5multiple Effect Evaporator

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Chapter 5

Multiple Effect Evaporators

Multiple Effect Evaporator
In case of a single effect evaporator, the vapor leaving the equipment are
discarded without making use of the heat associated with them.

However, the vapor coming out of the first evaporator can be used as
heating media for a second evaporator which will be operating at a lower
pressure so as to provide sufficient temperature gradient for heat transfer.

Thus, the steam economy would be considerably increased compared to

that off a single effect
ff evaporator. This method off increasing the steam
economy by employing a series of evaporators is called multiple effect

In multiple effect evaporation system, the units are arranged in series so

that vapor from unit could be fed as heat source to the next unit. Each unit
i called
is ll d as effect.
ff t

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Theoretically, in a multiple effect system, it is possible to evaporate N kg
of solvent per kg of steam used where N – number of stages.

Cost analysis of employing a multiple effect evaporator system is shown


Multiple Effect Evaporator
Multiple effect evaporators are usually classified by mode of feeding as:
1) Forward Feed
2) Backward Feed
3) Mixed Feed

Forward Feed:
Liquid feed flows in the same direction as that of vapor.

Fresh feed & steam enters first effect. Vapor & concentrated liquor from
the first effect are passed as heating source & feed to second effect, in
which the p pressure is less than that of first effect, in a series way.

This arrangement is more preferable for effective use of temperature


Multiple Effect Evaporator
Forward Feed:

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Backward Feed:
Feed solution and Vapor flow in opposite direction.

Fresh feed is admitted to last effect and then pumped through other
effects. Steam is admitted to the steam chest of first effect and vapors
produced in the first effect are feed to the steam chest of next effect and
so on.

The pressure in
Th i the
th first
fi t effect
ff t is
i highest
hi h t and
d that
th t in
i the
th last
l t effect
ff t is

If the liquid is very viscous then backward feed arrangement is preferred

as the temperature in the first effect is highest and corresponding
viscosity will be less.

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Backward Feed:

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Mixed Feed:
Steam is admitted to the first effect and vapor leaving the first effect are
fed to the steam chest of second effect and so on. on Feed solution is
admitted to an intermediate effect and flows to the first effect from where
it is feed to the last effect for final concentration

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Material & Energy Balance:

Multiple Effect
vaporator_Multiple Ef

Multiple Effect Evaporator
1) A triple-effect evaporator is concentrating a solution that has no appreciable
boiling point elevation. The temperature of steam to the first effect is 381.3 K
(108 3 oC) and boiling point of the solution is the last effect is 324.7
(108.3 (51 7 oC).
324 7 K (51.7 C)
The overall heat transfer coefficients in first, second and third-effect are 2800,
2200 and 1100 W/m2K respectively. At what temperatures will the solution boil
in the first and second effects?

Total temperature
p dropp = ∆T = 381.3 – 324.7 = 56.6 K
∆T = ∆T1 [1+ (U1/U2) + (U1/U3)]
56.6 = ∆T1 [1+ (2800/2200) + (2800/1100)]
∆T1 = 11.75 K

∆T = ∆T2 [1+ (U2/U1) + (U2/U3)]

56.6 = ∆T2 [[1+ ((2200/2800)) + ((2200/1100)]
∆T2 = 14.95 K

Multiple Effect Evaporator
∆T3 = 56.6 – [11.75 + 14.95] = 29.9 K

∆T1 = Ts – T1’
T1’ = 381.3 – 11.75 = 369.55 K (96.55oC)

∆T2 = T1’ – T2’

T2’ = 369.55 – 14.95 = 354.6 K (81.6o C)

Boiling point in first effect = 369.55 K (96.55o C)

Boiling point in second effect = 354.6 K (81.6o C)

Multiple Effect Evaporator
2) 14.4 tonnes per hour (4 kg/s) of a liquor containing 10% solids is fed at 294
K (21 oC) to the first effect of a triple-effect unit. Thick liquor containing 50%
solids is to be withdrawn from the third effect,, which is at a ppressure of 13.172
kPa. The liquor will be assumed to have a specific heat of 4.18 kJ/(kg K) and to
have no B.P.R. Dry saturated steam at pressure of 205 kN/m2 is fed to the
heating element of first effect. Assume heat transfer coefficients of 3.10, 2.00
and 1.10 kW/(m2.K) for the first, second and third effects respectively. If the
three units are to have equal areas, find heat transfer area of each effect steam
consumption and steam economy.
Assume: ∆T1 = 18 K, ∆T2 = 17 K and ∆T3 = 34 K.
Assume forward feed arrangement.

Multiple Effect Evaporator

Solution: Basis:
4 kg/s of a weak liquor fed to the first evaporator.
Saturation temperature of steam at 205 kN/m2 = 394 K (121 oC)

At a pressure of 13.172 kPa, boiling point of water is 325 K (52 oC)

Total temperature drop = ∆T = 394 – 325 = 69 K

Multiple Effect Evaporator
At Ts = 394 K, λs = 2200 kJ/kg (from steam table)

∆T1 = 18 K
T1 = 394 – 18 = 376 K
At T1 = 376 K, λv1 = λ1 = 2249 kJ/kg

∆T2 = 17 K
T2 = 376 – 17 = 359 K
At T2 = 359 K, λv2 = λ2 = 2200 kJ/kg

∆T3 = 34 K
T3 = 359 – 34 = 325 K
At T3 = 325 K,
K λv3 = λ3 = 2377 kJ/kg

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Overall material balance:
mf = mv + m3’

Material balance of solids:

0.1 * 4 = 0.50 * m3’
m3’ = 0.8 kg/s

Total evaporation = mv = mf – m3’ = 4 – 0.8 = 3.2 kg/s

Thus, mv = mv1 + mv2 + mv3

Material balance over first effect:

mf = mv1 + m1’
4 0 = mv1 + m1’

Enthalpy balance over first effect:

ms λs = mf CPf (T1 – Tf) + mv1 λv1
2200 * ms = 4*4.18(376 – 294) + 2249 mv1
2200 * ms = 1371.04 + 2249 mv1
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Material balance over second effect:
m1’ = mv2 + m2’

Enthalpy balance over second effect:

mv1 λv1 + m1’ CP (T1 – T2) = mv2 λv2
2249 * mv1 + (4 – mv1) * 4.18(376 – 359) = 2293 mv2
2249 mv1 + 282.24 – 71.06 mv1 = 2293 mv2
2177.94 mv1 + 282.24 = 2293 mv2
mv1 =1.053 mv2 – 0.1305

Material balance over third effect:

m2’ = mv3 + m3’

Enthalpy balance over third effect:

mv2 λv2 + m2’ CP (T2 – T3) = mv3 λv3
2293 * mv2 + (m
( v3 + m3’) 4.18
4 18 (359 – 325) = 2377 mv3
2293 mv2 + (mv3 + 0.8) (142.12)= 2377 mv3
mv3 = 1.026 mv2 + 0.051 16
Multiple Effect Evaporator
mv = 3.2 = mv1 + mv2 + mv3
3 2 = (1.053
3.2 (1 053 mv2 – 0.1305)
0 1305) + mv2 + (1.026
(1 026 mv2 + 0.051)
0 051)
3.079 mv2 = 3.2795
mv2 = 1.065 kg/s
mv11 = 1.053 mv22 – 0.1305 = 1.053
1.065 – 0.1305 = 0.991 kg/s
mv3 = 1.026 mv2 + 0.051 = 1.026 * 1.065 + 0.051 = 1.144 kg/s

2200 ms = 1371.04 + 2249 mv1 = 1371.04 + 2249 * 0.991
ms = 1.636 kg/s

Steam economy = mv / ms = 3.2 / 1.636 = 1.956 ≈ 2.0

Multiple Effect Evaporator
First effect:
A1 = ms λs / U1 ∆T1 = 1.626*2200*103 / 3.10*103*18 = 64.50 m2
Secondd effect:
ff t
A2 = mv1 λv1 / U2 ∆T2 = 0.991*2249*103 / 2.0*103*17 = 64.96 m2
Third effect:
1 065*2293*103 / 1.10*10
A3 = mv2 λv2 / U3 ∆T3 = 1.065*2293*10 1 10*103*34 = 65.3
65 3 m2

Area calculated are within derivation of ±10%

Maximum area in each effect is to be provided.

Area of heat transfer in each effect = 65.3 m2.

Multiple Effect Evaporator
3) Lye containing 7% glycerin by weight is to be concentrated in a triple effect
evaporator to obtain a crude containing 40% glycerin. Feed rate of lye is 10000
kg/h. Based on the following data, calculate:
a) Steam economy
b) Area of calendria heating surface for each evaporator assuming all three
effect have equal area and
c) Condenser water required.
Feed temperature
p = 353 K ((85o C)) Overall heat transfer coefficients:
Steam pressure available = 313 kPa First effect: 710 W/(m2K)
Last effects pressure = 15.74 kPa Second effect: 490 W/(m2K)
Third effect: 454 W/(m2.K)

Elevation in boiling point is 10 K in each effect.

Average specific heat of glycerol solution is 3.768 kJ/(kg K). Condenser water is
il bl att 303 K (30 oC).
available C)
Assume: ∆T1 = 14.5 K, ∆T2 = 16 K and ∆T3 = 19.5 K.
Assume forward feed arrangement.
Multiple Effect Evaporator

10000 kg/h of feed to evaporator system.

Steam pressure: 313 kPa

Ts (from steam table) = 408 K (135 oC)

Pressure in last effect = 15.74 kPa

Tv3 = Vapor temperature = 328 K (55 oC)
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Overall material balance:
mf = mv + m3’
and mv = mv1 + mv2 + mv3

Overall glycerin balance:

0 07 * 10000 = 0.40
0.07 0 40 m3’
m3’ = 1750 kg/h
mv = mf – m3’ = 10000 – 1750 = 8250 kg/h

Temperature (K) of various streams are:

First effect Second effect Third effect

Steam 408 383.5 357.5
Liquor 393.5 367.5 338
Vapor 383.5 357.5 328
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Enthalpy of various streams:
Hf = 3.768 (358 – 273) = 320.3 kJ/kg
H1 = 3.768
3 768 (393.5
(393 5 – 273) = 454 kJ/kg
Hf = 3.768 (367.5 – 273) = 356.1 kJ/kg
Hf = 3.768 (338 – 273) = 244.92 kJ/kg

For steam at 408 K: λs = 2160 kJ/kg

For m-v1, Hv1 = 2692 kJ/kg

λv1 = 2228.3 kJ/kg

F m-v2,
For Hv2 = 2650.8
2650 8 kJ/kg
λv2 = 2297.4 kJ/kg

For m-
m v3, Hv3 = 2600.5
2600 5 kJ/kg
λv3 = 2370 kJ/kg
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Material balances and energy balance around the effects:

Firstt effect
Fi ff t :
Material balance:
mf = mv1 + m1’ Æ (1)
m1’ = mf – mv1 = 10000 – (8250 – mv2 – mv3)
m1’ = 1750 + mv2 + mv3 Æ (2)

Energy balance:
ms λs + mf Hf = mv1Hv1 + m1’H1 Æ (3)

= (8250 – mv2 – mv3)*2692+(1750+mv2+mv3)454

or 2160 ms +2238 (mv2+mv3) = 19800500 Æ (4)

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Second effect:
Material Balance:
m1’ = mv2 + m2’ Æ ((5))

Energy balance:
m1’ H1 + mv1 λv1 = mv2Hv2 + m2’H2 Æ (6)

Substituting for m1’ from equation (2) and m2’ from equation (5) and with the
numerical values for the quantities, equation (6) becomes,

(1750 + mv2 +mv3) * 454 + (8250 – mv2 – mv2) * 2228.3

= mv2 * 2650.8 + (1750 + mv2 + mv3 –mv2) * 356.1

or 4425.1 mv2 + 2130.4 mv3 = 18554800 Æ (7)

Equation (7) gives a relation between mv22 and mv33 as under,

mv3 = 8709.54 – 2.076 mv2 Æ (8)

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Third effect:
Material balance:
m2’ = mv3 + m3’ Æ (9)
i.e. m2’ = mv3 + 1750 Æ (10)

Energy balance:
m2’ H2 + mv2 λv2 = mv3Hv3 + m3’H3 Æ (11)
(mv3 + 1750) * 356.1 + mv2 * 2297.4
= mv3 * 2600.5 + 1750 * 244.92 Æ (12)

Putting the value of mv3 from equation (8), equation (12) becomes
[8709.54 – 2.076 mv2 + 1750] * 356.1 + 2297.4 mv2
= [8709.54 – 2.076 mv2 ] * 2600.5 + 1750 * 244.92

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Solving we get
6956.78 mv2 = 19353126.58
mv22 = 2782 kg/h

Putting value of mv2 in equation (8)

mv2 = 8709.54 – 2.076 * 2782 = 2934.1 kg/h
mv1 = 8250 – (2782 + 2934.1) = 2533.9 kg/h

With the value of mv2 and mv3, equation (4) yields:

ms = 3244.4 kg/h

Heat transfer area:

A1 = (m
( s λs) / (U
( 1 ∆T1) = [(3244.4
( * 2160)) / (710
( * 14.5)] ( 3 / 3600)) = 189.1 m2
) * (10
A2 = (mv1 λv1) / (U2 ∆T2) = [(2533.9 * 2228.3) / (490 * 16)] * (103 / 3600) = 200 m2
A3 = (mv2 λv2) / (U3 ∆T3) = [(2782 * 2297.4) / (454 * 19.5)] * (103 / 3600) = 200.5 m2
The deviation in area is within ±10%

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Hence, the maximum area i.e. A1 can be recommended for effects
Area in each effect (A) = 200.5 m2
Steam economy = 8250 / 3244.4
3244 4 = 2.55
2 55

Condenser water requirement:

Qc = Heat removed from vapor
= mv3 * λv3 = 2934.1 * 2370 = 6953817 kJ/h

g water is at 303 K ((30 oC))

Condensing temperature is 328 K (55 oC)

Rise in temperature of water = 328 – 303 = 25 K

Cooling water rate (mw) = Qc / Cp ∆T = 6953817/(4187 * 25)

= 66432.4 kg/h = 66.432 tones / hour

Multiple Effect Evaporator
A double-effect evaporator is employed to concentrate 10,000 kg/h of caustic
soda solution from 9% to 47% by wt. NaOH. For this purpose, backward feed
g is used. The feed enters the evaporator
p at 309 K ((36o C).
) Process
steam at 686.616 kPa g is available and in the second effects a vacuum of 86.66
kPa is maintained. Design a suitable forced circulation system with equal heating
surface in both the effects. Calculate the steam consumption and evaporation in
each effect. Neglect boiling point rise. The overall heat transfer coefficients in
the first and second effects are 2326 and 1744.5 W/(m2.K) respectively. Take a
specific heat value of 3.77 kJ/(kg K) for all caustic streams.

Multiple Effect Evaporator
10,000 kg/h of feed.

Steam pressure = 686.616 kPa g = 686.616 + 101.325 = 787.941 kPa

Hence, saturation temperature, Ts = 442.7 K (169.7o C)

Vacuum in second effect = 86.660 kPa

Absolute pressure in second effect = 101.325 – 86.660 = 14.665 kPa
Corresponding temperature = 326.3 K (53.3o C)

Overall temperature drop = ∆T = 442.7 – 326.3 = 116.4 K (o C)

A i heat
h t loads
l d equall in
i both
b th the
th effects
ff t
Q1 = Q2
U1A1 ∆T1 = U2A2 ∆T2

Multiple Effect Evaporator
For equal heat transfer surface,
U1 ∆T1 = U2 ∆T2
∆T1 = ((U2/U1) ∆T2 = ((2326/1744.5)) ∆T2 = 0.75 ∆T2

∆T = ∆T1 + ∆T2 = 0.75 ∆T2 + ∆T2

116.4 = 1.75 ∆T2
∆T2 = 66.5 K, and ∆T1 = 49.9 K

Since there is no B.P.R.

∆T1 = Ts – Tv1
Where Tv1 – temperature in the vapor space of first effect

Tv1 = Ts – ∆T1 = 442.7

442 7 – 49.9
49 9 = 392.8 (119 8o C)
392 8 K (119.8
Tv2 = Tv1 – ∆T2 = 392.8 – 66.5 = 326.3 K (53.3o C)

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Overall material balance:
mf = m1’ + m-v1 + mv2
Material balance of solute:
0.09 * 10000 = 0.47 * m1’
m1’ = 1915 kg/h

Enthalpy of various streams:

Hf = feed enthalpy = 3.768 * (309 – 273) = 135.66 kJ/kg
H1’ = enthalpy
py of the final p
product = 3.768 ((392.8 – 273)) = 451.4 kJ/kg
H2’ = enthalpy of the intermediate product = 3.768 (326.3 – 273) = 200.83 kJ/kg

For steam at 442.7 K (169.7o C), λs = 2048.7 kJ/kg

For vapor at 392.8 K (119.8o C)
Hv1 = 2705.22 kJ/kg, λv1 = 2202.8 kJ/kg
For vapor at 326.3 K (53.3o C)
Hv2 = 2597.61
2597 61 kJ/kg
λv2 = 2377.8 kJ/kg
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Material balances and energy balance around the effects:
First effect =>
Material balance:
m2 = m1 + mv1 Æ (1)
Energy balance:
ms λs + m2’ H2’ = mv1Hv1 + m1’H1’ Æ ((2))

Second effect =>

Material balance:
mf = m2’ + mv2 Æ (3)
Energy balance:
mv1 λv1 + mf Hf = mv2Hv2 + m2’H2’ Æ (4)

Overall material balance:

mf = mv + m1’
mv = mv1 + mv2
mv = mf – m1’ = 10000 – 1915 = 8085 kg/h
mv2 = mv – mv1 Æ (5)
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Putting the value of mv2 from equation (5) in equation (4), we have
m2’ = mf – mv2 from equation (3)
q ((4)) becomes
mv1 λv1 + mfHf = (mv – mv1) Hv2 + (mf – mv2) H2’
mv1 λv1 + mfHf = (mv – mv1) Hv2 + (mf – (mv – mv1) H2’ Æ (6)

Only unknown in above equations is mv1

2202.8 mv1 + (10000*135.66)
= (8085 – mv1) 2597.61 + (10000 – (8085 – mv1) 200.83
=> 4599.58 mv1 = 20029666
=> mv1 = 4354.7 kg/h
mv2 = mv – mv1 = 8085 – 4354.7 = 3729.3 kg/h

Putting values of mv1, mv2, m1’ and mf and thermal quantities in equation (2), we
ms = 5557 kg/h

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Heat transfer area:

First effect:
A1 = Q1 / U1 ∆T1 = ms λs / U1 ∆T1
= (5557*2048.7*103)/ (2326*49.9*3600) = 27.25 m2

Second effect:
A2 = Q2 / U2 ∆T2 = mv1 λv1 / U2 ∆T2
= (4354.7*2202.8*103)/ (1744.5*66.5*3600) = 22.97 m2

Since A1 ≠ A2 and difference is more than 10% a second trial is required.

Multiple Effect Evaporator
Second trial:
Aavg = A1 + A2 / 2 = 27.25 + 22.97 / 2 = 25.11 m2

∆T1’ = ∆T1 * (A1 / Aavg) = (49.9 * 27.25) / 25.11 = 54.2 K

∆T2’ = ∆T – ∆T1’ = 116.4 – 54.2 = 62.2 K

Temperature distribution:
Tv1 = Ts – ∆T1’ = 442.7 – 54.2 = 388.5 K (115.5 oC)
Tv2 = Tv1 – ∆T2’ = 338.5 – 62.2 = 326.3 K ((53.3 oC))

Enthalpy of streams:
Hf = 135.66 kJ/kg
H1’ = 3.768 (388.5 – 273) = 424.81 kJ/kg
H2’ = 200.83 kJ/kg

Vapor at 388.5 K (115.5 oC)

Hv1 = 2699.8 kJ/kg
λv1 = 2214.92 kJ/kg 35
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Putting new values, energy balance for second effect equation (5) becomes:

mv1 * 2214.92 + 10000*135.66

= (8085 – mv1) 2597.01 + [10000 – (8085 – mv1)]*200.83

Solving, we get:
mv1= 4343 kg/h
k /h
mv2 = mv – mv1 = 8085 – 4343 = 3742 kg/h

First effect energy balance:

ms λs + m2H2’ = mv1Hv1 + m1’H1’
m2 = m1’ + mv1 = mf – mv + mv1
= mf – (mv1 + mv2) +mv1 = mf – mv2
ms λs + (mf – mv2) H2’ = mv1 Hv1 + m1’ H1’

ms * 2048.7
2048 7 + (10000 – 3742) * 200.83
200 83 = 4343 * 2699.8
2699 8 + 1915 * 424.81
424 81
Solving, we get, ms = 5516 kg/h
Multiple Effect Evaporator
Area of heat transfer:

First effect:
A1 = (5516*2048.7*103)/ (2326*54.2*3600) = 24.9 m2

Second effect:
A2 = (4343*2214.92*103)/(1744.5*62.2*3600) = 24.62 m2
A1 = A2

So area in each effect can be 24.90 m2 (recommending higher value).

Steam consumption = 5516 kg/h

Evaporation in first effect = 4343 kg/h

Evaporation in second effect = 3742 kg/h

Practice Problem
1060 kg/h of 4% (by weight) caustic soda solution is fed to a quadruple-effect
evaporator. Thick liquor leaving the last evaporator contains 25% caustic soda
byy weight.
g The dry y saturated steam at 0.7 Mpa.g
p g is fed to the first effect. Feed
solution enters the first evaporator at 303 K (30 oC). The operating pressure in
first, second and third effects are 0.37, 0.235 and0.08 MPa.g respectively. The
fourth effect (last effect) operates at 50.66 kPa a (vacuum of 380 torr). Neglect
boiling point rise calculate the steam economy of the system.

Heat capacity, kJ/ (kg K)
Feed 0.04
Solution leaving first effect 3.977
Sol tion leaving
Solution lea ing second effect 3 936
Solution leaving third effect 3.894
Solution leaving fourth effect 3.873


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