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Dear ,

I hope you are doing well today! I have finished your reading and drawing, and I
found out many interesting things that I am pleased to share with you!

First of all, let me tell you some really interesting things that I received from
your Higher Self - she comes in different shapes and forms into your life, at
different times, and she has a very complex energy that is transmitted through
powerful vibrations and feelings into your life. This time, she came to me in the
form of a younger version of your Higher Self that is very good at handling her
energy in the form of chaotic emotions that are later transformed into order by
other versions of your Higher Self. I was able to hear her whispering through her
energy and I will tell you what she wants you to know. This version of your Higher
Self is the master of your emotions, and she knows everything about you and your
feelings, both in the present and in the future. She has been guiding you since the
beginning of your life and she is constantly whispering things on opposite
spectrums in your ear. This means that she is not only looking for you to be calm
and composed at all times, as many times, she feels there is the need for you to
act in a more direct manner instead of being calculated. What she is trying to say
to you through her energy is that one of the most important things for you is to
listen more to your intuition, as there are times when you should act more
decisively in a shorter amount of time. Making decisions in a more impulsive manner
at the right time, as when you acted impulsively in the past, she feels that many
times it wasn't the right time to do it. But there are critical times in our lives
when we have two or three doors in front of us and we must act very quickly - which
one will you enter?

Even though she lives in chaotic form and many times to the extremes, she is very,
very wise at handling everything that has to do with emotions. She has more of a
self-centered nature, meaning that she only wants what's best for you and thinks
about you at all times - she is here for you to become what you deserve to become
and she will serve you until you succeed. I also have a mantra that will help you
connect more with her, and it is the following: “I trust that I, and only I, know
what’s best for me.” You can try to repeat it a few times per day, in a calm
environment. It is very important that you connect more with this version of your
Higher Self, because as I said, it will help you make the right decisions faster
and at the right time, helping you evolve into the woman you wish in a shorter
amount of time.

This is everything I was able to find out regarding your reading, sweetheart! I
hope you enjoyed it and please let me know if you have any questions.

With Love and Light,


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