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Task 2: This is me

Curso Inglés A1

Jimmy Andres Romero Restrepo

Código: 1073828331

Programa académico

Ing. Industrial

Número de grupo:


Nombre del tutor

Yira Ibarra

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


(Marzo 2022)

Task 2: This is me

a. Stage 1: Ejercicio del e-book.

This is the screenshot that corresponds to Stage 1. Select Module 2-

exercise 4
b. Stage 2 – 3: Composición en inglés.

Paragraph 1,2 and 3

Hello, my name is Jimmy Andres Romero Restrepo, I am from Barranquilla

but I currently live in Pamplona Norte de Santander, I am currently studying and at

the same time I also work in a company, I am a single man and I have no children

at the moment, I am 24 years old, I am UNAD student and I am an industrial

engineer in training, in my free time I go to the gym and from time to time I like to

go out with my friends for a walk and see new places, I love being able to have

new memories.

I currently live in Pamplona, I live with my two parents and also with my

younger brother, my house is small, therefore we live in a very comfortable

apartment, my apartment is in a very quiet neighborhood, the neighbors are very

polite and also they are very nice. My house is small but very pretty and at the

same time it is a home with a lot of love.

Earlier I mentioned that I frequented the gym then, I usually wake up very

early, I get up from my bed at 6:00 am, I have breakfast at 6:30 am, I usually have

a very healthy breakfast, I usually eat cereal with milk or fruit for breakfast to then

get to work early, my means of transportation is my motorcycle, at 12:30 we all

have lunch as a family, my mother makes a healthy lunch and at the same time

very delicious, my lunch is often chicken, rice, salad, and natural juice. I usually

come home at 8:00 pm after finishing my work and after my university I usually go

for a walk with my friends, my dinner is at 9:00 pm, my dinner is usually something

very soft, either broth chicken, arepas with chocolisto, after all my routine, I go to

bed at 10:30 pm, on weekends I go for a walk with my friends, I frequent other

places, I like to take photos and have new memories, although I am always busy, I

always leave a space in the day to be able to study or read, that's why I dedicate 1

hour only to my studies of interest or review in the case of university work.

c. Stage 4: Portafolio.

Dear Teacher, everything you indicate is reflected in the portfolio, however it

should be noted that due to the fact that the digital tool is short, it occupies more

slides, however everything is very complete. Thank you so much

d. Stage 5: Autoevaluación: reflexión y crecimiento personal.

• ¿Revise con regularidad los mensajes enviados por mi tutor@?

Si, revise los mensajes enviados y compartidos en el foro por el tutor.

• ¿Estudié y aprendí los temas sugeridos del E-Book?

Si, aprendí a redactar párrafos usando diferentes conectores que den

coherencia o cohesión a mi texto.

• ¿Participé en el foro dentro de los tiempos indicados?


• ¿En cuáles de los siguientes espacios de interacción y aprendizaje


Foro de la presente actividad, en la video-conferencia y actividades de

estudio del E-Book esta tarea.

• ¿Qué aprendí de esta tarea?

Aprendí a redactar textos relativamente estructurados de la mejor forma,

aprendí a describir mi rutina, teniendo presente que el texto debe tener coherencia

y cohesión y hacer uso de los diferentes conectores.

• ¿Es importante lo que estoy aprendiendo? ¿Por qué?

Si, es de suma importancia ya que expande mi vocabulario, ayuda y facilita

mi aprendizaje en cuanto al área de inglés.

• ¿Cómo aporta este aprendizaje a mi vida personal y profesional?

Este aprendizaje me aporta personalmente a desarrollar nuevas

habilidades, expande mi conocimiento y mi vocabulario para poder recrear

conversaciones y que se facilite las relaciones interpersonales y en cuanto a la

parte profesional, me favorece abriendo nuevas oportunidades laborales.

Reflexión final: Aunque he cumplido con las actividades hasta el

momento, es necesario reflexionar y decir que debo estar mas al pendiente de las

actividades, aunque

Calificación de autoevaluación: de 1-10

Mi puntuación es: 7

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