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Title of the Test: Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test (SCAT)

Aim: To assess the Comprehensive Anxiety of an individual using the Sinha’s

Comprehensive Anxiety Test (SCAT) developed by A.K.P. Sinha & L.N.K. Sinha.
a) Define Anxiety
b) Types of Anxiety
c)Anxiety disorder symptoms
c) Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test (SCAT)
d) Application of Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test (SCAT):

Review of Literature-5 latest studies

Description of the Test:

The Comprehensive Anxiety Test (CAT) developed by A.K.P. Sinha & L.N.K. Sinha is a
questionnaire designed to bring out information regarding anxiety of the individuals. Test has
90 items relating to the symptoms of the anxiety both “covert‟ and “overt‟ and possesses the
capacity to remind the responses correctly.
Reliability of the Test: The coefficient of reliability was· determined by using the following
two methods:
a) The test retest method (N=100) was employed to determine the temporal stability of
the test. The product moment correlation between test and retest scores has been
found to be .83.
b) By applying the split-half method (Gutman formula), the reliability coefficient of the
test has been found to be .94 (N=100). Thus, the results obtained by both methods
ensure a very high reliability of the test.
Validity of the Test:
The coefficient of validity was determined by computing the coefficient between scores
on Comprehensive Anxiety Test and on Taylor's Manifest Anxiety Scale. It was .62,
which is significant beyond .001 level of confidence.

a. Subject Preliminary
Educational Qualification
Occupation- (when performing on professionals)

b. Material Required: Paper, Pencil, questionnaire, Manual & stopwatch.

c. Rapport Formation: The participant was made to sit comfortably. The participant was
engaged in an informal conversation to make them feel relaxed. Once it was ensured
that they are comfortable, the test was introduced. The instructions for the test were
given to the participant. The participant was assured that their results would be kept
confidential and not shared with anyone. If the participant had any query, it was
addressed, and the administration was started.

d. Instructions: As printed on questionnaire

e. Administration of the Test:
It is a self-administering scale appropriate for individual and group testing. Good rapport
between testee and tester is important in administering the test. Instructions to answer the
items are printed on the title cover of the test booklet. There is no limited time period for
completion of the test items, generally subject finished it in 15 to 20 minutes. It was
administered on college students. It should be emphasized that there is no right or wrong
response to the statements. They are designed to study individual's reactions to different
situations. It should be point out that each item must be responded in either positive or
negative terms, i.e., Yes or No, and that no statement should pe left out. It is undersirable to
tell the testee about the aim of the test.

f. Introspective Report: Write in First Person

g. Observational Report: Write in Third Person
h. Scoring of the Test: The scoring of the anxiety test is very easy and quantitative in
nature. The test can be scored accurately by hand and no scoring or stencil key is
required. Every item of the test must be answered either by “Yes” or by “No”. The
response indicated as “Yes” is awarded the score of one and zero for “No”. The total
of all the positive or “Yes” responses constituted the total of anxiety score of the
respondents. High score in the test denotes high anxiety level of the respondents.

Result- (With Table)

Discussion- followed by aim, results and evidence based on review of literature.



Appendix (Questionnaire)

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