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Select one correct option from the below MCQ’s-10 Marks

(1 Mark each)-15marks(Sample 3 Ques)

i. How do I assign a name to a cell or a range of cells in Excel?

a. In the Name Box (left of formula bar), type the name and hit Enter
b. Use the formula ‘=NAME’
c. Type the name in the formula bar and hit Enter

ii. Subtotal feature would appear in which tab?

a. Home Tab
b. Data tab
c. Formula Tab

iii. What 2 options are given while executing a Data table under What If analysis?

a. Index() and Match()

b. Row Input Cell() and Column Input Cell()
c. Match() and Vlookup()

II. Case Study- 10 marks

⮚ Consider the reference table, write formulas with syntax for the following ?

a) Which formula would perform average using database functions on Pelham Marlon in the
northeast region on the income generated.
b) Get the count of Education department using statistical functions
c) Sum up the accounts for Hawkins,Alvin in the Human Resource department using statistical
d) Count the Accounting department led by Pelham Marlon using database functions
e) Count the Marketing Department in the Southwest region using statistical functions

III. Answer in one line -5 marks(sample 5 ques)

● Which formula would count alphabets and numeric cells?

● Macro is coded in which language?
● Can the INDIRECT( ) formula be used with Data Validation list
● Do slicers from different pivot table needs to be connected,inorder to work in a
synchronised manner?
● Which tool under Pivot table will further narrow down your search
● Macros recorded once,can it be modified?

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