Đề thi vào 10 - Chuyên Anh TP HCM 2018: Quiz ID: 1362

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Đề thi vào 10 - Chuyên Anh TP HCM 2018

Quiz ID: 1362

Question 1 (Question ID: 13-15225)

Every Christmas of my childhood was the same. My father______ late for lunch weighed
down with presents for the family.
A. would arrive
B. could arrive
C. was arriving
D. got used to arriving
Question 2 (Question ID: 13-15226)
If I _____ you a free ticket, would you go to Florence with me?
A. were to offer
B. had offered
C. were offered
D. would offer
Question 3 (Question ID: 13-15227)
"You _____ things. Can't you be more careful?" said Tom's mother.
A. always lose
B. are losing
C. always lost
D. are always losing
Question 4 (Question ID: 13-15228)
____ in the next room, her voice is like ____ of a boy.
A. Hearing - the sound
B. Hearing - the one
C. Heard - that
D. Having been heard - that one
Question 5 (Question ID: 13-15229)
I'd say let's meet on Saturday but I’m none _____ sure what's happening at the weekend.
A. so
B. very
C. that
D. too

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Question 6 (Question ID: 13-15230)
When the exam is over, I'll go fishing - ______ I haven't done for weeks.
A. anything
B. something
C. things
D. everything
Question 7 (Question ID: 13-15231)
We're going to visit the Great Walls. Everybody says this is _____.
A. a too good chance for being lost
B. too good a chance to be lost
C. too good a chance for being lost
D. a too good chance to lose
Question 8 (Question ID: 13-15232)
_____, her suggestion is of greater value than her friend's.
A. All things considered
B. All things considering
C. Considering all things
D. Considered all things
Question 9 (Question ID: 13-15233)
As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _____.
A. the more for Iife are you equipped
B. the more life you equip for
C. the more equipped for life you are
D. the more you are equipped for
Question 10 (Question ID: 13-15234)
He wants to give his daughters _____ he can afford.
A. all for the best
B. the very best
C. at best
D. what best
Question 11 (Question ID: 13-15235)
_____ Sam had was gone when she heard that nearly all her classmates had failed to answer
the teacher's question.
A. A little confidence
B. The little confidence
C. Little confidence
D. Little of confidence

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Question 12 (Question ID: 13-15236)
_____ the difficulty of the task, I shall be lucky to have completed it by June.
A. Regarding
B. Presuming
C. Given
D. Encountered
Question 13 (Question ID: 13-15237)
Diana took a course in shorthand and typing _____ applying for a secretary job.
A. on account of
B. with a view to
C. with a reason for
D. for fear of
Question 14 (Question ID: 13-15238)
Jessica has bungled every task her boss has given her so far. _____, he’s prepared to give her
one last chance.
A. Notwithstanding
B. Instead
C. Furthermore
D. Nevertheless
Question 15 (Question ID: 13-15239)
The restaurant is popular with film stars and the ______.
A. same
B. like
C. such
D. similar
Question 16 (Question ID: 13-15240)
Tom's decision to leave university after a year is one he now ______ regrets.
A. painfully
B. harshly
C. heavily
D. deeply
Question 17 (Question ID: 13-15241)
Pollutants in this river are increasing _____ - something must be done about it immediately.
A. chillingly
B. utterly
C. rigorously
D. alarmingly

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Question 18 (Question ID: 13-15242)
Although his paintings are abstract, the artist _____ inspiration from the natural world.
A. draws
B. pulls
C. makes
D. has
Question 19 (Question ID: 13-15243)
She _____ with pleasure at the unexpected compliment.
A. grinned
B. glared
C. beamed
D. laughed
Question 20 (Question ID: 13-15244)
As Jane lay in her cabin, she heard the gentle sound of waves _____ against the hull.
A. pelting
B. splashing
C. gushing
D. lapping
Question 21 (Question ID: 13-15245)
David was so _____ by the beauty of Ha Long Bay that he instantly decided to move there.
A. captured
B. captivated
C. accumulated
D. beckoned
Question 22 (Question ID: 13-15246)
Many species of fish have _____ ways of protecting their eggs from predators.
A. ingenious
B. indicative
C. inspiring
D. insufficient
Question 23 (Question ID: 13-15247)
No one knows how the rival company got _____ of the plans for thee new marketing
A. wind
B. breeze
C. voice
D. ear

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Question 24 (Question ID: 13-15248)
Family relationships later _____ a great significance in his life.
A. built up
B. kept on
C. took on
D. made up
Question 25 (Question ID: 13-15249)
For non-native speakers, it is not unusual for understanding to _____ when listening to
others’ conversations in English.
A. fall away
B. break down
C. give up
D. set out
Question 26 (Question ID: 13-15250)
Since we had only one day left, we decided to make an _____ effort to finish the run in record
A. all-in
B. all-out
C. over-all
D. all-around
Question 27 (Question ID: 13-15251)
Jukan is one of the many young, _____ artists to be taken on recently by an important gallery.
A. bottom-up
B. up-and-coming
C. top-down
D. out-and-out
Question 28 (Question ID: 13-15252)
Jimmy's not interested in the _____. He just wants to know the plain facts.
A. cut and thrust
B. hue and cry
C. ifs and buts
D. part and parcel

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Question 29 (Question ID: 13-15253)
Mai: "_____"
Lan: "I'm pretty busy right now. I'm doing my homework because I have an exam
A. How is your day going?
B. How are you doing?
C. What do you do?
D. What are you doing here?
Question 30 (Question ID: 13-15254)
Student 1: – "Excuse me! Could you show me the way to the library?"
Student 2: – "Sorry, I’m new here."
Student 1: – "__________"
A. Not at all.
B. Bad luck.
C. No problem.
D. Thank you all the same.

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Question 31 (Question ID: 13-207189)
Choose the word or phrase that fits each space in the following passage.
In recent years, ready-made meals have Q31.1.................... Britain's eating Q31.2.....................
Britons now spend four times as much as the Italians on ready-made meals and six times more than
the Spanish. Q31.3.................... for instant meats has increased across Europe as a Q31.4....................
but why has Britain become the Q31.5.................... European capital of ready-made food, second
only in the world to America?
Convenience is Q31.6.................... of the attraction. A recent survey Q31.7.................... that 77
percent of purchasers said they only bought ready meals when they did not have time to cook. Dr.
Susan Jebb, head of nutrition at the Medical Research Council, said: "People in the UK work the
longest hours, we are very time-poor, and we don't have a strong Q31.8.................... history of
The ready-made meal boom also reflects changing social Q31.9.................... in Britain. More people
live alone and so are less likely to be Q31.10.................... to cook. And with families eating together
less often, ready meals allow people to eat what they want when they want. Juliaa Michna, of Marks
and Spencer, says that ready meals also reflect changing Q31.1.................... in food. "Britain's
multiculturalism has brought a Q31.12.................... range of restaurants than other European
countries, and ethnic cuisines, which people are often scared of cooking from Q31.13....................
are Q31.14.................... more popular. One quarter of Q31.15.................... meals are Indian, and
nearly one in five are Chinese."

Q31.1. A. amended B. transferred C. adjusted D. transformed

Q31.2. A. forms B. ways C. habits D. manners

Q31.3. A. Order B. Request C. Charge D. Demand

Q31.4. A. conclusion B. result C. total D. whole

Q31.5. A. unclaimed B. unclassified C. undisputed D. undefeated

Q31.6. A. element B. share C. part D. piece

Q31.7. A. made B. found C. gave D. put

Q31.8. A. modern B. customary C. traditional D. cultural

Q31.9. A. temptations B. trends C. movements D. drifts

Q31.10. A. bothered B. offended C. disturbed D. worried

Q31.11. A. washes B. likings C. tastes D. desires

Q31.12. A. deeper B. longer C. wider D. harder

Q31.13. A. nowhere B. scratch C. memory D. beginning

Q31.14. A. such B. very C. far D. lot

Q31.15. A. junk B. chilled C. decent D. meager

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Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
The radical change in the land's surface that results when rural areas are transformed into cities is a
significant cause of the rise in temperature in cities that are known as urban heat island.
First, the tall buildings and the concrete and asphalt of the city absorb and store greater quantities of
solar radiation than do the vegetation and soil typical of rural areas.
In addition, because the concrete and asphalt are impermeable, the runoff of water flowing a rain is
rapid, resulting in a severe reduction in the evaporation rate. So heat that once would have been
used to convert liquid water to a gas goes instead to increase the surface temperature further.
At night, although both city and countryside cool through radiation losses, the stone-like surface of
the city gradually releases the additional heat accumulated during the day, keeping the urban air
warmer than that of the outlying areas.
Part of the urban temperature rise must also be attributed to waste heat from such sources as home
heating and air conditioning, power generation, industry, and transportation. Many studies have
shown that the magnitude of human-made energy in metropolitan areas is equal to a significant
percentage of the energy received from the Sun at the surface.
Investigations in Sheffield, England, and Berlin showed that the annual heat production in these
cities was equal to approximately one-third of that received from solar radiation. Another study of
the densely built-up Manhattan section of New York City revealed that during the winter, the
quantity of heat produced from combustion alone was two and one-half times greater than the
amount of solar energy reaching the ground. In summer, the figure dropped to one-sixth.
It is interesting to note that during the summer there is a mutual reinforcement between the higher
nighttime temperatures of the city and the human-made heat that helped create them. That is, the
higher temperatures result in the increased use of air-conditioners, which, in turn, use energy and
further increase the amount of urban heat. During the winter the nighttime warmth of urban areas,
produced in large part by heavy energy consumption, is beneficial because less energy needed to
heat buildings.
Question 32 (Question ID: 13-15275)
All of the following contribute to the urban heat island effect EXCEPT______.
A. absorption of heat from the Sun
B. storage of heat from the Sun
C. an increased rate of evaporation after a rainfall
D. the release of heat at night from city surfaces
Question 33 (Question ID: 13-15276)
The word "convert" in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. reverse
B. transform
C. reduce
D. compare

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Question 34 (Question ID: 13-15277)
The word "that" in the passage refers to ____.
A. city
B. heat
C. day
D. air
Question 35 (Question ID: 13-15278)
In which of the following locations would the rate of evaporation probably be highest?
A. A rural area
B. A small town
C. A medium-sized city
D. A big city
Question 36 (Question ID: 13-15279)
The word "magnitude' in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.
A. calculation
B. comprehension
C. extent
D. formation
Question 37 (Question ID: 13-15280)
The author mentions Manhattan in order to demonstrate that ____.
A. heat in urban areas can be reduced
B. the conclusions of the investigation in Sheffield were wrong
C. its heat production is smaller than that of Berlin
D. human-made heat can exceed the solar energy that reaches the ground in winter
Question 38 (Question ID: 13-15281)
According to the passage, one important consequence of the use of air-conditioners at night is
A. greater energy costs
B. higher levels of urban heat
C. serious problems with the energy supply
D. less need for air conditioning in the morning
Question 39 (Question ID: 13-15282)
The word "beneficial" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.
A. predictable
B. powerful
C. hazardous
D. advantageous

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Question 40 (Question ID: 13-15283)
Which of the following is true about cities at night in the winter?
A. Solar energy has an increased impact on the urban heat island.
B. They tend to be colder than rural areas.
C. Less energy is required to heat buildings
D. Human-made energy created a larger area of total heat than solar energy.
Question 41 (Question ID: 13-15274)
What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The loss of farmland to urban development
B. The causes of increased heat in cities
C. Waste heat generated by home heating and air conditioning
D. How seasonal change affects the temperature of cities
Question 42 (Question ID: 13-15284)
Rearrange the following sentences so that they make a meaningful review of a computer game.

1. A selection of viewpoints, including a breakneck 'biker's eye view' are offered. This game A.
will push your skills and patience to the limit. (5)

2. There are 10 tracks, of which three are available at the outset. Only by scoring gold in both B.
classes on all of these can you gain access to the next three, and so on. (2)

3. Wonder Racer succeeds in bringing the body breaking speed of time-trial biking to the PC, C.
but its difficulty may leave you shaking. The approach is simple and unsophisticated. (3)

4. The courses are a fictitious mix of country lanes, exotic beaches and snowy mountain D.
passes. The 3-0 is excellent in its speed, smoothness and level of detail. (1)

5. There are only three controls, far fewer than in many other modern games. Players start by E.
selecting one of sixteen riders, from a set of teams. (4)

1 2 3 4 5

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Question 43 (Question ID: 13-15285)
Supply each blank with one suitable word.
It is forecast that we can look forward to working Q43.1.................... hours in the future, but it is
necessary for health and tranquillity to work a certain Q43.2.................... of hours per week, ideally
doing a variety of jobs - something schools have always known. It may be that the house building
will meet a need. It is a very basic human instinct. Gardening is a related activity. It is already
Q43.3.................... to cultivate many fruits and vegetables than to buy them in the shops and the
house of the next decade should take this into Q43.4.....................
Q43.5.................... important question is that of energy conservation. The proportion of income
Q43.6.................... on keeping warm is steadily going up, and, with the cost of energy likely to
double in real terms during the next ten years or Q43.7...................., many large badly-insulated old
houses will become extremely expensive to use. The demand will be Q43.8.................... small, well-
insulated homes located in warm protected areas and making the best Q43.9.................... of the sun's
warmth. Efficient heating units will be of prime importance. At Q43.10.................... we waste a lot of
space in planning rooms which are awkward to use.
Question 44 (Question ID: 13-15296)
Supply each blank with one suitable word.
We live surrounded by objects and systems that we take for Q44.1...................., but which
profoundly affect the way we behave, think, work, play and in general lead our Q44.2.....................
Look, for example, at the place in which you are reading this now, and see how much of
Q44.3.................... surrounds you is understandable, how much of it you could actually build
yourself or repair if it Q44.4.................... to cease to function. When we start the car or press the
Q44.5.................... in the elevator, or buy food in the supermarket, we gave no Q44.6.................... to
the complex devices or systems that make the car move or the elevator rise, or the food appear on
the shelves. Throughout this century we have become increasingly dependent on the products of
Q44.7..................... They have already changed our lives: at the simplest Q44.8...................., the
availability of transport have made us physically less fit than our ancestors. Many people are alive
only because they have been given immunity to disease through drugs. The vast majority of the
world's population relies on the ability of technology to provide and transport food. We are unable
to feed or clothe or keep Q44.9.................... warm without technology.

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Identify the five (5) mistakes in the following passage and correct them. (in exact order on the
An ecosystem is a group of animals and plants living in a specific region and interact with one
another and with their physical environment. Ecosystems include physical and chemical
components, such as soils, water, and nutritions that support the organisms living there. These
organisms may range from large animals to microscopic bacteria. Ecosystems also can be thought
of as the interactions among all organisms in a given habitat; for instance, one species may serve as
food for other. People are part of the ecosystems where they live and work. Human activities can
harm or destroy local ecosystems unless actions such as land development for housing or
businesses are careful planned to conserve and sustain the ecology of the area. An important part of
ecosystem management involves finding ways to protect and enhance economical and social well-
being while protecting local ecosystems.
Question 45 (Question ID: 13-15344)
Mistake #1: Q45.1.................... ==> Q45.2....................
Question 46 (Question ID: 13-15349)
Mistake #2: Q46.1.................... ==> Q46.2....................
Question 47 (Question ID: 13-15352)
Mistake #3: Q47.1.................... ==> Q47.2....................
Question 48 (Question ID: 13-15355)
Mistake #4: Q48.1.................... ==> Q48.2....................
Question 49 (Question ID: 13-15358)
Mistake #5: Q49.1.................... ==> Q49.2....................
Question 50 (Question ID: 13-15363)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
His tour was cut Q50.1.................... short due to his illness. (APPOINT)
Question 51 (Question ID: 13-15366)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
Since the city center became a(n) Q51.1.................... pedestrian area, shopping has been a more
pleasant experience. (TRAFFIC)
Question 52 (Question ID: 13-15368)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
I've Q52.1.................... the CNN homepage as I use it regularly to get the latest news. (MARK)
Question 53 (Question ID: 13-15370)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
The Q53.1.................... at the temple are bringing heart for peace and prosperity. (DEVOTION)

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Question 54 (Question ID: 13-15372)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
A(n) Q54.1.................... life, lack of physical activity, stressful jobs, and bad habits can influence
one's health in a very bad way. (PACE)
Question 55 (Question ID: 13-15374)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
Officials urged caution in anticipation of catastrophic and Q55.1.................... flooding in the
days to come. (THREAT)
Question 56 (Question ID: 13-15376)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
The store manager explained Q56.1.................... that only certain items were sold at a discount.
Question 57 (Question ID: 13-15378)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
Women are traditionally supposed to be good at Q57.1..................... (TASK)
Question 58 (Question ID: 13-15380)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
The recent events Q58.1.................... the need for a better understanding of the environmental
impact of biotechnology. (SCORE)
Question 59 (Question ID: 13-15382)
Supply the appropriate form of the word in the bracket.
Q59.1.................... fines may be issued for careless driving and other offences. (SPOT)
Question 60 (Question ID: 13-207531)
Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket.
I think you should get someone to fix the computer. (fixed)
=> I would prefer it ..........

Question 61 (Question ID: 13-207538)

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket
Jack was so nervous that his mind couldn't function properly. (straight)
=> Such ..........

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Question 62 (Question ID: 13-207547)
Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket
To say briefly, this school regulation cannot be abolished right away. (do)
=> In a ...........

Question 63 (Question ID: 13-207556)

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket.
Trying to persuade someone to agree with you can be a formidable task. (view)
=> Trying to bring ..............

Question 64 (Question ID: 13-207563)

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket
Anna inherited a fortune when her father died. (into)
=> After the .............

Question 65 (Question ID: 13-207565)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I managed to finish the task, but it was difficult. (SUCCEED)
=> Only with ..........

Question 66 (Question ID: 13-207569)

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket.
Fred didn't tell Sopite his news until she had finished her homework. (telling)
=> Fred waited .............

Question 67 (Question ID: 13-188793)

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket
Although she didn't agree with the management's decision, Chloe was forced to accept it.
=> Much .....

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Question 68 (Question ID: 13-196968)
Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Suddenly, the management said it was important for us to wear dark suits to the meeting.
=>The management insisted ..........

Question 69 (Question ID: 13-187577)

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. You have to use the exact word
given in bracket.
We were not late for school because you took us in your car. (time)
=> If it hadn’t been for .....

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Đáp án (Answer Key)
Quiz ID: 1362

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Question 1. A Question 2. A
Question 3. D Question 4. C
Question 5. D Question 6. B
Question 7. B Question 8. A
Question 9. C Question 10. B
Question 11. B Question 12. C
Question 13. B Question 14. D
Question 15. B Question 16. D
Question 17. D Question 18. A
Question 19. C Question 20. D
Question 21. B Question 22. A
Question 23. A Question 24. C
Question 25. B Question 26. B
Question 27. B Question 28. C
Question 29. A Question 30. D
Question 31. Question 32. C
31.1 D 31.2 C 31.3 D 31.4 D Question 33. B
31.5 C 31.6 C 31.7 B 31.8 D Question 34. D
31.9 B 31.10 A 31.11 C 31.12 C Question 35. A
31.13 B 31.14 C 31.15 B Question 36. C
Question 37. D
Question 38. B Question 39. D
Question 40. C Question 41. B
Question 42. Question 43.
1-A 2-C 3-D 4-E 5-B 43.1 fewer
43.2 number
43.3 cheaper
43.4 account / consideration

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43.5 Another
43.6 spent
43.7 so
43.8 for
43.9 use
43.10 present
Question 44. Question 45.
44.1 granted 45.1 interact
44.2 lives 45.2 interacting
44.3 what Question 46.
44.4 happens 46.1 nutritions
44.5 button 46.2 nutrition
44.6 thought
Question 47.
44.7 technology
47.1 other
44.8 level
47.2 another / others
44.9 ourselves
Question 48.
48.1 careful
48.2 carefully
Question 49. Question 50.
49.1 economical 50.1 disappointedly
49.2 economic Question 51.
51.1 traffic-free
Question 52. Question 53.
52.1 bookmarked 53.1 devotees
Question 54. Question 55.
54.1 fast-paced 55.1 life-threatening
Question 56. Question 57.
56.1 apologetically 57.1 multitasking
Question 58. Question 59.
58.1 underscore 59.1 On-the-spot
Question 60. Question 61.
I would prefer it if you had the computer Such was Jack’s nervousness that he could
fixed. not think straight.
Question 62. Question 63.
In a nutshell, they cannot do away with Trying to bring someone around to your
this school regulation. point of view can be a formidable task.
Question 64. Question 65.

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After the death of her father, Anna came Only with difficulty did I succeed in
into a fortune. finishing the task.
After the death of Anna's father, she came Question 66.
into a fortune. Fred waited for Sopite to finish her
homework before telling her his news.
Question 67. Question 68.
Much as she disagreed with the The management insisted that we should
management's decision, Chloe had no wear dark suits to the meeting all at once.
choice but to accept it. The management insisted on us wearing
Much as she disagreed with the dark suits to the meeting all at once.
management's decision, Chloe was left The management insisted on our wearing
with no choice other than to accept it. dark suits to the meeting all at once.
Question 69.
If it hadn't been for the lift you gave us, we
wouldn't have gone to school on time.

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