Science DLP

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Junior High School

S.Y. 2022-2023


School Mainit National High School Grade Level 9

Student-Teacher Jomart T. Limboy Learning Area Science
Teaching Date April 3, 2023 Quarter Third

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. Identify the difference between CONSTELLATION and ASTERISM
b. Describe the characteristic of constellation and asterism
c. Appreciate the beauty of God’s creation and;
d. Draw different constellation and the well-known asterism.


MATERIALS Laptop, and Projector
REFERENCE Science 9, Learner’s Module

A. Preparation
a. Preliminaries
i. Greetings Good morning, sir!
Good morning, class!
ii. Prayer
iii. Checking of Attendance (All are present)
Say, present if your name
is called.

b. Review
Before we proceed to our new lesson today, Yes, sir!
let us first recall our previous lesson. So, last
meeting we discussed about “STAR AND
CONSTELLATION” Am I right, class?
Is there some who can explain what he/she (Students are raising their hands)
understand about “CONSTELLATION?”

Yes, Ms.___________? Can you please A constellation is a group of stars that

explain to us what is CONSTELLATION? appears to form a pattern or picture.

Very Good Ms._________ Thank you! So,

A constellation is a star group that forms a
specific pattern or shape based on the
positions of the stars. Constellations are
used to map out the night sky and to
recognize specific stars in the sky.

Now, what are the five basic characteristic of (One student will enumerate the basic
star? characteristic of stars)
The basic characteristic of stars are
Brightness, color, temperature, mass and

Yes, very good Mr.________ I’m glad that

you still remembered the basic characteristic
of star.

c. Motivation
Before we move on to the next lesson, let us
first re-arranged the following Jumbled
Words into a meaningful Words.
1. NOITALLETSNOC 1. Constellation
2. RTSA 2. Star
3. SNRETTAP 3. Patterns
4. MSIRETSA 4. Asterism
5. REMONPRTSA 5. Astronomers

These words indicates and tell us the new (One student will answer the question)
lesson that we are going to discuss today. Sir, today we are going to discuss about the
Now, can someone in the class guess what “CONSTELLATION and ASTERISM”
will be our new lesson this morning?

Nice observation Ms._________ So, our Yes, sir!

new lesson today is CONSTELLATION vs.
ASTERISM. Are you all excited to discuss
our new lesson today? Are you all now
willing to learn about our new topic?

But before we are going to start our

discussion, let me first read to you the
learning objectives of this lesson.

At the end of the lesson, the student will be

able to:

a. Identify the difference

b. Describe the characteristic of
constellation and asterism
c. Appreciate the beauty of God’s
creation and;
d. Draw different constellation and the
well-known asterism.

These are the Learning Objectives that we

need to achieve throughout this lesson.

B. Lesson Proper
a. Discussion

Constellation and Asterism. What are (Students are listening)

they? And what’s their difference?

So, constellation and asterism are both group

of stars, but there is a minor difference
between them. Constellation are officially
recognized by the IAU. Constellation are
specific regions in the sky, example of this
are the TAURUS and GEMINI constellation.
While on the other hand, an asterism can be
part of a constellation. It is a pattern that the
IAU doesn’t officially recognized.

So, that’s the difference between the two. Is Yes, sir!

it clear, class?
Very good! Now, is an asterism is a (One student will answer the question)
constellation? What do you think, class? Just I think no, sir.
give your idea.

Why Ms.____________? Based on my prior knowledge about this

sir, an asterism is a pattern of stars that
is not a constellation. But an asterism can
be part of a constellation.

Yes, well-said Ms.___________ So, an Yes, sir!

asterism is not a constellation but it can be
part of a constellation. Remember that, class!

Why Are Some Grouping Of Stars None, sir.

Constellations While Others Remain
Asterisms? Anyone has an idea about
this? NONE?

 The difference between asterisms and

constellations comes down to a
matter of official recognition. In
order for a grouping of stars to be
considered a constellation, it must be
formally recognized by the
International Astronomical Union.

These are the reason why some grouping of Very clear, sir!
stars called a constellation while others
remained an asterism. Is it clear, class?

To become recognized, a proposed (Students are listening to the discussion of

constellation must meet a few criteria. their teacher)

 First, it must be made up of stars that

are all relatively close to each other
in terms of distance from Earth.
 Second, the proposed constellation
must be distinct and easily
 Second, the proposed constellation
must be distinct and easily
What are those Asterisms That Are Part
Of Constellations? What Are Some Other
Asterism Examples?

(The teacher will present in the Electronic (Students are listening to the discussion
Presentation of an asterism that can be part and watched the presentation that is being
of a constellation and the other well-known presented and displayed)

(after the presentation and discussion)

Now that you already know the difference
ASTERISM. And see the different asterism
that can be part of a constellation. Let us
have a group activity.

b. Application
Direction: The class will be divided into
group of 3 and will answer the assigned
question, after answering, they are going to
present or give their answer in front of the

1. Tell us the difference between GROUP 1 PRESENTATION

2. Give at least 3 Asterism that can be GROUP 2 PRESENTATION
seen or part the CONSTELLATION
3. Explain what is the function of the GROUP 3 PRESENTATION

Precise answers! Thank you class for your

answers and active participation. I am
pleased and happy that you were able to
answer the question given to you.

c. Generalization

Constellation and asterisms were used for (Students are listening as the teacher give
star groups in the night sky before 1920s, the generalization of the lesson)
IAU list of 88 modern constellation. But as
the constellation boundaries got defined,
asterism and constellation started consisting
of multiple asterisms.

An asterism is pattern of stars loosely

present close to each other. It doesn’t have a
definite boundary and is relatively modern
terms. Asterisms can be part of a
constellation, but it’s not itself a

On the other hand, constellation is an

officially recognized region consisting of
stars have a definitive boundary. It has roots
within Ancient Greek Mythology.

d. Evaluation

Okay, this time I want to check how far you

understood our discussion today.
A. Multiple choice: Write the letter of (The answers of students may vary)
the correct answer on your paper
1. A group patterns of stars that has
been designated by the International
Astronomical Union or IAU.
a. Asterism
b. Constellation
c. Orion
d. Ursa Major
2. It is the total number of constellation
adopted by the International
Astronomical Union or IAU.
a. 84
b. 86
c. 88
d. 89
3. An asterism located within the Ursa
Major constellation.
a. The big dipper
b. Teapot
c. Pleiades
d. None of them
4. A group pattern of stars that are not
recognized by the International
Astronomical Union or IAU.
a. Asterism
b. Constellation
c. Orion
d. Ursa Major
5. An asterism made up of three bright
stars: Vega in Lyra, Altair in Aquila,
and Deneb in Cygnus.
a. Summer triangle
b. Winter hexagon
c. Great diamond
d. None of them
Question: How constellation and
asterism differ from each other?

e. Assignment
Before we end our class today, kindly take Yes, sir!
note of your assignment.

1. Look for the 88 constellation.

Write it in a one whole sheet of
paper or in a long bond paper and
put their mythological figure or
2. Draw different constellation and
the 3 well-known asterism
(Summer triangle, Winter
Hexagon, and Great Diamond)

Let us all stand. Arrange the chairs please. (Students will arrange the chairs and pick
Pick up pieces of paper under your chair. up any trash on the floor)

(Closing Prayer)

Goodbye, class, and thank you for paying

attention during today’s lesson.

Prepared by: Jomart Trocio Limboy


Checked by: Ms. Honey Salino


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