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Reformation of African cultural values to create economic

freedom and community development.

Africa is widely considered among the world’s most

corrupt places, a factor seen as contributing to the stunted
development and impoverishment of many African countries.
Corruption is aggravated because of a deprived modern value
system and liberal institutions. This challenge of corruption has
led many African countries into poverty, conflicts and deadly
emigration. Moreover, Africa has had the plight of failed pre-
colonial leadership to modern-era leadership. This is as a result
of failure of the Africa value system to evolve from traditional
values to modern-era values that support economic freedom
and community development.
The present state of the African nations is really
devastating as a result of the wrong mindsets of the African
people. The mindsets of the people are built on fear of relating
outside subjective experience, fear of autocratic leadership,
and fear of being a victim of benevolence to others citizens.
This trait has evolved right from pre-colonial leadership
attitudes whereby the people were forced to serve their
leaders against their rights and feelings. Those leaders believed
the only way to make their people adhere to obligations were
through oppression and confinement to traditions and customs.
These have led Africa to self-indulgence lifestyle and failed
social development. For example, I did research on my family in
relating with my community. I discovered that there is a failed
ideology of family commitment above community
commitment. My family never allowed me to relate with other
families in our community as a result of social indifference like
ethnic, religion, wealth and educational status. This indifference
had deprived the power of association and free ideas that could
support community development among peers. So to break the
indifference I decided to help some youths by empowering
them with free training on ICT and also emphasize the need for
social and cultural liberation for community development.
Community development should be the epicenter for any
government in Africa state, unfortunately we have had failed
leadership from pre-colonial period to modern period. This
failure is traced back to corrupt practices of the leaders where
they oppress and infringe the rights of their people. They build
a cultural value system that benefits only themselves and their
families. This attitude had resulted in improper accumulation of
common resources meant for their community. However, there
is a need to put an end to this wrong ideology by implementing
good education reforms that promote economic freedom and
sustainable social development among youths in the
In conclusion, in order for Africa Countries to be re-
structured, there is a need for reformation on the importance
of leadership in respect to power and freedom of the African's
citizens. Whereby balancing the fundamental rights of African
to life, to education, to health, and to adaptation. The
Economic system should therefore center on the people rather
than on the government.

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