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1)When did Paul begin to feel ill?

( 1mark)
a last night
b yesterday morning
c this morning
d yesterday afternoon

2) Write down three of Paul’s symptoms :(1.5 marks)




3) Correct the following sentences : (1.5 marks)

a-The patient has a terrible headache .


b- The doctor thinks that the patient needs an x-ray to be sure that it’s not a serious illness.


c- The doctor prescribed some painkillers to the patient.


4) Spelling : Listen to the dialogue and complete. (2 marks)

Doctor: _Okay. Let's hope it's just ………………………….., but we'll need to run some

diagnostic tests to be sure. We'll run a ………………………test and we'll also need a urine

5) Circle the suitable FUNCTION corresponding to the statement (1 mark) :

Statement Functions

Can you give me something for the a- Expressing polite request

b- Expressing ability

time being ? c- Expressing probability

6)Listen and write “S” in front of the similar sounds and “D” in front of the different: ( 1
Hurt / Run (……………) / Blood / too (………………..)

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