Histology Slides: Epithelial Tissue

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Histology slides

Epithelial tissue
1) Simple squamous epithelium Section of Bowmans capsule in the kidney (H&E) Flat epithelial cells with flat nuclei

2) Simple cubical epithelium Section of thyroid gland (H&E) Cubical cells with central nuclei

3) Simple columnar epithelium Section of gall bladder (H&E) Columnar tall cells with oval basal nuclei

3) Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium Section of the trachea (H&E) Cells appear to form several layers. All cells reach the basement membrane, but not all of them reach the surface. Motile cilia cover cell apices except those of the light staining oval goblet cells. The deep[r nuclei belong to the short basal cells, and the more superficial oval nuclei belong to the columnar ciliated cells.

Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium

4) Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium Section of a thin skin (H&E) The epithelium is formed of several layers; the basal is columnar cells, the middle layers are polygonal cells with central round nuclei, and the superficial ones are flat squamous cells with flattened nuclei

5) Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium Section of a thick skin (H&E) The epithelium is formed of several layers; the basal is columnar cells, the middle layers are polygonal cells with central round nuclei, and the superficial ones are flat squamous cells with flattened nuclei. There is a surface horny layer formed of keratin cells

6) Transtional epithelium Section of the urinary bladder (H&E) The epithelium is formed of several layers; the basal is columnar cells, the middle layers are polygonal cells with central round nuclei, and the superficial ones are cubical cells with rounded nuclei. Some cells are binucleate

7) Glandular cells Section of the pancreas (H&E) The pancreas contains an exocrine portion formed of acini and ducts, and an endocrine one represented by the islets of Langerhans. Pancreatic acini are lined by pyramidal cells with spherical nuclei, and basophilic cytoplasm.

Connective tissue
8) Mucous connective tissue

Section of an umbilical cord with two arteries and a vein

Mucoid connective tissue. Arrow points to fibroblasts immersed in an extraxellular matrix (M)

9) Fibrous connective tissue

10) Adipose connective tissue

10) Elastic connective tissue Ligamentum nuchea

Aorta (orcein)

Aorta (H&E)

11) Reticular connective tissue Lymph node silver

Reticular fibers (arrows) in lymph node Reticular fibers in a lymph node (Silver) (silver preparation).

Cartilage &bone 12) Hyaline cartilage (trachea, costal caertilage)

Costal cartilage

Trachea 13) Elastic cartilage (Ear pinna)

14) Ground dense bone (L.S &T.S)

Transverse section Compact bone

Longitudinal section

15) Cancellous bone

Cancellous bone

16) Developimg bone

Blood 18) Blood film of man -

19) Skeletal muscle fibres (L.S &T.S)

20) Smooth muscle fibres

21) Cardiac muscle fibers

Nervous tissue
22) Nerve trunk (H& E)

23) Nerve trunk (osmic acid)

24) Spinal ganglion (H& E)

Spinal ganglion (silver)

25) Dorsal root ganglion (left) and sympathetic ganglion (right) (H& E)

Sympathetic ganglion

Cardiovascular system
27) Aorta

28) Large vein

26) Medium sized artery

28) Medium sized vein

29) Artery and vein

Lymphatic system
32) Lymph node

33) Spleen

34) Thymus

35) Tonsils

36) Thin skin

37) Thick skin

Digestive system
38) Liver pig (H& E)

39) Liver human (H& E)

Urinary system
40) Mammalian kidney

41) Human kidney

1) Kidney

Thyroid gland

Tall columnar ciliated epithelium (trachea)

4) Thick Skin

Epidermis of skin

Urinary bladder

Umbilical cord 7) Pancreas Mucoid C.T.

10) Tendon (longitudinal section)

Tendon (transverse section)

Adipose C.T.

13) Hyaline cartilage (trachea)

Cells and matrix of hyaline cartilage

Elastic cartilage

16) Developing bone (intracartilaginous ossification)

Cancellous bone

Compact bone (transverse section)

19) Compact bone (longitudinal section)

Compact bone (osteon)

Blood film

22) Smooth muscle

Skeletal muscle

Cardiac muscle

25) Skeletal muscle

Cardiac muscle

Peripheral nerve & blood vessels (transverse section)

28)Nerve (longitudinal section)

Nerve (osmic acid)

Spinal ganglion

31) Spinal ganglion

Spinal ganglion

Sympathetic ganglion

34) Spinal ganglion (silver)

Spinal ganglion (silver)

Aorta (H&E)

37) Arota (orecin)

Artery and vein

Large vein

40) Lymph node



43) Tonsil

Thin skin

Thick skin

46) Liver (pig)

Liver (human)

Liver human

49) Kidney

Kidney (Cortex)

Kidney (cortex &medulla)

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