Noveleasy Novel

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Chapter 1

Sunset always makes me feel calm. It fills my heart with peace, empties all my
worries, and removes my negativities. I love to spend my afternoons in our serenity
garden I think this is the only spot in our house that I love the most. I can clearly
see the sunset here, it's red-pink sunset or they called it pinky sky.
My mother called me, and I did not response
" Rio!"
My father came from nowhere, they will be always like this, looking for me as if I am
lost. I hate them for doing this every day aren't they getting tired? I fix myself
and draw a breath. It's kind of cold here because our house is at a high altitude yet
I cannot see the cities because we have big ass walls all over the house. I decided
to go inside and drink some tea my mother and father finally see me I did not look at
them, I just keep walking until I cannot hear their voices, but they are echoing
throughout the entire hall. I hate big houses! I get myself a cup and some tea leave
I pour hot water in my cup and the dry leaves I will just wait for five minutes to
brew the tea.
"Rio, why are you not speaking to me? Do we have a problem?"
"No, Mama we do not have any dilemma here."
"I and your father were calling you earlier yet you are not utter any words, Rio."
"And why are you looking for me? Am I lost? I live here all of my life; I've been
here for 19 years Mama."
"Rio! You are not going to talk at your Mama like that!"
My father said that; I just give them a sweet smile.
"I am apologizing Mama"
I sincerely look at her and hug her"
"Do not make me worried, Rio."
I nod and go back to the counter my tea is ready to drink. I take a sip and it tastes
bittersweet, like my life. I look at my surroundings, we have these fancy marble, big
paintings, high big curtains, big and tall windows, high ceilings, big carpets,
yeah... we have this kind of house more likely a palace, just kidding. As I live here
for 19 years, I do not really fancy living here. No doubt, I am grateful but not
happy. I am a prisoner here I never had the chance to go to school and see the cities
or make friends and have fun, Mama told me it's chaotic outside the walls, but I do
not believe it. I know there is beauty outside here and I want to see that beauty.
The rain starts to pour it is heavy rain I think I do not like rain that much, it
makes me sad because it fades away the sun. Unhurriedly, the misty rain fogs the
whole window I cannot see anything, so I just smile and walk away. I finished my tea
and walk upstairs I am going to take a hot bath before I sleep. When I open the door,
my bath is ready, my bathtub has water and some roses for scents. It smells so nice.
I put my hand in the bathtub to check the water temperature it is just right. I take
off my dress and soak my body in the bathtub. It feels so good it makes me calm. I'll
just leave my body here for about fifteen minutes.
"Rio you need to sleep early we have an occasion to go tomorrow."
I almost bang my head in the bathtub.
"What do you mean?"
My mom looks at me with an emotion that cannot be explained.
"I will bring you tomorrow with us, a friend of mine, and his son wants to meet you"
My eyes sparkled with excitement and also my heart was frightened, I know where this
is going but this is the chance for me to go outside.
"Okay, Mama."
I stand up and wrap myself up, are my parents going to have an arranged wedding like
what they did to my sister? I shake my head; this cannot be real. I fix myself and
jump off the bed. I look at the ceiling and sigh. I need to do something they just
cannot do this again.

## Chapter 2
The light of dawn seeped into my room. I opened my eyes; it was morning already. I
put my slippers on and cut the curtains, the sunrise is beautiful I hug the wind and
feel it. Another morning, another day to live. One of our helpers knocked on my door,
I told her to come in, and Vanessa gave me my dress and black stilettos. I started to
take a good bath because I want to look presentable later. This is my first time
going outside and might be my last too. After taking a bath I put my dress on it was
fitted to me it looks like it is made for me. I put on my stilettos too I tied my
hair up in a bun and lastly put on my fascinators. I am ready, I am ready to go to
the city.
"Rio! get ready, we are going in 2 minutes."
"Yes, Mama. I am going down."
I looked in the mirror for the last time, my self is presentable now. I walk down my
mama and papa are looking at me, they give me a smile, and I smile at them too. My
mama holds my hand, and she stared at me for a second.
"Be a good girl, Rio."
I just nod at her; we get in the car and drive away from our house. I am delighted to
witness what the city looks like I rolled down the windows and up my head out of the
window. There are big trees and big houses outside and there are people walking
outside. I just stared out for the whole trip; we are finally here at Mr. Darwin's
mansion. We are getting out of the car when Mr. Darwin greeted us, I shake hands with
him. A man in his twenties is walking in our direction, probably he is Mr. Darwin's
son. We exchanged smiles, and we go inside their mansion. It was huge, there are red
carpets in our way, the walls are made of gold, and there is a French lion ormolu
chandelier. When we reached the dining room the food is ready, they look delicious
and expensive. We start eating they are talking about business; I do not know
anything about what they are talking about so I excuse myself and told them that I
need to take a bathroom. I pee and fix my hair; this bathroom is prodigious this is
almost a size of a room. I pulled back the window's curtain. I cannot move when I see
the roads. I can sight the town from here. I put down the curtains, and hurriedly
peeked through the door to see my parents and they are still eating. I pulled up the
curtains and open the window. Yes! Luckily the door was opened easily. I jump out
through the window it was only low, so I did not get hurt. This might be wrong for my
parents, but this feels so right to me. I am sorry Mama and Papa, but I am sick of
this. I am old and I can live alone.

## Chapter 3
I ran out to Mr. Darwin's house and my parents did not notice it. I climbed into
their gate, walked, and mingled with the people. This place is so crowded but I kept
walking even though I did not know where I am going. I passed by a group of people
who is singing and asking for money. I look at them, they are so happy. I just
realized now that I do not have any money in my pocket, what a waste. I want to give
them some money because they are good singers. I start to walk again and accidentally
bumped into a man, and my knees get wounded. He is wearing black shoes and a white
coat. He helped me to stand up I saw his face he has glasses and a black hat. I
smiled at him.
" Hey, sir I am very sorry I bumped into you."
" Be careful, Madame."
He just winked at me. I am shocked so I covered my face with my both hands I feel
that my face is turning red. I heard him laughing, and we both laugh. We stopped
laughing when the people screamed. There are people running and screaming. We were
wondering what the commotion was going on, suddenly this man held my hand and pulled
me to the side of the road away from the commotion.
My eyes widened when I heard my name. The people who are screaming were Mr. Darwin's
bodyguards and my parents are there too. I immediately ran away; I did not say
goodbye to the man I bumped into earlier. I just keep running away from the crowd so
I could get away from where my parents were. I ran until I was sure that I am far
from way from them. I clutched my chest in exhaustion.
" Do you need some water, Madame?"
I was surprised by the man who spoke. He is the guy I bumped into earlier. He
followed me here.
" Yes please, thank you!"
I took the water he offered me and drank it immediately due to thirst. He just looked
at me while smiling.
" Why did you run earlier? Are you a criminal?
" Yes, I might steal your heart, Mister."
He just laughed at what I said.
" I don't know anyone here; I don't have anyone to sleep either. Can you take me to
your house just for tonight? I am not a bad person.
This man looked at me carefully from head to toe.
" How can, I be sure?"
I come near him and whisper that I will tell him the story of what happened earlier
when he takes me home. I seem to convince him, the man nodded and pointed the way. We
start to walk together, I bite my lips because I can't stop smiling, is this because
of this man? I still do not know his name maybe I will ask him later. We just walk
quietly and slowly. It's almost night, I suddenly feel guilty. I am sorry again, Mama
and Papa...

## Chapter 4
When we finally reached his house, he opened the door for me and I bow my head a
little bit to say thank you. I think he lives alone here because it's so quiet and
the lights are turned off.
" I live alone here; I actually live in Germany. My family is there," he said.
I just nod and explore the house it's not that big but the style is expressive. I
never see this kind of style before. Maybe this is like a German house. I looked at
him at told him my name, I am Rio Mcburry, I said. His name is Jay Eggemann, a really
German name. Jay is in the kitchen preparing food and I am on the couch sitting while
reading one of his books, he is a doctor. I can see it because his books are all
medical books.
" Are you a doctor too?"
I shook my head
" No, Jay. I am nobody."
We just both laughs, I am not even joking here. The food is ready, so I stand up and
go to the dining I help him to bring the food to the table. We sat down in the dining
and started to pray we ate in silence and just enjoyed the food; it tastes good and
was very impressive. I never met a man who knows to cook, my dad never cooks for us.
While we are eating, I told him in detail about my life from when I was young until
"I admired you for your courage, If I were you, I might lose my mind." he said.
I just laughed at him, no one ever tell me that I am strong. My parents always make
me feel weak and ignorant. I took it upon myself to clean the dishes. At first, he
didn't agree but I told him I can, and I want to try. It's not that hard to wash
dishes honestly, I enjoyed washing the dishes. After washing the dishes, it was
bedtime but before going to bed I need to clean myself and luckily he offered me his
clothes. It's big in me but I don't have a choice, Jay said that he will go to the
Laundry tomorrow to clean my clothes. I go to the bed and sleep, for sure my parents
are sleeping with worries, or they probably cannot sleep. I will go back home soon
Mama, Papa... It's just I need time for myself. I close my eyes and ready to sleep.
" Good night, Jay," I told him in a sweet voice, and he laughed at me. I chuckled.
" Good night, Rio Mcburry."
The dawn came, and then the rosy sunrise. I wake up at 6 am in the morning, Jay is
still sleeping. I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face
and stared into the mirror; I am making sure I looked good because of this man. I
left the bathroom and goo to the kitchen. I saw flour and eggs so I will make some
bread. I know how to make pastry because this is my hobby in our house, I love to
bake. I heard Jay's footsteps.
" Good morning," he said in a husky voice
I greeted him back and smiled. Jay sat in the dining room and stared at me. I feel
uncomfortable, I melt at his smile and looks. I am sweating because he didn't take
his eyes off me.
" You should stop, Jay. Or else I throw you this rolling pin."
We both laughed at what I said. I think he is thinking now that I am a crazy woman.
He just shook his head in disbelief, and I rolled my eyes. After making the bread I
made some tea also. I prepare the breakfast on the table and there he is reading his
books. He thanked me and I welcomed him we pray and eat in silence again. It's my
second day here and I am enjoying it.

## chapter 5
" You said you were only here for one night. What are your plans today?"
I stopped at what he said. I do not want to go home yet because I haven't toured the
city yet. I looked at him pleadingly and he looked away.
" I know, Jay. But can you do me a favor?"
Jay looked at me and nod.
" Take me on a tour of this town today until tomorrow at midnight, that's all I want
to do and then I will go home."
He smiled at me and nodded. Breakfast continued and after he washed the dishes. This
is what we'll do for the whole week when I cook, he washes, and when he cooked I wash
the dishes. When he told me that I smiled because it felt like a married couple. If
Jay sees me now, he probably thinks I am a crazy woman because I am laughing in my
thoughts. I just hit my forehead because of what I am thinking of him. I go to his
bathroom and take a bath Jay brings my clothes in the laundry, so I have clothes to
wear we are going to the town. We are going to a park the whole day. I am so excited
because I never went there before. After I showered, I took my clothes that Jay had
washed. I immediately put it on and fixed myself while Jay was currently fixing
"Are you done?"
Let's go to the Admiralty Arch of the mall London I don't know what that place is,
but I know it's beautiful. We started walking many people are walking again like
yesterday. I was surprised when Jay grabbed my hands. I smiled slightly because of
what he did. I tightened my grip on his hand and felt every minute that I held it.
After twenty-five minutes of walking, we arrived. The trees are tall here, it is
clean and there are few people here. There is a building standing here Jay said that
this was commissioned by King Edward VII for his mother Victoria. I stared at the
size of that building, it was beautiful, and it looks like it had been around for a
long time. We sat on the chair to rest our feet.
" You are beautiful and lovely, Rio."
" How could you be this silly, Jay?"
We both laughed again. I just experienced it now and I'm happy that I experienced it
with him.
"You are so kind and kind Jay; I wish I had known you for a long time."
"I wish it too, Rio."
We both stared at each other again while smiling, my heartbeat faster when we looked
at each other. I looked away because my heart felt beating loudly to the point, he
could hear it.
I stood up and invited Jay to take me to another place. We go to the Buckingham
Palace where the royals live. I have never seen Queen Elizabeth I wish I can see her
before my death. Jay patted my hand, he said that he was just going to buy something
for a while. I sat down in the chair in front of the palace. I wait for him for about
five minutes and Jay arrived he has coffee he gave me one.
" Thank you, Mister Doctor."
" Shut up"
I chuckled.
I'm so happy because of what Jay and I doing today, I hope it never ends. I want to
be with him for a long time. Is he the same? While I was drinking the coffee that he
gave me, I was thinking about what this thing is. Are we getting together?
"Are you okay?"
"I just think that tomorrow I won't see you again."
"So, let's write about this day. Me and you. We will do what you want. We will tour
the city."
I cried when he said that I have never known such a person like him in my entire
life. I put my head on his chest and my hand on his waist as I hug him. He put his
arm on my back. I strained my eyes and felt every minute.

## chapter 6
We went to the next destination, the London Pavilion. Many people perform here with
music and dances. The surroundings here are lively, and noisy but happy. I sat on the
side for a while, Jay held his hand to me to invite me to dance, and I immediately
accepted it. He pulled me to the middle and we both danced to the music. When Jay and
I got tired, we sat down.
" God Jay that's amazing."
I hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheek. There was a look of shock on his
face, but he immediately kissed me back.
"Thank you, Jay.”
He held my hand again and kissed it.
"It's 12 pm let's take a rest for a moment and we will continue," Jay said.
Time is fast, it's afternoon already, can time be stopped? I took a handkerchief we
were sweating a lot from dancing. I wiped his sweat and he also wiped mine. I find
this sweet. I just smiled while wiping his sweat.
"I love you, Rio."
I was shocked by what he said.
"How could you say you love me, Jay? When you met me one day."
"Rio, love is not based on time but on togetherness and the bond we build". I give
him a look.
"You are kind and pure Rio. I love you so much."
I stared at him while crying.
"How could you do this to me? You are so bad!"
He laughed at what I said.
"How could I be bad?
"You made me fall, Jay,"
"Mee too and falling for someone like you is ineffable."
I hugged him tight and didn't want to let go.
This is our destination. We chose to spend the night here because the sunset can be
seen here. it's 3 pm on Jan 26, 1958. This is the last day we will be together. We
walked hand in hand to the gardens of London. I stare at every place I see because
I'm afraid I might forget what the city looks like. I looked at Jay. I'm afraid I
might forget what he looks like. I shed tears because in my thoughts I immediately
erased it so that he wouldn't see it. We arrived at the Gardens of London where there
were only pink flowers.
"Wow, this is beautiful!"
"Like you Rio you are gorgeous."
I smiled and gave him a flying kiss.
He caught it, how could he be this corny?
We sat on the grass, I lay on his leg and faced the setting sun
"I'm happy to have met you, Jay."
I told him those words while crying. It may sound stupid to others but I loved him
for a while.
"Me too, Rio. if it's possible that I don't return you to your parents, I will."
I laughed at what he said.
"But you know I love you. I'll introduce myself to your parents. I will tell them how
you feel, and my intention to you is pure."
"No Jay, you don't understand my parents are different. I'm sure they won't agree,
Jay. They will marry me to someone else and I know no one can stop that."
Jay stopped what I said I was surprised by his reaction I could see the sadness in
his eyes.
"I will do everything; I can't lose you. You came into my life, and I can't let you
go out. I love you Rio and I will stand by my love for you.
I will always give in to" he said.
There are many what ifs in my head, but I do not have any courage to tell him. I do
not want to make him worried or make him sadder. I will always write to you, my Jay.
We go for silence and just closed our eyes.
I woke up because of the noises. I was distracted but I was in another place I was in
my room. I hurriedly got up and went to mom.
"Where is Jay Mama? Where did you take him? I asked screaming. I was crying as I
looked for Jay all over the house. Mama calmed me down, but I ignored her. I kept
going around the house and looking for Jay.
"Rio stopped!"
" No, Mama you stopped.”
Mama slapped me hard.
"How dare you, Rio! That's what Jay taught you? To be rude? "
"No, he taught me to love!'
" You don't know anything about love Rio you're still young! "
" So, are you? you don't kiss papa like I kiss Jay, you don't even smile when you are
talking to papa, and you guys don't laugh the way we did!"
" Shut up Rio you need to calm”!
I won't calm down and I just keep looking at Jay. I left the house and looked for him
outside and hoped he was there.
" He's dead I killed him."
I looked at papa and screamed I was lost as if nothing could stop me. I feel crying,
anger, hatred, and pain. The last thing I remembered was my mother holding me. Jay
where are you...

In a life with endless pages, I constantly manage to get lost in it. I don't want to
recall a ripped-out page, and if I do, I can't seem to contain my wrath. Jay, who am
I without you? Because I blend seamlessly. I’d like to think that somewhere in
another dimension I will bump to you again as we both do not know each other and when
I look at you will say Hi. At the end of my sunsets, I want it to be you and me. I do
not know what happened to you, I am sorry Jay. But if you are listening to me, I want
you to know that I am certain of you and you can be a certain of that. My love for
you will never end even though you are not here with me. I, Rio will be you lover
until my death, and in my death, I will marry you in heaven- love Rio

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