blood pressure. When a woman lies on her
become eclamptic have had at least one seizure. side, blood return to the heart is improved and the
A 26-week-gestation woman is diagnosed with cardiac output is also improved. With improved
severe preeclampsia with HELLP syndrome. The cardiac output, perfusion to the placenta and other
nurse will assess for which of the following organs is improved
The nurse has assessed four primigravid clients in
1. Low serum creatinine. the prenatal clinic. Which of the women would the
2. High serum protein. nurse refer to the nurse midwife for further
3. Bloody stools. assessment?
4. Epigastric pain.
1. 10 weeks' gestation, complains of fatigue with
4. Epigastric pain is associated with the liver nausea and vomiting.
involvement of HELLP syndrome. TEST-TAKING TIP: 2. 26 weeks' gestation, complains of ankle edema
When the liver is deprived of sufficient blood and chloasma.
supply, as can occur with severe preeclampsia, the 3. 32 weeks' gestation, complains of epigastric pain
organ becomes ischemic. The client experiences and facial edema.
pain at the site of the liver as a result of the 4. 37 weeks' gestation, complains of bleeding gums
hypoxia in the liver. and urinary frequency

A 29-week-gestation woman diagnosed with severe 3. Epigastric pain and facial edema are not normal.
preeclampsia is noted to have blood pressure of This client should be referred to the nurse midwife.
170/112, 4+ proteinuria, and a weight gain of 10 The nurse must be prepared to identify clients with
pounds over the last 2 days. Which of the following symptoms that are unexpected. This question
signs/symptoms would the nurse also expect to requires the test taker to differentiate between
see? normal signs and symptoms of pregnancy at a
variety of gestational ages and those that could
1. Fundal height of 32 cm. indicate a serious complication of pregnancy.
2. Papilledema.
3. Patellar reflexes of +2. A client's 32-week clinic assessment was: BP 90/60;
4. Nystagmus. TPR 98.6°F, P 92, R 20; weight 145 lb; and urine
negative for protein. Which of the following
2. The nurse would expect to see papilledema. findings at the 34-week appointment should the
TEST-TAKING TIP: Intracranial pressure (ICP) is nurse highlight for the certified nurse midwife?
present in a client with severe preeclampsia 1. BP 110/70; TPR 99.2°F, 88, 20.
because she is third spacing large quantities of 2. Weight 155 lb; urine protein +2.
fluid. As a result of the ICP, the optic disk swells 3. Urine protein trace; BP 88/56.
and papilledema is seen when the disk is viewed 4. Weight 147 lb; TPR 99.0°F, 76,
through an ophthalmoscope.
2. There has been a 10-lb weight gain in 2 weeks
A client with mild preeclampsia, who has been and a significant amount of protein is being spilled
advised to be on bed rest at home, asks why it is in the urine. This client should be brought to the
necessary. Which of the following is the best attention of the primary caregiver.
response for the nurse to give the client?
There is a great deal of information included in this
1. "Bed rest will help you to conserve energy for question. The test taker must methodically assess
your labor." each of the pieces of data. Important things to
2. "Bed rest will help to relieve your nausea and attend to are the timing of the appointments-2
anorexia." weeks apart; changes in vital signs-it is normal for
3. "Reclining will increase the amount of oxygen pulse and respiratory rate to increase slightly and
that your baby gets." BP to drop slightly; changes in urinary protein-trace
4. "The position change will prevent the placenta is normal, +2 is not normal; and changes in weight-
from separating." 2-lb increase over 2 weeks is normal, a 10-lb
increase is not normal.
3. Bed rest, especially side-lying, helps to improve
perfusion to the placenta.
Which finding should the nurse expect when
assessing a client with placenta previa? A nurse is caring for a client in labor who is
receiving Pitocin by IV infusion to stimulate uterine
1. Severe occipital headache. contractions. Which assessment finding would
2. History of renal disease. indicate to the nurse that the infusion needs to be
3. Previous premature delivery. discontinued?
4. Painless vaginal bleeding.
1.Three contractions occurring within a 10-minute
4. Painless vaginal bleeding is often the only period
symptom of placenta previa. There are three 2.A fetal heart rate of 90 beats per minute
different forms of placenta previa: low-lying 3.Adequate resting tone of the uterus palpated
placenta-one that lies adjacent to, but not over, between contractions
the internal cervical os; partial-one that partially 4.Increased urinary output
covers the internal cervical os; and complete-a
placenta that completely covers the internal 2. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 BPM.
cervical os. There is no way to deliver a live baby Bradycardia or late or variable decelerations
vaginally when a client has a complete previa, indicate fetal distress and the need to discontinue
although there are cases when live babies have to pitocin. The goal of labor augmentation is to
been delivered when the clients had low-lying or achieve three good-quality contractions in a 10-
partial previas. minute period.

A nurse is beginning to care for a client in labor.

The physician has prescribed an IV infusion of
A nurse in the labor room is caring for a client in Pitocin. The nurse ensures that which of the
the active phases of labor. The nurse is assessing following is implemented before initiating the
the fetal patterns and notes a late deceleration on infusion?
the monitor strip. The most appropriate nursing
action is to: 1.Placing the client on complete bed rest
2.Continuous electronic fetal monitoring
1.Place the mother in the supine position 3.An IV infusion of antibiotics
2.Document the findings and continue to monitor 4.Placing a code cart at the client's bedside
the fetal patterns
3.Administer oxygen via face mask 2. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be
4.Increase the rate of pitocin IV infusion implemented during an IV infusion of Pitocin.

3. Late decelerations are due to uteroplacental A nurse is caring for a client in labor and is
insufficiency as the result of decreased blood flow monitoring the fetal heart rate patterns. The nurse
and oxygen to the fetus during the uterine notes the presence of episodic accelerations on the
contractions. This causes hypoxemia; therefore electronic fetal monitor tracing. Which of the
oxygen is necessary. The supine position is avoided following actions is most appropriate?
because it decreases uterine blood flow to the
fetus. The client should be turned to her side to 1.Document the findings and tell the mother that
displace pressure of the gravid uterus on the the monitor indicates fetal well-being
inferior vena cava. An intravenous pitocin infusion 2.Take the mothers vital signs and tell the mother
is discontinued when a late deceleration is noted. that bed rest is required to conserve oxygen.
3.Notify the physician or nurse mid-wife of the
A nurse is performing an assessment of a client findings.
who is scheduled for a cesarean delivery. Which 4.Reposition the mother and check the monitor for
assessment finding would indicate a need to changes in the fetal tracing
contact the physician?
1. Accelerations are transient increases in the fetal
1.Fetal heart rate of 180 beats per minute heart rate that often accompany contractions or
2.White blood cell count of 12,000 are caused by fetal movement. Episodic
3.Maternal pulse rate of 85 beats per minute accelerations are thought to be a sign of fetal-well
4.Hemoglobin of 11.0 g/dL being and adequate oxygen reserve.

1. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per A nurse is admitting a pregnant client to the labor
minute. A count of 180 beats per minute could room and attaches an external electronic fetal
indicate fetal distress and would warrant physician monitor to the client's abdomen. After attachment
notification. By full term, a normal maternal of the monitor, the initial nursing assessment is
hemoglobin range is 11-13 g/dL as a result of the which of the following?
hemodilution caused by an increase in plasma
volume during pregnancy. 1.Identifying the types of accelerations
2.Assessing the baseline fetal heart rate an ominous pattern in labor because it suggests
3.Determining the frequency of the contractions uteroplacental insufficiency during a contraction.
4.Determining the intensity of the contractions Short-term variability refers to the beat-to-beat
range in the fetal heart rate.
2. Assessing the baseline fetal heart rate is
important so that abnormal variations of the REMEMBER VEAL CHOP
baseline rate will be identified if they occur.
A nurse is assigned to care for a client with
Options 1 and 3 are important to assess, but not as hypotonic uterine dysfunction and signs of a
the first priority. slowing labor. The nurse is reviewing the
physician's orders and would expect to note which
A nurse is reviewing the record of a client in the of the following prescribed treatments for this
labor room and notes that the nurse midwife has condition?
documented that the fetus is at -1 station. The
nurse determines that the fetal presenting part is: 1.Medication that will provide sedation
2.Increased hydration
1.1 cm above the ischial spine 3.Oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion
2.1 fingerbreadth below the symphysis pubis 4.Administration of a tocolytic medication
3.1 inch below the coccyx
4.1 inch below the iliac crest 3. Therapeutic management for hypotonic uterine
dysfunction includes oxytocin augmentation and
1. Station is the relationship of the presenting part amniotomy to stimulate a labor that slows.
to an imaginary line drawn between the ischial
spines, is measured in centimeters, and is noted as A nurse in the postpartum unit is caring for a client
a negative number above the line and a positive who has just delivered a newborn infant following
number below the line. At -1 station, the fetal a pregnancy with placenta previa. The nurse
presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial spines. reviews the plan of care and prepares to monitor
the client for which of the following risks
A client arrives at a birthing center in active labor. associated with placenta previa?
Her membranes are still intact, and the nurse-
midwife prepares to perform an amniotomy. A 1.Disseminated intravascular coagulation
nurse who is assisting the nurse-midwife explains 2.Chronic hypertension
to the client that after this procedure, she will most 3.Infection
likely have: 4.Hemorrhage

1.Less pressure on her cervix 4. Because the placenta is implanted in the lower
2.Increased efficiency of contractions uterine segment, which does not contain the same
3.Decreased number of contractions intertwining musculature as the fundus of the
4.The need for increased maternal blood pressure uterus, this site is more prone to bleeding.
A maternity nurse is preparing for the admission of
2. Amniotomy can be used to induce labor when a client in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that is
the condition of the cervix is favorable (ripe) or to experiencing vaginal bleeding and has a suspected
augment labor if the process begins to slow. diagnosis of placenta previa. The nurse reviews the
Rupturing of membranes allows the fetal head to physician's orders and would question which
contact the cervix more directly and may increase order?
the efficiency of contractions.
1.Prepare the client for an ultrasound
A nurse is monitoring a client in labor. The nurse 2.Obtain equipment for external electronic fetal
suspects umbilical cord compression if which of the heart monitoring
following is noted on the external monitor tracing 3.Obtain equipment for a manual pelvic
during a contraction? examination
4.Prepare to draw a Hgb and Hct blood sample
1.Early decelerations
2.Variable decelerations 3. Manual pelvic examinations are contraindicated
3.Late decelerations when vaginal bleeding is apparent in the 3rd
4.Short-term variability trimester until a diagnosis is made and placental
previa is ruled out. Digital examination of the cervix
2. Variable decelerations occur if the umbilical cord can lead to maternal and fetal hemorrhage. A
becomes compressed, thus reducing blood flow diagnosis of placenta previa is made by ultrasound.
between the placenta and the fetus. Early The H/H levels are monitored, and external
decelerations result from pressure on the fetal electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is initiated.
head during a contraction. Late decelerations are
External fetal monitoring is crucial in evaluating the
fetus that is at risk for severe hypoxia 1.Stop the oxytocin infusion
2.Change the client's position
A client is admitted to the birthing suite in early 3.Prepare for immediate delivery
active labor. The priority nursing intervention on 4.Take the client's blood pressure
admission of this client would be:
2. Variable decelerations usually are seen as a
1.Auscultating the fetal heart result of cord compression; a change of position
2.Taking an obstetric history will relieve pressure on the cord.
3.Asking the client when she last ate
4.Ascertaining whether the membranes were When monitoring the fetal heart rate of a client in
ruptured labor, the nurse identifies an elevation of 15 beats
above the baseline rate of 135 beats per minute
1. Determining the fetal well-being supersedes all lasting for 15 seconds. This should be documented
other measures. If the FHR is absent or persistently as:
decelerating, immediate intervention is required.
1.An acceleration
A client who is gravida 1, para 0 is admitted in 2.An early elevation
labor. Her cervix is 100% effaced, and she is dilated 3.A sonographic motion
to 3 cm. Her fetus is at +1 station. The nurse is 4.A tachycardic heart rate
aware that the fetus' head is:
1. An acceleration is an abrupt elevation above the
1.Not yet engaged baseline of 15 beats per minute for 15 seconds; if
2.Entering the pelvic inlet the acceleration persists for more than 10 minutes
3.Below the ischial spines it is considered a change in baseline rate. A
4.Visible at the vaginal opening tachycardic FHR is above 160 beats per minute

3. A station of +1 indicates that the fetal head is 1 A laboring client is to have a pudendal block. The
cm below the ischial spines. nurse plans to tell the client that once the block is
The physician asks the nurse the frequency of a working she:
laboring client's contractions. The nurse assesses
the client's contractions by timing from the A. Will not feel the episiotomy
beginning of one contraction: B. May lose bladder sensation
C. May lose the ability to push
1.Until the time it is completely over D. Will no longer feel contractions
2.To the end of a second contraction
3.To the beginning of the next contraction Answer: A. May lose the ability to push.
4.Until the time that the uterus becomes very firm
A pudendal block provides anesthesia to the
3. This is the way to determine the frequency of perineum.
the contractions
A laboring client has external electronic fetal
The nurse observes the client's amniotic fluid and monitoring in place. Which of the following
decides that it appears normal, because it is: assessment data can be determined by examining
the fetal heart rate strip produced by the external
1.Clear and dark amber in color electronic fetal monitor?
2.Milky, greenish yellow, containing shreds of
mucus A. Gender of the fetus
3.Clear, almost colorless, and containing little white B. Fetal position
specks C. Labor progress
4.Cloudy, greenish-yellow, and containing little D. Oxygenation
white specks
Answer: D. Oxygenation.
3. by 36 weeks' gestation, normal amniotic fluid is
colorless with small particles of vernix caseosa Oxygenation of the fetus may be indirectly
present. assessed through fetal monitoring by closely
examining the fetal heart rate strip. Accelerations
GREEN=MECONIUM in the fetal heart rate strip indicate good
oxygenation, while decelerations in the fetal heart
When examining the fetal monitor strip after rate sometimes indicate poor fetal oxygenation.
rupture of the membranes in a laboring client, the
nurse notes variable decelerations in the fetal A laboring client is in the first stage of labor and
heart rate. The nurse should: has progressed from 4 to 7 cm in cervical dilation.
In which of the following phases of the first stage B. Stop the Pitocin
does cervical dilation occur most rapidly? C. Elevate the woman's legs
D. Administer oxygen via a tight mask at 8 to 10
A. Preparatory phase liters/minute
B. Latent phase
C. Active phase Answer: B. Stop the Pitocin.
D. Transition phase
Late deceleration patterns noted are most likely
Answer: C. Active phase. related to alteration in uteroplacental perfusion
associated with the strong contractions described.
Cervical dilation occurs more rapidly during the The immediate action would be to stop the Pitocin
active phase than any of the previous phases. The infusion since Pitocin is an oxytocin which
active phase is characterized by cervical dilation stimulates the uterus to contract.
that progresses from 4 to 7 cm.
Option A: The woman is already in an appropriate
Options A and B: The preparatory, or latent, phase position for uteroplacental perfusion.
begins with the onset of regular uterine Option C: Elevation of her legs would be
contractions and ends when rapid cervical dilation appropriate if hypotension were present.
begins. Option D: Oxygen is appropriate but not the
Option D: Transition is defined as cervical dilation immediate action.
beginning at 8 cm and lasting until 10 cm or
complete dilation. The nurse should realize that the most common
and potentially harmful maternal complication of
Upon completion of a vaginal examination on a epidural anesthesia would be:
laboring woman, the nurse records 50%, 6 cm, -1.
Which of the following is a correct interpretation of A. Severe postpartum headache
the data? B. Limited perception of bladder fullness
C. Increase in respiratory rate
A. Fetal presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial D. Hypotension
B. Effacement is 4 cm from completion Answer: D. Hypotension.
C. Dilation is 50% completed
D. Fetus has achieved passage through the ischial Epidural anesthesia can lead to vasodilation and a
spines drop in blood pressure that could interfere with
adequate placental perfusion. The woman must be
Answer: A. Fetal presenting part is 1 cm above the well hydrated before and during epidural
ischial spines. anesthesia to prevent this problem and maintain
an adequate blood pressure.
Station of - 1 indicates that the fetal presenting
part is above the ischial spines and has not yet Option A: Headache is not a side effect since the
passed through the pelvic inlet. A station of zero spinal fluid is not disturbed by this anesthetic as it
would indicate that the presenting part has passed would be with a low spinal (saddle block)
through the inlet and is at the level of the ischial anesthesia;
spines or is engaged. Option B is an effect of epidural anesthesia but is
not the most harmful.
Options B and C: Progress of effacement is referred Option C: Respiratory depression is a potentially
to by percentages with 100% indicating full serious complication.
effacement and dilation by centimeters (cm) with
10 cm indicating full dilation. Four hours after a difficult labor and birth, a
Option D: Passage through the ischial spines with primiparous woman refuses to feed her baby,
internal rotation would be indicated by a plus stating that she is too tired and just wants to sleep.
station, such as + 1. The nurse should:
Late deceleration patterns are noted when
assessing the monitor tracing of a woman whose A. Tell the woman she can rest after she feeds her
labor is being induced with an infusion of Pitocin. baby
B. Recognize this as a behavior of the taking-hold
The woman is in a side-lying position, and her vital stage
signs are stable and fall within a normal range. C. Record the behavior as ineffective maternal-
Contractions are intense, last 90 seconds, and newborn attachment
occur every 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. The nurse's D. Take the baby back to the nursery, reassuring
immediate action would be to: the woman that her rest is a priority at this time

A. Change the woman's position

Answer: D. Take the baby back to the nursery, indicates:
reassuring the woman that her rest is a priority at
this time. 1.A softening of the cervix
2.A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the
Response 1 does not take into consideration the maternal pulse during auscultation of the uterus.
need for the new mother to be nurtured and have 3.The presence of hCG in the urine
her needs met during the taking-in stage. The 4.The presence of fetal movement
behavior described is typical of this stage and not a
reflection of ineffective attachment unless the 1. In the early weeks of pregnancy the cervix
behavior persists. Mothers need to reestablish becomes softer as a result of increased vascularity
their own well-being in order to effectively care for and hyperplasia, which causes the Goodell's sign
their baby.
A nursing instructor asks a nursing student who is
A client arrives at a prenatal clinic for the first preparing to assist with the assessment of a
prenatal assessment. The client tells a nurse that pregnant client to describe the process of
the first day of her last menstrual period was quickening. Which of the following statements if
September 19th, 2005. Using Nagele's rule, the made by the student indicates an understanding of
nurse determines the estimated date of this term?
confinement as:
1."It is the irregular, painless contractions that
1.July 26, 2006 occur throughout pregnancy."
2.June 12, 2007 2."It is the soft blowing sound that can be heard
3.June 26, 2006 when the uterus is auscultated."
4.July 12, 2007 3."It is the fetal movement that is felt by the
3. Accurate use of Nagele's rule requires that the 4."It is the thinning of the lower uterine segment."
woman have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. Add
7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period, 3. Quickening is fetal movement and may occur as
subtract three months, and then add one year to early as the 16th and 18th week of gestation, and
that date. the mother first notices subtle fetal movements
that gradually increase in intensity. Braxton Hicks
A nurse is collecting data during an admission contractions are irregular, painless contractions
assessment of a client who is pregnant with twins. that may occur throughout the pregnancy. A
The client has a healthy 5-year old child that was thinning of the lower uterine segment occurs about
delivered at 36 weeks and tells the nurse that she the 6th week of pregnancy and is called Hegar's
doesn't have any history of abortion or fetal sign.
demise. The nurse would document the GTPAL for
this client as: A nurse midwife is performing an assessment of a
pregnant client and is assessing the client for the
1.G = 3, T = 2, P = 0, A = 0, L =1 presence of ballottement. Which of the following
2.G = 2, T = 0, P = 1, A = 0, L =1 would the nurse implement to test for the
3.G = 1, T = 1. P = 1, A = 0, L = 1 presence of ballottement?
4.G = 2, T = 0, P = 0, A = 0, L = 1
1.Auscultating for fetal heart sounds
2. Pregnancy outcomes can be described with the 2.Palpating the abdomen for fetal movement
acronym GTPAL. G is gravidity, the number of 3.Assessing the cervix for thinning
pregnancies. T is term births, the number born at 4.Initiating a gentle upward tap on the cervix
term (38-41 weeks). P is preterm births, the
number born before 38 weeks gestation. A is 4. Ballottement is a technique of palpating a
abortions or miscarriages (included in gravida if floating structure by bouncing it gently and feeling
before 20 weeks gestation; included in parity if it rebound. In the technique used to palpate the
past 20 weeks gestation). L is live births, the fetus, the examiner places a finger in the vagina
number of live births or living children. Therefore, a and taps gently upward, causing the fetus to rise.
woman who is pregnant with twins and has a child The fetus then sinks, and the examiner feels a
has a gravida of 2. Because the child was delivered gentle tap on the finger.
at 36 weeks, the number of preterm births is 1, and
the number of term births is 0. The number of A nurse is assisting in performing an assessment on
abortions is 0, and the number of live births is 1. a client who suspects that she is pregnant and is
A nurse is reviewing the record of a client who has checking the client for probable signs of pregnancy.
just been told that a pregnancy test is positive. The Select all probable signs of pregnancy.
physician has documented the presence of a
Goodell's sign. The nurse determines this sign 1.Uterine enlargement
2.Fetal heart rate detected by nonelectric device
3.Outline of the fetus via radiography or ultrasound vision
4.Chadwick's sign 4.Dependent edema has resolved
5.Braxton Hicks contractions
6.Ballottement 3. If the client complains of a headache and blurred
vision, the physician should be notified because
1, 4, 5, and 6. The probable signs of pregnancy these are signs of worsening Preeclampsia.
include uterine enlargement, Hegar's sign
(softening and thinning of the uterine segment that 3 main symptoms: HEADACHE, BLURRED VISION,
occurs at week 6), Goodell's sign (softening of the RIGHT EPIGASTRIC PAIN
cervix that occurs at the beginning of the 2nd
month), Chadwick's sign (bluish coloration of the A nurse implements a teaching plan for a pregnant
mucous membranes of the cervix, vagina, and client who is newly diagnosed with gestational
vulva that occurs at week 6), ballottement diabetes. Which statement if made by the client
(rebounding of the fetus against the examiners indicates a need for further education?
fingers of palpation), Braxton Hicks contractions
and a positive pregnancy test measuring for hCG. A."I need to stay on the diabetic diet."
Positive signs of pregnancy include fetal heart rate B."I will perform glucose monitoring at home."
detected by electronic device (Doppler) at 10-12 C."I need to avoid exercise because of the negative
weeks and by nonelectronic device (fetoscope) at effects of insulin production."
20 weeks gestation, active fetal movements D."I need to be aware of any infections and report
palpable by the examiner, and an outline of the signs of infection immediately to my health care
fetus via radiography or ultrasound. provider."

A client in the first trimester of pregnancy arrives at C. Exercise is safe for the client with gestational
a health care clinic and reports that she has been diabetes and is helpful in lowering the blood
experiencing vaginal bleeding. A threatened glucose level.
abortion is suspected, and the nurse instructs the
client regarding management of care. Which A primagravida is receiving magnesium sulfate for
statement, if made by the client, indicates a need the treatment of pregnancy induced hypertension
for further education? (PIH). The nurse who is caring for the client is
performing assessments every 30 minutes. Which
1."I will maintain strict bedrest throughout the assessment finding would be of most concern to
remainder of pregnancy." the nurse?
2."I will avoid sexual intercourse until the bleeding
has stopped, and for 2 weeks following the last A.Urinary output of 20 ml since the previous
evidence of bleeding." assessment
3."I will count the number of perineal pads used on B.Deep tendon reflexes of 2+
a daily basis and note the amount and color of C.Respiratory rate of 10 BPM
blood on the pad." D.Fetal heart rate of 120 BPM
4."I will watch for the evidence of the passage of
tissue." C. Magnesium sulfate depresses the respiratory
rate. If the respiratory rate is less than 12 breaths
1. Strict bed rest throughout the remainder of per minute, the physician or other health care
pregnancy is not required. The woman is advised to provider needs to be notified, and continuation of
curtail sexual activities until the bleeding has the medication needs to be reassessed. A urinary
ceased, and for 2 weeks following the last evidence output of 20 ml in a 30 minute period is adequate;
of bleeding or as recommended by the physician. less than 30 ml in one hour needs to be reported.
The woman is instructed to count the number of Deep tendon reflexes of 2+ are normal. The fetal
perineal pads used daily and to note the quantity heart rate is WNL for a resting fetus.
and color of blood on the pad. The woman also
should watch for the evidence of the passage of A nurse is caring for a pregnant client with
tissue. Preeclampsia. The nurse prepares a plan of care for
the client and documents in the plan that if the
A homecare nurse visits a pregnant client who has client progresses from Preeclampsia to eclampsia,
a diagnosis of mild Preeclampsia and who is being the nurse's first action is to:
monitored for pregnancy induced hypertension
(PIH). Which assessment finding indicates a A.Administer magnesium sulfate intravenously
worsening of the Preeclampsia and the need to B.Assess the blood pressure and fetal heart rate
notify the physician? C.Clean and maintain an open airway
D.Administer oxygen by face mask
1.Blood pressure reading is at the prenatal baseline
2.Urinary output has increased C. The immediate care during a seizure (eclampsia)
3.The client complains of a headache and blurred is to ensure a patent airway. The other options are
actions that follow or will be implemented after the gluconate is kept on hand in case of magnesium
seizure has ceased. sulfate overdose, because calcium gluconate is the
antidote for magnesium sulfate toxicity. Deep
A nurse is monitoring a pregnant client with tendon reflexes are assessed hourly. Cardiac and
pregnancy induced hypertension who is at risk for renal function is monitored closely. The urine
Preeclampsia. The nurse checks the client for which output should be maintained at 30 ml per hour
specific signs of Preeclampsia (select all that because the medication is eliminated through the
apply)? kidneys.

A.Elevated blood pressure The nurse recognizes that an expected change in

B.Negative urinary protein the hematologic system that occurs during the 2nd
C.Facial edema trimester of pregnancy is:
D.Increased respirations
A.A decrease in WBC's
A and C. The three classic signs of preeclampsia are B.In increase in hematocrit
hypertension, generalized edema, and protenuria. C.An increase in blood volume
Increased respirations are not a sign of D.A decrease in sedimentation rate
C. The blood volume increases by approximately
A woman with preeclampsia is receiving 40-50% during pregnancy. The peak blood volume
magnesium sulfate. The nurse assigned to care for occurs between 30 and 34 weeks of gestation. The
the client determines that the magnesium therapy hematocrit decreases as a result of the increased
is effective if: blood volume.

A.Ankle clonus in noted The nurse is aware than an adaptation of

B.The blood pressure decreases pregnancy is an increased blood supply to the
C.Seizures do not occur pelvic region that results in a purplish discoloration
D.Scotoma's are present of the vaginal mucosa, which is known as:

C. For a client with preeclampsia, the goal of care is A.Ladin's sign

directed at preventing eclampsia (seizures). B.Hegar's sign
Magnesium sulfate is an anticonvulsant, not an C.Goodell's sign
antihypertensive agent. Although a decrease in D.Chadwick's sign
blood pressure may be noted initially, this effect is
usually transient. Ankle clonus indicated D. A purplish color results from the increased
hyperrelexia and may precede the onset of vascularity and blood vessel engorgement of the
eclampsia. Scotomas are areas of complete or vagina.
partial blindness. Visual disturbances, such as
scotomas, often precede an eclamptic seizure. A pregnant client is making her first Antepartal
visit. She has a two year old son born at 40 weeks,
A nurse is caring for a pregnant client with severe a 5 year old daughter born at 38 weeks, and 7 year
preeclampsia who is receiving IV magnesium old twin daughters born at 35 weeks. She had a
sulfate. Select all nursing interventions that apply spontaneous abortion 3 years ago at 10 weeks.
in the care for the client. Using the GTPAL format, the nurse should identify
that the client is:
1.Monitor maternal vital signs every 2 hours A.G4 T3 P2 A1 L4
2.Notify the physician if respirations are less than B.G5 T2 P2 A1 L4
18 per minute. C.G5 T2 P1 A1 L4
3.Monitor renal function and cardiac function D.G4 T3 P1 A1 L4
4.Keep calcium gluconate on hand in case of a C. 5 pregnancies; 2 term births; twins count as 1;
magnesium sulfate overdose one abortion; 4 living children.
5.Monitor deep tendon reflexes hourly
6.Monitor I and O's hourly An expected cardiopulmonary adaptation
7.Notify the physician if urinary output is less than experienced by most pregnant women is:
30 ml per hour.
3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. When caring for a client receiving B.Dyspnea at rest
magnesium sulfate therapy, the nurse would C.Progression of dependent edema
monitor maternal vital signs, especially D.Shortness of breath on exertion
respirations, every 30-60 minutes and notify the
physician if respirations are less than 12, because
this would indicate respiratory depression. Calcium
D. This is an expected cardiopulmonary adaptation C.Miscarriage
during pregnancy; it is caused by an increased D.Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)
ventricular rate and elevated diaphragm
B. Excessive vomiting in clients with hyperemesis
Nutritional planning for a newly pregnant woman gravidarum often causes weight loss and fluid,
of average height and weighing 145 pounds should electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances.
Clients with gestational diabetes are usually
A.A decrease of 200 calories a day managed by which of the following therapies?
B.An increase of 300 calories a day
C.An increase of 500 calories a day A.Diet
D.A maintenance of her present caloric intake per B.NPH insulin (long-acting)
day C.Oral hypoglycemic drugs
D.Oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin
B. This is the recommended caloric increase for
adult women to meet the increased metabolic A. Clients with gestational diabetes are usually
demands of pregnancy. managed by diet alone to control their glucose
intolerance. Oral hypoglycemic agents are
At a prenatal visit at 36 weeks' gestation, a client contraindicated in pregnancy. NPH isn't usually
complains of discomfort with irregularly occurring needed for blood glucose control for GDM.
contractions. The nurse instructs the client to:
The antagonist for magnesium sulfate should be
A.Lie down until they stop readily available to any client receiving IV
B.Walk around until they subside magnesium. Which of the following drugs is the
C.Time contraction for 30 minutes antidote for magnesium toxicity?
D.Take 10 grains of aspirin for the discomfort
A.Calcium gluconate
B. Ambulation relieves Braxton Hicks. B.Hydralazine (Apresoline)
The nurse teaches a pregnant woman to avoid lying D.RhoGAM
on her back. The nurse has based this statement on
the knowledge that the supine position can: A. Calcium gluconate is the antidote for magnesium
toxicity. Ten ml of 10% calcium gluconate is given
A.Unduly prolong labor IV push over 3-5 minutes. Hydralazine is given for
B.Cause decreased placental perfusion sustained elevated blood pressures in preeclamptic
C.Lead to transient episodes of hypotension clients.
D.Interfere with free movement of the coccyx
A pregnant woman at 32 weeks' gestation
B. This is because impedance of venous return by complains of feeling dizzy and lightheaded while
the gravid uterus, which causes hypotension and her fundal height is being measured. Her skin is
decreased systemic perfusion. pale and moist. The nurse's initial response would
be to:
Which of the following conditions is common in
pregnant women in the 2nd trimester of A.Assess the woman's blood pressure and pulse
pregnancy? B.Have the woman breathe into a paper bag
C.Raise the woman's legs
A.Mastitis D.Turn the woman on her side.
B.Metabolic alkalosis
C.Physiologic anemia D. During a fundal height measurement the woman
D.Respiratory acidosis is placed in a supine position. This woman is
experiencing supine hypotension as a result of
C. Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels decrease uterine compression of the vena cava and
during pregnancy as the increase in plasma volume abdominal aorta. Turning her on her side will
exceeds the increase in red blood cell production. remove the compression and restore cardiac
output and blood pressure. Then vital signs can be
A 21-year old client, 6 weeks' pregnant is assessed. Raising her legs will not solve the
diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. This problem since pressure will still remain on the
excessive vomiting during pregnancy will often major abdominal blood vessels, thereby continuing
result in which of the following conditions? to impede cardiac output. Breathing into a paper
bag is the solution for dizziness related to
A.Bowel perforation respiratory alkalosis associated with
B.Electrolyte imbalance hyperventilation.
A pregnant woman's last menstrual period began 4. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per
on April 8, 2005, and ended on April 13. Using minute. Fetal bradycardia between contractions
Nägele's rule her estimated date of birth would be: may indicate the need for immediate medical
management, and the physician or nurse mid-wife
A.January 15, 2006 needs to be notified.
B.January 20, 2006
C.July 1, 2006 A nurse is monitoring a client in labor who is
D.November 5, 2005 receiving Pitocin and notes that the client is
experiencing hypertonic uterine contractions. List
A. Nägele's rule requires subtracting 3 months and in order of priority the actions that the nurse takes.
adding 7 days and 1 year if appropriate to the first
day of a pregnant woman's last menstrual period. 1.Stop of Pitocin infusion
When this rule, is used with April 8, 2005, the 2.Perform a vaginal examination
estimated date of birth is January 15, 2006. 3.Reposition the client
4.Check the client's blood pressure and heart rate
A nurse is caring for a client in labor who is 5.Administer oxygen by face mask at 8 to 10 L/min
receiving Pitocin by IV infusion to stimulate uterine
contractions. Which assessment finding would 1, 4, 2. 5, 3.
indicate to the nurse that the infusion needs to be
discontinued? If uterine hypertonicity occurs, the nurse
immediately would intervene to reduce uterine
1.Three contractions occurring within a 10-minute activity and increase fetal oxygenation. The nurse
period would stop the Pitocin infusion and increase the
2.A fetal heart rate of 90 beats per minute rate of the nonadditive solution, check maternal BP
3.Adequate resting tone of the uterus palpated for hyper or hypotension, position the woman in a
between contractions side-lying position, and administer oxygen by snug
4.Increased urinary output face mask at 8-10 L/min. The nurse then would
attempt to determine the cause of the uterine
2. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 BPM. hypertonicity and perform a vaginal exam to check
Bradycardia or late or variable decelerations for prolapsed cord
indicate fetal distress and the need to discontinue
to pitocin. The goal of labor augmentation is to A nurse is assigned to care for a client with
achieve three good-quality contractions in a 10- hypotonic uterine dysfunction and signs of a
minute period. slowing labor. The nurse is reviewing the
physician's orders and would expect to note which
A nurse is beginning to care for a client in labor. of the following prescribed treatments for this
The physician has prescribed an IV infusion of condition?
Pitocin. The nurse ensures that which of the
following is implemented before initiating the 1.Medication that will provide sedation
infusion? 2.Increased hydration
3.Oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion
1.Placing the client on complete bed rest 4.Administration of a tocolytic medication
2.Continuous electronic fetal monitoring
3.An IV infusion of antibiotics 3. Therapeutic management for hypotonic uterine
4.Placing a code cart at the client's bedside dysfunction includes oxytocin augmentation and
amniotomy to stimulate a labor that slows.
2. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be
implemented during an IV infusion of Pitocin.
A nurse is monitoring a client in active labor and
notes that the client is having contractions every 3 A nurse in the labor room is preparing to care for a
minutes that last 45 seconds. The nurse notes that client with hypertonic uterine dysfunction. The
the fetal heart rate between contractions is 100 nurse is told that the client is experiencing
BPM. Which of the following nursing actions is uncoordinated contractions that are erratic in their
most appropriate? frequency, duration, and intensity. The priority
nursing intervention would be to:
1.Encourage the client's coach to continue to
encourage breathing exercises 1.Monitor the Pitocin infusion closely
2.Encourage the client to continue pushing with 2.Provide pain relief measures
each contraction 3.Prepare the client for an amniotomy
3.Continue monitoring the fetal heart rate 4.Promote ambulation every 30 minutes
4.Notify the physician or nurse mid-wife
2. Management of hypertonic labor depends on show no clot formation (and are thus normal to
the cause. Relief of pain is the primary intervention prolonged); and fibrin plugs may clog the
to promote a normal labor pattern. microvasculature diffusely, rather than in an
isolated area. The presence of petechiae, oozing
A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client from injection sites, and hematuria are signs
experiencing dystocia and includes several nursing associated with DIC. Swelling and pain in the calf of
interventions in the plan of care. The nurse one leg are more likely to be associated with
prioritizes the plan of care and selects which of the thrombophebitis.
following nursing interventions as the highest
priority? A nurse is assessing a pregnant client in the 2nd
trimester of pregnancy who was admitted to the
1.Keeping the significant other informed of the maternity unit with a suspected diagnosis of
progress of the labor abruptio placentae. Which of the following
2.Providing comfort measures assessment findings would the nurse expect to
3.Monitoring fetal heart rate note if this condition is present?
4.Changing the client's position frequently
1.Absence of abdominal pain
3. The priority is to monitor the fetal heart rate. 2.A soft abdomen
3.Uterine tenderness/pain
A nurse in the labor room is performing a vaginal 4.Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding
assessment on a pregnant client in labor. The nurse
notes the presence of the umbilical cord protruding 3. In abruptio placentae, acute abdominal pain is
from the vagina. Which of the following would be present. Uterine tenderness and pain accompanies
the initial nursing action? placental abruption, especially with a central
abruption and trapped blood behind the placenta.
1.Place the client in Trendelenburg's position The abdomen will feel hard and boardlike on
2.Call the delivery room to notify the staff that the palpation as the blood penetrates the myometrium
client will be transported immediately and causes uterine irritability. Observation of the
3.Gently push the cord into the vagina fetal monitoring often reveals increased uterine
4.Find the closest telephone and stat page the resting tone, caused by failure of the uterus to
physician relax in attempt to constrict blood vessels and
control bleeding.
1. When cord prolapse occurs, prompt actions are
taken to relieve cord compression and increase A maternity nurse is preparing for the admission of
fetal oxygenation. The mother should be a client in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that is
positioned with the hips higher than the head to experiencing vaginal bleeding and has a suspected
shift the fetal presenting part toward the diagnosis of placenta previa. The nurse reviews the
diaphragm. The nurse should push the call light to physician's orders and would question which
summon help, and other staff members should call order?
the physician and notify the delivery room. No
attempt should be made to replace the cord. The 1.Prepare the client for an ultrasound
examiner, however, may place a gloved hand into 2.Obtain equipment for external electronic fetal
the vagina and hold the presenting part off of the heart monitoring
umbilical cord. Oxygen at 8 to 10 L/min by face 3.Obtain equipment for a manual pelvic
mask is delivered to the mother to increase fetal examination
oxygenation. 4.Prepare to draw a Hgb and Hct blood sample

A maternity nurse is caring for a client with 3. Manual pelvic examinations are contraindicated
abruptio placenta and is monitoring the client for when vaginal bleeding is apparent in the 3rd
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Which trimester until a diagnosis is made and placental
assessment finding is least likely to be associated previa is ruled out. Digital examination of the cervix
with disseminated intravascular coagulation? can lead to maternal and fetal hemorrhage. A
diagnosis of placenta previa is made by ultrasound.
1.Swelling of the calf in one leg The H/H levels are monitored, and external
2.Prolonged clotting times electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is initiated.
3.Decreased platelet count External fetal monitoring is crucial in evaluating the
4.Petechiae, oozing from injection sites, and fetus that is at risk for severe hypoxia
An ultrasound is performed on a client at term
1. DIC is a state of diffuse clotting in which clotting gestation that is experiencing moderate vaginal
factors are consumed, leading to widespread bleeding. The results of the ultrasound indicate
bleeding. Platelets are decreased because they are that an abruptio placenta is present. Based on
consumed by the process; coagulation studies these findings, the nurse would prepare the client
4.A gravida IV who delivered 8 hours ago and has
1.Complete bed rest for the remainder of the lost 500 mL of blood
2.Delivery of the fetus 5.A primigravida at 29 weeks of gestation who was
3.Strict monitoring of intake and output recently diagnosed with severe preeclampsia
4.The need for weekly monitoring of coagulation
studies until the time of delivery 3.A gravida II who has just been diagnosed with
dead fetus syndrome
2. The goal of management in abruptio placentae is
to control the hemorrhage and deliver the fetus as 5.A primigravida at 29 weeks of gestation who was
soon as possible. Delivery is the treatment of recently diagnosed with severe preeclampsia
choice if the fetus is at term gestation or if the
bleeding is moderate to severe and the mother or Rationale:
fetus is in jeopardy. In a pregnant client, DIC is a condition in which the
clotting cascade is activated, resulting in the
A nurse in a labor room is assisting with the vaginal formation of clots in the microcirculation. Dead
delivery of a newborn infant. The nurse would fetus syndrome is considered a risk factor for DIC.
monitor the client closely for the risk of uterine Severe preeclampsia is considered a risk factor for
rupture if which of the following occurred? DIC; a mild case is not. Delivering a large newborn
is not considered a risk factor for DIC. Hemorrhage
1.Hypotonic contractions is a risk factor for DIC; however, a loss of 500 mL is
2.Forceps delivery not considered hemorrhage.
3.Schultz delivery
4.Weak bearing down efforts
The nurse is performing an assessment on a
2. Excessive fundal pressure, forceps delivery, pregnant client in the last trimester with a
violent bearing down efforts, tumultuous labor, diagnosis of severe preeclampsia. The nurse
and shoulder dystocia can place a woman at risk reviews the assessment findings and determines
for traumatic uterine rupture. Hypotonic that which finding is most closely associated with a
contractions and weak bearing down efforts do not complication of this diagnosis?
alone add to the risk of rupture because they do
not add to the stress on the uterine wall. 1.Enlargement of the breasts

During the period of induction of labor, a client 2.Complaints of feeling hot when the room is cool
should be observed carefully for signs of:
3.Periods of fetal movement followed by quiet
1.Severe pain periods
2.Uterine tetany
3.Hypoglycemia 4.Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
4.Umbilical cord prolapse petechiae, and purpura

2. Uterine tetany could result from the use of 4.Evidence of bleeding, such as in the gums,
oxytocin to induce labor. Because oxytocin petechiae, and purpura
promotes powerful uterine contractions,
uterine tetany may occur. The oxytocin Rationale:
infusion must be stopped to prevent Severe preeclampsia can trigger disseminated
uterine rupture and fetal compromise. intravascular coagulation (DIC) because of the
widespread damage to vascular integrity. Bleeding
is an early sign of DIC and should be reported to
The nurse in a maternity unit is reviewing the the health care provider if noted on assessment.
clients' records. Which clients should the nurse Options 1, 2, and 3 are normal occurrences in the
identify as being at the most risk for developing last trimester of pregnancy.
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)?
Select all that apply.
The nurse is assessing a pregnant client with type 1
1.A primigravida with mild preeclampsia diabetes mellitus about her understanding
regarding changing insulin needs during pregnancy.
2.A primigravida who delivered a 10-lb infant 3 The nurse determines that further teaching is
hours ago needed if the client makes which statement?

3.A gravida II who has just been diagnosed with 1."I will need to increase my insulin dosage during
dead fetus syndrome the first 3 months of pregnancy."
2."My insulin dose will likely need to be increased
during the second and third trimesters." and rubella are causes of spontaneous abortion.
3."Episodes of hypoglycemia are more likely to There is no evidence that genital herpes is a
occur during the first 3 months of pregnancy." causative agent in abortion, although the presence
4."My insulin needs should return to prepregnant of active lesions at the time of birth presents
levels within 7 to 10 days after birth if I am bottle- concerns. Maternal age greater than 40 years and
feeding." diabetes mellitus are considered high-risk factors in
a pregnancy but are related to an increased risk of
1."I will need to increase my insulin dosage during congenital malformations, not abortions.
the first 3 months of pregnancy."
The nurse is preparing to care for a client who is
Rationale: being admitted to the hospital with a possible
Insulin needs decrease in the first trimester of diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The nurse develops
pregnancy because of increased insulin production a plan of care for the client and determines that
by the pancreas and increased peripheral which nursing action is the priority?
sensitivity to insulin. The statements in options 2,
3, and 4 are accurate and signify that the client 1.Checking for edema
understands control of her diabetes during 2.Monitoring daily weight
pregnancy. 3.Monitoring the apical pulse
4.Monitoring the temperature
The nurse is performing a prenatal assessment on a
pregnant client. The nurse should plan to 3.Monitoring the apical pulse
implement teaching related to risk for abruptio
placentae if which information is obtained on Rationale:
assessment? Nursing care for the client with a possible ectopic
pregnancy is focused on preventing or identifying
1.The client is 28 years of age. hypovolemic shock and controlling pain. An
2.This is the second pregnancy. elevated pulse rate is an indicator of shock. Edema
3.The client has a history of hypertension. and weight gain are more of a concern for the
4.The client performs moderate exercise on a client with preeclampsia or gestational
regular daily schedule. hypertension, and an elevated temperature is an
indicator of infection.
3.The client has a history of hypertension.
The nurse reviews the assessment history for a
Rationale: client with a suspected ectopic pregnancy. Which
Abruptio placentae is the premature separation of assessment findings predispose the client to an
the placenta from the uterine wall after the 20th ectopic pregnancy? Select all that apply.
week of gestation and before the fetus is delivered.
Abruptio placentae is associated with conditions 1.Use of diaphragm
characterized by poor uteroplacental circulation, 2.Use of fertility medications
such as hypertension, smoking, and alcohol or 3.History of Chlamydia
cocaine abuse. The condition also is associated 4.Use of an intrauterine device
with physical and mechanical factors, such as 5.History of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
overdistention of the uterus, which occurs with
multiple gestation or polyhydramnios. In addition, 2.Use of fertility medications
a short umbilical cord, physical trauma, and 3.History of Chlamydia
increased maternal age and parity are risk factors. 4.Use of an intrauterine device
5.History of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

The nurse is reviewing the record of a pregnant Rationale:

client seen in the health care clinic for the first An ectopic pregnancy is one that establishes itself
prenatal visit. Which data, if noted on the client's somewhere other than inside the uterus. Multiple
record, should alert the nurse that the client is at factors may predispose a woman to an ectopic
risk for a spontaneous abortion? pregnancy. Fertility medications, history of sexually
transmitted infections, intrauterine devices, and
1.Age 35 years PID have all been associated with ectopic
2.History of syphilis pregnancy. There are no data to support any
3.History of genital herpes additional risk for ectopic pregnancy with the use
4.History of diabetes mellitus of the diaphragm.

2.History of syphilis The nurse is teaching a pregnant client with

diabetes about nutrition and insulin needs during
Rationale: pregnancy. The nurse determines that the client
Maternal infections such as syphilis, toxoplasmosis, understands dietary and insulin needs if the client
states that the second half of pregnancy may until full term is the goal. The nurse should discuss
require which treatment? nonstress testing procedures, the plan for
nutritional counseling, and the plan for delivery.
1.Increased insulin Amniocentesis is not indicated at this time.
2.Decreased insulin Biophysical profile is done at 32 to 36 weeks'
3.Increased caloric intake gestation.
4.Decreased protein intake
A 35-week-gestation pregnant woman is
1.Increased insulin transferred to the maternity unit from the
emergency department, where she was treated for
Rationale: minor injuries sustained in a motor vehicle crash.
Glucose crosses the placenta, but insulin does not. The maternity nurse's priority will be to assess for
High fetal demands for glucose, combined with the which complication?
insulin resistance caused by hormonal changes in
the last half of pregnancy, can result in elevation of 1.Placenta previa
maternal blood glucose levels. This increases the 2.Polyhydramnios
mother's demand for insulin. This is referred to as 3.Abruptio placentae
the diabetogenic effect of pregnancy. Caloric and 4.Gestational hypertension
protein intake is not affected by diabetes.
3.Abruptio placentae
The nurse is assessing a client with a diagnosis of
gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform Rationale:
mole). The nurse understands that which findings Trauma increases the incidence of miscarriage,
are associated with this condition? Select all that preterm labor, abruptio placentae, and stillbirth.
apply. Careful evaluation of mother and fetus after any
incident of trauma is essential. Placenta previa
1.Vaginal bleeding indicates that a placenta is implanted in the lower
2.Excessive fetal activity uterine segment near or over the internal cervical
3.Excessive nausea and vomiting os. Risk factors that may precipitate placenta
4.Larger-than-normal uterus for gestational age previa are not related to a traumatic event.
5.Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin Polyhydramnios is a term for excessive amniotic
(hCG) fluid, which would develop over time and not be a
result of trauma. Although a motor vehicle crash
1.Vaginal bleeding may increase a woman's blood pressure, she would
3.Excessive nausea and vomiting not be a candidate for gestational hypertension
4.Larger-than-normal uterus for gestational age only because of the traumatic event.
5.Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG) The nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of
placenta previa. The nurse collects data knowing
Rationale: The most common findings of that which are characteristic of placenta previa?
gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform Select all that apply.
mole) include vaginal bleeding, excessive nausea
and vomiting, larger-than-normal uterus for 1.A tender and rigid uterus
gestational age, elevated levels of hCG, failure to 2.Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding
detect fetal heart activity even with sensitive 3.Location in the lower uterine segment
instruments, and early development of gestational
hypertension. Fetal activity would not be noted. 4.Greenish discoloration of the amniotic fluid
The nurse is counseling a pregnant woman 5.Vaginal bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain
diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 29 weeks'
gestation. Which information should the nurse 2.Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding
discuss with the client? Select all that apply. 3.Location in the lower uterine segment

1.Plan induction at 35 weeks.

2.Plan amniocentesis at this time. Rationale:
3.Schedule a biophysical profile immediately. Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta
4.Plan for weekly nonstress tests at 32 weeks. is located in the lower uterine segment. It does not
5.Obtain nutritional counseling with a dietitian. cause pain but does cause bright red vaginal
bleeding. This occurs because the placenta is
4.Plan for weekly nonstress tests at 32 weeks. overriding the cervical os, and as the cervix dilates
5.Obtain nutritional counseling with a dietitian. the placental vessels bleed. Abruptio placenta is
Rationale: painful and results in a rigid and tender uterus.
Greenish discoloration of the amniotic fluid occurs
Gestational diabetes can result in delayed lung as a result of meconium staining.
maturity and complications, and carrying the baby
2. Semi-Fowler position with a pillow under the
1. A nurse is caring for a client in labor. The nurse 3. Prone position with the legs separated and
determines that the client is beginning in the 2nd elevated
stage of labor when which of the following 4. Supine position with a wedge under the right hip
assessments is noted?
4. Vena cava and descending aorta compression by
1. The client begins to expel clear vaginal fluid the pregnant uterus impedes blood return from the
2. The contractions are regular lower trunk and extremities. This leads to
3. The membranes have ruptured decreasing cardiac return, cardiac output, and
4. The cervix is dilated completely blood flow to the uterus and the fetus. The best
position to prevent this would be side-lying with
4. The second stage of labor begins when the cervix the uterus displaced off of abdominal vessels.
is dilated completely and ends with the birth of the Positioning for abdominal surgery necessitates a
neonate. supine position; however, a wedge placed under
the right hip provides displacement of the uterus.
2. A nurse in the labor room is caring for a client in
the active phases of labor. The nurse is assessing 5. A nurse is caring for a client in labor and
the fetal patterns and notes a late deceleration on prepares to auscultate the fetal heart rate by using
the monitor strip. The most appropriate nursing a Doppler ultrasound device. The nurse most
action is to: accurately determines that the fetal heart sounds
are heard by:
1. Place the mother in the supine position
2. Document the findings and continue to monitor 1. Noting if the heart rate is greater than 140 BPM
the fetal patterns 2. Placing the diaphragm of the Doppler on the
3. Administer oxygen via face mask mother abdomen
4. Increase the rate of pitocin IV infusion 3. Performing Leopold's maneuvers first to
determine the location of the fetal heart
3. Late decelerations are due to uteroplacental 4. Palpating the maternal radial pulse while
insufficiency as the result of decreased blood flow listening to the fetal heart rate
and oxygen to the fetus during the uterine
contractions. This causes hypoxemia; therefore 4. The nurse simultaneously should palpate the
oxygen is necessary. The supine position is avoided maternal radial or carotid pulse and auscultate the
because it decreases uterine blood flow to the fetal heart rate to differentiate the two. If the fetal
fetus. The client should be turned to her side to and maternal heart rates are similar, the nurse may
displace pressure of the gravid uterus on the mistake the maternal heart rate for the fetal heart
inferior vena cava. An intravenous pitocin infusion rate. Leopold's maneuvers may help the examiner
is discontinued when a late deceleration is noted. locate the position of the fetus but will not ensure
a distinction between the two rates.
3. A nurse is performing an assessment of a client
who is scheduled for a cesarean delivery. Which 6. A nurse is caring for a client in labor who is
assessment finding would indicate a need to receiving Pitocin by IV infusion to stimulate uterine
contact the physician? contractions. Which assessment finding would
indicate to the nurse that the infusion needs to be
1. Fetal heart rate of 180 beats per minute discontinued?
2. White blood cell count of 12,000
3. Maternal pulse rate of 85 beats per minute 1. Three contractions occurring within a 10-minute
4. Hemoglobin of 11.0 g/dL period
2. A fetal heart rate of 90 beats per minute
1. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per 3. Adequate resting tone of the uterus palpated
minute. A count of 180 beats per minute could between contractions
indicate fetal distress and would warrant physician 4. Increased urinary output
notification. By full term, a normal maternal
hemoglobin range is 11-13 g/dL as a result of the 2. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 BPM.
hemodilution caused by an increase in plasma Bradycardia or late or variable decelerations
volume during pregnancy. indicate fetal distress and the need to discontinue
to pitocin. The goal of labor augmentation is to
4. A client in labor is transported to the delivery achieve three good-quality contractions in a 10-
room and is prepared for a cesarean delivery. The minute period.
client is transferred to the delivery room table, and
the nurse places the client in the: 7. A nurse is beginning to care for a client in labor.
The physician has prescribed an IV infusion of
1. Trendelenburg's position with the legs in stirrups Pitocin. The nurse ensures that which of the
following is implemented before initiating the 2. Assessing the baseline fetal heart rate is
infusion? important so that abnormal variations of the
baseline rate will be identified if they occur.
1. Placing the client on complete bed rest Options 1 and 3 are important to assess, but not as
2. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring the first priority.
3. An IV infusion of antibiotics
4. Placing a code cart at the client's bedside 11. A nurse is reviewing the record of a client in the
labor room and notes that the nurse midwife has
2. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be documented that the fetus is at -1 station. The
implemented during an IV infusion of Pitocin. nurse determines that the fetal presenting part is:

8. A nurse is monitoring a client in active labor and 1. 1 cm above the ischial spine
notes that the client is having contractions every 3 2. 1 fingerbreadth below the symphysis pubis
minutes that last 45 seconds. The nurse notes that 3. 1 inch below the coccyx
the fetal heart rate between contractions is 100 4. 1 inch below the iliac crest
BPM. Which of the following nursing actions is
most appropriate? 1. Station is the relationship of the presenting part
to an imaginary line drawn between the ischial
1. Encourage the client's coach to continue to spines, is measured in centimeters, and is noted as
encourage breathing exercises a negative number above the line and a positive
2. Encourage the client to continue pushing with number below the line. At -1 station, the fetal
each contraction presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial spines.
3. Continue monitoring the fetal heart rate
4. Notify the physician or nurse mid-wife 12. A pregnant client is admitted to the labor room.
An assessment is performed, and the nurse notes
4. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per that the client's hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
minute. Fetal bradycardia between contractions are low, indicating anemia. The nurse determines
may indicate the need for immediate medical that the client is at risk for which of the following?
management, and the physician or nurse mid-wife
needs to be notified. 1. A loud mouth
2. Low self-esteem
9. A nurse is caring for a client in labor and is 3. Hemorrhage
monitoring the fetal heart rate patterns. The nurse 4. Postpartum infections
notes the presence of episodic accelerations on the
electronic fetal monitor tracing. Which of the 4. Anemic women have a greater likelihood of
following actions is most appropriate? cardiac decompensation during labor, postpartum
infection, and poor wound healing. Anemia does
1. Document the findings and tell the mother that not specifically present a risk for hemorrhage.
the monitor indicates fetal well-being Having a loud mouth is only related to the person
2. Take the mothers vital signs and tell the mother typing up this test.
that bed rest is required to conserve oxygen.
3. Notify the physician or nurse mid-wife of the 13. A nurse assists in the vaginal delivery of a
findings. newborn infant. After the delivery, the nurse
4. Reposition the mother and check the monitor for observes the umbilical cord lengthen and a spurt of
changes in the fetal tracing blood from the vagina. The nurse documents these
1. Accelerations are transient increases in the fetal observations as signs of:
heart rate that often accompany contractions or
are caused by fetal movement. Episodic 1. Hematoma
accelerations are thought to be a sign of fetal-well 2. Placenta previa
being and adequate oxygen reserve. 3. Uterine atony
4. Placental separation
10. A nurse is admitting a pregnant client to the
labor room and attaches an external electronic 4. As the placenta separates, it settles downward
fetal monitor to the client's abdomen. After into the lower uterine segment. The umbilical cord
attachment of the monitor, the initial nursing lengthens, and a sudden trickle or spurt of blood
assessment is which of the following? appears.

1. Identifying the types of accelerations 14. A client arrives at a birthing center in active
2. Assessing the baseline fetal heart rate labor. Her membranes are still intact, and the
3. Determining the frequency of the contractions nurse-midwife prepares to perform an amniotomy.
4. Determining the intensity of the contractions
A nurse who is assisting the nurse-midwife explains
to the client that after this procedure, she will most
likely have: 3. Involuntary grunting
4. Valsalva's maneuver
1. Less pressure on her cervix
2. Increased efficiency of contractions 2. Pains, helplessness, panicking, and fear of losing
3. Decreased number of contractions control are possible behaviors in the 2nd stage of
4. The need for increased maternal blood pressure labor.
18. A nurse is monitoring a client in labor who is
2. Amniotomy can be used to induce labor when receiving Pitocin and notes that the client is
the condition of the cervix is favorable (ripe) or to experiencing hypertonic uterine contractions. List
augment labor if the process begins to slow. in order of priority the actions that the nurse takes.
Rupturing of membranes allows the fetal head to
contact the cervix more directly and may increase 1. Stop of Pitocin infusion
the efficiency of contractions. 2. Perform a vaginal examination
3. Reposition the client
15. A nurse is monitoring a client in labor. The 4. Check the client's blood pressure and heart rate
nurse suspects umbilical cord compression if which 5. Administer oxygen by face mask at 8 to 10 L/min
of the following is noted on the external monitor
tracing during a contraction? 1, 4, 2. 5, 3. If uterine hypertonicity occurs, the
nurse immediately would intervene to reduce
1. Early decelerations uterine activity and increase fetal oxygenation. The
2. Variable decelerations nurse would stop the Pitocin infusion and increase
3. Late decelerations the rate of the nonadditive solution, check
4. Short-term variability maternal BP for hyper or hypotension, position the
woman in a side-lying position, and administer
2. Variable decelerations occur if the umbilical cord oxygen by snug face mask at 8-10 L/min. The nurse
becomes compressed, thus reducing blood flow then would attempt to determine the cause of the
between the placenta and the fetus. Early uterine hypertonicity and perform a vaginal exam
decelerations result from pressure on the fetal to check for prolapsed cord.
head during a contraction. Late decelerations are
an ominous pattern in labor because it suggests 19. A nurse is assigned to care for a client with
uteroplacental insufficiency during a contraction. hypotonic uterine dysfunction and signs of a
Short-term variability refers to the beat-to-beat slowing labor. The nurse is reviewing the
range in the fetal heart rate. physician's orders and would expect to note which
of the following prescribed treatments for this
16. A nurse explains the purpose of effleurage to a condition?
client in early labor. The nurse tells the client that
effleurage is: 1. Medication that will provide sedation
2. Increased hydration
1. A form of biofeedback to enhance bearing down 3. Oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion
efforts during delivery 4. Administration of a tocolytic medication
2. Light stroking of the abdomen to facilitate
relaxation during labor and provide tactile 3. Therapeutic management for hypotonic uterine
stimulation to the fetus dysfunction includes oxytocin augmentation and
3. The application of pressure to the sacrum to amniotomy to stimulate a labor that slows.
relieve a backache 20. A nurse in the labor room is preparing to care
4. Performed to stimulate uterine activity by for a client with hypertonic uterine dysfunction.
contracting a specific muscle group while other The nurse is told that the client is experiencing
parts of the body rest uncoordinated contractions that are erratic in their
. 2. Effleurage is a specific type of cutaneous frequency, duration, and intensity. The priority
stimulation involving light stroking of the abdomen nursing intervention would be to:
and is used before transition to promote relaxation
and relieve mild to moderate pain. Effleurage 1. Monitor the Pitocin infusion closely
provides tactile stimulation to the fetus. 2. Provide pain relief measures
3. Prepare the client for an amniotomy
17. A nurse is caring for a client in the second stage 4. Promote ambulation every 30 minutes
of labor. The client is experiencing uterine
contractions every 2 minutes and cries out in pain 2. Management of hypertonic labor depends on
with each contraction. The nurse recognizes this the cause. Relief of pain is the primary intervention
behavior as: to promote a normal labor pattern.

1. Exhaustion 21. A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client

2. Fear of losing control experiencing dystocia and includes several nursing
interventions in the plan of care. The nurse uterus, and the uterus changing from a discoid (like
prioritizes the plan of care and selects which of the a disk) to a globular (like a globe) shape. The client
following nursing interventions as the highest may experience vaginal fullness, but not severe
priority? uterine cramping. I am going to look more into this
answer. According to our book on page 584, this is
1. Keeping the significant other informed of the not one of our options.
progress of the labor
2. Providing comfort measures 25. A nurse in the labor room is performing a
3. Monitoring fetal heart rate vaginal assessment on a pregnant client in labor.
4. Changing the client's position frequently The nurse notes the presence of the umbilical cord
protruding from the vagina. Which of the following
3. The priority is to monitor the fetal heart rate. would be the initial nursing action?

22. A maternity nurse is preparing to care for a 1. Place the client in Trendelenburg's position
pregnant client in labor who will be delivering 2. Call the delivery room to notify the staff that the
twins. The nurse monitors the fetal heart rates by client will be transported immediately
placing the external fetal monitor: 3. Gently push the cord into the vagina
4. Find the closest telephone and stat page the
1. Over the fetus that is most anterior to the physician
mothers abdomen
2. Over the fetus that is most posterior to the 1. When cord prolapse occurs, prompt actions are
mothers abdomen taken to relieve cord compression and increase
3. So that each fetal heart rate is monitored fetal oxygenation. The mother should be
separately positioned with the hips higher than the head to
4. So that one fetus is monitored for a 15-minute shift the fetal presenting part toward the
period followed by a 15 minute fetal monitoring diaphragm. The nurse should push the call light to
period for the second fetus summon help, and other staff members should call
the physician and notify the delivery room. No
. 3. In a client with a multi-fetal pregnancy, each attempt should be made to replace the cord. The
fetal heart rate is monitored separately. examiner, however, may place a gloved hand into
the vagina and hold the presenting part off of the
23. A nurse in the postpartum unit is caring for a umbilical cord. Oxygen at 8 to 10 L/min by face
client who has just delivered a newborn infant mask is delivered to the mother to increase fetal
following a pregnancy with placenta previa. The oxygenation.
nurse reviews the plan of care and prepares to
monitor the client for which of the following risks 26. A maternity nurse is caring for a client with
associated with placenta previa? abruptio placenta and is monitoring the client for
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Which
1. Disseminated intravascular coagulation assessment finding is least likely to be associated
2. Chronic hypertension with disseminated intravascular coagulation?
3. Infection
4. Hemorrhage 1. Swelling of the calf in one leg
2. Prolonged clotting times
4. Because the placenta is implanted in the lower 3. Decreased platelet count
uterine segment, which does not contain the same 4. Petechiae, oozing from injection sites, and
intertwining musculature as the fundus of the hematuria
uterus, this site is more prone to bleeding.
24. A nurse in the delivery room is assisting with 1. DIC is a state of diffuse clotting in which clotting
the delivery of a newborn infant. After the delivery factors are consumed, leading to widespread
of the newborn, the nurse assists in delivering the bleeding. Platelets are decreased because they are
placenta. Which observation would indicate that consumed by the process; coagulation studies
the placenta has separated from the uterine wall show no clot formation (and are thus normal to
and is ready for delivery? prolonged); and fibrin plugs may clog the
microvasculature diffusely, rather than in an
1. The umbilical cord shortens in length and isolated area. The presence of petechiae, oozing
changes in color from injection sites, and hematuria are signs
2. A soft and boggy uterus associated with DIC. Swelling and pain in the calf of
3. Maternal complaints of severe uterine cramping one leg are more likely to be associated with
4. Changes in the shape of the uterus thrombophebitis.

4. Signs of placental separation include lengthening 27. A nurse is assessing a pregnant client in the 2nd
of the umbilical cord, a sudden gush of dark blood trimester of pregnancy who was admitted to the
from the introitus (vagina), a firmly contracted maternity unit with a suspected diagnosis of
abruptio placentae. Which of the following soon as possible. Delivery is the treatment of
assessment findings would the nurse expect to choice if the fetus is at term gestation or if the
note if this condition is present? bleeding is moderate to severe and the mother or
fetus is in jeopardy.
1. Absence of abdominal pain
2. A soft abdomen 30. A nurse in a labor room is assisting with the
3. Uterine tenderness/pain vaginal delivery of a newborn infant. The nurse
4. Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding would monitor the client closely for the risk of
uterine rupture if which of the following occurred?
3. In abruptio placentae, acute abdominal pain is
present. Uterine tenderness and pain accompanies 1. Hypotonic contractions
placental abruption, especially with a central 2. Forceps delivery
abruption and trapped blood behind the placenta. 3. Schultz delivery
4. Weak bearing down efforts
The abdomen will feel hard and boardlike on
palpation as the blood penetrates the myometrium 2. Excessive fundal pressure, forceps delivery,
and causes uterine irritability. Observation of the violent bearing down efforts, tumultuous labor,
fetal monitoring often reveals increased uterine and shoulder dystocia can place a woman at risk
resting tone, caused by failure of the uterus to for traumatic uterine rupture. Hypotonic
relax in attempt to constrict blood vessels and contractions and weak bearing down efforts do not
control bleeding. alone add to the risk of rupture because they do
not add to the stress on the uterine wall.
28. A maternity nurse is preparing for the
admission of a client in the 3rd trimester of 31. A client is admitted to the birthing suite in early
pregnancy that is experiencing vaginal bleeding and active labor. The priority nursing intervention on
has a suspected diagnosis of placenta previa. The admission of this client would be:
nurse reviews the physician's orders and would
question which order? 1. Auscultating the fetal heart
2. Taking an obstetric history
1. Prepare the client for an ultrasound 3. Asking the client when she last ate
2. Obtain equipment for external electronic fetal 4. Ascertaining whether the membranes were
heart monitoring ruptured
3. Obtain equipment for a manual pelvic
examination 1. Determining the fetal well-being supersedes all
4. Prepare to draw a Hgb and Hct blood sample other measures. If the FHR is absent or persistently
decelerating, immediate intervention is required.
3. Manual pelvic examinations are contraindicated
when vaginal bleeding is apparent in the 3rd 32. A client who is gravida 1, para 0 is admitted in
trimester until a diagnosis is made and placental labor. Her cervix is 100% effaced, and she is dilated
previa is ruled out. Digital examination of the cervix to 3 cm. Her fetus is at +1 station. The nurse is
can lead to maternal and fetal hemorrhage. A aware that the fetus' head is:
diagnosis of placenta previa is made by ultrasound.
The H/H levels are monitored, and external 1. Not yet engaged
electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is initiated. 2. Entering the pelvic inlet
External fetal monitoring is crucial in evaluating the 3. Below the ischial spines
fetus that is at risk for severe hypoxia. 4. Visible at the vaginal opening

29. An ultrasound is performed on a client at term 3. A station of +1 indicates that the fetal head is 1
gestation that is experiencing moderate vaginal cm below the ischial spines.
bleeding. The results of the ultrasound indicate
that an abruptio placenta is present. Based on 33. After doing Leopold's maneuvers, the nurse
these findings, the nurse would prepare the client determines that the fetus is in the ROP position. To
for: best auscultate the fetal heart tones, the Doppler is
1. Complete bed rest for the remainder of the
pregnancy 1. Above the umbilicus at the midline
2. Delivery of the fetus 2. Above the umbilicus on the left side
3. Strict monitoring of intake and output 3. Below the umbilicus on the right side
4. The need for weekly monitoring of coagulation 4. Below the umbilicus near the left groin
studies until the time of delivery
3. Fetal heart tones are best auscultated through
2. The goal of management in abruptio placentae is the fetal back; because the position is ROP (right
to control the hemorrhage and deliver the fetus as
occiput presenting), the back would be below the 38. When monitoring the fetal heart rate of a client
umbilicus and on the right side. in labor, the nurse identifies an elevation of 15
beats above the baseline rate of 135 beats per
34. The physician asks the nurse the frequency of a minute lasting for 15 seconds. This should be
laboring client's contractions. The nurse assesses documented as:
the client's contractions by timing from the
beginning of one contraction: 1. An acceleration
2. An early elevation
1. Until the time it is completely over 3. A sonographic motion
2. To the end of a second contraction 4. A tachycardic heart rate
3. To the beginning of the next contraction
4. Until the time that the uterus becomes very firm 1. An acceleration is an abrupt elevation above the
baseline of 15 beats per minute for 15 seconds; if
3. This is the way to determine the frequency of the acceleration persists for more than 10 minutes
the contractions it is considered a change in baseline rate. A
tachycardic FHR is above 160 beats per minute.
35. The nurse observes the client's amniotic fluid
and decides that it appears normal, because it is: 39. A laboring client complains of low back pain.
The nurse replies that this pain occurs most when
1. Clear and dark amber in color the position of the fetus is:
2. Milky, greenish yellow, containing shreds of
mucus 1. Breech
3. Clear, almost colorless, and containing little 2. Transverse
white specks 3. Occiput anterior
4. Cloudy, greenish-yellow, and containing little 4. Occiput posterior
white specks
4. A persistent occiput-posterior position causes
3. by 36 weeks' gestation, normal amniotic fluid is intense back pain because of fetal compression of
colorless with small particles of vernix caseosa the sacral nerves. Occiput anterior is the most
present. common fetal position and does not cause back
36. At 38 weeks' gestation, a client is having late
decelerations. The fetal pulse oximeter shows 75% 40. The breathing technique that the mother
to 85%. The nurse should: should be instructed to use as the fetus' head is
crowning is:
1. Discontinue the catheter, if the reading is not
above 80% 1. Blowing
2. Discontinue the catheter, if the reading does not 2. Slow chest
go below 30% 3. Shallow
3. Advance the catheter until the reading is above 4. Accelerated-decelerated
90% and continue monitoring
4. Reposition the catheter, recheck the reading, 1. Blowing forcefully through the mouth controls
and if it is 55%, keep monitoring the strong urge to push and allows for a more
controlled birth of the head.
. 4. Adjusting the catheter would be indicated. 41. During the period of induction of labor, a client
Normal fetal pulse oximetry should be between should be observed carefully for signs of:
30% and 70%. 75% to 85% would indicate maternal
readings. 1. Severe pain
2. Uterine tetany
37. When examining the fetal monitor strip after 3. Hypoglycemia
rupture of the membranes in a laboring client, the 4. Umbilical cord prolapse
nurse notes variable decelerations in the fetal
heart rate. The nurse should: 2. Uterine tetany could result from the use of
oxytocin to induce labor. Because oxytocin
1. Stop the oxytocin infusion promotes powerful uterine contractions, uterine
2. Change the client's position tetany may occur. The oxytocin infusion must be
3. Prepare for immediate delivery stopped to prevent uterine rupture and fetal
4. Take the client's blood pressure compromise.

2. Variable decelerations usually are seen as a 42. A client arrives at the hospital in the second
result of cord compression; a change of position stage of labor. The fetus' head is crowning, the
will relieve pressure on the cord. client is bearing down, and the birth appears
imminent. The nurse should:
1. Gender of the fetus
1. Transfer her immediately by stretcher to the 2. Fetal position
birthing unit 3. Labor progress
2. Tell her to breathe through her mouth and not 4. Oxygenation
to bear down
3. Instruct the client to pant during contractions 4. Oxygenation of the fetus may be indirectly
and to breathe through her mouth assessed through fetal monitoring by closely
4. Support the perineum with the hand to prevent examining the fetal heart rate strip. Accelerations
tearing and tell the client to pant in the fetal heart rate strip indicate good
oxygenation, while decelerations in the fetal heart
4. Gentle pressure is applied to the baby's head as rate sometimes indicate poor fetal oxygenation.
it emerges so it is not born too rapidly. The head is
never held back, and it should be supported as it 47. A laboring client is in the first stage of labor and
emerges so there will be no vaginal lacerations. It is has progressed from 4 to 7 cm in cervical dilation.
impossible to push and pant at the same time. In which of the following phases of the first stage
does cervical dilation occur most rapidly?
43. A laboring client is to have a pudendal block.
The nurse plans to tell the client that once the 1. Preparatory phase
block is working she: 2. Latent phase
3. Active phase
1. Will not feel the episiotomy 4. Transition phase
2. May lose bladder sensation
3. May lose the ability to push 3. Cervical dilation occurs more rapidly during the
4. Will no longer feel contractions active phase than any of the previous phases. The
active phase is characterized by cervical dilation
1. A pudendal block provides anesthesia to the that progresses from 4 to 7 cm. The preparatory, or
perineum. latent, phase begins with the onset of regular
uterine contractions and ends when rapid cervical
44. Which of the following observations indicates dilation begins. Transition is defined as cervical
fetal distress? dilation beginning at 8 cm and lasting until 10 cm
or complete dilation.
1. Fetal scalp pH of 7.14
2. Fetal heart rate of 144 beats/minute 48. A multiparous client who has been in labor for
3. Acceleration of fetal heart rate with contractions 2 hours states that she feels the urge to move her
4. Presence of long term variability bowels. How should the nurse respond?

1. A fetal scalp pH below 7.25 indicates acidosis 1. Let the client get up to use the potty
and fetal hypoxia. 2. Allow the client to use a bedpan
3. Perform a pelvic examination
45. Which of the following fetal positions is most 4. Check the fetal heart rate
favorable for birth?
3. A complaint of rectal pressure usually indicates a
1. Vertex presentation low presenting fetal part, signaling imminent
2. Transverse lie delivery. The nurse should perform a pelvic
3. Frank breech presentation examination to assess the dilation of the cervix and
4. Posterior position of the fetal head station of the presenting fetal part. Don't let the
client use the potty or bedpan before she is
1. Vertex presentation (flexion of the fetal head) is examined because she could birth that there baby
the optimal presentation for passage through the right there in that darn potty.
birth canal. Transverse lie is an unacceptable fetal
position for vaginal birth and requires a C-section. 49. Labor is a series of events affected by the
Frank breech presentation, in which the buttocks coordination of the five essential factors. One of
present first, can be a difficult vaginal delivery. these is the passenger (fetus). Which are the other
Posterior positioning of the fetal head can make it four factors?
difficult for the fetal head to pass under the
maternal symphysis pubis. 1. Contractions, passageway, placental position and
function, pattern of care
46. A laboring client has external electronic fetal 2. Contractions, maternal response, placental
monitoring in place. Which of the following position, psychological response
assessment data can be determined by examining 3. Passageway, contractions, placental position and
the fetal heart rate strip produced by the external function, psychological response
electronic fetal monitor? 4. Passageway, placental position and function,
paternal response, psychological response
1. Station of - 1 indicates that the fetal presenting
3. The five essential factors (5 P's) are passenger part is above the ischial spines and has not yet
(fetus), passageway (pelvis), powers (contractions), passed through the pelvic inlet. A station of zero
placental position and function, and psyche would indicate that the presenting part has passed
(psychological response of the mother). through the inlet and is at the level of the ischial
spines or is engaged. Passage through the ischial
50. Fetal presentation refers to which of the spines with internal rotation would be indicated by
following descriptions? a plus station, such as + 1. Progress of effacement
is referred to by percentages with 100% indicating
1. Fetal body part that enters the maternal pelvis full effacement and dilation by centimeters (cm)
first with 10 cm indicating full dilation.
2. Relationship of the presenting part to the
maternal pelvis 53. Which of the following findings meets the
3. Relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the criteria of a reassuring FHR pattern?
long axis of the mother
4. A classification according to the fetal part 1. FHR does not change as a result of fetal activity
2. Average baseline rate ranges between 100 - 140
1. Presentation is the fetal body part that enters BPM
the pelvis first; it's classified by the presenting part; 3. Mild late deceleration patterns occur with some
the three main presentations are contractions
cephalic/occipital, breech, and shoulder. The 4. Variability averages between 6 - 10 BPM
relationship of the presenting fetal part to the
maternal pelvis refers to fetal position. The 4. Variability indicates a well oxygenated fetus with
relationship of the long axis to the fetus to the long a functioning autonomic nervous system. FHR
axis of the mother refers to fetal lie; the three should accelerate with fetal movement. Baseline
possible lies are longitudinal, transverse, and range for the FHR is 120 to 160 beats per minute.
oblique. Late deceleration patterns are never reassuring,
though early and mild variable decelerations are
51. A client is admitted to the L & D suite at 36 expected, reassuring findings.
weeks' gestation. She has a history of C-section and
complains of severe abdominal pain that started 54. Late deceleration patterns are noted when
less than 1 hour earlier. When the nurse palpates assessing the monitor tracing of a woman whose
titanic contractions, the client again complains of labor is being induced with an infusion of Pitocin.
severe pain. After the client vomits, she states that The woman is in a side-lying position, and her vital
the pain is better and then passes out. Which is the signs are stable and fall within a normal range.
probable cause of her signs and symptoms? Contractions are intense, last 90 seconds, and
occur every 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. The nurse's
1. Hysteria compounded by the flu immediate action would be to:
2. Placental abruption
3. Uterine rupture 1. Change the woman's position
4. Dysfunctional labor 2. Stop the Pitocin
3. Elevate the woman's legs
3. Uterine rupture is a medical emergency that may 4. Administer oxygen via a tight mask at 8 to 10
occur before or during labor. Signs and symptoms liters/minute
typically include abdominal pain that may ease 2. Late deceleration patterns noted are most likely
after uterine rupture, vomiting, vaginal bleeding, related to alteration in uteroplacental perfusion
hypovolemic shock, and fetal distress. With associated with the strong contractions described.
placental abruption, the client typically complains The immediate action would be to stop the Pitocin
of vaginal bleeding and constant abdominal pain. infusion since Pitocin is an oxytocic which
stimulates the uterus to contract. The woman is
52. Upon completion of a vaginal examination on a already in an appropriate position for
laboring woman, the nurse records: 50%, 6 cm, -1. uteroplacental perfusion. Elevation of her legs
Which of the following is a correct interpretation of would be appropriate if hypotension were present.
the data? Oxygen is appropriate but not the immediate
1. Fetal presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial
spines 55. The nurse should realize that the most common
2. Effacement is 4 cm from completion and potentially harmful maternal complication of
3. Dilation is 50% completed epidural anesthesia would be:
4. Fetus has achieved passage through the ischial
spines 1. Severe postpartum headache
2. Limited perception of bladder fullness
3. Increase in respiratory rate The nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant
4. Hypotension client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection regarding care to the newborn after
3. Epidural anesthesia can lead to vasodilation delivery. The client asks the nurse about the
and a drop in blood pressure that could feeding options that are available. Which response
interfere with adequate placental should the nurse make to the client?
perfusion. The woman must be well
hydrated before and during epidural 1."You will need to bottle-feed your newborn."
anesthesia to prevent this problem and 2."You will need to feed your newborn by
maintain an adequate blood pressure. nasogastric tube feeding."
Headache is not a side effect since the 3."You will be able to breast-feed for 6 months and
spinal fluid is not disturbed by this then will need to switch to bottle-feeding."
anesthetic as it would be with a low spinal 4."You will be able to breast-feed for 9 months and
(saddle block) anesthetic; 2 is an effect of then will need to switch to bottle-feeding."
epidural anesthesia but is not the most
harmful. Respiratory depression is a 1
potentially serious complication.
Perinatal transmission of human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) can occur during the antepartum period,
A rubella titer result of a 1-day postpartum client is during labor and birth, or in the postpartum period
less than 1:8, and a rubella virus vaccine is if the mother is breast-feeding. Clients who have
prescribed to be administered before discharge. HIV are advised not to breast-feed. There is no
The nurse provides which information to the client physiological reason why the newborn needs to be
about the vaccine? Select all that apply. fed by nasogastric tube.

1.Breast-feeding needs to be stopped for 3 months. A stillborn baby was delivered in the birthing suite
2.Pregnancy needs to be avoided for 1 to 3 a few hours ago. After the delivery, the family
months. remained together, holding and touching the baby.
3.The vaccine is administered by the subcutaneous Which statement by the nurse would further assist
route. the family in their initial period of grief?
4.Exposure to immunosuppressed individuals
needs to be avoided. 1."What can I do for you?"
5.A hypersensitivity reaction can occur if the client 2."Now you have an angel in heaven."
has an allergy to eggs. 3."Don't worry, there is nothing you could have
6.The area of the injection needs to be covered done to prevent this from happening."
with a sterile gauze for 1 week. 4."We will see to it that you have an early
discharge so that you don't have to be reminded of
2, 3, 4, 5 this experience."

Rubella vaccine is administered to women who 1

have not had rubella or women who are not
serologically immune. The vaccine may be When a loss or death occurs, the nurse should
administered in the immediate postpartum period ensure that parents have been honestly told about
to prevent the possibility of contracting rubella in the situation by their health care provider or others
future pregnancies. The live attenuated rubella on the health care team. It is important for the
virus is not communicable in breast milk; breast- nurse to be with the parents at this time and to use
feeding does not need to be stopped. The client is therapeutic communication techniques. The nurse
counseled not to become pregnant for 1 to 3 must also consider cultural and religious practices
months after immunization as specified by the and beliefs. The correct option provides a
health care provider because of a possible risk to a supportive, giving, and caring response. Options 2,
fetus from the live virus vaccine; the client must be 3, and 4 are blocks to communication and devalue
using effective birth control at the time of the the parents' feelings.
immunization. The client should avoid contact with
immunosuppressed individuals because of their The nurse in a maternity unit is providing
low immunity toward live viruses and because the emotional support to a client and her husband who
virus is shed in the urine and other body fluids. The are preparing to be discharged from the hospital
vaccine is administered by the subcutaneous route. after the birth of a dead fetus. Which statement
A hypersensitivity reaction can occur if the client made by the client indicates a component of the
has an allergy to eggs because the vaccine is made normal grieving process?
from duck eggs. There is no useful or necessary
reason for covering the area of the injection with a 1."We want to attend a support group."
sterile gauze. 2."We never want to try to have a baby again."
3."We are going to try to adopt a child
immediately." through the abdominal wall and into the uterus.
4."We are okay, and we are going to try to have Abdominal exercises should not start immediately
another baby immediately." after abdominal surgery; the client should wait at
least 3 to 4 weeks postoperatively to allow for
1 healing of the incision. Options 2, 3, and 4 are
appropriate instructions for the client after a
A support group can help the parents work through cesarean delivery.
their pain by nonjudgmental sharing of feelings.
The correct option identifies a statement that After a precipitous delivery, the nurse notes that
would indicate positive, normal grieving. Although the new mother is passive and only touches her
the other options may indicate reactions of the newborn infant briefly with her fingertips. What
client and significant other, they are not specifically should the nurse do to help the woman process the
a part of the normal grieving process. delivery?

The nurse evaluates the ability of a hepatitis B- 1.Encourage the mother to breast-feed soon after
positive mother to provide safe bottle-feeding to birth.
her newborn during postpartum hospitalization. 2.Support the mother in her reaction to the
Which maternal action best exemplifies the newborn infant.
mother's knowledge of potential disease 3.Tell the mother that it is important to hold the
transmission to the newborn? newborn infant.
4.Document a complete account of the mother's
1.The mother requests that the window be closed reaction on the birth record.
before feeding.
2.The mother holds the newborn properly during 2
feeding and burping.
3.The mother tests the temperature of the formula Precipitous labor is labor that lasts 3 hours or less.
before initiating feeding. Women who have experienced precipitous labor
4.The mother washes and dries her hands before often describe feelings of disbelief that their labor
and after self-care of the perineum and asks for a progressed so rapidly. To assist the client to
pair of gloves before feeding. process what has happened, the best option is to
support the client in her reaction to the newborn
4 infant. Options 1, 3, and 4 do not acknowledge the
client's feelings.
Hepatitis B virus is highly contagious and is
transmitted by direct contact with blood and body The nurse in the postpartum unit is caring for a
fluids of infected persons. The rationale for client who has just delivered a newborn infant
identifying childbearing clients with this disease is following a pregnancy with a placenta previa. The
to provide adequate protection of the fetus and nurse reviews the plan of care and prepares to
the newborn, to minimize transmission to other monitor the client for which risk associated with
individuals, and to reduce maternal complications. placenta previa?
The correct option provides the best evaluation of
maternal understanding of disease transmission. 1.Infection
Option 1 will not affect disease transmission. 2.Hemorrhage
Options 2 and 3 are appropriate feeding techniques
for bottle-feeding, but do not minimize disease 3.Chronic hypertension
transmission for hepatitis B. 4.Disseminated intravascular coagulation

The nurse has provided discharge instructions to a 2

client who delivered a healthy newborn by
cesarean delivery. Which statement made by the In placenta previa, the placenta is implanted in the
client indicates a need for further instruction? lower uterine segment. The lower uterine segment
does not contain the same intertwining
1."I will begin abdominal exercises immediately." musculature as the fundus of the uterus, and this
2."I will notify the health care provider if I develop site is more prone to bleeding. Options 1, 3, and 4
a fever." are not risks that are related specifically to
3."I will turn on my side and push up with my arms placenta previa.
to get out of bed."
4."I will lift nothing heavier than my newborn baby The postpartum nurse is taking the vital signs of a
for at least 2 weeks." client who delivered a healthy newborn 4 hours
ago. The nurse notes that the client's temperature
1 is 100.2° F. What is the priority nursing action?

A cesarean delivery requires an incision made 1.Document the findings.

2.Retake the temperature in 15 minutes. altered bowel functions. Options 2, 3, and 4 are
3.Notify the health care provider (HCP). incorrect.
4.Increase hydration by encouraging oral fluids.
The nurse is planning care for a postpartum client
4 who had a vaginal delivery 2 hours ago. The client
had a midline episiotomy and has several
The client's temperature should be taken every 4 hemorrhoids. What is the priority nursing
hours while she is awake. Temperatures up to consideration for this client?
100.4° F (38° C) in the first 24 hours after birth
often are related to the dehydrating effects of 1.Client pain level
labor. The appropriate action is to increase 2.Inadequate urinary output
hydration by encouraging oral fluids, which should 3.Client perception of body changes
bring the temperature to a normal reading. 4.Potential for imbalanced body fluid volume
Although the nurse also would document the
findings, the appropriate action would be to 1
increase hydration. Taking the temperature in
another 15 minutes is an unnecessary action. The priority nursing consideration for a client who
Contacting the HCP is not necessary. delivered 2 hours ago and who has a midline
episiotomy and hemorrhoids is client pain level.
The nurse is assessing a client who is 6 hours Most clients have some degree of discomfort
postpartum after delivering a full-term healthy during the immediate postpartum period. There
newborn. The client complains to the nurse of are no data in the question that indicate
feelings of faintness and dizziness. Which nursing inadequate urinary output, the presence of client
action would be most appropriate? perception of body changes, and potential for
imbalanced body fluid volume.
1.Raise the head of the client's bed.
2.Obtain hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. The nurse is providing postpartum instructions to a
3.Instruct the client to request help when getting client who will be breast-feeding her newborn. The
out of bed. nurse determines that the client has understood
4.Inform the nursery room nurse to avoid bringing the instructions if she makes which statements?
the newborn to the client until the mother's Select all that apply.
symptoms have subsided.
1."I should wear a bra that provides support."
3 2."Drinking alcohol can affect my milk supply."
3."The use of caffeine can decrease my milk
Orthostatic hypotension may be evident during the supply."
first 8 hours after birth. Feelings of faintness or 4."I will start my estrogen birth control pills again
dizziness are signs that caution the nurse to focus as soon as I get home."
interventions on the client's safety. The nurse 5."I know if my breasts get engorged I will limit my
should advise the client to get help the first few breast-feeding and supplement the baby."
times she gets out of bed. Option 1 is not a helpful 6."I plan on having bottled water available in the
action in this situation and would not relieve the refrigerator so I can get additional fluids easily."
symptoms. Option 2 requires a health care
provider's prescription. Option 4 is unnecessary. 1, 2, 3, 6
The postpartum nurse is providing instructions to a
client after delivery of a healthy newborn. Which The postpartum client should wear a bra that is
time frame should the nurse relay to the client well-fitted and supportive. Breasts may leak
regarding the return of bowel function? between feedings or during coitus, and the client is
taught to place a breast pad in the bra. Breast-
1.3 days postpartum feeding clients should increase their daily fluid
2.7 days postpartum intake; having bottled water available indicates
3.On the day of delivery that the postpartum client understands the
4.Within 2 weeks postpartum importance of increasing fluids. If engorgement
occurs, the client should not limit breast-feeding,
1 but should breast-feed frequently. Oral
contraceptives containing estrogen are not
After birth, the nurse should auscultate the client's recommended for breast-feeding mothers.
abdomen in all four quadrants to determine the Common causes of decreased milk supply include
return of bowel sounds. Normal bowel elimination formula use; inadequate rest or diet; smoking by
usually returns 2 to 3 days postpartum. Surgery, the mother or others in the home; and use of
anesthesia, and the use of opioids and pain control caffeine, alcohol, or other medications.
agents also contribute to the longer period of
The nurse is teaching a postpartum client about When performing a postpartum assessment on a
breast-feeding. Which instruction should the nurse client, a nurse notes the presence of clots in the
include? lochia. The nurse examines the clots and notes that
they are larger than 1 cm. Which nursing action is
1.The diet should include additional fluids. most appropriate?
2.Prenatal vitamins should be discontinued.
3.Soap should be used to cleanse the breasts. 1.Document the findings.
4.Birth control measures are unnecessary while 2.Reassess the client in 2 hours.
breast-feeding. 3.Notify the health care provider.
4.Encourage increased oral intake of fluids.
The diet for a breast-feeding client should include
additional fluids. Prenatal vitamins should be taken Normally, a few small clots may be noted in the
as prescribed, and soap should not be used on the lochia in the first 1 to 2 days after birth from
breasts because it tends to remove natural oils, pooling of blood in the vagina. Clots larger than 1
which increases the chance of cracked nipples. cm are considered abnormal. The cause of these
Breast-feeding is not a method of contraceptio clots, such as uterine atony or retained placental
fragments, needs to be determined and treated to
A nurse is preparing to assess the uterine fundus of prevent further blood loss. Although the findings
a client in the immediate postpartum period. After would be documented, the appropriate action is to
locating the fundus, the nurse notes that the notify the HCP. Reassessing the client in 2 hours
uterus feels soft and boggy. Which nursing would delay necessary treatment. Increasing oral
intervention would be most appropriate? intake of fluids would not be a helpful action in this
1.Elevate the client's legs.
2.Massage the fundus until it is firm. The nurse is monitoring the amount of lochia
3.Ask the client to turn on her left side. drainage in a client who is 2 hours postpartum and
4.Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots. notes that the client has saturated a perineal pad in
1 hour. How should the nurse document this
2 finding?

If the uterus is not contracted firmly, the initial 1.Scant

intervention is to massage the fundus until it is firm 2.Light
and to express clots that may have accumulated in 3.Heavy
the uterus. Pushing on an uncontracted uterus can 4.Excessive
invert the uterus and cause massive hemorrhage.
Elevating the client's legs and positioning the client 3
on the side would not assist in managing uterine
atony. Lochia is the discharge from the uterus in the
postpartum period; it consists of blood from the
The nurse is caring for four 1-day postpartum vessels of the placental site and debris from the
clients. Which client would require further nursing decidua. The following can be used as a guide to
action? determine the amount of flow: scant = less than
2.5 cm (<1 inch) on menstrual pad in 1 hour; light =
1.The client with mild afterpains less than 10 cm (<4 inches) on menstrual pad in 1
hour; moderate = less than 15 cm (<6 inches) on
2.The client with a pulse rate of 60 beats/minute menstrual pad in 1 hour; heavy = saturated
3.The client with colostrum discharge from both menstrual pad in 1 hour; and excessive = menstrual
breasts pad saturated in 15 minutes.
4.The client with lochia that is red and has a foul-
smelling odor The nurse is monitoring a client in the immediate
postpartum period for signs of hemorrhage. Which
4 sign, if noted, would be an early sign of excessive
blood loss?
Lochia, the discharge present after birth, is red for
the first 1 to 3 days and gradually decreases in 1.A temperature of 100.4° F
amount. Normal lochia has a fleshy odor or an odor 2.An increase in the pulse rate from 88 to 102
similar to menstrual flow. Foul-smelling or purulent beats/minute
lochia usually indicates infection, and these 3.A blood pressure change from 130/88 to 124/80
findings are not normal. The other options are mm Hg
normal findings for a 1-day postpartum client. 4.An increase in the respiratory rate from 18 to 22
as a crack or blister. Measures to prevent the
2 development of mastitis include changing nursing
pads when they are wet and avoiding continuous
During the fourth stage of labor, the maternal pressure on the breasts. Soap is drying and could
blood pressure, pulse, and respiration should be lead to cracking of the nipples, and the client
checked every 15 minutes during the first hour. An should be instructed to avoid using soap on the
increasing pulse is an early sign of excessive blood nipples. The mother is taught about the
loss because the heart pumps faster to compensate importance of hand-washing and that she should
for reduced blood volume. A slight increase in breast-feed every 2 to 3 hours.
temperature is normal. The blood pressure
decreases as the blood volume diminishes, but a The postpartum nurse is assessing a client who
decreased blood pressure would not be the earliest delivered a healthy infant by cesarean section for
sign of hemorrhage. The respiratory rate is slightly signs and symptoms of superficial venous
increased from normal. thrombosis. Which sign would the nurse note if
superficial venous thrombosis were present?
The nurse is preparing a list of self-care instructions
for a postpartum client who was diagnosed with 1.Paleness of the calf area
mastitis. Which instructions should be included on 2.Coolness of the calf area
the list? Select all that apply. 3.Enlarged, hardened veins
4.Palpable dorsalis pedis pulses
1.Wear a supportive bra.
2.Rest during the acute phase. 3
3.Maintain a fluid intake of at least 3000 mL.
4.Continue to breast-feed if the breasts are not too Thrombosis of superficial veins usually is
sore. accompanied by signs and symptoms of
5.Take the prescribed antibiotics until the soreness inflammation, including swelling, redness,
subsides. tenderness, and warmth of the involved extremity.
6.Avoid decompression of the breasts by breast- It also may be possible to palpate the enlarged,
feeding or breast pump. hard vein. Clients sometimes experience pain when
they walk. Palpable dorsalis pedis pulses is a
1, 2, 3, 4 normal finding.

Mastitis is an infection of the lactating breast. A client in a postpartum unit complains of sudden
Client instructions include resting during the acute sharp chest pain and dyspnea. The nurse notes that
phase, maintaining a fluid intake of at least 3000 the client is tachycardic and the respiratory rate is
mL/day (if not contraindicated), and taking elevated. The nurse suspects a pulmonary
analgesics to relieve discomfort. Antibiotics may be embolism. Which should be the initial nursing
prescribed and are taken until the complete action?
prescribed course is finished. They are not stopped
when the soreness subsides. Additional supportive 1.Initiate an intravenous line.
measures include the use of moist heat or ice packs 2.Assess the client's blood pressure.
and wearing a supportive bra. Continued 3.Prepare to administer morphine sulfate.
decompression of the breast by breast-feeding or 4.Administer oxygen, 8 to 10 L/minute, by face
breast pump is important to empty the breast and mask.
prevent the formation of an abscess. 4
The nurse is providing instructions about measures
to prevent postpartum mastitis to a client who is If pulmonary embolism is suspected, oxygen should
breast-feeding her newborn. Which client be administered, 8 to 10 L/minute, by face mask.
statement would indicate a need for further Oxygen is used to decrease hypoxia. The client also
instruction? is kept on bed rest with the head of the bed slightly
elevated to reduce dyspnea. Morphine sulfate may
1."I should breast-feed every 2 to 3 hours." be prescribed for the client, but this would not be
2."I should change the breast pads frequently." the initial nursing action. An intravenous line also
3."I should wash my hands well before breast- will be required, and vital signs need to be
feeding." monitored, but these actions would follow the
4."I should wash my nipples daily with soap and administration of oxygen.
The nurse is assessing a client in the fourth stage of
4 labor and notes that the fundus is firm, but that
bleeding is excessive. Which should be the initial
Mastitis is inflammation of the breast as a result of nursing action?
infection. It generally is caused by an organism that
enters through an injured area of the nipples, such 1.Record the findings.
2.Massage the fundus. Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels would be
3.Notify the health care provider (HCP). monitored with hemorrhage.
4.Place the client in Trendelenburg's position.
The nurse is monitoring a postpartum client who
3 received epidural anesthesia for delivery for the
presence of a vulvar hematoma. Which assessment
If bleeding is excessive, the cause may be finding would best indicate the presence of a
laceration of the cervix or birth canal. Massaging hematoma?
the fundus if it is firm would not assist in
controlling the bleeding. Trendelenburg's position 1.Changes in vital signs
should be avoided because it may interfere with 2.Signs of heavy bruising
cardiac and respiratory function. Although the 3.Complaints of intense pain
nurse would record the findings, the initial nursing 4.Complaints of a tearing sensation
action would be to notify the HCP.
The nurse is preparing to care for four assigned
clients. Which client is at highest risk for Because the client has had epidural anesthesia and
hemorrhage? is anesthetized, she cannot feel pain, pressure, or a
tearing sensation. Changes in vital signs indicate
1.A primiparous client who delivered 4 hours ago hypovolemia in an anesthetized postpartum client
2.A multiparous client who delivered 6 hours ago with vulvar hematoma. Option 2 (heavy bruising)
3.A primiparous client who delivered 6 hours ago may be seen, but vital sign changes indicate
and had epidural anesthesia hematoma caused by blood coll
4.A multiparous client who delivered a large baby
after oxytocin (Pitocin) induction The nurse is developing a plan of care for a
postpartum client with a small vulvar hematoma.
4 The nurse should include which specific action
during the first 12 hours after delivery?
The causes of postpartum hemorrhage include
uterine atony; laceration of the vagina; hematoma 1.Assess vital signs every 4 hours.
development in the cervix, perineum, or labia; and 2.Measure fundal height every 4 hours.
retained placental fragments. Predisposing factors 3.Prepare an ice pack for application to the area.
for hemorrhage include a previous history of 4.Inform the health care provider of assessment
postpartum hemorrhage, placenta previa, abruptio findings.
placentae, overdistention of the uterus from
polyhydramnios, multiple gestation, a large 3
neonate, infection, multiparity, dystocia or labor
that is prolonged, operative delivery such as a A hematoma is a localized collection of blood into
cesarean or forceps delivery, and intrauterine the tissues of the reproductive sac after delivery.
manipulation. The multiparous client who Vulvar hematoma is the most common. Application
delivered a large fetus after oxytocin induction has of ice reduces swelling caused by hematoma
more risk factors associated with postpartum formation in the vulvar area. Options 1, 2, and 4
hemorrhage than the other clients. In addition, are not interventions that are specific to the plan of
there are no specific data in the client descriptions care for a client with a small vulvar hematoma.
in options 1, 2, and 3 that present the risk for On the second postpartum day, a client complains
hemorrhage. of burning on urination, urgency, and frequency of
urination. A urinalysis indicates the presence of a
A postpartum client is diagnosed with cystitis. The urinary tract infection. The nurse instructs the
nurse should plan for which priority nursing action client regarding measures to take for the treatment
in the care of the client? of the infection. Which client statement indicates
to the nurse the need for further instruction?
1.Providing sitz baths
2.Encouraging fluid intake 1."I need to urinate frequently throughout the
3.Placing ice on the perineum day."
4.Monitoring hemoglobin and hematocrit levels 2."The prescribed medication must be taken until it
is finished."
2 3."My fluid intake should be increased to at least
3000 mL daily."
Cystitis is an infection of the bladder. The client 4."Foods and fluids that will increase urine
should consume 3000 mL of fluids per day if not alkalinity should be consumed."
contraindicated. Sitz baths and ice would be
appropriate interventions for perineal discomfort. 4
A client with a urinary tract infection must be with engorgement but will not help with resolving
encouraged to take the medication for the entire inverted nipples. True inverted nipples will retract
time it is prescribed. The client should also be if the areola is pressed between the thumb and
instructed to drink at least 3000 mL of fluid each forefinger. Having the client take a cool shower will
day to flush the infection from the bladder and to only make the mother cold, and it has no effect on
urinate frequently throughout the day. Foods and inverted nipples.
fluids that acidify the urine need to be encouraged.
A new mother is seen in a health care clinic 2
The nurse is assessing a client for signs of weeks after giving birth to a healthy newborn
postpartum depression. Which observation, if infant. The mother is complaining that she feels as
noted in the new mother, would indicate the need though she has the flu and complains of fatigue
for further assessment related to this form of and aching muscles. On further assessment the
depression? nurse notes a localized area of redness on the left
breast, and the mother is diagnosed with mastitis.
1.The mother is caring for the infant in a loving The mother asks the nurse about the condition.
manner. The nurse should make which response?
2.The mother demonstrates an interest in the
surroundings. 1."Mastitis usually involves both breasts."
3.The mother constantly complains of tiredness 2."Mastitis can occur at any time during breast-
and fatigue. feeding."
4.The mother looks forward to visits from the 3."Mastitis usually is caused by wearing a
father of the newborn. supportive bra."
4."Mastitis is most common for women who have
3 breast-fed in the past."

Postpartum depression is not the normal 2

depression that many new mothers experience
from time to time. The woman experiencing Mastitis is an infection of the lactating breasts and
depression shows less interest in her surroundings occurs most often during the second and third
and a loss of her usual emotional response toward weeks after birth, although it may develop at any
the family. The woman is also unable to show time during breast-feeding. Mastitis is more
pleasure or love and may have intense feelings of common in mothers nursing for the first time and
unworthiness, guilt, and shame. The woman often usually affects one breast. A supportive bra will not
expresses a sense of loss of self. Generalized cause mastitis; however, constriction of the breasts
fatigue, complaints of ill health, and difficulty in from a bra that is too tight may interfere with the
concentrating are also present. The mother would emptying of all the ducts and may lead to infection.
have little interest in food and would experience
sleep disturbances. The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client
recovering from a cesarean delivery. Which action
A postpartum client is attempting to breast-feed should the nurse encourage the client to do to
for the first time. The nurse notes that the client prevent thrombophlebitis?
has inverted nipples. What nursing action should
the nurse take to assist the client in breast-feeding 1.Elevate her legs.
the newborn infant?
2.Remain on bed rest.
1.Massage the breasts, applying gentle pressure on 3.Ambulate frequently.
the areolas with the thumb and forefinger. 4.Apply warm, moist packs to the legs.
2.Have the mother grasp her areola between the
thumb and forefinger and tug firmly to get the 3
nipple to protrude.
3.Encourage taking a cool shower, allowing the Stasis is believed to be a predisposing factor in the
water to run over the breasts, because this will development of thrombophlebitis. Because
encourage the nipples to protrude. cesarean delivery is also a risk factor for
4.Provide breast shells and assist the mother with thrombophlebitis, new mothers should ambulate
using a breast pump before each feeding to make early and frequently to promote circulation and
the nipples easier for the newborn infant to grasp. prevent stasis. The other options may be
interventions for the client diagnosed with
4 thrombophlebitis. Additionally, bed rest promotes
Wearing breast shells and using a breast pump
before each feeding will make it easier for the The nurse performs an assessment on a client who
newborn infant to grasp the nipple. Massaging the is 4 hours postpartum. The nurse notes that the
breast is an appropriate instruction for the mother client has cool, clammy skin and is restless and
excessively thirsty. What immediate action should occurs most often during the second and third
the nurse take? weeks after birth, although it may develop at any
time during breast-feeding. In most cases, the
1.Provide oral fluids and begin fundal massage. mother can continue to breast-feed with both
2.Begin hourly pad counts and reassure the client. breasts. If the affected breast is too sore, the
3.Elevate the head of the bed and assess vital signs. mother can pump the breast gently. Regular
4.Assess for hypovolemia and notify the health emptying of the breast is important to prevent
care provider (HCP). abscess formation. Antibiotic therapy assists in
resolving the mastitis within 24 to 48 hours.
4 Additional supportive measures include ice packs,
breast supports, and analgesics.
Symptoms of hypovolemia include cool, clammy,
pale skin, sensations of anxiety or impending A postpartum client with deep vein thrombosis is
doom, restlessness, and thirst. When these being treated with anticoagulant therapy. The
symptoms are present, the nurse should further nurse understands that the client's response to
assess for hypovolemia and notify the HCP. treatment will be evaluated by regularly assessing
Providing oral fluids and beginning fundal massage the client for which symptoms?
and beginning hourly pad counts and reassuring
the client will delay necessary treatment. Also, the 1.Dysuria, ecchymosis, and vertigo
question gives no indication of the cause of the 2.Epistaxis, hematuria, and dysuria
hypovolemia or that the client is hemorrhaging and 3.Hematuria, ecchymosis, and vertigo
that fundal massage is needed. The head of the 4.Hematuria, ecchymosis, and epistaxis
bed is not elevated in a hypovolemic condition.
The nurse is monitoring a postpartum client in the
fourth stage of labor. Which finding, if noted by the The treatment for deep vein thrombosis is
nurse, would indicate a complication related to a anticoagulant therapy. The nurse assesses for
laceration of the birth canal? bleeding, which is an adverse effect of
anticoagulants. This includes hematuria,
1.Presence of dark red lochia ecchymosis, and epistaxis. Dysuria and vertigo are
2.Palpation of the uterus as a firm contracted ball not associated specifically with bleeding.
3.The saturation of more than one peripad per
hour After surgical evacuation and repair of a
4.Palpation of the fundus at the level of the paravaginal hematoma, a client is discharged 3
umbilicus days postpartum. The nurse determines that the
client needs further discharge instructions when
3 the client makes which statement?

Saturation of more than one peripad per hour is 1."I will probably need my mother to help me with
considered excessive even in the early postpartum housekeeping."
period. In the first 24 hours after birth, the uterus 2."Because I am so sore, I will nurse the baby while
will feel like a firmly contracted ball, roughly the lying on my side."
size of a large grapefruit. One easily can locate the
uterus at the level of the umbilicus. Lochia should 3."My husband and I will not have intercourse until
be dark red and moderate in amount. the stitches are healed."
4."The only medications I will take are prenatal
The nurse is providing instructions to a client who vitamins and stool softeners."
has been diagnosed with mastitis. Which
statement, if made by the client, indicates a need 4
for further instructions?
A hematoma is a localized collection of blood into
1."I need to wear a supportive bra to relieve the the tissues of the reproductive sac after delivery. A
discomfort." vulvar hematoma is the most common type. The
2."I need to stop breast-feeding until this condition postoperative client will need an antibiotic because
resolves." she is at increased risk for infection as a result of
3."I can use analgesics to assist in alleviating some the break in skin integrity and collection of blood at
of the discomfort." the hematoma site. Stating that she will need only
4."I need to take antibiotics, and I should begin to prenatal vitamins and stool softeners indicates that
feel better in 24 to 48 hours." she requires further teaching. All other options
indicate that the mother understands the home
2 care measures after surgical evacuation and repair
of a paravaginal hematoma.
Mastitis is an infection of the lactating breasts and
The nurse is developing a plan of care for a 2."I need to take warm sitz baths to promote
postpartum client who was diagnosed with healing."
superficial venous thrombosis. The nurse 3."I need to apply warm compresses to provide
anticipates that which intervention will be comfort."
prescribed? 4."I need to isolate the infant for 48 hours after
beginning the antibiotics."
1.Administration of anticoagulants
2.Elevation of the affected extremity 4
3.Ambulation eight to ten times daily
4.Application of ice packs to the affected area The infant is not isolated routinely from the mother
with a wound infection, but the mother must be
2 taught good hand washing techniques and how to
protect the infant from contact with contaminated
Thrombosis that is limited to the superficial veins articles. If the mother has a wound infection,
of the saphenous system is treated with analgesics, broad-spectrum antibiotics will be prescribed for
rest, and elastic support stockings. Elevation of the the mother, and she should be instructed to take
affected lower extremity to improve venous return the antibiotics as prescribed. Analgesics are often
also may be recommended. Warm packs may be necessary, and warm compresses or sitz baths may
prescribed to be applied to the affected area to be used to provide comfort in the area.
promote healing. There is usually no need for
anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory agents unless A client has just had surgery to deliver a nonviable
the condition persists. Bed rest or limited activity fetus resulting from abruptio placentae. As a result
may be prescribed depending on health care of the abruptio placentae, the client develops
provider preference. disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and is
told about the complication. The client begins to
A new mother received epidural anesthesia during cry and screams, "God, just let me die now!" Which
labor and had a forceps delivery after pushing for 2 client problem should be the priority for the client
hours. At 6 hours postpartum her systolic blood at this time?
pressure has dropped 20 points, her diastolic blood
pressure has dropped 10 points, and her pulse is 1.Lack of power about the situation
120 beats/min. The client is anxious and restless. 2.Grieving because of the loss of the baby
On further assessment, a vulvar hematoma is 3.Lack of knowledge regarding what occurred
verified. After notifying the health care provider, 4.Concern about the loss of the baby and personal
what is the nurse's next action? health

1.Reassure the client. 4

2.Monitor fundal height.
3.Apply perineal pressure. The client expresses that there is no way out of the
4.Prepare the client for surgery. situation except for death; therefore the client
exhibits concern about the loss of the baby and
4 personal health. The data given do not support lack
of power. Grieving is a possible client problem at a
A hematoma is a localized collection of blood into later time; however, at this time, the concern over
the tissues of the reproductive sac after delivery. A the loss should take priority. Lack of knowledge is a
vulvar hematoma is the most common type . The possible problem later, but not enough data
use of an epidural, prolonged second-stage labor, support it at this point, and it is not the priority.
and forceps delivery are predisposing factors for
hematoma formation, and a collection of up to 500 The rubella vaccine has been prescribed for a new
mL of blood can occur in the vaginal area. Although mother. Which statement should the postpartum
the other options may be implemented, the nurse make when providing information about the
immediate action is to prepare the client for vaccine to the client?
surgery to stop the bleeding.
1."You should avoid sexual intercourse for 2 weeks
The home care nurse visits a client who has after administration of the vaccine."
delivered a healthy newborn infant via vaginal 2."You should not become pregnant for 2 to 3
delivery. An episiotomy was performed, and the months after administration of the vaccine."
woman has developed a wound infection at the 3."You should avoid heat and extreme temperature
episiotomy site. The nurse provides instructions to changes for 1 week after administration of the
the client regarding care related to the infection. vaccine."
Which statement, if made by the mother, indicates 4."You must sign an informed consent because
a need for further instructions? anaphylactic reactions can occur with the
administration of this vaccine."
1."I need to take the antibiotics as prescribed."
2 4

Rubella vaccine is a live attenuated virus that The nurse should be alert to maladaptive
provides immunity for approximately 15 years. interaction in the maternal-infant bonding
Because rubella is a live vaccine, it will act as a virus processes. If the nurse notes that the mother is
and is potentially harmful to the organogenesis avoiding interaction with the newborn or is
phase of fetal development. Informed consent for avoiding caring for the newborn, the nurse should
rubella and varicella vaccination in the postpartum suspect the potential for a maladaptive interaction.
period includes information about possible side Talking to the newborn or willingness to perform
effects and the risk of teratogenic effects. The cord care does not indicate a maladaptive
client should be informed about the potential response. Expressing discomfort with the new role
effects of this vaccine and the need to avoid of motherhood is a normal, expected process, and
becoming pregnant for 2 to 3 months (or as it is important for the mother to verbalize
indicated by the health care provider) after concerns.
administration of the vaccine. Abstinence from
sexual intercourse is unnecessary. Heat or extreme The postpartum nurse is caring for a woman who
changes in temperature have no effect on the just delivered a healthy newborn. The nurse should
person who has been vaccinated. The vaccine is be most concerned with the presence of
not known to cause anaphylactic reactions. subinvolution if which occurs?

The nursing student is assigned to care for a client 1.The presence of afterpains
in the postpartum unit. The coassigned nurse asks 2.Retained placental fragments from delivery
the student to identify the most objective method 3.An oral temperature of 99.0° F following delivery
to assess the amount of lochial flow in the client. 4.Increased estrogen and progesterone levels as
Which statement, if made by the student, indicates noted on laboratory analysis
an understanding of this method?
1."I can estimate the amount of blood loss by
gauging the amount of staining on a perineal pad." Retained placental fragments and infection are the
2.I should ask the client to keep a record and primary causes of subinvolution. When either of
document every time the perineal pad is changed." these processes is present, the uterus will have
3."I should weigh the perineal pad before and after difficulty contracting. An oral temperature of 99.0°
use and note the amount of time between each F after delivery and the presence of afterpains are
pad change." expected findings following delivery. Option 4 is
4."I can look at the perineal pad and gauge the not a cause of subinvolution and is unrelated to the
amount of staining and relate it to the amount of subject of the question.
time between pad changes."
The nurse is monitoring a postpartum client who is
3 at risk of developing postpartum endometritis.
Which finding, if noted during the first 24 hours
To gather accurate data for comparison, the after delivery, would support a diagnosis of
perineal pads must be weighed both before and postpartum endometritis?
after use. Once these weights are gathered, the
amount of lochia flow can be accurately 1.Abdominal tenderness and chills
determined. Noting the time frame between pad 2.Increased perspiration and appetite
changes and the number of pads used also is an 3.Maternal oral temperature of 100.2° F
important factor. Gauging the amount of staining 4.Uterus two fingerbreadths below midline and
does not provide accurate data. Asking the client to firm
obtain the information also may not provide
accurate data. 1

The nurse in the postpartum unit is observing the Signs and symptoms in the postpartum period
mother-infant bonding process in a client. Which heralding endometritis include delayed uterine
observation, if made by the nurse, indicates the involution, foul-smelling lochia, tachycardia,
potential for a maladaptive interaction? abdominal tenderness, and temperature elevations
up to 104° F. This intrauterine infection may lead to
1.The mother is observed talking to the newborn. further maternal complications, such as infections
2.The mother performs cord care for the newborn. of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and blood (sepsis).
3.The mother verbalizes discomfort with the new Options 2, 3, and 4 represent normal maternal
role of motherhood. physiological responses in the immediate
4.The mother requests that the nurse feed the postpartum period.
newborn because she is feeling fatigued.
Which nursing intervention would be most Additionally, once bleeding is under control, the
appropriate for a postpartum client with a nurse would monitor the vital signs and estimate
diagnosis of endometritis to facilitate participation the amount of blood loss.
in newborn care?
The postpartum unit nurse is developing a plan of
1.Limit fluid intake. care for a first-time mother and identifies the need
2.Maintain the client in a supine position. for measures that will promote parent-infant
3.Ask family members to care for the newborn. bonding. Which measure should the nurse include
4.Encourage the client to take pain medication as in the plan?
1.Use a low-pitched voice to speak to the infant.
4 2.Encourage the mother to hold the infant when
the infant cries.
Nursing responsibilities for the care of the client 3.Encourage the parents to allow the infant to
with endometritis include maintaining adequate sleep in the parental bed.
hydration (3000 to 4000 mL/day), bed rest in 4.Encourage the mother to allow the nursing staff
Fowler's position to facilitate drainage and lessen to care for the infant during her hospital stay until
congestion, providing appropriate analgesia to she is discharged.
lessen the pain, and administering antibiotics as
prescribed. If the client's pain is relieved, she will 2
be more likely to participate in newborn care.
Asking family members to care for the newborn Holding the infant close and allowing the infant to
will not facilitate client participation in newborn feel the warmth will initiate a positive experience
care. for the mother and will console the infant. The use
of a high-pitched voice and participating in infant
The nurse is caring for a client in the postpartum care are additional methods of promoting parental-
period immediately after delivery. The nurse infant attachment. Infants should not be allowed to
performs an assessment on the client and prepares sleep in the parental bed. The parents require time
to assess uterine involution by taking which action? alone as a couple. Additionally, the danger of
suffocation of the infant exists if the infant is
1.Monitoring the vital signs allowed to sleep between parents.
2.Palpating the uterine fundus The postpartum unit nurse has provided discharge
3.Auscultating the bowel sounds instructions to a client planning to breast-feed her
4.Assessing the amount of drainage on the peripad normal, healthy infant. Which statement by the
client indicates an understanding of the
2 instructions?

To assess uterine involution, the nurse would 1."If I experience any sweating during the night, I
palpate the fundal height. Fundal height is should call the health care provider."
measured in fingerbreadths or centimeters in 2."If I have uterine cramping while breast-feeding, I
relation to the umbilicus, and this measurement is should contact the health care provider."
used to assess the rate of uterine involution. Vital 3."If I'm still having bloody vaginal drainage in a
signs and the amount of drainage on the peripad week, I should contact the health care provider."
do not indicate uterine involution. Bowel sounds,
although they may be diminished in the 4."If I notice any pain, redness, or swelling in my
postpartum period, are not helpful in assessing breasts, I should contact the health care provider."
uterine involution.
The nurse is assessing a client in the postpartum
period and suspects the presence of uterine atony. Signs of infection include pain, redness, heat, and
Which is the initial nursing action? swelling of a localized area of the breast. If these
symptoms occur, the client needs to contact the
1.Massage the uterus until firm. HCP. Options 1, 2, and 3 are normal changes that
2.Take the client's blood pressure. occur in the postpartum period.
3.Contact the health care provider (HCP).
4.Assess the amount of drainage on the peripad. A client arrives at the postpartum unit after
delivery of her infant. On performing an
1 assessment, the nurse notes that the client is
shaking uncontrollably. Which nursing action would
When uterine atony occurs, the initial nursing be appropriate?
action would be to massage the uterus until it is
firm. If this does not assist in controlling blood loss, 1.Massage the fundus.
then the nurse would contact the HCP. 2.Contact the health care provider.
3.Cover the client with a warm blanket. prevents effective contraction of the uterine
4.Place the client in Trendelenburg's position. muscles. The nurse would then check for a
distended bladder and assist the woman to urinate.
3 Pushing on an uncontracted uterus could invert the
uterus, potentially causing massive hemorrhage
In the postpartum period, a woman may and rapid shock. Waiting for 1 hour without
experience a shaking, uncontrollable chill intervention could result in bleeding. The health
immediately after birth. The exact cause of this care provider will need to be notified if uterine
fairly common event is not known; however, it is massage is not helpful. Pharmacological measures
thought to be associated with a nervous system may be necessary to maintain firm contraction of
reaction such as a vasovagal response. If the chill is the uterus. An abdominal hysterectomy may need
not associated with an elevated temperature, it is to be performed for massive hemorrhage that is
of no clinical significance. The appropriate nursing uncontrollable. The question presents no data
action would be to provide a warm blanket to the indicating that hemorrhage is a problem.
client and a warm drink if this is not Additionally, the nurse would not schedule an
contraindicated. operative procedure.

The postpartum unit nurse has provided A woman infected with the human
information regarding performing a sitz bath to a immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has given birth to a
new mother after a vaginal delivery. The client normal-appearing infant, and the nurse provides
demonstrates understanding of the purpose of the instructions about newborn infant care. Which
sitz bath by stating that the sitz bath will promote statement by the mother indicates a need for
which action? further instruction?

1.Numb the tissue. 1."I'm going to breast-feed my baby starting right

2.Stimulate a bowel movement. away."
3.the edema and swelling. 2."I need to wash my hands before and after
4.Assist in healing and provide comfort. bathroom use."
3."My baby needs to be on antiviral medications
4 for the next 6 weeks."
4."I am going to contact some support groups
Warm, moist heat is used after the first 24 hours listed in my take-home material to help me with
after tissue trauma from a vaginal birth to provide everything I'll have to deal with when I get home."
comfort and promote healing and reduce the
incidence of infection. This warm, moist heat is 1
provided via a sitz bath. Ice is used in the first 24
hours to reduce edema and numb the tissue. Perinatal transmission of HIV to the fetus or
Promoting a bowel movement is best achieved by neonate of an HIV-positive woman can occur
ambulation. during the antenatal, intrapartal, or postpartum
period. HIV transmission can occur during breast-
A nurse is assessing the fundus in a postpartum feeding; therefore HIV-positive clients should be
woman and notes that the uterus is soft and encouraged to bottle-feed their neonates.
spongy and is not firmly contracted. The nurse Frequent hand washing is encouraged. Support
should prepare to implement which interventions? groups and community agencies can be identified
Select all that apply. to assist the parents with the newborn's home
care, the impact of the diagnosis of HIV infection,
1.Massaging the uterus and available financial resources. It is
2.Pushing gently on the uterus recommended that newborn infants of HIV-positive
3.Assisting the woman to urinate clients receive antiviral medications for the first 6
4.Rechecking the uterus in 1 hour weeks of life.
5.Checking for a distended bladder
6.Calling the delivery room to schedule an A client with known cardiac disease has been
abdominal hysterectomy admitted to the postpartum care unit after an
uneventful delivery. The unit nurse instructs the
1, 3, 5 client to use the call button for assistance
whenever she needs to get out of bed or wishes to
If the uterus is soft and spongy and is not firmly care for her infant. Which postpartum complication
contracted, the initial nursing action is to massage is the nurse most concerned about for this client?
the fundus gently until it is firm; this will express
clots that may have accumulated in the uterus. If 1.Postpartum infection
the uterus does not remain contracted as a result 2.Maternal attachment
of massage, the problem may be a distended 3.Maternal overexertion
bladder, which lifts and displaces the uterus and 4.Postpartum newborn-mother bonding
3 thrombophlebitis. Which nursing action is indicated
in assessing for thrombophlebitis?
The immediate postpartum period is associated
with increased risks for the cardiac client. 1.Palpate for pedal pulses.
Hormonal changes and fluid shifts from 2.Ask the client about pain in the calf area.
extravascular tissues to the circulatory system 3.Assess for the presence of vaginal hematoma.
cause additional stress on cardiac functioning. 4.Ask the client to ambulate and assess for the
Although options 1, 2, and 4 are appropriate presence of pain.
nursing concerns during the postpartum period,
the primary concern for the cardiac client is to 2
maintain a safe environment because of the
potential for cardiac compromise. Thrombophlebitis is a potential complication in the
postpartum period. The client with
A postpartum care unit nurse is reviewing the thrombophlebitis may experience pain in the calf.
records of 4 new mothers admitted to the unit. The The remaining options would not determine the
nurse determines that which mother would be presence of thrombophlebitis. Palpating pulses
least likely at risk for developing a puerperal assesses circulation. The presence of a hematoma
infection? does not indicate thrombophlebitis. The nurse
should not ask the client to ambulate if
1.A mother who had ten vaginal exams during thrombophlebitis is suspected.
2.A mother with a history of previous puerperal The rubella vaccine is prescribed to be
infections administered to a client 2 days after delivery of her
3.A mother who gave birth vaginally to a 3200 child. The nurse preparing to administer the
gram infant vaccine develops a list of the potential risks
4.A mother who experienced prolonged rupture of associated with this vaccine. The nurse reviews the
the membranes list with the client and cautions the client to avoid
which situation?
1.Sunlight for 3 days
Risk factors associated for puerperal infection 2.Scratching the injection site
include a history of previous puerperal infections, 3.Pregnancy for 2 to 3 months after the vaccination
cesarean births, trauma, prolonged rupture of the 4.Sexual intercourse for 2 to 3 months after the
membranes, prolonged labor, multiple vaginal vaccination
exams, and retained placental fragments.
A postpartum unit nurse is preparing to care for a
client who has just delivered a healthy newborn. In Rubella vaccine is a live attenuated virus that
the immediate postpartum period what is the evokes an antibody response, which provides
recommended frequency for the nurse to assess immunity for 15 years. Because rubella is a live
the client's vital signs? vaccine, it will act as the virus and is potentially
teratogenic in the organogenesis phase of fetal
1.Every hour for the first 2 hours and then every 4 development. The client needs to be informed
hours about the potential effects of this vaccine and the
2.Every 30 minutes during the first hour and then need to avoid becoming pregnant for 2 to 3
every hour for the next 2 hours months after receiving the vaccine. Sunlight has no
3.Every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes and then effect on the client who is vaccinated.
every hour for the next 4 hours The vaccine may cause local or systemic reactions,
4.Every 15 minutes during the first hour and then but all of these are mild and short-lived. Abstinence
every 30 minutes for the next 2 hours from sexual intercourse is not necessary unless
another form of effective contraception is not
4 being used.

During the immediate postpartum period, the On the second postpartum day, a woman
nurse takes vital signs every 15 minutes in the first complains of burning on urination, urgency, and
hour after birth, every 30 minutes for the next 2 frequency of urination. A urinalysis is done, and the
hours, and every hour for the next 2 to 6 hours. results indicate the presence of a urinary tract
The nurse monitors vital signs thereafter every 4 infection. The nurse instructs the new mother
hours for 24 hours and every 8 to 12 hours for the regarding measures to take for treatment of the
remainder of the hospital stay. infection. Which statement, if made by the mother,
would indicate a need for further instructions?
The postpartum unit nurse is performing an
assessment on a client who is at risk for 1."I need to urinate frequently throughout the
day." body flat in her arms; the mother has sore nipples,
2."The prescribed medication must be taken until it and the infant has a suck blister.
is finished." 4.The mother is breast-feeding with the infant in a
3."My fluid intake should be increased to at least tummy-to-tummy position without signs of cracked
3000 mL daily." nipples; the baby demonstrates bursts of sucking,
4."Foods and fluids that will increase urine followed by a pause and swallow.
alkalinity should be consumed."
The infant should be positioned completely facing
Foods and fluids that acidify, not alkalinize the the mother with head, neck, and spine aligned.
urine should be encouraged. The woman should be Poor positioning increases the number of attempts
encouraged to urinate frequently throughout the for latching on. The infant's head turned toward
day, instructed to take the medication for the the breast and the body flat in the mother's arms is
entire time it is prescribed, and encouraged to incorrect because it demonstrates improper
drink at least 3000 mL of fluid each day to flush the positioning. Breast engorgement, sore nipples, and
infection from the bladder. cracked nipples are all complications that are the
result of improper positioning.
A pregnant woman who is infected with the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) delivers a newborn The nurse who is employed in a prenatal clinic is
infant, and the nurse provides instructions to help performing prenatal assessments on clients who
the mother regarding care of the infant. Which are in their first trimester of pregnancy. The nurse
statement by the client would indicate the need for is concerned with identifying clients who may be at
further instructions? risk for the development of postpartum
complications. Which client would be at the lowest
1."I will be sure to wash my hands before and after risk for development of postpartum
bathroom use." thromboembolic disorders?
2."I need to breast-feed, especially for the first 6
weeks postpartum." 1.A 39-year-old woman who reports that she
3."Support groups are available to assist me with smokes
understanding my diagnosis of HIV." 2.A 26-year-old woman with a family history of
4."My newborn infant should be on antiviral thrombophlebitis
medications for the first 6 weeks after delivery." 3.A 37-year-old woman in her fourth pregnancy
who is overweight
2 4.A 22-year-old woman with a first pregnancy who
states that oral contraceptives taken in the past
Perinatal transmission of HIV to the fetus or have caused thrombophlebitis
neonate of an HIV-positive woman can occur
during the antenatal, intrapartal, or postpartum 2
period. HIV transmission can occur during breast-
feeding. Therefore HIV-positive clients should be Certain factors create a risk for the development of
encouraged to bottle-feed their neonates. thromboembolic disorders. These include smoking,
Frequent handwashing is encouraged. Support varicose veins, obesity, a history of
groups and community agencies can be identified thrombophlebitis, women older than 35 years or
to assist clients with home care of the newborn who have had more than three pregnancies, and
infant, the impact of the diagnosis of HIV infection, women who have had a cesarean birth. From the
and finding available financial resources. It is options presented, a 26-year-old woman with a
recommended that newborn infants of HIV-positive family history of thrombophlebitis is least likely to
clients receive antiviral medications for their first 6 develop thromboembolic disorders in the
weeks of life. postpartum period

The home care nurse's assignment is to visit a new The nurse has provided instructions for a
mother at home 24 to 48 hours after discharge. postpartum client at risk for thrombosis regarding
What should the nurse expect to note in a healthy measures to prevent its occurrence. Which
mother who is breast-feeding her newborn infant? statement, if made by the client, indicates a need
for further education?
1.The mother has cracked nipples and feeds the
infant with a supplemental bottle. 1."I should apply my antiembolism stockings after
2.The mother complains of breast engorgement, breakfast."
and the infant demonstrates difficulty in latching 2."I should avoid prolonged standing or sitting in
onto the breast. one position."
3.The mother is breast-feeding the infant with the 3."I should perform regularly scheduled exercise
infant's head turned toward her breast and the such as walking."
4."I should avoid using pillows under my knees to after childbirth is uterine atony. A major
prevent pressure in the back of my knee area." intervention to restore adequate tone is
stimulation of the uterine muscle via gently
1 massaging the uterine fundus. Options 1, 2, and 4
may be necessary but they are not initial actions.
The nurse should instruct the client to apply The initial action is to alleviate the problem.
antiembolism stockings before the client rises in Additionally a health care provider's prescription is
the morning to prevent the venous congestion that needed to administer a medication.
will begin as soon as the mother gets up. After receiving report at the beginning of the 0700
Circulation can be improved with a regular shift, the nurse must decide in what order the
schedule of activity, preferably walking, and the clients should be assessed. How would the nurse
mother should be instructed to avoid prolonged plan assessments? Arrange the clients in the order
standing or sitting in one position and avoid placing that they should be assessed. All options must be
pillows under the knees because of the risk venous used.
stasis in the lower extremities. The mother also Drag the text in the left column to the correct order
should be encouraged to maintain a fluid intake of in the right column.
at least 2500 mL/day to prevent dehydration and
consequent sluggish circulation. A nurse is checking lochia discharge in a woman in
the immediate postpartum period. The nurse notes
The discharge nurse is discussing mastitis with a that the lochia is bright red and contains some
postpartum client. Which statement made by the small clots. Based on this data, the nurse should
client indicates a need for further instruction? make which interpretation?

1."If I develop a hot, reddened, triangle-shaped 1.The client is hemorrhaging.

area on my breast, I should contact my health care 2.The client needs to increase oral fluids.
provider." 3.The client is experiencing normal lochia
2."Antibiotics, rest, warm compresses, and discharge.
adequate fluid intake are all important for the 4.The client's health care provider needs to be
treatment of mastitis." notified of the finding.
3."If I develop a fever, chills, or body aches at any
time after discharge, I should stop breast-feeding 3
4."I may develop mastitis if I wear underwire bras, Lochia, the uterine discharge present after birth,
experience excessive fatigue, or suddenly decrease initially is bright red and may contain small clots.
the number of feedings." During the first 2 hours after birth, the amount of
uterine discharge should be approximately that of
3 a heavy menstrual period. After that time, the
lochial flow should steadily decrease, and the color
The mother should not discontinue breast-feeding of the discharge should change to a pinkish red or
even if mastitis occurs. Mastitis, a breast infection, reddish brown. Because this is a normal, expected
is best characterized by a sudden onset of flulike occurrence, options 1, 2, and 4 are incorrect.
symptoms, localized breast pain and tenderness, A postpartum woman with mastitis in the right
and a hot, reddened area on the breast that often breast complains that the breast is too sore for her
resembles the shape of a pie wedge. Treatment to breast-feed her infant. The nurse should tell the
usually includes antibiotics, but the mother should client to implement which measure?
be instructed to feed the baby or pump frequently
to adequately empty the affected breast. 1.Pump both breasts and discard the milk.
2.Bottle-feed the infant on a temporary basis.
On assessment of a client who is 30 minutes into 3.Breast-feed from the left breast and gently pump
the fourth stage of labor, the nurse finds the the right breast.
client's perineal pad saturated in blood and blood 4.Stop breast-feeding from both breasts until this
soaked into the bed linen under the client's condition resolves.
buttocks. Which is the nurse's initial action?
1.Call the health care provider.
2.Assess the client's vital signs. In most cases, the mother can continue to breast-
3.Gently message the uterine fundus. feed with both breasts. If the affected breast is too
4.Administer a 300-mL bolus of a 20 units/L sore, the mother can pump the breast gently.
oxytocin (Pitocin) solution. Regular emptying of the breast is important to
prevent abscess formation. If an abscess forms and
3 ruptures into the ducts of the breast, breast-
feeding will need to be discontinued and a pump
The most frequent cause of excessive bleeding should be used to empty the breast (but the milk
should be discarded). Options 1, 2, and 4 are 3.Chronic hypertension
incorrect. 4.Disseminated intravascular coagulation

A nurse has just received an intershift report. After 2

reviewing the client assignment and the
appropriate medical records, the nurse determines Because the placenta is implanted in the lower
that which client is most at risk for developing uterine segment, which does not contain the same
postdelivery endometritis? intertwining musculature as the fundus of the
uterus, this site is more prone to bleeding. The
1.A primigravida with a normal spontaneous other options are not risks that are specifically
vaginal delivery related to placenta previa.
2.A gravida II who delivered vaginally following an
18-hour labor The nurse is preparing to perform a fundal
3.A client experiencing an elective cesarean assessment on a postpartum client. The nurse
delivery at 38 weeks' gestation understands that which is the initial nursing action
4.An adolescent experiencing an emergency when performing this assessment?
cesarean delivery for fetal distress
1.Ask the client to turn on her side.
4 2.Ask the client to urinate and empty her bladder.
3.Massage the fundus gently before determining
Endometritis is an acute infection of the uterine the level of the fundus.
mucous lining immediately after delivery and is still 4.Ask the client to lie flat on her back, with her
a leading cause of mortality for childbearing knees and legs flat and straight.
women in the United States. Cesarean delivery is
the primary risk factor for uterine infection, 2
especially after emergency procedures. Other risk
factors include prolonged rupture of membranes, Before fundal assessment is started, the nurse
multiple vaginal examinations, and an excessive should ask the mother to empty her bladder so
length of labor. The other options do not describe that an accurate assessment can be done. The
the client most at risk to develop endometritis nurse can then assess the bladder for complete
following delivery. emptying and accurately assess uterine involution.
When performing fundal assessment, the woman is
A nurse provides a list of discharge instructions to a asked to lie flat on her back, with the knees flexed.
client who has delivered a healthy newborn by Massaging the fundus is not appropriate unless the
cesarean delivery. Which statement by the client fundus is boggy or soft, and then it should be
indicates the need for further teaching? massaged gently until firm.

1."I can begin abdominal exercises immediately." The nurse is providing nutritional counseling to a
2."I need to notify the health care provider if I new mother who is breast-feeding her newborn.
develop a fever." The nurse should instruct the client that her calorie
3."I can't lift anything heavier than my newborn for needs should increase by approximately how many
at least 2 weeks." calories a day?

4."I need to turn on my side and push up with my 1.100

arms to get out of bed." 2.300
1 4.1000

Abdominal exercises should not start immediately 3

following abdominal surgery until 3 to 4 weeks
postoperatively to allow for healing of the incision. If the client is breast-feeding, her calorie needs
The other options are appropriate instructions for increase by approximately 500 cal/day. The client
the client following a cesarean delivery. should also be instructed regarding the need for
increased fluids and the need for prenatal vitamins
A nurse is caring for a client who has just delivered and iron supplements.
a newborn following a pregnancy with a placenta
previa. When reviewing the plan of care, the nurse The postpartum client asks the nurse about the
should prepare to monitor the client for which risk occurrence of afterpains. The nurse informs the
that is associated with placenta previa? client that afterpains will be especially noticeable
during which activity?
2.Hemorrhage 1.Ambulating
3.Taking sitz baths to provide the care will produce additional
4.Arriving home and activities are increased apprehension. Acceptance of her feelings and
acknowledgment of the apprehension can help an
2 unsure mother begin to participate in caring for her
newborn. Assistance will help the client become
Afterpains are a normal occurrence and result from more at ease.
contractions of the uterus as it reduces in size
during involution. Afterpains may be especially The nurse is assigned to care for a client who has
noticeable during breast-feeding because oxytocin chosen to formula-feed her infant. The nurse
is released in response to the infant's sucking. The should plan to provide which instruction to the
other options are incorrect. client?

The nursing instructor is reviewing the plan of care 1.Apply a heating pad to breasts for comfort.
with a student regarding care of a postpartum 2.Wear a breast shield to correct nipple inversion.
client. The instructor asks the nursing student 3.Wear a supportive brassiere continuously for 72
about the taking-in phase according to Rubin's hours.
phases of regeneration and the client behaviors 4.Use the manual breast pump provided to express
that are most likely to occur during this phase. milk.
Which response made by the student indicates an
understanding of this phase? 3

1."The client would be independent." Wearing a supportive brassiere continuously for 72

2."The client initiates activities on her own." hours postpartum will minimize breast
3."The client participates in mothering tasks." engorgement. Any stimulation of the breasts
4."The client is self-focused and talks to others (expression of milk, infant sucking) or increase in
about labor." circulation (heating pad) will increase milk
production or cause the blood vessels and
4 lymphatics to engorge. Correction of nipple
inversion will not be necessary if the mother
Rubin has identified three phases of regeneration chooses not to breast-feed her infant.
during the postpartum period. The taking-in phase
occurs in the first 3 days postpartum, and the A nurse is monitoring a new mother in the fourth
taking-hold phase occurs between days 3 to 10. stage of labor for signs of hemorrhage. Which
During the taking-in phase, the new mother is indicates an early sign of excessive blood loss?
attempting to integrate her labor and birth
experience. She tends to need sleep and feels 1.A temperature of 100.4º F
fatigued, talks about labor, and is self-focused and 2.An increased pulse rate of 88 to 102 beats/min
dependent. In the taking-hold phase, the client is 3.A blood pressure change from 130/88 to 124/80
more active, independent, initiates activities, and mm Hg
partakes in mothering tasks. In the letting-go 4.An increase in the respiratory rate from 18 to 22
phase, the mother may grieve over the separation breaths/min
of the baby from part of her body.
The nurse is teaching a new mother how to care for 2
her newborn. The nurse notes that the client is
very fearful and reluctant to handle the newborn During the fourth stage of labor, the maternal
and notes that this is the client's first child. Which blood pressure, pulse, and respiration should be
nursing intervention is least appropriate in assisting checked every 15 minutes during the first hour. A
the promotion of mother-infant interaction and rising pulse is an early sign of excessive blood loss,
bonding? because the heart pumps faster to compensate for
reduced blood volume. The blood pressure will fall
1.Accepting the client's feelings as the blood volume diminishes, but a decreased
2.Acknowledging the client's apprehension blood pressure would not be the earliest sign of
3.Assisting the client with giving the baths to allow hemorrhage.
her to become more at ease
4.Leaving the infant with the client so that she will A nurse is providing instructions to a client who has
be required to provide the care been diagnosed with mastitis. Which statement
made by the client indicates a need for further
4 teaching?

A client with no experience of handling infants may 1."I need to wear a supportive bra to relieve the
be fearful and reluctant to handle her newborn or discomfort."
to take on physical care on her own. Leaving the 2."I need to stop breast-feeding until this condition
infant with the mother so that she will be required resolves."
3."I can use analgesics to assist in alleviating some
of the discomfort." When planning care for a postpartum client that
4."I need to take antibiotics, and I should begin to plans to breast-feed her infant, which important
feel better in 24 to 48 hours." piece of information should the nurse include in
the teaching plan to prevent the development of
2 mastitis?

In most cases, the client can continue to breast- 1.Offer only one breast at each feeding.
feed with both breasts. If the affected breast is too 2.Massage distended areas as the infant nurses.
sore, the client can pump the breast gently. 3.Cleanse nipples with a mild antibacterial soap
Regular emptying of the breast is important to before and after infant feedings.
prevent abscess formation. Antibiotic therapy 4.Express and discard milk from the affected breast
assists in resolving the mastitis within 24 to 48 at the first signs of mastitis.
hours. Additional supportive measures include ice
packs, breast supports, and analgesics. 2

A nurse is monitoring the client for signs of Massaging the distended areas as the infant nurses
postpartum depression. Which would indicate the will encourage complete emptying of the breast
need for further assessment related to this form of and prevent milk stasis. Each breast should be
depression? offered at each feeding to prevent milk stasis and
ensure adequate milk supply. Soap should not be
1.The client is caring for the infant in a loving used on the nipples because of the risk of drying or
manner. cracking. If early signs of mastitis occur, the client
2.The client demonstrates an interest in the usually will be instructed to nurse the infant more
surroundings. frequently, because infant sucking is thought to
3.The client constantly complains of tiredness and empty the breast more completely.
4.The client looks forward to visits from the father Which instructions should a nurse provide to a
of the newborn. client following delivery regarding care of the
episiotomy site to prevent infection? Select all that
3 apply.

Postpartum depression is not the normal 1.Report a foul-smelling discharge.

depression that many new mothers experience 2.Take a warm sitz baths three times a day.
from time to time. The client experiencing 3.Change the perineum pads three times a day.
depression shows less interest in her surroundings 4.Use warm water to rinse the perineum after
and a loss of her usual emotional response toward elimination.
the family. The client also is unable to show 5.Wipe the perineum from front to back after
pleasure or love and may have intense feelings of voiding and defecation.
unworthiness, guilt, and shame. The client often
expresses a sense of loss of self. Generalized 1, 2, 4, 5
fatigue, complaints of ill health and difficulty in
concentrating also are present. The client would Warm sitz baths and cleansing with warm water
have little interest in food and experience sleep are helpful for relieving pain, and these measures
disturbances. will promote cleanliness in the perineal area to
prevent infection. The client should also be
The nurse caring for a client with a diagnosis of instructed to wipe the perineum from front to back
subinvolution should understand that which is a after voiding and defecation to decrease the risk
primary cause of this diagnosis? for contamination with microorganisms from the
anus to the vagina. Warm water should be used to
1.Afterpains rinse the perineum after elimination. The client
2.Increased estrogen levels also should be instructed that the perineal pad
3.Increased progesterone levels should be changed after each elimination and may
4.Retained placental fragments from delivery be changed in between.

4 A nurse visits a client at home who delivered a

healthy newborn 2 days ago. The client is
Retained placental fragments and infections are complaining of breast discomfort. The nurse notes
the primary causes of subinvolution. When either that the client is experiencing breast engorgement.
of these processes is present, the uterus has Which instructions should the nurse provide to the
difficulty contracting. The presence of afterpains is client regarding relief of the engorgement? Select
an expected finding following delivery. Options 2 all that apply.
and 3 are not causes of subinvolution.
1.Wear a supportive bra between feedings. 3. On the day of birth
2.Avoid breast-feeding during the time of breast 4. Within 2 weeks postpartum
3.Feed the infant at least every 2 hours for 15 to 20 1
minutes on each side.
4.Apply moist heat to both breasts for about 20 The nurse is planning care for a postpartum client
minutes before a feeding. who had a vaginal delivery 2 hours ago. The client
5.Massage the breasts gently during a feeding, required an episiotomy and has several
from the outer areas to the nipples. hemorrhoids. What is the priority nursing
consideration for this client?
1, 3, 4, 5
1. Client pain level
During breast engorgement, the client should be 2. Inadequate urinary output
advised to feed the infant frequently, at least every 3. Client perception of body changes
2 hours, for 15 to 20 minutes on each side. The 4. Potential for imbalanced body fluid volume
infant will have an easier time latching on if the
client softens her breast and expresses her milk 1
before a feeding. Instruct the client to apply moist
heat to both breasts for about 20 minutes before a The nurse is providing postpartum instructions for
feeding. This can be done in the shower or with a client who will be breast feeding her newborn.
warm wet towels. During a feeding, it is helpful to The nurse determines that the client understands
massage the breast gently from the outer area to the instructions if she makes which statement?
the nipple. This helps stimulate the let-down and Select all that apply.
flow of milk. The client should also be instructed to
wear a supportive bra between feedings. 1. "I should wear a bra that provides support"
2. "Drinking alcohol can affect my milk supply"
3. "The use of caffeine can decrease my milk
The postpartum nurse is taking the vitals of client supply"
who delivered a healthy newborn 4 hours ago. The 4. "I will start my estrogen birth control pills again
nurse notes that the client's temperature is 100.2 as soon as I get home"
F. What is the priority nursing action? 5. "I know if my breasts get engorged, I will limit
my BF and supplement the baby"
1. Document the findings 5. "I plan on having bottled water available in the
2. Retake the temperature in 15 mintues refrigerator so I can get additional fluids easily"
3. Notify HCP
4. Increase hydration by encouraging oral fluids 1, 2, 3, 6

4 The nurse is teaching a postpartum client about

breastfeeding. Which instruction should the nurse
The nurse is assessing a client who is 6 hours include?
postpartum after delivering a full term healthy
newborn. The client complains to the nurse of 1. The diet should include additional fluids
feelings of faintness and dizziness. Which nursing 2. Prenatal vitamins should be discontinued
action is most appropriate? 3. Soap should be used to cleanse the breasts
4. Birth control measures are unnecessary while BF
1. Raise the head of the client's bed
2. Obtain Hgb and Hct levels 1
3. Instruct the client to request help when getting
out of bed The nurse is preparing to assess the uterine fundus
4. Inform nursery room nurse to avoid bringing the of a client in the immediate postpartum period.
newborn to the client until the client's symptoms After locating the fundus, the nurse notes that the
have subsided uterus feels soft and boggy. Which nursing
intervention is appropriate?
1. Elevate the client's legs
The postpartum nurse is providing instructions to a 2. Massage the fundus until it is firm
client after birth of a healthy newborn. Which time 3. Ask the client to turn on her left side
frame should the nurse relay to the client regarding 4. Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots
the return of bowel function?
1. 3 days postpartum
2. 7 days postpartum The nurse is caring for four 1-day postpartum
clients. Which client assessment requires the need
for follow-up?
1. The client with mild afterpains
2. The client with a pulse rate of 60 bpm The nurse is monitoring a client in the immediate
3. The client with colostrum discharge form both postpartum period for signs of hemorrhage. Which
breasts sign, if noted, would be an early sign of excessive
4. The client with lochia that is red and has a foul blood loss?
smelling odor
1. A temperature of 100.4 F (38 C)
4 2. A increase in pulse rate from 88 to 102 bpm
3. A BP change from 130/88 to 124/80 mmHg
When performing a postpartum assessment on a 4. An increase in the respiratory rate from 18 to 22
client, the nurse notes the presence of clots in the BPM
lochia. The nurse examines the clot and notes that
they are larger than 1 cm. Which nursing action is 2
most appropriate?
The nurse is preparing a list of self care instructions
1. Document findings for a postpartum client who was diagnosed with
2. Reassess client in 2 hours mastitis. Which instructions should be included on
3. Notify HCP the list? Select all that apply.
4. Encourage increased oral intake of fluids
1. Wear a supportive bra
3 2. Rest during the active phase
3. Maintain a fluid intake of at least 3000 mL/day
The nurse is monitoring the amount of lochia 4. Continue to breastfeed if the breasts are not
drainage in a client who is 2 hours postpartum and sore
notes that the client has saturated a perineal pad in 5. Take the prescribed antibiotics until the soreness
15 minutes. How should the nurse respond to this subsides
finding initially? 6. Avoid decompression of the breasts by
breastfeeding or breast pump
1. Document the finding
2. Encourage the client to ambulate 1, 2, 3, 4
3. Encourage the client to increase fluid intae
4. Contact HCP and inform of the finding The nurse is providing instructions about measures
to prevent postpartum mastitis to a client who is
4 breastfeeding her newborn. Which statement
The nurse has provided discharge instructions to a would indicate the need for further instruction?
client who delivered a healthy newborn by c-
section. Which statement by the client indicates a 1. "I should breastfeed every 2-3 hours"
need for further instruction? 2. "I should change the breast pads frequently"
3. "I should wash my hands well before BF"
1. "I will begin abdominal exercises immediately" 4. "I should wash my nipples daily with soap and
2. "I will notify the HCP if I develop a fever" water"
3. "I will turn on my side and push with my arms to 4
get out of bed"
4. "I will lift nothing heavier than my newborn baby The postpartum nurse is assessing a client who
for at least 2 weeks" delivered a healthy infant by c-section for signs and
symptoms of superficial venous thrombosis. Which
1 sign should the nurse note if superficial venous
thrombosis were present?
After a precipitous delivery, the nurse notes that
the new mother is passive and touches her 1. Paleness of the calf area
newborn infant only briefly with her fingertips. 2. Coolness of the calf area
What should the nurse do to help the woman 3. Enlarged, hardened veins
process the delivery? 4. Palpable dorsalis pedis pulses

1. Encourage the mother to BF soon after birth 3

2. Support the mother in her reaction to the
newborn infant A client in postpartum unit complains of sudden
3. Tell the mother that it is important to hold the sharp chest pain and dyspnea. The nurse notes that
newborn infant the client is tachycardia and the respiratory rate is
4. Document a complete account of the mother's elevated. The nurse suspects a pulmonary
reaction on the birth record embolism. Which should be the initial nursing
action? 1. Encourage hourly ambulation
2. Assess vitals every 4 hours
1. Start an IV line 3. Measure fundal height every 4 hours
2. Assess the client's BP 4. Prepare an icepack for application to the area
3. Prepare to administer morphine sulfate
4. Administer oxygen 8-10 L/minute by face mask 4

4 On assessment of a postpartum client, the nurse

notes that the uterus feels soft and boggy. The
The nurse is assessing a client in the fourth stage of nurse should be taking which initial action?
labor and notes the fundus is firm, but the bleeding
is excessive. Which should bee the initial nursing 1. Document the findings
action? 2. Elevate the client's legs
3. Massage the fundus until it is firm
1. Record the findings 4. Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots
2. Massage the fundus
3. Notify HCP 3
4. Place client in Trendelenburg
A nurse is caring for a client in labor who is
3 receiving Pitocin by IV infusion to stimulate uterine
contractions. Which assessment finding would
The nurse is preparing to care for four assigned indicate to the nurse that the infusion needs to be
clients. Which client is most at risk for discontinued?
1.Three contractions occurring within a 10-minute
1. A primiparous client who delivered 4 hours ago period
2. A primiparous client who delivered 6 hours ago 2.A fetal heart rate of 90 beats per minute
3. A multiparous client who delivered a large baby 3.Adequate resting tone of the uterus palpated
after oxytocin induction between contractions
4. A primiparous client who delivered 6 hours ago 4.Increased urinary output
and had epidural anesthesia
2. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 BPM.
3 Bradycardia or late or variable decelerations
indicate fetal distress and the need to discontinue
A postpartum client is diagnosed with cystitis. The to pitocin. The goal of labor augmentation is to
nurse should plan for which priority action in the achieve three good-quality contractions in a 10-
care of the client? minute period.

1. Providing sitz baths A nurse is beginning to care for a client in labor.

2. Encouraging fluid intake The physician has prescribed an IV infusion of
3. Placing ice on the perineum Pitocin. The nurse ensures that which of the
4. Monitoring Hcg and Hct levels following is implemented before initiating the
1.Placing the client on complete bed rest
The nurse is monitoring a postpartum client who 2.Continuous electronic fetal monitoring
received epidural anesthesia for delivery for the 3.An IV infusion of antibiotics
presence of vulvar hematoma. Which assessment 4.Placing a code cart at the client's bedside
finding would best indicate the presence of a
hematoma? 2. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be
implemented during an IV infusion of Pitocin.
1. Changes in vitals
2. Signs of heavy bruising A nurse is monitoring a client in active labor and
3. Complaints of intense pain notes that the client is having contractions every 3
4. Complaints of tearing sensation minutes that last 45 seconds. The nurse notes that
the fetal heart rate between contractions is 100
1 BPM. Which of the following nursing actions is
most appropriate?
The nurse is creating a plan of care for a
postpartum client with a small vulvar hematoma. 1.Encourage the client's coach to continue to
The nurse should include which specific action encourage breathing exercises
during the first 12 hours after delivery? 2.Encourage the client to continue pushing with
each contraction
3.Continue monitoring the fetal heart rate 2. Management of hypertonic labor depends on
4.Notify the physician or nurse mid-wife the cause. Relief of pain is the primary intervention
to promote a normal labor pattern.
4. A normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per
minute. Fetal bradycardia between contractions A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client
may indicate the need for immediate medical experiencing dystocia and includes several nursing
management, and the physician or nurse mid-wife interventions in the plan of care. The nurse
needs to be notified. prioritizes the plan of care and selects which of the
following nursing interventions as the highest
A nurse is monitoring a client in labor who is priority?
receiving Pitocin and notes that the client is
experiencing hypertonic uterine contractions. List 1.Keeping the significant other informed of the
in order of priority the actions that the nurse takes. progress of the labor
2.Providing comfort measures
1.Stop of Pitocin infusion 3.Monitoring fetal heart rate
2.Perform a vaginal examination 4.Changing the client's position frequently
3.Reposition the client
4.Check the client's blood pressure and heart rate 3. The priority is to monitor the fetal heart rate.
5.Administer oxygen by face mask at 8 to 10 L/min
A nurse in the labor room is performing a vaginal
1, 4, 2. 5, 3. assessment on a pregnant client in labor. The nurse
notes the presence of the umbilical cord protruding
If uterine hypertonicity occurs, the nurse from the vagina. Which of the following would be
immediately would intervene to reduce uterine the initial nursing action?
activity and increase fetal oxygenation. The nurse
would stop the Pitocin infusion and increase the 1.Place the client in Trendelenburg's position
rate of the nonadditive solution, check maternal BP 2.Call the delivery room to notify the staff that the
for hyper or hypotension, position the woman in a client will be transported immediately
side-lying position, and administer oxygen by snug 3.Gently push the cord into the vagina
face mask at 8-10 L/min. The nurse then would 4.Find the closest telephone and stat page the
attempt to determine the cause of the uterine physician
hypertonicity and perform a vaginal exam to check
for prolapsed cord 1. When cord prolapse occurs, prompt actions are
taken to relieve cord compression and increase
A nurse is assigned to care for a client with fetal oxygenation. The mother should be
hypotonic uterine dysfunction and signs of a positioned with the hips higher than the head to
slowing labor. The nurse is reviewing the shift the fetal presenting part toward the
physician's orders and would expect to note which diaphragm. The nurse should push the call light to
of the following prescribed treatments for this summon help, and other staff members should call
condition? the physician and notify the delivery room. No
attempt should be made to replace the cord. The
1.Medication that will provide sedation examiner, however, may place a gloved hand into
2.Increased hydration the vagina and hold the presenting part off of the
3.Oxytocin (Pitocin) infusion umbilical cord. Oxygen at 8 to 10 L/min by face
4.Administration of a tocolytic medication mask is delivered to the mother to increase fetal
3. Therapeutic management for hypotonic uterine
dysfunction includes oxytocin augmentation and A maternity nurse is caring for a client with
amniotomy to stimulate a labor that slows. abruptio placenta and is monitoring the client for
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Which
A nurse in the labor room is preparing to care for a assessment finding is least likely to be associated
client with hypertonic uterine dysfunction. The with disseminated intravascular coagulation?
nurse is told that the client is experiencing
uncoordinated contractions that are erratic in their 1.Swelling of the calf in one leg
frequency, duration, and intensity. The priority 2.Prolonged clotting times
nursing intervention would be to: 3.Decreased platelet count
4.Petechiae, oozing from injection sites, and
1.Monitor the Pitocin infusion closely hematuria
2.Provide pain relief measures
3.Prepare the client for an amniotomy 1. DIC is a state of diffuse clotting in which clotting
4.Promote ambulation every 30 minutes factors are consumed, leading to widespread
bleeding. Platelets are decreased because they are
consumed by the process; coagulation studies
show no clot formation (and are thus normal to
prolonged); and fibrin plugs may clog the 1.Complete bed rest for the remainder of the
microvasculature diffusely, rather than in an pregnancy
isolated area. The presence of petechiae, oozing 2.Delivery of the fetus
from injection sites, and hematuria are signs 3.Strict monitoring of intake and output
associated with DIC. Swelling and pain in the calf of 4.The need for weekly monitoring of coagulation
one leg are more likely to be associated with studies until the time of delivery
2. The goal of management in abruptio placentae is
A nurse is assessing a pregnant client in the 2nd to control the hemorrhage and deliver the fetus as
trimester of pregnancy who was admitted to the soon as possible. Delivery is the treatment of
maternity unit with a suspected diagnosis of choice if the fetus is at term gestation or if the
abruptio placentae. Which of the following bleeding is moderate to severe and the mother or
assessment findings would the nurse expect to fetus is in jeopardy.
note if this condition is present?
A nurse in a labor room is assisting with the vaginal
1.Absence of abdominal pain delivery of a newborn infant. The nurse would
2.A soft abdomen monitor the client closely for the risk of uterine
3.Uterine tenderness/pain rupture if which of the following occurred?
4.Painless, bright red vaginal bleeding
1.Hypotonic contractions
3. In abruptio placentae, acute abdominal pain is 2.Forceps delivery
present. Uterine tenderness and pain accompanies 3.Schultz delivery
placental abruption, especially with a central 4.Weak bearing down efforts
abruption and trapped blood behind the placenta.
The abdomen will feel hard and boardlike on 2. Excessive fundal pressure, forceps delivery,
palpation as the blood penetrates the myometrium violent bearing down efforts, tumultuous labor,
and causes uterine irritability. Observation of the and shoulder dystocia can place a woman at risk
fetal monitoring often reveals increased uterine for traumatic uterine rupture. Hypotonic
resting tone, caused by failure of the uterus to contractions and weak bearing down efforts do not
relax in attempt to constrict blood vessels and alone add to the risk of rupture because they do
control bleeding. not add to the stress on the uterine wall.

A maternity nurse is preparing for the admission of During the period of induction of labor, a client
a client in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that is should be observed carefully for signs of:
experiencing vaginal bleeding and has a suspected
diagnosis of placenta previa. The nurse reviews the 1.Severe pain
physician's orders and would question which 2.Uterine tetany
order? 3.Hypoglycemia
4.Umbilical cord prolapse
1.Prepare the client for an ultrasound
2.Obtain equipment for external electronic fetal 2. Uterine tetany could result from the use of
heart monitoring oxytocin to induce labor. Because oxytocin
3.Obtain equipment for a manual pelvic promotes powerful uterine contractions,
examination uterine tetany may occur. The oxytocin
4.Prepare to draw a Hgb and Hct blood sample infusion must be stopped to prevent
3. Manual pelvic examinations are contraindicated uterine rupture and fetal compromise.
when vaginal bleeding is apparent in the 3rd
trimester until a diagnosis is made and placental 320. The postpartum nurse is taking the vital signs
previa is ruled out. Digital examination of the cervix of a client who delivered a healthy newborn 4
can lead to maternal and fetal hemorrhage. A hours ago. The nurse notes that the client's
diagnosis of placenta previa is made by ultrasound. temperature is 100.2 ° F. What is the priority
The H/H levels are monitored, and external nursing action?
electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is initiated.
External fetal monitoring is crucial in evaluating the 1. Document the findings.
fetus that is at risk for severe hypoxia 2. Retake the temperature in 15 minutes.
3. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
An ultrasound is performed on a client at term 4. Increase hydration by encouraging oral fluids.
gestation that is experiencing moderate vaginal
bleeding. The results of the ultrasound indicate 4. Increase hydration by encouraging oral fluids.
that an abruptio placenta is present. Based on
these findings, the nurse would prepare the client The client's temperature should be taken every 4
for: hours while she is awake. Temperatures up to
100.4 ° F (38 ° C) in the first 24 hours after birth consideration for this client?
often are related to the dehydrating effects of
labor. The appropriate action is to increase 1. Client pain level
hydration by encouraging oral fluids, which should 2. Inadequate urinary output
bring the temperature to a normal reading. 3. Client perception of body changes
Although the nurse also would document the 4. Potential for imbalanced body fluid volume
findings, the appropriate action would be to
increase hydration. Taking the temperature in 1. Client pain level
another 15 minutes is an unnecessary action.
Contacting the HCP is not necessary. The priority nursing consideration for a client who
delivered 2 hours ago and who has a midline
321. The nurse is assessing a client who is 6 hours episiotomy and hemorrhoids is client pain level.
postpartum after delivering a full-term healthy Most clients have some degree of discomfort
newborn. The client complains to the nurse of during the immediate postpartum period. There
feelings of faintness and dizziness. Which nursing are no data in the question that indicate
action would be most appropriate? inadequate urinary output, the presence of client
perception of body changes, and potential for
1. Raise the head of the client's bed. imbalanced body fluid volume.
2. Obtain hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
3. Instruct the client to request help when getting 324. The nurse is providing postpartum instructions
out of bed. to a client who will be breast-feeding her newborn.
4. Inform the nursery room nurse to avoid bringing The nurse determines that the client has
the newborn to the client until the mother's understood the instructions if she makes which
symptoms have subsided. 3 statement( s)? Select all that apply.

3. Instruct the client to request help when getting 1. "I should wear a bra that provides support." **
out of bed. 2. "Drinking alcohol can affect my milk supply." **
3. "The use of caffeine can decrease my milk
Orthostatic hypotension may be evident during the supply." **
first 8 hours after birth. Feelings of faintness or 4. "I will start my estrogen birth control pills again
dizziness are signs that caution the nurse to focus as soon as I get home."
interventions on the client's safety. The nurse 5. "I know if my breasts get engorged I will limit my
should advise the client to get help the first few breast-feeding and supplement the baby."
times she gets out of bed. Option 1 is not a helpful 6. "I plan on having bottled water available in the
action in this situation and would not relieve the refrigerator so I can get additional fluids easily."**
symptoms. Option 2 requires a health care
provider's prescription. Option 4 is unnecessary. 324. 1, 2, 3, 6 Rationale: The postpartum client
should wear a bra that is well-fitted and supportive.
22. The postpartum nurse is providing instructions Breasts may leak between feedings or during
to a client after delivery of a healthy newborn. coitus, and the client is taught to place a breast pad
Which time frame should the nurse relay to the in the bra. Breast-feeding clients should increase
client regarding the return of bowel function? their daily fluid intake; having bottled water
available indicates that the postpartum client
1. 3 days postpartum understands the importance of increasing fluids. If
2. 7 days postpartum engorgement occurs, the client should not limit
3. On the day of delivery breast-feeding, but should breast-feed frequently.
4. Within 2 weeks postpartum Oral contraceptives containing estrogen are not
recommended for breast-feeding mothers.
1. 3 days postpartum Common causes of decreased milk supply include
formula use; inadequate rest or diet; smoking by
After birth, the nurse should auscultate the client's the mother or others in the home; and use of
abdomen in all four quadrants to determine the caffeine, alcohol, or other medications.
return of bowel sounds. Normal bowel elimination
usually returns 2 to 3 days postpartum. Surgery, 325. The nurse is teaching a postpartum client
anesthesia, and the use of opioids and pain control about breast-feeding. Which instruction should the
agents also contribute to the longer period of nurse include?
altered bowel functions. Options 2, 3, and 4 are
incorrect. 1. The diet should include additional fluids.
2. Prenatal vitamins should be discontinued.
323. The nurse is planning care for a postpartum 3. Soap should be used to cleanse the breasts.
client who had a vaginal delivery 2 hours ago. The 4. Birth control measures are unnecessary while
client had a midline episiotomy and has several breast-feeding.
hemorrhoids. What is the priority nursing
1. The diet should include additional fluids. 3. Notify the health care provider.

The diet for a breast-feeding client should include Normally, a few small clots may be noted in the
additional fluids. Prenatal vitamins should be taken lochia in the first 1 to 2 days after birth from
as prescribed, and soap should not be used on the pooling of blood in the vagina. Clots larger than 1
breasts because it tends to remove natural oils, cm are considered abnormal. The cause of these
which increases the chance of cracked nipples. clots, such as uterine atony or retained placental
Breast-feeding is not a method of contraception, so fragments, needs to be determined and treated to
birth control measures should be resumed. prevent further blood loss. Although the findings
would be documented, the appropriate action is to
326. A nurse is preparing to assess the uterine notify the HCP. Reassessing the client in 2 hours
fundus of a client in the immediate postpartum would delay necessary treatment. Increasing oral
period. After locating the fundus, the nurse notes intake of fluids would not be a helpful action in this
that the uterus feels soft and boggy. Which nursing situation.
intervention would be most appropriate?
329. The nurse is monitoring the amount of lochia
1. Elevate the client's legs. drainage in a client who is 2 hours postpartum and
2. Massage the fundus until it is firm. notes that the client has saturated a perineal pad in
3. Ask the client to turn on her left side. 1 hour. How should the nurse document this
4. Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots. finding?

2. Massage the fundus until it is firm. 1. Scant

2. Light
If the uterus is not contracted firmly, the initial 3. Heavy
intervention is to massage the fundus until it is firm 4. Excessive
and to express clots that may have accumulated in
the uterus. Pushing on an uncontracted uterus can 3. Heavy
invert the uterus and cause massive hemorrhage.
Elevating the client's legs and positioning the client Lochia is the discharge from the uterus in
on the side would not assist in managing uterine the postpartum period; it consists of blood
atony. from the vessels of the placental site and
debris from the decidua. The following can
327. The nurse is caring for four 1-day postpartum be used as a guide to determine the
clients. Which client would require further nursing amount of flow: scant = less than 2.5 cm (<
action? 1 inch) on menstrual pad in 1 hour; light =
less than 10 cm (< 4 inches) on menstrual
1. The client with mild afterpains pad in 1 hour; moderate = less than 15 cm
2. The client with a pulse rate of 60 beats/ minute (< 6 inches) on menstrual pad in 1 hour;
3. The client with colostrum discharge from both heavy = saturated menstrual pad in 1 hour;
breasts and excessive = menstrual pad saturated in
4. The client with lochia that is red and has a foul- 15 minutes. Test-Taking Strategy: Focus on
smelling odor. the subject, a saturated perineal pad in 1
4. The client with lochia that is red and has a foul- hour. The data and the use of guidelines to
smelling odor. determine the amount of lochial flow will
direct you to the correct option.
Lochia, the discharge present after birth, is red for
the first 1 to 3 days and gradually decreases in 330. The nurse is monitoring a client in the
amount. Normal lochia has a fleshy odor or an odor immediate postpartum period for signs of
similar to menstrual flow. Foul-smelling or purulent hemorrhage. Which sign, if noted, would be an
lochia usually indicates infection, and these early sign of excessive blood loss?
findings are not normal. The other options are
normal findings for a 1-day postpartum client. 1. A temperature of 100.4 ° F
2. An increase in the pulse rate from 88 to 102
328. When performing a postpartum assessment beats/ minute
on a client, a nurse notes the presence of clots in 3. A blood pressure change from 130/ 88 to 124/
the lochia. The nurse examines the clots and notes 80 mm Hg
that they are larger than 1 cm. Which nursing 4. An increase in the respiratory rate from 18 to 22
action is most appropriate? breaths/ minute

1. Document the findings. 2. An increase in the pulse rate from 88 to 102

2. Reassess the client in 2 hours. beats/ minute
3. Notify the health care provider.
4. Encourage increased oral intake of fluids. During the fourth stage of labor, the maternal
blood pressure, pulse, and respiration should be
checked every 15 minutes during the first hour. An nipples. The mother is taught about the
increasing pulse is an early sign of excessive blood importance of hand-washing and that she should
loss because the heart pumps faster to compensate breast-feed every 2 to 3 hours.
for reduced blood volume. A slight increase in
temperature is normal. The blood pressure 333. The postpartum nurse is assessing a client
decreases as the blood volume diminishes, but a who delivered a healthy infant by cesarean section
decreased blood pressure would not be the earliest for signs and symptoms of superficial venous
sign of hemorrhage. The respiratory rate is slightly thrombosis. Which sign would the nurse note if
increased from normal. superficial venous thrombosis were present?

331. The nurse is preparing a list of self-care 1. Paleness of the calf area
instructions for a postpartum client who was 2. Coolness of the calf area
diagnosed with mastitis. Which instructions should 3. Enlarged, hardened veins
be included on the list? Select all that apply. 4. Palpable dorsalis pedis pulses

1. Wear a supportive bra. ** 3. Enlarged, hardened veins

2. Rest during the acute phase. **
3. Maintain a fluid intake of at least 3000 mL. ** Thrombosis of superficial veins usually is
4. Continue to breast-feed if the breasts are not accompanied by signs and symptoms of
too sore. *** inflammation, including swelling, redness,
5. Take the prescribed antibiotics until the soreness tenderness, and warmth of the involved extremity.
subsides. It also may be possible to palpate the enlarged,
6. Avoid decompression of the breasts by breast- hard vein. Clients sometimes experience pain when
feeding or breast pump. they walk. Palpable dorsalis pedis pulses is a
normal finding.
331. 1, 2, 3, 4 Rationale: Mastitis is an infection of
the lactating breast. Client instructions include 334. A client in a postpartum unit complains of
resting during the acute phase, maintaining a fluid sudden sharp chest pain and dyspnea. The nurse
intake of at least 3000 mL/ day (if not notes that the client is tachycardic and the
contraindicated), and taking analgesics to relieve respiratory rate is elevated. The nurse suspects a
discomfort. Antibiotics may be prescribed and are pulmonary embolism. Which should be the initial
taken until the complete prescribed course is nursing action?
finished. They are not stopped when the soreness
subsides. Additional supportive measures include 1. Initiate an intravenous line.
the use of moist heat or ice packs and wearing a 2. Assess the client's blood pressure.
supportive bra. Continued decompression of the 3. Prepare to administer morphine sulfate.
breast by breast-feeding or breast pump is 4. Administer oxygen, 8 to 10 L/ minute, by face
important to empty the breast and prevent the mask.
formation of an abscess. 4. Administer oxygen, 8 to 10 L/ minute, by face
332. The nurse is providing instructions about mask.
measures to prevent postpartum mastitis to a
client who is breast-feeding her newborn. Which If pulmonary embolism is suspected, oxygen should
client statement would indicate a need for further be administered, 8 to 10 L/ minute, by face mask.
instruction? Oxygen is used to decrease hypoxia. The client also
is kept on bed rest with the head of the bed slightly
1. "I should breast-feed every 2 to 3 hours." elevated to reduce dyspnea. Morphine sulfate may
2. "I should change the breast pads frequently." be prescribed for the client, but this would not be
3. "I should wash my hands well before breast- the initial nursing action. An intravenous line also
feeding." will be required, and vital signs need to be
4. "I should wash my nipples daily with soap and monitored, but these actions would follow the
water." administration of oxygen.

4. "I should wash my nipples daily with soap and 335. The nurse is assessing a client in the fourth
water." stage of labor and notes that the fundus is firm, but
that bleeding is excessive. Which should be the
Mastitis is inflammation of the breast as a result of initial nursing action?
infection. It generally is caused by an organism that
enters through an injured area of the nipples, such 1. Record the findings.
as a crack or blister. Measures to prevent the 2. Massage the fundus.
development of mastitis include changing nursing 3. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
pads when they are wet and avoiding continuous 4. Place the client in Trendelenburg's position.
pressure on the breasts. Soap is drying and could
lead to cracking of the nipples, and the client 3. Notify the health care provider (HCP).
should be instructed to avoid using soap on the
If bleeding is excessive, the cause may be presence of a hematoma?
laceration of the cervix or birth canal. Massaging
the fundus if it is firm would not assist in 1. Changes in vital signs
controlling the bleeding. Trendelenburg's position 2. Signs of heavy bruising
should be avoided because it may interfere with 3. Complaints of intense pain
cardiac and respiratory function. Although the 4. Complaints of a tearing sensation
nurse would record the findings, the initial nursing
action would be to notify the HCP. 1. Changes in vital signs

336. The nurse is preparing to care for four Because the client has had epidural anesthesia and
assigned clients. Which client is at highest risk for is anesthetized, she cannot feel pain, pressure, or a
hemorrhage? tearing sensation. Changes in vital signs indicate
hypovolemia in an anesthetized postpartum client
1. A primiparous client who delivered 4 hours ago with vulvar hematoma. Option 2 (heavy bruising)
2. A multiparous client who delivered 6 hours ago may be seen, but vital sign changes indicate
3. A primiparous client who delivered 6 hours ago hematoma caused by blood collection in the
and had epidural anesthesia perineal tissues.
4. A multiparous client who delivered a large baby
after oxytocin (Pitocin) induction 339. The nurse is developing a plan of care for a
postpartum client with a small vulvar hematoma.
4. A multiparous client who delivered a large baby The nurse should include which specific action
after oxytocin (Pitocin) induction during the first 12 hours after delivery?

The causes of postpartum hemorrhage include 1. Assess vital signs every 4 hours.
uterine atony; laceration of the vagina; hematoma 2. Measure fundal height every 4 hours.
development in the cervix, perineum, or labia; and 3. Prepare an ice pack for application to the area.
retained placental fragments. Predisposing factors 4. Inform the health care provider of assessment
for hemorrhage include a previous history of findings.
postpartum hemorrhage, placenta previa, abruptio
placentae, overdistention of the uterus from 3. Prepare an ice pack for application to the area.
polyhydramnios, multiple gestation, a large
neonate, infection, multiparity, dystocia or labor A hematoma is a localized collection of blood into
that is prolonged, operative delivery such as a the tissues of the reproductive sac after delivery.
cesarean or forceps delivery, and intrauterine Vulvar hematoma is the most common. Application
manipulation. The multiparous client who of ice reduces swelling caused by hematoma
delivered a large fetus after oxytocin induction has formation in the vulvar area. Options 1, 2, and 4
more risk factors associated with postpartum are not interventions that are specific to the plan of
hemorrhage than the other clients. In addition, care for a client with a small vulvar hematoma.
there are no specific data in the client descriptions
in options 1, 2, and 3 that present the risk for 340. On assessment of a postpartum client, the
hemorrhage. nurse notes that the uterus feels soft and boggy.
The nurse should take which initial action?
337. A postpartum client is diagnosed with cystitis.
The nurse should plan for which priority nursing 1. Elevate the client's legs.
action in the care of the client? 2. Document the findings.
3. Massage the fundus until it is firm.
1. Providing sitz baths 4. Push on the uterus to assist in expressing clots.
2. Encouraging fluid intake
3. Placing ice on the perineum 3. Massage the fundus until it is firm.
4. Monitoring hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
If the uterus is not contracted firmly (i.e., it is soft
2. Encouraging fluid intake and boggy), the initial intervention is to massage
the fundus until it is firm and to express clots that
Cystitis is an infection of the bladder. The client may have accumulated in the uterus. Elevating the
should consume 3000 mL of fluids per day if not client's legs would not assist in managing uterine
contraindicated. Sitz baths and ice would be atony. Documenting the findings is an appropriate
appropriate interventions for perineal discomfort. action but is not the initial action. Pushing on an
Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels would be uncontracted uterus can invert the uterus and
monitored with hemorrhage. cause massive hemorrhage.

338. The nurse is monitoring a postpartum client

who received epidural anesthesia for delivery for
the presence of a vulvar hematoma. Which
assessment finding would best indicate the

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