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Major Science and Technology Development Plans

• Science and Technology Master Plan (STMP). This plan was submitted to the President in March 1989
by the presidential task force composed of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST),
Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of trade Industry (DTI), Department of Transportation and
communication (DOTC) as well as the presidential adviser on public resources and three academic
institutions directly involved in S&T . The Development of fifteen (15) leading edges to steer the country
towards industry development were (1) aquaculture and (2) ,marine fisheries (3) forestry and (4) natural
resources (5) process industry, (6,) food and (7), feed industry, (8) energy , (9) transportation, (10)
construction industry (11) information technology, (12) electronics, (13) instrumentation and control,
(14) emerging technologies, (15) pharmaceuticals.

To attain the objectives set in the STMP the following strategies were pursued modernize the
production sectors through massive technology transfer from domestic and foreign sources; upgrade
the R & D capability through intensified activities in high priority sectors and S&T infrastructure
development such as manpower development and develop information networks, institutional buildings
and S&T culture development.

• Science and Technology Agenda for National Development (STAND Philippines 2000). This plan was
invited during the term of President Ramos and it embodied the country's technology development plan
in the medium term, in particular, for the period 1993-1998. The STAND identified seven export winners,
11 domestic needs, three other supporting industries and coconut industry as priority investment area.
The seven export winners were computer software; fashion accessories; gifts,toys, and houseware;
marine products; metal fabrication; furniture; and dried fruits. The domestic needs included food,
housing, health, clothing, transportation, communication, disaster, mitigation, defense, environment,
manpower, development, and energy, Because of their linkages with the above sectors, three additional
support industries were included in the list of priority sectors, namely: packaging, chemicals, and metals.
Lastly, because of its strategic importance, the coconut industry was included in the list.

• National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP 2002-2020). The Department of Science and Technology
(DOST), with the mandate of formulating S&T policies, programs, and projects in support of national
development priorities has remained, driven by these guiding vision stated in NSTP mainly;

By 2004 , S&T Shall have contributed significantly to the enhancement of national productivity and
competitive and to the solution of pressing problems .

By 2010, the Philippines shall have earned niches and become a world class knowledge provider and
user in selected science and technology areas, and shall have developed a vibrant S&T culture.

By 2020, the Philippines shall have developed a wide range of globally competitive products and services
which have a high Technological content.

The 12 priority areas for S&T development are:

• Agriculture, forestry & natural resources;

• Health and medical services;

• Biotechnology:

• Information and Communication Technology

• Microelectronics;

• Materials, science and engineering;

•Earth and marine services;

• Fisheries and aquaculture;

• Environment;

• Natural disaster mitigation;

• Energy;and

• Manufacturing and service engineering

Status of Science and Technology and Plans for Development under president Rodrigo Roa Duterte

The Duterte administration reassured it's commitment to science, technology and innovation sector.This
was established in the increase in the budget of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). In a
speech of President Duterte delivered by Budget Secretary Benjamin E.

Diokno during the opening of the National Science and Technology Week 2017. He state that' the
budget of DOST has quadrupled in the last seven years from P50 billion in 2010 to P208 billion in 2017.
The budget for research and development Graw by nearly 6X over the same period of time from P1
billion in 2009 to P5.8 billion in 2017. This was disclosed in his speech during the celebration of the
National Science and Technology Week at the World Trade Center in Pasay City on July 11, 2017.

In the 10-point economic agenda, the promotion of science, technology and creative arts was included
to enhance innovation and creative capacity toward self sustaining inclusive development. S&T must
create an avenue for development in various sectors, such as in the economic.

DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Pena identified the focus of the Department as technology transfer and
commercialization thus ten percent of its overall budget was allocated for technology transfer. This
resulted to generation of 1000 new intellectual properties that can be adopted in just one year.

Mayor accomplishments of the Duterte administration are:

• Entry into the frontiers of space through its support to the Philippines Space Technology Program.
DIWATA-1 satellites which was launched in 2016 was made by Filipino scientists who were trained in
Japan. The DIWATA -2 which will be launched in 2018 has improved the capabilities to better monitor
the country, This was made by another batch of Filipino scientists. This space technologies can also be
utilized in other sectors, such us in agriculture and disaster preparedness

• A Memorandum of Agreement between Russia and the Philippines regarding the space program will
soon materialize.

• Republic Act 11035 "An Act Institutionalizing the Balik Scientists Program" was signed into law by the
president on June 15 , 2018. This law would give more incentive to returning Filipino expert, scientists,
inventors, and engineers who would share their expertise in the country.

• On telecommunication, Department of information and communication Technology, National

Telecommunication Commission and telecommunication companies have agreed to standardize voice
call charges to P2.50.

•.On weather.217 new weather stations were installed by the Department of Science and Technology
throughout the country. The Zamboanga Doppler Weather Radar System was also installed.

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