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Name : Krishna Ayu Wigati

Npm : 211003792020255
Class : S1 Bahasa Inggris (morning)

Summary “Asian-American : What Teachers Should Know”

The United States is a multicultural country with many ethnicities within it, including
Asian Americans. The term encompasses national, religious, and cultural heritage. Asian
Americans living in America are mostly from East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. They
have different origins and different characters. Asian Americans are refugees, victims of war,
people without identities, or simply want to settle in America. Many Asian Americans born in
the United States are in their fourth and fifth generations.
Depending on where Asian Americans are from, this can be a cross-cultural problem.
Asian-American children are perceived as being moral, witty, successful, and top achievers. The
American educational system, however, does not support this. Asians frequently value their own
relationships, groups, or families and have a collectivist mindset. Due to this, Asian-American
children develop personalities that lend themselves to simple understanding rather than quick
invention. This is founded on the family's influence on kids' mental and educational
development. Because of the focus on family values and the concealment of real problems. And
this is a tough challenge for Asian-American children, who have to follow the American pattern
of education, which is individualistic, independent, competitive, and innovative.
Some of them become disinterested in going to school or even find it challenging to
interact with normal American kids. Another obstacle is that many of their parents do not support
their children's growth because they do not have the necessary cross-cultural understanding of
American society. Children of Asian Americans undoubtedly have benefits despite these
obstacles. They originate from the collectivism-based society that is prevalent in Asia, so they
are undoubtedly superior in terms of social interactions. Asian-American children are taught to
be responsible, have a strong sense of community, excellent emotional regulation, and respect for

One specific illustration is the higher status accorded to teachers in Asian societies. This
would be in contrast to American educational practices, which place a strong emphasis on the
individual and competing sides.  Because they are seen as having a better status than them, Asian
children will be more respectful of their teachers. American teachers must have a thorough
understanding of cross-cultural differences in order to educate Asian-American children about
them. Asian American children's habits, cultural beliefs, and mindset all need to be adjusted to fit
the American educational system. In order to encourage children to develop their own ideas and
have their views taken into consideration, teachers can also speak with their parents. There must
be a technique that can harmonize in this situation. the mindset of Asian Americans and
Americans, because cultural differences can certainly cause misunderstandings in people's lives.

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