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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



DIRECTIONS: Read the questions and answer them substantially. Your response should
consist of exactly 250 words.

1. Statistics can be categorized as DESCRIPTIVE OR INFERENTIAL. How are these two

different and similar with each other? Support your answer with examples- 5 for
descriptive and 5 for inferential. (10 points)

Answer: The similarity of the Descriptive and Inferential Statistics are obtained from a data may
it be a sample or a population. The difference of the two is that in terms of descriptive statistics is
used to describe a sample and give information from the raw data while on the other hand,
inferential statistics can be obtained and used inferences gathered or extracted from the
population. As to the use of tools for analysis from the obtained data, descriptive statistics are
used to measures of dispersion such as range and deviation and central tendency which include
the mean, median and mode while inferential statistics are used to measure regression analysis
and hypothesis tests. Another difference is their applicability which the descriptive statistics are
used when data points is required and it represents through graphical representation while
inferential statistics applies when each data or point of the population cannot be examined.
Another difference is that descriptive statistics described the data that have actually measured
while inferential is reflected through a sampling error. Examples of Descriptive Statistics are
average of math test scores, color of the shoes in a particular classroom, favorite cars of
employees in an office, percentage of people in different ages while Inferential Statistics
examples are percentage of coffee lovers who likes caramel macchiato, average number of
students who scores very satisfactory, satisfactory level of employees in an office or
organization, percentage of Covid-19 cases in a municipality and percentage of client satisfaction
in the delivery of services in DTI.

2. Explain the relationships between and among the terms POPULATION, SAMPLE,
PARAMETER, STATISTIC. Cite one specific example to support your answer. (10

Answer: The term population in the statistics defines as the large data or group that a certain
researcher wants to draw conclusion about or the data on your study of interest. The sample, on
the other hand, defines a data obtained from the population. This is categorized as subcategory or
subset in a given population. One specific for a population and sample is that in population,
researcher wants to know the number of residents in the Philippines, so he/she should get the
data of all residents living in the Philippines while in the sample, one typical example is that if a
researcher wants to know the poverty rate of the residents of the Philippines, then the researcher
may get from the population to obtained/ gather data. In terms of Parameter and Statistic,
parameter defines as the data or number describing the whole population while statistic is used to
describe a sample. Examples of parameter are to get the mean of monthly income or
compensation of employees in a certain organization, average age employees in an organization
and preferred shipping options of online shoppers. On the other hand, examples of statistic are
mean of monthly income of 40 Contract of Service, average age of 40 employees and shipping
options of online shoppers ranges from 20-30 years old.

3. Explain the nature of your current job. State how Statistics is used in your job by
identifying 10 categorical data and 10 numerical data. (10 points)

Answer: My nature in my current job is that I am a technical staff from the Department of Trade
and Industry – Cagayan Provincial Office located in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan. I work as a
Trade and Industry Development Specialist under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
(DTI-CARP). Being one of the agencies who provides support services, I’m assisting Agrarian
Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs) identified by the Department of Agrarian Reform
(DAR). These beneficiaries were awarded or given title of lands through CLOA and CLAAP by
Department of Agrarian Reform. Ten (10) categorical data in my job are as follows:

a. Members tagged as Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries

b. Gender of the members awarded by title of lands
c. Age bracket of the members
d. Business Ownership of assisted ARBOs
e. Profile of the ARBOs
f. Priority Industries of ARBOs
g. Level of Entrepreneurial Development Track of ARBOs
h. Client Satisfaction Feedbacks through the conduct of trainings and business consultancies
i. Types of entrepreneurial trainings
j. Types of skills trainings

On the other hand, numerical data in my job are as follows:

a. No. of member awarded title of lands to ARBs

b. Percentage of assisted Cooperatives who are ARBOs
c. Percentage of genders of the members
d. Percentage of age bracket of the members
e. No. of Business Ownership of assisted ARBOs
f. Percentage of Priority Industries of ARBOs
g. Percentage of ARBs who are individual MSMEs and Cooperatives
h. No. of Business Name Registrations
i. Percentage of Client Satisfaction Feedbacks
j. No. of trainings conducted
4. Using these scores in an exam as data: 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 26, 28,
30, 30, 30, 30, 30, present your thoughts using textual method of data presentation. (10

Answer: Based on the abovementioned data, these are gathered on a research through interviews
and surveys. To get the mean of the data, we simply add all together and divide by its how many
numbers are present so the result of the mean will be 20.2. When we get the median of the data,
we simply get the middle number of the range data numbers. In case the result is even or
divisible by 2, we simply get the sum of two middle numbers and divide it by 2 so the result
shows 34. So, the median of the range numbers is 34. When we get the mode, we simply identify
the repetitive numbers and the results show 30.

5. Statistics is very useful in any endeavor. When is it being misused? Provide concrete
examples to support your claim. (10 points)

Answer: Statistics can be misleading when a researcher through the method used to obtain and
gather data. For example, a researcher will get the size and type of a sample, the collection of
data through the use of questionnaires, surveys and interviews may lead into small and biased
sampling size. Also, it can be misleading when presenting the gathered data, usage of graphs is
inappropriate. Moreover, a researcher may also misleading when he/she don’t know the
relationship between causation and correlation in a research wherein they don’t know the
difference and look for a cause and effect relationship.

6. One of the many tools which aide in doing statistical analysis is SPSS. Which among its
features did you find amazing and useful? Why? Elaborate your answer. (10 points)

Answer: One of the features that can be useful in using the SPSS application is its core features
which include the used statistical program in interpreting quantitative analysis such as faster
computation, cross-tabulation of the gathered data and statistics analysis. It also used to solve
algebraic, arithmetic and trigonometric operations. SPSS also provides data documentation.
Researchers can store a metadata directory using it. Additionally, it serves as a central repository
for information about the data, including connections to other data, its significance, provenance,
format, and utilization. Also, because of its straightforwardness, simple command language, and
thorough user manual, SPSS is well-liked. It is used for survey data analysis by a variety of
organizations, including the government, educational institutions, survey firms, market
researchers, marketing organizations, health researchers, and data miners. So that’s what I like in
in using the SPSS Application because its aides the process of computing statistical data in a
research and study.

7. Using your answer in number 6, enumerate the steps on how to activate such feature of
SPSS. (10 points)

Answer: In activating the SPSS Application, the researcher must enter, analyze and graph data.
Next is to enter the variables and data in the SPSS Application. Next is to work with the data and
variables gathered which include the transformation on the Main Menu, then compute variables.
Then after computing and working with the data and variables gathered, and the last step is to
create basic graphs and charts which shows the results of the data and variables gathered.

8. How are Statistics and Research inter-related? Identify 5 or more domains. (15 points)

Answer: Statistics and Research play an important and crucial role in creating and formulating a
study. One cannot exist without the other and a researcher might get a proper and concise
solution for the study. Statistics provide data as well as analytical tools for the data. Index
numbers, time series analysis, and forecasting are some effective methods. These have a huge
impact on data analysis for economic planning. Additionally, statistical methods support the
development of planning models. It also helps in the communications, a more effective technique
to communicate your findings than using phrases like "nearly as large as" or "slightly greater
than" is to express or communicate your conclusions in numerical terms (based on statistics). To
one scientist, what is "little greater than" might not signify the same thing to the next. For
scientists, using statistics and verifying those figures to discover actual, "significant" population
differences is an essential method of communication.

9. Propose a research title and briefly discuss the details of its statistical analysis. (15

Answer: My title for the research is “An Analysis of Job Satisfaction of Employees in
DTI Cagayan”

Statistical Analysis shows that in terms of career satisfaction trend, overall satisfaction of
the employees is high and have a positive trend. Through the gathered, it shows that
career satisfaction of the employees will be met through the yearly raise of salaries,
followed by the motivated and understanding leaders to their subordinates, work
environment, followed by not stressful work descriptions and loads and lastly is the office

In conclusion, job satisfaction in DTI Cagayan has a positive trend. This is due to
incentives and rewards given to the employees to do their work at striving their best.
Also, it helps the employees to work motivated due to being surrounded by high-quality
people and of course the carrying of the mantra of the Department of Trade and Industry
Cagayan Provincial Office which is “Serbisyong Higit Pa Sa Inaasahan”.

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