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Function of Arts

     In terms of functions of arts, it can be categorized into:

1. Personal;
2. Physical, and
3. Social

Personal Function of Arts

     It refers to any art form that is a product of an artist's:

o mind and creativity
o an artist's emotions and thoughts
o influenced by his surroundings, era, or period of time and limitations

Physical Function of Arts

     It refers to the practical usefulness and utilitarian function of arts:

o Functional - serves a certain purpose
o Non-functional - for aesthetic purpose

Social Function of Arts

     It refers to arts that collectively address cultural, political, environmental, or
communal concerns.
Etymology and Definition of Art
Origin Word
French art It is a skill
Latin ars It refers to

Assumptions of Art
     There are principles and bases for appreciating artworks. Through the artworks, human beings
can convey their thoughts, feelings, emotions, or perceptions. Among these assumptions are the
1. Art is universal.
2. Art is not nature.
3. Art involves experience.

Exploring Arts and Culture

     Arts, as a subsystem of culture, plays a vital role in the development of society.
Key Concepts on Culture and Arts
Culture as a Total Pattern

o Personality and behavior
o The song, dances, music, rituals, government system, technologies, etc.
o Passed on from generation to generation.

Culture has Structure

o Patterns and groups with a way of life.
o A sitio exists within a particular barangay.
o Culture may change as with time and with new changes.
o From old to new technologies.

Culture is Learned and Adapted

o Learns to adjust to his present society according to standards and norms.
o Adheres to customs and traditions.
o It co-exists to survive.
Culture is Influential

o Pre-historically, Filipinos have already manifested their own identity.
o Subjectivity and exposures post greater chances for inheriting it.
o KPop and American Hip-hop

Culture is Dynamic

o In the 1950s–1970s, children play under the moonlight.
o 20 and 21st century – gadgets.
o From Harana for valentines to recorded voices in phones.

Culture is Shared

o It displays manners, attitudes behaviors similar in nature
o Examples: language and supernatural beliefs (fung shui, kulam, hilot, etc.)

 In fact, the principle of linear perspective was accidentally discovered by Leonardo da Vinci
when he created his work in projecting line and space. The same principle is now being used by
engineers and optometrists, ophthalmologists when our eye sights are being tested. Similarly, I
wonder how we can promote a fascinating advertisement without using or applying all the
elements and principles of arts like colors. Nonetheless, despite its similarities and usefulness,
there is still something that differentiates science and humanities, thus maintaining and
preserving its unique identity.

 While humanities deal with the internal world (emotions and feelings) for which
an artist cannot and may not be able to project its work unless something inspires
them, science, on the other hand, centers on the external world, drawing its
concepts and theories in promoting and harnessing its energies and environment.
 Humanities cannot and may not be controlled. Humanities cannot regulate nor
approximate the degree or amount of emotions, thoughts, and feelings to be generated
to enable him to produce its artwork, and the manner it is created, be it ugly,
beautiful, and absurd, is not subjected to any evaluations before it can be accepted. It
is thus accepted as it is despite its perfections or imperfections.
 While science is an integral part of the research, it is always subjected to observation,
measurement, and experimentation to be accepted. Humanities is subjective, being
internal and inspired by thoughts and feelings. At the same time, science is more
objective, considering it needs to be controlled, observed, and experimented with,
following sets of guidelines to follow to be measured to validate its work and result.
 But the most important factor that differentiates humanities from science is that
humanities are more focused on the individual while science focuses on the group.

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