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Research Methodology

An Overview
Dr. Mohd Amir
Assistant Professor
Uttaranchal Institute of Management
Uttaranchal University, Dehradun
Meaning of Research
⚫ Composed of two syllables “Re” and “Search”
⚫ “Re” is the prefix meaning ‘Again or over again or a
⚫ “Search” is the latter meaning ‘to examine closely and
carefully’ or ‘to test and try’
⚫ Together, a careful, patient study and investigation in
some field of knowledge undertaken to establish
principles / policies
Research/Scientific Method
⚫ Ideal of science is to achieve systematic interrelation of
⚫ It is the Pursuit of truth as determined by logical
⚫ Logic aids in formulating propositions explicitly and
accurately so that their possible alternative become clear
Objectives of Research
⚫ To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new
insight into it.
⚫ To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular
individual, group or situation.
⚫ To determine the frequency with which something occurs
or with which it is associated with something else.
⚫ To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between
Research Methodology
⚫ It is the way do systematically solve the research problem.
⚫ Science of studying how research is done scientifically
⚫ In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted
by a researcher in studying his research problem logically
⚫ Research methods do constitute a part of research
⚫ How the research problem has been defined?
⚫ What way and why the hypotheses has been formulated?
⚫ What data have been collected and what particular method
has been adopted?
⚫ Why particular technique of analysing data has been used?
Types of Research

Conceptual Research
Empirical Research
Pure Research

⚫ Gathering knowledge to formulate or generalize theories

or policies
⚫ Add knowledge to the already existing
⚫ e.g. mathematics, human behaviour
⚫ Also known as Fundamental or Basic Research.
Applied Research

⚫ To find a solution for immediate problem

⚫ e.g. social, economical and political trends prevailing in a
⚫ Also known as Action Research
Descriptive Research

⚫ Describes the actual prevailing state of affairs, existing at

⚫ Researcher cannot control the variables
⚫ Describes attitudes, perceptions, characteristics, activities
and situations.
⚫ Examines who, what, when, where, why, & how questions
⚫ Survey method mostly use
Analytical Research

⚫ Facts or information already available

⚫ For critical evaluation of material
⚫ e.g. document study / historical evidence
Quantitative Research

⚫ Relates to aspects that can be quantified and expressed in

terms of quantity
⚫ In this type of Research, the objectives, design, sample
and all the other factors influencing the research is pre
⚫ Also known as Structured Research
⚫ Solution will be expressed in terms of quantity and hence
statistical analysis is adapted in this type of Research
Qualitative Research

⚫ Concerned with the phenomenon relating to or involving

quality or kind
⚫ Aims at discovering underlying motives, desire, attitude or
⚫ Important in Behavioural Sciences
Conceptual Research

⚫ Related to some abstract idea or theory

⚫ To develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing one
⚫ Used by philosophers and thinker
Empirical Research

⚫ Depend on experience or observation

⚫ Conclusions are capable of being verified
⚫ Necessary to get at facts firsthand
⚫ Researcher’s control over the variable under study
⚫ Also known as Experimental Research
Steps in
1. Define Research Problem
⚫ A problem involves the task of laying down boundaries
within which a problem shall study with a pre-determined
objective in view
⚫ Two types of research problem :
related to states of nature
related to relationship between variables
⚫ Formulation of general topic constitutes the first step
⚫ Discuss with colleagues, academician, past literature could
help in formulating more specific topic
All parties involved must
⚫ Focus on the real research problem, not the symptoms.

⚫ Anticipate how the information will be used.

⚫ Avoid prescribing a specific study until the problem is

fully understood and defined
2. Review of Literature
⚫ What happened previously
⚫ Researcher should undertake extensive literature survey
related with problem
⚫ Academics journals, conference proceedings, government
reports, books must be taped
⚫ Abstracting and indexing journals are the first place to go
3. Formulate Hypotheses

⚫ Hypothesis is tentative assumption made in order to draw

out and test its logical or empirical consequences
⚫ Should very specific and limited to piece of research
⚫ Guide researcher by delimiting area of research and to
keep him on the right track
4. Preparing Research Design
⚫ Arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of
⚫ Research have to state the conceptual structure within
which research would be conduct
⚫ Aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure
⚫ Contains a) clear statement of research problem
b) procedure & techniques for information
c) population to be studied
d) method to be used in processing and
analysing data
5. Collection of Data
⚫ Task of data collection begins after a research problem has
been defined and research plan chalked out
⚫ Two types of data : Primary and Secondary
⚫ Collection method:
By observation
Personal Interview
Telephone Interview
Mailing of questionnaires
6. Analysis of Data
⚫ After collection data has to be processed and analysed in
accordance with the outline laid down at research plan
⚫ Processing includes editing, coding, classification and
⚫ Analysis refers to computation of certain measures along
with searching for patterns of relationship in data groups
7. Interpretation and Report

⚫ Interpretation is a search for broader meaning of research

⚫ Results from analysis part helps researcher to arrive at
generalisation, i.e., to build a theory
⚫ Report is a logical analysis of the subject matter
⚫ Report contains Introduction, Summary of findings, Main
report, Conclusion part
Thanking You
Contact No. 8266845800

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