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more or less chemically manufactured.

All coal contains iron

(Paris, 1846); T. Whittaker, The Neo-platonists (Camb.,

time in perfect possession of those good qualities which he

shows in detail, the Kharosthi alphabet is derived from

his fellow-citizens. Subsequently the garden became the

are not essential to it. Of the three forms of absolution

about the same time (180-210), Clement of Alexandria in his

agitation, and this policy was followed until 1871. However,

endeavour to study their words and frame opinions not only

has a palace, and Protestant missionaries have a church.

Apollo, and that a swarm of bees settled upon his infant

one of practice rather than of law, and that the difference

Simony, Das Dachsteingebict (1889-1896); L. Sinigaglia,

ACCOMPLICE (from Fr. complice, conspirator, Lat. complex,

to a perpetual autumn. The immediate environs are very fertile

I. ROBERT STEWART, duke of Albany (c. 1345-1420), regent

in its first seven volumes, and of these Addison wrote 274

section, a decree in this sense was issued by ben Adret in

of the optical system, i.e. the radii, thicknesses, refractive

isomorphous with augite, crystals intermediate in composition

nuisances abatement is also allowed provided there be no

(7) Histones.

depth is never less than 45 ft. It is navigable by steamers

that they had ``come to the clear conclusion that the Royal

after them, while avoiding a conflict, was sound strategy

site, from which it was transferred by the Genoese in 1492.

cocks, steam pipes and so forth. Tepid water is run in at one

history. There he remained till 1870, when considerations of

of drilled turnips on his farm in one year. An Act passed in

sense for thought. The form of the beautiful is unity of the

decomposition which now and then has even led to explosions.

extension of the glaciers on Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Ruwenzori,

however, their most important sultan concluded treaties placing

successive steps in the advance from isogamy to oogamy.

received a body of troops from Justin II. With these he

lives are saved annually by the knowledge, diffused by this

which was to be the scene of his future triumphs. In company

ALLESTREE, or ALLESTRY, RICHARD (1619.-1681), royalist

un testigo is still unsurpassed as a picture of campaigning

by the religious bodies, by the principal tribal chiefs and

line. H. Nissen (Italische Landes kunde, Berlin, 1902,

the 9th or 10th century, and to a large extent constituted by

end of Minoan Period II.; but it probably brought about no

greatest elevation is Jebel Shamshan, 1776 ft. above the

sword, and Israel shall go away into captivity from his own

Beinhaus. Rats, frogs and bats form actually the only

glorious conception. To those who have not already seen it I would

injuriously. It is, of course, a question of dose and

ACKNOWLEDGMENT (from the old acknow, a compound of on-

knowledge of physical science was considerable and for

Malay; it includes poetry, a good deal of theology and several

advanced from the Ohio in June and captured Philippi. This

the drums of threshing-machines, and combined guards and

the Portuguese possessions or Angola and Mozambique.'' The

is navigable in the wet season to within 180 m. of Cuzco.

made systematic meteorological and astronomical observations;

margin. When young they are somewhat glutinous, whence the

settled on the Northumbrian side of the Tweed, bringing with

under the kingdom of Naples, respectively bore the names

reserve, and the Vladimir regiment lost half of its numbers

America. Tremolite-schists consist essentially of white or

the eastern army corps. At Allahabad is published the

Neve minor, neu sit quinto productior actu

countess of Devon. She had two children, Thomas, who died

for the transport of cases from the front to the base, were

navigators. Some preliminary surveys have been made by the United

disinterestedness in respect of all the states of Europe which

became professor of chemistry at the Royal Military Academy in

motion. Unaware of Adams's work, he attempted a like inquiry,

Remains of a Roman thermal establishment exist near the principal

Correspondence, United States, No. 3 (1897), No. 1 (1898).

of the Academy of St Luke. Several of his most important

sea. It was founded (perhaps on the site of an early Sicanian

sun which never sets sends feeble rays that maintain a low

13. The Alps of Bavaria, the Vorarlberg and Salzburg (north of

(long, and of general interest): F. Knapp and R. L. Childe,

the relationship is less close. They constitute the

1894 the British government agreed to the South African

north, Jibuti (French), Zaila and Berbera (British) in the

4. B anan A

administration. Political topics were studiously avoided in

Survey of India, vol. xx. (1887), pp. 93-103, with map.

C6H4[CO]2N(CH2)5N[CO]2C6H4, which is finally hydrolysed

Col de Susanfe (Champery to Salvan), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . . .8,202

enclosed groups called kampongs, and buried in a forest of

in most cases other means of uniting two pieces are available.

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