Individual Activities. August 2nd, 2021.

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Individual practice, August 2nd, 2021

1. Do the activity named: Sum it up in pairs. (Realizar la actividad de los archivos de pdf
en parejas, una persona debe usar el archivo A, y la otra, el B. Se trata de leerle las
sumas y restas de la parte inferior de la hoja al compañero/a y digitar las respuestas
correctas en el crucigrama). Recuerden revisar la pronunciación de los números con
los documentos y páginas dados en el documento del viernes pasado.
2. Do the activity with the verb to be on this document and the individual activities online.

I. Complete the following sentences with the verb to be. (We will check the answers
on Tuesday).
1. I am excited to see my friend.
2. It is seven in the morning.
3. The books (be) are new. They (be, not) are not (aren´t) old.
4. They are happy to see you
5. The children (be) are eating bananas. They (be, not) are not (aren´t) eating apples.
6. Tommy, Steven, and Teddy (be) are acting in the school play.
7. The children are having fun playing in the backyard
8. It (be) is hot outside. It (be, not) is not (isn´t) cold outside.
9. We are good Friends
10. Mary is a good friend of mine. Paul and Tom are my best friends.
11. This exercise is really difficult.
12. What he says is true.
13. I am a teacher.
14. We are very happy living in London.
15. You (be) are finished with the quiz
II. Write 5 sentences in total using the verb ‘to be’ (affirmative, negative, interrogative).
Online practice
Do two or three of these exercises.
- Reading Comprehension: Verb to be

-Verb to be, present and past. British Council
• Jack is not in the coffee, because he is with Emilia.
• Sophie is travel to Colombia; she is not travel to Brazil.
• Jack and Daisy have a meeting at 6:00pm in the coffee
• Sophie is in a business travel to Brazil
• Is Sophie a bakery woman? No, she isn´t, she is a teacher.
-Game 1

-Game 2

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