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1. A guy in a motorbike and with a guitar on his back.

 Jobs/Doing in Life: Band Guitarist
 First encounter: Beside the road. When main is heading home from work at the clinic
and saw a bird landed beside the road and seems like it is hurt. They both saw it. Motor
guy came to it at first and stopped and removes helmet. But main attended to the bird
first. And motor guy was enchanted by the compassion and sympathy towards such little
creatures. Stunned and wasn’t able to move, he didn’t notice that main already went on
to nurse the bird at home. (Btw, main is in a hurry for the event in the nursing home. He
helps in the works there during his free time.)

 Second Encounter: In the nursing home during the event. Main was a substitute for the
vocalist of their band. They performed together a song production during the event.
Stunned by the voice and emotion of the main.

2. A guy who came with his mother to live in their home temporarily to unwind his mind of the
book his writing and help at work as well.
 Jobs/ Doing in Life: Book Author
 First Encounter: They are neighbors. At the time the guy arrived at their family house,
main was rushing to get home holding a weak baby bird. Guy was still beside the road
looking at the house. He saw main worriedly running towards his direction so he
stepped aside. When main passed by the guy’s home, the guy’s mother called out for
main and asks if he will go to the event with her together, and main told her about the
bird so they attended to it first. The guy was mesmerized to main’s concerned face and
gentle caring of the bird when they were looking after the bird. <<<fast forward for a
little>> The guy’s mother was called by her co-workers that they need her urgently for
the preparation. She told them that she needs to head there first now. After making
sure that the bird was in a better condition, he went home to change. After changing, he
head to the nursing home and they met again at the front of the guy’s house who is
currently locking the gate. (btw the nursing home is just on a walking distance from their
houses). Eventually, they walked together to their destinations. Along the walk, they
were trying to at least not make the minute awkward. They keep on trying to initiate a
conversation but both fails so they just walked until they arrived. <<fast forward for a
minute>> The guy was stunned as well during the singing performance of main.

3. A guy who was at the event to feature and at the same time film the event for their school work.
 Jobs/Doing in Life: College Student taking Film Production
 First encounter: During the event in the nursing home. He was the assigned leader of a
five-man team of filming students assigned to feature the event for their school project.
While his other members were preparing he happens to see main and was mesmerized.
One thing came to his mind: a face that the cameras and screen would like, a strong
candidate for a lead face/actor for his upcoming competition he is joining. But he also
needed to assure one thing more aside from the face value, the ability to connect and
get connected to the audience. So he followed him and was planning to get a
conversation with him to somehow get the assurance. On his way to him, he saw the 2 nd
guy’s mother talking to him, asking if he wants to proxy the vocalist who wasn’t able to
arrive at the event. So he just leaned on the wall and settled to just watch him sing later
to assess him. <<fast forward for a minute>> He was extremely shocked and captivated
by the performance, the voice and most especially his eyes and soul.

4. The guy who works at the clinic the main character is working at.
 Jobs/Doing in Life: Nursing Assistant in a clinic/Studying for his Doctoral
 First encounter: They both arrived and filed an application for the only available vacant
job in the clinic. Btw, the head of the clinic both hired them because apparently he saw
their convictions and dedications to get the position. They’ve been working for almost
two and a half year now. He is the closest to a friend around his age the main has.
 At the present, he also happens to hear the performance of main though he doesn’t
know it was the main singing. He just happened to be passing by. At the same time he
was planning to go to main to settle their little fight that day. They had a little
misunderstanding on a situation where their principle and personal values differed.
 He waited at the front of his house and eventually they were able to settle it. He also
learned of the reason why main was very sensitive with the issue. It was because it is
related to what had happened to him in the past and with his parents. Both parted with
a hug that night. (Which btw, the neighbor guy happens to saw)

5. The guy working in a book and garden establishment.

 Jobs/Doing in Life: Working part-time on a book and garden shop which his parents
 First encounter: They were both recent substitutes for the two workers (lesbian couples)
who resigned for the job and one of the girls recommended main. (Main and the girl
were working together in the nursing home for quite some time before.) He just
happened to finish school and decided to take a break for a year and work there in their
shop for now. By the way, they never met before because the shop guy was studying
abroad and only comes home during special occasions and/or personal reasons. Also,
main only works there during Thursday (his free day) and at the afternoon of Saturday.
Also, the house of the guy and shop is tree blocks away from each other.
 At the present, he also happens to watch the performance of main when their shop
delivered plant decorations for the event. He knows that the main works here but he
doesn’t know that he can sing, and so well. He was always fascinated with main on how
he treats his job seriously and how he cares for everything he handles at their shop.
Now he’s even more fascinated.

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