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character names officer officer master 0 0 officer officer 0 officer officer 0 0 officer 0 officer 0 0 0 0 0 officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 officer 0 0 officer 0 0 0 0 0 officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {msa}karensa Anthony ynrgy irT Benson onin {}{MW} Ken taro ----julie richard abster KingKaos-ynrgy irT a iva o peter (pvg) jacco sue ingrid teresa sh ang chronos david endless delirium suzanne wim ronny {msca}muttley (*)(*){siky} georgia myagi333 king wonderbread of azria mac tavish monyc amores merlina shamaeso zoe tom linda aliantha tara yasmine gryphon vane nelly robert sate glen nicksen scum

facebook name karen rogers anthony lenz benson ang iksan Susanto Ken taro julie strickland richard thies jane maddison waz roberts jane curtis peter von gunten jacco van beekum sue douglas ingrid andersson teresa hedley ang seng heng Bjrn Kmpegaard Rasmussen david sears lisa padron suzanne klein-overmeer wim van den munckhof ronny andersson Lauren bolt craig worland georgia mata ivo schrijn erik klein-overmeer guilaume paget monique bartelds amores douglas merlina mara rick thompson zoe mataranga tom hedley linda conley (chroharp chen) aliantha castle tara jones yasmine bartelds dave noble vane hsia nelly hsia robert north sate babi glen gray nicksen chrismason mangkey mick gill

kind of player hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid pvp hybrid hybrid hybrid monster hunter hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid pure pvp pvp hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid pvp pvp hybrid pure pvp hybrid monster hunter monster hunter pvp pvp hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid monster hunter hybrid monster hunter power lvler power lvler

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

fren derick dominic eric john toliongco truth hunter condo mario jeremy cicca bubble =k*n=g.k -

fren amie derrick danforth dominc thies eric toliongco christopher truthhunter robin ( Li shi chen) condo sys mario herrera jeremy howell Christine Lerbk sandra mccleland graham truthhunter roberts -

power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler -

minimal lvl you minimal lvl you for gaining 200 for gaining 240 points points Favourite class cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue rogue cleric cleric rogue rogue cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue rogue cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric mage cleric cleric cleric mage mage/cleric mage cleric cleric cleric mage mage cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue cleric cleric cleric level within guildbattle 1020 806 957 717 439 774 493 476 717 464 566 468 421 402 409 395 450 438 338 369 342 363 198 257 310 314 334 279 300 178 186 338 141 237 356 358 157 141 218 280 231 196 220 125 148 138 159 1543 1220 1447 1084 664 1171 745 720 1084 702 855 708 636 609 618 598 681 662 511 558 517 549 299 388 468 474 505 422 454 269 281 512 213 358 538 541 237 213 330 424 350 296 333 189 224 208 241 1275 1008 1196 896 549 968 616 595 896 580 707 585 526 503 511 494 563 547 422 461 427 454 247 321 387 392 417 349 375 222 232 423 176 296 445 447 196 176 273 350 289 245 275 156 185 172 199

pvp-class offensive aggressor offensive offensive offensive offensive defensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive aggressor defensive balanced aggressor offensive defensive offensive aggressor balanced offensive balanced defensive offensive aggressor offensive aggressor defensive offensive offensive aggressor offensive aggressor paladin balanced balanced

tower north east west west west west north west west north north east west east north west west north north north north east west east east east north east north west north west west west west north north west north west north west west west north west west

attack power 4698 4139.2 4046.4 3816.5 2859.5 2635.5 2377.5 2275.7 2275 2221 2192 2086 2056 1957.7 1926.8 1910.4 1812.6 1772.3 1753.5 1660.9 1621.9 1611.8 1602.9 1552.4 1473.9 1465.3 1406.4 1385.3 1354.6 1333 1278.4 1221.6 1213.8 1181.8 1161 1160.9 1055.5 1042.3 1039.4 1033.5 958.5 882.9 700.4 515.7 242 1.7 1.7

balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced -

cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue cleric rogue mage cleric cleric -

north north west north north north north west east west north east -

160 182 210 214 226 226 258 304 348 350 394 435 -

242 276 317 324 341 342 390 460 526 529 595 658 -

200 228 262 268 282 283 322 380 435 437 492 544 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00
7.00 6.00 LSI 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00

1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 -




castle age home office is at pacific coast of usa last updated defense power 3977.1 3420.7 3914.7 3479.9 2555 2541 2462.4 2236.1 1975 2156.5 2126 2046.7 1765.6 1860.5 1922 1843.2 1731.9 1637.9 1658.4 1630.3 1526.5 1574 1324.5 1562 1473.9 1219 1368 1407.8 1278.7 984.1 1278.4 1206 1213.8 1191.4 1047.3 851.9 899.5 739.3 1039.7 1006.5 836.7 728.7 639.2 371.7 291.8 1.7 1.7 BSI 4.06 4.42 3.93 4.87 5.89 3.16 4.75 4.47 2.98 4.49 3.76 4.20 4.27 4.47 4.48 4.54 3.75 3.79 4.80 0.00 4.22 4.36 4.15 7.30 5.82 0.00 4.60 4.04 3.93 4.73 4.13 6.17 6.71 3.38 8.55 4.83 2.93 2.69 6.39 6.06 4.48 3.46 3.68 3.92 2.87 3.37 1.87 0.01 0.01 BSI or LSI LVL new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed LSI 2.50 2.76 2.45 2.17 2.43 3.47 2.08 2.69 4.23 2.83 2.89 4.35 3.46 3.91 2.82 3.47 4.05 2.63 4.35 0.00 3.58 3.58 4.55 1.79 3.12 0.00 3.95 3.45 4.11 3.59 3.23 1.72 2.48 5.36 1.10 2.91 5.30 4.98 2.74 1.57 2.70 4.45 3.87 3.92 5.38 3.52 6.07 0.02 0.02 officers adviser adviser leader 0 0 adviser adviser 0 adviser adviser 0 0 adviser 0 adviser 0 0 0 0 0 shart-updater 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 adviser 0 0 adviser 0 0 0 0 0 adviser 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

cst+6 hours = gmt (england) cst+1=est Time Zone cst+17 0 cst+13 0 0 0 0 0 0 cst+7 cst+7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cst+1=est 0 cst+7 0 0 0 0 cst+7 0 cst+6 (gmt) cst+7 cst+6 (gmt) 0 cst+1=est 0 0 0 0 0 0 cst+7 cst+6 (gmt) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 -

0.01 new data needed 0.01 up to date within 10lvls 0.01 up to date within 10lvls 0.01 new data needed 0.01 up to date within 10lvls 0.01 new data needed 0.01 up to date within 10lvls 0.01 up to date within 10lvls 0.00 new data needed 0.00 up to date within 10lvls 0.00 new data needed 0.00 up to date within 10lvls 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 of player Kind 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -

0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

0 0 0 0 cst+6 (gmt) 0 0 0 0 0 0 cst+6 (gmt) -



5.00 BSI







utc=gmt pst= cst -2 ? best time for an guild battle saterday & Sunday x 0 1 2 3 4 5 y 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 8.4

0 2.1

0 7

0 4

0 6.2

0 4.8

0 5

0 6.4

0 4

0 7

0 2.4

0 9.2

ca name

facebook name

officer officer master

{msa}karensa Anthony ynrgy irT Benson onin {}{MW} Ken taro ----julie richard abster KingKaos-ynrgy irT a iva o peter (pvg) jacco sue ingrid teresa sh ang chronos david endless delirium sato suzanne

karen rogers anthony lenz benson ang iksan Susanto Ken taro julie strickland richard thies jane maddison waz roberts jane curtis peter von gunten jacco van beekum sue douglas ingrid andersson teresa hedley ang seng heng Bjrn Kmpegaard Rasmussen david sears lisa padron choketo sato suzanne klein-overmeer

officer officer officer officer

officer officer



wim van den munckhof

ronny {msca}muttley (*)(*){siky} officer tom georgia myagi333 king wonderbread of azria mac tavish monyc amores merlina shamaeso

ronny andersson Lauren bolt craig worland janet curtis georgia mata ivo schrijn erik klein-overmeer guilaume paget monique bartelds amores douglas merlina mara rick thompson



zoe tom linda

officer aliantha tara yasmine gryphon vane nelly robert sate glen nicksen scum fren derick dominic eric john toliongco truth hunter

zoe mataranga tom hedley linda conley (chroharp chen) aliantha castle tara jones yasmine bartelds dave noble vane hsia nelly hsia robert north sate babi glen gray nicksen chrismason mangkey mick gill fren amie derrick danforth dominc thies eric toliongco christopher truthhunter robin ( Li shi chen) condo sys mario herrera jeremy howell Christine Lerbk sandra mccleland graham truthhunter roberts

condo mario jeremy cicca bubble =k*n=g.k

cst+6 hours = gmt (england) cst+1=est officers Time Zone

utc=gmt pst= cst -2 ? country battle rank war rank

adviser adviser leader


New zealand

high king high king

lieutenant colonel master warguard ltc war chief colonel warguard


Singapore indonesia indonesia

high king king king high king earl duke duke high king earl king king prince earl general high king lieutenant commander

adviser adviser australia adviser adviser cst+7 cst+7 spain switzerland

adviser adviser Malaysia

first captain



duke king prince







australia adviser cst+7 cst+7 cst+6 (gmt) cst+7 cst+6 (gmt) cst+1=est spain netherlands united kingdom netherlands united kingdom

high king general prince

master warguard



baron baron high general champion commander general high general baron


adviser cst+7 cst+6 (gmt)

general lieutenant commander general general New zealand general commander netherlands legionaire united kingdom centurion taiwan commander lieutenant commander champion legionaire soldier commander lieutenant commander champion general commander commander united kingdom prince legionaire prince general duke lieutenant commander high king united kingdom high king

corporal corporal

cst+6 (gmt)

cst+6 (gmt)

best time for an guild battle

elite guard link

keep link - - -

saterday & Sunday - - - - -

in case of not being online extra info can play as: aliantha castle/ ang seng heng/ glen gray glen gray/ ang seng heng / anthony lenz Ken Taro Iksan Susanto wim van den munckhof left guild at up to date?

new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed

janet curtis

benson ang/ glen gray / anthony lenz

wim van den munckhof 2/sep/11 erik klein-overmeer

up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls

julie strickland

up to date within 10lvls

jane curtis zoe mataranga/ merlina mara suzanne klein overmeer yasmine bartelds/ rick thompson georgia mata / zoe mataranga monique bartelds 21/jul/11

up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls

difficult speaking english -

georgia mata/ merlina mara

karen rogers monique bartelds nelly hsia vane hsia

up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls new data needed up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls up to date within 10lvls

benson ang/ amg seng heng/ anthony lenz

minimal lvl you for gaining 200 points

minimal lvl you for gaining 240 points

last time checked 3/sep/11 tower tower

level within guildbattle north west east

1020 806 957 717 439 774 493 476 717 464 566 468 421 402 409 395 450 438 338 199 369

1543 1220 1447 1084 664 1171 745 720 1084 702 855 708 636 609 618 598 681 662 511 301 558

north east west west west west north west west north north east west east north west west north north out of guild north

1275 1008 1196 896 549 968 616 595 896 580 707 585 526 503 511 494 563 547 422 249 461

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1





363 198 257 215 310 314 334 279 300 178 186 338

549 299 388 325 468 474 505 422 454 269 281 512

east west east out of guild east east north east north west north west

454 247 321 269 387 392 417 349 375 222 232 423

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

141 237 356 358 157 141 218 280 231 196 220 125 148 138 159 160 182 210 214 226 226 258 304 348 350 394 435 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

213 358 538 541 237 213 330 424 350 296 333 189 224 208 241 242 276 317 324 341 342 390 460 526 529 595 658 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

west west west north north west north west north west west west north west west north north west north north north north west east west north east out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild out of guild

176 296 445 447 196 176 273 350 289 245 275 156 185 172 199 200 228 262 268 282 283 322 380 435 437 492 544

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

totaal 59 members

north west east 24 25 10

south favorite class for guild battle last update member info

last updated members lvl 1258 1006 1191 881 541 964 600 594 838 574 675 579 526 502 505 486 556 529 418 245 459

max energy max stamina

cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue rogue cleric cleric rogue rogue cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue rogue cleric cleric cleric cleric

1 September, 2011 13 August, 2011 1 September, 2011 21 August, 2011 21 August, 2011 1 September, 2011 11 August, 2011 21 August, 2011 25 July, 2011 26 August, 2011 7 August, 2011 13 August, 2011 31 August, 2011 31 August, 2011 7 August, 2011 13 August, 2011 30 July, 2011 8 August, 2011 8 August, 2011 20 August, 2011 28 August, 2011

1001 736 906 580 426 1391 363 557 1707 370 506 1130 349 1320 471 663 750 477 612 79 565

1075 1021 1007 666 444 975 442 520 920 627 723 695 735 322 476 511 750 456 603 142 538


27 August, 2011




cleric mage cleric mage cleric cleric mage mage/cleric mage cleric cleric cleric

31 August, 2011 10 August, 2011 7 August, 2011 8 August, 2011 7 August, 2011 31 August, 2011 28 August, 2011 28 August, 2011 2 September, 2011 31 August, 2011 7 August, 2011 31 August, 2011

452 236 315 266 377 391 415 347 375 221 224 422

1320 162 323 196 560 345 1027 437 407 90 264 1140

368 130 330 190 465 501 340 405 403 145 146 561

mage mage cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric cleric rogue cleric rogue mage cleric cleric

7 August, 2011 7 August, 2011 31 August, 2011 12 August, 2011 8 August, 2011 28 August, 2011 2 September, 2011 19 April, 2011 28 August, 2011 28 August, 2011 1 September, 2011 30 August, 2011 13 August, 2011 31 August, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011 30 July, 2011

167 289 444 440 180 173 273 347 287 242 275 155 168 171 187 185 226 256 254 272 267 316 372 419 429 479 536 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

104 252 571 255 161 41 238 510 218 209 374 125 328 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

40 295 890 968 166 115 250 517 447 370 553 210 346 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

south 0

general which you got equiped before the battle is started



max health army size

starting general

3753 3421 2561 2707 2100 1680 1282 1393 1750 1395 1380 1281 1608 1285 1140 1216 1177 1227 1162 850 1019

1350 1026 2122 1585 1085 1365 1565 1261 750 1180 1160 1150 640 961 1124 992 908 779 845 1212 917

575 514 538 232 147 620 5860 310 400 210 386 305 286 161 510 277 750 483 162 145 375

1 1 1446 1460 1285 1534 1 1 4165 1 591 1 1 1 1 581 1 741 2198 1 1








1000 1325 900 1050 867 1200 880 784 901 1263 752 740

874 397 932 643 867 379 752 859 648 100 752 688

176 159 157 186 156 450 265 303 232 235 103 360

1 567 386 1 1326 1544 1 1 869 1 1500 635 vincent

darius deianira

714 682 839 1107 835 1029 611 645 731 731 496 501 74 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

714 714 460 77 315 19 612 555 325 217 292 21 240 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

102 340 206 142 170 236 229 271 171 152 175 333 210 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

1623 1 889 1 1 1 175 832 1 1 205 1 218 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

normal general using in guild battle sanna/anya/deishara,aethyx/syren/shivak/ daphne/alexandria/ephtaline/deianira

SPAEQ MHBEQ average points per lvl

attack power

6.94 7.59 6.75 7.19 8.40 7.16 16.42 7.51 7.57 7.51 7.08 8.91 8.09 8.51 8.11 8.37 8.97

4.69 5.43 3.84 4.58 5.52 3.77 3.61 4.10 4.28 4.61 4.19 4.61 5.85 3.84 4.14 4.60 4.81 4.04 5.67 4.63 4.56

6.92 7.57 6.73 7.17 8.36 7.14 16.39 7.47 7.55 7.47 7.05 8.87 8.04 8.46 8.07 8.33 8.93 7.10 9.25 9.99 8.34

4698 4139.2 4046.4 3816.5 2859.5 2635.5 2377.5 2275.7 2275 2221 2192 2086 2056 1957.7 1926.8 1910.4 1812.6 1772.3 1753.5 1698.4 1660.9



mage:Zurran, Alexandria, ephraline cleric: Deianira,Elaida,Sanna, kothas Rogue: Raziel,Deshara deianira/deshara/aethyx/persephone xira/celesta/deinira sanna/elaida/shivak/kothas as cleric zurran/felyzia/syren/jaelle as mage raziel_the_silent/ deshara/aethyx as rogue oberon/meekah/ameron/tyranth as warrior daphne/deinanira as defense deianira vincent/deianira/deshara/meekah/txyeros/dap hne/alexandria

7.14 9.30 10.08 8.39





8.86 9.33 9.12 8.85 8.70 8.38 8.44 8.91 7.72 8.50 9.21 9.36

3.84 6.72 4.95 5.38 4.77 5.63 3.76 4.59 4.55 7.03 4.66 4.41

8.81 9.24 9.05 8.77 8.64 8.32 8.39 8.85 7.66 8.40 9.11 9.31

1611.8 1602.9 1552.4 1500.1 1473.9 1465.3 1406.4 1385.3 1354.6 1333 1278.4 1221.6


sanna / aethyx / deshara persephone/raziel_the_silent/elaida sanna sanna


9.66 8.57 8.46 7.77 9.52 8.41 7.66 8.40 7.80 8.05 8.52 8.39 8.60 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

4.75 4.40 5.90 6.92 6.48 7.28 4.07 4.84 5.66 6.08 5.83 5.94 4.56 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

9.53 8.50 8.41 7.72 9.39 8.28 7.58 8.34 7.72 7.96 8.44 8.25 8.46 -0.10 -0.09 -0.09 -0.08 -0.07 -0.07 -0.06 -0.06 -0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.03 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00 -17.00

1213.8 1181.8 1161 1160.9 1055.5 1042.3 1039.4 1033.5 958.5 882.9 700.4 515.7 242 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

bsi defense power attack /defense average power 4337.55 3779.95 3980.55 3648.2 2707.25 2588.25 2419.95 2255.9 2125 2188.75 2159 2066.35 1910.8 1909.1 1924.4 1876.8 1772.25 1705.1 1705.95 1752.7 1645.6

lsi pvp class

battle strength level speed indexs

3977.1 3420.7 3914.7 3479.9 2555 2541 2462.4 2236.1 1975 2156.5 2126 2046.7 1765.6 1860.5 1922 1843.2 1731.9 1637.9 1658.4 1807 1630.3

4.056438792 4.420477137 3.931989924 4.871736663 5.887245841 3.158713693 4.745 4.468013468 2.983293556 4.486062718 3.762962963 4.198618307 4.273764259 4.474103586 4.483168317 4.543209877 3.75 3.792060491 4.801435407 8.416326531 4.217864924

2.504769475 2.761431412 2.451721243 2.170261067 2.42883549 3.465767635 2.078333333 2.688552189 4.232696897 2.829268293 2.891851852 4.352331606 3.458174905 3.912350598 2.817821782 3.467078189 4.04676259 2.625708885 4.349282297 1.481632653 3.575163399

offensive aggressor offensive offensive offensive offensive defensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive offensive defensive offensive






1574 1324.5 1562 1378 1473.9 1219 1368 1407.8 1278.7 984.1 1278.4 1206

1592.9 1463.7 1557.2 1439.05 1473.9 1342.15 1387.2 1396.55 1316.65 1158.55 1278.4 1213.8

4.146017699 7.296610169 5.815873016 6.364661654 4.599469496 4.038363171 3.93253012 4.734870317 4.130666667 6.167420814 6.714285714 3.383886256

4.548672566 1.788135593 3.120634921 2.165413534 3.952254642 3.445012788 4.113253012 3.593659942 3.234666667 1.719457014 2.482142857 5.360189573

offensive aggressor defensive offensive balanced aggressor offensive defensive offensive aggressor balanced offensive

1213.8 1191.4 1047.3 851.9 899.5 739.3 1039.7 1006.5 836.7 728.7 639.2 371.7 291.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

1213.8 1186.6 1104.15 1006.4 977.5 890.8 1039.55 1020 897.6 805.8 669.8 443.7 266.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

8.550898204 4.830449827 2.925675676 2.690909091 6.388888889 6.057803468 4.47985348 3.458213256 3.679442509 3.917355372 2.865454545 3.367741935 1.869047619 0.011695906 0.010695187 0.010810811 0.008849558 0.0078125 0.007874016 0.007352941 0.007490637 0.006329114 0.005376344 0.00477327 0.004662005 0.004175365 0.003731343 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1.101796407 2.91349481 5.295045045 4.979545455 2.738888889 1.566473988 2.703296703 4.449567723 3.87456446 3.921487603 5.381818182 3.516129032 6.071428571 0.01754386 0.016042781 0.016216216 0.013274336 0.01171875 0.011811024 0.011029412 0.011235955 0.009493671 0.008064516 0.007159905 0.006993007 0.006263048 0.005597015 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

balanced defensive offensive aggressor offensive aggressor defensive offensive offensive aggressor offensive aggressor paladin balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced balanced

class powers class lvl kind of player cleric mage warrior rogue warlock ranger warrior leadership 1 leadership 2

hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid pvp hybrid hybrid hybrid monster hunter hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid pure pvp hybrid 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3


hybrid pure pvp pvp pvp hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid pvp pvp hybrid

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 1 5 5

1 5 3 4

3 5 5 5 5 4 5 1 5 1 3 1

5 5 3 3

3 3 1 5

pure pvp hybrid monster hunter monster hunter pvp pvp hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid monster hunter hybrid monster hunter power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler power lvler monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter monster hunter

5 5 5 5 5 5

3 5 5 3 5 5

1 4 5 1 3 3

3 3 5 5 3 5 2 1

leadership 1 leadership 2 0 1

1187 leadership 3 leadership 4 whirlwind

3800 shout



confidence guardian sentinel 1 sentinel 2 sentinel 3

1 1

leadership 3 leadership 4 whirlwind 3 2 3

shout 0

confidence guardian sentinel 1 sentinel 2 sentinel 3 1 0 0 1 2

cleric cleanse 1 cleanse 2 cleanse 3 cleanse 4

1187 heal

4750 dispel

4750 fortitude

7125 resurrect revive 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1

1 1

cleanse 1 2

cleanse 2 1

cleanse 3 cleanse 4 3 1

heal 22

dispel 6

fortitude 4

resurrect 2

revive 1 1

rogue revive 2 revive 3 backstab 1 backstab 2 backstab 3 backstab 4

1187 evade

4750 ambush

4750 poison

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

revive 2 0

revive 3 0

backstab 1 1

backstab 2 0

backstab 3 backstab 4 1 3

evade 15

ambush 1

poison 2

7125 lacerate wound 1 wound 2 wound 3

mage mana shield 1 mana shield 2 mana shield 3 mana shield 4

lacerate 0

wound 1 0

wound 2 2

wound 3 1

mana shield 1 mana shield 2 mana shield 3 mana shield 4 1 2 0 4




7125 illusion 2

all illusion 3 resistance 1 resistance 2

polymorph magic barrier

confuse mirror image illusion 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1

1 1

polymorph magic barrier 16 1

confuse mirror image illusion 1 7 0 0

illusion 2 2

illusion 3 resistance 1 resistance 2 0 0 1

resistance 3 resistance 4

might 1

might 2

might 3

might 4

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1 1

resistance 3 resistance 4 0 22

might 1 0

might 2 3

might 3 6

might 4 6

0 0

0 0

items usefull for guild battle sylvanas signet signet of lotus azriel signet

class cleric

lvl 1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

generals usefull for guild battle Darius Vincent Deianira Deianira Daphne Tyxeros Persephone before start before start before start

Sanna Elaida shivak kothas

cleric cleric cleric cleric

Deshara Raziel the Silent aethyx esmeralda rafaria

rogue rogue rogue rogue rogue

Ameron Oberon meekah tyrant

warrior warrior warrior warrior

Zurran syren anya alexandria ephraline felizia jaelle

mage mage mage mage mage mage mage

class powers warrior leadership 1 leadership 2 leadership 3 leadership 4 whirlwind shout confidence guardian sentinel 1 sentinel 2 sentinel 3 cleric cleanse 1 cleanse 2 cleanse 3 cleanse 4 heal dispel fortitude resurrect revive 1 revive 2 revive 3 rogue backstab 1 backstab 2 backstab 3

backstab 4 evade ambush poison lacerate wound 1 wound 2 wound 3 mage mana shield 1 mana shield 2 mana shield 3 mana shield 4 polymorph magic barrier confuse mirror image illusion 1 illusion 2 illusion 3 all resistance 1 resistance 2 resistance 3 resistance 4 might 1 might 2 might 3 might 4

additional 1damage for tower on victory as mage +30 damage as rogue additional 1 health for tower on victory as cleric

+10 tower heal defensive victory only +10 tower heal defensive victory only +10 tower heal with offensive+ defensive victory +10 tower heal with offensive+ defensive victory, extra class power (total of 2 powers) +10 tower heal with offensive+ defensive victory, extra class power (total of 3 powers)

+30 damage +60 damage +100 damage +100 damage, extra class power (total of 2 powers) +100 damage, extra class power (total of 3 powers)

+10 damage (offensive victory only) +10 damage (offensive victory only) +10 damage (offensive+defensive victory) +10 damage (offensive+defensive victory), extra class power (total of 2 powers) +10 damage (offensive+defensive victory), extra class power (total of 3 powers)

+3 attack, +3 defense +6 attack, +6 defense +10 attack, +10 defense +10 attack, +10 defense, extra class power (total of 2 powers) +10 attack, +10 defense, extra class power (total of 3 powers)

Start battle to gain extra 80 health during battle Start battle to gain extra 150 health during battle Start battle to gain extra 90 health during battle if you got the festivus sword Inflicts additional damage in battles +20 damage Deflects 20 damage from you to your attacker upon defensive win or loss highly randomize base damage (0-340) in guild battles 10 damage reflected to attacker at defending

Heal +4 additional health when you win in Guild Battles heals an additional 25 HP. fortitude + 60% health +50 health with revive/resurrection

Inflicts +40 damage upon victory Improves Evade by 6%. +10 poison damage for 2 rounds +50 extra health reduction with wound/lacerate effect +25 extra health reduction with wound/lacerate effect

Improves Whirlwind by +15% damage to surrounding enemies. Gives +250 Health (+25 at your stats) confidence +40 damage +100 extra health protection and +10 more damage resist on sentinal/guardian effect

deals an additional +8 indirect damage to the whole tower upon win (defensive or offensive)(passive) +10% to confuse target to attack themselves +10% change to polymorph opponent +4 damage passive abelity +5% confuse and +2 damage passive (the solo 1s are better Zurran and syren) +12% chance of polymorph +20 less likely to be dispeld effect of mirror/illusion effect

on victory +8 bonus for next attack surrounding allies gets +3 bonus on victory +12 bonus for next attack surrounding allies gets +6 bonus on victory +20 bonus for next attack surrounding allies gets +12 bonus on victory +?? bonus for next attack surrounding allies gets +?? bonus Able to hit adjacent enemies of the same gate for reduced damage on victory +16 bonus for next attack surrounding allies gets +9 bonus (not stackeble)
Bonus damage dealt with each victory (+50 damage max)!

protect ally for 200 health with resistance of 15 damage per hit protect ally for 100 health with resistance of 5 damage per hit protect ally for 150 health with resistance of 10 damage per hit protect ally for 250 health with resistance of 20 damage per hit

removes a Debuff and heals 0 HP removes a Debuff and heals 15 HP removes a Debuff and heals 35 HP removes a Debuff and heals 50 HP Heal an ally regardless of Tower assignment. removes a Debuff and heals 20 HP
Raises current and max health of target for battle. Does not stack.

can raise an ally with 0 health to 250 health can raise an ally with 0 health to 200 health can raise an ally with 0 health to ?? health can raise an ally with 0 health to ?? health

+20 damage to enemy with full health +40 damage to enemy with full health +60 damage to enemy with full health

+85 damage to enemy with full health Evade Chance to avoid taking damage +50 damage to enemy with full health
Target takes an additional 35 damage for the next 5 battles, offensive or defensive

with victory decrease max health of unwounded target by 100 with victory decrease max health of unwounded target by 50 with victory decrease max health of unwounded target by 75 with victory decrease max health of unwounded target by ??

absorb 60 damage in guild battle last 1 hour absorb 80 damage in guild battle last 1 hour absorb 120 damage in guild battle last 1 hour absorb 135 damage in guild battle last 1 hour Temporarily binds target enemy and gain auto victory next attack and reduce damage received absorb 100 damage in guild battle last 1 hour
20 percent chance confused target attacks themselves, lasts for 5 rounds

copy appearance of ally, 80% chance dispelled when defeated copy appearance of ally, 100% chance dispelled when defeated copy appearance of ally, 90% chance dispelled when defeated copy appearance of ally, ??% chance dispelled when defeated

Resistance Level 1 Take 10 less damage to health in Guild Battle duels. Resistance Level 2 Take 20 less damage to health in Guild Battle duels. Resistance Level 3 Take 30 less damage to health in Guild Battle duels. Resistance Level 4 Take 40 less damage to health in Guild Battle duels. boost to your ATK/DEF stats+1/+1 boost to your ATK/DEF stats+2/+2 boost to your ATK/DEF stats+3/+3 boost to your ATK/DEF stats+4/+4


0-1 1-3 3-5

5-7 >7

if you got alexandria aswell you do additonal 2 damage

points you get when using

160-200-240 depends on lvl 160-200-240 depends on lvl 160-200-240 depends on lvl 160-200-240 depends on lvl 160-200-240 depends on lvl 160-200-240 depends on lvl ? ? ? ? ?

135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points

apply before he is at 0 health can be used more than1s apply before he is at 0 health can be used more than1s apply before he is at 0 health can be used more than1s apply before he is at 0 health can be used more than1s

160-200-240 depends on lvl 160-200-240 depends on lvl 160-200-240 depends on lvl

automaticly selected if enemy has full health automaticly selected if enemy has full health automaticly selected if enemy has full health

160-200-240 depends on lvl passive 160-200-240 depends on lvl ? passive passive passive passive

automaticly selected if enemy has full health automaticly selected if enemy has full health

135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points 160-200-240 depends on lvl 135 points ? 135 points 135 points 135 points 135 points

passive passive passive passive passive passive passive passive

build type

leveling speed

battle strength

power lvler monster hunter hybrid

extreem fast very fast fast

very weak weak strong

pvp pure pvp

slow very slow

very strong extreem strong

fast thougth how to play in an guildbattle tactics

start with 5 mages who got alexandria/ zurren equiped first mage hit top 5 second hit the next 5 when they are done the whole tower got 50 hits from 14 till 18 damage so near 700 damge second row comes the rogues who can finish the top players mostlikely with this attack 1/3 of the whole tower is stunned reason why rogues have to go second is that if there are active showing up they have to go for those quickly

Waz Roberts fighting tactic's for the guild battles, Active Clerics first, then Non active clerics in the same gate, then move on the the next gate, active clerics first then but we all stay in the same gate at the same time and then move on as a team to the next gate, once all clerics are dead then we m once there all dead then we kill everyone else, and please dont hit above your AV as that will raise the dead and we will have to sta

have to go for those quickly

on the the next gate, active clerics first then non active clerics. the next gate, once all clerics are dead then we move on to mages that are active to stop them from poisoning us, V as that will raise the dead and we will have to start over again cleaning up, thanks

) BSI (Battle Strength Index) Attack + defense / level. This is a gauge of your strength in PvP

2) LSI (Leveling Speed Index) 2X Stamina + energy / level. This is a gauge of how quickly you

3) SPAEQ (Skill Point Aquistion Efficiency Quotent) BSI + LSI + (Health -100) / level. This a ov 4) CLQ (Chest Luck Quotent) Epic generals owned / number of favor points purchased

5) CF (Coward Factor) The percentage of times you are under 10 healh when you log of Castle

6) PPQ (Parasitic player quotent) Number of monsters you have fought and done less that 1%

7) MHBEQ (Monster Hunting Build Effective Quotent) Attack + 2X Stamina / level. This is a gau

from info in the yellow box I can calculate the green box

lvl energy stamina attack defense health

502 1320 322 1285 961 161

bsi lsi spaeq mhbeq average points attack power defense power a/d average power

4.474104 3.912351 8.507968 3.842629 8.464143 1957.7 1860.5 1909.1

vel. This is a gauge of your strength in PvP relative to others of the same level. Often seems to be regarded as the length of your CA

y / level. This is a gauge of how quickly you will level relative to others of the same level. BSI + LSI + (Health -100) / level. This a overall gauge of your efficiency in playing Castle Age

/ number of favor points purchased

u are under 10 healh when you log of Castle Age

ers you have fought and done less that 1% of the total damage required + number of monsters you have attacked but not defended

t) Attack + 2X Stamina / level. This is a gauge of how effective a monter hunter you are relative to others of the same level


energy stamina attack defense health

1320.14 321.34 1285 961 -720.32

lvl bsi lsi spaeq mhbeq average points attack power defense power a/d average power

502 4.474104 3.91 6.75 3.84 1957.7 1860.5 1909.1

eems to be regarded as the length of your CA [censored] given the importance many people regard it with.

monsters you have attacked but not defended / total number of monsters fought.

e relative to others of the same level

y people regard it with.

information from base attack 16 2 21 32 18 28 23 22 7 13 18 14

general adriana adriana aeris aeris Aethyx Aethyx agamemnon agamemnon alexandria alexandria alyzia alyzia ambrosia ambrosia ameron ameron angelica angelica anwar anwar anya anya araxis araxis


aria aria arielle arielle artanis artanis athenia athenia aurelius aurelius aurora aurora azalia azalia azeron azeron azriel azriel azul azul banthus archfiend banthus archfiend barbarus barbarus bjorin bjorin calista calista

13 12 13 21 27 23 18 25 25 17 21 18 24 18

caine caine cartigan cartigan celesta celesta chase chase chimerus chimerus cid cid corvintheus corvintheus crissana crissana crom crom dante dante daphne daphne darius darius deianira deianira Dexter dexter

19 16 12 17 15 2 25 19 14 12 14 16 17 13

delfina cloudslayer delfina cloudslayer deshara deshara dolomar dolomar draconius draconius dragan dragan edea edea elaida elaida elena elena elin elin elizabeth lione elizabeth lione elora elora ephraline ephraline Esmearalda Esmearalda evalice evalice

12 18 19 15 6 2 4 22 2 10 10 18 20 32 20

Fenris Fenris felizia felizia flaminius flaminius gallador gallador garlan garlan gawain gawain gildamesh orc king gildamesh orc king godric godric Gorlac Gorlac halcyon halcyon helena helena hyacinth hyacinth hyperion hyperion illusia illusia

16 24 20 10 4 15 19 17 15 15 15 14 15 14

isolde isolde jada jada jaelle jaelle jahanna jahanna karn the minotaur karn the minotaur kaiser kaiser kataan kataan kaylen kaylen keira keira kilgore kilgore kobo kobo kothas kothas kull kull lailah lailah

15 15 31 29 17 17 16 16 15 15 0 30 19 15

leon ironhart leon ironhart lilith and riku lilith and riku lothar the ranger lothar the ranger lotus lotus lucius lucius lyra lyra maalvus maalvus malekus malekus marina marina medius medius meekah meekah Memnon Memnon mephistopeles mephistopeles mercedes mercedes

13 8 17 23 15 16 20 28 13 14 19 16 24 5

minerva minerva miri bladebourne miri bladebourne misa misa morrigan morrigan nautica nautica noktar noktar oberon oberon ophelia ophelia penelope penelope percival percival persephone persephone phaethor phaethor rafaria rafaria raziel the silent raziel the silent

17 16 16 6 16 12 15 15 6 0 15 7 20 21 26

sanna sanna sano sano savannah savannah scarlett scarlett scourge scourge sephora sephora serra silverlight serra silverlight Sereme Serene severin severin serylius serylius shino shino shino shivak shivak skaar skaar slayer

17 3 11 17 15 5 10 20 18 14 4

16 19 16

slayer sofira sofira solara solara sophia sophia stone guardian stone guardian Strider Strider suri suri sylvanas sylvanas syren syren terra terra theorin theorin therian therian tifanna tifanna titania titania tristram

16 17 6 1 17 6 3 18 20 20 4 19 20 17 7 20

tristram tyrant tyrant tyxeros tyxeros valiant valiant vanquish vanquish vincent vincent vorenus vorenus vulcan vulcan xira xira zarevok zarevok zeventis zeventis zin zin zurran zurran

33 18 8 15 22 14 12 24 3 22 17 25 base defence 18 2 15 25 20 26 23 25 5 15 19 16

16 10 14 20 30 23 16 21 19 17 19 15 22 16

19 15 12 13 12 3 25 15 14 10 20 16 14 16

13 16 15 17 1 4 25 2 10 12 17 18 31 19

16 24 18 12 3 19 19 17 15 24 13 15 15 15

22 11 31 29 19 16 16 18 23 13 1 33 18 17

17 9 13 16 14 13 15 18 15 14 18 12 20 4

15 18 16 7 11 10 19 10 3 13 7 15 17 23

18 3 16 17 14 5 16 13 18 14 5

20 17 15

21 19 2 19 0 16 20 16 6 20 14 8 6 15

29 17 8 14 16 14 15 21 2 24 17 25


abelity -3 defense for opposing war counsil no bank fee rogue guild battle increase poison damage +10 and duration 2 rounds +30 attack vs monsters+3% critical divine power+20 +4 damage mage passive abelity +2 defense for every guardion of alyzia (max 50) divine power+5 player defense increased by 0.45 for every hero owns warrior +15% wirlwind damage +6% chance for extra demi points from battles and monster battles +1 defense for every wolf spirits owned (max10) +10% change to polymorph opponent +10 stamina -25 energy

+6 player attack +3 general attack and defence army limit to 521 +1 attack per 50 royal seals (max10) +1,1 defense for every 3 health divine power+20 player attack increased by 1 for every 4 health +5 attack on second postion war counsel +0.21 stamina for every hero owned +1 attack for every 50 archangels (max 40) +5 player attack and defence 12 hour cooldown +50% critical next attack (soulsteal) power attack use 3x stamina and damage is 3x as much +2 attack per valdonian mystic mage 0.5 attack for every vampire lord owned (max 12)

bonus monster for gold +4 attack +7 defense +15 defense when attacked army limit 521 +10 attack -10 stamina increase income by 4% +1 defense for every 3 health increase all stats by 4 army limit 521 +20 defense -25 attack when attacked in guild battle 20 damage reflected to attacker soldier cost decreased by 10% deals 20 damage extra in battles +6 player attack and defence

+1 attack for every 20 platinum knigths (max10) deal +40 damage as rogue upon guild victory +5% critical against monsters +2 defense for every griffen rider (max50) +6 energy damage reduced by 4 +25 using heal abelity +4 energy +20 attack against monsters +15 energy -10 stamina attack +15 energy -15 confuse +5%, mage passive +2damage +50 max health decrease with wound lacerate effect divine power+?? transfer +30% defense to attack

player attack +6 +12% chance of polymorph +2 attack for every flamewaker (max 50 attack) +1 defense for every 50 valor knigths (max10) soldier cost decreased by 6% +10 player attack on the nect 4 attacks 6hour cooldown power attack use 5x stamina and damage is 5x as much +20 energy +2attack +2 stamina transfer 25 % attack to defense + 12 attack -14 energy transfer 20 % stamina to energy none attack +12 max energy -14

+7 defense if you own Tristram +1 attack for every arcane blasts (max 10 ) +20%less likely to despelled illusin/mirror effect divine power+20 attack +1.1 every 4 health divine power+20 +50 attack on next attack 10 hour cooldown critical chance +3% +3 general attack and defence player attack increased 0.15 for every hero owns player attack increased by 8 when attacked max stamina of 4 2 less item needed by goblin emporium + general defense +40 +50 health with revive/resurrection divine power+30 +2 attack for every orc marauder (max 50) defense +5 energy +6

+4 stamina +5 attack +2% critical + critical hit chance by 4% soldiers cost decreased by 8% +6 player attack +3 general attack increase power attack x3 +critical chance 3% player attack increased by 0.45 for every hero owns +12 defense -14 energy 1 attack for every frost bolt (max 10) warrior confidence +40 damage +12 attack -14 energy army limit 541 increase income by 5%

max stamina +6 4 hours cooldown +10% critical on next attack +30 energy up at next attack 23 hour cooldown 5% extra demi points +6 attack 1 attack for every 40 barbarian captains (max 10) as warrior +25 health +25 attack -25 defense soldier cost decreased by 6% -4 damage reduced +4 player defense guild battle 10 damage reflected to attacker 5 hour cooldown +14 attack for 2 actions +25 max health decrease with wound lacerate effect +6% evade

heals for 4 health as cleric in guyild victory subquest completed 5% faster army size +15 6% more income +21 attack - 25 defence +4 energy +4 stamina +25 defense -25 attack +14 player attack -14 health +25 attack on the next 5 attacks 7hour cooldown increase all stats by 4 +4 defense

fortitude + 60% health +20 defense -24 energy critical 3%

8 hour cooldown (+5 attack to youre war concil for the next 5 attacks) transfer +20% max energy naar max stamina +6 energy increase damage siege weapon 10% on launching additional 5500 gold from quest and battles defense +0.2 for every hero owns +5 attack +15 defence when attacked +10% to confuse target to attack themselves +5 energy +10 energy increase player attack against monsters +25 +15 energy -10 stamina 5% extra chance to receive items from quests +7 attack if you own isolde

+100 extra health protection and +10 more damage resist on sentinal/guardian effect divine power +30 highly randomize base damage (0-340) in guild battles +4% chance for demi points +20 attack -25 defense gives +15 health critical hit on monster by 2% +15 defense -10 stamina +25% attack - 25% defence +20 attack against monsters +1 attack per 10 obsidian swords (max50) 23 hours cooldown +15 stamina on youre next attack +8 damage as mage on guild battle

items lifebane death ward aeris dagger inoculator poisons touch attack 2 2 5 1 1

attack defence 14 12 4 21 11 16 14 10 17 9

flamewave tomb alyzias greatsword

1 1

16 17

16 17

er battles

transfiguration araxin blade armegeddan pendant

2 1 2

7 7 23

12 8 18

emerald saber blade of arielle

1 3

9 9

10 9

prissmatic staff



angels rebirth atonement

2 1 14 18

deathbellow warmonger shield skullseeker

2 2 2

19 12 25

9 10 20

the terrible



hellblade cid saber

5 2

30 6

20 5

sytheblade belt of abaddon breath of fire fiery blade lightguard rapier crushing blade

1 2 1 2 1 1

18 13 15 6 17 6

14 14 10 3 20 6

gorlaks's axe


cloudslayer blade shadowfel katara arcane vortex forsaken tome drakkan blade dragonblade mystical dagger

2 1 1 1 3 3 3

15 18 15 13 12 7 5

15 15 15 11 12 3 5

sword of migth

golden horn bow mystical illusion conjurers wand vanishing dagger witching wand dark arcane field

2 1 1 2 1 1

17 15 19 26 23 14

15 18 22 23 21 12

wolfbane trinket



flamewaker divinity mace caldonian blade emperion sword

2 1 3 1

18 10 13 16

18 14 16 16

rift blade gorlak's cudgel halycon grinder

2 1 2

15 10 12

15 10 12

virtue of justice



jadan wand blood drinker staff of jahanna skullcrush mace deathdealer ornate dagger disembowler stormwind saber demon strength signet of keira

1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3

10 21 26 5 18 16 17 11 8

14 16 30 2 10 12 12 16 2

lightward greatsword




frost edge



deatch touch gautlet

rune blade blade of ursus

1 2

10 20

9 17

genesis sword judicators wrath conclave armor

1 1 1

20 20 16

30 18 19

rigtheousniss bladebourne saber crimsonguard halberd shadow blast nautical trident

2 1 1 3 2

14 12 18 5 9

11 11 16 1 5

oberon's might



shadow slicer the galvanizer

1 2

23 27

18 23

staff of the martyr bonecrusher

1 2

15 18

19 21

truthseeker blade



warrior gauntlet frostwolf axe whirlwind prophetic wand deathrune signet vampiric blade

8 1 3 1 4 1

9 10 28 17 9 10

9 5 17 21 6 12

5 attacks) solstice blade arcade bow cursed bow 2 6 -5 15 17

assassins blade amulet of despair windthorn wand

3 2 2

7 6 16

4 5 14

syrens call discimbobulate terra's blade

1 1 3

20 13 10

18 17 9

silverfist hammer



titania bow

gatekeeper blade chaos staff

2 1

32 18

30 19

wrath of vanquish bloodblade exsanguinator

2 1 1

4 5 32

2 5 22

meatcleaver claymore of zeventis serenity blade soul siphon necronic blast

3 2 1 1 2

44 28 16 10 18

22 28 16 18 18

attack defence skullstone relic critical 2 10 11

wildwalker staff

magicite earrings



hands of justice

wrathbringer helm


celestas devotion

wolfwood amulet


shadowfel pendant




path of the tower



tetheryn glove

moonclaw lycan amrguard

0.5 0.5

12 11

12 11

virtue of temperance


backdraft tribel crest windswept crown

1 1 1

12 11 8

7 9 12

bladebourne gauntlet




nightcraft gauntlet


gladiator plate



deathrune hellplate





terra's heart

attack defence defence

elven crown robe of the fang

4 2

2 20

5 15

staff of veils alyzias heiloom alyzias crest

2 1 1

19 14 19

20 12 19

wildwalker tunic guiding light conflagration shield

1 1 1

9 17 7

12 23 10

mind control shield of arielle armor of arielle

1 1 2

9 7 66

8 7

lion scar plate

archmage robes



angels crusade absolution

5 2

6 13

10 11

valdonian war armor valdonian war helm

1 1

19 30

16 20

diamondsoul plate remnant shield

1 1

18 15

18 18

chase family heirloom

cid helm

vindicator shield



shield of dante innocence aegis of earth

3 1 1

4 14 9

7 22 7

retribution plate


cloudslayer gauntlet shadowfel cloak magus plate drakkan plate dragan protector mystic robe crown of deliverance ivory tower insignia

1 2 1 2 5 3 1 1

7 16 15 10 5 7 13 13

8 12 15 10 9 7 9 8

shield of migth silverligth tome

1 3

1 3

3 8

phantsmal brooch



deathwatch amulet



divinity plate garlans battlegear galvanized helm emperion plate

3 5 2 2

12 4 11 12

11 7 13 16

spellweaver cloak ogre raiments

2 1

13 11

13 8

virtue of fortitude



jadan robes bloodhshadow robes

1 1

11 19

13 13

hunter raiment azure armor

2 2

14 14

11 10

signet of keira strength of oaks

3 2


crossgate shield lightward gautlet

1 1

20 8

24 10

platinus armor


thowing star



ancient tome mane of maalvus gladiator raiments

1 1 1

7 15 20

12 10 14

frost bolt judicators will

1 2

12 14

25 18

titan helm bladebourne raiments crimsonguard cloak nether tome

2 1 1 3

11 10 17 6

7 12 12 9

crest of the griffin griffenhyde armor

1 1

15 16

16 19

scepter of light

terror pendant shadowclasp cloak terrorshard armor amulet of shadows

1 1 1 1

17 19 15 17

13 22 13 20

crusaders cross lava plate

2 2

14 15

14 24

crystalline rod carmine robes nightcraft plate

2 2 1

14 11 11

14 14 10

devout helm



hero's insignia whirlwind ring of prophets

8 3 2

20 28 11

15 17 15

blood vestment



seramphin shield



assasins cloak gilded riara

5 2

7 10

7 10

temptations lure terra's guard

2 3

15 10

11 10

silverfist plate



demonguard plate demon helm chaos armor

1 1 2

20 30 17

25 30 17

bloodlord plate



meatcleaver zaravok plate plate of zeventis helm of zeventis ancient shield

3 3 1 1 2

44 4 16 18 12

22 9 16 23 12

attack defence health

terran plate festivus sword

8 9

7 33

4 33

halcyon glove

saintly robes



truthseeker pendant


attack defence stamina

souls embrace



trigun necklace



gauntlet of fire


crown of darius

cloudslayer pendant


gauntlets of migth staff of vigor sharpwind amulet

1 4 3

2 8 11

2 5 13

pendant of aska



divinity helm caldonian band emperion helm

2 3 3




time shift all seeing eye halcyon necklace

2 1 2

9 11 12

10 8 7

pendant of the bull

heart of elos


fist of abaddon

ilvansan crest



battlefield pendant blood flask

3 2

10 20

15 20

faith amulet

silver light trainin ma

nightcraft helm

swordsman helm



binding will deathshield

5 2

14 24

15 24

sunstone crest



enchanted lantern

silverfist helm



timewarp gauntlet

crimson cloak


zarevok defender

attack defence energy

faerie band

wildwalker necklace heartfire pendant

2 4

10 12

8 16

grimshaw jewel

guardion helm mark of the wolf mithril fist

5 2 3

10 6 9

15 8 10

drakkan helm

crimson dagger

ring of life

ring of necrosis



jadan signet bloodshadow signet

3 8

9 23

10 23

glacial helm


witch locket

silver light trainin manual

magicite locket


slayer embrace

silverligth seal sophias battlegarb

4 4

11 4

11 7

redeeming light

terra crown


flamestrike amulet bloodwell pendant

4 4

8 28

4 28

windstalker crown necronic ring

3 5

10 20

12 24

damage received attack defence reduced

retribuiton helm




azriel signet

signet of lotus

sylvanas signet


addiotional 1 health for tower on victory as cleric

+30 damage as rogue

addiotional 1damage for tower on victory as mage

additional 2 damage to tower on victory

link for fast login with less chance for blue ball spinning best general for

quests subquests battle group battle dual war attacks arena siege weapon guild monster guild battle monster attack monster defense banking buying equipment buying land buying soldiers when lvling much stamina much energy most of all energy and stamina

titania Sano mephistopeles corventheos adriana ?? stone guardian malukus see tab guild battle info malukus corvintheos aeris none none darius solaris hyacinth azeron scarlett

when youre offline

Basics of Dueling for the Beginner

Dueling is a type of PvP where you fight someone one-on-one (as opposed to Invading where you fight with your a When Dueling, you may have of one of each of the following: * A General

* A Weapon * A Shield (also known as "Off-hand") * A Helmet * An Armor * A Gauntlet * An Amulet * A Magic Spell

As for the specific pieces of equipment/magic, the game will automatically pick the strongest kind that you have av

As well as the above, the game also factors in your natural Attack and Defense stats (which are improved by spend

After each duel, you will take a small amount of damage to your Stat health.png Health if you win and a larger amo FormulaeEdit Formulae sectionEdit All in all, the attack formula for dueling is as follows:

(Attack+(Defense*2/3)) + (Item Attack Power + Item Defense Power * .7)) + (Magic Attack Power + (Magic Defe

The defense formula for dueling is:

((Attack*2/3)+Defense)) + ((Item Attack Power * .7) + Item Defense Power) + ((Magic Attack Power * .7) + Mag

Assuming that you have good equipment (Helm of Dragon Power (30/30), Lionheart Plate (10/25), Berserker Axe ( When attacking, your battle power will be:

(100 + (200 * 2/3)) + (30 + (30 * .7)) + (10 + (25 * .7)) + (20 + (13 * .7)) + (50 + (30 * .7)) + (40 + (40 * .7)) + 233 + 51 + 27.5 + 29.1 + 71 + 68 + 24 + 24.8 = 528.4 Battle Power

When defending against an attack, your battle power will be:

((100 * 2/3) + 200 ) + ((30 * .7) + 30 ) + ((10 * .7) + 25) + ((20 * .7) + 13) + ((50 * .7) + 30) + ((40 * .7) + 40) + 266.7 + 51 + 32 + 27 + 65 + 68 + 21.9 + 24.5 = 556.1 Battle Power

And while attacking with an army of 501, your battle power will be: (100 + (200 * 2/3)) + (30 + (30 * .7)) + (10 + 233 + 51 + 27.5 + 29.1 + 71 + 68 + 24 + 24.8 = 528.4 Battle Power (Because army members don't help in dueling at all)

A more accurate formula is:

When attacking: Attack stat + 70% defense stat + (total attack of general and items) + 70% (totaldefense of gene

When defending: 70% attack stat + defense stat + 70% (total attack of general and items) + (totaldefense of gen

Notes Edit Notes sectionEdit

* The Sword of Redemption is an off-hand (used in shield slot), and NOT a weapon. The game treats the Sword of R * When dueling, you will train yourself to become a better fighter. In the Training Grounds, whenever you fight a d

The Quick Guide to PvP Lightbulb The Quick Guide to PvP (Updated with NEW CHAPTER!) [SIZE="5"]The Quick Guide to PvP[/SIZE] Written by avsquare

VERSION HISTORY Ver 1.00 - Published on 8th Jan, 2010 Ver 1.01 - Updated on 8th Jan, 2010 with a new chapter on "Easy Skill Points Farming" NEW!


The intention of this guide is to discuss the various builds for different styles of PvP. I will talk about the pros and c

It is also hoped to assist the newbies who don't know how they hell they die on the battlefield to understand PvP b

[SIZE="4"]CONTENTS[/SIZE] * Chapter 1 - Assumptions * Chapter 2 - The Battle Strength Index * Chapter 3 - The Stat Ratios * Chapter 4 - Easy Skill Points Farming * Chapter 5 - The Most Common PvP Questions/FAQ * Chapter 6 - Conclusions & Further Reading


* It is assumed that you have GOOD knowledge on the mechanics of PvP. If you don't, either read other guides firs * To facilitate easy mathematical comparisons, the different builds are assumed on the ground of 1,000 total stat p

* It is assumed that both parties in comparison discussions have the exact gears and army composition. * The comparison of BSI is supposed to be used for comparison of near level peers. Extreme level differences beyon * Win and Defeat mentioned in this guide are mutual. It refers to both offensive and defensive battles. (ie. wining o * The ratios used are assumed to be in the order of Attack : Defense.


The BSI, is a moderated indicator of your battle strength based on your current level. The formula for this index "(a

For yourself to be considered a build majored for PvP, I would say you would need a BSI of 5.0. To me, it's a fair nu Now, let me discuss this indicator, and what the numbers mean.

* The Beginner - 5.00 to 5.49: Welcome to the PvP scene. This is where you begin. At 5.0, you are just a mediocre P

* The Intermediate - 5.50 to 5.99: You are of intermediate strength. What you are able to attack and defend from a * The Serious - 6.00 to 6.99: You are of superior strength in PvP. A good majority of your peers should not be your

* The Hardcore - 7.00 and above: You are basically a monster within your peers. Not much people should be able to

From time to time, you should use the above Index to evaluate your strength against the general strength of your p Venture it out and see what lies in front of you, and decide what BSI you should go for.


Now, you've heard all the stuffs about the BSI, and now you wonder, what kind of ratio build you should go for? No

* The Destroyer - ALL Attack, 1 Defense: Yes you know it. You are the ultimate destroyer, you crush almost anythin

* The Aggressor - 5 : 1.5: This build is for those who wish to be aggressive, and at the same time, being able to defe

* The Offensive - 2 : 1: This build is for those who plan to be offensive but at the same time, being balanced. Why s * The Balanced - 1 : 1: This build is basic enough. One to one, the perfectly balanced ratio. It's basically the jack of * The Defensive - 1 : 2: It's just the vice-versa of "The Offensive", with the downside of weakening your powers in

* The Paladin - 1.5 : 5: It's the vice-versa of "The Aggressor", which a significant downside of your powers in the ge * The Wall - 1 Attack : ALL Defense: The vice-versa of "The Destroyer". Just that you do horrendously poor against

Now that you read about the builds and it's strengths and weaknesses, we shall look at how it fairs against each ot

It has come clear that the offensive builds are the ones being initiative, and the defenders passive players. Both ha

Also, assumed that the comparison above is based on 1,000 total stats in attack and defense, you will realize that p

link for fast login with less chance for blue ball spinning

buying generals

bsi-lsi calculator

castle age monster spreadsheet for loot tables how much damage you have to do to

(first time back online +6% money)

one-on-one (as opposed to Invading where you fight with your army).

game will automatically pick the strongest kind that you have available (these are the best dueling Attacking items and Defending ite

r natural Attack and Defense stats (which are improved by spending skill points). When either attacking or defending, the game will al

amage to your Stat health.png Health if you win and a larger amount if you lose.

Item Defense Power * .7)) + (Magic Attack Power + (Magic Defense Power * .7)) + (General Attack Power + (General Defense Power

* .7) + Item Defense Power) + ((Magic Attack Power * .7) + Magic Defense Power) + ((General Attack Power * .7) + General Defense

Dragon Power (30/30), Lionheart Plate (10/25), Berserker Axe (20/13), Sword of Redemption (50/30), Moonfall Amulet (40/40)), Go

5 * .7)) + (20 + (13 * .7)) + (50 + (30 * .7)) + (40 + (40 * .7)) + (17 + (10 * .7)) + (15 + (14 * .7)) = Battle Power (wiki calculated: 5

7) + 25) + ((20 * .7) + 13) + ((50 * .7) + 30) + ((40 * .7) + 40) + ((17 * .7) + 10) + ((15 * .7) + 14) = Battle Power (wiki calculated:

tle power will be: (100 + (200 * 2/3)) + (30 + (30 * .7)) + (10 + (25 * .7)) + (20 + (13 * .7)) + (50 + (30 * .7)) + (40 + (40 * .7)) + (

+ (total attack of general and items) + 70% (totaldefense of general and items) + % luck factor

+ 70% (total attack of general and items) + (totaldefense of general and items) + % luck factor

n shield slot), and NOT a weapon. The game treats the Sword of Redemption as if you are dual-wielding, and the sword is placed in you a better fighter. In the Training Grounds, whenever you fight a duel, you will earn training points in dueling. As you train in dueling, yo

hapter on "Easy Skill Points Farming" NEW!

s builds for different styles of PvP. I will talk about the pros and cons of the various PvP builds and it's functionality to assist those who

now how they hell they die on the battlefield to understand PvP better, and hopefully by reading this guide they will not make more of

n the mechanics of PvP. If you don't, either read other guides first or check out my FAQ at the last, later. e different builds are assumed on the ground of 1,000 total stat points in attack & defense.

scussions have the exact gears and army composition. r comparison of near level peers. Extreme level differences beyond the gauntlet may not be fully applicable, due to the sheer amount o ual. It refers to both offensive and defensive battles. (ie. wining offensively and defensively)

rength based on your current level. The formula for this index "(attack + defense)/level" is widely used and accepted to evaluate one's

PvP, I would say you would need a BSI of 5.0. To me, it's a fair number to be considered ready for PvP action and subsequently, improv

P scene. This is where you begin. At 5.0, you are just a mediocre PvP player, so do not expect much. At this ratio, you are only strong en

mediate strength. What you are able to attack and defend from are dependent on your build's rations again. However, you should be a

rength in PvP. A good majority of your peers should not be your match in most circumstances, which depends on your build's ratio. Of

y a monster within your peers. Not much people should be able to defeat you. You are ready to have a shot at hitting beyond your level

x to evaluate your strength against the general strength of your peers. The BSI is a very relative index and you need not follow it to th

d decide what BSI you should go for.

d now you wonder, what kind of ratio build you should go for? Now, I'll discuss the various build for your consideration. I will move fro

know it. You are the ultimate destroyer, you crush almost anything in your path. The only one within your peers who could stop you is

ho wish to be aggressive, and at the same time, being able to defend well against the weak to mediocre attacks. Why? Let's take the ra

plan to be offensive but at the same time, being balanced. Why so? At 2 : 1, during the offensive you are have a total attack score of eq

One to one, the perfectly balanced ratio. It's basically the jack of all trades, master of none. You don't shine particularly in either depar

The Offensive", with the downside of weakening your powers in the monster hunting department.

Aggressor", which a significant downside of your powers in the general monster hunting department. However, you are valued in 2 mo

a of "The Destroyer". Just that you do horrendously poor against non-fortification monster battles. You sucked absolutely at them exce

ths and weaknesses, we shall look at how it fairs against each other:

ones being initiative, and the defenders passive players. Both has it's pros and cons on PvP, but on multiple aspects on CA, defenders t

on 1,000 total stats in attack and defense, you will realize that pure defenders lose out totally on the offensive, which limits their abil

how much damage you have to do to get legendary/ epic items Aro5WgWKHR6JdDhPcnBydUoxSFZnR3ZERmNsQTVQY3c&hl=en&gid=134

dueling Attacking items and Defending items currently obtainable in the game). The general that accompanies you is always your Activ

r attacking or defending, the game will always use both your attack and defense stats... mostly. While attacking, the game only counts

l Attack Power + (General Defense Power * .7)) = Battle Power

eral Attack Power * .7) + General Defense Power) = Battle Power

on (50/30), Moonfall Amulet (40/40)), Good Magic (Tempest Storm (17/10)), a good general (Vanquish (15/14)), an attack stat of 10

4 * .7)) = Battle Power (wiki calculated: 528.733)

7) + 14) = Battle Power (wiki calculated: 556.067)

)) + (50 + (30 * .7)) + (40 + (40 * .7)) + (17 + (10 * .7)) + (15 + (14 * .7)) = Battle Power (wiki calculated: 528.733)

al-wielding, and the sword is placed in your off-hand (where your shield would normally be). oints in dueling. As you train in dueling, you will earn 1 Stat attack.png Attack for every training level you earn. The max training level

ds and it's functionality to assist those who are lost in finding their preferred build. Various mathematical ratios and their implications w

ding this guide they will not make more of those "WHY?!" thread that has been answered a googolplex times. (ATTN NEWBIES: Go chec

ully applicable, due to the sheer amount of stat point difference. Using your BSI to estimate your strength against players who are mu

widely used and accepted to evaluate one's PvP power based on his/her level, and used to compare him/her with their close level peers

y for PvP action and subsequently, improving on it. Anything below that, you are just food to those who are PvP oriented, as simple as

much. At this ratio, you are only strong enough to fend off players whose BSI are generaly below 4.5 to around 5.5, depending his atta

s rations again. However, you should be able to do well against about 50% of your peers. What you cannot handle is those who's BSI

s, which depends on your build's ratio. Of course, I would assume that at this stage you know what you are doing and what you want

to have a shot at hitting beyond your level range, and you should do so, because the higher you go, the more tasty food you find, altho

tive index and you need not follow it to the T to be a top notch PvP player. You can easily adjust your BSI to your needs and your surro

uild for your consideration. I will move from the extreme offense to the extreme defense.

e within your peers who could stop you is "The Wall (pure defense)". However, it is not your concern at wall because Walls are rare in n

o mediocre attacks. Why? Let's take the ratio and use the numbers as factors to your level. That means, you have 5x level Attack, and 1

sive you are have a total attack score of equating to 90% of your total attack + defense stats, and during the defensive, a defensive sc

You don't shine particularly in either department. The good thing is you can do fairly well against most players except the mid-extreme

artment. However, you are valued in 2 monster battles: Serpents and the Orc Horde for fortifications.

attles. You sucked absolutely at them except for the Serpents and the Orc Horde, which you will be greatly welcomed and loved.

but on multiple aspects on CA, defenders tends to lose out on the monster battle department, resulting in lesser ability to get the alche

ly on the offensive, which limits their ability to retaliate players of similar level or total attack + defense stat. This is the reason why o

al that accompanies you is always your Active General. When attacking, the game uses their Stat attack.png Attack stats, and 70% of t

ostly. While attacking, the game only counts two-thirds of your defense stat. While defending, the game only counts two-thirds of you

eral (Vanquish (15/14)), an attack stat of 100 and defense stat of 200.

r (wiki calculated: 528.733)

aining level you earn. The max training level for dueling is level 5.

mathematical ratios and their implications will be discussed here.

googolplex times. (ATTN NEWBIES: Go check at the bottom of this guide, I have a FAQ. If your question is listed then you should very

te your strength against players who are much over-leveled than you would thus not be effective.

compare him/her with their close level peers to see how they fair in the battlefield.

to those who are PvP oriented, as simple as that.

below 4.5 to around 5.5, depending his attack:defense ratio. These group of people are generally monster hunters who just started Pv

What you cannot handle is those who's BSI are 6.0 and above, they are the "full-time" PvP players

now what you are doing and what you want from PvP. I assume that you know who to hunt, who are your competitors and who are the

r you go, the more tasty food you find, although the dangers get higher. HOWEVER, you are clearly limiting your ability to slay monster

djust your BSI to your needs and your surroundings. For example, at a very high level of 600+, you need not have even 5.0 to win aga

ur concern at wall because Walls are rare in nature, I'll tell you why later on. Lots of foods lies around, so, move on if you hit a wall. You

That means, you have 5x level Attack, and 1.5x level Defense. Offensively, you have 6.05x level attack score, and defensively, you hav

ats, and during the defensive, a defensive score of equating to 80% of your total attack + defensive stats. Fairly balanced, I'd say.

gainst most players except the mid-extreme to extreme ratio builds.

u will be greatly welcomed and loved.

ent, resulting in lesser ability to get the alchemy gears faster, and in larger quantity.

ack + defense stat. This is the reason why offensive builds are preferred over defensive builds by the general CA community, and the f

ir Stat attack.png Attack stats, and 70% of their Stat defense.png Defense stats. When defending, the game uses their defense stats, a

ding, the game only counts two-thirds of your attack stat.

your question is listed then you should very well read this guide).

enerally monster hunters who just started PvP or taking PvP as "part-time job". Your preys are generally from monster hunters to play

t, who are your competitors and who are the top dogs around your range. You are able to stand and fight on your own with ease.

e clearly limiting your ability to slay monsters and gather loots compared to the lower BSI builds. It's the major trade-off for such mas

00+, you need not have even 5.0 to win against most players. Being at the top levels means you can fairly weaken your BSI and invest

ies around, so, move on if you hit a wall. You deal massive damage on monsters too, compared to your peer. But defensively, you are g level attack score, and defensively, you have 5x level in defense score. It's pretty good I'd say.

defensive stats. Fairly balanced, I'd say.

ilds by the general CA community, and the fact that after reaching the gauntlet, you are susceptible to all attacks makes the "Wall" bu

fending, the game uses their defense stats, and 70% of their attack stats.

are generally from monster hunters to players with a BSI under 6.0 with negligible defense, depending on your build's ratios.

stand and fight on your own with ease.

builds. It's the major trade-off for such massive PvP strength.

s you can fairly weaken your BSI and invest your SPs on other aspects instead. Why? For a level 600, having a BSI of 3.33 is rather pow

ared to your peer. But defensively, you are going to suck big time. Even if you are a "Destroyer" with a hardcore 7.0 BSI, in defenses yo

sceptible to all attacks makes the "Wall" build and the "Paladin" build fairly unattractive, resulting in most players picking on an offen

se, depending on your build's ratios.

a level 600, having a BSI of 3.33 is rather powerful enough. That could well mean 1,000 attack and 1,000 defense which is a challenge t

oyer" with a hardcore 7.0 BSI, in defenses your defense score is amounted to 4.9x your level. You can take it as good as a 4.9 BSI in de

esulting in most players picking on an offensive or balanced build.

ack and 1,000 defense which is a challenge to most CA players.

el. You can take it as good as a 4.9 BSI in defense. Any "The Beginner" of this "Destroyer" build will crush you biscuits, and they love it

build will crush you biscuits, and they love it. Everyone loves it, BTW. As such, this build is clearly not viable in the long run; at high ran

clearly not viable in the long run; at high ranks it's difficult to get good BP per fight, and if you continue to be a "Destroyer" you are go

you continue to be a "Destroyer" you are going to lose more than you gain.

war council 2 west rampart 3 mage tower 1 archer wall 5 main gate 1 armory






you malukus

aurora jahanna


ATTACK 50 best Generals ordered by attack based on att+70%def formula


50 best Generals ordered by defense based on def+70%att formula

(Bonus "while attacked" applied) Malekus Azriel Kull Karn the Minotaur **(+50 atk for your next atk) Ambrosia Corvintheus Kull Aurora Draconius Skaar Deathrune Kaylen Suri Athenia 69.2 Aurora 66.3 Skaar Deathrune 54 52.85 Suri 52.26 Sylvanas Kaylen 52.1 52 Athenia 58.2 58.2 61.7 71.4 Malekus 77.26 70.9 Azriel 75.26 74.6 92.95 Ambrosia 88.9 Draconius 86.7 85.4 Corvintheus 81.6 80.9 92.45

57.6 48.72 48.2

52 Elora 49.6 Celesta Phaetor **(+14 atk for your next 2 actions) 49.4 Elora Banthus Archfiend Azul Serene Calista Azul Azeron Lotus Ravenmoore Sylvanas Xira Elin **(+20 atk for monst.) Mephistopheles Tristram Azalia **(+5 atk to the second position of your War Council) Illusia Memnon Helena 48.2 Isolde 46.3 Keira 44.9 Azeron 44.8 Vulcan 44.3 Halcyon 44.1 Xira 43.8 Calista 23.8 Serene 43.1 Mephistopheles 42.6 Marina 41.7 Kobo 43.5 43 42.9 43.6 44.2 44.6 45.2 47.5 46.6

42.1 41.9 41.9 41.2 41

41.6 Dexter 41.5 Godric 41.2 Kataan Lotus 40.9 Ravenmoore 37.4 Anwar 40.8 Azalia **(+5 atk to the second position of your War Council) 40.8 Solara

40.9 40.8


Lyra Godric Kataan

40.7 40.2 39.9


Sofira **(+5 atk to your War Council for the next 5 atk) Isolde Halcyon

40.4 Lailah 40.3 Tristram

39.3 39

38.8 Fenris Medius Delfina Cloudslayer Solara 38.5 Fenris Jada Gallador Chimerus Theorin Vulcan Adriana Adriana Barbarus Orc King Kaiser Dexter Lailah 37.6 Helena 37.4 37.3 Zin 37.3 Memnon 37.2 Medius Miri Bladebourne/ Karn the Minautor/ Stone Guardian Marina 37 37 36.7 38.5 Orc King 38.1 Sofira 38.1 37.7 Lyra 37.4 37.3 37.8 37.9 Banthus 40.3 Archfiend 39.9 Theorin 38.9 Illusia 38.8 Scarlett 38.4 38.3 38

37.3 37.1

36.7 36.6 36

The purpose of this table is to show which Hero is better as you get max bonuses for him but some heroes could be better than othe

All heroes here are shown at level 4 with all their equipments. Bonuses are calculated based on max items so i.e.: Draconius is best hero for Defense if you have: 25 Griffin Raiders + 1 Draken Blade + 1 Draken Plate which would mean at least Ambrosia, Malekus, Kaylen and Suri Bonuses are calculated on 105 max heroes collected. Note: The bonuses to Ambrosia, Malekus, Kaylen and Suri are for Player Attack/Defense, not for the general themselves (which h The bonuses to Aurora and Corvintheus are based on 100 health points If you have at least 195 health points (best way is to get most of them from praying to Aurora for moonfall amulet, and a good chu

3 tower

2 east rampart



######## best defense posseble

corventheus aurelius


jahanna aurelius agamemnon alyzia corvintheus zurran raziel the silent ameron elaida malekus ambrosia aurora

s for him but some heroes could be better than others at the moment you get them.

Blade + 1 Draken Plate which would mean at least 840 favor points in case you always get the item you are looking for. [However, if you get "refunded" fav

k/Defense, not for the general themselves (which has a greater impact with invasions than just boosting the generals Attack/Defense). When duelling tho

ying to Aurora for moonfall amulet, and a good chunk of stat points) Corvintheus is the best general for both attacking and defending, if you have full heat

1 agamemnon 3 corvintheus raziel the silent

29 27 32 28 25 25 26 22 22 28 23 23

29 30 25 26 25 25 23 25 25 18 23 23

58 57 57 54 50 50 49 47 47 46 46 46

attack +1.1 every 4 health +1,1 defense for every 3 health +30 attack vs monsters+3% critical +2 defense for every guardion of alyzia (max 50) +1 defense for every 3 health +8 damage as mage on guild battle +6% evade warrior +15% wirlwind damage +25 using heal abelity player attack increased by 0.45 for every hero owns player defense increased by 0.45 for every hero owns player attack increased by 1 for every 4 health

are looking for. [However, if you get "refunded" favor points for pulling the same general this can go down to 540 favor points since a double refund return the generals Attack/Defense). When duelling though whether the bonus is to the general or player doesn't have an impact.

both attacking and defending, if you have full heath (93.1 attacking, 112.6 defending).

attack 29 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 0 49

defense 0 72 0 1 64 0 0 0 0 0 51 0

o 540 favor points since a double refund returns 60 favor points and the 1 item ends up only costing 20 favor points for 27 items total times 20 favor point

or points for 27 items total times 20 favor points].

Attack Challenge Come back once every 12 hours to test your attack power against the greatest Defenders in the Land! Prove yourself worthy and show that you have the power to defy the Gods themselves. General Rank Requires Reward
+1 Attack
"You are stronger than you look!"



50+ Attack +2 Attack

"You are a worthy adversary!"

Serra Silverlight


100+ Attack +2 Attack

"My master shall know of your strength!"



150+ Attack +2 Attack

"We can protect Valeria with your strength!"



200+ Attack +3 Attack

"Finally a worthy foe!"



280+ Attack +4 Attack

"Don't hurt me! Let's make a deal!"



375+ Attack +4 Attack

"Your strength must be incredible to be able to defeat a demi-god!"



510+ Attack +6 Attack

"Proud warrior, please accept my honorable defeat!"



725+ Attack

Defense Feat

Defense Challenge Come back once every 12 hours to test your attack power against the greatest Attackers in the Land! Prove yourself worthy and show that you have the power to defy the Gods themselves. General Rank Requires Reward
+1 Defense
"I thought I would be able to beat you for sure! You are tough!"



50+ Defense +2 Defense

"That was my best shot too!"



100+ Defense +2 Defense

"I must let Mephistopheles know of your power!"



150+ Defense +2 Defense

"I need to sharpen my knives!"



200+ Defense +3 Defense

"I cannot believe you were able to withstand the Onslaught"

Lotus Ravenmoore


280+ Defense +4 Defense

"Heaven still has a chance!"


Dread Knight

375+ Defense +4 Defense

"You have foiled my plans again!"


510+ Defense



510+ Defense +6 Defense




725+ Defense

Energy Feat

Energy Challenge Come back once every 12 hours to test your energy against various perilous journeys! Prove yourself worthy and rank yourself amongst the greatest explorers this age has ever known. Area Rank Requires Reward
+1 Energy
"You have successfully reached Terra!"

Town of Terra


50+ Energy +2 Energy

"You have successfully reached the Forbidden Forest!"

Forbidden Forest


100+ Energy +2 Energy

"You have successfully reached the Smouldering Pit!"

Smouldering Pit


150+ Energy +2 Energy

"You have successfully reached the Spire of Death!"

Spire of Death


200+ Energy +3 Energy

"You have successfully reached the Gates to the Undead!"

Gates to the Undead Adventurer

280+ Energy

+4 Energy
"You have successfully reached Deathrune Castle!"

Deathrune Castle


375+ Energy +4 Energy

"You have successfully reached the Path to Heaven!"

Path to Heaven


510+ Energy +6 Energy

"You have successfully reached Ivory Palace!"

Ivory Palace


725+ Energy

Stamina Feat

Stamina Challenge Come back once every 12 hours to test your stamina to see if you can stand against the Beasts of Legend! Prove yourself worthy and all beasts in this world will tremble at your name. Monster Rank Requires Reward
+1 Stamina
"You have defeated the mighty Colossus!"

Colossus of Terra

Monster Tamer

25+ stamina +1 Stamina

"You have defeated the mighty Ancient Red Dragon!"

Ancient Red Dragon Survivor

50+ stamina +1 Stamina

"You have defeated the mighty Cronus!"

Cronus, the World Hydra


75+ stamina +1 Stamina


100+ stamina

"You have defeated the mighty Genesis!"

Genesis, the Earth Elemental


100+ stamina +1 Stamina

"You have defeated the mighty Ragnarok!"

Ragnarok, the Ice Elemental


140+ stamina +2 Stamina

"You have defeated the mighty Bahamut!"

Bahamut, the Volcanic Dragon

Grand Slayer

185+ stamina +2 Stamina

"You have defeated the mighty Gehenna!"

Gehenna, the Fire Elemental

Force of Nature

255+ stamina +3 Stamina

"You have defeated the mighty Valhalla!"

Valhalla, the Air Elemental

Lord of the Wild

360+ Stamina

Health Feat

Health Challenge Come back once every 12 hours to test your health against those that would do you harm! Prove yourself worthy and show everyone that your resilience is unmatched and forged of steel. General Rank Requires Reward
+1 Health
"It is a good start warrior!"


Test Dummy

125+ Health

+2 Health


Punching Bag

150+ Health +2 Health


Karn the Minotaur

Tough Guy

200+ Health +2 Health

"The Shadowmoon bow down to you!"


Hard As Nails

255+ Health

Orc King


302+ Health

+3 Health



371+ Health

+4 Health



470+ Health

+4 Health



500+ Health

+6 Health

Army Feat

Army Challenge Come back once every 12 hours to test the might of your army! Prove yourself worthy and the path to power and riches are yours for the taking! Test Rank Requires Reward

+1 Skill Point
"You have successfully pillaged a village!"

Pillage a Village

Promising Soldier

50+ Army +1 Skill Point

"Your army successfully defeated a dungeon!"

Defeat a Dungeon

Respected Sergeant

100+ Army +1 Skill Point

"Your army successfully won a skirmish!"

Win a Skirmish

Reliable Mercenary

200+ Army +1 Skill Point

"You have successfully sacked a castle!"

Sack a Castle

Combat Captain

400+ Army +1 Skill Point

"You have successfully won an epic battle!"

Win an Epic Battle

Feared Chief

600+ Army +1 Skill Point

"You have successfully destroyed a fortress!"

Destroy a Fortress

Storied Hero

800+ Army +3 Skill Points

"You have successfully invaded hell!"

Invade Hell

Legendary General

1000+ Army +5 Favor Points

"Your army successfully secured heaven!"

Secure Heaven

The Chosen

1200+ Army

Member Rules 1) Every member is expected to be a team player. Though all of us have friends, and some more than

2) If you opt to avidly participate in guild battles, you will need to message me (John Coulter) as to w

3) If you are to take a break longer than five days, I would appreciate notice of this. For this is the rea 4) I would like to see those monsters you summon offered within our guild page or our guild chat, so

5) Absolutely no summoning of guild monsters without an officers or the GM's permission. There are m 6) Please build heavily on your attack, as this is the main component needed to be fierce competitors

7) If you have a conflict with another guild member or officer, please bring it to my attention right aw

8) There is to be no arguing in open chat. Please bring it to me or resolve it amongst yourselves within

9) This is a democracy and all major guild decisions are to be made by a majority vote amongst office

10) This is just a broad outline of the rules within this guild. They are subject to change for the better

New to the game or our guid?

Sue Caldwell I think battling monsters is one of the coolest features of Castle Age. The whole coop teamwork thing It takes teamwork to defeat a monster. The monsters in Castle Age are designed to be challenging bu Do as Much Damage as You Can

This starts with taking on the appropriate monster for your level and not spreading yourself over too m "There are others here way tougher than me who can kill this monster." "Yeah, but I am also working Let me give you an example. Azriel probably has one of the highest failure rates. Why? She has aroun

Call to Arms (CTA)

In addition to doing as much damage as you can, you should also put out a CTA regularly throughout Second, putting our a Call to Arms allows people seeing it on your page, the fb feed or the CA and guil Spend Energy

Many monsters require the use of energy as well as stamina. In some cases it is to reduce a forcefield With some monsters such as Bahamut, Gehenna and Azriel, when the energy bar is under 80%, less d Good players do this stuff automatically. Unknowledgeable or selfish players don't. Which category do

Sheldon Mojelski That's exactly why I wrote it. Spread the word. Thanks Stanley. :)

ve friends, and some more than others, we would like to see guild members assist each other in such a way as a tight knit "

ssage me (John Coulter) as to what times work best for you. This allows for me to schedule times where all members have

e notice of this. For this is the reason; I do not wish to let you go from the guild due to inactivity.

guild page or our guild chat, so that we may maximize the amount of monster points allocated to our guild. More so, I wou

the GM's permission. There are many reasons for this to include; that any monsters summoned do not fail and so we may be

needed to be fierce competitors within guild battles (whether or not you participate). This is also a main component in doin bring it to my attention right away, so I can diffuse it without losing valuable members. Please do not feel as if anything is

olve it amongst yourselves within a private setting. We do not wish to bring morale down with other guild members.

y a majority vote amongst officers. We do take into consideration the feelings and input of other guild members. We do this

subject to change for the betterment of all. I would be more than happy to hear what any member may have to say to eithe

The whole coop teamwork thing is different from a lot of computer and fb games. I noticed fairly early in my Castle Age car re designed to be challenging but not overly so if everyone pulls their weight. As with every team, when someone doesn't do

not spreading yourself over too many monsters. Use the guidelines under the "summon monster" tab in the game if you are r." "Yeah, but I am also working on 3 other monsters." "It looks like the monster might fail so I will lay back and see how it ilure rates. Why? She has around 600 million points and only 135 spots. 45 of those spots are for big hitters level 150 or ab

out a CTA regularly throughout your battle with the monster. First, it lets others know about the monster and invites them ge, the fb feed or the CA and guild monster feeds to help summon a special weapon that will inflict a massive amount of dam

cases it is to reduce a forcefield, fortify, or a use special class skill such as strengthening, healing, crippling or deflecting. A energy bar is under 80%, less damage is inflicted on attacks. The lower the bar the lower the damage for folks spending th players don't. Which category do you fall into?

nks Stanley. :)

er in such a way as a tight knit "family". Most in here have been so since guilds came about, just to give you an idea as to ho times where all members have an opportunity to participate and earn guild points and coins.

ated to our guild. More so, I would also like to see more posted for achievements for guild members to jump on. In short, we

ned do not fail and so we may best coordinate times for all to get components needed to perform alchemy for generals and

s also a main component in doing damage on summoned monsters. Secondary is defense, as it is essential when being attac

ease do not feel as if anything is unimportant, you are pointing fingers, or cannot resolve a situation. This is one of my forte'

ith other guild members.

other guild members. We do this, as to avoid any type of dictatorship. Not one person may infringe upon the entirety.

member may have to say to either add to or alter these rules. Let's maintain a happy healthy guild. :D

fairly early in my Castle Age career that some of these monsters were pretty tough to beat... and quite a few of them failed team, when someone doesn't do his or her fair share, everyone else has to work harder. This inevitably leads to bad feeling

nster" tab in the game if you are not sure. If you attack a monster you are taking up one of a limited number of spots. If you so I will lay back and see how it is going before I commit my stamina." All it takes is a small percentage of folks with these re for big hitters level 150 or above. Including launching some the weapons, and assuming some of the bottom tiers don't g

ut the monster and invites them in to fight, filling up spaces. More people fighting = better chance of success and less work l inflict a massive amount of damage on your monster. It costs 1 stamina to respond to a CTA and gets you 1-3 experience.

healing, crippling or deflecting. As is sometimes the case with doing damage, some players are stingy with their energy. May he damage for folks spending their hard earned stamina, in some cases up to 1/2 or 1/3 the damage they could have done

, just to give you an idea as to how we like to operate.

members to jump on. In short, we should offer to the guild as much as possible to see that our members are well taken care

rform alchemy for generals and items. No CTA's on guild monsters, unless word is given. For Vincents, leave one succubus a

s it is essential when being attacked. This is not just important for guild battles; but also for monsters and when attacked o

situation. This is one of my forte's and would be the best recourse, before making any rash decision.

nfringe upon the entirety.

.. and quite a few of them failed. I wish that someone would have sat me down and told me then what I am about to tell yo is inevitably leads to bad feelings, hostilities and increases the likelihood that the monster will fail. Some folks invest days w

a limited number of spots. If you can or will not invest a goodly portion of your stamina (and in some cases energy) then yo ll percentage of folks with these attitudes to ensure a failure. 4 or 5 people like this on the bottom of a small list of attacker some of the bottom tiers don't get filled, that works out to an average, give or take, of about 6 million damage per player. Y

chance of success and less work for everyone else. A good rule of thumb is to CTA once about every 6 or 8 hours or so. TA and gets you 1-3 experience. When you do the math, CTAs are a very economical way of inflicting damage on a creature

are stingy with their energy. Maybe they are saving it up for questing or maybe they think because there are so many folks p e damage they could have done if the bar were full. Personally I won't even attack if the bar isn't at least 3/4 full. Proper et

ur members are well taken care of and in turn our guild to reach the top every month.

or Vincents, leave one succubus alive to prolong the battle and for more to earn greater rewards.

r monsters and when attacked outside of guild battles; ie. duels, wars, and being invaded. This is not mandatory; but is ask

e then what I am about to tell you now. Here goes. will fail. Some folks invest days working over a monster along with a ton of energy and stamina... only to get nothing for the

d in some cases energy) then you are taking that spot away from someone who can and will. This is known as "tagging" in bottom of a small list of attackers discourages others from joining in or doing their share if they are already in. YOU are com ut 6 million damage per player. Yet time and time again players take up a spot and do 1, 2 or 3 million damage (and sometim

ut every 6 or 8 hours or so. inflicting damage on a creature (as well as collecting xp)... and reduces the amount of stamina everyone fighting the monst

ecause there are so many folks participating in the battle someone else will step up. Don't be one of those players. You get r isn't at least 3/4 full. Proper etiquette is to leave the bar as full if not fuller than you found it. Don't be an energy vampire,

This is not mandatory; but is asked of you.

mina... only to get nothing for their efforts in the end. That just plain sucks. Everyone therefore has a responsibility to do as

ll. This is known as "tagging" in Castle Age (because some people will "tag" a monster with one attack and come back later they are already in. YOU are committed to this monster once you make your first attack. YOU must do what YOU can to help or 3 million damage (and sometimes even less) thinking they have done their share. People end up having to spend favour p

mina everyone fighting the monster needs to spend. You can click on your own CTA once per weapon as well further reducing

be one of those players. You get experience for using energy as well as stamina... experience which increases loot when the d it. Don't be an energy vampire, don't cheap out.

ore has a responsibility to do as much damage as they are able, put out Calls to Arms and, in the case of many monsters, sp

one attack and come back later when they have more stamina). If you don't have the stamina NOW then don't commit to th U must do what YOU can to help kill the monster. Don't leave it to others to do YOUR job. end up having to spend favour points to bail out everybody else or worse yet some high level player who could have contrib

weapon as well further reducing the amount of time it takes to summon the weapon.

e which increases loot when the monster gets deaded.

n the case of many monsters, spend energy.

ina NOW then don't commit to this monster NOW. Without exception everybody in Castle Age hates taggers.

el player who could have contributed more can't get in because YOU, who have taken up one of their potential spots, are ha

ge hates taggers.

e of their potential spots, are happy with your 2 million damage... and the monster fails.

In Festive Monsters, you can choose the one you want to do, simply double click on the monster that

works 80% of the time

ouble click on the monster that you want to do and when the summon button changes colors , then click. This eliminates ge

rs , then click. This eliminates getting the same one over and over...Note....I did this 2 times, the first time the summon butt

s, the first time the summon button didn't change color, but I still got the correct monster. The second time it did..Try it, it w

The second time it did..Try it, it works:)

Festival Guild Battle This instruction is for those not familiar with our battle operations or Strategy 1. Would require Everyone other than those appointed to change their Class to Cleric. 2. All Cleric would require to save with 10 token at or towards the end 3 minutes of battle timer. 3. All Cleric responsibility is to ensure their own Gate Top Cleric is in Good health or to heal their own top cleric

4. Otherwise you may hit who you can beat, but keeping in mind to save or horde tokens for the End Mass Heali

5. At the precise 3 or 2 minutes depending on the Officer command, All Clerics will used the tokens to heal them 6. At No Time is anyone allow to hit other gates unless its the Officer decision, We believe in Teamwork.

7. Do NOT Keep Quiet when you hit a cleric and lose, please put in chat box to let everyone knows that you lost, 8. All opposing Clerics needs to be stunned and their health especially the active ones need to be bring down to 9. All other classes, Except Mage need to bring them down to below 200 and we are fine. 10. All active Mage will be like rule 8. Same applies to bring them down to stunned or Zero

11. Always seek out the ones with low health as 1hr battle time for Festival, it would be foolish to go for those w This applies to Festival Battles Only. For Guild Battle my emphasis is for everyone to be the classes they enjoy and to have fun, Benson and Anthony Festival Battle All to Follow as every win will rank us higher and we all reap the rewards. Yours Truly Benson Ang

Insight about Festival Guild War H all~ allow me to share my insight about Festival Guild War.. Before reading this, allow me to tell you that this is all based on my knowledge alone, and after putting a lot of

First of all, on guild battles, we are lacking of active players, but well lets put that aside first... After all, time dif Since not much we can do, I'll discuss about classes, their nature, and my thought about how to play them.

* Warriors : well, I dont like this class, as its skill only +10atk/def. You can think its good, but remember 10 poi * Clerics : most important in battle. I don't need to say anything, you guys should know about this class. * Mages : Mainly supporter on guild battles, they have amazing "backstab" damage. 10 (normally), up to 16 (wi

* Rogues : Mainly a common attacker, they have the largest damage of all. And combined with some certain her On my own guide, warriors would be good only for its whirlwind.

Now, onto the next part. How should we play our class.

This will do if we are active on the same time, and communicate well in the group chat. Or can even works acco

Warriors : Use them if you have whirlwind, only that. And use the skill wisely to deal damage to an opponent yo

Clerics : if cleric stocked up some tokens, it would be wise to coordinate well with the group... especially when t Why? coz a cleric heal at least 10 HP. and that 10 HP would revive us from stun. Here, I give you how it will work.

If I'm stunned, I will do half damage, if I get a heal from winning cleric, I will have 10 HP, and since my HP is no

so, you cleric should heal once, only once. And after the whole party have 10 HP, let them hit the foes. They will So, with 10 tokens, a cleric will allow stunned people on their gate to hit full power 10 times.

Clerics will be the best to be used by high levels. So they wont fall, and so the whole gate. And also, low level cle Mages : I will divide them into 2 kinds.

1. Polymorph Mage : Well, they can help the guild with polymorph. Poly high levels to help the others achieve vi 2. Damage Mage : This one is the most important thing to keep our enemy low. What if enemies stunned, and an

Rogues : The main damage dealer of war. Common rogues can kill up to 3 person with 10 tokens, or do a hard d


* Poly Mage + Warrior ~> usually top 3 member on a gate is the highest level. will be hard to deal with. so, let t * Poly Mage + Rogue ~> would be the same with above, but this would be better if the foe is high level and hig * Cleric + stunned members (Same gate only) ~> do attack in turns, but remember that the cleric should alway * And last, The Damage Mage would have the honor of doing the last hit. * New Combo : Confuse (mage) + Poison (Rogue) ~> use this to active players that you want to leave alone. (T You can stun anyone if you want, but if there are several damage mages, let them have it. Would save tokens for both sides.

Update 1: Save the low levels if possible. If we are losing, they will be sacrificed. So we get another kill and mig

Update 2: Enter time is also a critical value. Those who come in to the battle since the start would be stunned fo

Update 3 : Poison shall be the most epic skill for the while. Since it gives +35 damage for each turn for 5 turns,

* Thats all from my guide, actually its far from perfect. I just try to make it more effective and efficient. I dont k Have a nice day~ Consider me a 'strategist wanna be'~ lol~ sharon Tan

s of battle timer.

h or to heal their own top cleric if and when its needed.

de tokens for the End Mass Healing.

will used the tokens to heal themself back up to healthy and whats remaining tokens to Heal those at their own gate, in this

We believe in Teamwork.

et everyone knows that you lost, this is to allow a mage or someone with tokens to come undo that effect, otherwise all effo

e ones need to be bring down to Zero, otherwise they would still be able to hit and heal their own gates back up.

would be foolish to go for those with high health. for example low health as in the rage of 3000 and below is consider low he

o have fun, Benson and Anthony will remain as Cleric in case they are need to heal.

alone, and after putting a lot of thought on it.

at aside first... After all, time difference also matter.

ght about how to play them.

nk its good, but remember 10 points is too small. our scale is on hundreds.Like if you have 750 atk, would 10 point matter? b ld know about this class. mage. 10 (normally), up to 16 (with Zuran)

combined with some certain hero (Deshara is the best), a certain rogue can deal up to 310 damage to enemy upon victory.

up chat. Or can even works accordingly if you want to do some personal chats.

deal damage to an opponent you certain of victory. But, don't hit the lowest level. Save the lowest level foes for clerics and

th the group... especially when the party is stunned. (I'm talking about the 10 HP heal upon victory)

ave 10 HP, and since my HP is not 0, I will deal full damage.

P, let them hit the foes. They will stunned again. Then, cleric heal again, they will be revived, and when the party attack, the

wer 10 times.

whole gate. And also, low level clerics can keep attacking the lowest level foe to heal. or if you are not active, cleric would be

vels to help the others achieve victory. And would stop enemies from healing or attacking us, even for one turn. (I Love Mag What if enemies stunned, and another cleric healed them? when we saw enemy left only 10, suddenly become 30 again, or

on with 10 tokens, or do a hard damage to foes with high HP. They are good at stunning, and actually hard to not stunning a

will be hard to deal with. so, let the mage poly one of them, and let warrior whirlwind them. er if the foe is high level and high HP, that would be a wiser choice. And if the rogue have poison, that would be wonderful. mber that the cleric should always attain a victory.

that you want to leave alone. (That you wont keep attacking. But the weakness of this combo is that cleric's debuff skill wo

d. So we get another kill and might be able to turn the tides of war.

ce the start would be stunned for sure (or with a high chance). But those who are not active wont be a target. And this shal

amage for each turn for 5 turns, like dealing a free 175 damage. And considering how rogue's nature which makes rogue can

e effective and efficient. I dont know lots of things, and my thought might be wrong. Discuss about it here, and let me know

l those at their own gate, in this case would be the other classes such as rogues, mages to ensure everyone in their own gat

do that effect, otherwise all effort from hitting and stunning that gate would be lost.

r own gates back up.

000 and below is consider low health. anything upwards is on the high side and this being said, its also up to that officer in c

50 atk, would 10 point matter? become 760. and does it matter? I can say no it is not There is an algorithm to attack system

damage to enemy upon victory.

lowest level foes for clerics and mages. And if you have Confidence, you can coordinate well with the other teammates to d

, and when the party attack, they will deal full damage again.

ou are not active, cleric would be the best choice too.As for fortitude, use it for the most active players, but for my own oppi

s, even for one turn. (I Love Mages!!!!!) 0, suddenly become 30 again, or more?Here comes the damage mage. These kind of mages can be used by anyone, but I sug

d actually hard to not stunning an enemy while using rogue. But actually, playing rogues will require you to have a high atk

oison, that would be wonderful.

mbo is that cleric's debuff skill would be able to negate Confuse and poison.

e wont be a target. And this shall prevent us from losing. Consider them a "reinforcements", they come a bit later but with a

's nature which makes rogue can deal around 240 to 300 damage each hit, the poison become more effective. so Each turn

ss about it here, and let me know more, and I'll edit it, or might even create the perfect release for Guild War Guide :)

ensure everyone in their own gates is healthy again.

aid, its also up to that officer in charge to decide on that battle day.

e is an algorithm to attack system where sometimes you will find that you can win and lose on the same person. And that 10

ell with the other teammates to deal damage.

ive players, but for my own oppinion, use it to the highest level cleric in the guild, that should be priority number 1.

can be used by anyone, but I suggest low levels use mage. And they hit the lowest levels too.But, there is a plan of how to d

ll require you to have a high atk and def. As you need to earn victory as rogue, just like warrior. And rogue's skill will force t

, they come a bit later but with a full HP and not stunned + full tokens. They will be able to deal full damage AND might be a

me more effective. so Each turn for 5 turns, a rogue can deal up to 335 damage, and "Maybe" if combined with ambush, a ro

ase for Guild War Guide :)

on the same person. And that 10 point didnt put much effort on it.BUT, their skill whirlwind does put on a value. So, in short

ld be priority number 1.

o.But, there is a plan of how to do it.1st, a Damage Mage shall never stun an enemy with their own attack, that will waste t

rior. And rogue's skill will force them to fight foes on the same level instead of lower level.

deal full damage AND might be able to turn the tides of battle. This one is a bit confusing, but you can ask me for this direct

e" if combined with ambush, a rogue can deal up to 385 damage. And with this calculation, you can put down any high HP f

does put on a value. So, in short Warrior would be the best when you are sure of victory, like when you play rogue, only go

eir own attack, that will waste tokens. Once a foe entered a low Health state, move onto another foe.... 2nd, a Damage Mag

ut you can ask me for this directly :)

you can put down any high HP foe fast, with fewer tokens. And also, combined with poly mages, rogues can put down High

ke when you play rogue, only good when you sure of victory.Now, they have Confidence Ability, which makes them stronger

nother foe.... 2nd, a Damage Mage should wait their token. Never use them each one, but wait till your tokens full, once it is

ages, rogues can put down High Level foes easier.

lity, which makes them stronger. Use them wisely. as this job will be the hardest to show its efficiency.

ait till your tokens full, once it is full, you can use them all. Why? coz, if you stock up 10 tokens, you will deal 100 extra dam

s efficiency.

ens, you will deal 100 extra damage at the moment. combined with another mage, it will become awesome. If you hit every

ecome awesome. If you hit every 1 token you get, you will deal 10 damage, and that 10 damage will be negated easier than

mage will be negated easier than 100 damage.Doing this, mages will keep the stunned foe remain stunned. But, this require

emain stunned. But, this requires you to have magic

Preliminary Information on Festival DuelingFestival Dueling by Ronda Grogan What we know so far:

1) IT USES YOUR ACTUAL STAMINA (and health and money) - not a separate stash of stamina and health (and m

2) FRIENDS, ARMY MEMBERS, GROUPS, GUILDS - THEY ALL SHOW UP. The system hands you level groupings, a

3) ALL ATTACKS SHOW UP ON YOUR NORMAL BATTLE LOG. Yes, those friends who hit you most likely did it thro


So what does this all mean for you? If you've chosen to join, you will be hit and killed a LOT in the coming days, PLAN YOUR MONSTERS. Join monsters already summoned. Be aware of the changes this will cause throughout

What we know so far:

ash of stamina and health (and money). When you hit someone on the list, you use one stamina, same as in normal dueling.

tem hands you level groupings, and as you hit, those groupings change. Everyone is fair game. If you've entered the Festiva

who hit you most likely did it through festival battle dueling. Please, before thinking you suddenly have developed an unkno

Hit same rank as you, earn +10 BP. Hit 1 rank higher, earn +12 BP. Lose to the same rank, lose -4 BP, etc. Followers:Sendin

killed a LOT in the coming days, especially as you rank up. Be prepared to refill your health if you are attempting to hit a mo nges this will cause throughout the CA community in the coming days.

mina, same as in normal dueling. Your own health is depleted as well as you hit and are hit. Refilling your health refills your

me. If you've entered the Festival Dueling, you will be hit by friends and army members. Expect it. Do not take it personal.

ddenly have developed an unknown enemy, stop and realize what likely has happened.

ose -4 BP, etc. Followers:Sending requests to your friends will earn you a little boost in battling. This are handled exactly th

if you are attempting to hit a monster. Be prepared to bank your money if you do not like losing it. Be prepared to ignore yo

Refilling your health refills your festival dueling health....allowing you to hit or be hit again. (Yes, hiding should work in fes

pect it. Do not take it personal.

ling. This are handled exactly the same as gift requests, and yes, they do cut into the number of gifts you can send. When y

osing it. Be prepared to ignore your battle log....or return the favor, as you so choose. Just realize this is not a personal attac

. (Yes, hiding should work in festival dueling.)

er of gifts you can send. When you reach 90 followers filled, you earn +14 attack and +14 defense. 100 followers will get yo

ealize this is not a personal attack, but rather a new facet of CA that people are exploring. Even if you have not chosen to jo

defense. 100 followers will get you +1 point on victory (so if you hit someone you should have received 10 points for, you w

ven if you have not chosen to join, expect people with spare stamina to be harder to find, especially as everyone pushes to

ve received 10 points for, you will instead receive 11 points). Follower Count Rewards:1 - +1 Attack5 - +1 Defense (+1 Att

specially as everyone pushes to rank up quickly.

+1 Attack5 - +1 Defense (+1 Attack, +1 Defense)10 - +1 Attack (+2 total Attack, +1 Defense)15 - +1 Defense (+2 total Att

se)15 - +1 Defense (+2 total Attack, +2 total Defense)20 - +2 Attack (+4 total Attack, +2 total Defense)30 - +2 Defense (+

otal Defense)30 - +2 Defense (+4 total Attack, +4 total Defense)40 - +3 Attack (+7 total Attack, +4 total Defense)50 - +3

Attack, +4 total Defense)50 - +3 Attack (+10 total Attack, +4 total Defense)60 - +3 Defense (+10 total Attack, +7 total Def

e (+10 total Attack, +7 total Defense)70 - +4 Att

FESTIVAL TAVERN QUEST - SOFIA Run 1 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1) Head towards Triste. (Option 1) Continue walking. (Option 1) Continue! (Option 1) Leave the skull! (Option 1) Proceed to Triste! (Option 1) I am Sophia! (Option 1) Go willingly! (Option 1) Greet the king! (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Give soul! (Option 1) ENDResults ~ Good 7 - Neutral 0 - Evil 0 Rewards None Run 2 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1) Head towards Triste. (Option 1) Hide in thicket. (Option 2) Continue to Triste! (Option 1) Give the hound food! (Option 1) Continue to Triste. (Option 1) I am Elaina! (Option 2) Enter the city of Triste. (Option 1) Accept the gift. (Option 1)(Recieved Cursed Bow) Continue. (Option 1) Follow the guards. (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse the king! (Option 2) END Results ~ Good 9 - Neutral 2 - Evil 4 Rewards Cursed Bow Run 3 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1) Head towards the Hills of Boralis. (Option 2) Walk away! (Option 1) Continue to Triste. (Option 1) Greet the king! (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse the king! (Option 2) END Results- Good 10 - Neutral 2 - Evil 7 Rewards None

Run 4 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1)(Obtained Elven Talisman x1 Smoked Salmon x1 Gold Coins x150?) Head towards Triste. (Option 1) Ready weapon! (Option 3) Use power! (Option 1) Take the skull! (Option 2) Proceed to Triste! (Option 1)(Obtained Ork Skull) I am Elaina! (Option 2) Enter the city of Triste. (Option 1) Let him see the bow. (Option 1)(Obtained Arcane Bow x1 Lost Cursed Bow x1 Lost Gold Coins x100) Leave shop. (Option 1) Follow the guards. (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Give soul! (Option 1) END Results ~ Good 14 - Neutral 3 - Evil 11 Rewards Sophia Hero Medal Arcane Bow

Run 5 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1)(Obtained Elven Talisman x1 Smoked Salmon x1 Gold Coins x150 aga Head towards the Hills of Boralis. (Option 2) Feed cub! (Option 2)(Lost 1 Smoked Salmon) Continue to observing. (Option 1) Refuse power! (Option 2)(Obtained Dragon Tooth x1) Continue. (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Greet the king! (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse the king! (Option 2) END Results ~ Good 17 - Neutral 3 - Evil 14 Rewards Sophia Hero Medal

Run 6 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1)(Obtained Elven Talisman x1 Smoked Salmon x1 Gold Coins x150 aga Head towards the Hills of Boralis. (Option 2) Feed cub! (Option 2)(Lost Smoked Salmon) Continue to observing. (Option 1) Use power! (Option 1) Fight! (Option 2) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse! (Option 1) END Result - Failure Good 19 - Neutral 3 - Evil 17 Rewards None

INVENTORY ITEM USES Cursed Bow- Give it to someone to turn into the Arcane Bow for 100 Gold Coins. Gold Coins- To pay the person to purify the Cursed Bow Elven Talismen- Unknown Dragon Tooth- Unknown Orc Skull- Unknown THIS IS ALL I WAS ABOUT TO DO UNTIL I RAN OUT OF ENERGY. 810 ENERGY USED. By Anty~ Feel free to share, just credit me please. *Guide created by Anty on Castle Age Forum

FESTIVAL TAVERN QUEST - SOFIA Run 1 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1) Head towards Triste. (Option 1) Continue walking. (Option 1) Continue! (Option 1) Leave the skull! (Option 1) Proceed to Triste! (Option 1) I am Sophia! (Option 1) Go willingly! (Option 1) Greet the king! (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Give soul! (Option 1) ENDResults ~ Good 7 - Neutral 0 - Evil 0 Rewards None Run 2 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1) Head towards Triste. (Option 1) Hide in thicket. (Option 2) Continue to Triste! (Option 1) Give the hound food! (Option 1) Continue to Triste. (Option 1) I am Elaina! (Option 2) Enter the city of Triste. (Option 1) Accept the gift. (Option 1)(Recieved Cursed Bow) Continue. (Option 1) Follow the guards. (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse the king! (Option 2) END Results ~ Good 9 - Neutral 2 - Evil 4 Rewards Cursed Bow Run 3 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1) Head towards the Hills of Boralis. (Option 2) Walk away! (Option 1) Continue to Triste. (Option 1) Greet the king! (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse the king! (Option 2) END Results- Good 10 - Neutral 2 - Evil 7 Rewards None

Run 4 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1)(Obtained Elven Talisman x1 Smoked Salmon x1 Gold Coins x150?) Head towards Triste. (Option 1) Ready weapon! (Option 3) Use power! (Option 1) Take the skull! (Option 2) Proceed to Triste! (Option 1)(Obtained Ork Skull) I am Elaina! (Option 2) Enter the city of Triste. (Option 1) Let him see the bow. (Option 1)(Obtained Arcane Bow x1 Lost Cursed Bow x1 Lost Gold Coins x100) Leave shop. (Option 1) Follow the guards. (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Give soul! (Option 1) END Results ~ Good 14 - Neutral 3 - Evil 11 Rewards Sophia Hero Medal Arcane Bow Run 5 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1)(Obtained Elven Talisman x1 Smoked Salmon x1 Gold Coins x150 again?) Head towards the Hills of Boralis. (Option 2) Feed cub! (Option 2)(Lost 1 Smoked Salmon) Continue to observing. (Option 1) Refuse power! (Option 2)(Obtained Dragon Tooth x1) Continue. (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Greet the king! (Option 1) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse the king! (Option 2) END Results ~ Good 17 - Neutral 3 - Evil 14 Rewards Sophia Hero Medal

THAT IS ALL THE KNOWN REWARDS- ANY RUN FROM HERE ON IS PURELY TO FIND OUT WHAT THE INVENTORY Run 6 Leave the Sanctuary. (Option 1)(Obtained Elven Talisman x1 Smoked Salmon x1 Gold Coins x150 again?) Head towards the Hills of Boralis. (Option 2) Feed cub! (Option 2)(Lost Smoked Salmon) Continue to observing. (Option 1) Use power! (Option 1) Fight! (Option 2) Continue. (Option 1) Refuse! (Option 1) END Result - Failure Good 19 - Neutral 3 - Evil 17 Rewards None

INVENTORY ITEM USES Cursed Bow- Give it to someone to turn into the Arcane Bow for 100 Gold Coins. Gold Coins- To pay the person to purify the Cursed Bow Elven Talismen- Unknown Dragon Tooth- Unknown Orc Skull- Unknown THIS IS ALL I WAS ABOUT TO DO UNTIL I RAN OUT OF ENERGY. 810 ENERGY USED. By Anty~ Feel free to share, just credit me please. *Guide created by Anty on Castle Age Forum

ns x150 again?)


ns x150 again?)

FESTIVAL TAVERN QUEST - STRIDER What I have so far.... I've got all the known rewards... Don't get it? PM me and I'll gladly help you out soon as I can :)

Take the scroll and accept the mission. = +1 Neutral Scout the area where the target located. = +1 Neutral Speak to the local farmer. = +2 Good Sneak in under the cover of the wheat wagon. = +1 Neutral Prepare for the kill. = +1 Neutral A pair of cruel looking daggers. = +2 Good Retreat into darkness... = +3 Good END RESULT - Good 7 Nuetral 4 Evil 0 Rewards: Strider Hero Medal Description: Increase Strider max level by 1 ----------------------------------Take the scroll and accept the mission. = +1 Neutral Research the target and learn more about him. = +1 Neutral Travel to guard post. = +1 Neutral None of your business! = +2 Evil and Failure. Start again.

END RESULT - Good 7 Neutral 7 Evil 2 ----------------------------------Take the scroll and accept the mission. = +1 Neutral Research the target and learn more about him. = +1 Neutral Travel to guard post. = +1 Neutral Delivering a message. = +1 Good Prepare for the kill. = +1 Neutral A deadly dose of hydra poison. = +2 Evil Kill all witnesses! = +3 Evil

END RESULT - 9 Good 11 Neutral 7 Evil Rewards: Strider Hero Medal

Description: Increase Strider max level by 1

---------------------------------Take the scroll and accept the mission. = +1 Neutral Research the target and learn more about him. = +1 Neutral Travel to guard post. = +1 Neutral Delivering a message. = +2 Good Prepare for the kill. = +1 Neutral A finely crafted crossbow. = +2 Neutral Retreat into darkness... = +3 Good END RESULT - 14 Good 17 Neutral 7 Evil Rewards: Redeeming Light Description: ---------------------------------Take the scroll and accept the mission. = +1 Neutral Research the target and learn more about him. = +1 Neutral Travel to guard post. = +1 Neutral Delivering a message. = +2 Good Prepare for the kill. = +1 Neutral A pair of cruel looking daggers. = +2 Good Retreat into darkness... = +3 Good END RESULT 21 Good 21 Neutral 7 Evil Rewards: Description: -----------------------------------Take the scroll and accept the mission. = +1 Neutral Research the target and learn more about him. = +1 Neutral Travel to guard post. = +1 Neutral Delivering a message. = +1 Good Prepare for the kill. = +1 Neutral A finely crafted crossbow. = +2 Neutral Kill all witnesses! = +3 Evil END RESULT - 23 Good 27 Neutral 10 Evil Rewards: Description: --------------------------------------------------Take the scroll and accept the mission. = +1 Neutral

Scout the area where the target located. = +1 Neutral Seek a guard working for the merchant. = + 1 Neutral Bribe the guard for information. = +1 Neutral Prepare for the kill. = +1 Neutral A deadly dose of hydra poison. = +2 Evil Kill all witnesses! =+ 3 Evil END RESULT - 23 Good 32 Neutral 15 Evil Rewards: Amulet of Despair

2. Head toward the light source! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 3. Hurry past the Golems, avoiding detection. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * If you get a "Special Event" here... o Choose OPTION 2 (Stat stamina.png 4 Stamina) for 1,000,000 gold (no Golem Banes here 4. Head to the light... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 5. Explore Vault! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Keep Exploring till you get a "Special Event", where Champion appears to challenge you. o Choose OPTION 3: Rush the Enemies with overwhelming force (Requires 30 Army Membe o Quest Loot: Empty Crystal. o Repeat this step till you have collected 15 crystals. 6. After you have 15 crystals, PAUSE here.. go do Dark Tower quest. Don't finish this round Epic quest Land of Water: Dark Tower

1. Click the hyperlink above and open in new tab... 2. Explore the lower levels. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * "Special Event" may appear here. o Choose OPTION 1: There is much darkness in the heart of every man. (Stat energy.png 5 E o Loot: +5? EXP or Maiden Shadow join you as a soldier (not important). 3. Head higher... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy)

* "Continue exploring the lower levels." to capture more Warlocks and Knights for Achievem

1. Continue your ascent (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 2. Remain in the middle of the tower. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Stay here and keep doing clicking the quest till "Special Event" appears, where you can ca o Choose OPTION 1: Hold an Empty Crystal in her direction... (quest item: Maiden Soul - nee

o You will need to repeat the quests to collect all 15 souls. 3. After you have all the 15 Maiden Souls, Head to the top... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 4. Explore Room. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Keep Exploring till you get the "Special Event". The Dark Maiden will appear here. PAY AT o Choose OPTION 1: Shatter a Maiden Soul in her presence! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) to C o Capture 15 Maidens. You will need to repeat this many times to complete 15 captures as y o Repeat the quest from beginning if needed, but proceed directly all the way to top withou * After you've captured 15 Maidens, either continue to Explore Room. (Stat energy.png 5 En o Choose OPTION 3: Rush the Enemy with overwhelming force (Requires 70 Army Members This gives you a confirmed Golem Bane EVERYTIME. 1.

NOTE ON GOLEM BANES: * Complimenting the Dark Maiden on her beauty can give a Golem Bane, but other times sh * You can also get the golem by attacking the Dark Maiden, and the Shadow Maiden often g * For those collectors while attacking the Shadow Maiden does get her, you get her anyway 2. Collect your reward including Blade of Arielle , if you captured 15 Maidens. Part 2 Edit Part 2 sectionEdit Assuming you have 10 Golem Banes, return to... Epic quest Land of Water: Caves

1. Continue with Explore Vault! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Repeat that till you get the "Special Event" where the Champion appears. o This time... choose OPTION 1: Use a Golem Bane to control the Golems and capture the Ch o You will need to repeat that multiple times or restart the whole quest until you have 10 Ch 2. Collect your rewards including Armor Of Arielle , if you collected 10 Champions. Finally Edit Finally sectionEdit There you go... NOW you have Arielle AND her FULL SET!

NOTE: The quest items all drop from "Special Events", so you need to keep doing the quests Sources Edit Sources sectionEdit * REGARDING ARIELLE: IN DEPTH GUIDE (on Facebook) by Joyce Chung * Epic Quest Walkthrough (on Official Castle Age forums) by Death of Rats * Notes (on Facebook) from Arthur Niel

Primarily based on REGARDING ARIELLE: IN DEPTH GUIDE by Joyce Chung. Contents [show] * 1 Caveat * 2 Getting Arielle * 3 Getting her shield * 4 Get her armor and blade o 4.1 Part 1 o 4.2 Part 2 * 5 Finally * 6 Sources Caveat Edit Caveat sectionEdit

* If you are a long time player, you may not be able to do the quests to get Arielle and her gear (shield, armor, a * If these quests do not show up on your Land page in Castle Age, you can access them by using the links in this Getting Arielle Edit Getting Arielle sectionEdit Epic quest Land of Mist Population Achievement Rewards: * Rescue 500 Rangers: +1 Skill Point and 1 Castle. [Income $65,000] * Rescue 400 Rogues: +1 Skill Point and 10 Shortsword +1s. [3/1] * Rescue 350 Wizards: +1 Skill Point and 5 Fireballs. [5/0] * Rescue 10 Princesses: +1 Skill Point and the General, Arielle. Quest Loot to Collect: Mystic Scrolls (10 scrolls). 1. Explore the wooded area surrounding the Elven Castle (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * A Special Event may occur here, where you must fight the shadows. o If you receive this quest, choose Option #3 - "Engage the enemy in Battle!" (Stat stamina.png 2 Stamina) 2. Head towards the fire (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * A Special Event may occur here, where you must fight the shadows. o If you receive this quest, choose Option #3 - "Engage the enemy in Battle!" (Stat stamina.png 2 Stamina) 3. Aid the Allied Rangers and Rogues to ensure their safety (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 4. Remain in the outer campsite to aid the allied Rangers and seek Mystic Scrolls! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Keep repeating this step. o A "Special Event" will randomly occur, where you can gain the Mystic Scrolls. o Use the 3rd option - "Attack and Capture Ranger" (Stat energy.png 5 Energy). 1.

You need 10 Mystic Scrolls - stay here until you have all 10. If you run out of turns before you have all 10, simpl 2. Once you have 10 Mystic Scrolls, Find the Princess before... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 3. Search Tent (Stat energy.png 5 Energy)

* Keep repeating this step as well. o A "Special Event" will randomly occur, where you can rescue the princess. o 3rd option is recommended - "Save the princess with a Mystic Scroll while looting the Tent!" (Stat energy.png 4. Collect Bonuses - you will most likely complete this step multiple times while working toward rescuing the 10

At the end of 25 rounds, you are awarded the bonuses you have so far earned. You will not be awarded Arielle u NOTE: Every quest item, bonus item and population is accumulative. Don't worry if you need to restart it. Getting her shield Edit Getting her shield sectionEdit Epic quest Land of Water: Docks Population Achievement Rewards: * Capture 500 Warlocks: +1 Skill Point and 1 Lake Fortress. [Income $150,000] * Capture 100 Knights: +1 Skill Point and 10 Longsword +1. [4/4] * Capture 400 Shamans: +1 Skill Point and 3 Dragonbanes. [5/5] * Capture 10 Assassins: +1 Skill Point and the Shield of Arielle. Quest Loot to Collect: Dark Elixir (10 Elixirs)

1. Check the cabins surrounding the docks. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 2. Continue checking the docks. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * You will get a "Special Event" here to battle the enemy Knight. o Choose option 3: Engage the enemy in Battle! (Stat stamina.png 2 Stamina) o Higher chances of getting Dark Elixir. Stay here and continue till you get your 10 Elixirs. 3. Head to Merchant Ships! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 4. Search the Merchant Ships for the "Assassin". (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * You will also get a "Special Event" here. Move on if you don't get the event. o Option 3 gives a chance for a Dark Elixir. Choose 1 and 2 if you don't want to spend your energy here. o You can capture knights here if you want to get the skill points. 5. Head to the last ship... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 6. Search the last ship! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Keep repeating this step and look for "Special Event", where you can capture the Assassin. o Choose 1st option "Use a Dark Elixir to Hypnotize the Enemy Forces!" (Stat energy.png 5 Energy). o Continue searching until you have 10 Assassins. o If you clicked wrong and went past the above steps before you have 10 elixirs... you can still get them here. C 7. Collect bonuses (including Shield of Arielle, if you have captured 10 Assassins). Get her armor and blade Edit Get her armor and blade sectionEdit IMPORTANT NOTE: THE CAVES AND DARK TOWER QUESTS ARE LINKED. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Epic quest Land of Water: Caves Epic quest Land of Water: Dark Tower Population Achievement Rewards: CAVES * Capture 800 Warlocks: +1 Skill Point and 2 Lake Fortresses. [Income $150,000]

* Capture 300 Knights: +1 Skill Point and 10 Longsword +1s. [4/4] * Capture 10 Golems: +1 Skill Point and 3 Dragon Talons. [6/6] * Capture 10 Champions: +1 Skill Point and the Armor of Arielle. Quest Loot to Collect: Empty Crystals (15 crystals) Population Achievement Rewards: DARK TOWER * Capture 800 Warlocks: +1 Skill Point and 1 Sky Sanctuary. [Income $200,000] * Capture 300 Knights: +1 Skill Point and 10 Longsword +1s. [4/4] * Capture 1200 Shadows: +1 Skill Point and 2 Demonic Circles. [9/6] * Capture 15 Maidens: +1 Skill Point and the Blade of Arielle. Quest Loot to Collect: Maiden Soul (15 souls) + Golem Banes (10 banes) Part 1 Edit Part 1 sectionEdit Epic quest Land of Water: Caves

1. Explore the caves. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * "Special Event" will sometimes occur here. o Choose to Engage enemy in Battle! (Stat stamina.png 2 Stamina) for +5? EXP bonus. o If going for Achievement "Capture 10 Golems: +1 Skill Point and 3 Dragon Talons. [6/6]" Choose Capture the 2. Head toward the light source! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 3. Hurry past the Golems, avoiding detection. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * If you get a "Special Event" here... o Choose OPTION 2 (Stat stamina.png 4 Stamina) for 1,000,000 gold (no Golem Banes here... sorry). 4. Head to the light... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 5. Explore Vault! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Keep Exploring till you get a "Special Event", where Champion appears to challenge you. o Choose OPTION 3: Rush the Enemies with overwhelming force (Requires 30 Army Members) (Stat o Quest Loot: Empty Crystal. o Repeat this step till you have collected 15 crystals. 6. After you have 15 crystals, PAUSE here.. go do Dark Tower quest. Don't finish this round first. Epic quest Land of Water: Dark Tower 1. Click the hyperlink above and open in new tab... 2. Explore the lower levels. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * "Special Event" may appear here. o Choose OPTION 1: There is much darkness in the heart of every man. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy). o Loot: +5? EXP or Maiden Shadow join you as a soldier (not important). 3. Head higher... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * "Continue exploring the lower levels." to capture more Warlocks and Knights for Achievement Rewards

1. Continue your ascent (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 2. Remain in the middle of the tower. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Stay here and keep doing clicking the quest till "Special Event" appears, where you can capture the Maiden Sh o Choose OPTION 1: Hold an Empty Crystal in her direction... (quest item: Maiden Soul - needs 15 Maiden Souls

o You will need to repeat the quests to collect all 15 souls. 3. After you have all the 15 Maiden Souls, Head to the top... (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) 4. Explore Room. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Keep Exploring till you get the "Special Event". The Dark Maiden will appear here. PAY ATTENTION HERE! o Choose OPTION 1: Shatter a Maiden Soul in her presence! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) to Capture The Maiden! o Capture 15 Maidens. You will need to repeat this many times to complete 15 captures as you may not capture o Repeat the quest from beginning if needed, but proceed directly all the way to top without stopping in the mid * After you've captured 15 Maidens, either continue to Explore Room. (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) or start again o Choose OPTION 3: Rush the Enemy with overwhelming force (Requires 70 Army Members)! (Stat stamina.png This gives you a confirmed Golem Bane EVERYTIME. 1.

NOTE ON GOLEM BANES: * Complimenting the Dark Maiden on her beauty can give a Golem Bane, but other times she embraces you and * You can also get the golem by attacking the Dark Maiden, and the Shadow Maiden often gets in your way redo * For those collectors while attacking the Shadow Maiden does get her, you get her anyway from collecting the 2. Collect your reward including Blade of Arielle , if you captured 15 Maidens. Part 2 Edit Part 2 sectionEdit Assuming you have 10 Golem Banes, return to... Epic quest Land of Water: Caves

1. Continue with Explore Vault! (Stat energy.png 5 Energy) * Repeat that till you get the "Special Event" where the Champion appears. o This time... choose OPTION 1: Use a Golem Bane to control the Golems and capture the Champion! o You will need to repeat that multiple times or restart the whole quest until you have 10 Champions. If restart, 2. Collect your rewards including Armor Of Arielle , if you collected 10 Champions. Finally Edit Finally sectionEdit There you go... NOW you have Arielle AND her FULL SET!

NOTE: The quest items all drop from "Special Events", so you need to keep doing the quests till that random EVE Sources Edit Sources sectionEdit * REGARDING ARIELLE: IN DEPTH GUIDE (on Facebook) by Joyce Chung * Epic Quest Walkthrough (on Official Castle Age forums) by Death of Rats * Notes (on Facebook) from Arthur Niel

r gear (shield, armor, and blade).[citation needed] y using the links in this article.

na.png 2 Stamina)

na.png 2 Stamina)

nergy.png 5 Energy)

you have all 10, simply walk through the first steps to return to this spot and finish collecting scrolls.

ent!" (Stat energy.png 5 Energy). #:Continue searching the tent until you have rescued all 10 princesses (watch your Mystic oward rescuing the 10 princesses.

ot be awarded Arielle until you collect bonuses at the end of the final 25 rounds, even if you have already rescued the 10 pri

eed to restart it.

r energy here.

n still get them here. Choose option 3 to attack. (Stat stamina.png 4 Stamina) It will give 1 dark elixir.


]" Choose Capture the Golem with Golem Bane! (You will need 10 extra Golem Banes.)

re... sorry).

bers) (Stat stamina.png 4 Stamina)

ement Rewards

capture the Maiden Shadow. needs 15 Maiden Souls).

ATTENTION HERE! o Capture The Maiden! s you may not capture a Maiden every time, the use of 15 Maiden Souls yields about 12 Maidens, be prepared to go get mor out stopping in the middle, to complete all 15 captured Maidens. Energy) or start again at Dark Tower and get back to this point and repeat until you get the "Special Event" again. ers)! (Stat stamina.png 4 Stamina)

she embraces you and leaves 1 million gold... n gets in your way redoing the quest... get 7 or 8 Golem Banes then go for the Dark Maiden; when the Shadow Maiden interv ay from collecting the Dark Maiden later on, so no need to waste the energy/stamina at that point.

Champions. If restart, choose the options that lead to the vault and continue collecting Champions.

sts till that random EVENT pops out! Good Luck~!!

10 princesses (watch your Mystic Scroll count go down).

have already rescued the 10 princesses. If you have not rescued 10 at the end of that, restart the quest from begining and

dens, be prepared to go get more Empties, fill them, and come back. "Special Event" again.

when the Shadow Maiden intervenes restarting the quest, compliment her and get the last few Golem Banes, saves a few h

art the quest from begining and click the options that leads you right to the end and keep rescuing her.

few Golem Banes, saves a few hundred energy.

escuing her.

Reinforcements for Arena you have to kick a friend out of your army is the easiest

Switch the id number with the's person player number. Seems like you can't get the no. from

karen rogers aliantha castle



rmy is the easiest


ke you can't get the no. from the photo anymore - I used the elite guard links. Then when you're in Arena & playing click the

ou're in Arena & playing click the Add & then send the invite army.

Alpha Vincent Guidelines

Rules for Summoning/Attacking Vincent and Alpha Vincents: 1) It is possible for 10 to 15 of us to get in 310,000 damage, and I would like to see more ta 2) Leave all succubi remaining in all towers. This allows for him to be healed and also for us 3) No CTA's are to be posted, unless told otherwise by an officer or I. This also allows for m 4) Lower levels who are defeated attacking guild monsters are welcome. You not only earn 5) Summoning of any guild monster must only be done with an officer's or my permission. W 6) Please do not join as a mage. We give ample notice as to when our guild monsters will be 7) Absolutely no mages allowed when summoned please. This will damage all within the to 8) Attack all but the succubus' with 10 to 20 stamina, no matter how much health the mons 9) Have fun doing this as a team event. ;)

Failure to adhere to these rules can result in one or more of the following: demotion of rank Thorgrim {[TRC~RCE]}-Wyrmslayer's Guild Master

did some quick research. a/v will drop legend when you achieve 140k damage (15% drop r

e, and I would like to see more take advantage of this so you may get the general. him to be healed and also for us to achieve more monster points; both individually and for the guild. Only take her out whe fficer or I. This also allows for more points to be achieved for the individuals and the guild. are welcome. You not only earn points for losing; but also when attacking succubus', allow for the tower to be healed...ther h an officer's or my permission. We do this to advertise that a guild monster is going to be summoned, allowing for some to when our guild monsters will be summoned. For best results, go in as a rogue with might lvl 4 equipped (should you have m his will damage all within the towers you attack and lower the chance of others achieving their goal. atter how much health the monster has. Doing so will still give you full battle points and experience.

the following: demotion of rank, a warning, being spoken to by myself, or in extreme cases expulsion from this guild. Many

hieve 140k damage (15% drop rate). My mini (lvl116) can achieve 250k damage (34.48% legend drop rate) with only 119 s

the guild. Only take her out when the word is given.

for the tower to be healed...therefore allowing to collect more points. ummoned, allowing for some to save stamina. In addition, this gives our guild a heads up to ensure that all other monsters vl 4 equipped (should you have might). Doing so will earn you maximum points in achieving your goal of 310,000 damage, b

s expulsion from this guild. Many have been here long enough to know some of these rules and should follow them already.

egend drop rate) with only 119 stamina. regular vincent and a/v epic drop rate is about the same. Isn't it more profitable to

o ensure that all other monsters within the guild will not fail. g your goal of 310,000 damage, battle points.

and should follow them already. Some rules are new and I would like to see that you all work as a team. Expulsion from the

same. Isn't it more profitable to try our luck in getting a legend from a/v, then no chance to get legend by attacking vincen

rk as a team. Expulsion from the guild is the most extreme and if done, I would have to have just cause. As with any action,

o get legend by attacking vincent? I'm not opposing the idea of helping the lower lvls to get good item. i'm just curious tha

e just cause. As with any action, there will be voting by officers as to what is done when rules are not followed. I'd like to co

t good item. i'm just curious that is it hard for us to aim for at least 140k damage in a/v?

es are not followed. I'd like to consider this guild built with members who are adamant players. This is now what is an expe

yers. This is now what is an expectation of the guild: Those who are daily team players, building their characters to not only

ding their characters to not only suit the individual; but the guild as well. Thank you for your cooperation.

ur cooperation.

Divine Power Information (in courtesy of my fellow countrymen pinoys) I have been doing experiments and gathering/trading info on the divine power feature of CA. I have already published my findings in Wikia article: i/Divine_Items CA Forum thread: howthread.php?t=52830 This doc is roughly the same as the ones published/posted in the above pages but with some edits here or there. Consider this as the What are Divine Items?

Divine Items are special equipment which are used against monsters with Divine Armor. They have Divine Power stats/rating that is us Divine Item "Rule"

An interesting, unmentioned "rule" is that Divine Items does not stack in the same slot. Which means you can only use 1 divine item pe

Say you own 2 Force of Nature, you can only use the divine power of one of them to counter a monster's divine armor effect. Which m

Similar to dueling, the game chooses your best equipment according to their Divine Power stats. Force of Nature will always be used ov List of Available Divine Items Generals Agamemnon - 20 Divine Power (Ascension Chest Epic) Aurelius - 20 Divine Power (Ascension Chest Epic) Jahanna - 20 Divine Power (Ascension Chest Epic) Alyzia - 5 Divine Power (Ascension Chest Epic) Weapons Heart of the Woods - 120 Divine Power (alchemy, ingriedients dropped by Aurora) Hammer of Storms - 40 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by each of the four giants) Off-hands Aegis of Kings - 120 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by Agamemnon, also requires a summoner drop) Aegis of Stone - 40 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by each of the four giants) Helmet Helm of Arcane Energies - 120 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by Ambrosia) Armor Trisoul Plate - 160 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by Typhonus) Glacial Plate - 40 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by each of the four giants) Tempest Plate - 10 (6500 Ambrosia demi points) Moonfall Battlegear - 10 (6500 Aurora demi points) Retribution Armor - 10 (6500 Azeron demi points) Amulet Keeper of Chaos - 180 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by Malekus) Force of Nature - 80 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by Jahanna) Juggernaut Medallion - 10 (6500 Malekus demi points) Lionheart Seal - 10 (6500 Corvintheus demi points) Magic

Molten Core - 70 (alchemy, ingredients dropped in the Cave of Wonder, requires Lava Inferno) Lava Inferno - 40 (alchemy, ingredients dropped by each of the four giants) Calculating the Divine Power/Armor Effect. Sample Attack Log:

XXX cast magic both on Jahann, stopping her in his tracks for a Devastating amount of Damage[58,775]. Jahanna, Priestess of Aurora Jahanna, Priestess of Aurora has prevented 4765 damage with their Divine Armor, get items with Divine Power to do more damage! *If you have enough divine power, you will not see the prevented damage message and instead get the one where is says your divine Based from the Log: 58,775 -> Inflicted Damage 4,765 -> Prevented Damage Formulas: Inflicted Damage + Prevented Damage = Total Damage Prevented Damage / Total Damage = Percentage of Prevented Damage Where: Inflicted Damage - This is the actual damage that you logged in your activity. Prevented Damage - This is the damage that the monster's divine armor blocked Total Damage - This is the damage you would've done if you had enough Divine Power to fully cancel a monster's divine armor

Percentage of Prevented Damage - Used to measure the monster's divine armor potential. A player with 0 divine items will know/feel th Monsters Jahanna: Blocks 10% of damage. Decreases by 0.125% per 1 divine power used. Needs 80 divine power to fully cancel. Agamemnon: Blocks 30% of damage. Decreases by 0.25% per 1 divine power used. Needs 120 divine power to fully cancel. Aurora: Blocks 40% of damage. Decreases by 0.25% per 1 divine power used. Needs 160 divine power to fully cancel. Glacius: Blocks 30% of damage. Decreases by 0.25% per 1 divine power used. Needs 120 divine power to fully cancel. Magmos: Blocks 40% of damage. Decreases by 0.2225% per 1 divine power used. Needs 180 divine power to fully cancel. Ambrosia: Blocks 45% of damage. Decreases by 0.2045% per 1 divine power used. Needs 220 divine power to fully cancel. Typhonus: Blocks 45% of damage. Decreases by ~0.18% per 1 divine power used. Needs 250 divine power to fully cancel.

Using the info above, let's say you only have Tempest Plate (armor) and Lionheart Seal (amulet) as your divine items. Against Jahanna 0.125 * (10 + 10) = 2.5

Since Jahanna is set to block 10% of damage, your divine items will reduce it's effectiveness, lowering the Prevented Damage to only 7 *10% - 2.5% = 7.5% Dark Rage:

Dark Rage adds 40 divine power to the amount you use. Even if you have 0 divine items, you'll get 40 divine power if you activate Dark Tips on building divine item arsenal:

This is for those who still only have the demi divine items. Power players and/or Heavy Slayers may not need this guide if they have m

At this stage, the choices are easy. Hit Jahanna first, her item offers a solid 80 divine power and her block is only at 10%. Once you ob

If you are able to summon or close to summoning Agamemnon yourself (2000 pts or less to complete Vanguard rank), go fight the Ove If you are not in a good position in ToT, look to fight Aurora instead. She has a tougher divine armor but has the Dark Rage system to

After obtaining either Aegis of Kings or Heart of Woods (or both if you like), your overall divine power rating is now at least 200. Magm

Ambrosia is rarer since only those who have quested far into Fire II can summon her. Her divine armor is tougher but is of no consequ

Magmos and his giant troupe are more common since their summon items are easily gifted. Their divine items offer only 40 divine pow

Typhonus is a combination of the giants and mama Ambro. Easily gifted ingredients paired with the toughest divine armor to date. Th Optional Detour: Crutch Divine Items: Aegis of Stone, Hammer of Storms Going through Agamemnon or Aurora is the optimal route to build your divine power immediately to 200. However, this can get tiring Why fight Magmos now?

As mentioned, Magmos has the second toughest divine armor of all. However, he has 1 thing about him that is better than Ag or Auro Why create Aegis of Stone?

For the purposes of this guide, we are trying to outfit every slot with divine items. Aegis of Kings is superior than Aegis of Stone in bot Why create Hammer of Storms? See "Why create Aegis of Stone?" above.

With these 2, your divine item gear should now be HoS (40) + AoS (40) + Tempest Plate/Moonfall Battlegear (10) + FoN (80) for a tot

Remember though that AoS and HoS are only temporary crutches, short term goals of having our weapon and shield slot filled with div

Current Game Standing: Highest Monster Divine Armor Rating: Requires 275 Divine Power, 45% Block, ~0.1636% reduction rate (Malekus)

Highest Effective Divine Power Output Possible: 790 Divine Power (Agamemnon/Aurelius/Jahanna + Heart of Woods + Aegis of Kings +

power feature of CA. I have already published my findings in CA Wikia and the official CA Forums. But I feel I... should share this with the PCA group as well especially if they don't visit the

pages but with some edits here or there. Consider this as the latest version.

h Divine Armor. They have Divine Power stats/rating that is used to help in reducing or completely eliminating the amount of damage a monster blocks per attack. Merely owning them is enou

the same slot. Which means you can only use 1 divine item per equipment slot.

e of them to counter a monster's divine armor effect. Which means you will only use 80 Divine Power instead of 160 in the amulet slot. The same is true if you have Tempest Plate and Moonfa

heir Divine Power stats. Force of Nature will always be used over Juggernaut Medallion and Lionheart Seal in the amulet slot if you own all 3.

requires a summoner drop)

ing amount of Damage[58,775]. Jahanna, Priestess of Aurora dealt 4078 damage to the party.

ne Armor, get items with Divine Power to do more damage!

ge message and instead get the one where is says your divine items helped you deal more damage to the monster.

h Divine Power to fully cancel a monster's divine armor

e armor potential. A player with 0 divine items will know/feel the full effect of a monster's divine armor. Comparing this player's damage to the damage of other players with divine items, we c

wer used. Needs 80 divine power to fully cancel.

power used. Needs 120 divine power to fully cancel. used. Needs 160 divine power to fully cancel. used. Needs 120 divine power to fully cancel.

wer used. Needs 180 divine power to fully cancel.

ower used. Needs 220 divine power to fully cancel.

ower used. Needs 250 divine power to fully cancel.

Lionheart Seal (amulet) as your divine items. Against Jahanna, you will use 20 divine power against her divine armor:

uce it's effectiveness, lowering the Prevented Damage to only 7.5%

e 0 divine items, you'll get 40 divine power if you activate Dark Rage. Currently, among the 5 monsters above, only Aurora's and Ambrosia's battle has the Dark Rage system installed.

s and/or Heavy Slayers may not need this guide if they have majority of the divine items already.

lid 80 divine power and her block is only at 10%. Once you obtain Force of Nature, look to hit Agamemnon or Aurora next. Both offer BIS items with 120 divine power.

(2000 pts or less to complete Vanguard rank), go fight the Overseer. His divine armor is weaker and his summon cooldown is shorter, not to mention extra 24 hours time limit to beat him. Ho

e has a tougher divine armor but has the Dark Rage system to help out. Heart of Woods requires no summoner drop which is the main headache in the Agamemnon hunt.

ke), your overall divine power rating is now at least 200. Magmos can't stop you while Ambrosia and Typhonus could but only barely. With Dark Rage, the energy demi-goddess' divine armor

summon her. Her divine armor is tougher but is of no consequence if you build up as recommended. Her divine item is a BIS helmet with 120 divine power and has the highest stats among a

ms are easily gifted. Their divine items offer only 40 divine power. If you choose this route, save up to create Lava Inferno (BIS magic, only magic divine item currently) and Glacial Plate (BIS

ingredients paired with the toughest divine armor to date. The chimera's divine item has the highest divine power rating of all divine items currently, clocking in at 160 DP. Be warned thoug

divine power immediately to 200. However, this can get tiring as you need to rid of them more than 10 times on average. You may get sick of fighting them halfway. As a distraction, fight K

wever, he has 1 thing about him that is better than Ag or Aurora: he is a common monster. His summon ingredient can be obtain from gifts hence a more people can summon him compared

ne items. Aegis of Kings is superior than Aegis of Stone in both stats and divine power. However, AoS benefits from having a more forgiving recipe than AoK. Not to mention that the monst

+ Tempest Plate/Moonfall Battlegear (10) + FoN (80) for a total of 170 divine power. High enough to cancel Agamemnon, Glacius and Aurora's armors (even without Dark Rage) but 10 poin

term goals of having our weapon and shield slot filled with divine item. In the long run, getting AoK and HotW are better. At least, until the next BIS divine weapon and shield are released (

emnon/Aurelius/Jahanna + Heart of Woods + Aegis of Kings + Helm of Arcane Energies + Trisoul Plate + Keeper of Chaos + Molten Core)

Block, ~0.1636% reduction rate (Malekus)

his with the PCA group as well especially if they don't visit the aforementioned sites.

mage a monster blocks per attack. Merely owning them is enough to have an effect. You can see their Divine Power stats in your keep page.

et slot. The same is true if you have Tempest Plate and Moonfall Battlegear. Although the items are different, since they share the same slot, only one of them will be used.

damage to the damage of other players with divine items, we can measure how a divine armor's effectiveness goes down for every divine power used. Using this, I was able to make the mon

Ambrosia's battle has the Dark Rage system installed.

offer BIS items with 120 divine power.

orter, not to mention extra 24 hours time limit to beat him. However, Aegis of Kings requires a summoner drop so you need to be in a good position in the Tower of Transcendence for this ch

e main headache in the Agamemnon hunt.

arely. With Dark Rage, the energy demi-goddess' divine armor will be nullified. You are free to choose which tough nuts to crack next to further build up your divine power.

met with 120 divine power and has the highest stats among all equipment to date (101 combined).

magic, only magic divine item currently) and Glacial Plate (BIS attack armor, highest rated armor divine item currently). Choose Aegis of Stone next if you got Heart of the Woods earlier to fill

divine items currently, clocking in at 160 DP. Be warned though that the recipe requires the most number of ingredients of all divine items (not to mention that its epic drops are spread out, d

may get sick of fighting them halfway. As a distraction, fight Kromash, Shardros and/or Glacius in between to break the monotomy and collect some alchemy pieces for your Lava Inferno(s) a

in from gifts hence a more people can summon him compared to the other two. Just look at the public monster high tier page. Also creating either Aegis of Stone or Hammer of Storms only

more forgiving recipe than AoK. Not to mention that the monsters that drop it's ingredients are easily summoned by anyone who are at least level 185.

us and Aurora's armors (even without Dark Rage) but 10 point short of fully cancelling Magmos'...but at least it will hurt A LOT less (only 2.175% block). Ambrosia will be quite a pain with a

ast, until the next BIS divine weapon and shield are released (if there will be). But who knows how long will that be.

he same slot, only one of them will be used.

ery divine power used. Using this, I was able to make the monster info below

e in a good position in the Tower of Transcendence for this choice.

next to further build up your divine power.

egis of Stone next if you got Heart of the Woods earlier to fill your offhand slot with a divine item. Go with Hammer of Storms if you got Aegis of Kings instead to fill your weapon slot with a d

vine items (not to mention that its epic drops are spread out, diliuting the chances of landing a *particular one*) with 22. Keep also in mind that it's stats is only 75 combined (it's amulet epi

my and collect some alchemy pieces for your Lava Inferno(s) and Glacial Plate(s) later. However, you can also build the two lesser divine items first if you wish. Doing so however will require

Also creating either Aegis of Stone or Hammer of Storms only requires fighting him 3-4 times on average. Compared to more than 10x against the two A's, this detour makes sense for our sh

ess (only 2.175% block). Ambrosia will be quite a pain with a 10.235% block (Dark Rage cuts it down to only 2.055%)

you got Aegis of Kings instead to fill your weapon slot with a divine item.

also in mind that it's stats is only 75 combined (it's amulet epic drop has 76 combined!!!) although it is a BIS overall armor. Keep this in mind.

er divine items first if you wish. Doing so however will require you to "prematurely" face the game's second toughest divine armored monster: Magmos.

han 10x against the two A's, this detour makes sense for our short term goals. Be warned though that with only at most 90 divine power in your hands, it will be a painful 3-4 times as the Lav

e power in your hands, it will be a painful 3-4 times as the Lava giant will still block 20% of your damage. If you don't have the stamina, time and/or FP to get to epic thresholds in his fight,

stamina, time and/or FP to get to epic thresholds in his fight, stick to hitting Agememnon or Aurora.

Excavation Quest Demon Realm's Cave of Wonder and Molten Core Molten Core can be pursued simultaneously while hunting the divine monsters. Boasting 38/25 stats And just so you know, once you complete the quest to level 8 and collect your reward, it shows back u

monsters. Boasting 38/25 stats and 70 divine power, it is the best magic in the game, stat-wise and divine power-wise. It h ect your reward, it shows back up on your page as never having been done, so you can do this mulltiple times...

wise and divine power-wise. It has one HUGE fatal flaw though, more fatal than Agamemnon's Aegis of Kings. Not only does his mulltiple times...

n's Aegis of Kings. Not only does it require Lava Inferno in it's recipe, the other ingredients can only be obtained from the e

can only be obtained from the energy vacuum Cave of Wonder quest in the Demon Realm. It needs 6 Temporal Rune of Em

It needs 6 Temporal Rune of Embers: 3 for it's recipe and 3 for Meteor Storm which is another ingredient for it's recipe. The

her ingredient for it's recipe. The ember runes are very rare and would require high level excavation for a chance drop (high

cavation for a chance drop (highest level is 8). FP is mandatory to get to that level. It can be obtained slowly by combining l

e obtained slowly by combining lower level Temporal Rune of Mists and Leaves but the time investment will be a long one. N

investment will be a long one. Not to mention that the quest does not offer skill points so think twice about your situation i

hink twice about your situation in the game whether to pursue this or not.

Attention Nursing Corps Re: Guidelines for the dispersal of Penicilin to the troops in combat: MOST of us are wasting way to many tokens on it. Let me explain...

Where-as it has come to the High Muckity mucks attention that alot of the Troops have been needing "medical" attention lately. So I wanted to talk a little ab

A Cleric NORMALLY has healed his entire tower by 10 (or 14 if you have Sanna) points every time (s)he wins either offensively or defensivly. NOW that mean

First the bad ... YOU hurt yourself this could be any amount of damage usually around 80 POINTS damage... if you have RES 4 on the damage lowers to arou

NOW the GOOD things about this hit is you heal by 14 x 25 (or 350 total health) your entire tower (that includes yourself fixing some of that damage you just

NOW in order for your enemy to COUNTER what you have just done the LEAST he must now spend is THREE tokens... ONE to heal THAT cleric... and TWO m

Now lets use the NEW cleric HEAL ability (by the way for clarity sake we shall try to remember to call this something other than HEAL as we are so used to sa

So if you spend a token to CURE someone you then give that person from 70 to 120 health back... and that is ALL... the enemy can counter this by simply hit

You spend one token he spends one token and everything remains the same... most likely you will even LOSE on the equation because he will do MORE dama

Now do NOT get me wrong there are VARIOUS reasons to Cure someone. The most obvious and most devestating is using it to "wake up" a stunned team m

The way to use this is to BLITZKRIEG... hold 3 tokens and find a stunned person who has ten tokens... CURE them 3 times that allows them to use ALL ten to

AND if there is another cleric in that tower they can now Heal another 140 points ... if this is done in the last 2 to 3 minutes a HEALING SURGE will take a tow

The KEY to this is communication and patience. If you are stunned you NEED to hold your tokens and WAIT for an unstunned cleric to heal you .. but do NOT

I will send out another memo tomorrow about frogging... but all clerics need to UNDERSTAND that the new CURE ability is TO be used SPARINGLY because i

keep your ENTIRE tower healed and DAMAGE the ENEMY... remember the SOONER he is STUNNED the less damage he can do to you... FOCUS more on bein

attention lately. So I wanted to talk a little about... the NEW Healing abilities of Clerics. This ability is NOT really the powerful ability it seems at first glance...

her offensively or defensivly. NOW that means if you spent ONE token you do three things (one bad two good).

ou have RES 4 on the damage lowers to around 40 and if they are using Deneara it increases by 20 (so 60 if you have RES 4 or 100 if you do not).

yourself fixing some of that damage you just took) AND you damage the enemy (80% of the time that enemy is a cleric who the LONGER he is alive the longer he is keeping

kens... ONE to heal THAT cleric... and TWO mage tokens must be spent to counter the healing you just did... (oh did I forget to mention MATHS would be in this MEMO)

hing other than HEAL as we are so used to saying HEAL and meaning "hit an opposing team member to damage him and heal your tower" so from now on I will call the NEW

LL... the enemy can counter this by simply hitting them ONCE for one token... an even exchange.

n the equation because he will do MORE damage than you hea-... er I mean CURED. The bad news is you also are NOT doing anything NEGATIVE to the enemy... They are st

ng is using it to "wake up" a stunned team member to allow them to now operate freely again. BUT this needs to be coordinated. FOR instance simply using ONE token to cur

em 3 times that allows them to use ALL ten tokens... if they are a mage they will do real nasty things to the enemy or if they are a CLERIC they can now HEAL (the old fashio

o 3 minutes a HEALING SURGE will take a tower of ZERO to a tower of 25 in 2 minutes it will also do DAMAGE to the enemy taking out between 3 to 5 enemies (or more if ST

an unstunned cleric to heal you .. but do NOT get impatient... do this at the END... or occasionally do it to feel out their response time. Another thing this means is DO NOT E

E ability is TO be used SPARINGLY because it is INFERIOR to the original HEALING ability you have been using SO well for so LONG

mage he can do to you... FOCUS more on being OFFENSIVE and less on being a NURSE.... that is all.

lity it seems at first glance...

100 if you do not).

e LONGER he is alive the longer he is keeping his friends alive).

mention MATHS would be in this MEMO)

our tower" so from now on I will call the NEW ability CURE ... ) .

ything NEGATIVE to the enemy... They are still free to do what they want with the next tokens and OTHER members of their Guild are still getting and giving SUPPORT to the

. FOR instance simply using ONE token to cure a fellow cleric so they can then cure someone else and keep the curing around in a circle is USELESS the circle is EASILY broke

a CLERIC they can now HEAL (the old fashioned way) an entire tower back up by 140 points... time. Another thing this means is DO NOT EQUIP the special abilities UNTIL needed. Keeping the RESISTANCE on will keep you alive LONGER and mean you will have LESS

ng out between 3 to 5 enemies (or more if STRAFING had been done earlier) making a sudden 30 member shift and winning a game.

ld are still getting and giving SUPPORT to their team... a circle is USELESS the circle is EASILY broken by the Enemy with ONE token and nobody ever gets fully cured and SLOWLY we get worn down. Eventually it is a loss.

alive LONGER and mean you will have LESS need for the Curing of a cleric (or HEALING the Old fashioned way for that matter LOL)

get worn down. Eventually it is a loss.

WARRIOR CLASS..great for level above 400 in arena and festi..'re a long standing CA player...y

This document is being created to show the realities of a players with Guild Coin, Favor Points, and a w The hard reality:

Warrior class takes a lot of gear and generals, some can be gained via chest rolls, other via Guild Coin The minimum configuration (least FP spent): --Heros: Oberon and Meekah Abilities: Shout, Whirl Wind, Confidence and Resistance 4 --FP Cost: Oberon and Meekah: 30 FP each (60 total) (can be obtained from this link, *HEED THE WARNINGS*) Total FP cost = 60 GC Cost: 1. Shout: 4000 GC 2. WW: 1250 GC 3. Confidence: 5000 GC 4. Resistance 4 : 250+375+625+625 = 1875 Total GC cost = 12125 (this can be reduced by 5% total with appropriate guild banner up) Abilities in minimum configuration:

1. Oberon at level 4 is the best HP general in the game at +25 hp (but MUST be Warrior class when en 2. Meekah at level 4 takes maximum Confidence damage to +90 on primary target.

3. Shout: +16 damage to primary target, +9 to guild member in tower on each side of you (remains a

4. Whirl Wind: Splash damage, hit to primary target is also sent to target on each side primary target.

5. Confidence: For every win, you gain +10 damage to primary target (and thus secondary targets if W The maximum configuration (FP galore, be warned, not for thin wallets): -Heros: Oberon, Meekah and Ameron Abilities: Leadership 4, Whirl Wind, Confidence and Resistance 4 -FP Cost: 1. Oberon and Meekah - 30 FP each (60 total) (can be obtained from this link, *HEED THE WARNINGS*) 2. Ameron - total cost unknown, up to luck, chest roll required

3. Leadership 4 - Insane amount of chest rolls required - Leadership 1 and 2 obtained from Annihilato Total FP cost = 60 + $$$$$$ (luck factor too much to calculate this) GC Cost: 1. WW: 1250 GC 2. Confidence: 5000 GC 3. Resistance 4 : 250+375+625+625 = 1875 Total GC cost = 8125 (this can be reduced by 5% total with appropriate guild banner up) Abilities in maximum configuration:

1. Oberon at level 4 is the best HP general in the game at +25 hp (but MUST be Warrior class when en 2. Meekah at level 4 takes maximum Confidence damage to +90 on primary target. 3. Ameron at level 4 increases splash damage to side targets by 15% when using WW.

4. Leadership 4: +25 damage to primary target, +15 to guild member in tower on each side of you (re

5. Whirl Wind: Splash damage, hit to primary target is also sent to target on each side primary target.

6. Confidence: For every win, you gain +10 damage to primary target (and thus secondary targets if W


1. Before battle begins, switch to Warrior and put up Oberon for +25 hp, equip Res4, Leadership/Sho 2. Join battle, find a Cleric, hit once for win to activate Leadership/Shout.

3. Switch to Ameron if you have him, if not Meekah, remove Leadership/Shout and replace with Whirl 4. Search tower that has been designated as target tower for 3 Clerics in a row, select center of the 3 5. Work with your guild mates to maximize the usefulness of your WW hits (see below). The analysis, numbers and possible team tactics within guild battle:

So the numbers...everyone has a feeling that the Mage is the most powerful class when it comes to da

Mages are very powerful in battles for sure, with their low amount of splash damage done to an entire

However, every one quotes the best case scenario, a full 25 person tower, Mage hits a target and wins A Warrior only needs 3 live targets in a row to do his max damage, not a full targets in the Damage: Lets take best case scenario here (this from my personal use of Mage and Warrior, no Poison help). -Mage

165 damage to primary target, plus 20*24 = 645 damage per token, as long as all in the gate are aliv -Warrior 220 damage to 3 targets as long as 3 targets in a row are alive = 660 damage per token Final Thoughts:

As WW is so diverse, so many things can be done...if paired properly with a Rogue that has max poiso Introduction of a Warrior to a guild's battle tactics are up to the creativity of the tactician.

Additionally, if a Warrior is properly placed in a tower, their Leadership/Shout bonus can give a boost Conclusions:

Mages have clear superiority when the tower is full of live targets, the Warrior is superior as long as t Rogues can assist a Warrior by poisoning central targets (increased splash damage). Warriors can assist Mages and Clerics if placed properly in a tower with Leadership/Shout bonus.

u're a long standing CA have always dismissed the Warrior class as something a 2 day old newb says, "Hey cool

Guild Coin, Favor Points, and a willingness to play a class to its limits, to really show what CA have done to make this class

a chest rolls, other via Guild Coin, sadly, the realities are that the best items are obtained only from spending Favor Points.

t MUST be Warrior class when entering battle to get the bonus).

rimary target.

r on each side of you (remains active after activating with single win, can be switched out, and stays if stunned).

get on each side primary target.

(and thus secondary targets if WW is used). It is cumulative, must be built up with wins, and you WILL lose confidence losi

1 and 2 obtained from Annihilator chest (see and are combined to mak

t MUST be Warrior class when entering battle to get the bonus).

rimary target.

when using WW. in tower on each side of you (remains active after activating with single win, can be switched out, and stays if stunned).

get on each side primary target.

(and thus secondary targets if WW is used). It is cumulative, must be built up with wins, and you WILL lose confidence losi

hp, equip Res4, Leadership/Shout and Confidence.

ip/Shout and replace with Whirl Wind. (So now Res4, WW and Confidence equipped)

s in a row, select center of the 3 and use WW, if using Ameron, hit to win until confidence hits +50 damage, then switch to M

W hits (see below).

werful class when it comes to damage done per token...this is wrong.

splash damage done to an entire tower...they are extremely effective to locking a cleric tower down.

wer, Mage hits a target and wins for 99-165, doing 20 damage (Alexandurrran) to the other 24 targets in the tower.

t a full targets in the tower die, the Mage damage per token ratio decreases massively, while the Warrior can stil

and Warrior, no Poison help).

as long as all in the gate are alive

damage per token

with a Rogue that has max poison, the primary target can be poisoned to maximize damage to side targets when using WW

ivity of the tactician.

ip/Shout bonus can give a boost to lower hitting classes (Clerics and Mages do not hit for much damage on their primary ta

e Warrior is superior as long as there are 3 live targets in a row.

plash damage).

th Leadership/Shout bonus.

a 2 day old newb says, "Hey cool, I want to be powerful, I'll choose Warrior".

CA have done to make this class actually viable. I will lay down true costs as best as possible here (some things are based o

ly from spending Favor Points.

and stays if stunned).

nd you WILL lose confidence losing, being healed/cleansed by a guild mate, or debuffed (poly, confuse, poison) by enemy g

chest) and are combined to make Leadership 3. 3 Battle standards needed from Ascension chest to combine with Leadershi

hed out, and stays if stunned).

nd you WILL lose confidence losing, being healed/cleansed by a guild mate, or debuffed (poly, confuse, poison) by enemy g

its +50 damage, then switch to Meekah to finish taking Confidence to max of +90 damage.

r 24 targets in the tower.

sively, while the Warrior can still focus doing more than the perfect Mage scenario.

to side targets when using WW (yes, the +45 does get sent to the sides as well). Likewise with a Mage polying a particular

much damage on their primary target, but have other benefits, Leadership/Shout makes them more potent in the damage pe

le here (some things are based on chest impossible to be precise). I will do a comparison to other classes in a limit

oly, confuse, poison) by enemy guild. You gain/lose 10 at a time. This remains an active bonus even if stunned like Shout.

chest to combine with Leadership 3 to make Leadership 4 (see

oly, confuse, poison) by enemy guild. You gain/lose 10 at a time. This remains an active bonus even if stunned like Shout.

with a Mage polying a particular lower target for you to damage say a very high level side target (for 200 plus per hit).

m more potent in the damage per token category).

arison to other classes in a limited fashion, and really show how, properly used and properly equipped, the Warrior class ha

us even if stunned like Shout.


us even if stunned like Shout.

arget (for 200 plus per hit).

y equipped, the Warrior class has its place in any CA guild.

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