Qde Activity 4

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Lopez, Marc Jayson N.


Activity 4

Standard or Exemplars

Instruction: Provide the best answer

1. Discuss the difference between standard and exemplars?

- Standard there must be no doubt about the authenticity of the standards the document
examiner needs need to be able to rely on the standards, and the standards may need to be
accepted as evidence in court and exemplars refers to all of the suspects' authenticated
writings in general, whereas Exemplar refers specifically to a sample of a standard of writing
provided as evidence, collected, or requested for comparison with the questioned writing.

2. How does disguises in handwriting affect the credibility of questioned document examination?
- handwriting disguises affect the credibility of the questioned document examination
because sometimes there are people who are really good at imitating writing so the forensic
examiner has difficulty in determining what is the original in the document being examined

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