Risk Assessment Critique

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Risk Assessment Critique


Risk Assessment Critique

The methodology used in risk assessment was well explained and how risk assessment was carried out
was only briefly explained. The Hierarchy of Control describes the ranking of methods for controlling risks
from the highest level of protection and reliability to the lowest was also mentioned in the risk
assessment. However, Risk assessment can be improved by taking following mentioned below points in

Risk Assessment Methodology:

1. In this risk assessment the details of risk assessment rating matrix were not explained that how
severity or likelihood score can be from 01 to 05 and how this scoring can be given from the
The scoring can be easily understanding and given in below tables

Score Degree of Injury/ Loss of Asset

5 rd
Death, amputation, 3 degree burn, chronic or terminal illness, permanent disabling injury. Requires
Extreme extensive medical attention.

4 Broken Bone, serious soft tissue strain or tear, 2nddegree burn, serious illness; Temporary disabling
High injury Requires medical attention

Moderate soft tissue strain, 1 degree burn, major cut or abrasion.
May require medical attention. Recordable but no lost time.

Minor soft tissue strain, cut, bruising or abrasion requiring no medical intervention. First Aid require, not
2 recordable

1 Minor irritation. No medical intervention. Non-recordable and no lost time.

Experience + Exposure + History / 3 = Likelihood Score

Risk Assessment Critique

Score Worker experience Employee Exposure History of Impact

5 <5% of overall time spent

Extreme Employee did task only on occasional basis only.
>85% of employees undertake the task Impact occurred several times in the past year.
No experience

5-25% of overall time spent Employee did

4 task on irregular,
60-85% of employees undertake the Impact occurred several times in previous years
High infrequent basis. Having experience less than task Near misses have occurred frequently.
>=1 year

25-50% of overall time spent Employee

3 did task on Impact occurred once in previous years.
Medium 30-60% of employees undertake the
infrequent basis Near misses have occurred routinely in the past.
experience >= 2.5 year

2 50-75% of overall time spent. Employee did task

on a regular but frequent basis No history of impact.
Low 2.5 year< experience level > 5 year
5-30% of employees undertake the task Near misses have occurred occasionally in the past

1 75-100% of overall time spent. Employee did task

Negligible on a very regular, very frequent basis.
<5% of employees undertake the task No history of impact or near misses
experience 5< year

Risk Rating = Severity x Likelihood

Insignificant Low Medium High Extreme

1 2-4 5-10 11-19 20-25


Risk Rating = Insignificant Low Medium High Extreme
Severity × Likelihood
1 2 3 4 5
Extreme 5 5 10 15 20 25
High 4 4 8 12 16 20

Medium 3 3 6 9 12 15
Low 2 2 4 6 8 10
Insignificant 1 1 2 3 4 5

Risk Assessment Critique

2. But the color scheme used in the risk assessment Matrix need to be different or separate for Low,
Moderate, High, and extreme risk rating in risk matrix table as well as in column of risk rating of
risk assessment, as this would be easy to understand and explain the risk rating. For example, in
risk assessment same red color was being used for moderate and high-risk rating.
3. In risk assessment first column Description of Job /Task need to be written like Description of
Job /Task include What needs to be done/ equipment involved /activity to perform. In this risk
assessment like canteen was mentioned in first column as job or task, Canteen is not itself a job or
any activity which was being performed there. Instead of mentioning canteen any job or
task/equipment which was being exist or performed in canteen posing risk need to mention or
written in first column of risk assessment.
4. Risk assessments should provide sufficient and enough information to enable to identify and
prioritize appropriate mitigation actions to reduce damages or losses from identified hazards. The
Hazard and risk in the risk assessment is not elaborated and explained properly. Hazard is Source,
Situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or a combination
of these. And risk is Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or
exposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s)

The hazards and risks mentioned in the risk assessment was insufficient and incomplete of each activity.
For example, fork lifter operation hazards can be following
 Unskilled driver
 Uninspected vehicle/Poor traffic management
 Unavailability of Flagman
 Uneven Road
 Sharp Turns
 Darkness
 Blind spot
 No sign boards
 Poor Environmental Conditions (Rain or muddy road)
 Collision with other Vehicles
 Overturn of vehicles
 Overloading
Risk Assessment Critique

Hazard Identification should be mainly focuses on the identification of hazards in the following three
a. People
b. Environment
c. Assets
And risk of the fork lifter operation can be following
 Accident may result in Fracture, fatality and disability
 Environment damage due to oil spillage
 vehicles and asset damage
 Fire and Explosion due to oil spillage

5. Existing control measures and additional control measures was not written in details, insufficient
and not explained well. Existing control measures and additional control measures need to be
specific, sufficient, and well explained.
6. After additional control measures suggested risk rating need to be done also so that it can be
easily understood that either work or activity can be allowed or carried out in presence of residual
risk (The risk remaining after implementation of risk controls) or the residual risk is Acceptable
Risk (The risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the organization having
regard to its legal obligation and applicable international standards) or not, after the control
measures applied. So, one more column need to be added of risk rating after control measures.
7. Additional control measures are not explained in line with hierarchy of controls, so additional or
preventive control measures need to be in line with hierarchy of controls.
8. Planned review date or period of risk assessment and reasoning for this are not mentioned or
explained in risk assessment need to be included in the risk assessment. The risk assessment need
to be reviewed as planned as per organisation policy or when in case of any change in relevant
legislations, standards and working procedures and in case of major accident or incident risk
assessment need to be reviewed before the set review date.
9. The advantage of risk assessment carried out need to be part of this risk and should be explained
and included in this risk assessment
10. Details of How risk assessment was carried out was not explained properly, how risk assessment

Risk Assessment Critique

was carried out and from where all information was collected need to be included in this risk

11. How to communicate and who to communicate this risk assessment or purpose of the risk
assessment should also be included in this risk assessment.

In risk assessment Identification of Hazard shall be carried out through

 Workplace Walk through
 Analyzing available information
 Work Scope Understanding
 Consulting with Experienced staff/workers
 Other useful information from data

While in Assessment of Risk following factors need to be considered

 Identify factors that may be contributing to the risk,
 Review health and safety information that is reasonably available from
an authoritative source and is relevant to the hazard
 Evaluation of how severe the harm could be.
 Evaluation of how a hazard may cause harm.
 Determining the likelihood of harm occurring.

12. While determining controls for risks, consideration shall be given to reducing the risks according to
following (Hierarchy of control):
a. Elimination
b. Substitution
c. Engineering Controls
d. Administrative Controls
e. Personal Protective Equipment’s

13. Risk Control is the reduction and maintenance of risk at an acceptable level which is considered to be an
ALARP “As low as Reasonable Practicable”

Risk Assessment Critique


 https://www.hse.gov.uk

 ISO 45001:2018 OHS MS Standard

 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

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