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Functional design

The process of responding to the needs or desires of the people who will use an item in a way
that allows their needs or desires to be met. Functional design is both an outcome and a
process. As an outcome, it describes products that work well to perform their assigned tasks; as
a process, functional design is a set of practices guided by the principles that produce that
positive outcome.

Functional design is not a discrete task that is performed at just one point in the design process.
Rather, it is interwoven with other design activities.

 User ‐level functionality is the expression of the webapp capabilities that support
users in achieving their goals.
 Application‐level functionality represents a lower‐level design of internal
functionality that may not be directly visible to users

Application‐level functionality is more deeply embedded within the structure of the webapp and
will often emerge out of the progressive design of the user ‐ level functionality

Functionality levels and design tasks

Introduction has an interesting mix of information‐focused and functionally focused
components. In the initial communication activity (chapter 4), we identified an initial set of
informational and applicative goals for reproduced in part here:

• To provide users with requested product specs.

• To provide tools that will enable users to represent the layout of a “space” (i.e., house,
office/retail space) that is to be protected.
• To make customized recommendations about security and monitoring products that can
be used within the user space.
• To enable users to obtain a quote for product cost.
• To allow users to place an order for security hardware.
• To allow users to control monitoring equipment (e.g., cameras, microphones) with their
• To enable users to “sign up” for monitoring services.
• To allow monitoring customers to query the monitoring database about their account

Rough functional outline

These goals were then refined into the following list of functions to be performed:

• provide product quotation.

• process security system order.
• process user data.
• create user profile.
• draw user space layout.
• recommend security system for layout.
• process monitoring order.
• get and display account info.
• get and display monitoring info.
• customer service functions (to be defined later).
• tech support functions (to be defined later).

Ultimately these functions are elaborated into a set of use cases that capture the key user
information and functional interactions.

Functional architecture

• a representation of the functional domain of the webapp.

• answers two key questions:

– How do we partition the functionality into components that

Have clearly defined roles and interfaces?
– Where does each functional component exist, and what does it
Interact with?

• decomposes the webapp into constituent functional


An example

Developing the architecture

• consider both the webapp analysis model (along with any specifications that accompany it)
and the initial information architecture

• decompose use cases into the following generic component categories:

• Information selection (i.e., functionality associated with the identification and/or

selection of information to be presented to the user).
• Information compilation (i.e., functionality associated with merging information
together into a composite to be presented to the user).
• Information processing (i.e., the analysis or calculation of data).
• System interaction (i.e., functionality associated with interactions with other systems
external to the webapp).

• consider whether the specific scenario component should be invoked dynamically on user
request, dynamically on event initiation, or manually.

Architectural patterns—mvc

Detailed functional
• detailed functional modeling for webapps is usually only carried out for those components that
are extremely complex or extremely critical

• wae establishes a set of extensions to uml that facilitate the modeling of webapp low ‐level

– Particularly useful for connecting the information architecture to the functional

components which generate the information views
• webml has been adapted to model workflow

– Oriented applications.


State modeling
• state modeling is necessary when:

– You must accommodate interacting processes, particularly with multiple simultaneous

users (or at least multiple users whose interactions with the web servers are
– You must ensure that the state of the underlying information is correctly preserved when
we have complex interacting processes.

• a state is an externally observable mode of behavior.

– external stimuli cause transitions between states.

– a state model represents the behavior of a webapp by depicting its states and the events
that cause the webapp to change state.

– a state model indicates what actions (e.g., process activation) are taken as a
consequence of a particular event.

– state models are created using state diagrams.

State model

Functional groupings and zoning

Functional zoning or functional city zoning is a method used for dividing land use by its function.
Typically, land use is divided in two ways, by its function and by its physical characteristics. An
example of functional zoning would be an area that has designated zones based on a function
such as an industrial zone, a recreational zone and a residential zone.

What are the functional groupings and zoning?

 need for adjacency

 similarity in general role

 relatedness to departments, goals and systems

 sequence in time

 required environments

 types of effects produced

 relative proximity to building

 relatedness to core activities

 characteristics of people involved

 volume of people involved

 extent of man or machine involvement

 degree of emergency or critical situations

 relative speed of respective activities

 frequency of activity occurrence

 duration of activities

 anticipated growth and change

Need For Adjacency

Relative need for buildings, departments, spaces or activates to e adjacent

Adjacency needs range:

• critical • neutral • necessary separation

• necessary • undesirable • critical separation

Similarity in general role

Relatedness to departments , goals and systems

Sequence in time

 Most buildings are a synthesis of systems that touch at certain points.

Required Environments

Types Of Effects Produced

Relative proximity to building
Relatedness to core activities

Characteristics of people involved

Volume of people involved

Extent of man or machine involvement

Degree of emergency or critical situations

Frequency of activity occurrence

Duration of activities

Anticipated growth and change

Principles related to functions.

Functionalism has been the guiding principle of architecture since its founding days. The aphorism “form
follows function” is considered a litmus test for any building.

This means that every building should be designed according to the purpose it’s going to serve. This
statement is not very self-evident, and is a subject of great confusion.

Many times, it takes a controversial dimension among practicing architecture professionals, particularly
in connection to modern architecture. However, one can’t deny the very practicality of the fact that
people want more buildings that are livable and less that would serve as tombs, no matter how

The style of functionalists

Functionalists make a deliberate attempt at eliminating superfluous features. Their entire focus harbors
upon efficient development of operational spaces. They are of the idea that fulfilling functional aspects
will inherently emanate a natural architectural beauty. The design revolved around exposing and
clarifying building spaces, while discarding embellishments. Ornamentation is regarded a crime.

In French architect le Corbusier’s words, “a building is a machine to live in.” He is one of the most
prominent and pioneering modernist architects. This idea went on to be followed by his successors and
a new architectural style called the international style was evolved. This new style flourished and
reached all corners of the globe through the 20th century. Making heavy and super efficient use of
building materials like glass, steel, aluminum, brick infill and concrete, it was adopted in building
corporate landmarks across all metropolitan cities in the world.

Top global functional buildings

Most top corporations have their buildings, at least the headquarters, built in the international style.
Ibm, general motors, hsbc, bank of america, phillip morris, cbs, at&t, citicorp, seagram’s, etc have all
fashioned their buildings in this current. New york city probably has the highest concentration of these
buildings. The twin towers of the yesteryear’s world trade centre and the un headquarters are two very
prominent prototypes of functionalism. In fact, every metropolis in the world has its landmark buildings
made this way.

Corporate towers apart, the functional international style have been incorporated in building massive
number of housing apartments. Even churches have been built accordingly. The chapel of st. Basil
(houston) and crystal cathedral (california) are good examples of it. So much so, even museums, art
galleries, and convention centers have widely been built upon this design philosophy.

Functionalism vocalists
Chicago based architect, louis sullivan, another pioneer and probably the most vocal of all functionalists,
held the belief that the size of a building, it’s massing, spatial grammar and every other characteristic
should be singularly decided by the function it is proposed to serve.

German architect, ludwig mies, needs special mention for his contribution to functionalism. He brought
about radical simplification to styles of the previous eras. He advocated that god is in the details and put
in everything to get the best out of a simple design. He believed that true architecture is always
objective and built designs upon the acronym “less is more.”

Functionalism hijacked
Despite the numerous advantages and worldwide popularity, it also needs to be seen that numerous
towers of the international style, built under the strict codes of functionalism, that were fashionable in
their times, have waned in popularity and prestige, over the years.

Excepting the top-of-the-line buildings in this style most are plagued by the economic malpractices of
builders and developers. They usually reduce and compromise the designs laid down by the architects in
order to save costs.

Technically, the architects have already pared down the design to a bare minimum, with no ornament or
redundancy. Developers further pare them down out of cost-necessity or usual habit. This results in
buildings that are neither very pleasant nor quite safe.

Insensitive criticism
Another often criticized lacuna of the international style is its insensitivity to the surroundings. It usually
pervaded into the spaces of buildings around and added a jarring note into the skyline or the street,
causing negative feelings to people in the vicinity. In most non-american cities that these buildings
sprang up overnight, people experienced a sort of cultural and style disharmony. This is a primary
reason why ‘human factors’ are given greater recognition in building design.

Functionalism resurrects
The functionalist is usually engaged in systematic organization, and works to build a building system that
is more efficient and effective. Therefore, functionalists interpret the ‘human factors’ as the ergonomic
efficiency of a system. This in itself is quite appreciable because the ‘ends’ is achieved, irrespective of
the ‘means.’ buildings based on functionalism are often accused of being emotionally neutral. But,
there’s no doubt about the fact that lean designs would make the most magnificent structures, when
based upon the three testing grounds of vitruvius: ‘firmitas, utilitas, venustas.’

What are spatial organizations ?

Spatial organization refers to the placement of sites or objects relative to one another. Organization of
space in architecture is fundamental to the creation of composition. It brings together different forms
and shapes and provides a cohesive structure to the design.

Spaces in a building can be organized into patterns so that they relate to one another in a specific way.
Spatial relationships between forms help define their interaction. Some common spatial relationships
used in architecture include:

 Space within a space

 Interlocking space

 Adjacent spaces

 Spaces linked by a common space

In addition to these spatial relationships, there are various types of organizational

Approaches used in the design of buildings. Spatial organizations help unite an array of

Otherwise disparate shapes. Common methods of spatial organization include:

 Centralized organization
 Linear organization
 Radial organization
 Clustered organization
 Grid organization

These organizational methods can be found in architecture throughout all ages. From the time of
ancient civilizations to modern architectural design, these compositional techniques have withstood the
test of time. Let's now take a look at each of these concepts in more detail, starting with spatial

Interlocking Spaces


The interlocking spatial relationship is the ultimate

result of the overlapping of two volumes and the output of
shared space. The interlocked area of two volumes can be shared by each space equally, and
by converging with any of the spaces, it can turn out into an inherent part of the total volume.

Space Within Space


A large space can have a smaller space within its volume and of the two larger space helps in
defining the boundaries for the smaller space inside it. For this spatial relationship to be
understood, a clear distinction of size between two spaces is needed.

Adjacent space


Adjacency makes it possible for each place to be precisely

defined and to satisfy particular functional or symbolic demands.
Also, the properties of the plane that simultaneously separates and unites two regions
determine how much continuity occurs between them.

Spaces linked by common space.


An intermediate space links two spaces to each other and the spatial relationship of the two
places is dependent on the quality of the third space.

Apart from this, there are various other organizational approaches as

well and they are:

Centralized organization


A centralized organization is a stable, concentrated composition that consists of a number of

secondary spaces grouped around a large, dominant, central space.
Linear organization


A linear organization usually consists of repetitive spaces which are similar in size, form, and
function. It also consists of a single linear space that organizes along its length a series of
spaces that differ in size, form, or function. And in both cases, each space along the sequence
has an exterior exposure.

Radial organizations


Radial organizations are effectively a combination of linear and centralized organizations. They
have a central focal point from which linear forms radiate from. Expansion in the radial
organization is towards the exterior surroundings.
Clustered organization


Spaces that are grouped, collected, or gathered closely together and related by proximity to
each other. Clustered spaces can be organized about a point of entry into a building or along
the path of movement through it. The spaces can also be clustered about a large defined field or
volume of space.

Grid organization


It is comprised of a 3-dimensional composition of linear points. The strong stable composition is

obtained due to the continuity and regularity created by the grid. The regular layout of columns
and beams constitutes the grid pattern.

Functional concepts and the interior

The overarching subject around which all the design elements are centered is an interior design
idea. It first exists as an idea, which is then carefully planned into existence. An interior design
concept is, at its finest, a visual theme that, through the thoughtful use of color, space, and
style, conveys a certain mood.

Planning for potential circulation

In architecture, the concept of circulation isn’t so different – it refers to the way people, the blood
of our buildings, move through space.

In particular, circulation routes are the pathways people take through and around buildings or
urban places. Circulation is often thought of as the “space between the spaces”, having a
connective function, but it can be much more than that. It is the concept that captures the
experience of moving our bodies around a building, three-dimensionally and through time.

Horizontal disposition - solving problems in architectural design begins with the familiar study
of plan elements, which develops into consideration of interior and exterior areas and details

The various units of plan are first arranged in a horizontal manner in order to secure a workable
relationship between the different areas. This pattern is dicated by the function of the building
and the desirable size and shape of the units themselves. The rooms of a house, the galleries of
a museum, or the units of the factory must be laid out to faciliate movement through the
building, quickly and easily. There should thus be economy and directness of circulation.

This is called planning for potential circulation. Structures are built to be used, and the purpose
is defeated unless people can go easily and directly from one area to another, and unless the
related areas are adjacent to each other. Architecture thus, begins with a two-dimensional plan
which is translated into foundations for vertical development. If the plan is properly laid-out,
there will be no problem with regards to proper circulation. Lay-out would depend on the
principles related to function.
Adjacency–synonyms: proximity, closeness, immediacy, nearness, contiguity, antonyms:distance, remoteness

Architectural space
Space is the core of architecture. In order to design, it is necessary to conceive and think about
architectural space surrounding us by decoding its nature and discovering messages in its built
forms. This kind of awareness helps architects to decide on the principles and concepts of
his/her desired space.

 Forming space
 Spatial qualities
 Scale types
 Scalar sequence
 Scalar flexibility
 Designed space
 Anonymous space
 Space to space relationship
 Division of space
 Door placement , circulation and use zones
 Circulation as a space
 Multiuse of space  dealing with residual space
 Natural light
 Artificial light

*Images used in this presentation are not the property of the presenter. Reference/s:

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