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My first research attempt was from when i was still grade 8,we studied and observe about the organs of
a frog, it was disgusting and at the same time amazing, since the frog's organs has the same position to

Researching or studying about something is amazing, most of the time, if you observe the same thing for
an enormous amoun of time, there is a possibility to see the past.

Researching is not just about observing something

But to learn something from it, everything around us has a meaning and if you do understand, you'll get
the answer to any questions quickly, Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of
data; documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in
accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.

Don't know if this is a theory but Research is the reason why we are living a long and easy life, it's the
why we are still here and research is the reason why we have consumables, medicines and more.

But there are times research could end your life in split seconds like the one who wiped out half the
population in earth ACCIDENTALY.

Research is sometimes about risking your life into observing dangerous objects and beings without
knowing what would happen.

Very few students have the skills to be successful researchers walking in the door, and few arrive with
innate scholarly interests that align with your own. Students need to develop Scientific Habits of the
Mind, and they need training in key technical and intellectual skills in order to function as collaborating,
contributing scientists.

There are a lot of preparations for a research so all i can say is never skip a single step for it may result
on harming someone or yourself.

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