The Skeletal System Works As A Support Structure For The Body and

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Skeletal System

Long answer question

The skeletal system works as a support structure for the body and has a number of specific
Choose 3 key functions and evaluate their impact on sport performance. (9 marks)

One way in which the skeletal system works as a support structure for the body is that it
provides protection of vital organs. Protection reduces the chance of a performer getting
injured, for example the cranium protects the brain while a footballer is heading the ball.
This allows the footballer not to injure himself and carry on playing the game. Another way
in which the skeletal system works as a support structure for the body is that it stores
calcium, phosphorous and other minerals which helps to keep your bones strong which
means they are less likely to break or get damaged. For example, while boxing, if you get
punched in the rib cage, if your bones are strong, they won’t get broken or damaged meaning
you can fight for longer in the ring. Finally, the skeletal system also produces red and white
blood cells and platelets. The red blood cells are used to transport oxygen across the body to
different muscle groups. The white blood cells are used to fight infections and the platelets
are used to thicken the blood and form scabs. For example, during rugby if you get scraped
while tackling somebody the platelets will be used and protect your scrape. The white blood
cells will kill any infections that may have entered the body. This means you can carry on
playing the match even if you get a lot of scrapes. To conclude the skeletal system has many
functions to support the body but they can all be linked to allowing the performer to carry on
playing their sport and not get injured.

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