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Candidate’s Declaration I, Shivendra Kumar, hereby solemnly affirm that the work presented in the dissertation entitled “Preli inary Design of Cable Stayed Bridge using Influence Lines ”, being submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Technology in Civil Engineering, to the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, is a record of bonafide work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Vipul Prakash Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee ‘The work reported in this dissertation work in full or in part has not been submitted to any other ‘University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma. Place: Roorkee S- komma? Date: June, 2009 Shivendra Kumar Certificate This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my knowledge. NRipall Prolosh Dr. Vipul Prakash Associate Professor, : Dept. of Civil Engg. . IIT, Roorkee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to affirm my camest acknowledgement and indebtedness to my supervisor Dr.Vipul Prakash Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, for their intuitive and meticulous guidance and perpetual inspiration in completion of this dissertation work. In spite of their busy schedule, they rendered help whenever needed, giving useful suggestions and holding informal discussions. Their invaluable guidance and support throughout this work cannot be put down in few words. 1 would like to express my gratitude to my family, specially my elder Brother, Dharmendra Kumar Singh (Executive Engineer), CPWD my Bhabhi Mrs. Nutan Singh; my sister Late Sangecta Kumari and my three little nephew and niece Nupoor, Niharika and Yash for their blessings, motivation and inspiration have always provided me a high mental support and contributed in all possible way, in completion of this dissertation. Finally, I am grateful to my friend Mr. Saurabh Agrawal for his guidance in SAP 2000. Place: Roorkee (Shivendra Kumar) Date: 30-06-2009 M.Tech Civil -II year (Structures) ABSTRACT Cable stayed bridges are very popular in European country and very large span cable stayed bridges are constructed there after 1950, But in India it is not that much popular and there are very few number of cable stayed bridges namely Hooghly river bridge, Akkar bridge and few other. This may be because of lack of standard design, procedure and technique In India cable stayed bridges are considered to be highly indeterminate structure whose design is not possible without using software and only few firms are able to construct this type of bridge. The design procedure and technique are not readily available in standard text book and bridge codes. In my thesis work | tried to develop an easy manual method to calculate bending moment in longitudinal girder, cable forces, bending moment and compressive force in tower and this leads to method of influence lines. In which symmetry of bridges are chosen and a part of symmetrical portion were modeled as planar in which cable connections were replace by roller supports . To find bending moment in girder Three moment's equation were used to draw ILD for bending moment at critical sections. To find cable forces simple static equation were used and with help of cable forces bending moment and compressive force in tower were easily calculated. In my thesis work to check the validity of manual result | modeled same structure in SAP2000 and result was compared and manually calculated values appears to be correct. After getting all design values an emphasis was given to design different component of cable stayed bridge. At last it was attempted to do economic evaluation cable stayed bridge against prestressed bridge of same span. Following are the work that got emphasis in my thesis L. To develop an easy method to find design moment in longitudinal girder, cable forces, bending moment in tower and compressive forces that leads to influence line method. 2. Compare the result with available software as SAP2000 3. To design component of cable stayed bridge. 4. To do economic evaluation against prestressed bridge. ii Table of Contents COVER PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES NOMENCLATURE 1, OBJECTIVE 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 General : 2.2 A brief historical development 2.3 Structural characteristics 2.3.1 Anchorage of cable 2.3.2 Tower 2.4 Influence of number of cable stays 2.5 Influence of cable layout 2.6 Height of tower 2.7 Influence of deck inertia 2.8 Influence of cable stays spacing 2.9 Advantages of cable stayed bridge 2.10 Important cable stayed bridges 3. ANALYSIS OF CABLE STAYED BRIDGE. 3.1 Shape finding during erection procedure 3.1.1 Erection by cantilever method 3.2 Forward process analysis (FPA) 3.3 Backward process analysis (BPA) 3.4 Linear analysis 3.4.1 Preliminary design 3.4.2 General data 3.4.3 Bending moment in stiffening girder 3.4.4 Influence of panel length 3.5 Force equilibrium method 3.6 Considered example for analysis and design 3.6.1 Calculation of dead load 3.6.2 Calculation of live load 3.7 Idcalization of structure 3.7.1 Idealization by force equilibrium method 3.7.2 Steps involved in analysis of cable stayed bridge 21-68 22 23 25 27 30 31 3L 32 32 33 34 34 34 35 35 37 3.8 Calculation of bending moment in longitudinal girder due to dead load 3.9 Calculation of bending moment in longitudinal girder due to live load 3.10 Calculation of cable forces due to dead load 3.11 Calculation of cable forces due to live load 3.12 Bending moment in girder due to dead load+ live load 3.13 Cable forces due to dead load + live load 3.14 Compression in tower 3.15 Moment in tower 3.16 Minimum tension in cable 4. ANALYSIS AND COMPARISION WITH SAP2000 4.1 Comparison of cable forces due to dead load 4.2 Comparison of cable forces due to live load 4.3 Comparison of cable forces due to dead load when mul 4.4 Comparison of cable forces due to live load when multi-span is considered 4.5 Comparison of moment in girder due to dead load + live load 4.6 Deflection of critical point given by SAP2000 4.7 Deflection in case of replicated bridge 5. DESIGN OF COMPONENT OF BRIDGE 5.1 Design of cables of deck slab of longitudinal girder 5.4 Design of cross girder 5.5 Design of tower 5.6 Cable anchorage 6. ECONOMICAL EVALUATION OF CABLE STAYED BRIDGE 6.1 Pier 6.2 Deck 6.3 Longitudinal girder 6.4 Cross girder 6.5 Cable 6.6 Tower 7. CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Scope of future work 8, REFERENCES 61 62 6 64 65 66 67 67 68 69-78 R 7B 4 18 6 1 B 79-88 9 83 84 86 87 88 89-91 89 89 90 90 91 92 93 93 94 LIST OF FIGURES Fig 2.1 The cable types 2.2 Helically- Wound, Parallel wire, and Locked coil cable strands 2.3 Devices for cable anchorage at tower 2.4 Devices for cable anchorage at deck 2.5 Girder cross sections 2.6 Tower configuration, H, A and Y 2.7 Tatara Bridge Japan 2.8 Oresund Bridge, Sweden 2.9 Normandie Bridge, France 2.10 Higashi-Kobe Bridge, Japan 2.11. Vidyasagar setu Bridge, Hooghly 3.1 Erection stages of harp cable stayed bridge 3.2 Flow chart showing forward process analysis during construction 3.3 Flow chart showing backward process analysis 3.4 A single tower cable stayed bridge 3.5 Stage | model of cable stayed bridge 3.6 Stage 2 and 3 of cable stayed bridge 3.7 The section considered for analysis of cable stayed bridge 3.8 Dimension of section considered 4.1The view of cable stayed bridge. 4.2 Extruded view of considered section of bridge 4.3 Replicated view of cable stayed bridge 5.1 Arrangement of strand for cable OA 5.2 Arrangement of strand for cable NB 5.3 Arrangement of strand for cable MC 5.4 Detailing of longitudinal girder and deck slab 5.5 Detailing of cross girder 5.6 Detailing of typical anchorage zone Page no UL 12 13 13 14 18 19 19 20 21 24 26 29 33 33 33 39 40 70 71 7 81 82 85 88 Objective ——— Cable stayed bridges are very popular in European country and very large span cable stayed bridges are constructed there after 1950. But in India it is not that much popular and there are very few number of cable stayed bridges namely Hooghly river bridge, Akkar bridge and few other. This may be because of lack of standard design, procedure and technique In India cable stayed bridges are considered to be highly indeterminate structure whose desi; s not possible without using software and only few firms arc’ able to construct this type of bridge. The design procedure and technique are not readily available in standard text book and bridge codes. So after considering these things following were objectives of my thesis work. 1. To develop an easy and understandable influence line procedure to find preliminary shapes and size of components of cable stayed bridges. 2. To find cable forces using influence lines. 3, To find design bending moment in girder due to dead load as well as live load by using influence lines. 4, Compare the result calculated by influence lines with available software such as SAP2000. 5. Study the interaction of cross- girder and deck with longitudinal girders, 6. To do economic evaluation of cable stayed bridge against prestressed bridge of same span, 7. Design the components of considered cable stayed bridge. 8. To calculate material used in considered cable stayed bridge and compare it with material used in prestressed bridge of same span. 9. To check the feasibility of influence line method in other types of bridge design. a|Page 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 General After advent of new technology and materials engineers are aiming for even longer span bridges. Cable-stayed bridges are becoming very popular, and replacing the suspension bridges. Very large spans have been built, as for example - Tartara, Hiroshima, Japan 2919 feet (890m), Pont de normandie, France 2808 feet (855m), Quingzhou minjang China, 1988 feet (606m). The concept of supporting a bridge deck by inclined tension stays can be traced back to the seventeenth century but rapid progress in the analysis and construction of cable stayed bridges has been made over the last half century. The rapid progress of this kind of bridges is mainly due to the development of new technology and high strength steel, cables, orthotropic steel decks and construction technology. Because of its aesthetic appeal, economic grounds and the ease of erection, the cable-stayed bridge is considered as most suitable for medium to long span bridges with spans ranging from 200 to 100m. While a full steel truss bridge would require considerably more material, Because of nonlinear behaviors, the analysis of cable stayed bridges is much more complicated than that of conventional bridges, such as a steel truss Girder Bridge. During the last two decades cable stayed bridges have found wide applications, especially in Western Europe and to a limited extent in other parts of the world. Cable stayed bridges were developed in Germany mainly to obtain optimum structural performance from material like steel which was in short supply during the post war years, 2.2 ABRIEF HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT ‘The historical development occupies an important place in understanding the characteristics and behavior of cable stayed bridges. In this section only the more striking aspects of development of such structures are presented. The oldest attempt at a cable stayed bridge dates back to 1784 when a German carpenter, C. T. Loescher, designed a structure entirely in timber. However, the first actual bridge structures were of hybrid design — part 2jPage suspension, part stayed. They were built in the United States and in England at the end of the 18th century. During this time, J. Roebling, in the United States, was using a system based on steel wires to replace the suspension chains. In 1855 he built 2 daring structure downstream of the Niagara Falls, with a single span of 280 m. The two decks, one above the other, were supported by parabolic cables and by the inclined stays used in its con- struction, The lower deck carried carriages and pedestrians whilst the upper deck carried a railway. A test on the completed structure showed that its deflection under a train of loaded ‘wagons did not exceed 0.25 m, or less than 1/1000 of the span. It is evident that the great stiffness of this two-level deck certainly contributed to the limiting the deformations. In 1883 there took place the building of the most note-worthy structure of this era - the famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York. Also designed by J. Roebling, using the same principles as for the Niagara Bridge, the work was completed by his son, W. Roebling. This bridge, with a central span of 486,50 m and a total length of 1059.90 m, is the first major structure in which steel replaced iron. The strength of steel is almost twice as high as that of materials used previously. In the meantime, in 1872, Ordish and Le'Fleuve built the Albert Bridge over River ‘Thames. With a main span of 122 m, the deck is notable for the fact that it is sufficiently rigid to allow the stays to be attached at points reasonably far apart; these stays are made up of rolled steel bars. An identical system was used by the same designers for the Franz- Joseph Bridge, over the Moldau in Prague, where the main span was 100 m and the width 9.76m, Towards the end of the 19th century, the success of these hybrid structures - part suspension and part stayed - resulted in a slowing down of the use of structures supported exclusively by inclined rods. It was not until 1899 that the French engineer A. Gisclard further advanced the development of stayed bridges by the introduc hangers, at the same time economic and sufficiently rigid. This system was characterized by the addition of cables intended to take up the horizontal components of the forces set up by 1 of a new system of the stays. This arrangement cancels out any compressive forces in the deck particularly effective in railway bridges, in spite of their debatable architectural impact. The bridge at Cassagne, one of the notable works of A. Gisclard, was subjected to a test load consisting of a train weighing 192 t. The maximum observed deformation was less than 1/1000 of the span, or 0 the span of 30m. 3]Page” In 1938, F. Dischinger introduced inclined, prestressed stays into the design of a railway suspension bridge over the Elbe, near Hamburg. He proposed the use of high strength stec! cables, working at high stress under the self-weight of the structure, with the aim of reducing the deformability of the suspension bridge. In 1952, the city of Dusseldorf, under the control of its architect F. Tamms, planned the erection of three elegant cable stayed bridges and imposed, in the specification, severe architectural and technical requirements These structures have a steel deck supported by a limited number of stays set out in the harp pattern. They are the Theodor Heuss Bridge, the Kniebridge and the Oberkassel Bridge. In the same period, numerous pedestrian footbridges were constructed in urban areas, thanks to their new architectural effect. The carliest of these, such as the Schiller-Steg footbridge in Stuttgart, nevertheless reveal the great sensitivity of these light structures to the vibration of pedestrian traffic. The stays of the latter bridge are formed, for the first time, using cables of parallel wires. The inreasing popularity of this new type of structure with German engineers slowly extended to other countries. Thus, the Italian architect and engineer R. Morandi designed several cable stayed bridges with reinforced and pre-stressed concrete deck, His most outstanding work is the bridge on Lake Maracaibo, in Venezuela, built in 1962. Today, Cable stayed structures are being built with ever-increasing spans and ever more notable architectural effect. Several bridges with a central span of the order of 500 m to 900m have been constructed or are under construction. Of cable stayed bridges was marked in 1967 by H. Homberg, who designed the Friedrich Bbert Bridge in Bonn, with an axial suspension consisting of multiple stays. The use of multiple stays in a single plane was imposed for aesthetic reasons. 2.3 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Cable-stayed bridges deck can be constructed along a structural system, which comprises an orthotropic deck and continuous girders, which are supported by stays i.e, inclined cables passing over or attached to towers located at the main piers. Modem cable-stayed bridges present a three-dimensional structural system consisting of stiffening girders, transverse and longitudinal bracings, orthotropic-type deck and supporting parts such as towers in compression and inclined cables in tension. A multiple-stay bridge is a highly redundant system, The paths of the forces are dictated to a great extent by the relative stiffness of the load-bearing elements the stays, pylons and deck. Depending on the arrangement of longitudinal stay cables, the cable-stayed bridges can be divided into four basi systems. 1. Harp system 2. Fan system 3, Semi 4, Asymmetric system arp system Harp system: Fig - (a) Fan system:~ ‘Semi —Harp system Fig(c) Asymmetric system Fig (d) With respect to the various positions in space, which may be adopted for planes in which cable-stays are disposed, there are two basic arrangements: - 1, Two plane system: 6 {Page Fig(@) Fig) Single plane system:- Fig (g) Single plane system with cantilevering deck Fig (h) The various possible types of tower construction are: - i, Trapezoidal portal frames B|Page ii. Twin towers iii, A-ftames iv. Single towers ‘OTREPEZODAL corwn Towers. Fig @ Most cable-stayed bridges have orthotropic decks, which differ from one another only as far as the cross sections of the longitudinal ribs and the spacing of the cross-girders depending upon physical constraints, The deck may be made of different materials such as steel, concrete or prestressed concrete. The cable-stays are usually are of the following types: i, Parallel-bar cables, ii, Parallel-wire cables, . Stranded cables, iv. Locked-coil cables, 91 Page The choice of any of these differ in their mechanical properties required (modulus of clasticity, ultimate tensile strength, durability etc.) as well as on structural and economic criteria (erection and design of the anchorages). PoYEMOLENE Duct nese SPACE + nuccTED cro co es (h) Parallel-wire cables (a) Parallel-bar cables (c) Stranded Cables (d) Locked Coil cables Fig 2.1 the cable types Aaragih A eT hapaeae RELIES reeeaetny’ Fig 2.2.Helically-Wound, Parallel wire, and Locked coil cable strands 2.3.1 Anchorage of cable:- Cables need to be anchored at the deck as well as towers. For each of these connections numerous devices exist depending upon configuration of deck and tower as well as of the cable, Exemplary, some arrangement for tower and deck are shown below:- Fig2.3 Devices for cable anchorage at tower [Page Fig 2.4 Devices for cable anchorage at deck. 2.3.2Stiffening girder:- The role of stiffening girder is to transfer loads self weight as well as traffic load to cables. Cable stayed bridge has to resist considerable axial compression beside the vertical bending moments. These compression forces are developed by inclined cable stays. The girder can be either of steel or concrete for small span concrete girder are used and for longer span steel. The shape of stiffening girder depends upon nature of Joad it has to transfer. In the design of long span cable stayed bridge acrodynamic consideration can govern design. There are three types of girder cross sections used for cable stayed bridges: 1. Longitudinal edge beams, 2. Box girder, 3. Truss, Following are some stiffening girder used in existing bridges:- 12[Page pore rn yeni ce zien bebe orem °) Fig 2.5 Girder cross sections:- a)simple beam arrangement( Knie bridge, Germany), b) Box section(Oberkasseler bridge Germany), c)Truss(Oresund bridge, Sweden) 2.3,3Tower:- The function of tower is to support cable system and to transfer its load to foundation. They are subjected to high axial forces and bending moment may also be 1B \ Page present, Tower can be made of steel or concrete. Concrete towers are cheaper than equivalent steel tower and posse’s high stiffness, Some of the tower used in cable stayed bridges: Fig2.6 Tower configuration, H, A and Y 2.4 Influence of Number of Cable Stays:- Some bridges have relatively few cable-stays while others may have many stays intersecting the deck such that the cables provide a continuous elastic supporting system. When only a few cables support the deck structure, cable forces would be large, which requires massive and complicated anchorage systems connecting to the pylon and superstructure, The connections become source of heavy concentrated loads requiring additional reinforcement of webs, flanges, and stiffeners to transfer the loads to the bridge girders and distribute them uniformly throughout the deck system. A large number of cables simplifies the cable anchorages to the bridge girders and distributes the forces more uniformly throughout the deck structure without major reinforcements to the girders and floor beams. Therefore a large 14|Page number of cables can provide continuous support, thus permitting the use of a shallow depth girder. 2.5. Influence of Cable layout:-Cable layout significantly influences the axial compression and bending moments in deck as well as in pylon. Hence an optimum angle of cable is 45 measuring clockwise and may vary between 25-65 .A stecper angle of inclination of the cables reduces the axial compression in the deck but doesn’t alter the maximum bending moment in pylon, The fan type of arrangement, the cables converge at the top of the pylon with the cables having the maximum angle of inclination to the bridge girders. As the cables in fan layout are in an optimum position to support the gravity dead and live loads and simultaneously produce a smaller compressive force in deck than that in case of other layouts. The harp system with cables connections distributed throughout the height of pylon results in an efficient pylon design compared to the fan system, which has all the cables attached to the top of pylon, For fan arrangement, the concentrated load at the top of the pylon produces large shears and moments along the entire height of the pylon, thus’ increasing the cost. Also it adds difficulties in anchoring the cables to the pylon. The semi- harp arrangement represents a compromise between the extremes of the harp and fan systems and is especially useful when it becomes difficult to accommodate all the cables at the top of the pylon. 2.6. Height of pylon: - The height of the tower is determined from several considerations, such as the relation of tower height to span length, the type of cable arrangement, and the general aesthetic proportions of all the spans and towers visualized as an entity. 2.7 Influence of cable stay spacing:-The cable stays support the deck and smaller spacing, of cable stays along the deck will lead to economy by reducing the B.M and S.F in the deck ‘and weight of deck segment in construction. Smaller spacing will inerease the number of, cables (but of smaller diameter) their anchorage, and possibly the number of cross beams. 15) Page 2.8. Influence of deck inertia: The maximum moments in the deck increase considerably with the increase of deck inertia, So, high inertia of deck system is not favorable as it attracts considerable bending moments without appreciably reducing the forces in pylons and cables. 2.9, Advantages of cable stayed bridge:- L.A great advantage of the cable-stayed bridge is that it is essentially made of cantilevers, and can be constructed by building out from the towers, 2. In a cable stayed bridge cables are anchored to the deck and at the tower Whereas which are quite expe: a suspension bridge cables are anchored in massive anchor blocks, e. 3. The main girders can be very shallow with respect to the span. ‘They are more econor to the literature till date. I for spans ranging from 200 m to 1600 m according 5, The horizontal component of the stay force, which causes compression in deck, favors a conetete deck structure, This stay force component is utilized to prestress the concrete, 6. Erection of the superstructure and the stays are relatively easier with technology of prestressing, prefabrication, and segmental construction procedure. 7. They have charming aesthetics. 8. Cables are of small diameter as compared fo suspension bridges. The towers are taller, however. 161 Page 9. It is geometrically unchangeable under any load position on the bridge and cable is always in state of tension. 10. The important characteristics of this bridge are that full participation of transverse structural part in work of the main structure in longitudinal direction. This means considerable increase in moment of inertia in of construction, which permits a reduction of depth of girders and consequent saving in steel. 1. Horizontal component of the tensio is taken by longitudinal girder hence there is ‘no massive anchorage is required in most of cases. 12. The horizontal components of the cable forces produce some sort of prestressing effect in deck whether orthotropic steel deck or reinforced concrete deck and therefore, increase the load carrying capacity 2.10 Important cable stayed bridges:- Tatara Bridge:-It has the largest span of any cable-stayed bridge at 890 meters (2.290 ft), part of a series of bridges connecting Honshu and Shikoku in Japan. Kap Shui Mun Bridge: and railway traffic, metres,connecting Ma Wan and Lantau Island in Hong Kong. t is the world’s longest cable-stayed bridge carrying both road ha main span of 430 meters and an overall length of 1323 Rio-Antirio Bridge: - It is a cable stayed bridge with four towers, the bridge with the longest cable-stayed suspended deck, spanning the Gulf of Corinth near Patra, Greece. Frane Sky bridge: the world’s longest transit-only bridge, spanning the Fraser River between New Westminster and Surrey, BC, Canada. Sundial Bridge-: Itis an award-winning single spar pedestrian bridge spanning the Sacramento River in California Siberia, Ting Kau Bridge: -It is the world's first major four-span (three towers) cable-stayed bridge, connecting Hong Kong International Airport to Hong Kong, W|Page Vidyasagar Setu:- over river Hooghly, Kolkata with a central span of 457 m was completed in 1991. Since then it is the longest span cable stayed bridge in India, and now it secures the (2th position in the longest span cable stayed bridges in the world. Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge:- the world's widest cable-stayed bridge, spanning The Charles River in Boston, Massachusetts, Surgut Bridge: the longest one-tower cable-stayed bridge in the world, crossing the Ob River in Redding USA, Sunshine Skyway Bridge: the world's longest cable-stayed concrete bridge with a length of 8.85 kilometers (29,040 f), spanning Tampa Bay, Florida. The Higashi-Kobe Bridge :-the Higashi Kobe is in Kobe city of Japan the bridge having main span of 485m and side span of 200m. Oresund Bridge: - the Oresund Bridge will connect Denmark and Sweden through sea. It cost around 1.3 billion pound, Some important cable stayed bridges: Fig2.7. Tatara Bridge Japan 18) Page Fig2.9 Normandie Bridge, France 19[Page Fig2.11 Vidyasagar Setu Bridge, Hooghly 20| Page 3 ANALYSIS OF CABLE STAYED BRIDGE ‘The major work of the structural analysis of the whole cable-stayed bridge consists of the initial shape analysis, static deflection analysis and dynamic response analysis, etc. Based on the determined “correct” initial shape, a meaningful static and dynamic analysis of cable-stayed bridges can then be performed. The work in this study is focused on the initial shape (shape finding) analysis to find the geometric configuration and preforce in members of cable-stayed bridges. The analysis can be performed in two different ways: one is a linear computation procedure (linear theory) and the other is a nonlinear computation procedure (nonlinear theory). The initial shape of a cable-stayed bridge provides the geometric configuration as well as the prestress distribution of the bridge under the action of the dead load of girders and towers and the pretension force in inclined cable stays. The relations for the equilibrium conditions, the specified boundary conditions, and the requirements of the architectural design should be satisfied. For shape finding computation, the dead load of girders and towers is taken into account and the dead load of cables is neglected, but cable sag nonlinearity induced by cable dead load is included. The computation for shape finding is performed by using the two loop iteration method, i.c., equilibrium iteration loop and shape iteration loop, and can be started with an estimated tension force in inclined cables, Based on a reference configuration (the architectural designed form) with no deflection and zero prestress in girders and towers, the equilibrium position of the cable-stayed bridges under the action of dead load is first determined, where the equilibrium iteration will be carried out if the nonlinear computation procedure is used. Although this first determined configuration requirements architectural design are, in general, not fulfilied. Satisfies the equilibrium conditions and the boundary conditions, the off since the bridge span is large and no pretension forces exist in inclined cables, quite large deflections and huge bending moments may appear in the girders and towers. Another iteration has to be carried out in order to reduce the deflections and to smooth the bending moments in the girder, and finally to find the correct initial shape. So iteration procedure is named the shape iteration”. For shape iteration, the element axial forces determined in the previous step will be taken as the initial element forces for the next 2|Page 3.1.1. Erection by the cantilever method- ‘The ease of erection is one of the main reasons for the success of cable-stayed bridges over the last half century because of their self-anchored cable systems, ‘The cantilever method has been widely used for the girder erection of cable-stayed bridges. The cantilever method is considered as the natural and logical solution for constructing the cable-stayed bridges of large span, where new girder segments are installed and then supported by new cable stays in each erection stage, and the construction process keeps going stage-by-stage until the bridge is completed. Since no auxiliary supports are needed for constructing the bridge girder in the cantilever method, a lot of construction cost and time can be saved. There are two basic alternates in the cantilever method. One is named herein the single cantilever method and the other is the double cantilever method. In the former the side span girders of the bridge are erected on auxiliary piers and afterwards the stiffening girder in main span is erected by one-sided free cantilevering until the span centre or the anchor pier on the far end is reached. Where new girder segments are installed and then supported by new cable stays in each erection stage, and the construction process keeps going stage-by-stage until the bridge is completed. Steps involved in ere 1n by cantilever process are as follow:~ Stage 1. The Pylons are erected, Stage 2. The first pair of girder segments B1 is installed. Stage 3. The stayed cables C1 are installed and stressed initially to elevate the girders and relieve their bending moments. Stage 4. The pair of girder segments B2 is installed. Stage 5. The stayed cables C2 are installed and stressed. Stage 6. The girder segments B3 are installed, Stage 7. The stayed cables C3 are installed and stressed. Stage 8. Girder segments B4 is installed and the bridge is closed at the main span centre, 2alPage iteration and the equilibrium configuration under the action of dead load and such initial forces will be determined anew. "The procedure of shape finding analysis of cable stayed bridges is briefly summarized in the following ways:- 1. Input the geometric and physical data of the bridge, Input the dead load of Input the reference configuration (designed shape) of the bridge. fers and towers. Input suitably estimated initial forces in cable stays to start the comput Find equilibrium position. 2 3 4 5. Shape finding analysis can be done in following ways: l 2 3. 4, 5 Shape finding analysis during erection procedures. Forward process analysis (FPA). Backward process analysis (BPA). Linear analysis Force equilibrium method. Shape finding analysis during erection procedures- For constructing the bridge and predicting the structural behaviors of the bridge during its erection procedures, the geometric configuration and preforce in members of the bridge structure at cach erection stage have to be known and examined in details. The aim of this seminar is to find shape of cable stayed bridge at each erection stage systematically. 3.1.1. Erection by the cantilever method- ‘The ease of erection is one of the main reasons for the success of cable-stayed bridges over the last half century because of their self-anchored cable systems, The cantilever method has been widely used for the girder erection of cable-stayed bridges. ‘The cantilever method is considered as the natural and logical solution for constructing the cable-stayed bridges of large span, where new girder segments are installed and then wupported by new cable stays in each erection stage, and the construction process keeps going stage-by-stage until the bridge is completed. Since no auxiliary supports are needed for constructing the bridge girder in the cantilever method, a lot of construction cost and time can be saved, There are two basic alternates in the cantilever method. One is named herein the single cantilever method and the other is the double cantilever method. In the former the side span girders of the bridge are erected on auxiliary piers and afterwards the stiffening girder in main span is erected by one-sided free cantilevering until the span centre or the anchor pier on the far end is reached. Where new girder scgments are installed and then supported by new cable stays in each erection stage, and the construction process keeps going stage-by-stage until the bridge is completed, Steps involved in erection by cantilever process are as follow:~ Stage 1. The Pylons are erected Stage 2. The first pair of girder segments B1 is installed Stage 3. The stayed cables Cl are installed and stressed initially to elevate the girders and relieve their bending moments. Stage 4. The pair of girder segments B2 is installed, Stage 5. The stayed cables C2 are installed and stressed, Stage 6. The girder segments B3 are installed. Stage 7. The stayed cables C3 are installed and stressed. Stage 8. Girder segments B4 is installed and the bridge is closed at the main span centre. 23| Page LGR same) Rrigit owes} Stage 2 8 palep BT | Bi Stage 3 eka ake =f, Bt or Bt Stage 4 oe ee ol a2 et, m1 Be nije a2 Stage 5 2, <2 ° 2 nm mi,f, Bt a> a2 pif, mI a2 BS Bane mS BD Fig3.1__ Erection stages of harp cable stayed bridge 2alPage 3.2. Forward process analysis (FPA):- ‘The forward process analysis of cable-stayed bridges during construction is performed by following the sequence of erection stages in bridge construction. The element model of the harp cable-stayed bridge at different erection stages is shown in Fig. in which the nodal and clement numbering of the symmetric harp cable-stayed bridge at each erection stages are given. In the figure 3.1, where NU=the number of degrees of freedom, NE= number of elements, NJ=number of nodes, and ISB=semi-bandwidth of the system stiffness matrix. There are three system displacements at each node in the plane model of cable-stayed bridges, one rotation and two translation displacements. The computation of the forward process analysis is first started from the single pylon at stage 1 as shown in Fig3.1 and then continued at stages 2, 3,... stage-by-stage, until stage 8, where the bridge is closed at the main span centre and the analysis of the bridge during girder construction is completed. In each stage the geometric configuration and intemal forces of members of the bridge structure will be determined. At erection stages of even number (2, 4, 6) only the new girder segments are installed and the exterior stayed cables are not yet in place. Relatively large vertical displacements and bending moments of the girder may appear. At erection stages of odd number (3, 5, 7) the new exterior stayed cables are installed at the tip of the new girder segments and then stressed to lift up the girders to certain elevation in order to relieve the bending moment in girders and to keep the bridge girder in desired correct position. The stressing force needed in cables and the girder elevation have to be determined at each erection stage by the shape finding procedure described in the previous section. In the forward process analysis, shape iteration has to be done in order to keep the stiffening girder in horizontal position (an upward precamber is allowed). Since the cables will be stressed after new girder segments and stayed cables are installed at the stage of odd number, an initial estimated force in cables is needed to start the shape iteration computation. 21 Page Chaya che genmenes und phy sto dics ef he beige atopur che retrence comtrneten ef me bedae, Bane. tape area AL wie nega areceixe ems giafercegmency te = aver} seta etd scregs cates Ok mente > al) VE acmae oats] Sees NULNE_ MISE | 2 reams maourpar ten ae soda eccalmaa: (*,¥" Jond etenene comes §,¢ fut of BO - oor Fig3.2._Flow chart showing forward process analysis during construction. 2 Page 3.3. Backward process analysis:-In contrast to the forward process analysis, the backward process analysis of cable-stayed bridges during construction is carried out by following the direction reversed to the sequence of erection stages in the bridge construction. The is started with the completed whole cable- n of the backward process analys comput: stayed bridge (stage k “8 as shown in Fig.) by releasing one or one pair of girder segments at the main span centre or on the far end of anchor piers. After releasing girder segments the bridge is then remodeled and reanalyzed under the action of dead load and the internal force of members determined in the previous stage in order (0 find the new initial shape which provides the geometric configuration and member forces of the bridge structure at the new (current) stage. Stage-by-stage, the girder segments and adjoining stayed cables are released, and the analysis model is rebuilt and the computation is continued repeatedly until the final stage is reached. In the backward process analysis, the initial shape (the geometric configuration and member forces) of the whole cable-stayed bridge has to be found first by using the shape finding procedure After releasing girder segments and cable stays, the configuration and member forces of the bridge structure are determined anew at each stage d by solving the static system equation. When the nonlinear theory is used, the line system equation is used and the equilibrium iteration with Newton-Raphson approach is performed. An example illustrating computation procedure of the backward process analysis, the computation process is briefly summarized as follows: 1, Stage k=7 After finding the shape of the bridge structure at stage k = 7, the geometric configuration and the initial force in all members are known. 2. Stage k-6 (i) Remodeling the analysis model based on the determined structural shape at stage (k =7, the exterior cables of number 15, 16 are released. The analysis model of the bridge structure at stage k = 6 is rebuilt as shown in Fig,, with NLK33, NE=14, NJ=11, ISB=18. (ii) Find the equilibrium position. The equilibrium position of the bridge structure at stage k =6 is determined anew under the action of dead load of girders and towers, and the internal forces in members obtained in the previous stage k =7. The newly determined equilibrium 27iPage. position offers the geometric configuration and member forces of the bridge structure at the new stage k =6. Equilibrium iteration is carried out when the nonlinear theory is used. (ii) No shape iteration is required. (3) 3. Stage K=S (@ Remodeling the analysis model based on the determined structural shape at stage k = 6, the exterior girder segments of number 13, 14 are then released and The analysis model for stage k =5 is rebuilt as shown in Fig3.1. The model has NU=27, NE=12, NJ=9, ISB=18, is (ii) Find the equilibrium position similarly, the shape of the bridge structure at stage k =: determined again under the action of dead load and the internal forces of members provided by the structure at the previous stage k ~ 6, Similarly, equilibrium iteration is carried out when the nonlinear theory is used, (jii) No shape iteration is required. (4) Repeatedly continue the computation for the next stage until the final stage (k =1) is reached, The flow chart of the backward process analysis is given in figure below. The advantage of the backward process Analysis is that no shape iteration is required at each erection stage =k ion the shape at each stage determined by the equilibrium condition is the desired correct p of the bridge for the next erection stage. In which the girder is precambered upwards the disadvantage of this method is ‘That the real time factor of bridge during construction, such as creep shrinkage of concrete as well as any used .the linearised system equation is used and the alteration in design. 28\Page “agut the gro mmetric and physicul dase of the bridge inp the reference oanfiguaatian af the rid # shape finding afthe whale extleatayed tridge BO LOOP = Kypgikigg “lel ine of exectian wage! st eection sage | + rletse yinder sewrems a celese exterior oalenays & @ inpundead lord af metcbers + input the nodal coordinates OF. Jandetenem famses 57" " detenranestiin previows ste 2 s= upand salve the gymem equsiian + find the aquilihriuin pasion and slensent forces Suisse iteration Lceeeeatnteatnteteciinnnnntans Fig3.3 Flow chart showing backward process analysis 29|Page 3.4 .Linear analysi Cable stayed bridge are generally many times statically indeterminate The statically indeterminacy of cable stayed will be given by I-CHS-H3 Where C=the total number of the cables ‘S=the total number of stiffening girder supports H=the number of movable connections or hinges A statically determinate basic system may be formed by different methods; the deflections of the basic system under applied load may be determined by applying classical theory, by neglecting the deformation of system when formulating the equilibrium conditions, For linear analysis following steps are taken into account (iPreliminary design Gi) General data Gii)Bending moments and stiffening girders (iv) Influence of the panel length 3.4.1, Preliminary design-The design process for a cable - stayed bridge system with accepted geometrical layout may be divided inte following stages: (@)A preliminary set of sectional properties is assumed for each member of the system (byThe sectional properties assumed are analyzed, applying one of statical method of analysis, stress and displacements under given system of loads on the system are determined and compared with maximum permissible stress and maximum displacement (©)A new set of sectional properties is chosen to satisfy the requirements of specification 3.4.2, General data: - The analysis of cable- stayed multiply statically indeterminate bridge system is relatively complicated. For this we use typical influence lines and their areas. It may be there for reasonable to determine approximately the cable stay forces in main span to assume live load acts on main span only .Also the forces in these cable stays from dead load will be determined assuming that this loading is located along main span. This is because that the area of influence lines at the side span is relatively small or large, but has different sign. 3.4.3. Bending moment in stiffening girder:- If the girder has a constant cross -section, then this section should be chosen according to the bending moment in the mid span, because the influence line has maximum area there, Therefore, the placement of the live load along the main span results in the maximum effect or almost all the structural system considered here. Also the dead load should be used along the main span only. In this case only cable forces will be obtained, with relatively large error. 3.4.4, Influence of the panel length:- At small change in panel lengths the angles of inclination of the separate cable stays and their cross- section change a little. Apparently, the most advantageous arrangement is when bending moments in the main span of stiffening girders are distributed uniformly along the span. Comparison of the bending moment diagram indicates that at equal panels, the maximum moment occur at middle panel. With increase of middle panel, the locations having the maximum moment do not change, but the bending moment increases from M=0.007gF to 0.0125g. Ifthe middle panel is decreased, the bending moment in middle of the adjoining panel is given by span also decreases. And the maximum moment is locate at[ Page M=0.0105gI, Therefore, this bending moment is substantially greater than in case of panels of the same length where g is acceleration due to gravity and | is distance between stays. For preliminary design itis itis possible for a cable system with five equal panel use formula Mmax~0.007g/* and for seven panels Mmax= 0.006g); 3.5. Force equilibrium method:- In the force equilibrium method, the cable-stayed bridge is modeled as a planar structure. The method works on an evolving substructure eventually comprising the bridge deck and towers, and searches for a set of cable forces which will give rise to dk selected locations of the substructure. As the method works only on the equilibrium forces rather than deformation, there is no need to deal with non-linearity caused by cable sag and other effects. This method is therefore computationally efficient .First of all, certain sections of the bridge deck and tower are chosen as control sections where the bending moments are adjusted by varying the cable forces. Consider a typical single tower cable-stayed bridge, as shown in Fig3.4. In which the connection between the bridge deck and tower is monolithic. ble bending moments at To establish the design bending moments, only the bridge deck is considered. All supports from the cables and tower are replaced by rigid simple supports, as shown in Fig3.5. This is regarded as the Stage 1 model for the sake of subsequent discus- scions. The prestressing to be applied during construction is also taken into account, The bending moments caused by dead load in the bridge deck under such modified sup- port conditions are then taken to be the design bending moments. It is noted that the prestressing to be introduced after the completion of the bridge deck is not taken into account here. These design bending moments are adopted because the effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete tend to change the bending, moments towards these target values in the long term anyway if the initial bending moments, in the towers can be controlled at the same time; the scheme of initial cable forces is reason- ably stable. It is further assumed here that factors such as the deference in age among deck segments are insignificant in the long term and therefore they are neglected. Fig3.4__A single tower cable stayed bridge Fig3.5 Stage 1 model of cable stayed bridge YIN Fig3.6 Stage 2 and 3 of cable stayed bridge 33|Page | 3.6 Example considered for analysis and design:- Total span of bridge=40m Width of bridge=8.5m_ Longitudinal girder 2 no=500*800 Cross girder at each Sm=400*800 Spacing of cable stays along span of bridge =Sm Deck thickness=200mm. Wearing coat=70mm 3.6.1. Calculation of dead load: Deck dead load= 0,27*25*8.5=57.375kN/m Longitu al girder load=2*0.5*0.8425-20kNim. Cross girder lond= 0,4*0.8*25*9*8.5/40=15,3kN/m Total dead load UDL=92.675kNim So load on one girder is taken=47kN/m 3.6.2. Calculation of live load:- Reaction of live load on girder=48SKN Considering impact factor as 11% live load on girder=S40kN So as UDL it can be written as=150kN/m (540/3.6) 34) Page 3.7. Idealization of the structure Model simulation of a structure consists of idealizing it as a system of appropriate members, which allow its behavior to be analyzed with sufficient accuracy and with a reasonable amount of calculation. Depending on the complexity of the structure and the stage of the systems, covering the design, different models may be used. These may be plane or sp: whole structure or only a part, and can comprise of a wide range of members. The pylons generally can be represented by beam column elements. The same can be said of the deck if this actually behaves like beam, The cables can be represented by bars by assigning them a very small bending inertia and an idealized modulus of elasticity, which makes it possible to take into account the effects of cable sag. In this mode! the cables are sufficiently tensioned under permanent loads. Thus any compression, which is likely to arise under live loads, ial tension (Walther, 1988). results only in a reduction of ‘The behavior of cable-stayed bridges under the action of live loads is difficult to predict by means of simple intuitive methods. Thus, it is advantageous during the initial design stages to model the cable-stayed bridges as plane frames. Final dimensioning can also be done on the basis of a plane frame model in case of structures where pylons experience no transverse bending under dead weight plus live loads due to traffic (Walther, 1988). 3.7.1, Idealization by force equilibrium method:~ In the force equilibrium method, the cable-stayed bridge is modeled as a planar structure, The method works on an evolving substructure eventually comprising the bridge deck and towers, and searches for a set of cable forces which will give rise to desirable bending moments at selected locations of the substructure, As the method works only on the equilibrium of forces rather than deformation, there is no need to deal with non-linearity caused by cable sag and other effects. The method is therefore computationally efficient. Let us consider the following cable stayed bridge, which has single tower and multiple cable connections, these cable connections are treated as control section and cable stayed bridge can be modeled as a planar structure. 35|Page Above given cable stayed bridge can be modeled as planar structure by replacing each support and connection as simple support as given below:~ SIT TTR AT EOP eee OD Here cable connections are replaced by simple rigid supports and deflection at these control sections are considered as zero. This method is suitable for cable stayed bridges which do not have significant gradient along longitudinal direction For analyzing the tower the cables are replaced by tensile forces given as below ‘36 Page IN By considering cable as tensile forces we can find moment in tower as well as compression ‘in tower. 3.7.2. Steps involved in analysis of cable stayed bridge:- Analysis of cable stayed bridge can be done by many methods but here we consider most conventional method of analysis as influence line diagram method. In this method we first consider cable stayed bridge as a planar structure as in force equilibrium method. After that all cable connections are replaced by roller supports and vertical deflection at these control sections are considered as zero. Following are the steps involved in analysis of cable stayed bridges by influence line diagram method:- + First choose symmetricity of cable stayed bridge + Consider one of symmetric section of bridge. 37 | Page + Model it as planner structure as force equilibrium method. + Replace cable connections by roller supports. + Consider supports as control section as displacement at these points in vertical direction is zero, + By using any method draw influence line diagram for bending moment and reaction at roller support. + By reaction at control section we can find force in cable by resolving it in vertical directions. + By thus knowing cable forces we can find bending moment, shear force and compressive force in tower. Here by considering above example we will analyze different parts of a cable stayed bridge by force equilibrium method and influence line diagram method, For drawing influence line diagram methods of three moment's equation is used. The symmetric part of cable stayed bridge that is going to be analyzed is shown:~ Fig3.7 the section considered for analysis of cable stayed bridge ‘The above cable stayed bridge can be analyzed by replacing cable as control section and control section can be assigned as roller support. This can be done as follow:- 39|Page AB c oD ¢ F G H I SERRE RERD bbe Ag a Fig3.8 dimension of section considered For above given simple structure we can apply three moment's equation to draw influence line diagram for moment at A, B,C, D, E, F, G, H, and [in this analysis deck beam is assumed to be uniform. Let the bending moment at A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and [be denoted as Ms, Ms, Me, Mg, Me, Mi Mg, My and My ‘Then the three moment’s equation can be written for every Sm span for moving unit load as where x is distance from left node of span considered. For unit load in span AB:- 4My + Mo= -x*(5-x)*(54x)/52 My +4 Me + Me= 0 Me +4 My+ Me=0 My +4 Me + Mr=0 Me +4 Mrt Mg=0 Mf-+4 Mg + My =0 M,+4 My +M)=0 For unit load in span BC: AM, + Mc= -x*(5-x)*(10-x)/5? My #4 Me + Mg= =x*(S-x*(5-x)/5? M, +4 Me+M=0 a| Page a) Q) @) @) () (6) a” a Q) @) Ma +4 M, + Mr=0- Me +4 My My =0 Me+4 My + My =0 Mg +4 Mn+ Min0 For unit load in span CD:- 4M, + M.=0 My +4 Mc + Mu= —-x*(5-x)*(10-x)/S? Me +4MgtMe= —=x¥(5-x)#(S-x)/5? Ma +4 M. + My=0 M. +4 Mr+Mg=0 Me +4 My + My =0 az|Page 4) (6) (6) (7) -Q) @ GB) 4) (3) © + Mg+4My+Mi=0 For unit load in span DE:~ 4M, + Me= 0 Mp t4Met+Me= 0 M, +4 Mg +Me= -x*(5-x)*(10-xy/S? Ma +4 Mo+Mp=-x¥(5-x)*(5-x)/52 Me+4 Me M,=0 Mr+4 My + My =0 M, +4 My +M)=0 For unit load in span EF: Mm “) Q) Q) (4) 5) 6) 7) Aly My +4 M. + Mu=0 M. +4 Ma + M.=0 Ma t4 Me+Mp= -x*(S-x)*(10-x)/5? Me +4 Mr+Mg= -x*(5-x)*(5-x)/5? M; +4 M, + My =0 M, +4 My +Mi=0 For unit Joad in span FG: 4My + M.= 0 Mp +4 Me + Mg=0 Ma+4M.+Mre= 0 4a|Page @ GB) @) (S) 6) ™ 0) @) @) @) Me+4 Mp-+ Mg=-x*(5-x)*(10-xy/5? Mesh My + My = =x" (S-x)*(5-x)/5? M,+4 Ma +M.=0 For unit load in span GH:- 4My + M.= 0 My +4 M. + M0 Me +4 Ma + M,=0- Ma+4 M,+Mr= 0 Mo +4 Mr+M,= 0 Me-+4 My + My = -x*(5-x)*(10-x)/5* Mg +4 My +My =-x"(5-x)*(S-x* as|Page 3) © fo) Aa) Q) B) @ o) (6) For unit load in span Hi:- 4Mp + Mc= 0 oO My +4 Me + Mg=0 Q) M, +4 My+M,=0 GB) Ma +4Me+Mr= 0 44) M.+4Me+Mg= 0 6) Mr+4 M+ My=0 6) Mg +4 M y+ Mi=x*(5-x)*(10-x)/S? a By solving equation for each span for interval of x=0.25 we can get influence line diagram for bending moments. 46| Page Influence line diagram for Mp:~ 1.2 —— — — - ot os 06 O48 oz Fig 3.9 influence line of bending moment at B a7 |Page. & diagram Fig3.10 influence line diagram for moment at C line 12 os 06 04 Influence line diagram for M.:- agiPage 06 Influence Influence line diagram for M ¢:- Influence line diagram for M¢:- g Influence line diagram for M, Influence line diagram for Mr:- Influence line diagram for reaction Ra:- Influence line diagram for reaction Rb:- S1|Page Influence line diagram for reaction R c:~ 12 Influence line diagram for reaction Rd: s2|Page. Influence fine diagram for reaction Re:- 12 Influence line diagram for reaction R f- 12 S3|Page Influence line diagram for reaction R g:- Influence line diagram for reaction R h:- 54 Page Influence line diagram for reaction Ri:- Influence line diagram for cable force OA:- 25 Axis Title ss] Page Influence line diagram for cable force NB:- Influence line diagram for cable force MC:- S6|Page Influence line diagram for cable force LD:- 14 oa Influence line diagram for cable force LF:- 14 04 Influence line diagram for cable force MG:- Influence line diagram for cable force NH:- Influence line diagram for cable force Ol:- 25 Ler - cw 2 1s 1 os ° 05 Influence line diagram for compression in tower:~ 12 os 06 a2 uw 16 a 26 Est 36 at 46 st 56 6 66 n 76 at 86 on 96 101 106, aut 116 1a. 126 a1 136 aa 106 it 156 161 59|Page Influence line diagram for bending moment in tower at deck level:- 25 6o[ Page” 3.8. Calculation of moment in longitudinal girder due to dead load:- | Moment at | Area of ILD | Dead load intensity | Value of bending moment(kNm) B 2.63394 47 123.795 1.92519 47 90.4838 | 2.12626 47 99.9934 | 2.05409 47 96.5422 \F 2.11833 "7 99.5616 WH | i 1.93354 47 90.8762 2.63185 47 123.697 61] Page 3.9 .calculation of moment in longitudinal girder due to live load:- Moment | Area of |_| Live load | Value of bending moment at wD intensity {kNm) | B 1.47971 150 | 221.956 c 1.2051 150 180.751 D 1.18528 150 177.792 E 1.18384 150 177.576 F 1.18528 150 177.792 SG 1.1766 150 176.649 iH 4.47971 150 221.956 62| Page 3.10 Calculation of cable forces due to dead load:- Cable Area of ILD DEAD LOAD | VALUE OF forces INTENSITY FORCES(kN) OA 7.28 47 342 NB 9.039373 47 424.805 mc 6.83545 47 321.261 Lb 5.74037 47 269.7974 LF 6.09223 a7 286.335 MG 6.872532 47 323.009 NH 9.605902 47 485.4774 ol 7.42 47 344.67 63|Page 3.11. Calculation of cable forces due to live load: Cable Area of | Live load | Value of cable | forces LD intensity forces(kN) OA 3.937069 150 590.5604 NB 5.350985, 150 802.647 mc 4.57081 150 685.6215 LD 3.669234 150 550.3851 LF 3.669234 150 550.3851 {MG 4.57081 150 685.6215 NH §.574729 150 836.209 ol 3.937069 150 590.5604 6alPage 3.12. Moment in girder due to dead load +1i Moment at Value of bending moment (kNm) B 345.751 c 271.235 D 277.727 E 274.118 F 277.354 G 267.524. H 345.653, 65 Page 3.13. Cable forces due to dead load +ive load:~ Cable force Value of cable force(kN) | OA 932.983 NB 1227.498 Mc 1006.888 Lb 820.1825 LF 836.7186 MG 1008.63 NH 1287.687 ol 939.741 66] Page 3.14. Compression in tower: Compression in tower due to dead load=area of ILD* load intensity So 40*47= 1880KN Compression due to live load= 3.6*1S0= 540KN So total compression in tower = 2420KN 3.15. Moment in tower:- Moment in tower due to dead load= 0 Moment in tower due to live load= 63.7676*150 =9565kNm Total moment = 9565kNm 67 | Page 3.16. Minimum tension in cables: cable Compression | Tension due | Minimum due to live | to dead load tension in load cable(kN) OA 63.69 171.429 107.7329 NB 89.07 424.85 335.7805 uc 100 321.2661 221.2661 LD 63.45 269.7974 206.3474 LF 64 286,335, 222.3335 MG 100 323.009 223.09 [NH 89 451.4774 362.4774 ol 63.9 174.4174 110.5137 68|Page 4 ANALYSIS AND COMPARISION WITH SAP2000 The main objective of SAP analysis was to compare the result manually calculated by influence lines method, In this section same span cable stayed bridge were modeled with same section properties of deck, girder, and cross girder. There was one more objective to see the effect of considering symmetricity in analysis of long span cable stayed bridge as bridge are considered to be made of multiple section considered for analysis. Following are the steps involved in analysis of cable stayed bridge:- Draw layout lines Define bridge deck sections Define cable section as member carrying no compression Define girder, cross girder ,and tower of cable stayed bridge Draw sections of bridge Define lane Define moving load Define types of bridge loading yer ava nn Define analysis cases 10. Run analysis for different cases In SAP 2000 a 40m span cable stayed bridge with 2 longitudinal girder of dimension 800*500, cross girders of dimension 800*400at Sme/c , and deck of thickness 270mm including wearing coat were considered. 69|Page The following picture shows the cable stayed bridge that was considered for analysis:- Figd.1 The view of cable stayed bridge. WlPage In the analysis the cable connection were treated as hinge where there was no movement Fig 4.2 extruded view of considered section of bridge In vertical and horizontal direction the support at tower a bearing was considered of large stiffness show that not allow vertical movement. After completing modeling process the analysis was done for dead load and live load separately and cable forces, deflection and moment in girder were calculated. T1|Page 4.1 Comparison of cable forces due to dead load:- | Force calculated cables Force calculated by Difference in influence line | by SAP2000 (kN) | percentage % method(kN) | OA 342 300 122 NB 424.805 375 11.75 | mc 321.261 | 309 38 T to 269.7974 253 62 LF 286.335, 253 8 | MG 323.009 | 309 43 | | NH 455.4774 [375 175 ol 344.87 | 300 146 72|Page 4.2. Comparison of cable forces due to live load: Cabies Force calculated | Force calculated | Difference in by influence lines | by SAP2000 (KN) | percentage % (kN) OA 590 572 3 NB 802 801 0 Mc 685 687 0029 LD 550 875 45 LF 550 875 [4s MG 685 687 0029 NH 836 801 4 or 590 872 3 73|Page 4.3. Comparison of cable forees due to dead load when multi span of system is considered:- Cable forces Value of cable forces by | Value by SAP2000 for influence line method J multi span(kN) EP (kN) oA 342 291 NB 424.85 354.548 mc 321.261 342 to 269.7974 254 LF 286.335 254 MG 323.085 312 NH 455.474 354.548 ot 344.67 291 Tal Page 4.4, Comparison for cable forces due to live load when multi span of system is considered: Cable forces Value of forces by | Value of forces by influence lines (KN) ‘SAP2000 (kN) OA 590 594.561 NB 802 798.939 Mc 685 688.388 LD 550 574 LF 550 574 MG 685 688.388 NH 836 798.939 ol 590 $94,561 4.8. Comparison of moment due to dead load + five load Moment Value by influence | Value by SAP2000(kNm) lines(kNm) MB 345 275 mc an 136 MD 277 240 MF 2r7 | 240 } MG 267 | 136 ' MH 345 | 275 76| Page Image showing replicated view of considered span:- Fig4.3. Replicated view of cable stayed bridge 4.6, Detlection of critical point given by SAP2000:- Points A B c D Deflection 373 293, 190 94 (mm) T\Page Extruded view of replicated cable stayed bridge:- 4.7. Deflection in case of replicated cable stayed bridge: points A Deflection (mm) 268 157 92 51 | Page 5. Design of components of bridge Following are the component of cable stayed bridge that is to be designed:- 1. Cables 2. Longitudinal girder 3. Cross girder 4. Deck slab. 3. Tower 5.1. Design of cables:- In this cable stayed bridge there are eight number of cables in which design of four cables is required due to the symmetry of structure, Design of cable OA: Total force in cable OA= 932KN Assuming cable with tensile strength 1200N/mm? whose ultimate strength is 1600N/mm? Considering 7mm strands Strength of 7mm strand = 2/4 *7°*1200=46.1SKN. So no of strand used =932/46.15=21 no Ultimate strength of cable QA= 21* 1/4*7*7* 1600=1292KN So for cable OA 21 no of 7mm strand will be used and it will be able to carry ultimate load 1292 KN Following are the arrangement of cable OA:~ TalPage \21 no of 7mm strand FigS.1 Arrangement of strand for cable OA Design of cable NB:- ‘Total force in cable due to dead load +live load =1226kN So using 7mm strand of permissible tensile strength 1200N/mm* and whose ultimate strength is 1600N/mm? So no of 7mm strand required = 1226/46.15=27no of 7mm strand Ultimate strength of cable NB= 27* n/4 *7"°1600= 1661KN Arrangement of strand for cable NB is given below as:- golPage 27no of 7mm strand Fig5.2 Arrangement of strand for cable NB Design of cable MC:- Total force in cable due to dead load +live load =1006kN ‘Assuming cable with tensile strength 1200N/mm’ and whose Ultimate strength is 1600N/mm? No of 7mm strand required is =1006/46.15 =22 no of 7mm strand Ultimate strength of cable MC=1353.3kN Arrangement of strand for cable MC is given as below:~ Bi[Page SV strand A FigS.3 Arrangement of strand for cable MC Design of cable LD:- Total load in cable LD due to dead load +live load= 819kN Assuming cable with tensile strength 1200N/mm? and whose Ultimate strength is 1600N/mm? No of 7mm strand required is = 819/46.15=18 no of 7mm strand Ultimate strength of cable LD= 1107kN Following are the arrangement of strand for cable LD:- a2|Page 19 no of 7mm strand 5.2. Design of deck slab :- Design of deck slab is done for dead load and class AA tracked vehicle. Concrete considered for design is M40 while steel is considered to be Fe415, Calculation of moments for dead load:- Self weight of deck slab as UDL= .270*25kN/m? = 6.75kN/m? Aspect r SIS=1S Using Rankine-Grashoff formula -6KNim? Load in longer direction=1.15kN/m? Load in shorter direction=5. Maximum moment in mid span in shorter direction= 8.75kNm_ Maximum moment in mid span in longer direction= 4.043kNm 17.5kNm .086kNm Maximum negative moment at support in shorter directi Maximum negative moment at support in longer directio Calculation of moments due to live load:- a3[Page By using Pigeaud's method U=1, V=4.714, K= .67, U/B= 2, V/L= 628 So by interpolating we got value of m)=.1342 and ma=.0516 50*(0.1342 +0.15*0.0516) = 49.6kNm. n=350* (0.0516 +0.15*0.1342) = 25.10kNm. Moment in transverse directi Moment in longitudinal direct Taking mid span and support moment as 80% above as allowing 10% impact So support moment in transverse direction =43.6kNm Support moment in longitudinal direction= 22.088KN De Design moment at mid span = $2.35kNm moment at support in transverse direction= 61.1kNm Longitudinal direction at support= 30.94kNm At mid span in tongitudinal direction=26.123kKNm Effective depth is = 175mm So Ast at support in transverse direction= 1302mm* 175-12=163mm Effective depth in longitudinal direction So area of steel in longitudinal direotion= 1116.2mm2 So after providing 12 mm dia bar of Fe 415 steel spacing of bar = 90mm, So provided 12mm dia bar in longitudinal and transverse direction at spacing 80mm Detailing of deck is given below with detaiting of longitudinal girder 5.3 Design of longitudinal girder:- Maximum moment in girder from analysis = 345 KNm (-) Maximum moment at mid span from analysis= (540*1.25 -315) =360kNm (+) So effective depth comes= 602mm So depth taken is satisfactory Taking clear cover as SOmm So steel used as positive as well as negative reinforcement comes= 1760mm? So provide 10 no of 16mm diameter bar as positive and negative reinforcement throughout the longitudinal girder. Check for shear in longitudinal girder:~ Maximum shear in longitudinal girder— 730.97KN 1.827, % of steel =.876, So spacing of 8mm stirrups = 30mm at critical section Detailing of girder is given as below:- izmm os oar @eaese ed el 26mm dia bar @30mmM c/c FigS.4 detailing of longitudinal girder and deck slab 5.4 design of eross girder:- UDL of dead load is= 0.270*25*1.5*0.5= 10.12kN/m 851 Page Moment due to dead load= 10.12*5*5/8 = 31.6kNm Moment due to live load = 350*1.25=437.5 kNm So total moment= 469.1kKNm So effective depth = 702mm Area of steel = 2405 mm So provide 10 no of 20mm diameter bat as top and bottom reinforcement at spacing of 80mm in two layers. Check for shear:- Maximum shear force = maximum reaction = 460KN So stirrups spacing comes = 85mm So provide stirrups at 80 mm spacing of diameter 8mm Reinforcement detailing of cross-girder is given below as:- ‘40 mem nominal cover of 20mmdia @c/c 8omm. FigS.5 — Dewiling of cross girder 5.5. Design of tower:- Calculated axial force in tower= P= 2420kKN Calculated moment= 9565.14kNm Pressure due to wind = 119K g/m? By considering moment of inertia as equal in both direction and slenderness 14 ratio equal in both direction b/ So assuming b= 2m and d= 1.4m 66KN So moment due to wind= 9.96 KNm so by considering moment in both Foree duc to wind as ud direction and axial force in both direction Murfabd? = .2 Pyfeabd= .065 So from interaction chart we get P/f.,.-.0.07, so P= 2.9 So Ast required= 808281mm” So provide 100 no of 32 mm diameter bar as equal side reinforcement aviPage Detailing of tower is given as below:- 50 mm clear cover 100 no of 32 dia bar atofe 70mm. BB Page 5.6. Cable anchorage: Cable anchorage design is sophisticated compare to other thing in cable stayed bridge. For anchorage design FEM analysis is to be carried out and stress concentration at critical zone is to be finding out, ‘A clear example of anchorage design and detailing as to be shown as below:- 1.621 RIZONTAL 422 Fig 5.6 detailing of typical anchorage zone 6 Economical evaluation of cable stayed bridge. —_— The main objective of the economic evaluation is to carry out calculation for material used in cable stayed bridge and compare it with standard design with prestressed bridge. For that 40m span of cable stayed bridge without footpath is considered and from standard design of prestressed bridge material used were calculated .and these calculated value were compared against each other to get actual feeling that which types of bridge is cheaper. If cable stayed bridge is economical then it can be used as economical system in urban area in place of prestressed bridges. For comparing the material following component were used for both types of bridges:~ 1. Pier 2. Deck 3. Longitudinal girder 4. Cross girder 5. Cable Bearing 7. Tower 6.1, Pier: - Pier cost of prestressed bridge and cable stayed bridge is almost same and it noted that pier of cable stayed bridge carry large moment compare to prestressed bridge so that there were no need to do evaluation against pier of both the bridges. 6.2 Deck:- 6.3. Longitudinal girder: - for 40m span prestressed bridge with 7.5 m width no of longitudinal girder used is equal to 3 and have dimension 800mm*1500mm. but in case of cable stayed bridge only 2 no of longitudinal girder with dimension 500mm*800mm is sufficient. So saving in concrete is equal to = 3*40*,8*1,5-2*40*.8*.5 =144-32= 112m> Saving in steel used as calculated by scheduling of standard bridge:- For prestressed bridge steel used in girder=26093 Kg For cable stayed bridge: - (2*20*.785*16°"40/10° + 2*(.208)]*7840= 3266Kg, So saving in steel is equal to~ 22827Kg 6.4, Cross- girder: - cross girder for prestressed bridge and cable stayed bridge is almost same. 6.5. Cable:-for prestessed bridge of 40m span total length of cable used were calculated using standard design as:- 4 (20.4 10)+44(20.421)+2*(20.470)+2*(20.519)+2*(20.539)+2*(20.517)=327m Generally 27 no of 7mm standard strand is used as cable in prestressed bridge so volume of cable used in prestressed bridge = (.785*49*27*327)/10° = 339 m? For cable stayed bridge = oof = 40m~—as_— designed ~— length of cable=2*(2*23.32+2* 18.60+2* 14.14+2*10.29)= 265.4m so volume of cable used as maximum= (.785*49*(93.28*21+74.4#27+56,56*2244 1.16*18)/10°=.229 mv? So saving in cable= 110 m* 6.6.Tower:- _cost of tower will be extra as compared to prestressed bridge so extra concrete used to be calculated as = 2*1.4*12*2=67.2 m’ Extra steel used will be as = 2*(100*.785* 1024*12)/10°+1370K g=15804.6Kg. Saving in concrete =308- (67.2+32+30.6+60) =189 m? Saving in steel =7022Kg Extra cable used ~.110 m? and despite of this 10%extra cost will be involved in prestressed bridge for bearing, So cable stayed bridge appears to be economical compared to prestressed bridge. 92| Page Conclusions Following are the conclusions after completion of study:~ 1 2, 6. Cable forces calculated by influence line method and SAP2000 are almost same. Due to interaction of cross- girder and deck slab moment calculated by SAP2000 is less as compared to moment calculated for girder by using influence line method. reliable, Influence tine method for preliminary design Influence line method for preliminary design gives significant error when elevation along longitudinal direction changes. Influence line method is very much understandable and easy to incorporate, MS-EXCEL is required to do large calculation work. Influence line method may be useful for different types of continuous bridges. Economical evaluation reveals that cable stayed bridge is may be good substitute for prestressed bridge. 7.4 Scope of future work: 1, A computer program can be written for analysis of different span of cable stayed bridges by following this technique. 2. Detailed comparison of this method can be done by available design of cable stayed bridges. 3. Some other type of bridges can be designed by following this method. 4. A longer span cable stayed bridge can be designed by using this technique. L elevation of ‘This method authenticity can be checked for varying longi bridges. 6. ‘There is a chance to search other manual method to design cable stayed bridge. 93 (Page 8 References 1. W-Podoliny and J.B. Scalzi, “construction and design of cable stayed bridges”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986. 2. D.W Chena, F.T-K, Aub,L.G. Thamb , P.K.K.Lee.Determination of initial cable forces in prestressed concrete cable stayed bridges for given design deck profiles using force equilibrium method ,computer and structure 18 November 1998,pp1- 9 3. MS. Troitsky Cable stayed bridges theory and design Granada Publishing Limited 1977. 4, P.H.Wang, T.C.Tseng and C.G.Yang Initial shape of cable stayed bridges, department of Chung-Yuan Christian University. 5. Michel Virlogeux Recent evolution of cable stayed bridges, Engineering, Structures 1999 pp737-755 6. 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