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Prepared by- Dr Mohamed Abdel-Wahab

Case Studies in Project Management (QUAL11016)

Assignment Brief
Students at a postgraduate level study are expected to develop their critical thinking skills, which should be
clearly demonstrated in the final submission of the assignment. In addition to demonstrating a holistic
understanding of project case studies as per the module’s learning outcomes.

Case Study analysis - 3,000 words report

Case study-based learning provides students with an opportunity for an in-depth and practical
understanding of project management. It enables students to understand the complexity of
managing projects in-practice, which involves managing constrained resources and balancing
the requirements of multiple stakeholders. Successful project management requires innovation,
team collaboration and learning to deliver the desired project outcomes safely whilst
minimising the impact on the natural environment.

Write a 3,000-word review paper (+/-10% - excluding references) on a selected project case study.
Case study selected can relate to any industrial/engineering sector, such as: construction,
mechanical, biomedical, etc. Examples of construction projects case studies include Berlin
Brandenburg Airport, Queensferry New Crossing, HS2, …etc.

Your individual review paper must cover the following:

1. Project overview (description, scope, benefits, etc.); list of stakeholders’ & their roles
and influence on the project (i.e. stakeholders' analysis); and project successes
and/or failures (using relevant data where appropriate). In addition to challenges
faced over the course of the project and how they were addressed. (2,000 words)

2. Role of innovation in project delivery for your chosen case study including an explicit
statement and discussion of the innovation(s) adopted (e.g. product and/or process
innovation), and the impact of implementing these innovations on project delivery.
(1,000 words)
Prepared by- Dr Mohamed Abdel-Wahab

Assignment Submission Checklist:

1. Submission deadline – 17 April

2. Upload your assignment on Aula. Turnitin Score should be less than 10%
3. Cover page should include: Your Full Name – as it appears on UWS system and ID
number; Title of your selected case study & a selected picture of your project
4. Ensure that you covered all the points in the assignment brief and your submission is
structured using the following headings: 1) Project Overview, and 2) Role of innovation
in project delivery. You can include subheadings of your choosing.

Assessment Criteria

Student name: Banner ID No:

A B (50-60) C (40-50) D (30-40) E (<30)

Content (70%)

Adequate/relevant content covering:

- Overview of the project including

Project successes and/or failures
(using relevant data where
appropriate), Project challenges
& how they were addressed
- Role of Innovation in project

Evidence of research &

presentation (30%)

Critical analysis of literature. Well-

written report, coherent, well
referenced, and presented clearly.


Prepared by- Dr Mohamed Abdel-Wahab

Top tips

 Read the assignment brief and make sure you

understand what is required
× Leave your assignment until the last minute
 Plan your work for the assignment so you × Not planning your time
can manage your time effectively

 Read lecture notes and learning material on × Copy and paste information from online
Aula. resources that is not relevant to your assignment or
lacks coherence.
 Engage in tutorial learning activities

 Demonstrate your critical thinking (check

× Excessive copying from one reference/source and
not using your own words
the video here)

 Refer to other project case studies to × Forgetting to reference and back-up your work
support your report – where appropriate.

Good luck!


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