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Class :12 Comm

Subject :Economics

1) Distinguish between final and intermediate goods.

2) What do you mean by expected and unexpected obsolescence?
3) Can all machine goods be capital goods.
4) How stock is different from flow?
5) What do you mean by inventory stock?
6) Why entrepreneurs should have depreciation reserve fund?
7) What is difference between transfer income and factor income.
8) How micro economics different from macro economics
9) Distinguish between normal resident and non
10) Calculate GNP by income and expenditure methods
Net domestic capital formation – 500
Compensation of employee – 1850
Consumption of fixed capital – 100 consumption expenditure – 1100
Private final consumption expenditure – 2600
Rent. – 400
Dividend. 200
Interest. 500
Net exports. – 100
Profit 1100
NFIA. - 50
NIT. 250

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