New Baby Cardi V.3

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New Baby

Fits Newborn – 3 mos.+
Materials: One skein of worsted weight yarn,
approximately 200 yards. Knitting needles size 6 & 8,
or size to get gauge. You can use straight or circular
needles. You will also need double-pointed if you
want to pick up the sleeves and knit down from the
5 stitch holders, ring markers, 4 cute buttons!
Suggested yarns: Plymouth Encore, Berroco Vintage,
Berroco Remix, EuroYarns Babe SoftCotton Worsted,
Malabrigo Rios, Malabrigo Worsted, or other worsted that you like!

Gauge: 18 stitches & 26 rows = 4” in stockinette stitch on larger needles

BODY: With smaller needle, cast on 82 stitches and work in K1, P1 rib for about 3/4”. Change to
larger needles and work in stockinette stitch until piece measures 4 ½” from cast-on. Divide for
armholes as follows: 20 stitches each front, 42 stitches for back.
FRONTS: Continue in stockinette stitch on either front piece until it measures 6 ¾”. Put 6
stitches on a holder at center front edge, then bind off every other row at same edge; two
stitches once, 1 stitch two times. Work even until piece measures 8 ¼” from cast-on edge, and
put remaining 10 shoulder stitches on holder for shoulder. Work other front side, reversing
BACK: Work even until piece measures 8 ¼” from cast-on edge or same as fronts. Put 10
stitches on holders at the beginning of the next 2 rows, put remaining 22 stitches on another
holder for back neck.

SLEEVES: TWO OPTIONS: cuff-to-top back & forth w/seam, or picked up at body and knit down
to cuff in the round
1. In the round, double pointed needles: Join both shoulders using 3-needle bind-off
method. Starting at bottom of either armhole, pick up 38 stitches around armhole. Mark
beginning of round. Knit, decreasing 1 stitch each side of marker every 4th round 6 times.
(Decrease round: K1, SSK, knit to the last 3 stitches before marker, K2tog., K1.) When
sleeve measures 4 ¼”, change to smaller needles and work in K1, P1 rib for ¾”. Bind off.
Repeat for other sleeve.

381 Salmon Brook Street, Granby, CT 06035 (860)653-9700
This pattern was written by Marji LaFreniere exclusively for Marji’s Yarncrafts.
This pattern is not for use by others to make items for sale and not to be copied without permission.
2. Back & forth, cuff to top: With smaller size needles, cast on 26 stitches and work back and
forth in K1, P1 rib for ¾”. Change to larger needles and work in stockinette stitch,
increasing at each end of row, every 4th row 6 times. (Increase row: K2, M1, knit to two
stitches from end of row, M1, K2.) Whe piece measures 5”, Bind off. Repeat for other
sleeve. Join shoulders using 3-needle bind-off method, seam sleeves and sew to sweater.

BUTTON BANDS AND NECKBAND: Using smaller needles,

each front band will consist of approx. 35 stitches picked
up and knit in K1, P1 rib for ¾”. Decide which side the
buttonholes will be on and then mark it for 3 buttonholes
– plan for the 4th buttonhole at top of neck in neckband.
When you knit buttonhole band, make an eyelet
buttonhole (Y/O, K2tog.) at each marker. Knit other band
without buttonholes. Neck ribbing consists of approx. 67
stitches. Start at top of right front, picking up a few
stitches along top of ribbing, knitting across stitches on
holders and picking up stitches between holders, ending at
left front edge. Work in K1, P1 ribbing, making the buttonhole above button band. Weave in

Using the smaller double-pointed needles, loosely cast on 56
stitches, join in the round, being careful not to twist, place marker
for BOR, and knit every row for about an inch. Switch to larger
double-pointed needles and knit every row until hat measures 4-4
½” from cast-on. Begin decreasing: K6, K2 tog., repeat around.
Next row, K5, K2tog., repeat. Continue each round having 1 less
stitch between decreases on each round. After K2 tog. row, decrease
on next round to 4 stitches and continue on these for about 3”.
Finish off and tie the little top piece into a knot.

K=Knit P=Purl K2tog= Knit 2 together PM= Place marker Kf&b= Increase by knitting into the front & back of stitch.
SSK= Slip 2 sts, one at a time as if to knit. Insert left needle into fronts of these 2 sts from left to right and K2tog in this position.
Y/O= yarn over (bring yarn in between and then over right hand needle) WS= wrong side RS= right side BOR=beg.of round
M1L= with left needle pick up bar between st just worked and next st on left needle from front to back and knit through the back.
M1R= with left needle pick up bar between st just worked and next st on left needle from back to front and knit through the front.
WYIF = with yarn in front WYIB = with yarn in back SL = slip

3-NEEDLE BIND-OFF: Place stitches from both front & back right shoulders onto needles. Hold needles parallel to each other,
with garment right sides together. Insert a third needle knitwise into the first stitch on both needles and knit these together as
one. Repeat, and then bind the first stitch off over the second. Continue to bind off in this way until all stitches are bound off.
Cut yarn and pull tail through last stitch.
PICKING UP STITCHES: Pick up a stitch for every stitch along horizontal and bound-off edges. Skip over loose stitches along
the bound off edges. Pick up approx.. 3 stitches for every 4 rows along vertical edges.

381 Salmon Brook Street, Granby, CT 06035 (860)653-9700
This pattern was written by Marji LaFreniere exclusively for Marji’s Yarncrafts.
This pattern is not for use by others to make items for sale and not to be copied without permission.

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