Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan: Storing Sandwiches

Grade Level: 3-5


 Students will understand the importance of storing sandwiches properly to

maintain freshness and prevent spoilage.
 Students will learn different methods of storing sandwiches, such as using
airtight containers or wrapping them in plastic wrap.
 Students will learn how to identify signs of spoilage in sandwiches and how to
dispose of them properly.


 Sandwiches (pre-made or made in class)

 Airtight containers
 Plastic wrap
 Ziplock bags
 Whiteboard and markers
 Pictures of spoiled food



1. Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever eaten a sandwich that
tasted stale or had gone bad. Ask them to share their experiences and
thoughts on why sandwiches might spoil.
2. Explain to the students that sandwiches, like any other food, need to be stored
properly to maintain their freshness and prevent spoilage.
3. Write the lesson objectives on the whiteboard.

Demonstration: 4. Demonstrate different methods of storing sandwiches, such

as using airtight containers or wrapping them in plastic wrap. Explain the
advantages and disadvantages of each method.

1. Pass around different types of sandwiches in different storage containers and

ask the students to observe and note the differences in freshness and quality.
2. Show pictures of spoiled sandwiches and ask students to identify the signs of
spoilage, such as mold or foul odor.
Guided Practice: 7. In small groups, have students make their own sandwiches
and store them using different methods, such as airtight containers or plastic

1. Have students label the storage containers with the date and time to monitor
the freshness of the sandwiches.

Independent Practice: 9. Have students write down their observations about

the freshness and quality of their sandwiches after 24 hours and compare
them to their initial observations.

1. Have students share their observations and thoughts with the class, and
discuss the importance of proper storage in preventing spoilage and
maintaining freshness.

Conclusion: 11. Summarize the main points of the lesson and review the
different methods of storing sandwiches.

1. Emphasize the importance of proper storage and disposal of spoiled food.

2. Encourage students to apply what they have learned at home to prevent food
waste and ensure their own health and safety.

Assessment: Observations during guided practice and independent practice,

as well as participation in class discussions, can be used to assess student
understanding of the importance of proper sandwich storage and disposal.
Lesson Title: Storing Sandwiches

Grade Level: Middle School (6th - 8th grade)


 Students will understand the importance of storing sandwiches properly to

maintain their quality and safety.
 Students will learn about different types of sandwich fillings and how they
should be stored.
 Students will learn how to store sandwiches in different types of containers.
 Students will learn about the potential risks of consuming sandwiches that
have been stored improperly.


 Different types of sandwich fillings (e.g., ham and cheese, turkey and avocado,
peanut butter and jelly, etc.)
 Various types of containers (e.g., plastic bags, airtight containers, aluminum
foil, etc.)
 Whiteboard and markers
 Handouts with sandwich storage guidelines

Introduction: Begin by asking students how they typically store their

sandwiches. Ask them if they have ever had a sandwich that tasted "off" or
had an unusual texture. Explain that the way sandwiches are stored can impact
their taste, texture, and safety. Let them know that they will be learning about
the best ways to store different types of sandwiches.


1. Discuss the different types of sandwich fillings and how they should be stored:
 Explain that sandwiches with meat and cheese should always be refrigerated
to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
 Sandwiches with vegetables and spreads (e.g., avocado, hummus, etc.) can be
stored at room temperature for a short period of time.
 Sandwiches with perishable items (e.g., tuna salad, egg salad, etc.) should be
stored in the refrigerator.
1. Explain the different types of containers that can be used to store sandwiches:
 Plastic bags can be used to store sandwiches that will be consumed within a
few hours.
 Airtight containers are a good option for sandwiches that will be stored for
longer periods of time.
 Aluminum foil can be used to wrap sandwiches that will be eaten within a few
hours, but should not be used for long-term storage.
1. Demonstrate how to properly store a sandwich:
 Have students watch as you demonstrate how to wrap a sandwich in
aluminum foil or place it in an airtight container.
 Explain the importance of making sure the sandwich is tightly sealed to
prevent air and moisture from entering.
1. Discuss the risks of consuming sandwiches that have been stored improperly:
 Explain that consuming sandwiches that have been stored improperly can lead
to food poisoning and other illnesses.
 Emphasize the importance of following proper storage guidelines to ensure
food safety.

Conclusion: Hand out the sandwich storage guidelines and review them with
the class. Have students work in pairs to practice storing different types of
sandwiches in different containers. Encourage them to discuss the importance
of food safety with their families and friends.


 Observations during the demonstration and practice activities

 Class participation during the discussion and activities
 Completion of the handout and ability to discuss the guidelines with their

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