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Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being, and exercise can play a signi cant

role in improving and (to maintain) …………………… Studies have shown that regular exercise
can help reduce symptoms of depression and (anxious)………………………., increase self-
esteem and con dence, and improve overall mood. Why Exercise (to matter)……………….for
Mental Health?

Physical activity (to release)……………………… endorphins, which are natural feel-good

chemicals in the brain that can boost mood and (to reduce)……………………… stress. Regular
exercise can also stimulate the (grow) ……………………of new brain cells, which is essential for
improving cognitive function and reducing the risk of developing mental health problems.

Stella considers herself a loyal friend. She’s (faithfully/faith/faithful) to her friends. She never lets
them(down/up/off) even if they (disappointed/disappointing/disappoint) her sometimes. She is,
in fact, both sensible and sensitive .What makes her (especial /specialty/special) is that she
found her inner balance. She can be (sensitive /sensitized /sensitivity) but it’s always sensibility
which counts more for her. (Friendship/ Friends /Friendly) are important to her but she wants to
live her own life to the fullest.

2) Put the bracketed words in the active or the passive form (2 marks) :

When and where was Shakespeare born?

Shakespeare was born in April 1564 in Stratford-unon Avon. At that time. Stratord
(have) ………………..a population of about 1,000, but just after his birth, 200 people were
(kill) …………………….by the plague. Fortunately, William survived.
His father, John Shakespeare, was a wealthy wool-trader who (own)………………………
three houses in the town. Shakespeare went to his local grammar school. Only boys
attended school in the 16th century. They (teach)………………..Latin and had to
memorize stories from history.

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