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Portfolio Task #3 (Pairs): Running Records

Part One:
Student #1 - Name: Samah Makia
Copy and paste your running record here:

Name of the Observer: Samah Makia

Date of Observation: Sunday March 12, 2023
Time: 1:00pm-1:30pm
Date: May 28, 2010,
Time: Morning
Student: Diego
Age: 1 year, 11 months
Context/Setting: Childcare center: Les Petites Cellules inside the
Running Record:
In the classroom, the teacher is sitting on the couch with a student
in her lab. Diego is upset and screaming asking to get his car back
from another child. Diego is standing close to the teacher’s couch
while approaching the other child and trying to grab his car. The
teacher is calming Diego and saying to him “Diego, no, Is that your
car? Say Flavio mine, mine, say mine, Diego.” Diego at this time
becomes more upset.
He continues screaming “mine”. The other child is hiding the car
behind his back to keep it away from Diego. The teacher is directing
Diego “Mine, say mine Diego” while he is stretching his arm toward
the other child who is hiding in the car. The teacher now is talking to
the other child “Flavio, give the car back to Diego” but he is turning
his face away and trying to keep the car with him. The teacher here
starts to count “one, two….” Diego approaches the other child to
grab the car back, but the other child is hiding behind the wall and
giving a sound “Ehhhh” The teacher continues “I’m gonna take it
and give it back to Diego if you don’t give it to him.”
Diego grabs the car and takes it away from the other child who
starts screaming. The teacher says, “thank you, we say thank you”.
She holds her arm around Diego who feels now satisfied as he gets
his car back. Another teacher approaches while talking in French
and holds the other child’s hand to take him away with her. The
teacher is talking to Diego to teach him how to get his things back
“Diego, you say, no Flavio it’s mine.” Diego is playing with his car
on the bench then he comes closer to the teacher to listen to the
story. The teacher is talking to the child on her lab “Where is she
going? Catherine is going for a walk with Flavio.” Diego is standing
next to the teacher and looking at the book while sliding the car
onto the couch. The teacher is reading “Mommy horse and baby
horse.” She is asking the children “Are you guys looking for Flavio,
he is gonna be here soon, okay? Look at the hay” The other child is
coming back and the teacher is talking to him “ Oh, Flavio is back”, “
You brought the milk Flavio?”

Date: March 12, 2023

Signature: Samah

Student #2 – Name: Alaa Hamed

Copy and paste your running record here:

Date: May 28, 2010

Time: Morning

Date of Observation: Sunday, March 12, 2023

Time: 7:00pm-7:30pm

Context/Setting: Childcare center: Les Petites

Cellules inside the classroom.

Student's name: Diego

Age: 1 year, 11 months.

Observer's name: Alaa Hamed

Running Record.

Diego was playing in the classroom with his peers and his
educators. He was in a position of facing his educator with
two of his peers. He started to cry and scream out loud
because child A took his toy and was pointing at his peer.
At first his educator was trying and encouraging him to use
his words and say "mine. mine" but Diego kept pointing
toward child A. The educator was holding Diego with one
hand and was communicating with child A and saying "Give
the car back to Diego" using the count down strategy. While
the educator was speaking with child A to give Diego's toy
back, Diego stepped toward child A, reached the toy, and
pulled and took it from his peer. Then Diego was securing
from his educator when child A started to cry. After that the
educator was trying to teach Diego to use his words and
say "No, it is mine". Then Diego started to play with his toy
beside the window. After that he stood beside his educator
that reading a story book for his peers beside the arm of
the sofa and joined them.

Date: March 12, 2023

Signature: A.H
Part 2:

Difficulties We Encountered while Strategies We Used while Recording our

Recording our Running Records: Running Records, to be Successful:

 It was difficult to keep track of  We used Practice breaking tasks

everything because the running down and listened to tiny sections
record needs to include everything at a time to be able to record
that occurs. everything (Fitzgibbon, 2023).
 The difficult element is focusing on  We wrote notes for the part
one child while other children are assigned, then listen again to
involved in the video. complete the sentence correctly.
 Since we are used to anecdotal  We made sure to write objectively
records, we faced some challenges and described what was really
in phrasing the sentences. happening (Mactaggart, 2023).

How will you apply some of these strategies when conducting Running Records in
class, as an EA? 

-We will write objectively and implement strategies for expressing our subjectivity

(Mactaggart, 2023).

-We will be aware of our biases while writing the running records.

-We will make sure that we are fully listening to what is happening as we are reporting

everything in the running record.

-Focus on one child and make sure that all other children’s names are not included.

Fitzgibbon, A. (2023). Module 3 [PowerPoint slides]. SLATE.

Mactaggart, J. (2023). Assessment Module 8 [PowerPoint Slides]. Oakville, Ontario

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