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Research Report Writing

Dr. Mohd Amir

Department of Management
Uttaranchal University, Dehradun
Research Report
 A research has little value if the findings are
not documented and reported to all those who
may benefit from the same.
 The research report represents the final phase
of research.
 A research report requires not only scholarly
understanding of the subject matter but
also knowledge of practically every
aspect of research undertaken, theoretical
as well as practical.
Research Report
A research report is product of -
 Slow,
 Elaborate,

 Painstaking,

 Systematic,
 Accurate,

 Inductive work.
Essential Features of Research

1. Comprehensive
2. Clear and easy to comprehend
3. Precise and to the point
4. Technically sound
5. Suitable for intended purpose
Principles of Report Writing
1. Concise and to the Point.
2. Use of Simple and Non technical terms for making
easy to Understand and Implement.
3. Logical and Clear Statements – No Vagueness.
4. Structure of Sentences should be Appropriate.
5. Literary treatment of Subject matter.
6. Greater Emphasis on Applied and Research
based Aspects & lesser on Theoretical Details.
7. Use of Visuals like Graphs, Charts, Maps.
8. Complete in Details – All Required and Necessary
Details to be included.
Span and Details in Research Report

Span and details in Research Report depend Upon -

 Subject matter of research,
 Objectives of research
Research reports in social sciences like Sociology,
Economics, Commerce, Management etc., give details –
- Detailed description of facts and interpretation
- Tables of data collected,
- Analysis of data,
- Tests of Reliability, Normalcy,
- Significance, etc.
In physical sciences reports give results of experiments
conducted, analysis and conclusions
Steps in Preparing Research Report
1. Analysis and interpretation of data collected.
2. Preparation of Outline of Report.
3. Draft Report
- Filling in Gaps in Information
- Data to be checked for accuracy and completeness
- Systematic presentation of results using appropriate statistical
techniques for drawing inferences
- Elimination of factual and mathematical errors.
- Objective interpretation of facts and events
4. Polishing and Finishing of Draft Report
- Language, grammar and spellings to be corrected using dictionary,
encyclopedia etc.
- Literary treatment of the subject matter,
- Verification of all references cited
5. Final Report -
- Presentation to be made attractive
- Printed after ensuring accuracy
- Development and insertion of appropriate graphs and charts.
6. Introductory & Concluding part – Acknowledgements, Reference
Layout of a Research Report
Title Page
1, Preliminary Part
(a) Foreword / Certificate
(b) Abstract
(c) Table of Contents
(d) Preface
(e) Acknowledgements
(f) List of Tables, Charts, Graphs etc.
(g) List of Abbreviations used
2. Main Text
(a) Introduction
(b) Review of Literature
(c) Research Methodology
(d) Analysis, Findings and Discussion*
(e) Summary, conclusions and suggestions.
3. Reference Section
(a) Reference list/ Bibliography
(b) Appendices
(c) Index
(d) Glossary of terms
* Note: Number of Chapters may be as per requirement of Subject Matter
Title Page
1. Pagination: The Title Page is page 1, though not numbered .
2. Title Page: The Title is typed in uppercase
3. Key Elements of title page:
Thesis title,
Institutional affiliation(s),
Author affiliation.
4. Paper Title: Uppercase letters, centered on the page.
5. Author(s): Uppercase / lowercase letters, centered on the line
following the title.
6. Institutional affiliation: Uppercase / lowercase letters,
centered on the line following the author(s).
7. Author affiliation: To provide information about the author‟s
departmental affiliation, acknowledgments of assistance or
financial support, and a mailing address for correspondence.
Title Page


 The abstract is a one to two pages (400 to 450 words), self-
contained summary of the most important elements of the
1. Pagination: The abstract begins on a new page
(page 2) numbered as „i‟.
2. Heading: "Abstract" (centered on the first line
below the running head)
3. Format: The abstract (in block format) begins on the line
following the Abstract heading. The abstract word limit is set
by institutions. Typically, the word limit is between 400 and
450 words.
All numbers in the abstract (except those beginning a
sentence) should be typed as digits rather than words.
A foreword is generally written by someone
other than the researcher, who is an
authority on the subject or has sponsored the
research work or its publication.
The „Foreword‟ introduces the researcher and
research work to the readers.
At the end of the foreword the name, address,
place and date of writing the foreword are
given in italics, first two on the right side and
the other two on the left side.
Some times a certificate is expected to be
obtained from the regulating authority or
authority sponsoring the research in
respect of the work done.

The certificate is signed and dated and

given on a separate page in the report.
Table of Contents
 The table of contents gives details of all
important items included in the text of
the report showing their page numbers
in sequence.
 The page numbers of introductory part
are in Roman numerals (lower case)
and main text and concluding part in
Arabic numerals.
 The table of contents facilitates the
Examples - Table of Contents
1. Accounting Education in Countries of
South Asia
2. Role of Fiscal and Financial Incentives
in the Industrialisation of Backward
Accounting Education in Countries of South Asia
Title i
Preface and Acknowledgements ii
List of Tables iii
Contents iv
Chapter Page No.
I Accounting Education in South Asia 1-17
II Socio - Economic Profile of the SAARC Countries 18-54
III Education System in the SAARC Countries 55-79
IV Accounting Education in the SAARC Countries 80-103
V Education of Professional Accountants 104-127
in the SAARC Countries
VI Summary, Conclusions and Guidelines for Action 128-137
Appendices 138-156
Bibliography 157-160
Role of Fiscal and Financial Incentives in the
Industrialisation of Backward Areas
Contents Pages
Preface and Acknowledgements i - iii
Content iv
List of Tables v - ix
Abbreviations Used x
I Statement of the Problem and Methodology of Research 1 - 20
II Development of Backward Areas and Industrialisation 21 - 45
III Fiscal Incentives for Industries in Backward Areas of Rajasthan 46 - 79
IV Financial and other Incentives for industries in Backward Areas
of Rajasthan 80 - 122
V Effect of Incentives on Industrialisation and Development 123 - 148
of Backward Areas
VI Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions 149 - 159
Bibliography 160 - 167
I The Industrial Units Selected for the Study i - iv
II The Questionnaire v - ix
III Backward Areas/No Industry Districts in India xx - xviii
IV Blocks excluded from the Purview of Investment Subsidy Scheme xix - xx
V Incentives Granted in Foreign Countries for attracting
Industries to Depressed Areas xxi - xxvi
VI Incentives Granted to Prospective Small Industrialists by State
Governments in India xxvii - xxiii
VII Growth Centers Scheme xxiv - xxviii
VIII Rajasthan State Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme xxix - xIi
The preface is written by the researcher to
introduce the research work to its readers.
Generally it contains details such as how
and why the problem was selected, its
significance, objectives, outcomes etc.
At the end of the preface the address,
place and date of writing the preface are
given in italics, first two on the right side
and the other two on the left side.
The acknowledgements are recorded by
the researcher to highlight and
acknowledge the contributions made and
help extended by various institutions,
groups and persons during research work.
The researcher vents his feelings and puts
on record how the research blossomed.
Sometimes the acknowledgement is given
along with the preface and sometimes
Example - Acknowledgements
We gratefully acknowledge and express deep appreciation to many
wonderful people who have made this project possible:
- to those through whose lives and writings has come the wisdom of the ages. We
have tried to learn from your legacy.
- to our colleagues, clients, and seminar participants, whose deep sharing and
energy have moved us many levels beyond our own thinking.
- to our associates at the Covey Leadership Center for their synergy and
extra-mile support.
- to Bob Asahina of Simon & Schuster, for his patience, insight, and
- to the members of the First Things First team – Boyd Craig, Greg link,
Tony Harris, Adam Merrill, and Ken Shelton – for their significant contributions. In
very challenging situations they have demonstrated the character and
competency we‟ve tried to write about.
- most of all, to our families, and the families of the team, whose loving
support has made all the difference. Thank you for helping to teach uswhat “first
things” are and why they are first.
Stephen R. Covey, A Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill (Authors)
First Things First–To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy (The
List of Tables
 A table is used to present quantitative
data or the results of statistical analyses.
Pagination: Normally each Table begins on a
separate page, though continuity is
maintained in the text.
Heading: "Table 1" (or 2 or 3, etc.) is typed
flush left on first line below the running head.
It is double-spaced and table title is typed
flush left (italicized in uppercase and
lowercase letters).
 The Tables are listed in serial order.
 For more detailed examples see the
APA Style - Publication Manual (2010,
pp. 128-150).
 For APA-formatted Tables visit:
 http://www.vanguard.edu/uploadedFile
List of Figures
 A common use of figures is to present graphs,
photographs, or other illustrations (other than
 Pagination: Normally each figure begin on

a separate page.
 Figure Caption: "Figure 1." (or 2 or 3,

etc.) is typed flush left and italicized on first

line below the figure, immediately followed
on the same line by the caption (in a brief
descriptive phrase).
 The list of figures is given in serial order.
 For detailed examples see the APA Style
- Publication Manual (2010, pp. 150-
 For APA-formatted Figure visit:
 http://www.vanguard.edu/uploadedFile
Body of Report
1. Division: The body of the report is divided into chapters. Each
chapter of the report begins on a new page. Subsections of the
chapters do not begin on new pages.
2. Title: The title of the chapter (in uppercase and lowercase
letters) is centered on the first line below the running head.
3. Introduction: The introduction (which is not labeled) begins on
the line following the chapter title.
4. Headings: Five levels of headings are available to be used to
organize the chapters and reflect the relative importance of
sections. However, many empirical research reports utilize two
levels of headings: Main headings (such as Method, Results,
Discussion, References) would use Level 1 (centered, boldface,
uppercase and lowercase letters), and subheadings (such as
Participants, Apparatus, and Procedure as subsections of the
Method section) would use Level 2 (flush left, boldface, uppercase
and lowercase letters).
5.Conclusion: A chapter end ends with conclusion and maintains
continuity with the next chapter
Chapter I - Introduction
* Introduction
* Background of research
* Problem Statement
* Research Objectives
* Research Questions
* Hypotheses to be tested
* Scope of Research
* Significance of Research
* Limitations of Research
* Organisation of Research
Chapter II - Review of Literature
* Introduction
* Reviews of literature surveyed is
organised under main-headings and
sub-headings in logical sequence
* Results and findings from the
literature reviewed are given
* Gaps in knowledge in the area are
identified for proposed research
* Conceptual framework of research
* Conclusions.
Review of Literature
 Review of relevant literature is extremely useful in understanding the
problem of research. Besides bringing to light aspects considered
essential it opens new areas and provides alternatives.
 The review of literature reveals what others have done and
how others have attempted similar and related research
 Review of literature is helpful in identifying what contribution can be
made and for developing appropriate research design.
 The literature reviewed may be books, monographs, research papers,
research reports, administrative reports, proceedings of parliamentary
committees, reports of expert committees, encyclopedias, etc. The
literature available in the form of videotapes, films, microfilms,
floppies, web documents etc., may be also reviewed
 The reviews give names of author(s), year of publication, title of
work, place and publishers, Edition, Total pages, ISBN Number,
important content, its merits and limitations, besides important
Chapter III-Methodology of Research
* Introduction
* Research philosophy, Research
approach and Research design
* Research population and sample
* Sampling and Sample Design- Profile of
Participants/ Respondents
* Research Instruments
* Research Process -Data sources, data
collection, analysis and interpretation
* Validity and Reliability of data & results
* Research ethics
Methodology of Research
* Methodology of methods and techniques used in
research is clearly stated to show that appropriate
techniques have been used in the process of

* This includes (a) the statement of research problem

and its different dimensions, (b) philosophy,
approach and design of research (c) population and
sample, (d) Sampling and sample design, (e)
methods employed in the collection of data, analysis
and interpretation, (f) reliability and normalcy tests
(g) chapter scheme, and (h) research ethics, one by
* This serves as a guide for future researchers.
Chapter IV–Data analysis and
* Introduction
* Analysis and discussion - Results of
data analysis and interpretation
* Results of significance Tests
* Research findings and conclusions

 Note: This requires a very elaborate

exercise and care being core of the
research process.
Chapter V – Summary, Conclusions
and Suggestions
* Introduction
* Summary of findings
* Policy and administrative
* Contribution to knowledge
* Contribution to target groups
* Suggestions and Recommendations
* Areas for further research
Summary of Findings
A detailed summary of the work done,
findings, conclusions, policy implications, etc.,
is given.
Summary provides a view of what has been
achieved by research and how.
Suggestions and recommendations are
recorded for the stakeholders, beneficiaries,
decision makers and users of research
Areas where further research is needed are
Quotations from Other Works
1. The quotations included in the script are given within
quotes (" ") with proper reference. A quotation should
correspond exactly to the original in wording, spelling and

2. Omission of some part of a quotation should be indicated by

ellipsis i.e., three dots (…).

3. Omission of a whole paragraph should be indicated by a line

of dots such as (…..).
However, this should not disturb the natural flow of the theme
in the text.

4. Long quotations, of more than three lines, given by way of

reference, should be included in footnotes and indented.
Citation of Works
1. Citation of all sources used for research is
necessary in research report.
2. Citations for work done is useful in
comparing the results of the work done
with the results of similar other works done
by other scholars and institutions.
3. Citation may be direct quotations,
summarisation of the views expressed,
conclusions drawn, ideas, concepts in text
or in the form of data, diagrams etc.
4. In case of information not in public domain
express permission should be obtained from
the concerned authorities before citation.
5. Appropriate protocol – APA, MLA, Chicago
Foot Notes and End Notes
* The footnotes are given at the bottom of the page
with proper reference in the text (number or star*).
* Footnotes are meant for cross-reference, citation of
authority and source, acknowledgement and
elucidation and explanation of the point of view.
 Pagination: Footnote to begin on same/separate page.

 Heading: "Footnote" is centered on the first line below

the running head.

 Format: Indent the first line of each footnote 5-7

spaces and number the footnotes (slightly above the

line) as they are identified in the text.
 http://www.vanguard.edu/uploadedFiles/Psychology/Footn

Endnotes are given at the end of the page or the

1. Adequate space should be provided on each page

for endnotes so that they are not required to be
carried over to the next page, in full or partially.
2. Endnotes should be serially numbered, chapter
3. Generally the endnotes are typed in single space
with two spaces between two endnotes.
The supplementary material such as questionnaires, long
tables, case studies, original data, supportive legal
documents etc are placed in the appendices.

Appendices help a reader in checking the results.

1. In case of more than one appendix these can be serialized

with capital letters A, B, C or I, II, III, etc.
2. All technical material such as questionnaires, mathematical
derivations, basic tables, etc., may be given in the
3. Appendices part not to be made bulky with insignificant
 A common use of appendices is to present unpublished
tests or to describe complex equipment or stimulus
 Pagination: Each Appendix begins on a separate page.

 Heading: If there is only one appendix, "Appendix" is

centered on the first line below the manuscript page
header. If there is more than one appendix, use Appendix A
(or B or C, etc.). Double-space and type the appendix title
(centered in uppercase and lowercase letters).
 Format: Indent the first line 5-7 spaces.
 For APA-formatted Appendix visit:
 http://www.vanguard.edu/uploadedFiles/Psychology/Appe
Reference list
 A reference list identifies the sources referred
to (cited) in the text of the work.
 Referencing facilitates inter region and inter
country comparisons and adds to the
credibility of the results obtained.
 It indicates respect for work done by other
scholars and institutions from which scholar
has benefited.
 It prevents violation of intellectual property
rights and copy rights.
 Besides reference list some times a
bibliography is also provided.
 A bibliography includes all other sources
read or consulted in the preparation of
the report but not cited in the work.
 Bibliography is presented in the same
format as a reference list.
APA Style – References
1. List books, monographs, reports, research papers
and other works, both published and unpublished
consulted during research in alphabetical order.
a. Alphabetize by author surname.
b. Alphabetize letter by letter
2. In case of more than one works of same author, all
works be put in serial order at appropriate place.
Name of author not to be repeated but indenting
may be done to indicate the name.
3. In case of long reference list the items may be
classified as books, reports, Journals etc.
4. Reference list should be given before appendices,
starting on a new page.
6. Heading “References” centered on the first line below
the running head.
Components - Reference List APA
 Author, A.A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C.
 Year of publication. Within parenthesis
 Title of book : Subtitle. (italics)
 Edition if not first.
 Volume number in case of multivolume
 Place of publication : Publisher.
Glossary of Terms Used
* A glossary is a short dictionary giving
definitions and examples of terms and
phrases, which are technical and used in a
special connotation by the researcher
particularly those not familiar to reader or
foreign language groups in which the book is
* The glossary is given after the bibliography
but before index.
* The items in glossary are listed in alphabetical
1. The index may be given
(a) subject-wise, and
(b) author-wise.
2. The items included in each index should be arranged
in alphabetic order.
3. Page numbers to be quoted for all items entered

Note: Index may be prepared using appropriate

software in case of desk top word
Commonly Used Abbreviations
Abbreviations commonly used in research reports are as under -
• ante., - before
• cf., - compare with
• e.g., - exempli gratia - (for example)
• et. al., - and others
• et. seq., - et sequen – (and the following)
• Ibid, -ibidem – (in the same place)
• Idem, - the same
• loc. cit., - loco citato – (in the place cited)
• NB – nota bone – (note well)
• no., nos – number, numbers
• op. cit., -opera citato, in the work cited
• p. pp. – page, pages
• rev., - revised
• passim – spread here and there in text
• viz., - namely
• vol., vols., - volume, volumes
Note- A Latin abbreviation (shown in italic) should be used with full
understanding of its Meaning.
Guidelines for word processing
1. Paper and Size – Generally un-ruled paper of
8.5" x 11" size (A 4) is used for research reports.
2. Script: The script may either be written by hand or
3. Word Processing – Word for Windows and Excel
for analysis. SPSS for statistical analysis of data.
Word processing should be neat and attractive
4. Text – Arial or Times New Roman, font size 12.
5. Printing - Script should be printed only on one side of
the paper.
6. Page numbering - Page numbers of introductory
part to be given in Roman numerals and main text
and concluding part in Arabic numerals.
Guidelines for Word processing
7. Table of Contents – The table of contents to give titles
and page numbers of all main contents in sequence.
8. Graphs and Charts – Graphs charts included should be
appropriate, complete, accurate in details, easy to
comprehend and add value to text.
9. Headings –
Chapter Headings – Upper case, Centered, font 14.
Main Headings – Bold, centered, 12 size font.
Sub Headings – First letter of Word in Upper Case, 12
size font.
Headings Tables & Charts – Upper case, centered, 12
size font.
10. Margin of 1.5" on left, 1" on right and 1" each at top
and bottom should be left. A 3" space should be left at
the top at the beginning of each chapter.
Guidelines for Word processing
11. Spacing: Spacing - between words 1 space, after a semi-
colon 2 spaces, after colon 2 spaces, after comma 1 space, after
full stop 2 spaces, before first parenthesis or bracket 1 space, and
after the last parenthesis 1 space.
No space - between last letter and comma, semi-colon,
colon, exclamation mark, question mark, last parenthesis and last
bracket, between first and the last quotation marks and quoted
words or punctuation, between dash (-) and the word preceding and
following it, between hyphenated words and between words
preceding and following a bar (/).

. The whole manuscript should be in double (one and a half) space.

The indented paragraphs, tables and footnotes should be in single

space. In case of use of single space as above, double space should
be given before a paragraph head, before and after a center head,
center sub-head, side head, indented paragraph and table.
Guidelines for word processing
12. References: . References to be serially numbered. Reference
citation to be given in text. Details as specified in examples should be
given in citation and reference list.
13. Bibliography – Should be comprehensive and include literary works
(Books, Journals, Reports, etc.) considered relevant and useful for
research work. Details as specified in examples should be given.
14. Index – The index should be item wise as well as author wise. Items
and authors should be arranged in alphabetical order.
15. Foot Notes – Foot notes numbered in Arabic numerals should be
given with proper reference or indent to elucidate points not included
in the text. A Reference should be marked for foot note and end
note by numbering or star(*)

Note: What is given above is a suggested model. The

requirement for referencing, bibliography, etc., may differ from
Protocol to protocol, institution to institution, publisher to
publisher and a scholar should adopt the scheme as prescribed.
Literary Treatment - Language
1. Use short sentences. Each successive sentence must
carry the idea forward.
2. Active voice: As a general rule, use active voice
rather than passive voice. For example, use "We
predicted that ..." rather than "It was predicted that ...“
3. Avoid tautology –Redundant words.
4. Meaning: Know the meanings of words used to convey
correct sense.
5. Capital Letter – First word of every sentence, every
name, word after the question marks, countries,
nationalities, languages, days of week and months,
historic buildings, monuments and I are written in
8. Grammer should be correct. Get it checked if in doubt.
Literary Treatment - Spellings
1. Always keep a dictionary at hand. Whenever
in doubt seeks help from the dictionary.
Never take spellings for granted.
2. Identify and note down words spelt wrongly.
Constant practice helps in such cases.
3. Note down new words read. Find out their
meaning from dictionary and use them
appropriately while writing.
Literary Treatment - Punctuations
1. Comma (,) Used to signals that there is a change in
2. Semi-Colon(;) Used to link two closely related ideas,
when full stop may break the chain.
3. Colon (:) Used at the end of sentence, when more
ideas are to follow.
4. Dash (-) Used to replace a comma or a colon.
5. Apostrophe („) Comes in place of a missing letter.
6. Question Mark (?) If a question is raised.
7. Exclamation Mark (!) Indicates admiration or
8. Stop (.) Used when communication of idea is
Minimum Disclosures
 Disclose who sponsored the research and who conducted it.
 The exact wordings of the questions asked including the
instructions and explanations that might reasonably be
expected to affect the responses be given.
 Definition of the population under study and description of the
sampling frame to be given.
 Give description of the sample selection procedure.
 Give size of the sample, eligibility criteria, screening procedure
and response rate in the survey.
 Give method, location and dates of data collection.
 The precision of the findings, including if appropriate
estimates of sampling error and a description of any weighing
or estimating procedure used to be given.
 Disclose which results are based on part of the sample and
not on the whole.
Thanking You

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