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Theo300: Ecclesiology & Sacramentology

Lesson 01
S.Y. 2022-2023 2 Semester Date: 02/16/23


Preliminary Biblical Foundation of the Church love, reached out to Abraham, and to all of Israel,
and even intended for the people a share of his
For Christians, the foundation of the Church can be dd
traced as early as the Old Testament time, and divine life in paradise from the very start of his
vindicated in the person of Jesus Christ in the New creation. Catholic tradition calls it grace-God's
Testament. In this chapter, it is then imperative to selfoffering of Himself to man, God's gift of Himself
take a brief survey of the humble beginning of Israel to man.
as a people, and their religious experiences that
2. Covenant Renewed and Laws Given
ushered the fulfillment of God's promise of salvation
in the person of Jesus Christ, and a discussion on But the promises were put to the test. In the Book of
the theological debate whether or not Jesus Exodus, the new pharaoh turned the
intended to found a church.
Israelites into slaves and treated them with cruelty
1. Covenant between Yahweh and Abraham and oppression.
The accounts of the Torah speak about the covenant Yet Yahweh heard the cry of his people, and
between God and Abraham. remained true to his word. He raised up a liberator
in the person of Moses to free his oppressed people
Etymologically, the word covenant is derived from
from slavery and led them to a land he promised to
the Hebrew word, berit, which refers to an
agreement, or a legal contract between kins. Abraham and his descendants, a land flowing with
milk and honey-Canaan. What followed in that story
When such concept is applied to Yahweh and was Yahweh's unanimous victory over pharaoh and
Abraham, it is understood to be more than a legal his pantheon of gods, leading pharaoh to concede
contract or agreement because it is looked upon as his defeat and helplessness before the mighty and
a basic relationship between these two covenant powerful God of Moses. Thus, the defeated pharaoh
partners. It is a sacred, irrevocable pact initiated by eventually issued a royal decree for the freedom of
Yahweh based on the following reciprocal the Hebrews, and their return to Canaan.
conditions, namely:
Exodus chapter 20 narrates the renewal of the
• that Yahweh shall give Abraham the land of covenant. Such covenant was unique because the
Canaan (Genesis 12:7, 15: 7,18, 17:8), the God of Abraham directly entered into an agreement
with Israel, and elected her as his chosen people. In
promise of countless descendants (Genesis 15:
return, Israel pledged its worship and loyalty to
5, 17:2,4), and the assurance of Yahweh's
Yahweh alone. Yahweh then gave them the Ten
protection (Genesis 12: 2-3, 15:13-14, 17:7, the Commandments or the Decalogue that would
liberation of the Hebrews as narrated in govern and guide their way of life and the conduct of
their faith as individuals and as a people. Obviously,
the book of Exodus);¹ and Israel has grown more defined in its identity and
• that Abraham and his descendants shall more organized and systematic in living out its duties
worship, and keep Yahweh as their only God. towards God as indicated by its laws and precepts.
Therefore, we can now say that Israel as God's
(Genesis 17:8, Exodus 20: 2-6). chosen
What motivated Yahweh to form the covenant?
Yahweh, out of his gratuitous, overflowing

BSN-3B Group no.1
people evolved into an organized worshipping condition of the covenant, and recoiled in his
assembly of Yahweh or Qahal Yahweh, guided by compassion for love of his covenant partner, Israel,
fundamental laws, beliefs, and rituals. who had fallen into sin. On the other hand, Israel,
reflecting its own history of sin and sacrilege towards
3.Violation of the Covenant and its
the sacred bond, started to pray and to hope for
divine intervention, for the "Deliverer" who would
Despite God's goodness, the Israelites succumbed restore the unity and fidelity of Israel to their God; for
to their own failures and unfaithfulness. There were the "Savior" who would redeem the fallen race from
times that they resorted to the pagan worship of the sin; for the "Anointed/Chosen One" who would
Canaanite gods - El, Baal, Asherah, Anat and restore the sacred covenant between Yahweh and
Astarte, in order to ensure a good harvest, or the his people, and offer a lasting reign of peace,
continuity of the gift of childbirth, or the hope of prosperity and stability. Thus, the expectation of a
divine protection. There were instances when Savior, of a Messiah was born!
Israel's kings ordered the execution of the prophets
To this day, believers of Judaism await for the
for openly condemning their political alliances,
coming of their Messiah. But for Christians, such
personal abuses and religious compromises with
expectation was already realized and fulfilled in the
their pagan neighbors. There were also periods in
life and person of Jesus Christ; such broken
history when kings were assassinated in order to
covenant was fully renewed by the passion, death
advance personal interest and gain power. Such and resurrection of Jesus.
was the grim scenario of violation and abomination
that Israel committed towards its own people and 5. Relevance of the Covenant
towards Yahweh. But their violation and their
It is imperative to ground our discussion of the
disobedience were paid with terrible consequences:
Church with the formation and experiences of Israel
there was the separation of the Northern and
as the covenant-partner of Yahweh based on the
Southern kingdoms of Israel due to Solomon's
following related points:
permission to the worship of pagan gods and the
imposition of heavy taxes and forced labor, the • that the nature of the covenant remains an
series of invasions by their powerful pagan essential concept in understanding the
neighbors (the Assyrians and the Babylonians), the relationship between God and his people;
gradual decadence of Israel as a nation, and • that the idea of a religious assembly, Qahal
ultimately, their exile to a foreign land, known as the Yahweh, is based, first and foremost, on
great Babylonian Exile. God's gratuitous initiative to reach out to his
3.Great Messianic Expectation people;
• that Israel, like any community of faith, has to
When everything that Israel could do was to turn freely respond on the basis of faith and
their back on Yahweh and grieve in guilt for the price loyalty towards Yahweh aided by the
of their violation, Yahweh never gave up on them. In commandments, precepts and traditions
Hosea 11: 8-9a, he revealed his great compassion, handed unto them; and
and love for Israel: • that God renews his covenant unto us
How could I give you up, O Ephraim, or deliver you through the life and person of Jesus Christ-
up, O Israel? How could I treat you like Admah or the ultimate realization and fulfillment of the
make you like Zeboiim? My heart is overwhelmed, long-awaited Messiah
my pity is stirred. I will not give vent to my blazing 6. Did Jesus intend to establish a Church?
anger, I will not destroy Ephraim again, for I am God
and not man. We shall now turn our attention to the New
Testament, and establish how Jesus Christ founded
Who would have ever thought that such God the Church. But such is not an easy task because
eradicated the punishment for violating the varying ideas on whether or not Jesus

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intended to establish a Church, an institution that will d. The origins of the Church do not lie solely in the
carry his message and proclaim the salvific act He intention and the message of Jesus in the pre-Easter
had made for humanity invite every reader to period, but in the whole history of Jesus' life and
examine the grounds, merits and implications of ministry: that is, in the entire action of God in Jesus
these arguments. Christ.
Below are a few of the dominant positions held From Jesus' birth to his death, from his resurrection
by Catholic theologians regarding the said to the event of sending the Holy Spirit, God was so
debate: lovingly active in and through Jesus that "those who
believed communally in the risen Jesus... could
6.1 Hans Kung
claim to be the new eschatological people of God."
In his book, The Church, Hans Kung laid down his
arguments pertaining to the question on the
foundation of the Church: 6.2 Adelbert Denaux
a. In the pre-Easter period, during his lifetime, Jesus To think that Jesus explicitly made his intention of
did not found a Church. founding a Church can hardly be supported by
explicit scriptural evidences. But to understand the
Jesus never required his followers, and even his
post-resurrection Church in relation to the pre-
apostles to form an exclusive community, or
Easter Jesus and his message is an essential way
religious society. According to Kung, "the gospels do
of fostering fidelity to the Church's theological, social
not report any public announcement by Jesus of his and historical foundation.
intention to found a Church or a new covenant or any
programmatic call to join a community of the elect."3 Without a doubt, the pre-Easter Jesus was very clear
Instead, Jesus emphasized an "obedient in his intention of gathering the whole people of
acceptance of his message of salvation and the Israel in first century Palestine where religious
immediate and radical submission of the individual dissension and political chaos served as an
to the will of God." inseparable context. He preached God's universal,
imminent Lordship and urgently called everyone to
prepare, to repent as the new chosen people of God,
b. In the pre-Easter period, Jesus, by his preaching Jews and Gentiles, without any hint of dividing
and ministry, laid the foundations for the emergence people, or putting up a sectarian or alternative
of a post-resurrection Church. Jesus, however, in his community apart from the rest.
message of the imminent reign of God confronted
Placed within a particular place and context, the
men and women to a fundamental decision of "belief
disciples of Jesus accepted him and his message in
or unbelief, obedience or disobedience" which
their own unique ways. We have the Twelve who
inevitably became "divisive" in the sense that those became part of his immediate circle.
who chose to believe and obey him became
"decisively distinguished from those who rejected it Some followed him in his journey but others chose
[Jesus' message] as far as the coming reign of God to stay in their own towns and villages. Thus, the
is concerned." time of Jesus' public ministry (when his disciples
group together as an assembly, an ekklesia) may be
said to be a prefiguration of the post-resurrection
c. The Church has existed from the time of faith in institutional Church.
the resurrection. Kung explains: "As soon as men
But there were oppositions against Jesus. The
gathered together in faith in the resurrection of the
authorities at that time threatened him, even
crucified Jesus of Nazareth and in expectation of the
conspired for his death on the cross. Aware of the
coming consummation of the reign of God and the threat, and opposition against him, Jesus
return of the risen Christ in glory, the Church came
into existence." "integrates his approaching death into his
conception of God's lordship."
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Adelbert Denaux further explains: truly came to unite dispersed humanity; he truly
came to unite the People of God."
At the same time he opens up a perspective on the
in-between-time between his death and his parousia
[Jesus' Second Coming]. Jesus word in Mk 14:25
Second, Jesus called and gathered a community of
that is transmitted in the context of the last supper
men to be his apostles (Mark 1:17, Mt 4:19). He
tradition indeed presupposes an interim period
deliberately chose and appointed the Twelve
between Jesus and the realized kingdom of God:
Apostles, 14 an action which "already reveals the
"Truly I tell you, I will never again drink of the fruit of
meaning of the prophetic-symbolic action implicit in
the vine until that day when I drink it new in the
the new initiative to re-establish the holy people. As
kingdom of God." Both these data are the conditions
the system of the 12 tribes had long since faded out,
of possibility in order that the disciples understand
the hope of Israel awaited their restoration as a sign
themselves after the resurrection experience as
of the eschatological time (as referred to at the end
"ekklesia," as the new "qahal YHWH." That the
of the Book of Ezekiel: 37:15-19; 39:23-29; 40-48). "
Church has finally come into existence as a
community of faith distinguished from Israel.
But it was with tension that the early Christian Third, the apostles, before Jesus ascended into
movement with their traditions, beliefs and heaven, was entrusted with the great mission of
celebrations centered on Jesus Christ gradually bringing the world into a community of faith and
came into being vis-à-vis the existing religious worship "all power in heaven and on earth has been
groups and institutions of first century Palestine. given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
Analogous to other Jewish groupings, the young
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
Church experiences a tension between two givens:
to observe all that have commanded you. And
on the one hand, they claim to be the true Israel
behold, I am with you always, until the end of the
and to represent the entire people of God; on the
age."16 Jesus clearly indicated that he will be with
other hand, there is the unmistakable social
the apostles, who became our historical link as a
reality that they are increasingly going to form a
Church to the risen Christ, until the end of time. In
separate group within Israel.
addition to Ratzinger's arguments, a word of
Gradually this tension culminates in an actual split specialnmention is given on the primacy and role of
within the people of God, Israel: they go their Peter among the apostles as the head of the Church.
separate ways.
In Matthew 16:18- 20, we read:
Therefore, the foundation of the Church should not
And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this
essentially be viewed, and even judged in knowing
rock will build my church, and the gates
Jesus' explicit intention but in finding the essential
element of continuity from the preEaster Jesus to the of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will
post-Easter institutional Church, and the ongoing life give you the keys of the kingdom of
of the Church as pilgrims awaiting for his Second
Coming. heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound
on heaven; and whatever you loose
6.3 Pope Benedict XVI
on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, no less than the pope
emeritus of the Catholic Church, made the following It is interesting to note that it is only in the above text
points in supporting Jesus' intention of building a that Jesus explicitly mentioned the
community of faith, a church: word Church which is referred to in Greek as
First, Jesus clearly made his intention known to Ekklesia and links this Ekklesia headed by Peter with
restore a divided people, the lost people of Israel12 the Kingdom preached by Jesus.
(see Mt. 15:24). For Ratzinger, "the entire mission of
the Son-made-flesh has a communitarian finality. He
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Finally, let us give our attention to the Holy Father's After the resurrection of Jesus, the twelve apostles
word on the foundation of the Church: were never the same again. They, who were hiding
in fear and uncertainty at the time of Jesus' arrest
We cannot have Jesus without the reality he created
and crucifixion, and were constantly struggling to
and in which he communicates himself. Between the
understand his person and mission, became
Son of God-made-flesh and his Church there is a
exemplars of courage and conviction to their faith in
profound, unbreakable and mysterious continuity by
the risen Christ.
which Christ is present today in his people. He is
always contemporary with us, he is always Let us recall that in Mark 15:15-18, the apostles
contemporary with the Church." were commissioned by Jesus in the following words:
7. Conclusion Go into the world and preach the Gospel to the
whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will
It is intriguing to know how scholars and authorities
be saved; but he who does not believe will be
argue on their positions regarding Jesus' intention of
condemned. And these signs will accompany those
establishing the Church. But the discussion would
who believe: in my name they will cast out demons;
further become complicated, and perhaps,
they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up
confusing if we are to include perspectives of the
serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not
non-Catholics and non-Christians.
hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and
Depending on our bias and rational judgment, their they will recover.
arguments and points may appeal to us in various
And so the fire of the missionary spirit was lit up and
ways. Most likely, Catholics may have the greater
the heart of every apostle was consumed by this
readiness to believe in what Pope Benedict XVI has
irresistible calling to be sent, to preach, to heal, to
to say on the matter, knowing our conviction and
exorcise, and to baptize in the name of Jesus, their
faith in the Lord Jesus. But we cannot rule out the
Lord and Messiah. Their conviction was
truth that there may be others who may choose to
immeasurable and their labor unsurpassable in
suspend their judgment, and seek more answers to
proclaiming the good news about Jesus, and in
their personal questions in order to satisfy their thirst bringing new converts to the faith.
for the truth and to give peace to their restless
hearts. In the Acts of the Apostles, Peter's speech on the
day of Pentecost still echoes with transforming fiery
As Catholics, we may be so convinced of the Christian conviction:
continuity of the Church from the intention and action
of Jesus but the same Holy Spirit, who leads us to Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth,
such wisdom, calls us to be united with our brothers a man attested to you by God with mighty works and
and sisters amidst our differences, through our wonders and signs which God did through him in
attitude of respect and loving patience, especially to your midst, as you yourselves know-this Jesus,
those who oppose or challenge us in our belief and delivered up according to the plan and
in our faith. foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the
hands of lawless men. But God raised him up,
having loosed the pangs of death, because it was
Apostles and the Martyrs not possible for him to be held by it. This Jesus God
raised up, and of that we are all witnesses. Being
Christian history is made by men and women therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and
through their life and example of faith and love having received from the Father the promise of the
in Jesus, even against the test of pain and death. Holy Spirit, he has poured out this which you see and
hear Let all the house of Israel therefore know that
God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus
whom you crucified (Acts 2:22-24, 32-33, 36).
1. Apostles Further in that account, the people who heard Peter
were moved, convinced, and converted.
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Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, C. Decay of Paganism. "Christianity was born when
and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, paganism had grown tired and cynical of the
"Brethren, what shall we do?" And Peter said to pantheon of gods and goddesses. Immorality and
them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in vice had become part of the many religious rites
the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your themselves.... Vice had twisted the human heart out
sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. of shape, but the very disgust and exhaustion which
For the promise is to you and to your children and to this caused created a desire for goodness and virtue
all that are far off, every one whom the Lord our God which helped prepare for Christianity."
calls to him."...So those who received his word were
3. Martyrs
baptized, and there were added that day about three
thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the Then there was a time that the life-giving conviction
apostles' teachings and fellowship, to the breaking of the early Christians that Jesus is the God-sent
of bread and the prayers. Messiah faced its life- changing adversary-the test
of persecution and death. The Jewish authorities
Guided therefore by the apostles, the early
initiated a religious persecution of the Christians who
Christians followed "baptism" and the "breaking of
were considered as "deifying" a condemned and
bread" as essential events of being Christians, aside
crucified criminal, Jesus. For them, the act of
from the teachings, instructions and prayers taught
worshipping a crucified person was an abhorrence
to them by the apostles. Not only that, the
before God, equal to idolatry and blasphemy. Thus,
restlessness to preach so captivated the hearts of
Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was put to trial
the disciples that they started on a missionary
and later, stoned to death due to his refusal to
journey even beyond the borders of Palestine, from
denounce his faith in Jesus.
their home country to the far ends of the
Mediterranean world. Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him;
and the witnesses laid down their garments at the
As a fruit of their toil, converts were not only won but
feet of a young man named Saul. And as they were
groups and communities were even built. Thus, the
stoning Stephen, he prayed, "Lord Jesus receive my
apostles were credited to be responsible for the
spirit." And he knelt down and cried with a loud voice,
establishment of various Churches in the ancient
"Lord, do not hold this sin against them," And when
Mediterranean world. Christian communities sprang
he had said this, he fell asleep. And Saul was
from the Jewish capital of Jerusalem to the capital of
consenting to his death (Acts 7:58-8:1).
the pagan Roman Empire.
Thus, a new era of the early Church unfolded-the
2. Factors for the Early Expansion of
era of the Martyrs.
Such massive expansion of Christianity, according
to Richard Cronin, SJ (1964), was reinforced by the
following factors:
4. From Saul to Paul: A Story of Conversion
a. Roman Empire. The Roman Empire, which and Greatness
dominated Palestine at that time, made possible the
efficient preaching and spread of Christianity due to Being overly committed to his own conviction that
the means of communication (Roman outposts), the Christians and their faith in Jesus as Lord and
transportation (messengers), infrastructure (roads), Savior are abominations before the "God of
and rule of law (order and security for missions). Abraham, Jacob and Isaac," Saul consented and
even carried out persecutions against them. Acts
b. Diaspora Jews. Thus, the apostles, who 9:1-2 reveals Saul's disgust for the Christians:
were primarily Jews, and the early Christians on
mission may initially received hospitality and But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against
accommodation from their fellow Jews in various the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and
foreign places and cities. asked him for letters to the synagogue at Damascus,
so that if he found any belonging to the Way
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[Christians], men or women, he might bring them life. His letters have remained as great sources of
bound to Jerusalem theological and pastoral teaching. The letters were
born from a necessity arising from a point of question
He then rushed and headed to Damascus with the
or dispute, like the question on the necessity of
intention of bringing the Christians to trial for they
circumcision for salvation, and the admission of
deserve to be punished, based on his personal
Gentiles in the Christian Church. These documents
prejudice. He was chasing after the Christians but he
clarify Christian practice, and contextualize theology
had no slightest idea that the risen Christ had
within the needs and circumstances of the people.
prepared for the greatest transformation of his life. In
Paul's letters (also referred as the Pauline letters or
Acts 9:3-9, we can only think and use our
epistles) redefined the primacy of faith in Jesus over
imagination of the life- changing encounter between
the mere obedience of the law (e.g., on circumcision
the persecutor and the persecuted:
of Gentiles), the necessity and glory of the
Now as he journeyed he approached Damascus, resurrection of Jesus and its message of hope to
and suddenly a light from heaven flashed out about Jesus' followers, and "to the pre-eminent place of
him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying Christ in the total plan of God from creation to the
to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" end of time."

Saul must have been very shocked about the person

who just called him by his name. We may wonder of
course if we were placed in a similar situation-should
we panic and run in fear and disbelief or simply listen 5. Roman Emperors and Persecution of the
to the voice that is gently calling us? Christians
As to Saul, he replied in Acts 9:5 ff: Even after the life of Paul, who was once known to
be a persecutor, the persecution of Christians
And he said, "Who are you, Lord?" And he said, "I
continued and increased. This time, the Roman
am Jesus, whom you are persecuting; but rise and
Empire, through Nero in 64 C.E., initiated the
enter the city, and you will be told what you are to
widespread, brutal persecution of Christians, as
cited in the words of the historian Hubert Jedin
Further in that account, Saul became blind, and was (1993):
helped by a Christian named Ananias, who also
Thus, the earliest example of Christians' being
restored his sight. In Acts 9:20ff, Saul, having found
persecuted by Roman authorities remains the
his faith in Jesus, proclaimed Jesus as "the Son of
events under Nero after Rome burned in 64. Tacitus'
God" but all those who heard him at Damascus were
account (Annals 14, 44) provides a background
amazed for they had previously known him to be a
which is very valuable. To quell the persistent rumor
persecutor of the Christians. With threats of
that he himself was responsible for the conflagration
assassination and death from the Jews, Saul
which consumed much of the city on 16 July 64,
escaped to Jerusalem. And through a
reports Tacitus, the emperor diverted the blame onto
recommendation and testimony of Barnabas to the
the Christian community, "who on account of their
apostles Peter and James on the account of his
misdeeds were hated" by the people. Large
conversion in Damascus, the apostles accepted
numbers (ingens multitudo) of Christians were
Saul (now renamed Paul) as a member of the
arrested for their "crime" and executed in the ways
Jerusalem Church. Later in his life as a convert, he
reserved for arsonists: some were sewn into the
earned the title of being the "Apostle to the Gentiles"
skins of animals and thrown to the wild dogs; others
because it was, he who brought many Gentiles
were clothed in inflammable materials and used as
converts to the Christian faith.
living torches by Nero to light his garden, which he
Not only that Paul was remembered by the opened to the public for the spectacle. Tacitus
exemplary life he led, he was also known by the leaves little doubt he thought the Christians unjustly
letters or epistles he wrote to the various Churches accused of arson, however worthy of death for their
he visited and founded during his active missionary other presumed crimes. From this episode, we learn

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that the Christians at Rome in the seventh decade of certificates; others performed the act of worship
the first century were many in number (ingens required; and others who refused were martyred.
multitudo); second that Nero persecuted the The bishops were irate against the compromisers."
Christians not because he felt them a threat to the And the magnitude of inhumanity to the Christians
State, but was aimed rather at individual Christians, heightened. Valerian (253- 259) "continued the
not, as the Christian Apologists would have it, the persecution in 257 by ordering the close and
extirpation of the religion. confiscation of Christian Churches, and by exiling
and killing the bishops" but his son, Galienus,
But Nero's act did not win the sympathy of his
stopped his father's order of persecution and
fellowmen for "the victims were pitied, for it was felt "returned confiscated Church property."
that they [Christians] were being sacrificed to one
man's brutality rather to the national interest." And The era of Roman persecution had its final
yet the Roman persecution persisted like a curse for implementation at the time of Diocletian (284- 305).
the Christian martyrs. Emperor Trajan (98-117) Diocletian "renewed the former edicts of persecution
wrote a letter to Pliny the Younger, his Roman by Decius and Valerian, but added the confiscation
governor in Asia Minor, setting his royal decree on of Christian writings as well as Church buildings."
how to deal with the Christians in a proper inquiry The persecution under his reign, according to W.H.
based on the following procedure: Frend, was a product of a well-thought and well-
planned attack on the Christians:
You have followed the proper procedure in dealing
with the Christians who were brought before you. No It had been carefully planned and the consequences
absolute rule can be laid down. They are not to be had been weighed. Diocletian recognized the
hunted out. If they are denounced and convicted, danger of making Christians martyrs. No blood, he
they are to be punished, but he who denies that he insisted, must be shed. The aim was to recall the
is a Christian and proves it by supplicating our gods, Christians to their duty of recognizing the majesty of
although suspect in the past, may gain pardon from the Roman gods. The edict he promulgated on 24
penitence. Anonymous accusations are not to be February ordered that throughout the empire
entertained with respect to any crime. These are the Churches were to be destroyed, and the sacred
worst examples of our age. books of the Christians handed over to be burned.
Christian in public offices were to be removed from
them. In private life Christians in the upper classes
To make the situation worse for the Christians, (honestiores) were to lose their privileges. In
Septimus Severus in 202 intensified the particular, they could not act as plaintiffs in case of
campaign for the persecution with greater injury, adultery or theft. Christian slaves may not be
severity: freed. But there was no requirement for universal
sacrifice. The attack was concentrated on the
He forbade conversion to Christianity, and baptism organization of the Church, its life as represented by
was considered a criminal act. The Christian was still the Scriptures and buildings, and on its influential
pardoned, however, if he denied the Faith...This members."
policy stepped up the government's active
persecution of the Christians because the police Thus, the Christians, who were caught unprepared
sought out the newly baptized instead of merely by these circumstances, manifested a variety of
awaiting a denunciation from a private source. The responses. Some fled to remote places where they
famous martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas took can freely practice their faith. Others simply
place at Carthage during the time of Septimus submitted to the authorities. But there were those
Severus (193-211). who complained, fought for their rights, and
persisted to uphold their freedom. Thus, they ended
In 250 C.E., Roman emperor Decius directed that up tortured, executed, or burned in public depending
all citizens of the empire must worship the gods of on those who arrested them, and in what Roman
the Romans and secure a certification from the province they belonged.
government. According to Richard Cronin, "many
Christians, it seems, actually bought such
BSN-3B Group no.1
Persecution finally met its end at the time of give what is due to the poor, and to fight for the
Galerius in 311. And in 313, the Emperor advocacies of the marginalized and the needy.
Constantine together with Licinus issued the Another disheartening aspect is the increasing gap
Edict of Milan which declared religious freedom between the rich and the poor, which can be partly
to all citizens of the empire, after so many traced to the lack of our Christian love for, and
decades of prolonged agony and torture: seemingly less accountability to the poor.
Perhaps, the lives of the apostles and the martyrs
are challenging us to search our hearts, and ask
6. Conclusion
ourselves: In what ways have I made acts of
Christian generosity, dedication and heroism for my
faith and love in Jesus? Or if we have not reached
Centuries ago, to be a Christian was a decision of such degree of maturity in our commitment, let us
life and death. It was a decision that manifests a examine our intentions, motivations of being and
passion for the truth, and the unwavering courage to becoming a Christian, follower of Jesus and humbly
stand for it at the risk of being arrested, tortured and assess our loving example to our neighbors,
executed. Thus, Tertullian's words aptly capture the especially to the least of our brethren. a
legacy of the era of the martyrs: "The blood of the
martyrs is the seed of Christians." After all, we are called Christians for a reason. From
the witness of the apostles and the early Christians
Without discounting those who have remained who lived and died for their faith in Jesus, we are
sincere in their faith, we can observe today some invited to sincerely ask ourselves: Has our religion
nominal Catholics (Catholics by name only) who become a proof of our conviction, or has it plainly
openly preach that they are Catholics but withdraw evolved into a mere religion of convenience?
to their own comfort zones when asked to serve the
Church, to sacrifice their time and personal plans, to

BSN-3B Group no.1

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