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Both: Good morning everyone and Sir Atibagos!

Vinci: I’m Vinci Briagas

Paula And I’m Charls Bragado

Both: And we are the representatives of group 1!

Vinci: And our topic for today is “The Problem and its Background”

Charls: Let’s start!!!

Charls: Let’s discuss about the “The Problem and its Background”!

Charls: This Chapter opens the background of the study and further describes each of the variables
under study. This chapter also discusses the statement of the problem, hypothesis, significance of study
and the study's scope and limitation.

Vinci: This part shows the origin of the problem. It is an account describing the circumstances which
suggested the research. It also includes the rationale for conducting the study.

Charls: The background information should indicate the root of the problem being studied, appropriate
context of the problem in relation to theory, research, and/or practice, its scope, and the extent to
which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps
exist that your study.

Vinci: As you draft your Outline of the Background of the Problem, consider the following: The
background of the problem is established before the statement of the problem to provide
readers/researchers a compelling understanding of the context of the problem as in what research has
been conducted on this problem.

Charls: The background provides the context of a study and establishes its significance. It introduces the
research topic and leads the readers to the gaps in knowledge that have remained unaddressed. The
problem statement though is a brief explanation of an issue, a condition, or a situation that is going to
be studied.

Vinci: The background of a study is the first section of the paper and establishes the context underlying
the research. It contains the rationale, the key problem statement, and a brief overview of research
questions that are addressed in the rest of the paper.

Charls: This chapter describes and discusses the problem and background why the researchers
conducted this study. In addition, the chapter also includes the significance, and the scope and
delimitation of the study. The background of your study discusses in depth about the topic,
whereas the introduction only gives an overview. The introduction should end with your research
questions, aims, and objectives, whereas your background should not (except in some cases
where your background is integrated into your introduction).

Vinci: And that is the end of our

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