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Al Ain University

College of Business

Weekly Report
Week # ---7----
From 30 / 2/ 2023 to 3 / 3/2023
Student’s Name: Sally Duraid Altiti Student’s ID#: 201910425

Organization Name: Square General Contracting Company

Field supervisor name: Mr. Syed Kashif Hassan

Activities by the student during the week:

Day Activities t Hours
-Learnt payroll Calculations (Basic, Gross, payroll
Monday Over time, Holidays) 5
Tuesday -Learnt Leave Settlement Calculations payroll 3
Wednesd payroll
ay -Learnt Full and Final Settlement Calculations 5
Thursday -Learnt Leave & Resignation Procedure. payroll 3
-Learnt how to manage the employee payroll
Friday attendance & Workers time card 8


Number of Excused absences …………………days
Number of Unexcused Absences……………. days
Number of Late days …………….
Student’s Signature:

Field Supervisor signature:

Academic Supervisor Signature: _____________

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