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Depression in youth

Depression in youth is a serious issue in Pakistan. According to a 2021 study by the Pakistan
Association for Mental Health, 34% of Pakistani youth between the ages of 15 and 35 suffer
from depression. Here are some reasons why depression is prevalent among Pakistani youth:

1. Academic Pressure: The educational system in Pakistan places a lot of pressure on

young people to perform well academically. The competition for grades, admissions
to top universities, and securing jobs can cause immense stress and anxiety.
2. Family Pressure: Family pressure is also a significant factor that contributes to
depression in Pakistani youth. There is a strong emphasis on conformity and
following traditional values, which can create tension and conflict between young
people and their families.
3. Social Isolation: Social isolation is another issue that contributes to depression in
Pakistani youth. Due to cultural norms and security concerns, many young people are
unable to socialize and make friends, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and
4. Economic Uncertainty: The economic situation in Pakistan is unstable, and many
young people face uncertainty and lack of job opportunities. This can create a sense of
hopelessness and despair, leading to depression.
5. Stigma: There is a significant social stigma surrounding mental health in Pakistan,
which can prevent young people from seeking help for their depression.

To address the issue of depression in Pakistani youth, it is essential to increase awareness

about mental health and provide access to mental health services. The government and civil
society organizations can play an important role in providing counseling and support to
young people suffering from depression. Additionally, there is a need for reforms in the
education system and family dynamics to reduce pressure on young people and create a more
supportive environment for mental health.

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