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1. What is a political party?

Answer : A Political Party is a group organized to support certain policies or questions of

public interest.

2. What is the aim of a political party?

Answer : The aim of political party is to elect officials who will try to carry out the party’s

3. What has a strong influence on political parties?

Answer : Newspapers, radio and television have a strong influence on political parties. The
parties use radio and television to hold public opinion.

4. Which countries have multi-party system?

Answer : Many European countries have multi-party system. Among there are Norway,
Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands.

5. What will the political parties do?

Answer : A large political party usually has millions of members and supporters. When
people in a democracy disagree about what the government should do, each voter expresses
his opinion by voting for the candidate that supports his side of the agreement. The parties
use radio and television to hold public opinion.

6. In one-party rule, can people express their objections by voting for another party?

Answer : No, because under such a system people who do not agree with the party in power
cannot express their objections by voting for another party.

7. Why is it sometimes difficult for a party to get a clear majority of the votes?

Answer : Because of the number of the competing parties is very large, it is sometimes
difficult for any one party to get a clear majority of the votes.

8. Suppose you live in democracy, what will you do not agree with the government’s policy?

Answer : What the government does not agree on are things that are not good decisions.
9. What does paragraph three talk about?

Answer : What paragraph three is talking about is that some countries have only one party,
and others have many. For example In Cuba and China, there is only one party: the
Communist party. One party rule is also common in much of Africa and Latin America.

10. What is the main idea of paragraph four?

Answer : Indonesia operates under a multi-party system.

Vocabulary Activity

Fill the blanks with the correct words provided in the box.

1. Indonesia in one of the democracy country in Asia.

2. To achieve the goal, some small parties form a ideology
3. After a long debate Paul was chosen captain in the football team
4. In politics, we prefer evolution to revolution
5. We must appoint the members of the committee
6. An absolute leader need not ask anyone for permission to do anything
7. Old people are usually more conservative than young people
8. The result of the election Shows that Mr. Hasan was supported by all of the participants
9. The committee has to make the decision as soon as possible
10. In our country there is not left-wing party


Rearrange the following stages of the carrying out of the General Election so that they are in
good order. Put the number before each stage.

1. (C) Names of candidates for members of the House of Representatives (Central and
Local) are submitted.
2. (K) Names of the contestants and their symbols are submitted
3. (F) Personal data of the candidates are examined
4. (1) List of the candidates is announced
5. (D) The electors are enrolled
6. (H) Names of the candidates are fixed and listed orderly
7. (B) The number of candidates who will be elected is fixed
8. (E) Swearing and promoting by elected members of the People Consultative Assembly
and the House is carried out
9. (J) Campaign is carried out
10. (L) Election is carried out
11. (A) Votes are counted
12. (G) Result of the General Election is fixed

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