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Generator Service

Uprate of Air-Cooled

Gas turbines are becoming increas- Our solution Fig. 1 shows the performance curves
ingly more efficient as a result of Uprating of air-cooled generators is for the various uprating possibilities.
advanced engineering and analysis possible both by modernization mea-
In detail, Siemens offers the following
methods as well as material innova- sures on the generator as well as by
measures for uprating your generator,
tions. Output can be significantly in- improving the cooling.
respectively your power plant:
creased by the use of new technolo- A further uprating option for your
• Modernization measures
gies and new developments in blade power plant is provided by the imple-
– Generator rotor rewind
technology. These optimizations are mentation of an additional generator
– Installation of a new generator
not only included in the construction in synchronous condenser operation.
rotor with improved design
of new turbines, but many can also In some cases, the more cost-effective
• Reducing cold gas temperature in
be implemented in gas turbines alternative can also entail replacement
generators with closed air-cooled
which are already in service. of the previous generator with a high-
er-capacity model.
If the increased output of the gas tur- • Addition of a generator as synchro-
bine is converted to just active power nous condenser
output (MW) from the generator, the • Alternative: generator replacement
reactive power output (MVAr) must be
reduced to stay within the generator
capability curve unless the generator
is also modified. However, the power
system operator often places tight re- 0 P.F.* 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,70
◼  O
 riginal generator
strictions on any changes in power fac- 0,80
MVar (TLRI 115/36 / SGen100A)
tor. Thus the capability (MVA) of the 0,85
generator must be increased. ◼  Uprating by rotor rewinding
0,90 (~ 5 % -10 %)
By opening up the capabilities of the
◼  Uprating by reducing cold gas
gas turbine and the generator at the

same time one can achieve the wan- 0,975
(~ 10 % -20 %)
ted synergy effects and thus the pay-
back period for your investment may MW ◼  N
 ew generator
be reduced.
Using specially developed analysis

measures, our Siemens experts can 0,975

very quickly assess various options 0,95

for uprating your generator and can

present you with an individual and MVar
optimum solution. This can be done 0 P.F.* 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,85 * P.F. = power factor, cos φ

within five days, depending on the Fig. 1: Schematic showing various uprating options based on performance curves
generator model and manufacturer.
Original Design New Design
End of rotor body Centre of rotor body End of rotor body Centre of rotor body

Mass flow
Mass flow
 Mass flow in cooling duct  Mass flow in cooling duct

Cooling gas duct number Cooling gas duct number

Temperature Temperature
IEC-Limit IEC-Limit
Coil Coil

Modified design
Subslot with tapered subslot

Fig. 2: Inner-cooled winding design Fig. 3: Homogeneous cooling air flow, particularly at rotor ends and reduced temperatures based
on modified subslot design (at right) versus original design (at left)

Uprate by modernization Depending on the condition and the Installation of a new generator rotor
Siemens offers the following modern- history of your rotor, new design ele- with improved design
ization measures: ments (such as improved J-straps or a Instead of a rewind, you can simply re-
modified retaining ring shrink fit) place your rotor with a new rotor with
Generator rotor rewind
which can contribute to greater oper- improved design.
Over time, the insulation in the rotor
ating reliability and availability of your
can exhibit aging phenomena. Re- A key element of the new rotor design
generator can also be implemented
winding is important if it is desired to is its highly-efficient cooling system. It
during the rewind. In addition, accord-
maintain functionality and perfor- was developed to address higher excit-
ing to your needs Siemens offers dif-
mance. Rewinding with improved de- er currents in order to enhance the
ferent concepts for rotor rewinding.
sign and/or materials is also a verified magnetic field that is needed to step-
effective uprating tool. Please also see our associated publica- up generator output by up to 20% de-
tion on "Modernization Measures for pending on the generator type and
Air-cooled generators are highly uti-
Radially-Cooled Generator Rotors" and plant operation. To optimize the distri-
lized machines. Improved cooling of
"Rewind Concepts for Generator Rotors bution of the cooling air, Siemens has
the rotor winding can help to further
– Solutions Tailored to your Needs". developed and patented a special sub-
increase the output. Siemens has de-
slot that tapers toward the center of
veloped an optimized rotor winding
the rotor body. The new design ac-
that can support increased exciter cur-
counts for the pressure drop along the
rent and can lead to a higher genera-
axial length and is intended to provide
tor output. To improve cooling, the
a more evenly distributed cooling.
rotor end turns are provided with in-
nercooled transverse conductors (see The cooling air is circulated in the unit
Fig. 2). By increasing the content of by axial blowers on each shaft end.
copper in the slot section heat genera- The special rotor design causes the
tion at constant output can potentially rotor rotation to pump the cold air au-
be reduced. Efficiency is improved by tomatically through the radial cooling
increasing the utilization factor (e.g. gas ducts of the winding (see Fig. 3).
by increased air flow). When perform-
Unlike with a rotor rewind, you do not
ing a rewind with innercooled trans-
need to modify field current leads or
verse conductors it may be necessary
excitation equipment when opting for
to modify the field current leads and
a rotor replacement. Furthermore, the
the excitation equipment.
rotor is available right at the start of
the overhaul thus helping to reduce
standstill times.

Apparent power (MVA)

Lowering of cooling air inlet temperature

and increase of the utilization factor

Increase of the
2 1
utilization factor

Lowering of cooling air

inlet temperature

Rated operating point

◾ Modernized generator
◾ Original generator

Cold gas temperature (°C)

Fig. 4: Uprate as a function of cold gas temperature

Uprating by reducing cold gas tem- The following positive aspects must The effort associated with the installa-
perature in generators with closed also be observed in the implementa- tion of an additional generator in the
air-cooled cooling systems tion of methods for reducing the cold power plant architecture can be com-
As an alternative or supplement to in- gas temperature: pensated for by the following advan-
creasing generator utilization by re- • No need for technical modifications tages:
winding or the implementation of a to the existing generators • No need for extensive technical
new rotor with improved design, a re- • Complete integration of the I&C in changes to the existing generators
duction in the cold gas temperature the existing power plant control sys- • High flexibility with regard to the
bears even greater uprating potential, tem provision of reactive power
but is more complex to implement in • High flexibility of the cooling system • Use of an additional generator in
many cases. A maximum can be to enable unrestricted fulfilment of power plants with several genera-
achieved by combining both possibili- load demand from the grid system tors of the same type as a “produc-
ties (see Fig. 4). • Short standstill period for installa- tive reserve”, e.g. in the event of
tion damage to a generator
In air-cooled generators with a closed
cooling cycle, a chiller is implemented Uprate by implementation of a
to increase cooling capacity. This is an synchronous condenser
air-cooled fluid cooler with a screw In power plants with several turbine
compressor attached to the existing generator sets, the implementation of
cooling cycle to reduce the cold gas an additional generator in synchro-
temperature. nous condenser operation may repre-
sent the most cost-effective solution
In addition to the demand-specific ad-
for increasing the plant output. The
justment possibilities, the design of
power factor in the existing generators
the system accounted for the fact that
is adjusted to produce more or even
operation is also possible with the
exclusive active power (MW). The
chiller deactivated.
missing reactive power fraction (MVAr)
is to be compensated by the synchro-
nous generator which is operated as a
motor at zero load.

Criteria Solution
New Rotor Design New Rotor Winding Chiller Synchronous condenser

Verified technology ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Only for completely closed

Approach for air-cooled
✔ ✔ water- and air-cooled ✔
generator fleet

Power upgrade independent

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
of climate conditions

Electric power supply to Startup converter and

No extra energy consumption ✔ ✔
compressor required excitation required

Lower overall efficiency Optimized operating point

Efficiency increase achievable ✔ ✔
anticipated cos φ = 1 in generator

No need to increase
Installation of cold water Installation of additional
the no. of components ✔ ✔
system generator
in the PP

Requires no changes Depends on reserves Additional excitation of

✔ ✔
in the excitation system of existing system synchronous condenser

No structural modification to
– – ✔ ✔
the generator required

Fig. 5: Overview of uprating methods

Alternative: Generator replacement Your benefits

(Footprint™ generator) With any uprate it is important to veri-
Complete replacement is often the fy that all of the measures in the pow-
more cost-effective alternative for er plant are coordinated. As a power
many generators, particularly for those plant supplier, Siemens can offer you
which are very old. A detailed cost/ben- solutions which are optimally matched
efit analysis can help you decide if and to your plant. Siemens provides project
when an Investment in a new genera- management and can coordinate and
tor is cost-effective compared with in- harmonize the various scopes of sup-
creasing maintenance and service ex- ply and services (gas turbine modern-
penditures for the current generator. ization, generator rotor moderniza-
With the Footprint™ generator*, tion, I&C, implementation of cooling
Siemens can offer you a costeffective technology).
solution in which the existing founda-
Your overall benefits can include:
tions and connections can be used
• Increased output
wherever possible. Published by
• Improved operating reliability/
Siemens AG 2018
• Extended service life of your Power Generation Services Division
generator Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
• Improved competitive position
For more information, please contact
our Customer Support Center.
Phone: +49 180/524 70 00
(Charges depending on provider)
Article-No. PSPG-B10274-00-7600
Printed in Germany
Dispo 34805
TH 288-170830 DA 1117
Subject to changes and errors.
The information given in this document only contains
general descriptions and/or performance features which
may not always specifically reflect those described, or
which may undergo modification in the course of further
development of the products. The requested performance
features are binding only when they are expressly agreed
* Footprint Generator is a registered trademark of Siemens AG, Germany. upon in the concluded contract.

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