Secret Space Program We Are Alr - Gil Carlson

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“We Are Already There!

By Gil Carlson

Blue Planet Project Book #32

(C) Copyright 2020 Gil Carlson
ISBN 9781513660271

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See the rest of the Blue Planet Project Books:

The material in this book has not been submitted to

or approved by any U.S. intelligence agency. If
anything is discovered that is considered classified.
by your agency, notify the publisher.




Powerful Group Controlling What We Know. .9 Stargate. . .35
NASA. . .10 Jump Rooms. . .36
A Clue from President Reagan. . .11 Time Travel - Teleportation. . .36
Navy Space Program – Solar Warden. . .12 Time Travel Cover-Up. . .37
Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification. .15 The Phantom Time Hypothesis. . .38
Inside Skinwalker Ranch. . .16 More on the Chronovisor. . .40
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate. . .18 Global Galactic League of Nations. . .42
German Breakaway Civilization. . .22 Earth Alliance. . .43
The Dark Fleet and the Dracos. . .29 Military Industrial Complex Space Program.45
Draconian Federation Alliance. . .30 Secret Space Program Alliance. . .46
Project Moon Shadow. . .31 The Anshar. . .47
Project Pegasus. . .32 MILAB. . .49
20 & Back. . .34 Project Mannequin. . .49


The American Base in Antarctica. . .50
Tidbinbilla Tracking Station. . .50
Joint Defense Facility Pine Gap. . .52

Mind Control and Surveillance…52

Using Mind Control on Humans at Pine Gap. . .52
Supercomputers Controlling Us and Our Reality. . .53
The Thought Police. . .54
Satellite Mind Control. . .54
Echelon Program. . .55
PRISM. . .56
TEMPORA. . .57
The Fourth Density. . .57

ALTERNATE 3 . . .60
More on Alternative 3. . .61


The Hacker. . .65
Secret Space Program Disclosure. . .66
Evidence of a Secret Space Program. . .68
At the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. . .71

THE MOON . . .73

Where did the Moon come from? . . .74
Its Dimensions and Positioning are too Perfect. . .74
It’s Hollow. . .75
The Moon’s Craters are Strange…76
The Moon’s Many ‘Artificial’ Structures…76
It Was Brought Here and Placed in Orbit…81
Ancient Texts Speak of a Time ‘Before the Moon’…81
It Is the Result of Alien Intelligence…82
The Moon’s Rotation Is Also Unique…82
Alex Collier’s Letters from Andromeda…83
Operational Bases. . .83

Lunar Operations Command. . .84

MARS . . .86
Mars Defense Force. . .6
Was the Phobos Failure Caused By HAARP? . . .87
Ex-NASA Employee: I Saw Humans Walk on Mars. . .88
Mission to Mars. . .93
The Mars Conspiracy. . .89
A New Look at Conditions on Mars. . .91
Stargate Program. . .93
Leaving from a Time Portal in Australia for Mars. . .93
Proof of an Ancient Oxygen Atmosphere. . .93
Issues That Could Hinder Manned Missions to Mars. . .96


Comet P67. . .4
Oumuamua, the 'Alien Probe' Asteroid. . .102


Astronaut Neil Armstrong. . .105 Steven Greer. . .121
Andrew Basiago. . .107 Niara Isley. . .122
Matthew Bevan. . .108 Bob Lazar. . .4
Dr. Dan Burisch. . .110 John Lear. . .124
Boyd Bushman. . .110 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell. . .125
Astronaut Scott Carpenter. . .112 Gary McKinnon. . .126
Colonel Philip Corso. . .113 Dr. Philip Morrison. . .127
Randy Cramer. . .113 Pete Peterson. . .127
Robert O. Dean. . .114 Don Phillips. . .128
Tom DeLonge. . .114 Physicist Jack Sarfatti. . .128
Richard Dolan. . .115 Dan Sherman. . .129
Richard Doty. . .116 Emery Smith. . .130
Laura Eisenhower. . .117 Clifford Stone. . .131
Luis Elizondo. . .117 William Tompkins. . .132
Edgar Fouché. . .118 Bill Uhouse. . .133
Corey Goode. . .181 Karl Wolfe. . .133


TR-3B Astra Spacecraft Patent Filing. . .136
Rumors of a New Alien / Human Spacecraft. . .139
Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field. . .140
Time Travel: Theories, Paradoxes & Possibilities. . .141
Antigravity Research and Warp Speed. . .145
Memorandum 6751. . .151

Mars Rover

“Is Not an Alien Force Already Among Us?”
–President Reagan 9/21/87

Above is a photo of the Andromeda galaxy. No longer is this just something for
the astronomers to gaze at. We are now travelling to the distant galaxies of our
While you may be comfortably relaxing in front of your TV watching the evening
news, there is so much more going on in this universe. Something you will never
see on the news. Something that will drag you into utter disbelief!
Our government has been involved in activities on other planets and even in
other galaxies, If you knew the full extent of where we’ve been and what we are
doing there, it would take you beyond being shocked.
Then when you understand the fantastic, unbelievable technologies they are in
control of, that could destroy vast galaxies and numerous forms of life or also in
right hands could be put to use here on Earth to bring amazing improvements in
health and longevity, transportation, our environment and so much more!
You will soon understand that we are living in a whole new world and they are
no longer able to keep it from us… But also, that we as individuals are no longer
playing in the sandbox, we now have responsibilities at a much higher level that
match the higher dimensions we are entering. What are they? That’s for each
one of us to realize and act upon on a personal level!

From Gil Carlson…

An Introduction to the Secret Space Program

My Friend,

There’s evidence that the Secret Space

Program started in the era of Roswell, but
that’s all old news and I won’t put you to sleep
with it. Let’s move on to what’s been hidden
from you today, the stuff that’s going to knock-

There have been many strange revelations on

our involvement in space over the years. So
many bizarre stories have appeared that seem
unbelievable which is why I have stayed away
from covering them.

But today, as we look at all the programs and

discoveries that are now starting to become
commonplace in this world and beyond and
you realize that these were once considered
just sci-fi stories, we will understand that
nothing is really impossible today!

Speaking of sci-fi… did you realize that a lot of those sci-fi movies were actually based on
fact and these unbelievable things were actually taking place unbeknown to us and our
government was involved in them? Yes, it has come out that the government was
leaking info on what was actually taking place to movie producers and writers, just to
start getting us accustomed to the possibilities of what soon would become a part of our

What got me started thinking of the possibilities of more happening in space than we
had realized was the Face on Mars that we got a glimpse of in 1976 thanks to the Viking
Mission. Sure, scientists denied it was real, but there were the possibilities that there
was something to it. Especially with the NASA deceptions and coverups that were going
on, such as hiding the revealing photos.

(After the release of the Face photo, they released new photos taken later and at
different angles showing that “there really wasn’t anything to see after all kids, go back
to what you were doing.” And then they were hiding newer photos that showed the
Face even clearer!)

So now with the creation of the U.S. Space Force, everything has opened up. Although
they want us to think that this Space Force is something new, don’t fall for it… They are
just admitting to something that has been going on for years and are finally trying to
come clean on it before we realize what they have been pulling on us.

Plus, they can now openly claim billions (trillions?) in funding without having to wear a
mask to get it from us.

Now as more government informers have come forward and allowed us to fit in the
missing pieces to this story, it is time for us to take a closer look at what now appears to
be an amazing reality we are living in the middle of! So, let’s take off those government
issued blinders and look at what’s really going on!

Follow along as we reveal :

• Our presence throughout the galaxy with military, civilians and even our citizens
forced into slavery!

• Military weapons being used in space! (And alien weapons that may be used
against us and our planet, or even against certain alien races that we’ve had
falling outs with!

• Actual and major planned changes to other worlds!

• Our Moon that has been occupied by human and alien races for a long time!

• Huge Mining operations, numerous colonies, (alien as well as ours and on the
Moon as well as other locations), and the reality that the Moon is hollow and
fabricated, much like an enormous alien created satellite!

Gil Carlson

P.S. This book was written to

take you where no writer has
gone before!

U.S. Space Force

The U.S. Space Force is official! Created on Dec. 20, 2019, it now joins the Air Force,
Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard as a branch of the U.S. military.

“Space is the world’s newest warfighting domain,” Trump said at a signing ceremony.
“Amid grave threats to our national security, American superiority in space is absolutely
vital. We’re leading, but we’re not leading by enough, and very shortly, we’ll be leading
by a lot.”

At this time, all that really means is everyone at Air Force Space Command will now be
assigned to Space Force. Over the next 18 months, according to officials, the finer
details of manning and training the new branch will be hammered out and set in

“It’s going to be really important

that we get this right. A uniform, a
patch, a song (weapons that can
blow-up whole planets and wipe
out alien races) ― it gets to the
culture of a service,” said Air Force
Gen. Jay Raymond, the head of Air
Force Space Command and U.S.
Space Command, who will lead
Space Force until a chief of space
operations is confirmed by the
Senate. “There’s a lot of work going
on toward that end. It’s going to take a long time to get to that point, but that’s not
something we’re going to roll out on day one.”

For now, the 16,000 active-duty airmen and civilians who work at Air Force Space
Command will be assigned to the Space Force, but nothing else will change. Uniforms, a

rank structure, training and education are all to be determined, and for the foreseeable
future, Space Force will continue to be manned by airmen wearing Air Force uniforms,
subject to that service’s fitness program, personnel system and so on.

Meanwhile, U.S Space Command will continue to exist as a combatant command, similar
to Cyber Command, Special Operations Command and others.

There is also a likelihood that Air Force bases that have dealt mainly with space
operations could see a re-brand ― think Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, or
Shriever Space Force Base, Colorado.

Plans are in motion to re-designate Air Force units with a space-only mission and realign
bases for the space mission.

That includes various Colorado facilities, including Buckley Air Force Base, Cheyenne
Mountain Air Force Station, Peterson Air Force Base and Schriever Air Force Base, as
well as the Army's Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, Vandenberg, and Patrick Air Force
Base in Florida

Secret Space Program

“Over the years I have encountered no shortage of quiet, serious-

minded people who tell me of their knowledge that there is such a
covert program. Are there bases on the far side of the Moon? I do not
know for sure, but I cannot rule it out.” --Richard Dolan
Although NASA’s manned space program is largely no more, there exists – maybe deep
within the heart of the military – a secret group that is running a clandestine space
program. We might even be talking about highly classified return missions to the Moon,
and possibly even secret flights to Mars and beyond. Or maybe we are already doing
those things and have been for years! (of this I now have no doubt.)

Is a powerful group controlling what we know – or don’t know – about
the secrets of outer space?

(Actually, what we have been involved in is way beyond just mere manned missions to
the Moon and Mars. We may have traveled to the home planet of E.T., met his family,
set up trade deals as well as manned colonies!)

Why does all this seem so strange to us? We watch on TV all the NASA rocket launches,
satellites and the space station even a Moon landing. And we may marvel at the
amazing technology we have developed.

Then information starts to leak out that this technology is archaic, that it is like the
horse and buggy of our ancestors. But that is too difficult for our minds to comprehend,
we don’t want to believe it, we can’t believe it, it doesn’t fit in with our concepts of the

This is kind of like the claims of when the first European explorers arrived on the shores
of America and the local Indians didn’t see the ships heading towards their shore, they
had no concept of them being real, just like the elephant in the room. They just don’t
exist. They can’t.

Maybe to better understand this we need to realize that we have been fooled, lied to
and tricked all our lives. Our system of education, our history books, our system of
healthcare, religion, even our monetary system, it’s all wrong! We’ve been deceived!
And it’s all to control us. We’ve even been deceived about who we really are, and the
powers we possess, but that’s for another book.

Here’s the key to understand all this: We need to realize that we live under a two-part
system. And we are only allowed to see and experience the make-believe part.

Our government is actually run by the secret government that we don’t even see or
even fathom. The above surface part with the politicians and elections is just a circus to
pacify us and make us think we are in control or at least have a say in what’s happening
to us.

Our medical system is just there to drug us and take away our symptoms and even add
to our ailments (with their knives and poisons). Sometimes (if you listen closely) they
even claim that they are not there to heal us. And they do a great job of grabbing large
sums of money from us although sometimes they are able to fool us with medical
insurance and government help, so we think it isn’t costing us much, but don’t be
fooled, we are all paying our share, even if it isn’t directly. And they like to make us feel
that we are making a difference by donating money to find a cure. How much of that
goes to the pharmaceutical conglomerates to make more drugs while they hide the real
cures from us gullible sheep? On the other side of the coin are the secrets of perfect
health and mindpower that are being hidden from us.

And did you realize that there is a two-tier system in higher education/technology
research? We have the public higher education and scientific world and then there is

the upper tier domain for clandestine R&D, unknown to many of us, especially elected
authorities who may even be responsible for funding them. I’m referring to scientific
and technical programs being carried out in various publicly and privately funded
laboratories and research centers, Many are affiliated with military and intelligence
agencies, in “exotic” areas that are hidden from view and scrutiny by those without a
need to know. Those long suspected “special access” programs are hiding within the
American military-industrial-intelligence complex.

And now that leads us to NASA and the publicly visible space projects we are familiar
with compared to the real space program that is so advanced your mind would never be
able to comprehend the technology being developed and the distant worlds and alien
races we are visiting, dealing with and maybe even controlling! (Or maybe even being
controlled by them?)

Are you ready to continue on or is your head ready to explode?


For decades, the world has questioned the space exploration narrative coming from
NASA, (or as some refer to it as “Never A Straight Answer”). You may not realize this,
but NASA is essentially a military organization, which means that this agency could
protect sensitive information under the guise of defending national security. While the
evidence seems to suggest that NASA did indeed send human beings to the Moon, many
of the pictures taken on the Moon are said to have been faked or altered, and NASA has
also altered images and video taken from the International Space Station (ISS).

In 2002, Gary McKinnon hacked into NASA’s computer systems, and the data that he
found seems to corroborate the supposition that this government agency is hiding
information from the public. McKinnon uncovered pictures of UFOs that had been
edited out of satellite imagery, flight manifests for spacecraft that didn’t officially exist,
and lists of military officers involved in extraterrestrial operations.

Buzz Aldrin, one of the first men on the Moon, has reported encountering an L-shaped
UFO, and this space veteran also drew attention to an artificially constructed monolith
on Mars’s moon Phobos during a startling C-SPAN interview.

On multiple nights in the summer of 1952, dozens of UFOs circled over the Capitol
Building in Washington, DC. Who piloted these craft, who hid the information that Gary
McKinnon found, and who put that monolith on Phobos? There’s a mystery here waiting
to be discovered, and we will explore some of the purported secret space programs
whose personnel may hold the answers.

A Clue from President Reagan

From newly released material found in President Reagan’s Diary. The entry for Tuesday,
June 11, 1985 (page 334) reads:

Lunch with 5 top space scientists…

“It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of
the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction,
except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such
that we could orbit 300 people.”
The now grounded Space Shuttle held a maximum of eight people and only five were
built for space flight. So, it would be impossible to place and maintain 300 astronauts in
orbit. Did President Reagan reveal the existence of a highly classified space program
that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit? (Actually, President Reagan
knew of and approved some aspects of the SSP earlier).

Apparently hidden within one of the combatant commands of the U.S. military, Strategic
Command has a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sized antigravity vehicles that
operate in outer space. And now, as this space fleet grows, President Trump has
recommended it become a new military component.

The United States has organized its military forces into ten unified combatant
commands respectively led by a single four star General or Admiral who reports directly
to the Secretary of Defense. Only these commanders know of the existence of UFOs and
appoint who has a need to know. Six of the unified commands span the globe in terms
of different geographical areas. In addition, there are four functional commands where
specialized military activities are run by a single “Combatant Commander.”

From 1985 to 2002 Space Command was responsible for outer space operations by the
U.S. military. In June 2002, Space Command merged with another of the functional
commands – Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. Which is responsible for a
range of space, satellite, missile, nuclear and intelligence activities. (It was reestablished
in 2019).

U.S. Navy Secret Space Program – Solar Warden

Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek on Secret US Navy Space Fleet!

There is significant evidence that its creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not simply come up
with the idea of Star Trek on his own. Instead he was encouraged to create the series
based on classified information surrounding the development of a secret U.S. Navy
space fleet that would build a broad extraterrestrial alliance. This led Roddenberry to
come up with the idea of a United Federation of Planets, with its military headquarters
in San Francisco.
Since 1980, a secret space fleet code named Solar Warden has been in operation
unknown to the public.

Solar Warden is a secret space program run by the U.S. Navy. It is responsible for
monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic in the solar system. It patrols and defends
our solar system. It will also travel to other star systems for offensive missions. Around
the late-90’s, Solar Warden changed its name to Radiant Guardian.

Radiant Guardian is divided into two fleets: a military offensive/defensive fleet and a
scientific/R&D fleet. Before an extraterrestrial craft can enter our solar system, it
receives protocols transmitted from one of several beacons outside of our solar system.
They are instructed to stop within a certain quadrant before sending an Identification
Friend or Foe. They then receive a flight path from an air traffic controller.

The solar system is broken down into grids which are further broken down into patrol
zones. These are zones where no craft should be present. Trespassers are warded off or
engaged, depending on the circumstances. The carriers deploy multiple airwings at once
to each patrol a zone. Afterward, they return to the carrier to patrol a new grid.

The Solar Warden fleet is made up of over eight battle groups. The fleet is made of
carriers, fighters, triangular shuttles, research vessels, troop transport ships, hospital
ships, and supply ships. The carriers can be over a mile long. The small carriers are
modular and can function as research vessels, troop transport ships, or hospital ships.

The carriers were designed to carry a large crew for extended periods of time and travel
to other star systems, although Solar Warden was mostly kept to just inside our solar
system and the local star cluster on rare occasions. The stealth-ship-like vessels operate
in near space.

They have some stations located throughout the solar system where vessels dock for
repairs, conferences, personnel transfers, etc. They have some other bases on moons
and on Venus, on its surface and in its upper atmosphere. There are also some bases in
nearby star systems.

The officers are drawn from Naval Space Command. While the top brass are career
military, the rank and file are MILABs. They recruit mostly American as well as some
Canadian, British, and Australian personnel.

For propulsion, the cigar-shaped vehicles use a temporal drive based on “principles of
quantum entanglement between certain isotopes.” They are propelled by left/right
torsion drives. The bubble created by the R-twist is slightly larger than that of the L-
twist. This propels the craft forward in the direction of the R-twist.

In the beginning, they used submarines retrofitted with torsion field engines. The U.S.
Navy began working with aircraft companies in the 1950’s to design spacecraft carriers.
They were eventually constructed in the late 1970’s inside massive underground
shipyards beneath the Wasatch Mountains of Utah. They were also constructed in
Antarctica. Once the carriers were 60% constructed, the engineering crew lived on the
craft and assisted with the buildout. In 1980, President Reagan was briefed on the
existence of four or five ET races and on Project Solar Warden. Afterward, Reagan
pushed forward the Solar Warden agenda even further than anticipated. The first battle
group became operational in 1984. The fleet received major upgrades during the
Reagan administration.

When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers a number of years
ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet
transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush
Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all
time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK.

But trying McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified
facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under
oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet.

Yes, McKinnon actually found information related to the black budget program Solar
Warden! This program came into existence in tandem with the “Star Wars” space
defense initiative. McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar
Warden. It is said that there are about eight cigar-shaped Motherships (each longer than
two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships.

The most recent information available on Solar Warden (as of 2005), is similar to
McKinnon’s. Eight ships, equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three ‘protectors,’

which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars’ orbit while it was
attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. Just imagine what it is up
to now in 2020!

This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork. Not everything is,
as it seems.

We have visited all the planets in our solar system, at a distance of course, except
Mercury. We have landed on Pluto and a few moons. The technology came from back
engineering alien-disc wreckage and at times with alien assistance.

In time the truth will slowly come out. Many people around the world are now
witnessing craft moving around in the skies and sub space that completely defy gravity.
Whether they are part of the Solar Warden secret program or secret military
experimental aircraft from other programs, or even actual alien craft is unknown to
most of us at this time.

The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space
Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are
approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising.

Solar Warden is said to be made up mostly from U.S. aerospace Black Projects
contractors. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military
bases such as Area 51.

Will this program change our views on space exploration and travel? Or will it be too
hard for most of us to fathom and will just be considered more science fiction stuff? Just
stuff from Star Wars?

Secret space program insider William Tompkins claims to have helped develop the
vessels used in the Solar Warden fleet. Tompkins was apparently inducted into classified
aerospace think tanks before he even graduated high school, due to his stunning
proficiency at building models of naval ships. Throughout his career, Tompkins received
telepathic information, including blueprints, from benevolent extraterrestrials who
wanted us to be able to defend ourselves.

According to the independent testimony of multiple insiders, a treaty was made in the
1950s between malevolent ETs, represented by breakaway Nazis, and the Eisenhower
administration. In exchange for live human subjects to use for biological materials, these
aliens would guarantee the military supremacy of the United States. Strict quotas were
set to ensure that only a small number of humans would be abducted. It quickly became
apparent, however, that the ETs were not sticking to their end of the bargain.

Solar Warden was developed as a form of interplanetary border control to stop

malevolent aliens from stealing more humans than they were allotted. Developed in the
1960s and 1970s and deployed in 1980, Solar Warden is one of earliest secret space
programs. As international corporate interests became aware of the potential profits
available from interacting with ETs, however, another program was soon developed.

Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program

In 2007, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, in which Area 51 is located, and who then
chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, set up a new study group with the
support of fellow Senators, Inouye and Stevens, under the name of AATIP (Advanced
Aerospace Threat Identification Program) at the suggestion of his friend, billionaire
Robert Bigelow, chairman of Bigelow Aerospace, a contractor to NASA which conducted
research on UFOs and collected substantial evidence of the extraterrestrial presence.

Senator Reid wished to gather information on the secret work being carried out outside
the purview of Congressional authorities and got an appropriation of $22 million for a
five-year budget. The investigations were entrusted to Bigelow’s aerospace research
division and coordinated by Earthtech of Austin, Texas, an R&D center in frontier areas
of science headed by Dr. Harold Puthoff, formerly at Stanford Research Institute. AATIP
under the stewardship of high-ranking intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, commissioned a
still unissued (as far as we know) 490-page report and collected 38 classified papers
from a number of universities and research centers reflecting some of the goals pursued
at the behest of the DIA (as Defense Intelligence Research Documents or DIRD) and
other military intelligence bodies.

Did you realize that Bigelow, in 1996, bought a 480-acre Utah cattle ranch that some
believe is the site of an interdimensional doorway used by alien shapeshifters and
stationed watchers there? (The Skinwalker Ranch.) It was sold in 2016 to Adamantium
Holdings. I wonder what kind of investigations are going on there now?

AATIP remained unknown to the public until both the New York Times and the
Washington Post on December 16, 2017 published articles about it with the usual
skeptical rumblings and denials. They both, however, provided online links to a film
taken in 2004 by Super Hornet jet pilots from the USS Nimitz, off the coast of Southern
California, of a fleet of extremely fast flying objects, exhibiting performances far beyond
the abilities of the most advanced aircraft, whose shapes suggested “tictacs” which
became their moniker.

Physicist Jack Sarfatti, formerly at San Diego State University, has gone on record to say
he is doing research on the propulsion system of the “Tic tac” by studying “alien”
recovered metamaterials in the custody of Dr. Puthoff’s Earthtech. The existence of
those materials of non-earthly origin has been officially confirmed.

In January of this year a Freedom Of Information Act request from Steven Aftergood,
director of the Federation of American Scientists against Government Secrecy, led to the
release by the DIA of the list of titles of 38 government-funded research reports
gathered by AATIP as part of the process to “read in” on a need-to-know basis, officials
in the military and civilian administrations. They include two papers leaked earlier by
Corey Goode, respectively entitled Traversable Wormholes, Stargates and Negative

Energy (number 8 in the list) and Warp Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of
Extra-Dimensions (number 19).

Others are dedicated to invisibility cloaking technologies, propulsion systems from space
vacuum, anti-gravity, space communication based on Quantum Entanglement and Non-
Locality, programmable matter, negative mass propulsion and other such topics not
publicly recognized as being within the realm of realistic possibilities.

Cynics who alleged that all this is speculative mumbo-jumbo amounting to a waste of
public money did not consider that the disclosure from AATIP seems to be what the CIA
calls a “limited hangout”: i.e. a superficial glimpse of a much larger secret cloaked in
“plausible deniability”.

But wait… There’s more to this story, there may even be a link to the Secret Space

An article I just read claims that most of the 22 million went to an aerospace research
company run by a Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA to produce
expandable craft for humans to use in space. Could these actually be for the SSP and
was this just a way to transfer money to the Secret Space Program?

Inside Skinwalker Ranch

Locals say the ranch has been

plagued by strange creatures and
cattle mutilations. It's also been
used for government UFO research.
So, what's really happening there?

Local lore has always told that

strange lights hover over this

area and that strange creatures

roam the wilderness here. One
tale tells of the Ute, an
Indigenous tribe from this valley
and their uneasy alliance with
the Navajo. Siding with
American military forces in the
late 19th century, the Ute helped
force the Navajo people out of

Command Center

the area. Local lore suggests
that the Navajo unleashed a
Skinwalker, a shapeshifter
who can possess animals'

When previous owners, the

Sherman’s, bought the
property in 1994. they
alleged that their cows were
mutilated with surgical
precision in broad daylight
and that their family was
hunted by strange aerial
objects and floating orbs of
light. They heard
disembodied voices, experienced poltergeist activity, witnessed horrible monsters
emerging from portals, and claimed they encountered a wolf that, when shot several
times by a high-powered rifle at point blank range, did not die.

In 1996 Robert Bigelow bought the ranch from the Sherman’s. Bigelow’s National
Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and Bigelow Advanced Aerospace Space Studies
(BAASS) spent more than two decades studying the strange anomalies that occurred on
the property.

During Bigelow’s tenure as owner, wild rumors have ranged from the ranch being a site
of secret government weapons testing to hiding underground alien bases. Stories about
shapeshifting monsters, interdimensional portals, UFO sightings, and poltergeists
continue to this day.

Over the last year, several strange cases of extreme electromagnetic fields have been
logged on the ranch. These EM fields are transient, they come and go, move around and
at times have reached levels dangerous to humans.

According to the ranch team, several times in the last few years, people on the ranch
have become ill and some even required hospitalization. The caretaker was hospitalized
with swelling in the brain and the collection of fluid between the skull and the scalp,
which is believed occurred when he attempted to dig on the ranch.

Over the summer, three guests on the ranch reported strange skin inflammation,
nausea, and extreme lassitude within a close period of time and several went to the
local emergency room

Whatever the thing on this ranch is, it can drain your phone battery in a second, give
people radiation burns, and generate insane levels of electromagnetic frequencies.

Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate

“Extraterrestrial UFOs Are Real”

--Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director

Rumors that the U.S. has a highly classified fleet of antigravity vehicles have circulated
for years. On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben Rich,
former CEO of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, showed a slide with a black disk headed for
space and said:

“We now have the technology to take ET home!“

Corporate and military whistle blowers have come forward to claim firsthand knowledge
of classified space vehicles using antigravity technology such as the Aurora and TR-3B. In
his book, “The Hunt for Zero Point,” Jane’s Defense Weekly analyst Nick Cook writes
about the Aurora: “there has been speculation since the late 1980s about the existence
of a secret replacement for the Blackbird, a mythical plane called the Aurora that
supposedly flew twice as fast and on the edges of space”.

Other whistle blowers such as Edgar Fouche, a former contractor with the Department
of Defense, have come forward to claim that the Blackbird’s [or SR-71] replacement, the
Aurora actually comprises two types of hypersonic aircraft used for space flight.

He said: “The Aurora comprises the SR-75 capable of speeds above Mach 5, and acts as
a mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel at speeds of Mach 18 or more into space to
deliver satellites.”

More significant is the large triangular vehicle, the TR-3B that Fouche claims generates
an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89%. He says that the TR-3B uses
the Biefeld-Brown effect (created by large electrostatic charges) to reduce its weight so
that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing

This would be well above Mach 18 that he claims is the speed of the SR-74. Fouche
claims the TR-3B is 600 feet across which would make it similar in size to
an aircraft carrier.

Ted Twietmeyer writes that a Space Command photograph had the following citation: …
highlights the team for its exceptional support in keeping the space shuttle,
International Space Station and its crews safe from the dangers of orbital debris,
spacecraft collisions and other inherent hazards of orbit operations.

Neither USAF Space Command nor Strategic Command is publicly known to have any
kind of space vehicle that would assist the Space Shuttle (now decommissioned) or
International Space Station from orbital dangers.

Normally, both NASA vehicles would require gradual orbital corrections that would take
much time and be insufficient to deal with an immediate threat. According to Ted
Twietmeyer, the citation is circumstantial evidence for the existence of antigravity
vehicles with advanced particle beam weapons that could remove orbital debris from
the path of NASA vehicles.

Being armed with particle beam or quantum weaponry they may also have chemical
lasers or electrically excited reactor powered lasers and other weaponry. There were
several eyewitness reports of hovering black triangles firing at targets in Iraq during the
early days of the war. (War has historically been the best proving ground for all new

There is a massive anti-gravity energy field surrounding these vehicles which interferes
with all electronic devices, making it unlikely anyone could ever get images of them. In
the UK, the media are forbidden under the UK Secrets Act from covering or reporting on
sightings of black triangles.

That alone proves that black triangles exist. The TR-3 has been in service since the mid-
1990s, and NASA’s space program was nothing more than on-going entertainment to
distract the public.

Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” division has a penchant for secrecy. The existence of the F-
117A stealth fighter was kept secret for nearly ten years until the eve of the Gulf War.

Dr. Ben R. Rich former Lockheed Skunk Works director confirmed:

1. There are 2 types of UFOs

— the ones we build and
ones ‘they’ build. We
learned from both crash
retrievals and actual
“hand-me-downs.” The
Government knew and
until 1969 took an active
hand in the
administration of that
information. After the 1969 Nixon “purge”, administration was handled by an
international board of directors in the private sector.

2. Nearly all “biomorphic” aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell

spacecraft — from Kelly’s SR-71 Blackbird onward to today’s drones, UCAVs,
and aerospace craft.

3. It was Ben Rich’s opinion that the public should not be told about UFOs and
extraterrestrials. He believed they could not handle the truth — ever. Only in
the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the “international
corporate board of directors” dealing with the “Subject” could represent a
bigger problem to citizens’ personal freedoms under the United States
Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.”

According to Don Phillips, Design Engineer, Lockheed, CIA, USAF:

“These UFOs were huge, and they would just come to a stop and do a 60-
degree, 45-degree, 10-degree turn, and then immediately reverse this
action”. During the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, “They’re here. They
are right over there and looking at the size of those ships, it is obvious they
don’t like us being here”. “When I was working with the Skunkworks with
Kelly Johnson, we signed an agreement with the government to keep very
quiet about this.”

“Anti-gravitational research was going on. We know that there were some
captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we really did
get some technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work. We
knew each other from what we call an unseen industry. We can term it black,
deep black, or hidden.”

“The knowledge I have of these technologies came from the craft that were
captured there. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I
certainly know some of the people that did. There was no question that
there were beings from outside the planet.”
“And if aliens were hostile, with their weaponry, they could have destroyed us
a long time ago. We got these things that are handhold scanners that scan
the body and determine what the condition is then we can also treat that
condition from the same scanner.”

“I can tell you personally that we’ve been working on them. And we have ones
that can diagnose and cure cancer. One of the purposes I had for founding
my technology corporation in 1998 was to bring forth these technologies
that can clean the air and can help get rid of the toxins and help reduce the
need for so much fossil fuel. Yes, it is time. I can tell you personally that it
has already started.”

Various insiders claim that Skunk Works has also made spacecraft capable of reaching
other worlds. These witnesses to the secret space programs claim that Lockheed,
Northrop Grumman, and various non-aerospace corporations all joined together to form
an organization called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). While the
purpose of Solar Warden is the defense of the solar system, the objective of the ICC is

According to secret space program insider Corey Goode, the ICC does trade from their
bases on Mars with numerous extraterrestrial species. Apparently, human beings have a
knack for engineering that is valuable to other species that have reached a level of
development roughly comparable to our own.

These Mars bases are staffed by slaves who were taken from Earth in the 1970s and
1980s, and many of these slaves have now had children who are doomed to a life of
abject servitude. In 2015, the British Interplanetary Society (BIS) held a distinctly odd
meeting. Charles Cockell, the event organizer, led his fellow society members in a
thought experiment to determine how best to depose a ruthless dictator of a Martian
colony. Coincidentally, this event was held within days of Goode revealing the existence
of a slave colony on Mars. Are there human colonies on Mars? Do these British elites
know something that we don’t?

The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is a conglomerate of corporations

from all over the world that build aerospace technologies. That is basically all of the
corporations that have come together, pooled their resources, and created a vast
infrastructure in our solar system. These corporations are primarily military defense

The looming threat of the Mars-German breakaway civilization sent a wave of urgency
through secret government agencies on Earth. Thus, a massive clandestine buildup of

advanced technology began, giving terrestrial-based governments a leg up in the secret
space race. In order to secure such encroachments into the cosmos, new deals were
made with the Mars-Germans and the Draco.

Following the German breakaway sorties of 1952, President Eisenhower signed a treaty
with the German breakaway civilization in 1955 under their terms. This included the
merging of the American military-industrial complex with the German military-industrial
complex. This is the origin of the ICC. Under Operation Foothold, the ICC nuked millions
of insectoids living inside of coveted lava tubes. The Brain Drain began shortly after.
Engineers followed by other personnel were transferred to the new human colonies
from Earth.

The ICC has also established bases on other planets within the local cluster for which the
Draco gave them mining rights. One is in Aldebaran, and one is in the Pleiades. The ICC
has over 100 colonies, bases, and industrial facilities/plants on the Moon, Main Asteroid
Belt, Mars and several other moons and bodies in our solar system. There are also many
free-floating space stations that have personnel manning them and are fully operational
with space vessels docking with them on a regular basis.

The ICC has ongoing trade agreements with almost 900 civilizations and does occasional
trade with far more than that. The massive ICC mining, industrial complex infrastructure
of bases mine, smelt, engineer and construct many types of technologies for the
other SSPs and for off-world allies, as well as their very large Colony and Exchange
Systems for both Human and “Non-Humans”.

German Breakaway Civilization

The Vril Maidens channeled blueprints for time travel machines, anti-gravity
technology, and more. Over the next decade this led to the development of the
Vril and Haunebu series of anti-gravity flying saucers.
In the early 1930s, German occultist Maria Orsic allegedly contacted extraterrestrials
while in a trance state. Orsic was a member of the Vril Society, which itself was an
offshoot of the Thule Society. Both groups were involved in investigating the origins of
the Aryan race, and Orsic supposedly received information on how to build an
interstellar spaceship from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran, who claimed to be the
progenitors of the Aryans.

After making contact with the extraterrestrials, Orsic transcribed the information in two
different scripts. The first was a secret German Templar language that she did not
personally understand. The second was an ancient language that historians commonly
link to the German occult group known as the “Thule”. Most of these scholars agree that
this language stems from ancient Sumeria, where the extraterrestrials once thrived.

Once the transcriptions were translated into German, the Vril were shocked. The
ancient race had given Orsic extremely detailed instructions for constructing a flying
saucer. It seems that Orsic was intent on communicating with the extraterrestrials in the
Aldebaran solar system for a purpose. After receiving instructions for building a flying
saucer, it makes sense that the Vril departed Earth for Aldebaran. This solar system
exists in the Constellation of Taurus, which is 68 light-years away from Earth.

Those who believe Orsic departed Earth for Aldebaran argue that the top-tier members
of the Vril Society, along with other German secret societies like the Thule, had
adequate financing from Adolf Hitler’s regime for the construction of flying saucers.
After all, Germany’s leading engineer, Werhner Von Braun, made no secret of the fact
that the Nazis received an abundance of technical information from extraterrestrials
before and during World War II.

Another popular claim from Nazi Germany historians is that Orsic provided all of
her channeled information to a rising star within the Nazi party named Rudolf Hess.
According to this theory, Orsic supplied Hess with every last detail of her
communications with the Vril as a means of expressing her German nationalism. Hess
went on to become an influential figure in the Nazi party.

If theorists are correct, Hitler and his henchmen relied on Orsic’s detailed channelings to
create an array of flying saucers and other high-tech weapons for use in the war. These
theorists also believe the Nazis funded millions of dollars to a top-secret
program dedicated to mastering flight with flying saucers and other UFO-like aircraft.

A fellow German space pioneer named Hermann Oberth echoed Von Braun’s claims that
the Germans had knowledge of extraterrestrials. Oberth was one of the German Reich’s
top rocket designers during World War II. Though he moved on to work for the United
States’ space program’s push to send men into outer space, Oberth is best remembered
for his statements linking the Nazis to extraterrestrials.

According to Oberth, the Nazis could not “take credit” for their advancement in an array
of scientific fields. Like Von Braun, Oberth claimed the Nazis received extensive
assistance from a super-intelligent, alien life form. Oberth referred to these Vril aliens as
“people of other worlds.”

If one takes Oberth and Von Braun at their word, it becomes clear that the Nazi
government obtained significant military assistance from highly advanced aliens. Many
conspiracy theorists believe Maria Orsic’s channelings served as the initial point of
connection between Germans and these uber-intelligent extraterrestrials.

While Hitler believed that the Black Sun Society, a group controlled by the SS, had
thoroughly infiltrated the Vril and Thule societies, it appears that Orsic had plans other
than giving up control of her spacefaring capabilities to the warlike Third Reich.

Orsic and her entire group disappeared without a trace in the final days of World War II,
leading the occultists that she left behind to believe that she had successfully made the
trip to Aldebaran in the ship that the Vril Society had constructed.

Vril Space Craft

Vril Space Craft

Vril Space Craft

Vril Space Craft

Vril Space Craft

The Dark Fleet and the Dracos

While the Vril Society was more interested in peaceful space exploration, the Third
Reich had a mind only for conquest. According to over a dozen supposed secret space
program insiders, these militaristic ambitions were helped along greatly when the Nazis
made contact with an extraterrestrial group called the Draco sometime in the 1930s.

When discerning common threads among the varying testimonies given by mediums,
contactees, and insiders, it can be established that the Draco are an interplanetary
empire that originated in the vicinity of the Orion constellation.

This empire is composed of a variety of different reptilian humanoid species, and the
Draco are centrally controlled by a highly advanced artificial intelligence. According to
secret space program lore, this artificial intelligence is from a different universe, and its
sole purpose is to destroy and conquer all forms of biological life.

Various mediumistic channels, such as the creators of the Law of One book series,
indicate that a basic blueprint of human life is encoded into the quantum framework of
the galaxy itself. This prototype is transmitted to each star in the galaxy, and each star
transmits this program to its planets.

Therefore, humanoid life is the norm in at least our galaxy, and this basic “five-star”
archetype takes hold in whichever form of life becomes dominant on a given planet. The
purpose of the artificial intelligence that has infested the Draco in the form of nanites is
to pervert or invert this sacred image of advanced life that the Christian Bible refers to
as the image of God.

Secret space program insiders speculate that cultural depictions of the Devil and
demons originate from unconscious or lore-based knowledge of the Draco, and the
insider community believes that the Draco subsist on something called “loosh.”

“Loosh” is a spiritual energy that is released by humanoid life forms that experience
negative emotions or physical pain. Therefore, the elite caste in societies that have been
infiltrated by the Draco turn traitor against their own species in order to engineer
panoptic prisons that keep their fellow beings enslaved, terrified, ill, and ignorant.

These misanthropic priorities made the Draco and the Nazis a perfect match. The Nazis
sought spacefaring capabilities, and the Draco sought a new species to add to their
interstellar army. The Draco Empire, though constantly besieged by benevolent
extraterrestrials, spans a great deal of territory throughout the galaxy.

The Dark Fleet, which is mainly composed of ethnic Germans, is used by the Draco to
defend existing territory and conquer new planets in other star systems. While the Dark
Fleet apparently has a sizeable presence here in the Sol System, their main forces are
deployed in distant regions of the galaxy, where they join other captured races in the
perennial task of expanding the slave empire of beings that many on our world would
consider to be demons.

Draconian Federation Alliance
The Draconian Federation
Alliance aims to recruit beings
who are also negatively
polarized and to and enslave
those who are not polarized
service-to-self. They “conquer
planetary mind/body/spirit
social complexes before they
reach the stage of achieving
social memory.”

There are a very few third density, a majority of fourth density, a similarly large number
of fifth density, and very few sixth-density entities comprising this organization.

Their power matches that of the Confederation. Their numbers are one-tenth of theirs
as the problem of spiritual entropy causes them to experience constant disintegration of
their social memory complexes. They have “constant difficulty because of the concept of
separation which is implicit in the manifestations of the service to self which involve
power over others. This weakens and eventually disintegrates the energy collected by
such mind/body/spirit complexes who call the Orion group and the social memory
complexes which comprise the Orion group.”

They have a major stronghold in the constellation of Orion. They have had a presence in
our solar system for about 375,000 years. They have a battle group stationed near the
Trapezium cluster.

The Draco are a group of six different reptilian humanoid species. They have genetically
intermingled so much that each of the six is actually a different gender, and they “trend”
from male to female. These different “genders” can look like different species.

“The master race is white and twelve to thirteen feet tall. Another high-ranking group is
sable-black. The warrior caste has wings and [mahogany] scales. They're smaller and less
muscular than the others. Others have skin that is a combination of tan and green
scales.” The royal whites “traveled throughout the galaxy, looking for other humanoid
groups that evolved out of reptilian life. Everywhere they found this life, they infiltrated,
mixed their DNA together with them, and brought them into their Empire.”

They are very warlike and have been largely defeated throughout the galaxy already.
Our Local Cluster is one of the only places left where they can live. They are utterly
dependent upon our loosh for their survival. They range from 9 to 14+ feet tall.

“There are two massive underground caverns in Antarctica that hold huge, highly
populated cities of the Draco.” “The number of Draco in our solar system is comparable
to Earth’s own visible population of 7 billion people.”

They have different castes within their system. They have a warrior caste. They have
engineers, scientists, almost like a hive. And then they have their royalty up at the top
that control and direct everything.

Project Moon Shadow

According to secret space program insider Randy Cramer, Project Moon Shadow was a
MILAB program designed to train genetically augmented super soldiers. MILAB is a
contraction of “military abduction,” and this term refers to a number of projects that
were supposedly conducted to obtain and train assets, usually children, for the secret
space programs.

Many of these projects assessed the eligibility of sensitive individuals for work as
intuitive empaths, which is a position that involves interfacing with extraterrestrials who
have evolved beyond the need
for vocal utterances. Usually,
these naturally born empaths
were identified from a distance
using reverse-engineered
extraterrestrial technology. (I
found this to be very
interesting… The possibilities of
the use of this technology by
our government as well as how
this was used by the aliens!)

The developers of Project Moon Shadow, however, genetically engineered embryos

from the ground up that were then implanted into unwitting female hosts. These
children would be born and live a few normal years before being brought aboard secret
space program craft in the dead of night. They would then be flown to the Moon where
they would participate in training exercises designed to bring out their latent abilities.

In sharp contrast to other MILAB programs, the training provided in Project Moon
Shadow did not involve traumatizing experiences. According to Cramer, Project Moon
Shadow consisted of 300 boys and girls who were trained in strategy, agility, and
strength. Later, these genetically engineered child soldiers were given live weapons and
trained alongside bemused adults.

According to the testimony of insiders such as Corey Goode and Tony Rodriguez, other
MILAB programs exposed children to the absolute depths of horror. Children were
raped and murdered in front of other children, MILAB participants were put into virtual
reality scenarios in which they were pitted against monsters and forced to fight for their
lives, and a general worship of occult practices was prevalent. Cramer was spared this
hell, but he would soon find himself in a situation nearly as merciless.

Project Pegasus

Project Pegasus is a European black project operated under the Air Force Space
Command, that has allegedly achieved successful teleportation to the moon and more
notably, to Mars. Its success has furthered efforts at time travel. However, it is more
likely that the test subjects (or victims) of Project Pegasus were really subjects of mind
control. Although not confirmed, Pegasus may have been an experimental extension
of Project MKUltra.

(Also check out our book on the beginning of mind control and teleportation, “The
Montauk Project” described on page 154.)

Around 1947, teleportation research and development were formed by members from
the Manhattan Project and the imported Germans under Operation Paperclip, who
were enrolled as "War Department Special Employees".

In 1958, the Dwight D. Eisenhower administration, with Richard Nixon as Vice President,
established both NASA and DARPA. In the interests of national security, all projects
under the newly formed DARPA, were marked classified. In contrast to NASA, any
achievements made by DARPA would not be known. Neither would it be known by all
branches of the United States government.

As rocket research designs were being absorbed into NASA, teleportation research
designs from the Manhattan/Paperclip teams were absorbed into an umbrella project
under the Air Force. By 1961, NASA, in concert with the Air Force, was conducting rocket
flight tests for the Apollo program.

After the Kennedy assassination, the Lyndon B. Johnson administration took office and
the Air Force launched Project Pegasus. It conducted teleportation jump tests that led to
a successful teleportation event in 1964. In 1965, NASA experienced major setbacks in
the Apollo program requiring the attention of a Tiger team, while the Pegasus
program took flight.

Under the Richard Nixon administration, the Pegasus program resulted in numerous
successful human teleportations, which subsequently led to time travel in 1970. The
pursuit of time-travel became of clear interest, so as to avert the threat of a Nuclear
holocaust that was posed during the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

140 children were used in experimental jumps to Mars along with time-travel tests.
They typically sent children because of design limitations that made it difficult for adults
to jump. Any adults that actually managed the jumps, despite the limitations, suffered
psychological trauma. Children seemed to psychologically adapt better to these jumps.
However, the jumps were not always safe as one child returned from his temporal
voyage before his legs. Alfred Webre reports, “He was writhing in pain with just stumps
where his legs had been.”

Washington-based attorney Andrew Basiago, a former child jumper, claims that future
presidents like both Bushes, Clinton, and Barack Obama were also children who were
involved in these experiments. Basiago claims that he was sent to several famous events
in history like the Gettysburg Address and that he and some of the other children even
met George Washington.

"Time Jumpers" are the participants who train for teleportation, that is performed from
a "Jump Room". The following is a list of participants:

Andrew Basiago

Bernard Mendes

Glenn Pruett

Raymond F. Basiago

William White Crow

Edward Teller, formerly from the Manhattan project; contributed to the US Space-Time
program likely while at the University of Chicago as a professor, between 1947 and

Frederick Wilham August Cooper, under Operation Paperclip, contributed to the US

Space-Time program after 1947.

Harold Agnew, formerly from the Manhattan project; contributed to the US Space-Time
program likely while at the University of Chicago from 1947, in pursuit of his Master's
degree; He may have revisited the program, contributing to Project Pegasus, as a
member of the Defense Science Board from 1966 to 1970.

Howard Hughes was approached by key authorities of the space-time program in 1970.
He is said to have been a technical advisor, consultant, and investor in Project Pegasus
and helped to launch the "Stargate" portal in 1972.

Time travel black projects might be responsible for anomalies in the space-time
continuum in both the past and future.

If an event in the past is altered, those surrounding the event may not even be aware
that things around them have changed. Below is a list of events that might be symptoms
of time-travel experiments:

The destruction of the Library of Alexandria, the largest and most significant libraries of
the ancient world. There is no consensus to when it was destroyed. Proposed dates are:
48 BCE, c. 275 CE, 391 CE, or 642 CE

The plot to kill Jesus of Nazareth by Joseph Caiaphas, the major antagonist. Outside of
the interactions with Jesus, little else is known about his tenure as Jewish high priest.

Phantom Time Hypothesis, 300 years of European history is missing, between 614 CE to
911 CE.

Andrew Basiago warned that there are some who are tempted by future viewings so as
to profit from great gains. The following list highlights possible events:

1. The Soviet collapse

2. The Great recession of 2008
3. 9/11 attack on World Trade Center towers

Basiago's claims may have been ridiculed, but he isn't the only one who says to have
traveled in time. Others include: John Titor, Sir Victor Goddard, and Pellegrino Ernetti.

Photos from the past and classic movies appear to feature people who have modern
technology, such as a woman in an old movie with a cellphone, have raised more
awareness towards this conspiracy.

20 & Back

The Navy made a deal with the Nordics so that they could covertly recruit more
personnel into their secret space program. They were given new technology in order to
accomplish this. As a compromise, the Navy could only enlist personnel for up to twenty
years at a time.

Using this Nordic technology, they would then go through a pharmaceutical age-
regression, have their mind blank-slated, and be portal led back to their point of origin,
a few minutes after they were abducted. Similar programs exist or have existed on third
density planets throughout the local cluster

The Navy top brass had been planning on developing it and had plans to implement it
for a while, but it wasn't actually implemented until right after Solar Warden became
active in 1984.

The 20 & Back is an offer normally made to military personnel, but they also need
civilians to act as specialists Only a very small percentage of civilian assets are used.

These are recruited for 18 months, four years, or eight years at a time. They are then
either reassigned or returned to Earth. Some civilian scientists, engineers and
technicians were being recruited from the past, since the dawn of the modern industrial

No one on a 20 & Back is allowed to interact with VIPs or interact with Earth after the
time they were recruited. This countermeasure is taken to prevent the creation of a
time paradox.

At the end of the 20 years, they have an option for another 20 years. The maximum
number of 20 & Backs people are allowed to go through is three because everyone
experiences mental deterioration during the third one.

U.S. inmates are eligible to be taken on a 20 & Back by the ICC/Dark Fleet without their
consent, doing manual labor as a slave.

People who ended up getting scars due to traumatic incidents will receive ghost scars in
the same areas after being age regressed.


Stargate is Vorta teleportation / time travel stage used by Air Force Space Command.

Under the Richard Nixon administration, the United States Air Force discovered time
travel through Project Pegasus. In 1970, the Air Force took an interest in Howard
Hughes to help invest in the advancing of time travel with the creation of a large black

Andrew Basiago referred

to it as a "stargate". It
was finally built in 1972.
Under the Jimmy
Carter administration,
the project was masked
by calling a Remote
viewing program at Fort
Meade, "Stargate
Project". Meanwhile the
Air Force, behind the
scenes, out of the

world's view, the Americans, and possibly with unified Soviets, conducted numerous
teleportation jumps to Mars throughout the 1980s.

Vorta teleportation, or "Tesla teleportation" is a term used by Andrew Basiago to

describe the type of teleportation that the Stargate uses. His reference to "Tesla" refers
to Nikola Tesla for his research in the most important component that
makes teleportation and time travel possible: "radiant energy." Tesla believed the 19th-
century concept that an all-pervasive "ether" transmits electrical energy. If this theory
is true, the same "ether" can transmit "radiant energy."

Jump Rooms

Project Pegasus developed teleportation "jump rooms" in the '60s, from early
developments since 1947. The first teleportation event was conducted to Mars in 1964.
Teleportations are conducted via a "jump room". Due to space and air constrictions, the
maximum number of people that can jump at one time is three. It was typical to send
just one or two people on a jump.

• 1964: unknown jumper; First teleportation event: Mars

• 1968 Nov/Dec: Andrew Basiago's first jump; cross-country
• 1980: Andrew Basiago; Parsons jobsite, Saudi Arabia; espionage mission
• 1984 May: Raymond F. Basiago; Mars jump
• 2017, Code name: Karol

Time Travel - Teleportation

Time travel technology, known as the Chronovisor, was in its infancy since 1947, as a
screen that was used to view repetitious past events. Known viewings were events
surrounding Jesus of Nazareth, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. After the
success of numerous teleportations in the 60s, time travel was finally incorporated into
the teleportation jump scheme by 1970.

• 1971: Child team sent to civil war era; Gettysburg address

• 1971 summer: Andrew Basiago; Sent 30 minutes prior to Lincoln's arrival to
• 1972: large black time-gate created.

Time Travel Cover-Up

DARPA has discovered time travel and is trying to cover it up. Andrew Basiago claims
that the government has covered up time travel and that he was part of a series of
experiments called Project Pegasus where they forced children into participating in time
travel. The justification for the time-travel branch of Project Pegasus, was to mitigate
the threat of a nuclear holocaust posed during the Cold war with the Soviet Union.

And now it has popped up that these Time travel black projects might be responsible for
anomalies in the space-time continuum in both the past and future!

The Past: If an event in the past is altered, those surrounding the event may not even be
aware that those things around them have changed. Below is a list of events that might
have been affected be these time-travel experiments:

The destruction of the Library of Alexandria, the largest and most significant libraries of
the ancient world. There is no consensus to when it was destroyed. Proposed dates are:
48 BCE, c. 275 CE, 391 CE, or 642 CE. That’s quit a time-spread.

The plot to kill Jesus of Nazareth by Joseph Caiaphas, the major antagonist. Outside of
the interactions with Jesus, little else is known about his tenure as Jewish high priest.

Did a phantom time irregularity cause 300 years to vanish? 300 years of European
history is missing, between 614 CE to 911 CE

The Future: Andrew Basiago warned that there are some who are tempted by future
viewings so as to make a great profit. The following list highlights opportunities for
anomalous irresponsibility:

• The Soviet collapse

• The Great recession of 2008
• 9/11 attack on World Trade Center towers

While Basiago's claims of time-travel may have been ridiculed, he isn't alone to have
presented claims of time-travel. He’s joined the ranks of: John Titor, Sir Victor Goddard,
and Pellegrino Ernetti.

Photos from the past and classic

movies appear to feature people
who have modern technology, such
as a woman in an old movie with a
cellphone, have raised more
awareness towards this conspiracy.
Although some of the objects in
these old photos could be just
mistaken identity of object, the ones I’ve seen are very convincing.

While we are discussing time anomalies, let’s mess up our heads a little more…

The Phantom Time Hypothesis

When Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz introduces his paper on the “phantom time hypothesis,”
he requests patience, and understanding and for them to be open to radically new and
highly unconventional ideas, as he introduces these three difficult-to-believe

1) Hundreds of years ago, our calendar was polluted with 297 years which never

2) this is not the year 2005, but rather 1708

3) The purveyors of this hypothesis are not crackpots

The Phantom Time Hypothesis suggests that the early Middle Ages (614-911 A.D.) never
happened but were added to the calendar long ago either by accident, by
misinterpretation of documents, or by deliberate falsification by calendar conspirators.

This would mean that all artifacts ascribed to those three centuries belong to other
periods, and that all events thought to have occurred during that same period occurred
at other times or are outright fabrications.

Heribert Illig, one of the leading proponents of the theory, believes that Charlemagne
was a fictional character. Is there any evidence to back up this theory?

It seems that historians are plagued by a plethora of falsified documents from the
Middle Ages, and such was the subject of an archaeological conference in München,
Germany in 1986. In his lecture there, Horst Fuhrmann, president of the Monumenta

Germaniae Historica, described how some documents forged by the Roman Catholic
Church during the Middle Ages were created hundreds of years before their “great
moments” arrived, after which they were embraced by medieval society.

This implied that whoever produced the forgeries must have very skillfully anticipated
the future… or there was some discrepancy in calculating dates.

This was the first bit of evidence that roused Illig’s curiosity… he wondered why the
church would have forged documents hundreds of years before they would become
useful. So, he and his group examined other fakes from preceding centuries, and they
“divined chronological distortions.” This led them to investigate the origin of the
Gregorian calendar, which raised even more inconsistency.

In 1582, the Gregorian calendar we still use today was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII
to replace the outdated Julian calendar which had been implemented in 45 BC. The
Gregorian calendar was designed to correct for a ten-day discrepancy caused by the fact
that the Julian year was 10.8 minutes too long.

But by Heribert Illig’s math, the 1,627 years which had passed since the Julian calendar
started should have accrued a thirteen-day discrepancy… a ten-day error would have
only taken 1,257 years.

So Illig and his group went hunting for other gaps in history and found a few. For
example, a gap of building in Constantinople (558 AD – 908 AD) and a gap in the
doctrine of faith, especially the gap in the evolution of theory and meaning of purgatory
(600 AD until ca. 1100).

From all of this data, they have become convinced that at some time, the calendar year
was increased by 297 years without the corresponding passage of time.

Sometimes a hypothesis which challenges convention can be alluring, particularly when

it could plausibly fit most of the facts.

But all of the evidence presented by Illig and his group (mostly written in German) is
circumstantial at best. Although their hypothesis raises some interesting questions and
points out some inconsistencies in history, is it necessary to accept these bizzarre
conclusions? What about the conclusion that Otto III modified the calendar so that his
reign would include the year 1000 AD, because this would put him in his God’s good
graces according to his understanding of Christian millenarianism?

In the face of similar changes made over the years by those who rule over us, just to
justify their existence and further their hold over us, this doesn’t seem so outlandish to
me. What about claims that large parts of the Bible were rewritten, removed or added
to make their official ideas more acceptable and believable to the masses.

Ok, before I start to fall for the missing time conspiracy, let’s discuss a scientific
challenge to it…

One way to disprove phantom time is to look at astronomical records. Throughout
history, humans have recorded major astronomical events. We have, for example,
observations of solar eclipses from both before and after the early Middle Ages. Pliny
the Elder mentions a solar eclipse in 59 AD, which agrees with our current dates.
Astronomical observations of the Tang Dynasty also confirm our current date. So, what
are to believe?

More on the Chronovisor

A Chronovisor is a theoretical time viewer, initially of past events. François Brune claims
that Pellegrino Ernetti was a developer of the Chronovisor that enabled the viewing of
the crucifixion of Jesus. Andrew Basiago claims that DARPA vastly improved Chronovisor

Pellegrino Ernetti, an Italian Roman Catholic Benedictine monk, claimed to have

witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus through the "Chronovisor". He leaked information
about this device to François Brune and embellished the story that he had invented it.
Although he may have had a part in advancing its application, Ernetti was most likely not
its inventor.

Circumstantial evidence suggests that the Chronovisor was originally an artifact from an
unknown source, that was used for time-viewing. The artifact was highly modifiable,
because in the decades to follow, it was redesigned for time travel application.
The Chronovisor was the subject of a study by key members from the Pontifical
Academy of Sciences, which may have included Agostino Gemelli, and the Los Alamos
National Laboratory team, from at least 1947.

Physicist Enrico Fermi's contribution to modifying the Chronovisor may have been with
the use of the FERMIAC, an analog computer invented by Fermi, to aid in his studies of
neutron transport.

Fermi's late research in Rayleigh–Taylor instability may also have contributed to time-
travel research and development. If Wernher von Braun was advised of the chronovisor,
it probably wasn't until around 1954. Likely by 1959, the chronovisor was then absorbed
into the DARPA program. It was radically improved in the coming decades. Andrew
Basiago, a former participant in the Project Pegasus program, has described its 40-year

Archaeologist Jonathan Gray claimed that

sound that emitted from the "ancient
projector" during temple rituals while
following image movements, produced an
emotional effect. Gray's description of this
ancient device is comparable to Andrew
Basiago's description of the Chronovisor in its
semi-original form from the Los Alamos
National Laboratory team. It too projected
images on a display screen.

The Chronovisor may have been a variant of

this "ancient device" that Jonathan Gray
describes in his book, Dead Man's Secrets. The study teams had modified it by building a
large cabinet and using cathode-ray tubes for the viewing of received events on a
display screen.

It is also claimed that a control panel with a series of buttons and levers was also added
for selecting the time and location to be viewed. It was also known to locate and track
specific individuals. According to Ernetti, it worked by receiving, decoding and
reproducing the electromagnetic radiation left behind from past events. It could also
pick up the audio component or sound waves emitted by these same events.

Savvy researchers may agree that, while time travel may indeed be possible, the
Chronovisor is a not necessarily a medium for it. Physicist and cosmologist Stephen
Hawking has discussed the possibilities of time travel, explaining in one instance, “If we
want to travel into the future, we just need to go fast. Really fast. And I think the only
way we’re ever likely to do that is by going into space.”

Physicist Fred Alan Wolf has suggested that time travel is possible because “it really has
to do with a rather delicate relationship that exists between mind and matter… What
time travel is really all about is learning how to move in and out of that realm where
things get defined by the mind.”

Unfortunately, Ernetti never provided a detailed explanation as to how his time travel
device was fashioned or how it worked, except to mysteriously claim that it ran by
“processing residual electromagnetic radiation left over by numerous processes.”

(Note that the Chronovisor appears to be similar the Yellow Book device which
contained information on the history of aliens on Earth and much more. Further
information on this book can be found on page 154.)

Global Galactic League of Nations

It is widely believed in the insider community that the Roswell UFO Incident was indeed
an instance of a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft. American aerospace contractors
and the Nazi scientists involved in Operation Paperclip were tasked with reverse-
engineering this craft to produce usable technology. The craft that have been
reproduced from the Roswell crash and other similar incidents are known as alien
reproduction vehicles (ARVs). The TR-3B is a commonly sighted ARV that has often been
mistaken for a real alien craft.

The United States, however, wasn’t the only superpower to find the wreckage of alien
craft. According to insider lore, much of the information received by the American
military-industrial complex regarding UFOs was transmitted by captured Nazi assets who
had helped reverse-engineer ancient Vimana craft that the Vril and Thule societies had
found in the Himalayas. These reproduction Vimanas had been operational since the
1930s, giving German scientists a leg up in the UFO game that made them into hotly
contested prizes at the end of World War II.

However, the Soviets didn’t need German scientists to tell them all the secrets of
extraterrestrial craft. According to various insiders, Stalin found a crashed ship of his

own in Siberia that he tasked Soviet scientists to reverse engineer. The result of this
initiative was a craft called the Cosmosphere, which caught the attention of American
military assets in the early 1950s.

The presence of these one-to three-man flying silver spheres in the skies as the
Americans were getting their own fledgling secret space program off the ground
ultimately led to the formation of the Global Galactic League of Nations. Russia, China,
the United States, and Germany were the core members of this group, but other nations
were given token membership in exchange for keeping quiet about the UFO
phenomenon. Member nations also agreed to hand over any crashed UFOs to the
American or Soviet governments.

According to secret space program insiders, American and Russian assets worked
together throughout the entirety of the Cold War despite the narrative that was sold to
the masses, and the superpowers of the world continue to collaborate on secret space
program agenda items with no concern given to the theatrics regularly employed to
keep the people of the world entertained and distracted.

Just like our Secret Government which continues with its plans to control the operation
of our country without interruption, regardless who fills the elected seats of power. Can
you imagine what would happen to this country if it was actually controlled by the

Earth Alliance

Various insiders have now revealed that highly sensitive information on extraterrestrials
and the secret space programs is often disclosed as fiction in movies and books. In this
way, those who have been able to pull the wool over our eyes are able to accuse anyone
who comes forward with the truth as misconstruing fiction with reality or stealing their
ideas from TV shows. Plus, it’s true that reality is stranger than fiction, and strangeness

(Interestingly, an MD who read about pharmaceutical drugs introduced to us in the past

by an alien culture in my “Blue Planet Lost Chapters Book” made a big commotion in an
Amazon book review of the book claiming they were Star Trek medicines because they
were not exactly like medicines used by today’s medical world. “Starts with a bunch of
chemical formulas and names attached to supposed medications used by aliens. As a
physician, I was curious, because I didn't recognize any of them. Googled a number of
them-turns out they are names of medications used on Star Trek episodes, for God's

It appears this tactic was undertaken to cover the tracks of the Earth Alliance. In the
television show Babylon 5, the Earth Alliance is an open confederation of human

governments that was formed to protect the planet. According to insider lore, the real
Earth Alliance serves a similar function, but its actions are accomplished in secret.

The Earth Alliance arose in opposition to what most insiders call the Cabal. This name
was chosen because the members of the Cabal prefer to call themselves the Illuminati,
which means the “illuminated ones.”

According to the Earth Alliance, however, this group is not illuminated at all and has in
fact been responsible for casting the denizens of our planet into a dark pit of disease,
war, political disenfranchisement, civic unawareness, and wage slavery. The Cabal has
been controlled by the Draco for centuries, and it is this alliance that is responsible for
the commonly made connection between occult practices and “Devil worship.”

The Earth Alliance has been working in the shadows to undo the Cabal’s efforts to
plunge humanity into an eternal darkness of massive depopulation and open
technocratic rule. Members of the Earth Alliance have infiltrated the militaries of the
United States, China, Russia, and other countries, and insider Corey Goode has
unequivocally stated that the Earth Alliance has supported President Donald Trump
since the beginning of his candidacy.

Now it gets stranger… Author Jerome Corsi has expanded on this point by relaying that
factions in the US military recruited Donald Trump to run for president of the United
States with their assurances that any efforts to rig the election would be nullified.

This position has been confirmed by the anonymous intel source “QAnon” that many
believe to be comprised of the same members of military intelligence that got Trump

Although I haven’t seen any proof of this, it was claimed that the Earth Alliance showed
its true strength when a small fleet of Dark Fleet craft attempted to leave the planet
from their hiding place in Antarctica. Before this event, no one knew that the Earth
Alliance had developed their own secret space program, but apparently a fleet of
fighter-size spacecraft appeared from nowhere and inflicted critical damage on the
fleeing Dark Fleet ships.

As the Earth Alliance continues to perform operations on and below the Earth’s surface
to free mankind from Cabal and Draco rule, it seems that they have also been inducted
into the brotherhood of the secret space programs.

Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program

While the members of the

Earth Alliance, the Global
Galactic League of Nations,
and even the Cabal all agree
that the secrets of the
clandestine space programs,
extraterrestrial contact, and
suppressed technologies
should be disclosed to the
people of the world, there is
some contention over how
this feat should be

The Cabal wants to release

this information over the
course of generations. They
are attempting to gradually
engineer global society into a
state in which this sort of
revelation would only cement
the role of the Cabal as absolute and eternal overlords over mankind. The Earth Alliance
wants full disclosure to occur now so that humanity can reap the benefits of free or
zero-point energy, superluminal spaceflight, and advanced medical technologies, but
they are fully aware that such a divulgence would entirely crash the current global
economic system and engender total worldwide chaos until a new order could be

The Earth Alliance and the Cabal both intend to use a third faction known as the Military
Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC SSP) as a steppingstone toward full
disclosure. On page 334 of The Reagan Diaries, it is revealed that President Reagan had
been briefed on June 11, 1985, on the American space program’s capability of putting
300 people in orbit. It goes without saying that such a figure would be ludicrous to
consider even today on the basis of publicly revealed information.

(We must always look beyond the publicly released information to find the truth!)

However, it appears that black budget programs within the Air Force have been
developing clandestine aerospace craft for at least the last 30 years. According to
various insiders, films like The Avengers series have served as orchestrated facets in the
effort to gradually acclimate the public to the existence of suppressed technology. This
practice of seeding hidden truths into mass media productions is called predictive
programming, and is it also used by the Cabal to hijack our consciousness?

Even the most elevated members of the MIC SSP have no idea what is truly going on in
the cosmos. There are bases on the Moon, Mars, and in Earth orbit, but they have no
contact with extraterrestrials and believe that their level of knowledge is the absolute
truth. It is believed that releasing information on clandestine aircraft such as the TR-3B
and flying aircraft carriers could prime the public for further disclosures of a more
powerful nature.

The Cabal also intends to ignite this disclosure process if they ever feel their rule to be
severely threatened, which has led many to believe that recent disclosure efforts
enacted by Tom DeLonge and various high-level aerospace and military personnel have
been a front for the psychological warfare operations of an increasingly cornered Cabal.

Secret Space Program Alliance

Information released by numerous secret space program insiders: The Earth Alliance has
a counterpart beyond the terrestrial sphere. This organization is known as the Secret
Space Program Alliance (SSP Alliance), and it is comprised of a variety of constituent
members such as Solar Warden, the ICC, and the Global Galactic League of Nations.
Though the SSP Alliance is composed almost entirely of members that spend most of
their time off planet, this organization is still highly involved in Earthly affairs.

The SSP Alliance represents the top of the totem pole in the secret space program
hierarchy. This group has been afforded a seat at the so-called Super Federation, which
is composed of over 60 extraterrestrial species that have been conducting experiments
on Earth’s human, animal, and plant life. The SSP Alliance has also made contact with
the Galactic Federation, which is composed of hundreds of different benevolent
extraterrestrial races.

This organization has also had contact with a society of hyper-advanced human beings
who live under the Earth’s surface in vast climate-controlled chambers capable of
supporting human life. This society is composed of multiple groups that have branched
off from the natural development of human life on Earth, and the lead group, known as
the Anshar, claim to have traveled back in time from our future in order to maintain an
ideal timeline.

The SSP Alliance essentially holds the reins of the various benevolent secret space
programs that operate in and around the Sol System. This group desperately wants
humanity to gain access to information and technologies that have been hidden by the
Cabal, and many within the SSP Alliance are actively preparing mankind to ride the wave
of enhanced consciousness that these societal changes will bring.

Though belief systems regarding this event vary within the SSP Alliance, most members
believe that an upcoming electromagnetic shift in solar dynamics will actuate a quantum
leap in human awareness. It is widely believed that the latent talents inherent to human

consciousness have been willfully suppressed by malign actors, and the members of the
SSP Alliance have united to sweep away this vestigial husk of corruption and usher in a
new golden age for all of mankind.

The Anshar

The Anshar are a

4th density ancient
breakaway civilization.
They are humans from
the future. In their
original timeline,
during their transition
to fourth density, they
began to experience a
“Mandela effect.”
They travelled back in
time to 17-18 million BCE to the effects point of origin to maintain their timeline. A small
contingent travelled back in time to the effect’s point of origin as a lynchpin. This small
population expanded drastically over millions of years. Another contingent travelled
back in time to the current fourth density shift. Their population is currently in the

The elders have a device that enables them to fly like Superman. The Anshar “sleep” by
spending forty minutes every few days in an egg-shaped chair. These chairs allow one to
access their neural network.

The elders are about two feet taller than the rest of the Anshar. Like the Tall Whites,
they go through a second phase of growth. They fly most of the time.

The Anshar have a historic connection to ancient human settlements in Antarctica,

before the most recent pole shift.

The Anshar were one of the groups interacting with the ancient Sumerians to assist
them in the recovery of their civilization after the great catastrophe that destroyed

The Anshar are karmically tied to Earth humans. Therefore, we act as an anchor for their
evolutionary progress. If humans don't choose the optimal temporal reality, the Anshar
could cease to exist. To help guide us to the optimal temporal reality, the Anshar have
been reaching out telepathically to humans on the surface in order to raise their

The Anshar reside inside a gigantic cavern underneath central South America.

They fly buses as well as
cigar-shaped, egg-shaped,
and saucer-shaped craft.
Their craft as well as all of
their technology is powered
by the mass consciousness
of their civilization.

In the Anshar city, there are

areas around the cavern
that look like they were
dematerialized to make
room for living quarters. The rock that was removed appears to have been recycled and
liquified to construct the tall glass buildings. All of their buildings are modular

At the end of each major cycle, the Anshar, as well as all of the ancient breakaway
civilizations, move all of their people and all of their buildings into a temporal anomaly
they generate in the middle of their cities. This is to protect the Anshar from
disappearing due to divergence from their timeline.

They have a park where many of the creatures that roamed the Earth while the Anshar
lived on the surface are preserved.

The Anshar sustain themselves on plant and fungus life. They have a large garden, many
acres in size, where all of their food is grown. All of their food is grown in a crystal
substrate. Mineral-enhanced water is used to grow their crops. They eat raw vegetables
and vegetarian sweet cakes. Because their food is very high in nutrients, you
immediately feel energized after eating it.

Their library is like a time machine. As you walk from one end of it to the other, tablets
become scrolls which become handwritten books which become modern-day books. All
of the modern books had
ISBN numbers on them. They
have physical copies of books
that are the most important
to them. Everything else is
stored in crystals. Not only do
the Anshar keep a close eye
on our written works, but
they also browse our

The Anshar have one area

reserved for influencing thoughts and making telepathic contact with surface humanity.
This room is filled with eggshell-shaped seats for the Anshar to sit down on and enter
into a meditative state.


“In the early years of MILAB “Training” there is contact with a few types of “Non
Humans” that do a number of things to the “Subjects” among them to cause “Entity
Attachment's” to occur which act as “Gate Keepers” to memories (Or whatever they are
made to do) as well as to cause the subjects to get caught in cycles of self-destructive
behavior that keeps them “manageable” and allows them to best control them through
the programmed “Triggers” of “Reactionary Behavior” towards others or even suicidal
impulses towards themselves.”

“As far as the children are concerned that were rejected, they are blank slated and
returned to their "Normal Lives"... They are somewhat kept an eye on and if they show
any signs of abilities or remembering they are re-abducted and blank slated again. It
seems that subconsciously they have a feeling of "Rejection" that they carry with them
and do not know why for the rest of their lives. It could affect them for their lifetime,
depending on how long they were in a program (and what was experienced) before
being released.”

They monitor people, as well, afterwards. So, kind of like the NSA, you know, the
haystack kind of thing. They pull all of your information in, and they have behavioral
scientists that will look for any signs that the programming is breaking down. If so,
they'll pick you up, bring you back in, debrief you to see exactly what you do know, and
then blank slate them.

Project Mannequin

A global augmented soldier program. It takes soldiers trained in MILAB programs and
parcels them either to a terrestrial unit or to Lunar Operations Command, where they
will be given individual assignments within Earth Defense Force (EDF). EDF parcels its
soldiers to Radiant Guardian or to private military contractors like Mars Defense Force

Bases that Support the Secret Space

The American Base in Antarctica

The secret American Antarctic Base is an integral part of America’s network and linked
via satellite to Pine Gap and other bases in Australia, Christchurch in New Zealand,
Punta Arenas in Southern Chile and the long standing C.I.A./NSA base in Cape Town,
South Africa.

Large trenches were mined in which buildings were placed in neat rows, then covered
with deep ice and snow, due to the natural ice buildup. Due to the large airspaces in the
trenches, now tunnels, the ambient temperature of the air was raised to above freezing
level without effecting the surrounding ice. This combined with the individual heated
buildings make it a comfortable place to live.

The main purpose of the base appears to be top secret experimentation in the area of
electromagnetism and the earth’s magnetic field. An Australian scientist with the
Southern Lights research team at the main Australian Antarctic Base, situated at
Mawson revealed some of the American activities there. He said that when they
conducted their regular experiments, big changes occurred in the Aurora and
communications were affected.

He believed they were driving electromagnetic energy into the earth’s magnetic field
which was causing the disruption in the Aurora and probably related to the HAARP
experiments in Alaska as the effects on the Northern Lights were similar.

Tidbinbilla Tracking Station

Located close to Canberra, Australia, this may be the most important base in Australia,
being a vital control center for the Hubble orbital telescope. The first images received by
Tidbinbilla showed that virtually every star has a solar system. For some reason this
revelation angered the American control-room staff because the Australians and British
now knew this secret. Hubble photographs are now airbrushed before release.

The Parkes Radio telescope in Parkes,
Australia was the primary receiver of
Apollo 11 TV transmissions. And a
government source revealed that The
Parkes Radio Telescope first detected
intelligent signals from outer space more
than twenty-five years ago. It has been
involved with the SETI program. Parkes
hit rate was alarmingly high, so the plug
had to be pulled in 1995 before too
much leaked out.

Intelligent radio and television signals

were identified in several parts of the
galaxy and emanating from areas up to
three thousand light years away from the earth. It’s classified above top secret that
technical civilizations equal or superior to our own were very active more than three
thousand years ago.

Amazingly, they captured and still continue to capture enhanced television pictures
showing the daily life of a number of alien civilizations, even some from ages past!

Tracking Deep Space Activities: Those in the know claim that the real secret is at the
Tidbinbilla tracking station, outside Canberra, not Alice Springs.

Known as The Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (CDSCC) at Tidbinbilla

besides controlling and tracking military satellites it is also involved in deep space
vehicle control. CDSCC is responsible for the tracking of spacecraft that partake in
interplanetary missions. The Complex is a NASA facility operated under a USA-Australian
Government agreement which involves JPL, CSIRO Australia and British Aerospace

Reports coming in from Tidbinbilla, by someone who worked there, claimed they were
involved in weather control, UFOs, killer satellites and much more. There is a huge high-
tech James Bond type operation hub in Canberra.

It has been reported that several times, locals have seen white disks about 30′ in
diameter being unloaded from large US cargo planes at the airports serving Pine Gap
with the USAF emblem on them. It seems likely that disks are assembled and based at
Pine Gap because many disks seen at night would confirm this.

Nexus magazine says there are over 48 years of SIGINT (satellite signal intelligence) As
well as communications interception and satellite spying, and there is also an interest in
undersea activities. Could it have something to do with the over 1,400 alien bases here
on this planet including many undersea bases? The NSA which runs this controls
thousands of electronic intercept stations. The primary purpose for creating the NSA
was to decipher alien communications, language and establish dialogue.

Joint Defense Facility Pine Gap (JDFPG)

This is a US satellite surveillance base and Australian Earth station south-west of the
town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory in Australia; previously, it was known as Joint
Defense Space Research Facility. The station is partly run by the CIA, NSA, NRO and is a
key contributor to the NSA's global interception effort, which included
the ECHELON program.

The facilities at the base consist of a massive computer complex with

38 radomes protecting radio dishes and has over 800 employees. NSA employee David
Rosenberg indicated that the chief of the facility was a senior CIA officer at the time of
his service there.

The location is strategically significant because it controls United States spy satellites as
they pass over one-third of the globe.

Mind Control and Surveillance

Using Mind Control on Humans at Pine Gap

An Australian newspaper wrote way back in 1974 that US has been carrying out
research into electromagnetic propulsion (EMP) at Pine Gap since 1966 and that security
about this project has resulted in hypnotic and post hypnotic keys being implanted in
personnel prior to their acceptance into this project.

It has been revealed that the Pine Gap employees working on the base, and especially
those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic propulsion projects, have undergone
brainwashing and even implantation of intracranial devices.

The most powerful mind-control is still trauma-based built on a foundation of multiple
personalities which are dissociated personalities and parts of the mind. It appears that
electronic mind-control is being overlaid on top of this.

The victim’s consciousness is not able to think past the electronic mind-control which
catches their undivided attention, being too distracted to deal with the deeper issues of
trauma-based mind-control. Instructions can enter someone’s mind through their

At the NRO’s major

massive beast computer
center in Alaska in the
1970’s, an engineer who
was in charge of building
and getting the center
operational, revealed the
site’s capabilities. They
also had one in South
Africa and one in Pine
Gap. These three sites
formed a triangle on the globe, and couldn’t be located anywhere else, due to the
naturally occurring lines of force of the planet.

Are Supercomputers Controlling Us and Our Reality?

Al Bielek said that the aliens gave the info to build Cray computers at Montauk, which
were used to create time portals. It was a computer that sent Edward and Duncan
Cameron back to 1943 to destroy the ship Eldridge. He says the radio frequency
operating at Montauk was 435 MHz which is the frequency for the entire universe. This
frequency was used to create time/space tunnels to Mars.

Extremely advanced technology was used by Dr John von Neumann and 3 scientists
including 2 from the future to put earth on another timeline in 1963. Montauk has
major timelines running through it. Power stations are built on gridlines deliberately.
There is evidence that technology is being used to shift earth onto another timeline.

Today’s computers are much better at speech than those used in 1973. They can hear
human voices; determine what language it is and answer in it. Today they can link
directly to thousands of mind-controlled slaves and via various methods almost instantly
control their behavior. It is totally mind-boggling what is available today to control us
humans. Super computers connected to HAARP transmitter sites and satellite systems
and no telling what is in use by the government now!

The Thought Police

An anonymous government source says the human brain, if it has a memex brain
implant they control, can interface with a supercomputer which acts as a vast repository
of human knowledge as well as answering questions to essentially all previously
answered questions instantaneously.

If the human brain has some type of virtual reality holodeck attachment, the computer
can even walk the slave through a realistic setting indistinguishable from the real world.
He goes on to say that one victim has ELF & VLF waves of 435 and 1080 MHz signals
targeted on her.

(435 is in the 400-450 MHz band which is the window to the human consciousness, and
1080 is in the 1000 to 1200 MHz band.) 435 MHz is converted to 1080 by interaction
with the high-atmosphere HAARP project.

Satellite Mind Control

Government agencies can use infrasound laser weapons coming from remote satellites
to cause illness and pain to targeted individuals. Visual holograms and blurred vision can
also be affected by satellite lasers. They can also use neurophones, which is a device to
convert sound to electrical impulses.

A directional satellite laser or microwave can target an individual’s nervous system and
it can enter the brain as voice threats or noise. These can come from any direction and
can be perceived as ghosts, God’s voice, aliens, Satan or laughing.

Silent subliminal words can target people too, to make them think thoughts are their
own. Brain wave scanners can mind read by training a satellite onto someone’s head
and scanning its magnetic field. Patterns which show particular emotions can be read
and more can be sent back to change the emotional/psychological state.

EEG results of computerized brainwave scanning can be relayed to US government

faculties, and the thoughts can be interpreted instantaneously, with a brain wave
vocabulary, developed from the CIA’s LSD experiments.

Remote torture or interrogation can be carried out by staff at computers thousands of

miles away. Psychic phenomena and “coincidences” can be arranged using brain-
scanning technologies. Could every citizen be brainwave scanned by the Echelon
program at Pine Gap and thoughts suppressed?

Only those “in” with them would profit and only those who questioned nothing would
escape scrutiny. No military or federal law enforcement would be necessary.

Echelon Program

Advances in both computer technologies and telecommunications mean that ECHELON

has evolved through the years. And not for the better.

Today, the network is believed to capture large volumes of data in multiple ways as part
of an upstream surveillance effort:

• Terrestrial radio antennae intercept satellite transmissions.

• Satellites dip into transmissions between cities.
• Many sites around the world tap into communications conducted via wires.
• Sniffing devices are installed at key internet routing centers, to catch addressing
information from the packets of data passing through.
• Data travelling along fiber-optic network cables is not safe either. The NSA and
GCHQ deploy devices that can tap such cables.

Needless to say, this results in an enormous amount of data that is being constantly
collected on a global scale.

A large computer network, called XKeyscore, is believed to be used in order to examine

the information that ECHELON hoovers up in bulk every day.

This system looks for keywords, phrases, names, addresses, and other details that the
intelligence agencies deem pertinent. The Five Eyes can then build profiles of contact
networks and delve into the specific communication histories of those considered to be
of interest.

Part of the source code for XKeyscore was made public by German broadcaster,
Norddeutscher Rundfunk and, when analyzed by experts, it revealed some startling

Simply conducting an online search for privacy-enhancing software tools highlighted in

the XKeyscore rules is enough to get the NSA to mark and track your IP address.

The source code also shows that the NSA tracks privacy software users worldwide.


After the 2013 Snowden leaks, two types of surveillance became public knowledge.
They are understood to be the main spying methods used by intelligence agencies in the
Five Eyes alliance. These two distinct methods are called Upstream and PRISM. You may
also hear PRISM referred to as downstream.

Upstream surveillance involves directly collecting communication data as it travels over

the internet. This is the type of bulk operation carried out by programs like
ECHELON.PRISM, on the other hand, is the collection of communication data from big
tech companies.

What this essentially means is that Five Eyes intelligence agencies can go directly to the
Googles, Facebooks, and Yahoos of the world, and force them to provide
communication records involving people of interest.

Unfortunately, this can also include communications with regular citizens. The
companies are then prohibited from telling their users that their data has been turned
over to the government.


A newcomer to the world of mass surveillance programs, it only became operational in


Tempora is the code name for a computer system used by the GCHQ to intercept
personal data travelling along fiber-optic cables.

The information it is able to snipe and store includes:

• Recordings of phone calls

• Content of email messages
• Entries on Facebook
• Browsing history of any internet user

Tempora is a GCHQ program for physically tapping fiber-optic cables to collect data in
bulk. The program collects content and metadata that travels over fiber-optic cables
around the world. The program taps at least 200 cables at various locations.

It stores the collected data in a buffer to enable retrospective analysis. Content is stored
for three days, and metadata for 30 days.

This program incorporates bulk data from the INCENSER program. Data collected is
shared with the NSA through the WINDSTOP program and can be analyzed using the
XKEYSCORE search interface and a search language called GENESIS.

The Fourth Density

OK, now that your mind is swirling from what you just read about what is going on in
this world as well other worlds, realize that some of these changes are positive. For
example, you may soon begin to enter the Fourth Density. But don’t worry, just make
sure your seat belt is fastened!

Many of us have recently began to feel the changes that are surrounding us as well as
changes inside us.

This is what is now being referred to as transforming into “Fourth Density.” You still
have a physical, human-looking body — only at its core it is more energetic and capable.
Your fourth-density body will be far more telepathic, will have an awareness of the
afterlife and reincarnation, and will have the potential for great feats like telekinesis and

Our everyday waking awareness will have elements that are similar to a psychedelic
experience, which we will need to learn to adapt to. I, as some others I know are

beginning to feel these changes, experience new powers and abilities as well as the
strength to control these newfound powers and use them for positive outcomes.

This will allow us to become aware of cosmic disclosure — and to discover who we
really are and what is really going on in our worlds!

With these changes we will be able to look at things differently. To understand what is
really going on around us, to not be fooled by the controllers, to see the bigger picture,
and to have a grasp of what is happening on a galactic level not just earthly or

This is commonly referred to as the Fourth Density, but it really doesn’t matter what it is
called, it’s beyond any earthly titles, and I will be devoting more time in the future to
trying on this new density and learning to help others with this.

The fourth density shift that is happening right now has been happening for a while.
More and more people are waking up to it than ever before.

More of us are having spiritual awakenings as well as gaining understanding about how
reality works, how their thoughts correlate with what they experience, understanding
that a lot of the structures that are in place, government, political, maybe even religions.
Whatever you call it, these aren't necessarily working out in our best interests and that
is causing many people on the planet to wake up right now. And maybe you've already
noticed it in your life.

That is one of the main reasons that many of us chose to be here right now is because of
this density shift. Maybe consciously, we don't remember selecting this time to return,
but, If we were to get down to our subconscious or a higher self, whatever name we
want to call it, we would see it.

We are moving into a new way of being. The third density is a lot about matter, about
this physical structure that we're in, identifying with our bodies, with that, of making
things happen, the willpower control. These are all aspects of the third density, and we
are now moving into this fourth density.

Fourth density is when we are more into the heart, more into understanding that things
are less physical than we earlier thought. This is where reality becomes more of a dream
as well because then things become more flexible.

We move from identifying so much with our ego, our physical form and move into the
fourth density where we start to see that things that we thought were separate, such as
the ego structures that we have, now we realize that we're all connected, we realize
more about how reality works. We have realized that we will start to connect to each
other and that collectively how we connect to each other is going to determine which
realities we experience in our life.

What we're beginning to realize now is that not only do our thoughts correlate with
what we experienced, but what you put out comes back to you because what you do to

someone else you do to another aspect of yourself, because we're all connected in this
cosmic web!

We are doing this as a planet and it is the main reason that almost everyone is here,
whether they're aware of it or not. That's why there are 7 billion people here on this
planet right now and everyone is trying to incarnate here because these collective shifts
are going on right now and people just want to become a part of it. When it comes to us
raising up these different levels of vibration, what we must do is by learning to
transcend them by completing them.

Being here on Earth you will soon realize that there are certain lessons that we need to
learn and complete. We will repeat that lesson until we complete that lesson. For
example, it could be you always attract a certain type of mate and they treat you a
certain way but until you stand up for yourself and you learn that lesson of how to
remain in your place of power, things won’t improve. You may continue to attract the
same mate even though the faces change the energy, you haven’t changed, you remain
the same.

You may find that you keep going through the same pattern of doing a certain type of
work and often losing your job, and it just may be because there's something there that
they are is trying to show you, but until you become aware of it, you will keep repeating
it the cycle.

You will repeat it over and over again. The key is how to see in your life what lessons
you can learn now, it doesn't mean that you're always being tested, but it does mean
you should become aware of the signs that you are getting from your higher self.

I’m sure that there have been times where you were giving away your power and then
things improved once you started to take control over your power. Once you become
aware of it, you are then able to complete this lesson and then let it go.

Many times, you may be stuck in survival mode. By looking at these areas in your life
where you feel like you're surviving, where you feel this neediness and you become
aware of it, you can now learn how to transcend it.

Give some thought to what Einstein said:

“You cannot solve a problem from the same level of thinking.”

The key is to just be aware of what you are learning because your higher self will take
over and expand on it and explain what it is about.

(This has happened to me a number of times and different situations and it feels bizarre
when you realize it is happening!)

Keep an eye out for certain things and certain patterns that you have that continue to
repeat themselves and work on these. Be aware of what you are learning because your
higher self will show you what that is.

It’s about this collective shift in consciousness that is happening as time goes forward.
There will be structures that breakdown. There will be political structures that break
down as well as old financial systems that break down. It's a part of tearing down the
old and then we can build the new. But you can't build the new on top of another

Understand that we're all connected. This love vibration is about seeing the
connectedness between us. It's about understanding how you can be who you naturally
are instead of trying to become something else. The way you do that is by doing what
you are passionate about. This is the fastest way of raising your vibration.

It is the fastest way of getting guidance from your higher self. The fastest way of getting
to your goals is by following your passion, your passion is your higher self telling you
that this is what you're meant to be doing, so set the intention for what your passion is.
And start to understand how you can add value to other people with your passion.
Those combined together is very powerful.

This combination gives you more energy because it sees that you're doing something
good with it. In general, there's this collective shift in consciousness happening. The
quicker you learn these lessons in your life, the more you can complete them and not
repeat them.

Develop a pattern of meditation in your life. Watch how your life changes and you'll
start to notice that you start to exist in a higher vibrational state of consciousness which
is full of love and which is who you naturally are.

Alternative 3

In 1977, Anglia TV in the UK

broadcast an edition of its
popular Science Report
strand that uncovered a story
so colossal it would change
the world.

The episode was titled

Alternative 3 and began with
an investigation into a string
of mysterious disappearances
amongst top scientists. What
followed was sensational.

The scientists, the show discovered, had been recruited into a top-secret clandestine
space program, designed to build a base on Mars in anticipation of a forthcoming
ecological catastrophe on Earth.

Anglia TV was immediately bombarded with calls from alarmed viewers. The alarm was
unwarranted they were told because, like Orson Welles’ War of the World in 1938,
Alternative 3 was in fact a hoax.

Produced in a documentary style, and originally intended to be broadcast on April 1st,

the program was a skillful fiction written by award-winning screenwriter David Ambrose.

Although relatively obscure, Alternative 3 has had an enduring impact since it was first
broadcast in 1977. Many now believe the fictional events portrayed in the show
subversively reflect reality.

It has inspired hundreds of conspiracy theories about secret space missions, bases on
the Moon and Mars and even off-world fleets of advanced spacecraft.

The fictional Alternative 3 culminates with the reporter decoding a video tape which
reveals footage of a joint US/USSR mission to Mars in 1962. Could there be any truth in
such an amazing notion? Are the space programs of the global superpowers really far
more advanced than is admitted to the public?

In 2001, British hacker Gary McKinnon claimed to have found astonishing evidence that
such an out of this world program really does exist. Hacking into top secret Pentagon
military computers, McKinnon says he found a crew manifest file detailing ‘non-
terrestrial’ officers.

Perhaps this was, at last, the smoking gun that proved Alternative 3 wasn’t entirely
fictional. Could the secret space program portrayed in the program be real?

More on Alternative 3

Alternative 3 is a very skillfully produced piece of television, weaving together news

stories from the headlines of the time into a fiction credible enough it has convinced
many it is fact.

As its name suggests, Alternative 3 was the third of three proposed schemes to avert a
forthcoming ecological catastrophe on Earth.

The first two of these proposals, at least, were directly based on real projects
undertaken in the United States.

Alternative 1 was to use nuclear bombs to blow holes in the stratosphere from which
greenhouse gases could escape. Whilst it may sound absurd, a controversial experiment
in 1950s did fire nuclear missiles into the atmosphere.

Project Argus was ostensibly set up to measure the effects of radiation on Earth’s upper
atmosphere and involved the detonation of 3 nuclear warheads hundreds of miles over
the south Atlantic Ocean.

Alternative 2 was to build a vast network of underground tunnels and bases in which a
select group of people could maintain the human race.

Over a hundred such installations exist in the North America alone. Bases such as Site R
in Pennsylvania and Mount Weather in Virginia are so vast that they have their own rail
networks, hospitals, and television studios.

One of the most potent ideas in Alternative 3 was the prospect that mankind was on the
verge of an ecological cataclysm. This was a worrying concept at the forefront of the
public consciousness when the program was broadcast in 1977.

Alarmist stories had begun to emerge about both global warming and global cooling.
Dire warnings of extreme weather and environmental chaos were all over the

Much of Alternative 3 was, then, based in fact. Could the more outrageous aspects of
the plot be true too? Author Leslie Watkins came to believe so.

Watkins was hired to write a novelization of Alternative 3 in 1978 that greatly expanded
upon the story presented in the TV show.

After its publication, he received hundreds of letters from what he regarded as credible
sources confirming the basic premise behind the book.

Watkins decided to use some of the evidence sent to him to begin a non-fiction sequel
to Alternative 3 but backed out after he came to suspect his phone and correspondence
was being monitored by the intelligence services.

Watkins started to believe he had stumbled upon something deep and very dark. In
1989, he wrote:

 “The book is fiction based on fact. But I now feel that I inadvertently got very close to
a secret truth”.

Evidence for Parallel Space Programs

As far as the general public are concerned, the American space program is run by NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

Signed into existence by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958, NASA was primarily a civilian
organization built upon earlier military space programs.

It’s many high-profile projects like Gemini, the Apollo moon missions, and the Space
Shuttle were subject to much publicity and public scrutiny.

Despite this, the US Air Force continued to operate an almost entirely unknown, vast
and clandestine parallel space program even after the formation of NASA.

This program was to eventually exceed the ambition of Apollo and the Space Shuttle. It
operated under almost total secrecy, its scale, scope, and objectives were unknown.

Could the USAF's secret military space program be closer to the one proposed in
Alternative 3? And was their technology and progress far more advanced than NASA’s
public space missions?

The USAF has long since run black projects that were so secret the public, and
sometimes even congress, were completely unaware of their existence.

Various aircraft, such as the F-117A Nighthawk, were financed, developed, built and
operated under total secrecy. The Nighthawk’s existence wasn’t revealed publicly until
1988, some 11 years after its first flight.

Could they have similar top-secret space projects that remain entirely unknown to the
public? A look at those plans that were acknowledged reveals this curious pattern:

• In the late 1950s, the USAF spent billions of dollars on Dyna-Soar, an advanced,
reusable space plane. They then quietly announced its cancellation in 1963.
• In the mid-60s, they canceled plans for a space station called the MOL —
 Manned Orbital Laboratory.
• Project Horizon was an ambitious plan for a manned moon base that predates
NASA’s first moon landing in 1969. It too was discretely canceled before it could
come to fruition.
• In 1989, the New York Times reported that the Air Force had shut down yet
another planned manned space program, with a staff of 32 astronauts and a
space shuttle launching facility in Colorado.
• Until the announcement, which appeared in just one newspaper, the existence
of this massive, non-NASA space project was completely unknown.

It doesn’t seem credible that the USAF would spend so many hundreds of billions of
dollars on multiple manned space programs and then quietly mothball them all with no

Could it be they were never canceled at all but continued in secret? And were there
other, even more secret black projects we still know nothing about?

If so, these programs would have been far more advanced than anything NASA publicly
achieved and move the prospect of the kind of secret space program envisaged in
Alternative 3 closer to fact than fiction. (Or far surpasses it!)

A curious diary entry by President Ronald Reagan in 1985 suggests such a possibility may
not be so far-fetched.

In the diaries, published long after his presidency, Reagan recounts a meeting at the
White House with several top space scientists.

On page 334 he states — “It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of
the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I
learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people”.

Presuming Reagan wasn’t simply confused or mistaken, this claim is impossible without
the prospect of a secret space program.

America’s space shuttle has a capacity of 8 people, and only 5 were ever built. The U.S.
does not, and never has had, at least officially, the technology to put 300 people into

The science fiction reference seemed apt. However, in 2001, a computer hacker from
the UK found evidence that cast this obscure entry in Reagan’s diary in a sensational
new light.

The Hacker

In 2002, Scottish computer enthusiast Gary McKinnon was accused by the US

government of “the biggest military computer hack of all time”.

Under the guise of ‘Solo’, McKinnon hacked into dozens of Pentagon, USAF, and NASA
computers between 2001 and 2002.

US prosecutors sought his extradition and charged him with 7 counts of computer-
related crime which could have seen McKinnon receive a 70-year prison sentence.

His roll call of alleged crimes was impressive: disabling critical systems at a navy airbase
not long after 9/11, bringing down an entire network of 2000 US Army computers and
copying, changing and deleting classified data.

McKinnon himself maintains his actions were not malicious and he was merely
searching for evidence of UFOs and suppressed free energy technology. If he can be
believed, what he found was incredible.

The first find was spreadsheet detailing a list of USAF officers, with their names and
ranks. What was interesting about this was the file was titled ‘non-terrestrial officers.”

Based on what else he found, McKinnon does not think this is a reference to aliens, but
human officers serving in space.

Also, in the file was information about ship-to-ship transfers. What made this file doubly
strange was none of the ship names, or indeed officers, seemed to exist.

McKinnon was aware of the case of Donna Hare, an ex-NASA employee who said the
agency had a department in building 8 at the Johnson Space Center whose job was to
airbrush UFOs out of space images.

McKinnon found an unguarded computer at building 8 and looked for evidence to

corroborate Hare’s story. Incredibly, he says he found it.

There were a series of folders on the computer labeled ‘raw’ and ‘processed’. Inside the
raw folder, he found an image of large, silvery, cigar-shaped craft pictured in orbit over
the northern hemisphere.

Could this be a spacecraft developed by a secret space program of the kind proposed in
Alternative 3?

According to his supporters, the reason for the “extraordinary” persecution that
McKinnon has been facing is because he did discover something in the US military’s files,
namely a secret space program called the Solar Warden.

Critics of Gary McKinnon’s case question why he didn’t download or screen capture any
of these images. The hacker himself also admits he was often high on marijuana and
drunk when he hacked the computers.

Caveats aside, McKinnnon had provided some tantalizing evidence in support for a
secret space program. But it was still weak.

Was there anyone else to corroborate his claims?

Secret Space Program Disclosure

Some ex-employees of NASA, the military, and its defense contractors have come
forward in recent years with evidence that supports the secret space program theory.

Some of these whistleblowers tell stories that are so bizarre and incredible that we may
be tempted to dismiss them in favor of others that are more credible. But should we?

• In 1965, Sgt Karl Wolfe was a young electronics expert at USAF Tactical Air
Command at Langley AFB in Hampton, Virginia. One day he was called over to
an NSA facility to examine a fault in some photographic equipment. The lab was
processing images of the moon’s surface taken by the lunar orbiter. One thing
immediately struck Wolfe. There were hundreds of scientists from all over the
world at the facility, speaking dozens of different languages. Wolfe felt this
peculiar, especially at the height of the cold war. He got talking with a
photographic technician processing the lunar orbiter images. The man appeared
disturbed. “We’ve found a base on the backside of the moon”, he said. Wolfe
was stunned. The technician then showed him contact prints that showed the
base. Wolfe observed large domes, towers and what looked like radar dishes.

The fictional Alternative 3 suggested the secret space program had built a moon
base as a staging point for a mission to Mars. Was this it? Was Alternative 3
really that fictional?

• Donna Hare tells a similar story. As a NASA contractor in the 1970s, she
encountered an employee whose job it was to airbrush UFOs out of NASA
photos. Intrigued, Hare sniffed around for more information. She heard chatter
that the Apollo astronauts had observed artificial structures and even spacecraft
on the moon.

• John Schuessler spent 36 years as an aerospace engineer at Boeing and worked

on numerous NASA projects. He too recalled seeing Apollo images containing
UFOs. However, when accessing NASA’s official photo archive of the mission, he
was unable to find the photos. The numerically indexed images had been
removed from the collection.

• Perhaps the most unlikely whistleblower for a secret space program is the
military of France. In 2007, Col. Yves Blin of the French Department of Defense
announced some very intriguing data gathered by their Graves space radar
system. Some 20–30 satellites were detected that appeared not to exist. The
U.S. Defense Department maintains a list of all satellites in orbit, including the
classified military satellites of other countries, and none of these were listed.

These mysterious satellites were, then, almost certainly launched by the U.S.
themselves. Whilst not evidence for Alternative 3, it did prove the existence of a
clandestine space program of a kind.

Whatever the purpose of these satellites, they would require a large infrastructure back
on earth — facilities, funding, technology, staff, rockets and launch pads, all operating in

Is it too much of a stretch to suppose this infrastructure had achieved far more than just
launching satellites? Could it have been responsible for the UFO’s and structures
observed on the moon by some witnesses?

Projects such as Horizon and Lunex envisaged military bases on the moon that predated
Apollo. Officially they were shut down but did they in fact continue to operate as deep
black projects?

The idea that the US military may have secretly established a base on the moon is far-
fetched but not so outrageous as to be entirely dismissed.

But in Alternative 3, a moon base was simply a staging point for a mission to Mars. In
terms of scale, ambition and complexity this would be far in excess of a moon base.

However, back in 2010, evidence that such a mission has already occurred came from
the most unlikely source.

Laura Eisenhower, the great-granddaughter of former president Dwight D Eisenhower,
says she was approached in 2006 to take part in a mission to the red planet.

She was told she would be joining a base on Mars, set up as a survival colony in the
event of a catastrophe on Earth. This was then, the exact same scenario proposed in
Alternative 3.

Eisenhower’s incredible story was ridiculed by most people. However, she seems sincere
and no doubt believes what happened was genuine. The possibility that she was the
target of some kind of hoax or intelligence operation cannot therefore be dismissed. Or
do we start taking some of these witnesses seriously?

Evidence of a Secret Space Program

The Money

Critics of the idea of a secret space program point out the vast amount of money that
would be required to mount such an operation.

While the U.S. military has long run black budgets, the amount of unaccounted money
that would be required to construct bases on the Moon and Mars would be eye-
wateringly vast.

Such a program would completely dwarf the Apollo moon missions, which cost, in
current prices, $110 billion dollars.

Could such huge sums be generated ‘off the books’? Bill Sweetman, editor of Defense
Technology International, estimated the U.S. military black budget to be $50 billion in

To put that into context, NASA’s budget in the same year was just $17 billion. So huge
amounts of money are available, but much of that is already spent on conventional
black military projects — planes, missiles, bombs and so forth.

Other sources of revenue would still be needed beyond the traditional black budget
dollars. And even if such funding could be secured, could it really be spent without
anyone noticing?

A project on the scale of Alternative 3 would generate millions of financial transactions,

employ 100,000s of people and involve hundreds of technology and engineering

Could this really be done under absolute secrecy, without more people coming forward
and admitting involvement? It’s doubtful that what would effectively be the biggest
undertaking in human history could really be kept so secret. But stranger things have

I Found the Money!

OK, you want to know where the huge sums of money could be found to fund the Secret
Space Program? Well here goes,,,

The Pentagon’s $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole

While it shouldn’t come as a surprise for an organization that has famously failed to ever
pass an audit, the Pentagon was nevertheless recently able to shock some observers
with a new batch of financial numbers.

According to Bloomberg’s Anthony Carpaccio, the Department of Defense made $35

trillion in “accounting adjustments” in 2019, easily surpassing the $30.7 trillion in such
adjustments recorded in 2018.

Carpaccio notes that the number “dwarfs the $738 billion of defense-related funding in
the latest U.S. budget, a spending plan that includes the most expensive weapons
systems in the world including the F-35 jet as well as new aircraft carriers, destroyers
and submarines.” It’s also “larger than the entire U.S. economy and underscores the
Defense Department’s continuing difficulty in balancing its books.”

So, what are these accounting adjustments? Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic
and International Studies says they represent “a lot of double, triple, and quadruple
counting of the same money as it got moved between accounts” within the Pentagon.
“A lot” may be an understatement: According to government data, there were 562,568
adjustments made in the Pentagon’s books in 2018.

Why it matters: More broadly, the number highlights the persistent lack of internal
financial controls at the Pentagon, which makes it extremely difficult to account
properly for spending in the largest government budget. “Although it gets scant public
attention compared with airstrikes, troop deployments, sexual assault statistics or major
weapons programs, the reliability of the Pentagon’s financial statement is an indication
of how effectively the military manages its resources considering that it receives over
half of discretionary domestic spending,” Carpaccio says.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), who asked the Government Accountability Office to look into
the issue, said the “combined errors, shorthand, and sloppy record-keeping by DoD
accountants do add up to a number nearly 1.5 times the size of the U.S. economy,” and
charged that the Pentagon “employs accounting adjustments like a contractor paints
over mold. Their priority is making the situation look manageable, not solving the
underlying problem.”

Where’s the hardware?

If a large spaceship was really orbiting over the northern hemisphere as McKinnon
claimed, wouldn’t it be noticed?

There are hundreds of satellites in orbit from dozens of countries around the world, yet
none appeared to have detected the presence of such a craft.

Nor have any of the millions of amateur astronomers on Earth observed the craft with
their telescopes.

An orbiting spaceship and bases on the Moon and Mars would require hundreds of
launches from Earth to construct, all of which would have to occur in complete secrecy
and remain unobserved by anyone.

Furthermore, countries with a traditional enmity to the West such as Russia, North
Korea, China, and Iran have all launched their own satellites and probes to both the
Moon and Mars. How could the craft and the bases be concealed from them?

Is the answer to those questions Stealth Technology? Alien crafts have long had the
ability to just blink out and disappear.

There is so much going on up there in the sky that not everything is going to get noticed.
And how many star gazers are qualified enough to the difference between what belongs
up there and what is suspicious and needs to be investigated?

OK, say you spot something such as an alien star fleet of eighteen motherships larger
than that our aircraft carriers? Do you know who to report it to? And after it is reported
to the proper organization then what? Will anyone ever reveal it to the public? Of
course not!

Alternative 3 proposes that governments from around the world would conspire
together, but this would suggest that the evident hostility of such rival countries is
actually a public charade.

President Reagan on September 21, 1987, before the United Nations General Assembly:

“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all
the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us
recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide
would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask –
is not an alien force already among us? “

The Solar Warden Spacecraft indicates the US and the Soviet Union did join forces
against and outside alien threat.

Could it really be that the Cold War, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear
Armageddon on more than one occasion, was a sham and the U.S.S.R. and U.S. were
secretly working together all along? We’ll, there is evidence that we were working
together with the Russians on space projects during the cold war. Some of these
government projects are far above the petty and often fake squabbles between

Maybe there is proof that we were secretly working on space programs with the
Russians, read on…

A Rather surprising and disturbing experience at the

Smithsonian air and space museum in Washington D.C.

Larry Toth
Hampton, Virginia
19 February 2020

My home is in Hampton Virginia and for just under 10 years from 2000 to late 2009, I
commuted weekly to Washington D.C. for my job. I enjoyed the work very much and the
colleagues I was fortunate to work with, but the drive and the traffic were horrendous
and a source of great stress. This necessitated me renting an apartment for the term
and I was able to secure a basement apartment in nearby Springfield.

For the vast majority of weekends, I returned to Hampton, rarely did I remain in
Springfield for the weekend. But on one summer weekend I decided to stay and visit the
museums in the city. My favorite was and remains the air and space museum, so that
was my first stop. I first went to the Apollo/Lunar Excursion display, noting again the
display of a blast effect under the descent nozzle which is never seen in any of the
Apollo lander photographs. Hmmmmn.

Next, I headed over to the Apollo/Soyuz display area and noticed a capsule that looked
like it had just recently been delivered. Moving closer against the wall and strapped
securely on top of several heavy-duty pallets was the spherical Vostok/Voskhod Soviet
space capsule! I was very excited and felt fortunate to have stumbled upon this recent
acquisition. It was odd looking, as it would be more at home under the water than in
space. I went to the back side and climbed up on the pallets and noticed a hatch was
completely off. It was circular and was not hinged, it was not evident how it was
secured. The hatch was simply set against the wall.

Now this is where it gets surprising and disturbing. I climbed up far enough to see
completely inside, I leaned in to get the best view. It was quite different from our
capsules; rather cramped looking like things were placed in there without concern for
comfort. Looking closer at the controls, I saw what I could not believe! Every single
button, knob, lever, or control element had TWO lines that identified it. The top line was
in Russian Cyrillic and immediately below was ENGLISH! I could not believe my eyes!
These labels were made that way from the start and were not an afterthought or add-
on! The more I looked, the more irritated I became Why English? And built in that way
from the start with clear intention…

As a boy growing up in the 60s, I followed the space program faithfully, I never missed a
report. The astronauts were my heroes. We did not have a lot of money, so I made my
own space capsules out of cardboard. Seeing all these English labels throughout the
whole capsule told me I had been lied to all along. We were told we were in a stiff

competition with the soviets in the ‘space race’. This capsule was from the early to mid-
sixties when we were supposedly in the heat of this so-called race to space! Someone
lied and misled me bigtime.

I became rather irate and climbed down and with a very loud voice demanded to see
the director! I was quite loud, it was not like me to behave in this way in public, the
betrayal I felt was overwhelming. In short order a guard came up to me and basically
ushered me out of the museum. I still to this day had not been back.

In the intervening years, I had asked friends who had gone to the museum to check on
the capsule and they all said they could not find it there. Nor was I able to find mention
of it on the web as being part of the exhibition. Is this yet another example of an artifact
that had been muscled to the hidden basements of the Smithsonian as it does not fit the
‘approved’ storyline. I will be heading back there this summer to pursue this further.

A few years later, a dear friend of mine was engaged to a gentleman from Greece. We
spent many an engaging dinner and evenings together discussing all sorts of topics. We
often got into the space program and paranormal events. He had been in the Greek
navy and had spent time on what had been the USS Eldridge, the ship famed in the
Philadelphia experiment. He told of many very strange events on that ship. We had sold
it to Greece, and it was in their navy. I shared my research into the Apollo program, and
he began laughing rather heartily. I asked what was so funny and he said he was not
laughing at me but rather at Americans for being so naïve and foolish. For brevity’s sake
he said he had watched a soviet general who was very senior in the soviet lunar manned
program on Greek Television laying out their whole effort! What? Laughing he said, you
weren’t the first with Apollo, you went with soviets in 1962 and landed then! He said
our media is totally controlled and we have all been fooled and lied to.

My friend and I were speechless, there is considerably more to this topic…

The Moon

A very strange place

Most people think the Moon is, well, a moon, but there is some talk that it should
actually be classified as a planet. For one, it’s far too big to be a “true” moon.

Being about one-fourth of the diameter of Earth, it is easily the biggest moon in relation
to its planet in our solar system. (Pluto has a moon called Charon that is half its
diameter in size, but since Pluto isn’t a real planet anymore, it doesn’t count.)

Because of its large size, the Moon doesn’t actually orbit Earth at all. Instead, Earth and
Moon orbit each other, around a point between them. This point is called a barycenter,
and the illusion the Moon is

actually orbiting Earth comes from the fact that the barycenter is currently located
inside the Earth’s crust. The fact that the barycenter remains inside the Earth is pretty
much the only reason Earth and Moon aren’t classified as a twin planet, instead of a
planet and its satellite. However, this may change in the future.

Where did the Moon come from?

There are several main theories about the origin of the Moon. The Fission Theory argues
that the Moon used to be a part of our planet that was separated at some very early
point of Earth’s history. This would make the Moon part to what is currently the Pacific
Ocean basin.

The Capture Theory says that the Moon was just wandering the universe until our
gravitational field caught it. Other theories say our satellite was either condensed from
a bunch of asteroids or the remains of Earth’s collision with an unknown Mars-sized

Currently, the most likely candidate for the Moon’s origin story is the Ejected Ring
Theory, which is better known as Giant Impact Theory. According to this version, a
protoplanet (a planet that is forming) called Theia collided with Earth. The ensuing cloud
of debris eventually condensed into the Moon.

Its Dimensions and Positioning are too Perfect for Some

Over the last few years, there have been several total eclipses of the Sun by the Moon.
The fact that we experience these is a wonder in itself. According to our sources, our
Moon is the only known moon to do this with its host. (However, some will argue—
vociferously, we might add—that Earth is the only solid planet from which you can see a
total solar eclipse.)

For Earth, it all has to do with the relative sizes of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth’s
distance from both.

The size of the Moon is about one-quarter that of the Earth. Now here is where things
get strange. The diameter of the Moon is about 400 times smaller than that of the Sun.
But the Moon is also 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun.

Oh yes, and the Moon just happens to keep a perfect circular orbit around the Earth—
again, the only known moon to do so. This also gives us the impression that the Moon
and the Sun are the same size in our skies.

While most likely coincidence, all these factors still have only an astronomical chance of
occurring (literally millions to one). Yet they did. Of course, those in conspiracy and UFO
circles will tell you that the reason for this is simple: The Moon is “artificial” and its
dimensions—exact and precise as they are—are the result of intelligence and planning.
Make of the claims what you will.

It’s Hollow

Carl Sagan stated that a natural satellite (which the Moon is considered to be) can’t be

So, it shocked scientists greatly when the seismic equipment on the Moon registered
substantial reverberations on November 20, 1969, after the intentional jettisoning of
the Apollo 12 lunar module’s ascent stage back to the surface. Not only did the Moon
reverberate “like a bell,” it did so for over an hour.

If this data was to be believed, it would naturally suggest that the Moon is hollow.

During the following mission, a greater payload was jettisoned, and the reverberation
was measured again. This time, the effect was even greater, with the “ringing”
continuing for well over three hours.

Despite the suggestions that the Moon might indeed be hollow—based upon NASA’s
own experiments—the findings were largely downplayed by NASA in the years
afterward. At least to the public’s knowledge, this has not been studied further.

Former NASA Rocket Scientist David Adair

Says the Moon Is Hollow

During some of the Apollo missions, modules were fired into the lunar surface, and the
moon rang like a bell, in one case for around four hours.

Because of this, Adair has concluded that the moon is hollow, and he also noted that it’s
perfectly symmetrical shape is highly unusual compared to more lumpy satellites such
as Deimos and Phobos that orbit around Mars. The moon is simply too big to have been
captured in Earth's orbit, he remarked, so it would seem to have been flown in and
placed here.

The Moon’s Craters are Strange

The Moon is littered with craters from multiple impacts over the many years of its
existence. To some, it is strange how uniform these craters look in terms of their depth.
Accepted knowledge tells us that they should vary greatly in depth, yet they don’t.

Just another anomaly of space? Most likely. But to some, it is a little more.

Those who contend that the Moon is artificial or hollow point to these craters as being
further proof of their theories. One such belief suggests that an “inner casing” of sorts
exists under the rocky lunar surface.

The theorists assert that this casing would have to consist of some kind of metallic
material, capable of both absorbing the impacts and evenly distributing them so as to
avoid any deep craters. According to some, this casing also prevents damage to what
might lie beneath it.

The Moon’s Many ‘Artificial’ Structures

NASA says that “artificial” structures on the Moon are optical illusions in most cases and
the result of blurry images in the other instances. However, eagle-eyed UFO enthusiasts
state that these images are undeniable proof of alien and artificial structures on the

A quick Internet search on this subject will bring back a plethora of images, and some of
them are quite convincing. But some say there is little, if any, solid proof to back up
some of these alleged finds.

Is this just a coincidence? One such anomaly goes by the name of “The Shard” and can
be found in NASA Image LO-III-84-M. It appears to show an artificial structure towering

above the surface. The fact that it also appears to project a shadow leads many UFO
researchers to reject the optical illusion suggestion.

Interestingly, a short distance away (relatively speaking) sits another alleged structure.
“The Tower” has been estimated to stand around 7 miles tall. If proven to be a true
building, this is taller than anything on Earth and might offer insight into how such weak
gravity might be used by our own space explorers.

Building Castle on right – from NASA archives

“Castle” on Moon

Moon Base

Moon Mining

Moon Base That We Bombed

Spaceship found on the Moon Surface Apollo 20

It Was Brought Here and Placed in Orbit

There is no doubt that life on Earth would be drastically different without the Moon. In
terms of human beings, life might not even be possible. The Moon stabilizes the oceans
and the polar regions of the planet, which then creates the seasons that allow most
areas of the planet to thrive and life to prosper.

However, many ancient writings appear to document a time before a moon existed in
our skies. So as unlikely, crazy, and no doubt outright stupid as it might be to some, is it
possible that the Moon is an artificial structure purposely designed to exact
specifications and put in an exact and calculated orbit to stabilize conditions on Earth?

Whoever might be behind such an act would need advanced technology—surely beyond
anything we are aware of—and advanced knowledge.

For the sake of argument, if the Moon was brought here with a purposeful intent, who
was behind such a monumental feat? An unknown, lost civilization so much more
advanced than we currently are today? If so, where did they go? And if not them, who?

The moon is alleged to be an ancient artificial construction. Scientists have found that
the moon “rings” like a bell for several days when a meteor strikes it. It was supposed to
be the sphere that the luciferians’ or the “pan” people like the satyrs of legend (part
angel, part humanoid, and part animal), used to escape the war in heaven. Sort of a
refugee ship that the rebels used to make it to earth, where they hoped to make their
last stand, within the moon and the earth, against the angelic forces of light.

Ancient Texts Speak of a Time ‘Before the Moon’

Many ancient writings speak of a time “before the Moon.” In turn, many scholars have
quoted these works over the centuries.

For example, Aristotle wrote of Arcadia, stating that the land was occupied “before
there was a moon in the sky above the Earth.” Similarly, Apollonius of Rhodes spoke of a
time “when not all the orbs were yet in the heavens.”

The tribe of Chibchas in Colombia also has such notions in their traditional oral legends.
They state, “In the earliest times, when the Moon was not yet in the heavens!” The
wording sounds remarkably like that of Apollonius.

Perhaps also of interest, particularly given the bizarre claims of the Moon being put into
position around the Earth, are some Zulu legends which say that the Moon was dragged
across space from a great distance.

Most of these accounts also speak of intense disruption to the planet until the new
heavenly body settled into its true orbit.

It Is the Result of Alien Intelligence

Okay, some of you will be a step ahead here. So, with that in mind, let’s get to the point
on this one. Aliens!

If an unknown ancient and indigenous civilization was not behind the purposeful
placement of the Moon, then the only logical choice would be to suggest that an
extraterrestrial race might be responsible.

There are many angles on this theory, too. We will look at one such claim shortly, but
researcher and controversial author, David Icke, maintains that the Moon is an artificial
satellite that projects signals from Saturn to our planet, creating the “matrix” that
makes up our reality.

Admit it, that makes the secret bases on the Moon sound reasonable, right?

More than anything else, you would have to ask: Why would an alien race be so
concerned about the placement of a moon around an alien world like Earth? We’ll get to
that shortly.

The Moon’s Rotation Is Also Unique

We have all heard of the dark side of the Moon, the part of our celestial neighbor that
we never see. Many people think that this is because the Moon doesn’t spin. However,
it is more accurate to call this part of the Moon the “far side” as the Moon does indeed

It takes the Moon 27.3 days to orbit Earth once. At the same time, it also takes the
Moon 27 days to do a complete rotation on its own axis. This “synchronous rotation”
causes a side of the Moon to always face away from our planet. Again, our Moon
appears to be unique in this.

From the perspective of the “dark side of the Moon” conspiracy theorists, the end result
is still the same. A side of the Moon is permanently away from the viewing eyes on our
planet which makes it an ideal place to establish a base and carry out secret activity with
advanced technology.

Alex Collier’s Letters From Andromeda

In his controversial and widely ridiculed book, “Letters from Andromeda”, author and
researcher Alex Collier claimed to have uncovered the real history of the Moon. Perhaps
the way he sourced his information made people a little suspicious. He had received
“telepathic communications” from an alien who resided in the “Zenetae” constellation.
And these are the tamer parts of his claims.

According to Collier, the Moon was actually a huge spaceship that arrived here millions
of years ago carrying “reptilians, human-reptilian hybrids and the first humans to set
foot on Earth!” Collier said that the Moon was hollow and there were several secret
entrances around the surface. He also “confirmed” that a metal shell existed below the

He claimed that there were remains of ancient alien bases on and inside the Moon, left
over from a huge war that was fought 113,000 years ago. These bases were now
occupied by a secret world government that was working alongside an extraterrestrial

Makes sense to me.

Operational Bases

Alex Collier is certainly not the only person to claim that bases exist on the Moon. There
has been a wave of such declarations, often connected to anonymous whistle-
blowers and leaked secret documents over the last two decades alone.

A recent claim about the presence of an operational Moon base was made by Dr.
Michael Salla, who works with the Chinese space agency in their attempts to achieve a
manned mission to the Moon.

Salla also says that the base was the result of the “military industrial extraterrestrial
complex.” And claimed that NASA was actively bombing such bases as well as “ancient
artifacts and facilities” to cover up their existence.

As bizarre as this sounds, there are facts that back up claims of NASA bombings and
further plans to bomb the Moon!

Furthermore, he has stated that secret mining missions were being carried out by a
“Secret World Government” that had made a covert pact with an unknown
extraterrestrial race.

There’s a ton of more powerful information on the purpose of the Moon and the alien
presence on the Moon as well as messages that the aliens want us Earth dwellers to
understand. It’s all in my “Aliens on the Moon” book.

Go to page 154 for more info on my “Aliens on the Moon” book.

Lunar Operations Command

The Lunar Operations Command (LOC) is what would be considered a demilitarized zone
on the Moon. It is an area where Secret Space Program personnel rendezvous before
going further out into the solar system and even beyond.

It serves as a neutral zone for the various SSPs. While also acting as air traffic control for
our solar system. The LOC consists of three sites that I know of: LOC Alpha, LOC Bravo,
and LOC Charlie.

In the late-1930’s and 1940’s, the Germans constructed what became LOC Alpha while
occupying an adjacent facility, which was ancient and re-pressurized. They started
building in earnest in the late 1950’s.

There is a lava tube skylight in the crater where LOC Alpha is. This leads into a huge lava
cavern, which is part of a network of caverns connected by lava tubes. There are flight
bays from top to bottom. The lower flight bay is used to fly through a lava tube to LOC

LOC Alpha has at least 11 subsurface levels. There is a VIP area on the first floor. The
second and third floors are the medical and surgical floors. On one of the lower floors is
an amphitheater.

LOC Alpha would handle the traffic of all space programs (civilian/military/intelligence
satellites, NASA, secret military, other nations, and of all of the advanced SSPs) and their
assets to try to plan and schedule their locations to prevent them from being visible to
each other as much as possible.

The “air and space traffic control” on LOC coordinates the “Earth Defense Grid”
enforced by the MIC-SSP. Human and alien craft running on zero-point energy produce a
signature with a specific frequency. Detection of this frequency is how air traffic control
and the MIC-SSP monitor craft.


Just run along kids, nothing to see here!

NASA said this was just an anomaly of shadows, but could this be a
monument to our ancestors or even the future us?

Mars Defense Force

After his training, Cramer was apparently inducted into a military organization known as
the Mars Defense Force (MDF). The MDF was a joint operation created by a number of
different Earth governments to guard five flourishing colonies on Mars. Cramer
recollects visiting Aries Prime, which was the first colony built on the Red Planet. He
describes this colony as containing a full Earthlike ecosystem complete with farmers,
engineers, and bureaucrats.

Cramer reportedly defended these bases from indigenous Martians and other
extraterrestrial species. He completed a 17-year tour of duty on Mars before he was
reassigned to the Moon for his remaining three years of service.

Like other secret space program assets, Cramer alleges that he was involved in a so-
called “20-and-back,” which is a 20-year term of service that each participant agrees to
with a litany of consent forms. At the end of this obligation, 20-and-back assets are
memory-wiped and age-regressed back to the age they were when they entered the

They are then sent back in time to a point within minutes of their original date of
departure. According to various insiders, only two to five percent of 20-and-back
participants ever regain their memories.

At first this may seem strange and you may be wondering if any of these mind control
procedures are even possible but consider what was going on a number of years ago at
the Montauk Base. Check out the Montauk Project Book, see info on page 154.

Was the Phobos Failure Caused By HAARP?

A few years ago, Russia tried to send a probe to Mars. It was dubbed the Phobos-Grunt.
From nearly the beginning, the probe was beset by challenges.

While still in orbit around Earth, before it could even head off to the red planet, it
started having problems communicating with home base. The probe was supposed to
head to Mars once it reached low orbit around Earth, but it orbited higher than it was
supposed to, and then just kind of kept orbiting.

When stations on Earth managed to establish contact, even the ones in Russia received
confusing encrypted data. Eventually, the craft completely failed. Was this caused by
aliens? There have been rockets destroyed by what appear to be UFOs as they
attempting to leave Earth on some suspicious mission. Some blamed the U.S. and the
project HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). for the failure of the

MOSCOW — A Russian scientific spacecraft may have failed because it was

struck by some type of antisatellite weapon, the director of Russia’s space
agency said in an interview.

Were we trying to protect the secrets of our Mars settlements? This isn’t the first time
Russians craft launches to Mars failed. Just a coincidence?

Ex-NASA Employee: “I Saw Humans Walk on Mars In 1979”

For years, we have been sending probes and trying to get a better understanding of the
landscape and the life that may or may not have existed there. Speculation continues to
increase every year as to when we will be able to send a manned mission to Mars, and
what kind of challenges we will continue to face. However, some people are convinced
that we went to Mars long ago and have had a colony set up for a while. For those who
believe in such a notion, there may be new “evidence” that has come to light.

In 2014, a woman who called herself Jackie claimed that she used to work for NASA and
that she saw evidence that we have colonies on Mars—or that there are actually
intelligent Martians living on the red planet. According to her story, she was helping
bring the Viking Lander down on the Martian landscape while she handled the downlink
telemetry for the craft, when she saw two humanoid figures walking toward the lander.

She claims that she and her colleagues nearby had their feeds cut out as this happened.
They ran upstairs to try to get a better look, but their superiors had locked the doors
and taped up any cracks so they could not look through.

The woman speculates as to whether it was aliens or fellow humans, although her
theory seems to fall more on the side that they were human colonists.

Mission to Mars

The reason for the mission to Mars was to actually explore in person the vast region full
of anomalies seen in the previous telescope and signal observations. It was then that
they came across an advanced civilization residing in the underground of Mars.

These beings are the very same beings depicted on all cave carvings around the world.
Coordinates of the Martian civilization were also stated on the carvings which at that
time were absolutely indecipherable. But now?

The mission had a sub-mission just in case the main mission failed along the way.
Technological trades were also part of the mission. During this mission almost half of
the jumpers had died due to various events (mainly involving confrontation with alien
inhabitants). They have also discovered that Mars is currently harboring multiple beings
that are controlled by supreme beings that all other beings consider as their overlords,
and these very same beings are the ones controlling our government today!

The Mars Conspiracy

There are claims (backed up by a number of credible witnesses and evidence) that NASA
doctored Mars images that may have contained evidence of life on Mars, such as water
sources, planet occupation, and ancient extraterrestrial habitations or even civilizations.

NASA has deliberately altered the colors of the images to make the Martian sky appear an absurd
“Technicolor red,” when in fact all the evidence clearly shows that the true color of the Martian sky
is (and must be) blue.

Tower on Moon blurred by NASA

Alien soldier spotted stalking Curiosity Rover on Mars

A New Look at Conditions on Mars

Valles Marineris topographic view constructed from MOLA altimetry data

Breathable air: Researchers of Project Pegasus and Montauk Project, claim that Mars
has a breathable surface, but not nearly as much oxygen as is at sea level on
Earth. According to Andrew Basiago, Mars oxygen is formed from its crust.

In a 2016 report, manganese was found in Mars basalt rock, which led researchers to
discover rocks filled with manganese oxides in the region of Caribou. For manganese to
exist, the right environmental conditions must be in effect, which points to oxygen.
After certain processes, the byproduct of Oxygen would be released into the
atmosphere in order to produce the manganese.

In 2016, NASA researchers reported having detected atomic oxygen in Mars'

atmosphere, with the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). The
oxygen atoms were found in the Martian upper atmosphere, known as the mesosphere.

"Atomic oxygen in the Martian atmosphere is notoriously difficult to measure," said

SOFIA project scientist, Pamela Marcum. "To observe the far-infrared wavelengths
needed to detect atomic oxygen, researchers must be above the majority of Earth’s
atmosphere and use highly sensitive instruments, in this case a spectrometer. SOFIA
provides both capabilities." The Earth’s skies are dense and moist, making it extremely
difficult to accurately see the Universe lying beyond it.

Water: Scientists believe Mars may have once been a habitable world. There is evidence
to suggest that life, or at the very least, water existed. In the 1800s the theory that life
still existed emerged. William Whewell believed he spotted Canals on Mars. However,
the belief was, for the most part, quelled by William Wallace Campbell in 1894 when he
showed there was neither water nor oxygen present.

Pre-civilization: Richard C. Hoagland proposed that the various obscure Martian images
received, are monuments that were perhaps built by ancient civilizations. It is also
proposed that the Cydonia regions had suffered atomic devastation as indicated by
glazes of trinitite.

A Tennessee lady reported having received a message from an obscure figure who
claimed that Mars and Earth were at war, and that Earth destroyed the surface of Mars.
Photo shows what looks like a "large gash" across its face. In the close of the message,
the Martians captured Terran souls and condemned them to be recycled on Earth to be
"dead forever".

Dust Storm on Mars

Mars Rover

Stargate Program

The US Space-Time program can be traced back to 1947. It was absorbed

into NASA and DARPA. It was under the defense program that Project Pegasus achieved
successful organic teleportations to Mars as early as the '60s. An estimated 140 children
were used in experimental teleportation jumps to Mars. The success of the jumps has
allowed colonization on Mars, but to keep the secrecy, the colonies are located
in underground bases.

You will find the Stargate and Pegasus Programs covered in more detail elsewhere in
this book.

Leaving from a Time Portal in Australia for Mars

Some sources even contend that Pine Gap is simultaneously operational in the
3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions. A serviceman mentioned that he leaves for Mars
military service from a time portal in Australia. It could possibly be either Pine Gap
or Nurranger base.
He says that the Mars colony has been in physical existence since 1964. He joined
the program when the Terraforming began in 1983 and that was 3 years into a
20-year plan. He is now manager of the Terraforming Branch. The other branches
are Energy, Habitat (they have over 2000 residents now) Quantum Physics and
Vehicle Construction.
The largest and most expensive is Vehicle Construction, because of the
“Interstellar Traveler”. He says all personnel and patrons are voluntary including
himself. It is an English-speaking world conspiracy.
There are supposed to be Greys, Reptiloids and Dracos in the lower levels of Pine
Gap just as there are at Dulce Base. Both are tri-gate bases, that is they each have
star-gates, quantum-gates, ND earth-gates (shuttle terminals).

How a Weird Mars Rock may be Solid Proof of an Ancient Oxygen Atmosphere
Interview with Nina Lanza, staff scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory

When researchers found a compound that shouldn't have been there, it revealed a
missing piece of Mars' history. According to Nina:

I look at rocks on Mars for a living—a lot of rocks. Because of this, I’ve gotten pretty
good at knowing what to expect and what not to expect when analyzing the chemical

make-up of a Martian rock. You expect to find lots of basalt, the building block of all

What I didn’t expect were large amounts of manganese. So, when my colleagues and I
found exactly that on a Martian rock called “Caribou” back in 2013, we thought, “This
has to be a mistake.”
Caribou Conundrum

Trace amounts of the element manganese typically exist in basalt. To get a rock with as
much manganese as Caribou has, the manganese needs to be concentrated somehow.
The rock has to be dissolved in liquid water that also has oxygen dissolved in it.

If conditions are right, the manganese liberated from the rock can then precipitate as
manganese oxide minerals. On Earth, dissolved oxygen in groundwater comes from our
atmosphere. We’ve known for some time now that Mars once had vast oceans, lakes
and streams. If we could peer onto Mars millions of years ago, we’d see a very wet
world. Yet we didn’t think Mars ever had enough oxygen to concentrate manganese—
and that’s why we thought the data from Caribou must have been an error.
The Hunt Is On

So, what do you do when you find a Martian rock with a chemistry you didn’t expect?
You go look for more.

When NASA’s Curiosity rover arrived at the Kimberly region of Gale crater, we went to
work, looking at the mineral-filled cracks in sandstones on the floor of what was once a
deep lake. We used the ChemCam instrument, which sits atop Curiosity and was
developed here at Los Alamos National Laboratory, to “zap” rocks on Mars and analyze
their chemical make-up. (In less than four years since landing on Mars, ChemCam has
analyzed roughly 1,500 rock and soil samples.)

When ChemCam fires its laser pulse, it vaporizes an area the size of a very small
pinhead. The system’s telescope on the rover peers at the flash of glowing plasma
created by the vaporized material and records the colors of light contained within it.
This light allows us here on Earth to determine the elemental composition of the
vaporized material.

And what did ChemCam discover? More rocks filled with manganese oxides. So, Caribou
was not a mistake — far from it.
Why Does Manganese Matter?

We never expected to find manganese oxides on Martian rocks because we didn’t think
Mars ever had the right environmental conditions to create them. We can look to
Earth’s geological record for an explanation. More than 3 billion years ago, Earth had
lots of water but no widespread deposits of manganese oxides until after
photosynthesizing microbes raised the oxygen levels in our atmosphere.

Although there was already plenty of other microbial life on Earth at this time, these
new photosynthetic microbes used sunlight energy in a new way and created a new
type of waste product in the process: oxygen.

The Curiosity rover examines the Kimberley formation in Gale crater, Mars. In front of
the rover are two holes from the rover’s sample-collection drill and several dark-toned
features that have been cleared of dust. These flat features are erosion-resistant
fracture fills that are composed of manganese oxides, which require abundant liquid
water and strongly oxidizing conditions to form. The discovery of these materials
suggests that the Martian atmosphere might once have contained higher abundances of
free oxygen than in the present day.

By adding oxygen to the atmosphere, these tiny microbes transformed Earth’s

environment. Suddenly, minerals never before formed on Earth started being deposited,
including manganese oxides. This monumental environmental shift is recorded in the
chemistry of rocks of that age all over the world. Earth has never been the same since.
(Some hypothesize that more complex life forms, such as humans, might never have
developed without this atmospheric change.)

So to Summerize: In the Earth’s geological record, the appearance of high

concentrations of manganese marks a major shift in our atmosphere’s composition,
from relatively low oxygen abundances to the oxygen-rich atmosphere we see today.
The presence of the same types of materials on Mars suggests that something similar
happened there. If that’s the case, what formed that oxygen-rich environment?
How Did It Get There?

One way oxygen could have gotten into the Martian atmosphere is from the breakdown
of water when Mars was losing its magnetic field.

Without a protective magnetic field to shield the surface from ionizing radiation, that
radiation split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Mars’ relatively low gravity
couldn’t hold onto the very light hydrogen atoms, but the heavier oxygen atoms
remained behind. Rocks absorbed much of this oxygen, leading to the rusty red dust
that covers the surface today. While Mars’ famous red iron oxides require only a mildly
oxidizing environment to form, manganese oxides require a strongly oxidizing
environment. Finding manganese oxides suggests that past conditions were far more
oxidizing than previously thought.
What’s Next?

NASA’s Opportunity rover, which has been exploring Mars since 2004, also recently
discovered high-manganese deposits in its landing site thousands of miles from
Curiosity, which supports the idea that the conditions needed to form these materials
were present well beyond Gale crater.

Of course, it’s hard to confirm whether the ionizing-radiation scenario I’ve presented
here for creating Martian atmospheric oxygen actually occurred. But it’s important to

note that this idea represents a departure in our understanding of how planetary
atmospheres might become oxygenated. So far, abundant atmospheric oxygen has been
treated as a so-called biosignature, or a sign of existing life.

The next step in this work is for scientists to better understand the relationship between
manganese minerals and life. On Earth, they are highly related—but they certainly don’t
need to be.

So how can we tell whether the manganese on Mars might actually be made by
microbes? The answer is lots and lots of laboratory experiments. If it’s possible to
distinguish between manganese oxides produced by life and those produced in a non-
biological setting, we can apply that knowledge directly to Martian manganese
observations to better understand their origin.

In the meantime, we’ll keep our eyes trained on the Martian surface and see what other
secrets it has to reveal.
Nina Lanza is a staff scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, which has built and
operated more than 500 spacecraft instruments for national defense.

Issues That Could Hinder Manned Missions to Mars

OK, maybe some of these are a bit picky and I suppose the folks at NASA or the SSP have
already figured out a workaround for these, since they’ve probably been up there for
around fifty years now, but just to give you something to ponder:

Perpetual jet lag: A Martian day is 40 minutes longer than an Earth day. The human
circadian rhythm is set at 24 hours. The extra 40 minutes a day on Mars would soon
result in perpetual jet lag for the astronauts, leaving them constantly exhausted.

Mars time: NASA got a taste of this when mission controllers had to work on “Mars
time” because the first Mars rovers had to operate during the Martian days. The entire
mission control for the Sojourner kept the same time as the rover did. After one month,
the controllers became fed up. For later Mars rovers, the mission controllers
successfully stayed on Mars time for three months but were still completely exhausted
by the end of it. It appears that humans can only endure Mars time for short periods.
For astronauts staying on Mars for months, there would be no way to get away from
Mars time.

Low Surface Gravity on Mars: Although scientists can easily simulate the journey to
Mars by putting astronauts on the International Space Station for extended periods of
time, the effect on the human body of prolonged exposure to Mars’ gravity, which is
only 38 percent of the surface gravity on Earth, is unknown. Will the partial gravity allow
humans to retain critical muscle and bone density? If not, will exercise help? Given that
any potential mission to Mars might have the astronauts spend months in Martian
gravity, this is a critical question. Bone and muscle loss: Using imperfect simulators, two

studies on mice found that bone and muscle loss in Martian gravity may be as severe as
that found in zero gravity. The first study found that even an environment with 70
percent of Earth’s gravity was unable to prevent muscle and bone loss. In the second
study, researchers detected at least a 20 percent bone loss in mice from lower gravity.
But remember, these studies are only simulations. Until astronauts actually land on
Mars, there will be no way for us to know exactly how their bodies will adapt to lower

Rocky Martian Terrain: As Neil Armstrong discovered during his descent to the surface
of the Moon, his landing site was full of gigantic boulders that posed a hazard to his
lander. A similar issue could happen to astronauts landing on the surface of Mars. They
would only have a short time above any landing site to detect and avoid hazards such
as large rocks or sand dunes. Boulders or slopes could cause a Martian lander with
landing legs to fall over when it hit the surface. Even large features in the terrain can be
difficult to see from orbit, so mission planners could potentially miss them. Small
trenches or hills could fool sensors into releasing the lander from its parachutes earlier
than planned or confuse automated systems as to landing speed. The chances that a
lander will fail due to terrain issues are surprisingly high. One study pegged the
possibility as high as 20 percent.

Diameter of Payload Fairing (equipment used to protect the spacecraft): When

designing a manned Mars lander, one technical issue comes up repeatedly—the
diameter of the payload fairing for the rocket on which the Mars lander will launch.
Even though the largest fairing under consideration is a whopping 8.4 meters (27.6 ft) in
diameter, it has been extremely difficult for NASA to fit a payload fairing to the design of
a manned Mars lander. (This may not apply due to the entirely new design and
propulsion systems used by the SSP.

Heat shield: The rigid heat shield needed to protect a heavy payload is too large to fit
into the payload fairing. So, NASA (or the SSP) needs to use an inflatable heat shield
technology that’s experimental at this point. Using existing designs for a Mars mission,
NASA’s smallest lander would be extremely cramped in the 8.4-meter fairing. Any of
NASA’s larger landers wouldn’t fit in the fairing. Even if NASA uses the smallest lander,
they will need to make awkward redesigns, which include turning a Mars rover for the
astronauts upside down and redesigning the fuel tanks. The size of the fairing can’t be
increased because it would destabilize the rocket.

Supersonic Retro Propulsion: This may be one way to slow down a Mars lander during
its final descent to the planet’s surface. This involves firing rockets in the direction of
travel while the spacecraft is still going faster than the speed of sound.

In the thin Martian atmosphere, supersonic retro propulsion is a must. But firing rockets
at supersonic speed could create shock waves that damage a Mars lander. NASA has
almost no experience with this procedure, which further complicates its chance of

There are three main issues with this technique. First, the interactions between the
airstream and the rocket exhaust plume may shake the lander apart. Second, the heat
generated by the rocket exhaust may heat up the Mars lander. Third, it may be difficult
to keep the lander stable while the retro-rockets fire. Although small-scale tests in wind
tunnels have been conducted, an extensive series of larger tests using real hardware is
needed. This is an expensive, long-term proposition. But NASA may have another way of
investigating supersonic retropropulsion. It recently observed a test by SpaceX to return
its first stage to the ground, which yielded valuable data.

Static Electricity: on Mars, static electricity could cause serious problems for our
astronauts. On Earth, most static discharges are caused by the insulating properties of
rubber shoes. On Mars, that insulating substance would be the soil of Mars itself. Just by
walking around on Mars, an astronaut could accumulate a static charge strong enough
to fry delicate electronics if he tried to open air locks or touch the outside of the
spacecraft. Martian soil is fine and dry, making it an ideal insulating material. The soil is
up to 50 times as fine as dust on Earth. As the astronaut walked around, soil would
accumulate on his suit. When the Martian wind blew it off, the astronaut would
accumulate an increasing electrical charge. The Mars rovers use ultrafine needles to
bleed off this electrical charge. But a manned Mars mission would require insulating
space suits to protect the astronauts and equipment.

Launch Vehicle Availability: The Space Launch System (SLS) is the largest launch rocket
in development for the foreseeable future. It will be the rocket that lofts a manned
mission to Mars piece by piece. Under current NASA plans, a dozen SLS rockets will be
required for one manned mission to Mars. But the current ground infrastructure
supporting the SLS has been stripped down to its minimum requirements: one facility
for rocket assembly, one massive crawler to transport the rocket to the launchpad, and
one launchpad. If even one of those components breaks down, it could pose significant

issues for launch vehicle availability. This availability bottleneck could pose several
hazards to a manned Mars mission. For example, any delays in assembling and checking
the massive SLS would have a significant impact on the launch schedule. So, could issues
as mundane as weather or minor technical problems. In addition, orbital docking for the
assembly of a Mars spacecraft requires the rocket to launch within a specific time period
(the “launch window”). Favorable opportunities for Mars-bound ships to leave Earth’s
orbit are also limited. Scientists have developed launch models using historical data on
space shuttle launch availability. They show that NASA can’t be certain that the SLS
rocket will be able to launch within specified launch windows, which potentially
jeopardizes any Mars mission plans.

Toxic Martian Soil: In 2008, NASA’s automated Phoenix probe made a nasty discovery, It
found perchlorate salts on the Martian surface. Although these toxic substances have
industrial uses, they can cause issues with the thyroid gland at exceedingly small doses.
On Mars, perchlorates make up at least 0.5 percent of the soil, a poisonous amount for
humans. With the astronauts walking around and tracking soil into their habitats, they
won’t be able to avoid getting contaminated with perchlorates. Using technology
derived from dangerous mining operations on Earth, decontamination procedures may
mitigate the problem to some degree. But drastic health changes might still occur as the
thyroid gland is disrupted. Perchlorates have also been linked to various blood
disorders. However, scientists haven’t done much research on the effects of
perchlorates on the human body, making the long-term consequences difficult to
predict. Astronauts might have to take artificial hormones to keep their metabolisms
functioning as they grapple with the long-term effects of perchlorate exposure.

Long-Term Storage of Rocket Fuel: Rocket fuel is required to take us to Mars and
back. The most efficient rocket fuels currently in use are liquid hydrogen and liquid
oxygen, which are cryogenic propellants. (The Secret Space Force has for the most part
relying on alien propulsion systems).

Dust Storms: On Mars a dust storm can develop in a matter of hours and envelope the
entire planet within a few days. They are the largest and most violent dust storms in our
solar system. The Martian dust vortices tower over their earthly counterparts reaching
the height of Mount Everest with winds in excess of 300 kilometers per hour. After
developing, it can take months for a dust storm on Mars to completely expend
itself. Hellas Basin is the deepest impact crater in the Solar System. The temperatures at
the bottom of the crater can be 10 degrees warmer than on the surface and the crater is
deeply filled with dust. The difference in temperature fuels wind action that picks up the
dust, then the storm emerges from the basin.

Beyond the Moon and Mars

Comet P67

Comet P67 became the most famous entity in the Kuiper belt after the Rosetta mission
collected samples from its icy surface in 2014. Rosetta’s incredible findings showed
organic molecules existed in half of the dust emitted by Comet 67P.

Is this mission a part of a European Space Agency and Nasa cover-up to disguise the
comet’s true alien nature? An email, allegedly from a secret whistle-blowing employee
of the ESA, accuses the agency of “blatant cover-ups” in wanting to land on the speeding
comet and attaches photos which claim to reveal the “true inner workings of Comet

It states: “Do not think for ONE MOMENT that a space agency would suddenly decide to
spend billions of dollars to build and send a spacecraft on a 12-year journey to simply
take some close-up images of a randomly picked out comet floating in space.”

“Comet 67P is NOT a comet,” the email continues. “Some 20 years ago NASA began
detecting radio bursts from an unknown origin out in space. It would later be known
that these had likely come from the direction of the now named comet 67P. It does
show signs on its outside of machine-like parts and unnatural terrain. Alien structures
are on the comet. I don’t believe it’s natural.”

The shape of the entire comet is that of an alien bust

Yet this is far from the only extra-terrestrial conspiracy theory put forward about 67P
and the ESA mission. In September, BPEarthWatch published a video showing “brand
new, hi-res” images taken from the Rosetta spacecraft and appeared to show two UFOs
flying over the comet and a transmission tower-like structure built on the surface,
potentially emitting the mysterious radio signals which have been picked by the ESA.
“These images are not normal.”

ESA’s confirmation that the comet had been emitting a “mystery song” has fueled
theories that it is in fact an alien ship and the warbling is an extra-terrestrial attempt at

And the comet has again attracted prominence after a purported audio recording was
used as proof of a UFO broadcast. The other-worldly audio, consisting of oscillating
analogue noises, was unearthed by alien expert Scott C. Waring.

“I really feel that it holds an alien message.” “I took the singing sounds made by comet
P67 and slowed them down so that we could hear them better.”

“So, this is a message that aliens created and placed on the comet to either mark their
territory or to test species at a certain level of development to come and investigate.
“The shape of the entire comet is that of an alien bust.”

Scott Waring further claims: “In my opinion this is not a code. It is how a species of
aliens communicate to one another without speaking. A form of telepathy put into

primitive radio signals. It’s the only way this species can communicate to us. This is their
thoughts. They don’t talk.”

Waring added: “Getting a copy of the full message and then translating it should be of
utter importance. Is it a message of greetings? Or is it a warning of what’s to come? We,
the people of the world, need to find out.”

Listen for yourself:

Oumuamua, the 'Alien Probe' Asteroid

There have been many crazy stories about the cigar-shaped asteroid, known as
Oumuamua, that scientists first detected zipping through our solar system in October

What’s all the fuss about? Well, although scientists suspect interstellar visitors pass
through our system with some regularity, this was the first time they had actually seen

Harvard scientists: Strange asteroid could be an alien 'probe'

The unusual shape and strange speed of the interstellar asteroid had astronomers
puzzled. It seemed to zip past the sun in a way that scientists did not expect,
grabbing an unexpected speed boost on its journey across the solar system. That led to

one particular paper suggesting it might even be an alien probe, sent from the far
reaches of space.

Early measurements seemed to indicate that it was an asteroid. Then astronomers came
around to the conclusion that it was instead a comet — an icy body knocked out of the
distant reaches of a far-off planetary system.

Now a new analysis has found inconsistencies in this conclusion, suggesting that
‘Oumuamua may not be a comet after all. Whether it’s actually a comet or an asteroid,
’Oumuamua is not quite like anything seen before.

The object was first spotted a year ago by scientists with the Pan-STARRS telescope in
Hawaii. Other astronomers quickly joined in the hunt, measuring everything they could.
(One team even trained radio telescopes on it to check whether it might be transmitting
extraterrestrial broadcasts. It was not.)

By last December, a team of astronomers published ’Oumuamua’s electromagnetic

spectra, which can be used to probe what an object is made of. The researchers found
that ices with organic material similar to those seen in comets in our solar system lurked
just below ’Oumuamua’s surface; that ice could have survived a long interstellar

A few months later, another collaboration found that ’Oumuamua wasn’t just being
pulled by the sun’s gravity. Instead, it was being slightly accelerated by an unseen force,
which they argued could only be attributed to comet “outgassing” acting like a thruster.

Now in a new study that is currently under peer review, Roman Rafikov, an
astrophysicist at the University of Cambridge, argues that the same forces that
appeared to have accelerated ’Oumuamua — the same forces that should have also
produced a tail — would have also affected its spin. In particular, the acceleration would
have torqued ’Oumuamua to such a degree that it would have spun apart, breaking up
into smaller pieces. If ’Oumuamua were a comet, he argues, it would not have survived.

In part to help resolve the impasse, researchers have tried to identify the star system
where ’Oumuamua originated by combing through the newly released data troves of
the Gaia space telescope. Perhaps it came from a binary star system, or a system with a
giant planet, either of which could have launched the object into interstellar space.

Is it possible there might be other explanations, ones that haven’t even occurred
to the experts? Just wondering.

Secret Space Program Insiders, Whistleblowers

and Hackers

There exists in this country a two-tier scientific culture, of which the

upper tier is a domain for clandestine R&D, unknown to democratically
elected authorities!

Over the years, dozens of insiders have come out of the woodwork with stories of free
energy, reverse engineered UFOs, secret slave colonies, antigravity propulsion, and
government cover-ups that, if ever proven true, would spark drastic and irrevocable
changes to life on this planet for every one of s inhabitants. The advent of free energy
technology alone would put a permanent end to poverty and hunger, freeing humanity
from the rule of a tyrannical and corrupt elite who have foisted upon them war after
meaningless war.

While some would say that such a monumental clandestine effort to explore space and
research UFOs would be impossible to keep under wraps, it bears remembering that no
one knew about the Manhattan Project (except the Russians) until the first nuclear
weapons were detonated over Japan and that everyone thought Operation
Northwoods, the plot to stage terrorist attacks on American soil to justify invading Cuba,
was a conspiracy theory until the pertinent documentation was declassified. While
many of the following testimonials may seem completely beyond belief, the alleged
existence of black budget space programs is one secret that these individuals have
risked everything to expose.

While skepticism is the heart of truth-seeking, open-mindedness is the kernel of

discovery. Here are stories of individuals who claim to have insider knowledge about the
secret space programs. Can they all be dismissed as nonsense? I think not. It’s time to
take a close look at the Secret Space Program.

Do you dare?

Astronaut Neil Armstrong

According to NASA Astronaut

Neil Armstrong, the Aliens
have a base on the Moon and
told us in no uncertain terms
to get off and stay off the
Moon. According to reports,
both Neil Armstrong and
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw
UFOs shortly after that
historic landing on the Moon
in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969.
One of the astronauts
referred to a "light" in or on a
crater during the television
transmission, followed by a
request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard.
According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own
VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the
following exchange:

NASA: What’s there?

Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

Apollo11: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous!

OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it!
I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there,
Lined up on the far side of the crater edge!
They're on the Moon watching us!

A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion

with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.

Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?

Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known

there was a possibility, the fact is, we were
warned off! (by the Aliens). There was never any
question then of a space station or a moon city.

Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?

Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their
ships were far superior to ours both in size and
technology - Boy, were they big! and menacing!
No, there is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and

couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a
quick scoop and back again.

According to a Dr. Vladimir Azhazha: "Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission
Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near
the moon module. But this message was never heard by the public - because NASA
censored it."

According to a Dr. Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs
from inside the module and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went
outside. Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further
detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover.

In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed

that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. Chatelain
believes that some UFOs may come from our own solar system, specifically Titan.

"The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until
now." "...all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes
also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if
you want to call them by that name.

Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered
absolute silence." "I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the
astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers
next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the
general public. It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8
command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear:
'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.' Even though this happened on
Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words."

The rumors persist. NASA may well be a civilian agency, but many of its programs are
funded by the defense budget and most of the astronauts are subject to military
security regulations. Apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens all
films and probably radio communications as well. We have the statements by Otto
Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the astronauts were under
strict orders not to discuss their sightings. And Gordon Cooper has testified to a United
Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the ground.
If there is no secrecy, why has this sighting not been made public?

Andrew Basiago

Laura Eisenhower isn’t the only purported witness to evidence of

an alleged human colony on Mars. Andrew Basiago claims to have
visited a Mars colony in 1981 as part of his work for the
government as a child time traveler.

Andrew was selected for this program due to his engineer father
Raymond F. Basiago’s involvement in the development of
DARPA’s Project Pegasus, a secret time travel program that
Basiago wants to share with the world.

A lawyer from Vancouver, Washington. He is a notable name in the conspiracy

community. Basiago claims to have been part of the time travel experiment known
as Project Pegasus, under DARPA. He claims that he even traveled to Mars with a
young Barack Obama. He also says that there is life on Mars and that the US
government has been covering it up for over 50 years.

"Tesla teleportation", or Vorta teleportation, are terms used by Andrew Basiago to

describe the type of teleportation that the Space-Time program uses. His reference to
"Tesla" is a wink to Nikola Tesla for his research in the most important component that
makes teleportation and time travel possible: "radiant energy. Tesla believed the 19th
century concept that an all pervasive "ether" transmits electrical energy. If this theory is
true, the same "ether" can transmit "radiant energy"

As part of his work with Project Pegasus, Basiago

was sent back in time to witness key historical
events such as the Gettysburg Address. Basiago
has even produced a picture of himself attending
Lincoln’s momentous speech as a little boy.

Andrew was also sent to the future and learned

the identity of all future US presidents up to the
year 2054. Though he was well-trained by DARPA,
Basiago certainly wasn’t ready for the revelation
that he, too, would one day occupy the Oval

Basiago ran as an independent in the 2016 presidential election. Though he didn’t

garner many votes, he’s convinced that he will serve as either president or vice
president of the United States before 2028.

Given Andrew’s history of presidential predictions, he might not be wrong: Before the
2016 election, he stated that he had no data on Hillary Clinton as president but
remembered his father paying special attention to Donald Trump’s appearance on “The
Phil Donahue Show”.

Matthew Bevan

Mr. Bevan, who was alleged by the USAF to have

used the Net to access and alter sensitive research
and development files at its Griffiths Air Force base
near New York, and the Lockheed Space and Missile
Company in California. After his arrest by British
police, he was said to be part of a "phat" - a
worldwide Internet hacking group.

McKinnon was not the first to hint at the idea of a

secret space group, however. As an experienced hacker of numerous computer
systems, Matthew Bevan decided back in 1994 to uncover the long-rumored “crashed
UFO” secrets of Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.

Stressing that Wright-Patterson was “a very easy computer system to get into,” Bevan
was utterly amazed to uncover astonishing information relating to a top-secret project
to design and build a truly extraordinary flying machine of UFO like proportions. “The
files,” Bevan said, “very clearly referred to a working prototype of an anti-gravity vehicle
that utilized a heavy element to power it. This wasn’t a normal aircraft; it was very
small, split level, with a reactor at the bottom and room for the crew at the top.”

Having accessed and carefully digested the fantastic information, Bevan exited the
Wright-Patterson computer banks and began to search just about everywhere for the
alien answers that he sought, including the less than secure computer systems of NASA

Bevan had got into the systems, had carefully read the files, and then made good his
escape, all without any form of detection whatsoever. Or, so Bevan had assumed was
the case. History, however, has shown that Bevan’s initial assumptions were very wide
of the mark. For approximately two years there was nothing but overwhelming silence.
Then, on one morning in 1996, everything suddenly changed drastically in the life of
Matthew Bevan.

At the time when things began to go distinctly awry, he was working for an insurance
company in Cardiff, Wales, and on the day in question he was summoned down to the
managing director’s office. On entering the room, Bevan was confronted by a group of
men in suits who seemed to practically ooze intimidation. Bevan recalled what
happened next: “One of the men outstretched his hand and I shook it.”

“Matthew Bevan?” the man asked. “Yes,” replied Bevan.

The man identified himself as being with Scotland Yard’s Computer Crimes Unit: “I’m
placing you under arrest for hacking NASA and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.’” Bevan
was in deep trouble. On being taken to Cardiff Central Police Station, the line of
questioning became decidedly curious and worthy of an episode of the X-Files: “What

does the term Hangar 18 mean to you?” Bevan was immediately asked, in stern and
intimidating tones.

“That’s a hoarding place for alien technology,” he replied, in a quite matter of fact

Bevan’s recollections of that exchange were more than eye-opening. “Throughout the
interview, they kept coming back to Hangar 18: Did I see anything on the Wright
Patterson and the NASA computers? Did I download anything?

Well, when they asked me if I saw anything, I said: ‘Yes, I saw emails talking about an
anti-gravity propulsion system.’” Needless to say, this did not go down too well, at all,
with Scotland Yard’s Computer Crimes Unit, as it was known back then.

Bevan correctly realized that he was in very hot water with the authorities, and a date
was subsequently set for a hearing at London’s Bow Street magistrate’s court. But: it
was not just Bevan, his defense, and the prosecution who were present at the trial.
There was also a man present representing the interests of the U.S. Government and

A curious exchange occurred when the man took the stand – as Bevan remembered
only too well. “As the hearing continued, the prosecution asked him what the American
Government thought about my motives regarding my hacking at NASA and at Wright

The man replied: “We now believe that Mr. Bevan had no malicious intentions and that
his primary purpose was to uncover information on UFOs and Hangar 18.’”

Bevan said: “Well, everyone had a bit of a laugh at that point, even the judge; however,
when the prosecution asked: ‘Can you confirm if Hangar 18 exists or if it’s a myth?’ the
man said: ‘I can neither confirm nor deny as I’m not in possession of that information.’”

The final outcome of the affair was that the case against Bevan completely collapsed.
The magistrate overseeing the matter stated in no uncertain terms that a jail sentence
was utterly out of the question, and that any financial punishment he might be able to
impose upon Bevan would be meager in the extreme.

Coupled with the fact that neither NASA nor the American Government as a whole was
willing to divulge any and all information concerning the contents of the material on the
Wright Patterson computers to the British court, and the cost of prosecuting the case
was perceived as being as high as $10,000 a day, the prosecution grudgingly elected to
offer zero evidence. Bevan’s last word on the matter: “Although I didn’t print or
download anything – I read it all online – I know what I read: America has a secret space

Dr. Dan Burisch

Dr. Burisch, is a Micro-biologist who worked at S-

4 on the Area 51 base and has given us many
ideas to ponder. His comment Regarding Bob
Lazar who claimed to have worked there:

From the standpoint of Mr. Lazar’s description of

the S-4 Galileo Bay (4-1), he was accurate. I have
seen and interacted on all four main floors, have
seen all four sub-floor access levels and have
interacted in three of those four. (Although,
should Mr. Lazar, or anyone else for that matter) have claimed to have removed any
E115 (Element 115) from S-4, that would be an inaccurate statement as NOTHING ever
gets out of S-4,

So, who is Dr. Dan Burisch and what is he all about? Let’s start with: Bio-warfare, mind-
connects with a living extraterrestrial, angel visits on a daily basis, designer viruses that
incorporate lethal ET strains, stargate transmissions, remote viewing, astrology,
Catholic-mysticism, Judaic-kabbalah, human subjects, abductions, treaties with
extraterrestrials, Area-51, abducted when 9 years old, a Ganesh particle that conveys
healing and possibly immortality, covert operations, pole shifts, fate of the planet, black
ops, broken bones from heavy-handed handlers and a 4" x 1/4" scar up the back of his

And this is just part of the story of Dr. Burisch. No story about the Secret Space Program
can be complete without including Dr. Burisch. When you first read about his
unbelievable involvement in unbelievable programs, well… it’s just unbelievable!

There is so much to the Secret Space Program that is now being revealed at an even
faster pace than just a short time ago that it is hard for your brain to accept everything
that has been going on. Could our government have been pulling this off without our

But now, with so much bizarre information being released by so many players, most
from high-level, scientific positions, that we can no longer dismiss it just because it hurts
our brains to even comprehend all the possibilities!

And what about the time that it was revealed that the natural stargate at Frenchman's
Mountain East of Las Vegas was going to be activated on a certain day at a certain time?
And reportedly a real-time satellite image of the location showed the entire mountain
began to "glow" on the screen in front of them from a government website that was
publicly available!

There is even a story going around about his knowledge of how to make the Ganesh
particle, which is purported to have healing and regenerative powers analogous to the

Edenic tree of life. And this knowledge has been sought after by a possibly off-world

For the most part, the knowledge for this project was received telepathically from a J-
rod extraterrestrial with whom he worked for one year in a special chamber in S4 at
Area 51.

Then there is the faction called the "rogue aliens" who supposedly want Dr. Burisch
dead before he can complete the Lotus Project. And he also revealed a covert group of
individuals calling the shots who want to rid the world population of "undesirable"
elements in the gene pool. Supposedly, they have, or are in process of creating
genetically engineered tools of selective mass destruction.

According to the J-rod "yellow book" that shows past, present, and future developments
on earth, they are actually progeny of earthlings travelling back in time to fix something
bad that happened in their history at this period of time. These were both natural and
man-made caused by a function of choices made by earthlings. The J-rods claim to have
descended from a group of humans that relocated from Earth to Mars and then on to a
neighboring star system.

(You may want to check out my report on the Yellow Book – Info is on page 154)

Boyd Bushman

Boyd Bushman, Area 51 scientist, recorded

an incredible deathbed confession. Boyd
insisted that aliens had made contact with
Earth, and that he, along with numerous
other scientists, had been working on
'reverse engineering' alien technology.

As well as showing a set of photos of aliens,

Bushman insisted that "with respect to the
alien craft, we have American citizens who
are working on UFOs 24 hours a day. We
are trying to learn what to do."

(Those photos he showed were considered by many to be a joke. Was he slipping in his
later years, or was he trying to send us a message? Recently I’ve had the impression that
the government is now trying to get us to believe in the conventional appearing aliens
to throw us off the track that the aliens working by our side on top-secret projects, like
at S-4. look just like us and could pass as humans!)

What makes this story particularly fascinating is Bushman was no low-level crank. He
was a senior research engineer for Lockheed Martin, and a gifted inventor. He has 28

patents to his name from a career spanning 40 years – so he was one who deserves to
be listened too.

"A great deal of information should be lifted up from those dark recesses of Area 51 and
moved over so people can see it." he states.

"Since I am a scientist, I do not believe in theory. I say follow the data... If something
cannot be verified by a physical test that something is true, then I do not care to accept
it. Therefore, everything I present here will be data that comes directly from Area 51 to

Bushman then goes on to claim that Area 51 contains two groups of aliens, all of whom
have long fingers and webbed feet, and hail from a planet known as Quintumnia. Some
of his claims may have seemed a bit strange but consider he was on his death bed and
may have been a bit confused and I am not the one to judge that.

Yes, he made some claims in 2014 that may have been surprising to most folks, but you
and me probably aren’t shocked over his claims about real aliens working at Area 51,
faster than light travel and work on anti-gravity technology, right?

Astronaut Scott Carpenter

"At no time, when the astronauts were in

space, were they alone: there was a constant
surveillance by UFOs."

One has to believe that Scott Carpenter and other

astronauts saw UFOs while in space. They were
sworn to secrecy for national security. When you
talk to former astronauts, in a private setting, you
know they witnessed more than what was

Scott Carpenter offered his opinion that the

evidence for such "alien" contact was "very strong"
and "classified" by governments, who were covering up visitations and the existence of
alien beings' bodies in places such as Roswell, New Mexico.

He further claimed that UFOs had provided "sonic engineering secrets" that were
helpful to the U.S. Government.

Colonel Philip Corso

In 1997, former Pentagon intelligence officer and

White House staffer Colonel Philip Corso’s book, The
Day After Roswell, lifted the veil on much of the
clandestine research pursued since 1947 by various
branches of the federal government and
compartmentally outsourced to defense contractors
such as Lockheed, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin
Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Raytheon, General
Dynamics and others. However, the results of those
advanced investigations remained largely undisclosed,
although Corso claimed that major technical
breakthroughs such as micro-transistors,
superconductors, fiber optics, Kevlar and night vision
goggles had been developed through reverse
engineering of alien materials. (And I’m sure that there was much more technology that
wasn’t available to him or was so highly classified that he didn’t dare disclose it!)

Randy Cramer

Randy Cramer was treated to a much longer tour of

Mars than Basiago’s brief recon mission. According to
Cramer’s testimony, he was stationed on Mars for 17
years as a captain in the Marine Corps’s “Special
Section.” Cramer says that Special Section was created
by President Eisenhower to balance the unchecked
power of the MJ-12 group and claims that he was part
of a Mars Defense Force composed of elite members of
Special Section.

In 2014, Cramer was given the go-ahead to tell his full

story by a Special Section brigadier general. Ever since, Randy has been sharing his
experiences as a space Marine and spacecraft pilot with the world.

Cramer claims that a secret space program within the US Navy established a base on
the Moon in the 1950s and another on Mars in the 1960s. He also says that the
atmosphere on Mars is breathable in the equatorial regions, that the planet is inhabited
by multiple indigenous races. Corroborating the testimony of a number of other secret
space program insiders, Cramer states that he was age-regressed at the end of his 20-
year tour. After returning to his teenage body, it took Randy quite some time to regain
any memory of his military service in space.

Robert O. Dean

Bob Dean’s life changed forever when an Air

Force colonel brusquely slapped an 8-inch
document on his desk and said, “Here, read this.
This will wake you up.” At least, that’s what
Dean says happened one sleepy night in NATO’s
War Room during his service as a master
sergeant from 1963 to 1967.

Usually reserved for the eyes of those holding

“Cosmic Top Secret” clearance and above, the
document that Dean claims to have witnessed
detailed NATO’s three-year investigation into the
UFO phenomenon, which employed the services of physicists, astronomers, sociologists,
and theologians. According to Dean, the document concluded that extraterrestrials
were not a threat to humanity and had been visiting the Earth for hundreds of years.

In his career as a professional ufologist, Dean has sought to corroborate these claims by
pointing out instances of saucer-like objects in ancient cave drawings and classical
pieces of art. Though it’s confirmed that he served his country for decades in the armed
forces, many have disputed Dean’s unsubstantiated claims regarding his access to the
NATO report. These sustained assaults on his credibility haven’t stopped Bob from
making the UFO convention circuit and appearing in various interviews.

Tom DeLonge

This former Blink-182 frontman has even bigger things

in mind than the band. Tom is the founder and CEO of
To The Stars Academy, a unique initiative that seeks to
add new momentum to alien disclosure. He’s attracted
a bevy of respectable contributors to his cause and has
some interesting stories to tell about the path that has
led him from world-renowned rock star to
aspiring NASA competitor.

According to DeLonge, his interest in UFOs dates back to

his Blink-182 days, when he would spend every free
moment he had on the Internet looking for evidence to
prove the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials.

This amateur interest somehow evolved into actual contact from government agencies,
and before long, DeLonge was visiting the Pentagon and being flown around the country

to meet with various generals and private interests. It seemed that the United States
military industrial complex had decided to start revealing UFO information and wanted
to use DeLonge as the face of their disclosure.

Suffice to say, public reception of DeJonge’s change in career has been mixed. Those
who think he’s at least partially telling the truth worry that his entire initiative might be
some kind of government disinformation campaign. And while there are still those who
think he’s making it up, these voices have grown quieter with the addition of more and
more distinguished names to the ranks of the To The Stars team and the release of the
recent UFO-themed New York Times article.. According to DeLonge, the Navy video
released with the article is “only the tip of the spear,” with many more disclosures to

(Not to knock any of this but this Navy video that was released is old info that has been
around for a long time. I had some of the photos on my website a few years ago.
Although the release of the actual video may be new.

Richard Dolan

“Slowly, by degrees, I have come to the

opinion that there is a secret space program.
I recall, for instance, wondering about the
alleged anomalies on Mars early on in my
research. Back then, I was in correspondence
with an individual who had impressive
scientific and intelligence credentials.
Attempting to feel him out on the topic, I
wrote something a bit flippant about Mars,
primarily to see what his reaction would be.
Sure enough, he replied soberly that I should
not dismiss these anomalies, that there were
in fact many people within the classified world who took them seriously.

“That’s when I realized, very concretely, that the notion of space anomalies was indeed
a serious topic. I began to consider: if there is covert interest in the anomalies on Mars,
would there be a covert space program to investigate? To this day, I don’t know the
answer with certainty, but over the years I have encountered no shortage of quiet,
serious-minded people who tell me of their knowledge that there is such a covert
program. One component of this, it appears, has to do with the Moon. Are there bases
on the far side of the Moon? Again, I do not know for sure, but I cannot rule it out. More
than once, people I consider to be informed insiders have steered me in this direction.

“Look at it this way. If you believe there are anomalies on Mars, and if you acknowledge
strange activity in Earth’s orbit, you would have a very good reason to initiate a secret

space program, would you not? You would want a way to investigate these things in a
way that would not be seen by the prying eyes of the public.

“I’ve also come to the opinion over the years that part of the classified world – the part
that deals with the ET reality – has essentially “broken away” from our own
conventional civilization. That is, utilizing the jumpstart they received by studying exotic,
alien technology, they have very likely achieved scientific breakthroughs that they have
not shared with the rest of us. I think that these breakthroughs have enabled them to
employ technologies substantially beyond what we are using, and that in all likelihood
this too has contributed to their secret space program.

“It’s important to emphasize that the above is primarily conjecture on my part. I

consider it my working hypothesis. Proving it will take a great deal of effort and
dedication. It also means not being sucked in by every new person who has claimed to
have traveled to Mars. We need to remain clear headed.” –Richard Dolan

Richard Doty

The UFO research community has good reason to fear

disinformation agents in their ranks. For years, Richard
Doty made a habit of reaching out to ufologists
and contactees and presenting them with a proposition.
Telling them that he was with the government, he would
then offer up all the secrets of UFOs in exchange for
their cooperation. While the effects of this
disinformation campaign seem to have been largely
harmless, one of Doty’s famous victims was Paul
Bennewitz, an electronics engineer who lived near the
base where Doty was stationed. Over the years, Doty
and his team fed the UFO-seeking Bennewitz lies until he
suffered a complete mental breakdown.

Yet it remains unknown whether Doty was spinning a web of pure deception or whether
some of his information may have been based in truth. His testimony in the
documentary film “Unacknowledged” seems to indicate that he was indeed aware of
the existence of real UFO crashes and reverse engineered technologies capable of taking
human beings into the far reaches of space. But coming from the mouth of a
professional government con man, anything Doty says is certainly suspect.

Laura Eisenhower

Laura Eisenhower is the great-granddaughter of decorated World War II general and

president of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower. During his farewell address,
President Eisenhower warned about the unwarranted influence that had been gained by
the military-industrial complex. According to her testimony, Laura Eisenhower
witnessed the mind-bending results of this unrestrained power for herself in 2006.

Eisenhower reports that she has been targeted by dark

forces since birth due to her ancestry. In 2006, she was
tricked into falling in love with an agent of the shadow
government. This man, referred to as “Agent X,”
pestered her incessantly about joining a human colony
on Mars. She was able to extricate herself from this
arrangement and has been touring the ufology
conference circuit ever since.

Laura Eisenhower is convinced that her great-

grandfather was an ardent opponent of an occult cabal
that has been secretly governing world affairs for
centuries with extraterrestrial assistance and which
reared its head in the form of the Third Reich.

Eisenhower isn’t convinced that the powers represented by the Nazis ended with World
War II, and she has dedicated her life to dismantling the unwarranted influence about
which her ancestor warned the world.

Luis Elizondo

On December 16th, 2017, The New York

Times released an article called “Glowing Auras and
‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO
Program.” This investigatory piece centered around a
declassified UFO video released by the Department of
Defense and the testimony of Luis Elizondo, one-time
head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat
Identification Program.

The short video shot from a Navy fighter jet appears

to depict a saucer-shaped object flying above the
clouds before abruptly rotating sideways. Since
the UFO was matching the speed of the jet filming it,

the G-forces involved in such a maneuver would have been far more than a human pilot
would have been able to withstand. Yet Elizondo believes there’s compelling evidence
that the pilot may not have been human.

Supposedly closed down in 2012, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification

Program was tasked with locating UFOs in the skies and was apparently also involved in
the recovery of downed craft. In an interview with CNN, Elizondo stated that he had
seen enough during his tenure in the program to be convinced that human beings aren’t
the only intelligent life in the universe.

After quitting the Pentagon in October 2016, Elizondo went on to join the ranks of Hal
Puthoff, Steve Justice, Chris Mellon, and Tom DeLonge as a core member of a recently
founded initiative called “To The Stars Academy”.

Edgar Fouché

Aeronautics engineer Edgar Fouché, having worked for the

Aurora Project at Area 51 which built the secret Tr3-B
triangular mercury plasma fueled spacecraft.

Edgar Fouche claims that the United States Air Force is in

possession of at least two different Top Secret Nuclear
Powered "Anti-Gravity" Flying Triangles classified by the
USAF as TR-3B's. According to Fouche the USAF is in
possession of both a smaller prototype craft which is 200
feet across, and a larger operational version which is 600
feet across (that's 2 football fields wide!).

Ed Fouche claims that these vehicles are used as space platforms by a Secret Space
Program. that he personally saw the TR-3B on three separate occasions while stationed
at Groom Lake in the Air Force. Note: At least one person who was associated with him
has accused him of fabricating information and being very manipulative.

Corey Goode

If even ten percent of what Corey Goode claims ever

ends up being proven true, humanity is due for a brutal
wake-up call. Goode has been making the ufology
convention circuit since 2015 to share his unique
message. Considered life-changing to those who believe
and infinitely entertaining to those who don’t, Goode’s
testimony includes assertions that he was recruited into

a secret space program as a teenager and served for 20 years in a spacefaring branch of
the US Navy. During his tour of duty, he supposedly had access to sources of
information that paint a picture of human history very different from the one with
which we’re familiar.

He alleges that Antarctica is absolutely filled with ancient ruins and that alien
technology is buried just below the ice. He goes on to claim that this icy continent used
to house extraterrestrial refugees that bred with humans to create a master race which
once ruled the planet. Those wondering if any of these fanciful claims could possibly
bear a grain of truth won’t have to wait long for confirmation: Goode and researcher
David Wilcock both assert that a full disclosure event is coming soon that will utterly
reframe our understanding of history and the role that planet Earth plays in the wider

Not all UFO sightings can be passed off as hoaxes or weather balloons. The question is
whether these mysterious objects are visitors from other worlds or examples of
undisclosed human technology.

Besides funding, a secret space program would also need personnel. Over the years,
whistle-blowers have emerged at significant personal risk to share stories of their
involvement in such covert operations. They have described their experiences in great
detail and have independently corroborated each other’s testimonies. Most of the
attention that they have received has been negative.

Corey claims to have worked with multiple secret space programs, the complexity of
programs, technologies and their dynamic interrelations is far greater than anything
previously revealed.

The overall scope of his information he is revealing on these secret space programs
appears destined to dwarf anything released by prior whistleblowers. Already according
to David Wilcock, who has spent 22 years researching whistleblower testimony on
extraterrestrial life and the secret space programs, Corey knew almost as much as all
the others had told me combined.”

Among Corey’s core claims is that the oldest of up to five rival secret space programs to
emerge in the modern era, “Solar Warden”, contains more dated technologies but has a
greater dedication to humanity’s long-term interests. Those in charge of Solar Warden
have decided to leak information about the existence of secret space programs by, for
example, allowing their spacecraft to be photographed by the International Space

These pro-disclosure actions along with “service-to-other” activities has made the Solar
Warden program the most suitable candidate for a powerful new group of highly
evolved extraterrestrials that has allegedly entered into our solar system which has
significantly changed the dynamic between rival space programs, and their respective
relations with visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and older ancient human space

The “Sphere Alliance,” according to Corey, directly deals only with the Solar Warden
program and is seeking to assist humanity in a series of conferences whereby private
citizens meet secret space program representatives in a secure environment.

His claim that he was age and time-regressed in his earlier service with the secret space
program, makes it unlikely that any hard evidence or documentation will be found to
corroborate his prior covert space service. However, his more recent claims of being
physically taken to conferences organized by the Sphere Alliance can be verified if other
attendees step forward.

A common psychological warfare tool is to mix lots of false information with genuine
information to hide the truth in plain sight. Indeed, Gordon Duff, founder of the popular
website Veterans Today, claims that as much as 40% of the information released about
the secret space program, is disinformation designed to protect sources and methods.

Is Corey’s testimony part of an elaborate psychological warfare operation; or is he

revealing the truth about genuine unfolding events involving multiple secret space
programs and extraterrestrial visitors?

The information Corey has released so far is consistent with what other whistleblowers
have revealed as Wilcock has concluded.

Steven Greer

Steven Greer has become one of the loudest

voices demanding full disclosure of
extraterrestrial contact, but this former trauma
surgeon had other plans in mind when he first
started exploring the UFO phenomenon.

Accepting the supposition at a young age that

extraterrestrials were visiting the Earth, he
wanted to be the person to organize the
diplomatic apparatus that would interface with
these mysterious visitors. But decades of
petitioning prominent Washington lawmakers
and power brokers, appearing before the National Press Club, and serving as the main
source for the recent UFO documentary Unacknowledged have pushed Greer firmly
into the limelight as a dedicated antagonist of the alleged extraterrestrial cover-up.

Over the course of his career, Greer has met with dozens of supposed secret space
program insiders, acquired thousands of documents to back up his claims, and has
founded two organizations to promote the release of secret technologies and disclosure
of ET contact.

Greer claims that among the technologies obtained from downed alien spacecraft is the
secret of free energy, which he asserts has been kept from the public due to the
immense profits made from the sale of oil, coal, and natural gas. Greer repeatedly
petitioned high-ranking members of the US government to disclose what they knew
about extraterrestrials until he concluded that the pertinent information was being
hidden even from the president of the United States.

Since then, he has redoubled his efforts in popularizing the ET phenomenon among the
public and has appeared in the documentary films Sirius and Unacknowledged.
One of the more bizarre claims that Greer makes in the latter film is that Marilyn
Monroe didn’t die of a drug overdose but rather was on the verge of holding a press
conference disclosing everything she’d learned from John and Robert Kennedy about
UFOs and was silenced before she could reveal her secrets.

Niara Isley

Between 1979 and 1984, Niara Isley served in the

United States Air Force as an airman first class. She
was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base as a radar
specialist and helped fighter pilots learn how to avoid
radar detection. While her day job was largely
mundane, Niara alleges that she was also given
special assignments that still haunt her to this day.

Isley reports that on one occasion, she was taken

from her apartment by Air Force officers late at night.
Without any explanation, she was driven out into the
middle of the desert in a radar van and instructed to
track anything that came out of the sky. When a
gigantic, buzzing UFO came to a stop about 46 meters
(150 ft) away from the van, Niara was terrified, but she followed orders, nonetheless.

The horrors truly began after Niara was driven to an undisclosed location immediately
after her UFO encounter. She reports that she was injected with a drug that made it feel
as if “the molecular bond between her molecules was being dissolved

Niara relates that on another occasion, she was conveyed to the Moon in a reverse-
engineered UFO. While in transit, she caught a glimpse of a tall reptilian alien who she
believes may have been the pilot of the craft. When she arrived on the Moon, she was
stationed at a secret Moon base.

Bob Lazar

Though Bob Lazar never really wanted to be

lumped in with the UFO crowd, he remains the
man who ignited popular interest in the secretive
Nevada military base known as Area 51. In 1993,
Lazar became one of the very first purported UFO
insiders to break the veil of secrecy, motivated by
what he described as concerns about the way in
which the UFO subject was being handled. Lazar
claims to hold advanced degrees in electronics and
physics from CalTech and MIT, though both
institutions insist that they have no records of his

An old phone directory seems to corroborate Lazar’s assertion that he once worked for
Los Alamos, though any official records of employment, along with his hospital birth
records, have disappeared without a trace. (Although I heard that he was able to come
up pay stubs for the company that claims he didn’t work for them.) (Note: Bob could be
guilty of exaggerating certain claims, and I’m not the one to judge him on that. He
definitely had powerful information to share with all of us. Just because school and
education records disappear, doesn’t necessarily mean he lied. Actually, it could prove
that he was telling the truth and the government was desperately trying to discredit
him. Destroying your records is easy for the government and has the fingerprints of
them being out to discredit him and silence him.

Lazar reports that he was part of a team of scientists assigned to the top-secret base
north of Las Vegas known as S4. His work at this camouflaged base built into the sandy
hillside consisted of inspecting captured extraterrestrial spacecraft for the purposes of
reverse engineering. His schematics of the UFO which he calls the “sport model” look
like the archetypal saucer shape replicated in thousands of toys and films. In the course
of his research, Lazar discovered that the sport model, along with the other saucer-
shaped craft he inspected, appeared to be propelled by amplified gravity waves.

Lazar claimed to have being recruited by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), through
defense contractor EG&G, to work as part of a team on a highly classified project which
involved examining and reverse engineering a 52 feet wide saucer-shaped craft that he
quickly realized was not built by humans.

He further explained that it was made of some unknown ceramic-like material, could sit
three small sized (3 feet tall) crew members and was powered by a hitherto
undiscovered super-heavy element, eventually identified as number 115 on the periodic
table, which generated its own gravitational field and enabled the craft to reach
fantastic speeds.

Lazar further explained that the retrieved space vehicle was being test flown in Area
51/S-4 although neither its materials nor its propulsion systems could be figured out or
reproduced. However, he warned that the US military had somehow gotten hold of a
substantial quantity of Element 115, stored at Los Alamos and intended for
weaponization. His report was supported by well-connected investigators, including
John Lear, son of the Learjet inventor and a veteran CIA operative who testified that he
was also exposed to covert research into “alien” technologies.

Bob portrayed the S-4 (Sector-4) complex as having been built into the bottom of the
Papoose Range with nine aircraft style hangar doors angled at 60 degrees.

Bob Lazar stated that the “Sport Model” Flying Disc amplified the “Strong Nuclear
Force” of Element 115 (UnUnPentium or UUP) to generate the gravity field for “Space-
Time Compression.” Bob
also stated that the U.S.
Government had 500
pounds of Element 115 in
their possession.

The raw Element 115 was

given to the U.S.
Government at S4 by the
Reticulan EBEs
(Extraterrestrial Biological
Entity) in the form of
discs. The scientists at S4
sent the Element 115 discs
through Groom Lake to Los
Alamos National Laboratory
in New Mexico, to be milled
for use in the Anti-Matter Reactor.

In Lazar's first interview he talked about Element 115. Fifteen years later in 2004
scientific breakthrough, however, provides significant credibility to Bob Lazar’s claims
rather than discrediting his claims, when scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research in Russia (JINR), announced that they discovered two new super-heavy
elements, Element 113 and Element 115. The Isotope of Element 115, produced by
bombarding an Americium-243 (95Am243) nucleus with a Calcium-48 (20Ca48) nucleus,
rapidly decayed to Element 113. then continued to decay until a meta-stable isotope
was obtained.

In 2006 NASA had officially talked about the Antimatter reactor:

"Some antimatter reactions produce blasts of high energy gamma rays. Gamma rays are
like X-rays on steroids. They penetrate matter and break apart molecules in cells, so

they are not healthy to be around. High-energy gamma rays can also make the engines
radioactive by fragmenting atoms of the engine material.

The NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) is funding a team of researchers
working on a new design for an antimatter-powered spaceship that avoids this nasty
side effect by producing gamma rays with much lower energy.

Antimatter is sometimes called the mirror image of normal matter because while it
looks just like ordinary matter, some properties are reversed. For example, normal
electrons, the familiar particles that carry electric current in everything from cell phones
to plasma TVs, have a negative electric charge. Anti-electrons have a positive charge, so
scientists dubbed them "positrons".

When antimatter meets matter, both annihilate in a flash of energy. This complete
conversion to energy is what makes antimatter so powerful. Even the nuclear reactions
that power atomic bombs come in a distant second, with only about three percent of
their mass converted to energy.

Previous antimatter-powered spaceship designs employed antiprotons, which produce

high-energy gamma rays when they annihilate. The new design will use positrons, which
make gamma rays with about 400 times less energy."

Bob doesn’t regret coming public, but these days, he’s more focused on his scientific
supply company and consulting work than he is on spreading the word about
extraterrestrials. He and his wife now live in the boondocks to avoid UFO fanatics and
are in no way trying to capitalize on his wild claims.

Interestingly, part of his 1993 disclosure was the assertion that the antimatter engines
in the UFOs that he inspected ran on something called element 115. This part of his
story seemed like pure fiction until scientists were successfully able to synthesize
element 115, aka Moscovium, in a lab in 2003.

John Lear

Bob Lear is remembered as the inventor of the

Learjet. But according to his son, John, Bob
Lear was also involved in developing
antigravity aircraft for the United States
government. According to William Tompkins,
another secret space program insider who
alleges that he telepathically received
information from Nordic extraterrestrials on
how to build advanced spacecraft, aviation
companies like Lear’s were regularly supplied with blueprints drafted by Tompkins’s
team that instructed them how to construct alien reproduction vehicles (ARVs).

John Lear’s secret space program connections don’t end there: In the 1980s, Lear
befriended Bob Lazar, a whistle-blower who reportedly helped reverse-engineer alien
spacecraft in Area 51. According to Lear, Lazar was initially skeptical about the existence
of UFOs. But when Lear convinced him to pull some strings and arrange a job at Area 51,
Lazar was soon inviting his friends out to the desert to watch Wednesday night test
flights every week.

Lazar’s employers didn’t take too kindly with his loose lips, and he was soon out of a job.
But while Lazar has chosen to shun the UFO community, John Lear has chosen to remain
involved with the disclosure movement and share a lifetime’s worth of research on
secret space programs.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 fame was the sixth man to walk

on the Moon and always signed his correspondences
accordingly. But Mitchell became somewhat of an
embarrassment to NASA later in life when his passions for
meditation, spirituality, and alternative healing led him into
the arms of the ufology community, and the classified
information with which he had supposedly been entrusted
started spilling out. Before his death in 2016, Mitchell
stated that not only was the Roswell incident a real
instance of a downed alien spacecraft, but the
extraterrestrial entities that crashed there had been observing military tests of nuclear

Mitchell revealed to the world in an interview in 2008 that the government cover-up of
extraterrestrial visitation and the space exploration technologies derived from
recovered UFOs had begun with the Roswell crash and continues on to the present
day. He claimed to have been let in on this information due to his ranking position as an
Apollo astronaut. NASA was quick to debunk his assertions, but in doing so, the space
agency appears to have gotten a bit ahead of their skis. Mitchell never stated that NASA
was involved in the UFO cover-up, but NASA still went out of their way to state that they
were involved in no such activity. Mitchell also never claimed that NASA tracked UFOs,
yet the space agency still felt the need to clarify that this wasn’t one of their functions,

Mitchell agreed with claims made by other supposed insiders that the main reason UFOs
are being covered up isn’t to avoid a panic but to suppress the technologies that power
these craft. When confronted with the majesty of outer space during his Apollo mission,
Mitchell experienced a profound spiritual awakening that no doubt contributed to his
urge to share what he knew with the public.

Gary McKinnon

One person who is convinced that there is a secret space group is Gary McKinnon, the
British man who had the wrath of the US Government hanging over his head for the
best part of a decade after very unwisely deciding to hack the US Government for their
secrets of UFOs and the space fleet in 2001.

According to McKinnon, while illegally surfing around classified systems of both NASA
and the US military, he came across a list titled “Non-Terrestrial Officers.” McKinnon
said of this discovery: “It doesn’t mean little green men. What I think it means is not
Earth-based. I found a list of fleet-to-fleet transfers, and a list of ship names. I looked
them up. They weren’t U.S. Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some
kind of spaceships, off-planet.”

In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested for hacking into 97 US military and NASA
computers. McKinnon was convinced
that the U.S. Government was
withholding information on UFOs
from the public. Most importantly,
McKinnon claims that government
agencies have covered up information
on the type of technology that
extraterrestrials have used to reach
Earth: zero-point energy.

Also known as free energy, the

release of zero-point energy technology would save the environment from the dangers
of fossil fuels and disrupt the prevailing economic system to the point of collapse. Many
UFO researchers claim that keeping zero-point energy from the public is the main
reason why knowledge of extraterrestrial contact has been suppressed.

While perusing NASA’s secret archives using his 56K modem, McKinnon came across a
massive depository of photographs of UFOs that had been edited out of satellite

By dialing down the image quality levels, McKinnon was able to catch a glimpse of a
picture depicting a silvery cigar-shaped UFO with geodesic spheres on each side before
NASA caught wind of what was going on and severed his connection.

McKinnon also gained access to a secret NASA Excel spreadsheet titled “Non-Terrestrial
Officers.” This database contained names of US Air Force officers that aren’t listed
anywhere else and information on ship-to-ship transfers between ships that don’t
officially exist.

Dr. Philip Morrison

In June 2017, a 47-page top secret briefing

document was leaked and analyzed by various
experts. It appears to be a briefing dictated by a
member of the clandestine MJ-12 agency (set up to
deal with UFO related issues in 1954) for Dr. Philip
Morrison, an eminent MIT physicist.

It contains detailed descriptions of alien craft and

their recovery, transcripts of communications with
alien beings and spells out the measures taken by
concerned agencies to keep the entire subject secret, even to the highest elected

Pete Peterson

Pete Peterson alleges that his grandfather was Nikola Tesla’s engineering assistant.
Peterson grew up learning a version of science far different from that which is taught in
mainstream educational systems, and in the eighth grade, he built an antenna so
powerful that it caught the attention of the US
government. He was hired by the government as a
young teenager and began working on the
development of secret spacecraft.

According to his testimony, Peterson also built a 144-

core phoon-based computer chip capable of solving
incredibly complex equations in a fraction of the time
taken by the fastest conventional supercomputers.
Peterson attests to knowledge of an advanced ancient
civilization buried under the sands of the Sahara
Desert, alien tunnels under the Nazca lines in Peru, and a Nazi breakaway civilization
that infiltrated the US Government in the 1950s.

Pete Peterson is one of esoteric researcher David Wilcock’s main insiders, and the
claims of this UFO researcher have corroborated the testimonies given by other insiders
such as Corey Goode, William Tompkins, and Wilcock’s anonymous source known only
as “Jacob.”

Don Phillips

Phillips was in the Air Force at a Las Vegas

area Air Force Base during an event when
UFOs were seen moving at enormous speeds
near Mt. Charleston, northwest of Las Vegas.
In addition, he worked with Kelly Johnson at
the Lockheed Skunkworks -- on design and
construction of the U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird.

He claimed that we not only have these

extraterrestrial devices but have also
achieved tremendous technological advances from their study. He states that in the
1950's and 1960's, NATO did research into the origin of ET races, and disseminated
reports to the leaders of various countries.

He lists a few of the technologies we were able to develop because of ET's: computer
chips, lasers, night vision, and bulletproof vests. Mr. Phillips now develops technologies
that can help eliminate environmental pollutants and reduce the need for fossil fuels in
the craft.

Physicist Jack Sarfatti

Theoretical physicist Jack Sarfatti suggests that the

technology behind the Tic Tac UFO (2004 incident off
the USS Nimitz) is not mysterious at all, it folds space
into a warp drive in such a way as to get to where
and when it desires with tiny amounts of energy.
Sarfatti claimed we can build our own Tic Tac-style
craft quickly and that it would be in America's best
interests to do so, as Russia already has a head start.
Such spacecraft would render all our conventional
weapons obsolete, he remarked, particularly if the
warp capacity was weaponized. Sarfatti revealed he
was contacted as a child in the 1950s "by what I think is the intelligence behind the Tic
Tacs we're seeing today...It said it was a conscious computer aboard a spacecraft from
the future." He believes that many of the UFO visitors have time travel capabilities.

Note: Not to take away from Sarfatti’s conclusions, just wondering how close our Secret
Space Program is to recreating this warp drive technology… or do we have it already and
were those craft ours?

Here’s more on the

observation of those Tic Tac

On November 14, 2004, the

US Navy’s Carrier Strike Group
Eleven, including the USS
Nimitz nuclear aircraft carrier
were conducting a training
exercise off the coast of
Southern California when the Navy’s radar systems detected as many as 20 anomalous
aerial vehicles. Rich Hoffman, a 25+ year Army Information defense contractor and
founding member of SCU (Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies), discussed a recent
paper his group published which examined the extreme speed, acceleration, and power
outputs demonstrated by the Tic Tac UFOs. By some estimates, he reported, the craft
reached speeds as high as 104,000 mph, and had a parabolic trajectory that contained
as much energy each second as the detonation of a tactical nuclear weapon.

The Pentagon videos show a thermal signature rather than the object itself, he
explained, and one of the UFOs traveled to the planned destination of a fighter jet,
suggesting it had an awareness of the military's maneuvers. Further, Hoffman added,
Navy airman Lt. Cmdr. Slaight witnessed a mirage-like effect around the anomalous
object. This rippling distortion might have represented a field connected to craft's
propulsion, Hoffman suggested, and he related it to radiation residue at UFO landing
sites. There were also reports of UFOs exiting or entering the water, and Hoffman
pondered whether the Tic Tac's field might have been causing a disturbance or pattern
in the water.

Dan Sherman

Between the ages of ten and 11, Dan Sherman was

frequently visited by a major stationed at a nearby Air
Force base. Major Roberts regaled young Dan with
colorful tales of Air Force service and strongly
encouraged him to enlist, and Dan subsequently
wasted no time in joining up as soon as he was of age.
According to his testimony, Sherman had been
genetically engineered in the womb by the military to
develop into a prime candidate for a rewarding career
of telepathic communication with extraterrestrials.

Sherman also served as an electronic intelligence specialist, but the truly fascinating
substance of his 12-year Air Force career was his alleged involvement in a secret
program called “Project Preserve Destiny” that was operated by rogue actors under the
auspices of the NSA.

After being trained to telepathically influence an image on a computer screen, Sherman

was assigned to communicate with an extraterrestrial entity that he affectionately
named “Spock.” Spock and Sherman never met face-to-face, but he alleges that he
telepathically received technical information on human abductions from Spock that
included data on geographic coordinates and pain thresholds.

According to other insiders, a deal was made in the 1950s between Earth governments
and extraterrestrial groups that allowed the abduction of human beings in exchange for
advanced technology. Strict abduction limits were set, but it soon became apparent that
the aliens weren’t following the rules. There wasn’t anything that the Earth
governments could do about it until they developed a defensive grid around the solar
system called Solar Warden, which now determines which craft are allowed to enter the
Earth’s atmosphere.

Since the Solar Warden project was launched in 1980, it stands to reason that Sherman
may have been receiving abduction intel from alien groups that had only recently been
forced to toe the line and fully disclose the extent of their operations.

Emery Smith

Emery Smith claims to have taken samples from

over 3,000 extraterrestrial tissues. It’s possible that
some of these tissues may have been genetically
engineered by humans, since Smith claims that
human scientists have been mixing the DNA of
different species, earthly and extraterrestrial, for
decades to make new and bizarre forms of
life. Smith was featured in the documentary Sirius,
in which he and Dr. Steven Greer dissect a tiny
humanoid of unknown origin.

Every day after his normal Air Force duties were completed, Smith was taken to a secret
underground research facility where he was provided with a seemingly endless supply of
remarkable biological tissues. It was Emery’s job to take samples without asking
questions. As a reward for his good behavior, he gradually progressed from receiving
tissues the size of a salmon fillet to recognizable parts of whole bodies. It’s Emery’s
belief that at least some of these samples were received in trade with extraterrestrial

For years, Emery Smith fed information to David Wilcock in secret under the pseudonym
“Paul.” But when unknown actors crashed into his car head-on while he was inside, tore
down the gate to his home, stole items from secret cubbyholes in the walls that only he
knew about, and left a military-grade armor-piercing round on his kitchen counter as a
warning, Emery decided that he was in more danger in the dark than he would be in the
full light of public scrutiny.

Clifford Stone

Like Dan Sherman, Clifford Stone was also cajoled into

a career in the military by a charismatic officer. When
Stone was a child, Captain Brown of the United States
Air Force struck up a conversation with him in a local
bookstore and frequently stopped by the Stone
residence for a few years thereafter. When Clifford
received a draft notice in the mail, he was naturally
eager to enlist despite his medical disqualifications.

To his great surprise, he was inducted into the military

anyway. But it soon became apparent to Stone that the
US government had something in mind for him other than standard service. His superior
officers kept asking him if he was interested in UFOs, and then one day, an acquaintance
with the NSA shoved him, without warning, into a room occupied by a grey alien.

It was revealed to Stone that it was to be his job to interface with extraterrestrials as an
intuitive empath. Clifford was no stranger to alien contact; he had encountered a variety
of otherworldly beings as a young child. But he was utterly unprepared for the
deplorable way in which the military treated their extraterrestrial “guests.” On one
occasion, he supposedly even aided an alien prisoner in pulling off a daring jailbreak.

When he was a young boy, Stone had been told by an extraterrestrial friend that he was
different from most other humans because he “had a heart.” This observation couldn’t
have been far from the truth, since Clifford still breaks down into tears when he
remembers his time as an alien contact.

Stone claims that he led a double life from the late 60's through his retirement in 1990.
While officially assigned to an "NBC" Team (nuclear, biological and chemical retrieval
and abatement detail), he asserts that he also served on Top Secret UFO crash retrieval
missions where he had physical contact with downed ET craft and interactions with
captured non-human life forms. The official NBC Team assignment allegedly served as a
cover for those highly secretive and compartmentalized operations. Over a period of
nearly 40 years, Stone has amassed one of the largest private collections of authentic
government documents clearly establishing the hard reality of the UFO phenomenon.

William Tompkins

Some knew the late William Tompkins as an avid builder of model ships. Others were
aware of his work as the corporate director of North American Advanced Space
Research and as a member of the Red Team at General Dynamics Corporation. Yet some
researchers care less about Tompkins’s illustrious career in the aerospace sector and
more about the claims he made about his involvement in a secret space program.

According to Tompkins, who wrote a book detailing his experiences in the secret side of
Naval Intelligence, he was recruited before even finishing high school to back engineer
extraterrestrial communications systems. Tomkins also claimed to have designed over
16 models of spacecraft for the Navy at his first think tank job, some of which are
apparently still in use today. He believed that extraterrestrial civilizations had been
meddling in human affairs for millennia, with some factions exploiting us for warlike
purposes and others attempting to accelerate our evolution.

Perhaps the most interesting points that Tompkins makes are that various forms of alien
species are not only telepathic, but also able to alter matter as well as move through
space and time. He also describes how certain of these species can assume human form
and even remotely access the minds of unsuspecting humans (possibly even completely
taking control of their bodies) for the purpose of manipulating their thoughts and

The NSA's use of signals intelligence based remote neural monitoring technology - which
allows for the interfacing of a person's brain with artificial intelligence computers via the
electromagnetic spectrum (Google Akwei VS
NSA) - is obviously based on the NSA's utilization
of reverse engineered alien technology, which
the agency has been illegally and secretly using
on the American people since the 1960s.

Tompkins also describes the US Military's

concerns about UFOs and alien beings and the
Military's rush to create advanced space based
weapons, which could be used to defend the
planet Earth against an ET threat to our

Tompkins died on August 21, 2017, in the midst of the first total solar eclipse viewable
in North America in 99 years.

Bill Uhouse

Bill Uhouse was a test pilot and mechanical engineer

at Area 51 who retired in 1987.

Has worked over 38 years in the field of creating flight

simulators. One such project allowed him to work
directly with an ET for an extended amount of time.

He was partnered with a J-Rod alien called “Jarod

2” from 1966 to 1979. He worked with “Jarod 2” to
build a flight simulator in training Air Force pilots to fly
advanced USAF stealth reconnaissance craft. Uhouse understood the gravitational field
and what it took to get people trained to experience anti-gravity.

The advanced technology was based on research and development in the reverse-
engineering field of UFO craft recoveries from after World War II. A UFO craft recovery
incident in Kingman, Arizona in 1958 is what led to advanced stealth research.

Karl Wolfe

Though hard evidence of extraterrestrial visitation to planet

Earth and the existence of secret government space missions
is admittedly hard to come by, this might be more due to
governmental interference than to an actual lack of

According to Karl Wolfe, a former Air Force sergeant who

worked in the National Security Administration, photographs
taken from orbit prior to the 1969 lunar landing that
depicted a vast base of the dark side of the Moon had been
purposefully destroyed by elements within NASA, the NSA,
and the US Air Force.

Wolfe, in his own words:

... At any rate, I was in a color lab one day when my boss, Staff Sergeant Taylor, came
over to me and said that they were having a problem with some equipment on the base
and it was the first lunar orbiter program, where thy had a mission to pretty much
locate the first landing sites for the 1969 lunar mission for the astronauts.

So, he said they were having some problem with equipment over there. it was similar
equipment to what we had - it was computerized contact printing equipment. He
wanted to know if I would go over and take a look at it. He said to me, It's an NSA

His security clearance status was raised to enable him to even enter the highly secure

Wolfe's heart raced as he entered the here-to-fore forbidden hangar that day, and he
was shocked to see the frantic activity in the lab, activities carried out by individuals of
many different nations.

Wolfe had naturally thought that only American citizens would be in the NASA lab, but
there were many individuals with guest name tags on, and obviously from foreign
countries present this day, inferring that they were there on a temporary basis for some
special occasion.

He felt a sense of panic as to his mission. Whatever he was called in for was of the
utmost importance. He was told that the equipment in question was in a nearby dark

As he was led into the room, only the red glow of a safety light greeted him at first, but
in a moment, he could make out the figure of one airman who manned the dark room.

Wolfe knew that the image processing equipment would have to be removed to be
repaired, and he also knew that the diagnostics on this type of equipment would take
some time to finish.

Arrangements were quickly made for the photographic equipment to be taken to

another secure location for Wolfe to begin the painstaking task of troubleshooting the
problem. As Wolfe waited for transport to arrive, he began to chat with the other
airman. Wolfe carefully asked why the NASA work was being done at Langley and not
NASA in Houston.

It was then that he was told that all of the NASA image information was downloaded to
Langley, enhanced and made into the finished photographs that were then studied by
different branches of the Armed Forces. The dark room attendant began to explain to
Wolfe just what all the secrecy was about.

According to Wolfe, he was shown a single photograph of the base in confidence by a

superior during his tenure at the NSA. Though he was duly impressed by the
implications of the photo, he was more concerned than excited.

He knew as a trained intelligence agent that what he had seen was never meant for his
eyes and that the very existence of such a photograph endangered the life of anyone
who witnessed it.

Wolfe was told that recent enhanced images had surprisingly, yet clearly shown
structures on the surface of the dark side of the Moon. Structures that definitely were

not created by natural means, such as meteors, or ancient collisions with other heavenly
bodies. The structures were created by intelligent beings.

"We discovered," the airman said, "a base of the back side of the Moon."

Wolfe was obviously stunned by this extraordinary disclosure. He remembers literally

"shaking" trying to take in the enormity of what he had been told. Seeing Wolfe's
disbelief, the dark room attendant continued:

"Yes, a base on the dark side of the Moon."

Although the attendant had not actually said that the structures were not created by
inhabitants of Earth, it seemed to go without saying. Wolfe was still in amazement as he
was now looking down at the very photographs he was trying to envision in his mind.

Bending down under the red glowing lamp, he was seeing what so very few would see.
He could clearly make out geometric shapes, well organized, and well designed.

Most noticeable to him were what looked exactly like radar antennas, very similar to
what one could see on Earth.

There was no doubt now in Wolfe's mind why the odd complement of scientists and
investigators were in attendance at this place on this day. They had arrived to see and
study what he was looking at now; structures made by intelligent beings on the Moon.

Questions flooded his mind now; Could Russia have made these structures, putting the
first flag on the lunar surface? Could this be a joint venture of some kind? If so, by
whom? Americans and aliens? Whomever was the creator, Wolfe felt like he had been
caught stealing, or with his hand in the cookie jar. He was NOT supposed to see these

He could be arrested, or worse. He just wanted to do his job, leave, and never mention
it again. Wolfe did finish the job he was commissioned to do, keeping the memories of
that day dormant in his mind, and went on with his life.

Wolfe, however, was haunted by the images he saw that day for many years to come.
After he left the active service, his security clearance prohibited him from leaving the
United States for five years, and he was sworn to keep what he had seen to himself.

It would be thirty years before he told anyone about that unforgettable day.

Advanced Technology

TR-3B Astra Spacecraft Patent Filing

Patent Approved for Anti-Gravity Spacecraft using Mass Reduction & Non-Conventional

US Patent and Trade Office (PTO) on or about July 10, 2019, has granted to the US
Department of the Navy an “Active” status to item #US10144532B2. This patent is
classified as “B64G1/409 Unconventional Spacecraft Propulsion Systems.“

The abstract for the patent states:

“A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity
wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer
resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a
resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves
throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated
mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.”

“It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a
system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of
local spacetime (the local vacuum energy state), equivalent to an accelerated excursion

far from thermodynamic equilibrium (analogous with symmetry-breaking induced by
abrupt changes of state/phase transitions). The physical mechanism which drives this
diminution in inertial mass is based on the negative pressure (hence repulsive gravity)
exhibited by the polarized local vacuum energy state (local vacuum polarization being
achieved by a coupling of accelerated high frequency vibration with accelerated high
frequency axial rotation of an electrically charged system/object) in the close proximity
of the system/object in question.”

The term “superluminal”, means the spacecraft in question may possibly achieve faster-
than-light travel.

A recent paper, by the inventor, published in the International Journal of Space Science
and Engineering (Pais, S. C., Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015) considers the conditional possibility of
superluminal craft propulsion in a Special Relativity framework.

The patent suggests this speed may be achieved through mass reduction, termed here
as “negative mass/negative energy density”.

This involves the instantaneous removal of energy-mass from the system (craft) when
the craft’s speed reaches (v=c/2). The author discusses the possibility of using exotic
matter (negative mass/negative energy density) to bring about this effect…The artificial
generation of gravity waves in the locality of the craft, can result in energy-mass

Flying through an Artificially Created “Void” – People who ride in cars and motorcycles,
or pilots who fly aircraft, all know that as the speed of their vehicle increases, so too
increases air resistance striking the front of the vehicle. One need merely to place their
hand outside the window at speed and feel the resistance that the wind presents
against one’s hand. With this in mind, we may also know that traveling at such high
speeds consumes more fuel than at lower speeds.

The patent’s language purports that air resistance may be significantly reduced or
effectively cancelled altogether by artificially generating a vacuum inside which the
vehicle travels. In effect this means the vehicle would not experience wind resistance, or
at least not as much.

“…local vacuum polarization, namely the coherence of vacuum fluctuations within the
immediate proximity of the craft’s surface (outside vacuum boundary) is achieved,
allowing for ‘smooth sailing’ through the negative pressure (repulsive gravity) of the
‘void’ (the void within the vacuum). It may be stated that the void ‘sucks in’ the craft.”

By reducing or eliminating air drag, this means the spacecraft mentioned in the patent
would not need to use any (or as much) fuel through a medium (such as the Earth’s
atmosphere) for sustained travel.

The drag elimination concept posited in the “void” discussion above brings to mind an
extremely interesting question.

We always assume a spacecraft can fly through the air and the near vacuum of
space. We assume air is made of matter and is subject to the “quantum vacuum fields”
mentioned in the mass reduction section above. So, if enough power is artificially
generated, then would the spacecraft be able to fly through solid matter also? Fly
through walls and mountains?

Rumors of a New Alien / Human Spacecraft

This is a cooperative effort between humans and ETs. This information has been
obtained through unconventional sources!

New Spacecraft Technology: The spacecraft is designated GP4-H3. “GP” is the general
model designation; the “4” is the fourth generation of this craft type or series, and “H3”
is merely an example version which is usually designated according to the specific
purpose of the craft.

Modular Interchangeability for Purpose-Specific Missions: Former US Navy and space-

tech informant William Tompkins, revealed that US Navy submarines in recent decades
have been developed in both modular and scalable forms. “Modular” means that major
parts for submarines (and later spacecraft developed for the Navy’s Secret Space
Programs – SSPs) are “swappable”. Just as computer components (such as a mouse, or a
USB data storage device) are “hot swappable” so too are major parts of this new model

Parts are swappable according to need. As applied to the spacecraft concept, a ship that
has been tasked for long-distance travel will need more cargo space for carrying large
stores of food, water, and other supplies. For craft that have been tasked with carrying
many people, then a module can be fitted with many seats and beds, and perhaps a
mess hall. Assuming the craft serves primarily as a medical ship, then the spacecraft’s
modules can be swapped out with interiors commonly seen in hospitals. These role-
specific “modules” can be fitted to the skeleton frame of the craft and changed out as-

Upgrade to Existing Spacecraft Technologies: Because this ship will serve to be a flagship
of sorts for the disclosure of already existing technology such as the TR3B (code named
“Astra” or “Black Manta”), the GP ship will also serve as a modern upgrade to the TR3B’s
somewhat antiquated technology features. From what evidence is available, the TR3B
has been in active service for at least 20 years.

Summary of this crafts features:

• Mass Reduction: Allowing the spacecraft to be able to accelerate at incredible

• Reduced Field Resistance: To be used as a way to protect the spacecraft’s
passengers from the powerful electromagnetic and other fields generated by
the craft.
• Faster-Than-Light Speeds: May possibly achieve faster-than-light travel.
• Submersible Use in bodies of water: The craft may conceivably be able to glide
effortlessly through water also. On Earth as well as water planets.
• Reliability / Predictability in Multidimensional Travel: Ability for
multidimensional (quantum-based) travel. Predictability in being able to
perform multidimensional/quantum travel without the undesirable variables.

Scientist Finds Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field

According to NASA, Jack Scudder—a researcher at the University of Iowa—has found

"hidden portals on Earth's magnetic field [that] open and close dozens of times each
day." Some of them are open for long periods of time.

Scudder says that these portals "create an uninterrupted path leading from our own
planet to the sun's atmosphere 93 million miles away."

Called X-points or electron diffusion regions, they are located "a few tens of thousands
of kilometers from Earth. The portals are created through a process of magnetic
reconnection in which lines of magnetic force from both celestial bodies mingle and
criss-cross through space. The criss-crossing creates these x-points.

The portals are "invisible, unstable and elusive," opening and closing without any
warning. When they open, however, they are capable of transporting energetic particles
at high speed from the Sun's atmosphere's to Earth's, causing geomagnetic storms.

There's a way to locate them and Scudder has found it. He uses data by NASA's THEMIS
spacecraft and the ESA's Cluster probes, following crucial clues found in the data from
NASA's Polar spacecraft, which studied Earth's magnetosphere in the late 1990s:

Using Polar data, we have found five simple combinations of magnetic field and
energetic particle measurements that tell us when we've come across an X-point or an
electron diffusion region. A single spacecraft, properly instrumented, can make these

NASA is getting ready such a spacecraft in their Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. A

whole squadron of them: four ships that will be deployed around Earth and "surround
the portals to observe how they work."

Right: This is how the magnetic

portals look on the data
gathered by NASA's Polar

Time Travel: Theories, Paradoxes & Possibilities

Time travel: Moving between different points in time — has been a popular topic for
science fiction for decades. "Doctor Who" to "Star Trek" to "Back to the Future" have
seen humans get in a vehicle of some sort and arrive in the past or future, ready to take
on new adventures. Each come with their own time travel theories.

The reality, however, is more muddled. Not all scientists believe that time travel is
possible. Some even say that an attempt would be fatal to any human who chooses to
undertake it.

Understanding Time

While most people think of time as a constant, physicist Albert Einstein showed that
time is an illusion; it is relative — it can vary for different observers depending on your
speed through space. To Einstein, time is the "fourth dimension." Space is described as a
three-dimensional arena, which provides a traveler with coordinates — such as length,
width and height —showing location. Time provides another coordinate — direction —
although conventionally, it only moves forward. (Conversely, a new theory asserts
that time is "real.")

Going against the standard view of most scientists, theoretical physicist Lee Smolin has
suggested that time is real, rather than the illusion that Einstein's theory of relativity
makes it out to be.

Most physicists think time is a subjective illusion, but what if time is real?

Einstein's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up depending
on how fast you move relative to something else. Approaching the speed of light, a
person inside a spaceship would age much slower than his twin at home. Also, under
Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity can bend time.

Picture a four-dimensional fabric called space-time. When anything that has mass sits on
that piece of fabric, it causes a dimple or a bending of space-time. The bending of space-
time causes objects to move on a curved path and that curvature of space is what we
know as gravity.

Both the general and special relativity theories have been proven with GPS satellite
technology that has very accurate timepieces on board. The effects of gravity, as well as
the satellites' increased speed above the Earth relative to observers on the ground,
make the unadjusted clocks gain 38 microseconds a day. (Engineers make calibrations to
account for the difference.)

In a sense, this effect, called time dilation, means astronauts are time travelers, as they
return to Earth very, very slightly younger than their identical twins that remain on the

Through the Wormhole

General relativity also provides scenarios that could allow travelers to go back in
time, according to NASA. The equations, however, might be difficult to physically

One possibility could be to go faster than light, which travels at 186,282 miles per
second (299,792 kilometers per second) in a vacuum. Einstein's equations, though, show
that an object at the speed of light would have both infinite mass and a length of 0. This
appears to be physically impossible, although some scientists have extended his
equations and said it might be done.

A linked possibility, NASA stated, would be to create "wormholes" between points in

space-time. While Einstein's equations provide for them, they would collapse very
quickly and would only be suitable for very small particles. Also, scientists haven't
actually observed these wormholes yet. Also, the technology needed to create a
wormhole is far beyond anything we have today.

Alternate Time Travel Theories

While Einstein's theories appear to make time travel difficult, some groups have
proposed alternate solutions to jump back and forth in time.

Infinite Cylinder

Astronomer Frank Tipler proposed a mechanism (sometimes known as a Tipler Cylinder)

where one would take matter that is 10 times the sun's mass, then roll it into very long
but very dense cylinder.

After spinning this up a few billion revolutions per minute, a spaceship nearby —
following a very precise spiral around this cylinder — could get itself on a "closed, time-

like curve", according to the Anderson Institute. There are limitations with this method,
however, including the fact that the cylinder needs to be infinitely long for this to work.

Black Holes

Another possibility would be to move a ship rapidly around a black hole, or to artificially
create that condition with a huge, rotating structure.

"Around and around they'd go, experiencing just half the time of everyone far away
from the black hole. The ship and its crew would be traveling through time," physicist
Stephen Hawking wrote in the Daily Mail in 2010.

"Imagine they circled the black hole for five of their years. Ten years would pass
elsewhere. When they got home, everyone on Earth would have aged five years more
than they had."

However, he added, the crew would need to travel around the speed of light for this to
work. Physicist Amos Iron at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel
pointed out another limitation if one used a machine: it might fall apart before being
able to rotate that quickly.

Cosmic Strings

Another theory for potential time travelers involves something called cosmic strings —
narrow tubes of energy stretched across the entire length of the ever-expanding
universe. These thin regions, left over from the early cosmos, are predicted to contain
huge amounts of mass and therefore could warp the space-time around them.

Cosmic strings are either infinite or they’re in loops, with no ends, scientists say. The
approach of two such strings parallel to each other would bend space-time so vigorously
and in such a particular configuration that might make time travel possible, in theory.

Time Machines

It is generally understood that traveling forward or back in time would require a device
— a time machine — to take you there. Time machine research often involves bending
space-time so far that timelines turn back on themselves to form a loop, technically
known as a "closed time-like curve."

To accomplish this, time machines often are thought to need an exotic form of matter
with so-called "negative energy density." Such exotic matter has bizarre properties,
including moving in the opposite direction of normal matter when pushed. Such matter
could theoretically exist, but if it did, it might be present only in quantities too small for
the construction of a time machine.

However, time-travel research suggests time machines are possible without exotic
matter. The work begins with a doughnut-shaped hole enveloped within a sphere of
normal matter. Inside this doughnut-shaped vacuum, space-time could get bent upon
itself using focused gravitational fields to form a closed time-like curve. To go back in

time, a traveler would race around inside the doughnut, going further back into the past
with each lap. This theory has a number of obstacles, however. The gravitational fields
required to make such a closed time-like curve would have to be very strong and
manipulating them would have to be very precise.]

Also, humans may not be able to withstand time travel at all. It would only take a
centrifuge to traveling nearly the speed of light, but that would be lethal, said Jeff
Tollaksen, a professor of physics at Chapman University, in 2012.

Using gravity would also be deadly. To experience time dilation, one could stand on
a neutron star, but the forces a person would experience would rip you apart first.

So, is Time Travel Possible?

While time travel does not appear possible — at least, possible in the sense that the
humans would survive it — with the physics that we use today, the field is constantly
changing. Advances in quantum theories could perhaps provide some understanding of
how to overcome time travel paradoxes.

One possibility, although it would not necessarily lead to time travel, is solving the
mystery of how certain particles can communicate instantaneously with each other
faster than the speed of light.

Has Antigravity Research Paved the Way for Warp Speed Space Travel?

As we dig deep into Antigravity Research, keep in mind that while some groups are
doing research, others may have been using versions of it for years. Also consider what
propulsion systems are in use in the TRs’.

Now researchers at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) are looking
for experimental confirmation to establish the existence of antigravity. The secrets of
antigravity may be unlocked, they believe, by an in-depth study and exploration of the
properties of antimatter and this could he unleash the concept of the ‘warp drive’ from
Star Trek scripts and release it into the real world.

Antimatter, The Basics

As the mirror version of regular matter, anti-matter particles carry the opposite charge
of their counterparts. So, while the electron and proton that determine atomic structure
feature negative and positive charges respectively, the charges of a positron (the
antimatter version of an electron) and antiproton (the antimatter version of a proton)
are the reverse. Consequently, when matching particles of matter and antimatter meet,
the result is mutual annihilation, with both particles being converted to pure energy.

But there may be more differences between matter and antimatter than having
opposite electrical charges. Their reaction to the influence of gravity may also be the
opposite, although this has yet to be experimentally confirmed. If this does turn out to
be the case, it means that if antimatter were exposed to a gravitational field it might
move away from instead of toward the body creating that field. If it exists, this contrary
movement would be a demonstration of antigravity in action.

Based on the standard model of physics, most scientists expect antimatter and matter
to react identically to gravity. But they are raising the question anyway, mainly because
of how little antimatter has actually been studied up to now. Until there are
experimental results, nothing can be known for sure.

Thankfully, this situation is about to change. After pondering the problem, scientists at
CERN have come up with an experimental design that will allow them to test the
reactions of antimatter particles to gravity. The results they achieve should be definitive,
and if they discover an antigravity effect it will change physics forever.

CERN and the Search for Antigravity

During their ongoing ALPHA antimatter study experiment, physicists working at CERN
have been able to create antimatter in the form of electrically neutral antihydrogen
particles, which have then been subjected to close scrutiny to verify their

Antimatter cannot be handled in the traditional sense. Since we are made of regular
matter, any attempt to touch it or otherwise make physical contact with it would
destroy us in an instant. Therefore, electromagnetic traps had to be developed at CERN
that would hold antimatter particles trapped in midair, so they could be studied in safe
conditions while they remained stable and under control.

While caught in these traps, the antihydrogen particles have been measured and
analyzed. This testing has confirmed that they are indeed the mirror images of normal
atoms of hydrogen, and that they possess all the expected (reverse) properties.

Despite the comprehensiveness of the initial testing, gravity was excluded from the
equation. This was because of experimental limitations that made the effects of gravity
hard to isolate. But after a few years of brainstorming CERN scientists have now figured
out how to track the reactions of antimatter particles to gravity exclusively, and they will
soon be proceeding with a pair of experiments that should settle that question once and
for all.

ALPHA-g (a modified form of the original ALPHA experiment) and GBAR are the names
of the two experiments. In each case, antiprotons will be created inside particle
accelerators and combined with positrons to create neutral atoms of antihydrogen.
Working with antihydrogen makes sense because it is the most basic element of
antimatter and is relatively easy to produce, and because it is electrically neutral and
will not skew the results of the experiment by reacting to electromagnetic forces.

In each experiment, the antihydrogen atoms will be subjected to what is called a ‘drop
test.’ The suspended particles will be released inside a gravitational field, and the
researchers will see if they move down or up, or if the downward acceleration is slower
than that of a matching hydrogen atom.

If in fact it is shown that antimatter reacts differently than matter to gravity, either by
falling at a slower-than-predicted rate or actually moving away from the generator of
the gravitational force, this could totally revolutionize the laws of physics. Antigravity
could become a thing, breaking through barriers to space exploration that in the past
might have seemed impregnable.

Of course, it would not be possible to harness the power of antigravity by building
spaceships from antimatter. Nothing can touch antimatter without being destroyed in a
blast of pure energy. But with a technology that holds antimatter trapped in place,
it would be possible to manipulate the force of gravity in ways that could cancel,
minimize or redirect its effects. This would mean much speedier acceleration for
spaceships, which would no longer face any gravitational drag from astronomical bodies
like the Sun, Moon or Earth.

Most revolutionary of all, the discovery of antigravity could extract the concept of the
‘warp drive’ from Star Trek scripts and release it into the real world. According to the
mathematical solution for General Relativity discovered by theoretical physicist Miguel
Alcubierre in 1994, spacetime could be deformed by antigravity forces to allow for
faster-than-light travel, should it be confirmed that such a thing as antigravity exists and
can be generated by human technology.

One of the most astonishing facts about science is how universally applicable the laws of
nature are. Every particle obeys the same rules, experiences the same forces, and sees
the same fundamental constants, no matter where or when they exist. Gravitationally,
every single entity in the Universe experiences, depending on how you look at it, either
the same gravitational acceleration or the same curvature of spacetime, no matter what
properties it possesses.

At least, that's what things are like in theory. In practice, some things are notoriously
difficult to measure. Photons and normal, stable particles both fall as expected in a
gravitational field, with Earth causing any massive particle to accelerate towards its
center at 9.8 m/s2. Despite our best efforts, though, we have never measured the
gravitational acceleration of antimatter. It ought to accelerate the exact same way, but
until we measure it, we can't know. One experiment is attempting to decide the matter,
once-and-for-all. Depending on what it finds, it just might be the key to a scientific and
technological revolution.

You might not realize it, but there are two entirely different ways of thinking about
mass. On the one hand, there's the mass that accelerates when you apply a force to it:
the m in Newton's famous equation, F = ma. This is the same as the m in Einstein's E =
mc2, which tells you how much energy you need to create a particle (or antiparticle) and
how much energy you get when you annihilate it away.

But there's another mass out there: gravitational mass. This is the mass, m, that appears
in the equation for weight at Earth's surface (W = mg), or in Newton's gravitational
law, F = GmM/r2. For normal matter, we know that these two masses — inertial mass
and gravitational mass — must be equal to something like 1 part in 100 billion, thanks to
experimental constraints from a setup designed over 100 years ago by Loránd Eötvös.

For antimatter, though, we've never been able to measure this at all. We've applied
non-gravitational forces to antimatter and seen it accelerate, and we've created and
annihilated antimatter as well; we're certain how its inertial mass behaves, and it's

exactly the same as normal matter's inertial mass. Both F = ma and E = mc2 work just
the same for antimatter as they do for normal matter.

But if we want to know how antimatter behaves gravitationally, we can't just go off of
what we theoretically expect; we have to measure it. Fortunately, there's an experiment
that's running now which was designed to do exactly that: the ALPHA experiment at

One of the great strides that's been taken recently is the creation of not just particles of
antimatter, but neutral, stable bound states of it. Anti-protons and positrons (anti-
electrons) can be created, slowed down, and forced to interact with each other, where
they form neutral anti-hydrogen. By using a combination of electric and magnetic fields,
we can confine these anti-atoms and keep them stable, away from the matter that
would cause them to annihilate.

We've successfully held them stable for around 20 minutes at a time, far exceeding the
microsecond timescales that unstable, fundamental particles survive. We've struck them
with photons, discovering that they have the same emission and absorption spectra as
atoms. In every way that matters, we've determined that antimatter's properties are
exactly as standard physics predicts them to be.

Except, of course, gravitationally. The new ALPHA-g detector, built at Canada's TRIUMF
facility and shipped to CERN earlier this year, should improve the limits on the
gravitational acceleration of antimatter down to the critical threshold. Does antimatter
accelerate, in the presence of the gravitational field on the surface of Earth, at +9.8
m/s2 (down), at -9.8 m/s2 (up), at 0 m/s2 (no gravitational acceleration at all), or some
other value?

From both a theoretical and an applications perspective, any result other than the
expected +9.8 m/s2 would be absolutely revolutionary.

• The antimatter counterpart of every matter particle should have:

• the same mass,
• the same acceleration in a gravitational field,
• the opposite electric charge,
• the opposite spin,
• the same magnetic properties,
• should bind together the same way into atoms, molecules and larger structures,
• and should have the same spectrum of positron transitions in those varied

Some of these have been measured for a long time: antimatter's inertial mass, electric
charge, spin and magnetic properties are well-known. Its binding and transitional
properties have been measured by other detectors at the ALPHA experiment and line up
with what particle physics predicts.

But if the gravitational acceleration comes back negative instead of positive, it will
literally turn the world upside down.

Currently, there is no such thing as a gravitational conductor. On an electrical conductor,

free charges live on the surface and can move around, redistributing themselves in
response to whatever other charges are around. If you have an electric charge outside
an electrical conductor, the inside of the conductor will be shielded from that electric

But there's no way to shield yourself from the gravitational force. There's no way to set
up a uniform gravitational field in a region of space, either, like you can between the
parallel plates of an electrical capacitor. The reason? Because unlike the electric force,
which is generated by positive and negative charges, there's only one type of
gravitational "charge," and that's mass-and-energy. The gravitational force is always
attractive, and there's simply no way around that.

But if you have negative gravitational mass, all of that changes. If antimatter actually
antigravitates, falling up instead of down, then gravity sees it as though it were made of
anti-mass or anti-energy. Under the laws of physics that we currently understand,
quantities like anti-mass or anti-energy don't exist. We can imagine them and talk about
how they would behave, but we expect antimatter to have normal mass and normal
energy when it comes to gravity.

If anti-mass does exist, though, then a slew of great technological advances, imagined
by science-fiction writers for generations, would suddenly become physically possible.
We can build a gravitational conductor and shield ourselves from the gravitational force.
We can set up a gravitational capacitor in space, creating a uniform artificial gravity
field. We could even create warp drive, since we'd gain the ability to deform spacetime
in exactly the way that a mathematical solution to General Relativity, discovered by
Miguel Alcubierre in 1994, requires.

It's an incredible possibility, one that's considered wildly unlikely by practically all
theoretical physicists. But no matter how wild or tame your theories are, you must
absolutely confront them with experimental data; only through measuring the Universe
and putting it to the test can you ever accurately determine how the laws of nature

Until we measure the gravitational acceleration of antimatter to the precision necessary

to determine whether it falls up or down, we must keep ourselves open to the
possibility that nature might not behave as we expect. The equivalence principle may
not be true for antimatter; it may, in fact, be 100% anti-true. But if that's the case, a
whole new world of possibilities will be unlocked. We could change the currently known
limits of what humans can create in the Universe. And we'll learn the answer in just a
few years through the simplest of all experiments: putting an anti-atom in a
gravitational field and watching which way it falls.

Is Antigravity Here Already?

Antigravity is a concept frequently featured in science fiction stories. Its theoretical basis
in these tales has seldom been made clear but imagining antigravity technology into
existence has set science fiction writers free to create spellbinding stories of intrigue
about interstellar travel and alien contact.

But are these really just stories? And do we really need CERN to authenticate the
existence of antigravity? Is it possible that antigravity was discovered long ago, but has
been kept secret from the general public and mainstream scientists alike?

For many years, rumors and conspiracy theories have been bouncing around asserting
that the secrets of antigravity have already been discovered by the United States
government. During the 2001 Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, whistleblowers with
connections to the military-industrial complex claimed that extraterrestrial craft using
antigravity propulsion systems had been retrieved from crash sites and reverse
engineered for human use.

For many years, credible witnesses have reported seeing gigantic black triangles floating
silently and swiftly above their heads in the United States, Belgium and many other
locations, apparently under the control of technology capable of defying gravity. Many
believe these are experimental aircraft, quite possibly based on alien technology, which
have been built in secret black projects undertaken at Area 51 or other hidden sites.

While many take reports from whistleblowers, and from UFO experts like the Stephen
Greer, the primary organizer of the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, with a grain of salt,
the average citizens with no connection to UFO research have been reporting their
sightings of the giant black triangles for more than two decades, and in some instances
these mysterious flying machines have even been recorded on film. This strongly
suggest some kind of antigravity technology is in use by someone, whether they’re alien
or human. Either way, the implications of these sightings are earth-shaking.

Government Documents

Memorandum 6751

This document identifies extraterrestrial presence by a United States government

official in 1947. The memorandum was declassified and released to the public.

On November 30, 2010, under Executive Order 13526, the

FBI disclosed various UFO files, including the Memorandum 6751 shown below

Former FBI officer John DeSouza, points to the memorandum as a significant document
in ufology. This memo is significant in that it remained untouched from
the disinformation campaigns of Project Grudge, Blue Book or Red Book.

Memorandum 6751 discloses the presence of supernormal beings from another world
"which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us. The region from
which they come...corresponds to the Lokas or Talas.
Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.

Note: Lokas or Talas is a concept in Hindu mythology that

refers to alternate worlds or realities, and in the simplest
context multiple dimensions. These worlds are explained
in Prajapati, and later expanded in Theosophy.

The concept was later picked up in a classified US

document called Memorandum 6751. CERN then builds
the Large Hadron Collider, (so-to-speak) to spec, from
theosophist Helena Blavatsky's Kosmic planes… in her 1888
book, The Secret Doctrine.

For Further Reference

You may want to check out some of these other books published by Blue Planet Project.
There 32 books now, but I’ve listed some of them that tie in with the subjects covered in
this book:


The YELLOW BOOK reveals the history of the ALIENS on EARTH! Bob Lazar used YELLOW
BOOK info at Dreamland, AREA 51! A Blue Planet Project Book! Now you can discover
secrets of the aliens!

The Ultimate Conspiracy That May Destroy Us: 5G NETWORK WEAPONIZED CELL
TOWERS, HAARP Weather Modification and CHEMTRAIL Spraying of the Atmosphere all
combined to be used against us!

AREA 51 SECRETS: Want to know what they’ve been hiding from us? The aliens and the

Discover the origins of the Greys and their intervention with us humans! Abductions,
Harvesting of Souls by the Grey Aliens! They are us in the future, and also our

ALIEN BLOOD! Scientists say: “A more advanced extraterrestrial civilization was engaged
in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them!”

MONTAUK BASE: 12 secret underground levels that may still be operating today! Now
the whole story can finally be told! Discover the shocking secrets!

Are there really aliens still under DULCE BASE? Are they just waiting to come back up
and claim their home on the surface and maybe have us for lunch? Don't believe me?
Take a look at this:




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